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Drinking thread. Where's the regulars? Currently sipping

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Drinking thread.

Where's the regulars?

Currently sipping on some Kona Brewing Castaway IPA.

Spencer where you at?!
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im always drinking pbr so
That's my cheap beer of choice :3
Bell's Oarsman (a sour, but this inconsistent cuz this batch isn't very sour) and Ghost River Grindhouse Cream Ale
Oooo, that's quite the two different beers! I love some good sours, except one the one I had that tasted like straight bile
bruh its the best
i got a 6 pack for 5.49 i mean really.
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Yeah the 4 packs of tall boys at the gas station are like $3.50 or $3.99!
ive gotten that before but i dont go to gas stations often bc
i dont have a car lol
i mean. iill still buy pbr because its my life
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Don't usually drink american beers because you know, imported. Costs about the same as the beers from my local microbreweries.
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I'm right here, man. haha What's up? Just got off work myself.

Now Drinking: New Day's Breakfast Magpie (Black raspberry mead with coffee)

I drink too much of this stuff and for good reason.


ayy, IPA master race

also pitcher beer of choice

pic related, sipping on pine cones.
>trying craft beers
>get Sam Adams Cold Snap before trying the Boston Lager
>Cold Snap is my current favorite beer
>Pick up a 12 of BL thinking it'll be good if the seasonal is good
I was wrong, oh so VERY wrong
Is that little bit on the right part of your chair?

Well, most Berliners aren't too sour. Though, next time you have Oarsman, be sure to get some woodruff and pour a little bit in the glass. Quite the tasty concoction.

What country are you from?

Trying to go through those 12pks as fast as you can? ha
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haha hey! Drinking and re-watching some Key&Peele before Keanu

Before Keanu? Like, one of his movies or...?
nah thats my trapper hat but im home now and i left my pbr at my friends house
i can drink liquor but idkkkkk man
bruh can we be fucking best friends right now? please?
Kind of. So Key & Peele stopped their show on Comedy Central to start doing films. They made a comedy called 'Keanu' based on Reeves' "John Wicker". Look up the trailer it's hilarious
only one 12 pack down ;__; one more to go. That Breakfast Magpie with coffee sounds pretty, interesting, my man. Need to get on that patrician taste like you.

Yeah, bring the Neutral Milk Hotel vinyls and I'll sign up the suicide pact.
From Finland my friend.
im totally okay with this
my body is so fucking ready
i have no class tomorrow. and no real obligations. im debating on drinking some of my kraken bc this is prob the last day ill stop having hangovers

Word. For a split second, I thought it was like some T-Rex figure or something. hahaha What kind of liquor?

I'll definitely check it out as Key & Peele are hilarious!

Only one more left? Need to go out and stock up then, man. And you don't need any to have any sort of 'patrician taste' to enjoy more complex beers/meads. All you need is a sense of adventure and try as many beers as you can get your hands on. Next time you're at a liquor store and wondering what beer to choose, you can always use the site BeerAdvocate to look up a beer and see how good it's rated.

Ah. Well, you still have some good breweries within your country or beers that are from near there like Nogne O, Mikkeller, Weihenstephaner, etc.
>Drinking Kraken
goodnight sweet prince, I will think of you often and fondly once you die from drinking that failed chemical weapon.

I just don't buy beer that often and when I do it's either this or fat tire. There's a local brewing company I buy nameless micros from but I don't step to far out of my comfort zone unless I'm around friends. Will take that recommendation though friend.
i have kraken and left over vodka
id be more inclined towards vodka
lmao i can see why you say t rex
no just a furry hat <3
hahahaha oh my god trust me. i know those woes, way, way, way, too well.
I met god once drinking Bicardi 151
checked off Kraken, any form of Gin/Tequila and Bicardi 151 as things not to drink in public settings.
yooo i cannot do 151 again. again. ever. i only drink it when im with my friends at home and this one kid brings it and EVERYBODY is taking shots. like i cant just not take one.
but yeah i agree haha. nooo. kraken is love though
This speak easy near me started offering the traditional european Absinthe ritual. (Involves like sugar cubes and some eye dropper thing, something else) since my state just legalized real wormwood Absinthe recently. Been really meaning to check it out. Probably shouldn't since I once destroyed an entire alley in a absinthe fueled rage.
>feels good
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not a regular but Patron silver because i am second best
I getcha. But I mean, SN's Pale Ale and Fat Tire are decent beers. So, can't go wrong either way. What's the name of the local brewery?

You could mix both the Kraken & vodka and have yourself a party. Can't guarantee it'll taste good, but hey....it'll get you somewhere real quick.

Well, it looks cool. Though, it reminds me that I haven't worn any kind of hat in years. Odd how that is.
haha i dont want to get plastered but ill save that idea for when i need it <3
could be odd. i wear it bc it gets cold af where i am
let me join you
this sounds awesome. ive never tried absinthe otherwise. they sell it at the liquor store where i am so maybe one day
Excuse my messy room, but this is what I've got ATM.
bring something that actually fucks you up please
It's all about moderation, friend. A shot here, a glass there. You could pull it off. I believe in you.

What part of the country are you? Usually, winters here in Indiana can be pretty brutal. However, this Winter, it's been weird as hell as most of the season as been in like the 30s or 40s, or even higher.
im in wny. buffalo. the winter here isnt that bad desu bu its been cold a couple of times
last year was like, -10 or -15 everyday which was great
haha i think ill do that some other time. im not looking to actually get fucked up tonight <3. ill be here saturday night, when like everyones asleep, and i come home from being drunk
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ayy you from the last thread? I was born in West Seneca, just lived in North Buff for a while

It usually gets cold here, but nothing like negative whatever everyday. Fuck.

Taking the rain check. I getcha. I usually get off work at 1am on Saturdays, so you know I'll be here just like every other night. I'll be sure to break out some bourbon to catch up with you and everyone else.
Bethlehem Brew Works, was hesitant to post since my town is in the name but fug it. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
They make this really good Weyerbacher or whatever it's called, it's like a barley wine called Blithering Idiot. 21% alcohol, shit is nuts.
yesssss i was. whatever last thread it was. <3
it hasnt been negative here at all this entire winter. coldest ive been in is 0 degrees which was like, 3 days agoish?
ayy cant wait <3

Oh damn, Weyerbacher is an awesome brewery. If you see something called Sunday Morning Stout, be sure to pick some up. It's an Imperial Stout aged in bourbon barrels and it is delicious! Also, if you like Sierra Nevada's Pale Ale, you *might* like Victory's Hop Ranch.


I have a strong feeling this Summer is going to be the absolute worst.
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Now Drinking: Sixpoint's C.R.E.A.M. (Cream Ale w/ coffee)

Probably not the best to drink something with coffee at 5:03 am, but oh well.

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I figured it was better time to post now, since my first post was 7 am. I picked up some Meukow VS because I'm a poorfag. Also some Extra Special Bitter by Maku Brewing.

I assume Meukow VS is like some cheap Brandy or something?
Technically its a Cognac.

Word. I figured it was one or the other considering the VS at the end of the name. Look into getting yourself some E&J XO as I've heard that's pretty decent (unless it's too expensive for you considering importing and such).
What he said.
I'll look into it. My favorite at the moment is Larsen XO. I buy it when I can afford it.
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Some Wilhelm I by the best brewery in my town. Alles ist gut.
"Imperial Black Pilsner"

What in the world????? I've never heard of a brewery making something like that before. How's it taste?
Strongly hopped, pretty herbal. Toasted malt. This is a weird one for me too, but I had to try it. Usually not a fan of the darker beers but this one did it for me.
Ever had a good Black IPA? So tasty, you get that bite and hoppiness from the IPA at first and then it calms into coffee notes.
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Just drinking some really cheap beer cause I'm poor.
I'm about to take shots of vodka until I vomit and pass out and pass out in my vomit. wish me luck
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Are ya...are ya drunk?
Sweet Water IPA tonight my friends!
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Stone IPA here.
so good

Mine is...okay
wait a second, is that the same bottle from last week?
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Hm...sounds quite intriguing. Now I wish someone here would make one and I can taste how it turns out.

I'm not the biggest fan of Black IPAs (actually opened one up at work, pic related). Some breweries make it heavy on the IPA side and some make it heavy on the stout side.
Im back. Much needed pbr.
I feel you.
just finished a pineapple juice and white rum drink that took forever. now sweet tea and white rum. haven't tried it but I think it'll be gross
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Now Drinking: Scarlet Lane's Dorian Stout with Coconut

Ayy, what's up?
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I bought this bottle of mezcal earlier today. Just got home from work a little while ago and decided to open it. Sipping on this for now.

How's it taste?

I'm really digging it. It's not my absolute favorite but it's still really good mezcal imo. Good smoke and wood to it. Nice light fruit flavors (pears and bananas, kinda). A bit grassy too. Not too sweet, not too dry.
nm, just cant sleep atm
i stopped drinking pbr though
its blasphemy.
Never had Mezcal before, but have heard some good things about that stuff. Usually just drink it straight?


Maybe there's a correlation between not drinking the PBR and you not being able to fall asleep. Maybe...
ah, yeah, I can see that. I had it at a local restaurant so I'm afraid it's not bottles but the one I had was a great blend
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Now Drinking: New Day's Rethinker (dry-hopped blueberry mead)

lmao youre probably really fucking right desu
im making super bad decisions with my life and pbr will help me stop making those bad decisions <3 but im home now and cant drink any haha so im just gonna contemplate why i should spend the rest of my life on 4chan and stop dealing with people
oh snap hows that coconut?!
I'm out of alcohol -_-
Sweet musics though!
Do you remember who made it?

I feel like I've been making one large, continuous bad decision with my life ever since 2005. But, I guess that's a different story.

I suppose if you still have an empty can, you could fill it with water and get drunk subconsciously which will make your conscious self drunk. That's how it works, right?

Eh, I don't see any problem with coming on 4chan and making friends with people you probably won't ever meet, yet have a common interest. In a way, you're dealing with people, so it's a win-win all around!

The Dorian is alright. The coconut is somewhat subtle, but it's present enough to enjoy it. And thanks. Perturbator is some good stuff.
lol i suppose i can do that but i dont want to drink that desperately. im pretty okay where i am. yeah, its a little different than people irl though lol. like. idk.
pretty negative atm a++
Yep, Pearl Street Bar and Grill in Buffalo, NY

Def would like to try that beer sometime though
pearl street <3
Mezcal is to tequila as scotch is to whiskey. If you like scotch and tequila then you'll probably like mezcal. Personally, I like drinking it straight most of the time. It's a good substitute for tequila in most cocktails. If you're shooting it, pinapple soda is an amazing chaser.
It's a 'subconscious drunk', a whole different ballgame. ha

It's a little different, I agree. However, for some people, it's a chance to connect and talk at their own pace. For me, sometimes when I'm out in public and with a group of friends (which doesn't happen often it seems), my sort of shuts down and I just can't think of anything to say even though I want a conversation to happen. So, what ends up happening is several 'awkward' silences that I'm sure make people not want to hang out with me anymore. Anyhow, I don't see how you're being negative in any way so far.

I'll be sure to keep my eyes peeled for anything by them then.
oh yeah totally. i dont hate talking to people. i just kind of hate the situation i put myself in with someone right now lol.
Ah, I see. A little bit of a tiff I take it? In any case, I wish all the best for ya. You seem like a cool person that I'm sure it'll all work out soon enough.
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haha forgot you were around there :p Go have some banana pepper pizza for me!!!!

P.S. I've moved on to a spare bottle of champagne. Sign me up for another 2 hours
lmao i hate banana peppers omg
im not a true buffalonian
aw thanks <3 itll definitely work out for me regardless. i just need to make sure im making the right decision lol
Noooooooo lmao
what's your fav wings???

Welcome back to the party then. haha I still have most of a liter of the mead I'm drinking right now. So, I'll be here for awhile as well. ha

Also, banana pepper pizza?? What the...


Well then, that's good to hear. Though, I suppose when you think about it, in 100 years, no one will know/care what you did in the year 2016. So, as long as you don't try to commit global genocide or something, every decision will be the right one.
lmao its not about what another person cares about. its about what i care about and what i do to myself. i have a thing for this guy and i have the feeling, although he says he does, that he really doesnt care about. which is fine. but then just tell me that and dont tell me its time consuming and expensive to be seeing me from where you are. like, dont fucking come here and tell me that. just dont come here.
my fav? mmm. i really dont like spicy desu. i also hate blue cheese
can you tell that im actually from NYC and i just go to school up here? lmao. i do like mild wings tho
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First time in here, I just got a good old screwdriver though. This is.... 5?
Spencer...my man... you haven't lived life. So you have your base pizza with sauce and cheese (also in Buffalo, so the pizza is automatically way better). Then add a Buffalo staple - Stuffed banana peppers. It's just like those banana pepper rings but a WHOLE pepper stuffed with ricotta and italian sausage all up on your pizza... Good God
Didn't mean it as in worrying what other people think. I suppose I should've used 'remember' instead of 'think/care', if that makes any sense.

Ah, I getcha. Well, like I said, wish the best for you. Can't say I even remember what it's like to be in that kind of situation as it's been almost a decade since the last time I was ever in any sort of relationship or whatever.
drinking the same, i live down the street from their brewery
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The thing is, though, I'm not a fan of peppers. However, I have been expanding my palate food wise lately (as I've been known to be an extremely picky eater). There's a joint here in Indy called Kuma's Corner and some of their burgers are so gat-dang amazing. Pic related, it's their Spaghetti Incident, which consists of a Garlic Toasted pretzel roll, 10 oz. Patty, Spaghetti, Homemade Marinara, Provolone Cheese, Baked Parmesan Crisp, and Fried Basil.
I'm gonna need you to go fuck off for posting that picture. God damn that looks delicious
spaghetti noodles?
oh btw. This place in Daytona where I live used to have an Elvis burger.

2 burger patties with cheese, crunchy peanut butter, grape jelly, bacon jam, pickles and bacon. Greatest sandwich I've ever had
I don't know why, but you somehow look familiar.

If you want, I can mail you one of their burgers. Can't promise that it'll reach you fully intact and without any sort of insects crawling all over it. hahaha

Yup. I was bewildered to see that on there when I ordered it. But, after taking one bite, it definitely worked.

>crunchy peanut butter

Sounds like one hell of a burger! However, what kind of savage uses crunchy instead of smooth? Pure lunacy, I tell you.
NO WAY man, I'm telling you, it truly
makes the burger. We can each send a burger! hahaha
God this made me so hungry

You make a convincing argument. Sign me up for this black market burger exchange that's happening here. haha


If you ever visit Indianapolis, be sure to stop at Kuma's Corner. I guarantee you they'll have at least one burger that will sound appetizing to you.
I've been in /soc/ for a lil bit, haha.
I just looked them up and holy shit it sounds soo good. Mastodon and Neurosis burger sound bomb
Nah, I feel like I've seen you in a video or something. Kind of hard to explain. Nevermind. haha

Haven't had either of those, but that Slayer burger though. Mmmmmph

Btw, I should mention that Kuma's has a location in Chicago too.
Yeah definitely caught my eye too
I'm in cali though so I propably won't have one in a while

That may be true, but Cali probably has a million places that have amazing food.
Definately. If for some reason you ever end up in bakersfield, you need to try shake n buns
*shrugs* well if you know me you either look at some lewd porn or I'm something I am not aware of xD
ugh bakersfield that sucks
God, tell me about it
March is about to be lit though, Foals and maybe denzel curry is coming
And I can't type, meant for
I've got 4 beers to last until Monday.
I might have 2 tonight, one tomorrow and one Monday when I watch WWE Fastlane.

King Goblin and Youngs Chocolate Stout are my favs.
That banana bread beer is good too, fond nostalgia for that one brings me right back to 2006.

I try not to drink too much for a couple of reasons, it makes me put on weight and also I want them to be a treat. I mean if I have them all the time the feeling of treating myself becomes stale and then I will probably get depressed.
afternoon bump
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