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Washington State Thread Since last thread is gone Chat Meet

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Thread replies: 499
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Washington State Thread
Since last thread is gone

Meet up
exchange contacts
Do something!
Were you at?

36 Male 206 not sure what i'm looking for.
Shit, haven't seen one of these in a while.

26 / M / 360 B-ham area.

Sup peeps?
That map is objectively wrong honestly.

19 Male, Olympia.
Kik - Decemberwyatt

Looking for nothing in particular.
Someone to hang out with, smoke, cute girls, it doesn't really matter to me if you're not (too) crazy.
I'm up to nothing like usual. Maybe i should drink or get high. i dont know.
It is a bit all over the place, i just thought i looked cool.
The answer is yes. Do both. Not much else to do on a weeknight.
Fair point my man.
Just as long as you didn't make it.
Chilling at home.
Only got one class tomorrow (SPSCC if anyone else goes there) and its in the afternoon. Morning class got cancelled. So I plan on staying up late and sleeping in.
Nope, didn't make it. Just needed an image for the thread.
I'll have to go out if i want some weed.
I do have plenty of booze around.
Also chilling at home. Should be studying, but I'm not. Was playing vidya, but felt guilty about it.
Should never feel guilty about vidya. Unless it's a dating sim. Then shame!
Nah, but I don't know how well received Mechwarrior Online is in these parts.
26 male south Tacoma
Is it easy to score weed up there?
I figure it isn't difficult but I'd be surprised if it is as easy as it is here.
I went to Downtown Olympia last month, found some dudes chilling out with some backpacks, asked if they had anything, and got about an eighth for $20 just like that.
It's absolutely ridiculous. Usually it isn't near that cheap but still.
I feel you. I got a research project due next monday but I figure I got all weekend to work on it.
27 male daddy dom in 425/renton looking for kink partners and weed peps

kik ropelord
It's a good series, havent played it in ages.

Wow not bad! Well there's plenty of legit places where i live. One is right down the street from me. As for dealers, i'd have to look a bit harder. Or make a call.
Well yeah fair enough.
Being 19 I forget sometimes in another 2 years I can purchase legally.
Pain in the ass tbqhwy.

Hard part is finding reliable dealers for sure.
My last one wanted me to drive him to his dealer anytime I needed something because he didn't own a car.

There's ups and downs.
Hi I'm Alex, I live in spanaway.
Where's the girl with the cats? Also, what do you think when you read "Merlin"?
Your last name start with a K and/or is your dad a cop?
I might know you if so.
Those two things aren't related to the same person by the way, I know/knew 2 alex's.

When I read Merlin I think of King Arthur and what not.
Two years and you can buy booze and weed!
Like liquor weed is a bit pricey when bought legally. Taxes and shit. Still it's a beautiful thing to be able to walk into a store and BUY Marijuana!

Sucks about your dealer, at least he isnt selling you bad shit. Or is he?
Umm hi?
What girl with cats?
When i read "Merlin" i think of the movie Top Gun
Oh and The Knights of the Round Table.
Nah he has good shit.
Actually it's pretty scary how good of connections he has.
Regularly offers me heroin, X, Painkillers, you name it.

Only other thing I've ever gotten from him is shrooms though. Not about to get into some other shit.

I figured as much in regards to legal weed but hey, if none of your dealers can pull through it'd be nice to have a second option.
Last name with K. Did I have big hair when we knew of each other?

You know, the white girl who poses in pictures with her cats, always seems to derail Washington threads...
The Alex K. I knew had big hair for a while.
You know a chick who goes by Birch?
And/or had a classmate named Natchee (not me by the way)?

I figure there's a few Alex K's but you never know.
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Might have different ID, might not. This is my face bc subtlety is hard. Know me?
Oh that one. Nope.
Right on man! Sounds like he's alright. Yeah i'm the same, dont wanna do the hard stuff anymore. Hardest stuff i ever did was coke. Snorted it and did not like it.
Shrooms and LSD are fine but i've had my share of bad trips.
Actually you look quite familiar however neither of the two I was talking about.
Might have someone in common we know.
Who knows
Yeah he's not bad.
Bit crazy but alright.
If I could find good acid I'd take some but that shits hard to find.

Coke is getting big again. A hell of a lot of the guys I still know in highschool do it and almost every party down here I here of people breaking it out.
hear of*
I'd rather just go to a party with weed or Molly. I'll stick to the weed.
Just bought a house in Shoreline. It nice to be a little bit out of the city.
I feel you.
Never done coke or molly myself.
What's it like?
I mean I can look at erowid but 50% I hear say it feels like you love the world and everything is beautiful + horny as shit.
The other 50% I hear say it gives a slight head high and some visual enhancement but not much else.

Of course either of those groups could get poor quality shit. Which is one reason I'm hesitant, there is always some dudes at the gorge or in seattle ODing on molly every year.
Everyone seems to know David the car guy.
Also ty for the ones who answered about that name, I'm thinking of using that name for when I transistion
Nice town, sister used to live there.
I also went to Shoreline Community College.
The coke really fucked with my sinuses. But the feeling afterward was good. Molly, well the times i've taken it it made me super sensitive to everything i touched or touched me, and yes it made me horny.

I usually hear about the ravers getting the bad shit. Freak Night was shut down because of that shit.
Maybe one of these days I'll try it.

Also yeah, I heard about Freak Night.
Someone I went to highschool with is a major raver, she goes to all the big events is one of the chicks that goes in costume and dances near the stage.
Apparently she knew one of the guys who OD'd.
Some rough shit.
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KT and Gideon reporting in
What area ya'll from?
Oh this one. Sup
Yeah, sad business that.
I wonder how much they took or what was in that shit.
Hey you! How've ya been lately?
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BattleGround/ Vancouver area

yuuuup this one

Hi! Doing well! Keeping busy with work and school. You?
Ah nice.
I don't see many people usually posting from down there.
Hell there isn't even many people as far south as me (oly).

Dig the cat.
Having a good night?
Are you the 19 year old in Oly? I know there's a few that post on here from there

I'm always looking for Vanco/southern WA people to post here but it's not common :(

And thanks! Gideon digs the WA group too.

It's not too bad. Nothing on tv, my parents shows are being recorded so I can't change it, they're out doing errands and I'm home aloooone. Such is life.
Yeah, I'm the dude from Olympia.
I've only talked to one other person from Olympia through these threads.
Turns out we have some people we know in common.
Talked a little but not much beyond that.
I know a couple of people up in Centralia/Chehalis since I did school up there from 2011-2013. There's never anyone from BG. It's so assbackwards and there's so many country folk, they would be praying to jayzus if they saw the smut that goes on in these boards.
I feel it.
Outside of the I-5 strip western washington is mostly rednecks, aside from the grungy beach towns like aberdeen or port angeles.
In fact I'd argue that most people from eastern Washington are more tolerable (having lived there until I was 9 and visiting regularly).
You ain't alone if you have that cat!
Go Cougs! Even though football season is over and Cougar basketball isn't worth watching.
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There are a few normies in the Western side, but honestly it doesn't seem like many. Then it gets weird the closer you are to Portland!

Yeeeeah but I need people! Things that speak the english language!
Go dawgs! They won their bowl game and the basketball team is doing good!
That's what we are here for!
Wish I knew more cool people but it's difficult to find someone who isn't either wacked out from too many drugs or the preachers daughter who can do no wrong.

Meh. Only other group of people I talk to a small group of people from WA, OR, and BC that post on /o/.
Had a couple meet ups in the past, although I've yet to go to one.
Also looking for other stoners
I've done a couple of meet-ups in Vancouver. One Vanco Bro and another I deem Kalama chan. Actually now that I think about it, I've met two BG anons! Just on separate occasions. I just wish I knew more anons in the area, that way we could do amazing meetups and I could bring them food :c I like to cook for people.

That's why I'm here!
I like your cat.
Thank you!
Hahah he's a cosplayer?
Oooh he's well known to old /WA/ thread anons. He has maaaany costumes
He could not have been happy wearing that!
He's not happy with anything I put on him so it's no surprise!
OMG that's hilarious!
>Shelton and most of Mason County in doable zone

Who the fuck made this and how long ago did they move here from California?
And of course a yellow submarine!
OP here and born and raised in Seattle.
Ignore the inaccurate image in the first post.
Do you make these or buy them?
I buy them, but I have made scarves for him. I never buy fullprice items (unless it is completely necessary)
I usually have great luck at thrift stores. Take that submarine for example. You can either buy it on amazon for $20, or be lucky like me and get it for $3.99 at a goodwill!
21/m/425 will love u if u have a cat
You can buy pet outfits at thrift stores!?
If someone donates them, yeah!

>inb4 ew you buy used costumes
People buy used costumes all the time.
(friend of mine found a full scale Boba Fett helmet at Goodwill)
I just didnt know people donated ones for animals.
I worked at Goodwill for a year (god help me), so I know what to look for and what to avoid when it comes to clothing and other items at such thrift shops. And yeah, sometimes pet costumes come in. I have a whole box of dress-up clothes for Gideon because I'm a terrible person. I even have a cat snuggy!

The most recent cop was a fox costume, but that was on sale $3.00 from TJ Maxx
Ah that's cool, i see why you know how to look.
Even a cat snuggie? lmao
Aw yeah.
Leia buns too. Gideon was Batman for Halloween though (cape and little arms and all)

My cat's a *bit* of a tub though, so whatever doesn't fit him goes to Zooey. But she's getting bowling ball status too
425 Lake Stevens, 24yo male

Is this a census?
How many cats do you have?
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portland here. wanna blaze?
No census here.
Good Morning WA anons
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O/ from bellevue, cant wait to get off work and go back to renton.
You work in Bellevue and live in Renton?
Are you in IT?
any whidbey fags?
25/m/tri cities. Looking to move back to the west side in the next couple of months. Whats a good place to live in the Seattle area that isnt extremely expensive? Is everett too much of a shithole? I am open to anything between everett and tukwila
Don't go to tukwula! Maybe try Renton. If you want to live north try Shoreline?
shoreline i would mostly likely have to rent a room? I dont remember there being tons of apartments up there.
Theres some by aurora but renting a house doesnt sound bad.
28/m/Vancouver - Olympia

thought to say hi and bump the thread.

i'm in IT. have questions?
I'm going to try my hand at renting a house but I want to stay south of Seattle
I'm also going to a munch in Tacoma this saturday, anyone else interested in going?
Not much of a computer guy. Was just guessing your profession be ause there are some good tech jobs in Bellevue.
A munch?
Its a fetlife.com term for a get-together at a local restaurant. This one is a newbie munch and the topic is labels and titles.
In Tac? I would, but too far...
I know, I'm driving all the way down to Lakewood to hang with a friend before we go
Ooooh, i never signed up for fetlife. I considered it but never did.
I'm trying to make friends and partners in certain communities so its easier to do where I wont be judged for my fetishes. Its more like "Oh, you've done that? Tell me more ;)" or "You're into what?!?!...me too"
And what might those fetishes be?
Ha ha well I have many specific fetishes but some are more lifestyle choices than a fetish
Like Petplay and Polyamory/Polyfidelity
I like petplay as well. Dem catgirls!
How is polyamory working for you? I find people that say they are poly but end up not wanting to share.
Another thing I am into is ddlg. Its hard for me to find women into that.
I am still fairly new to it but its good so far. Its not so much learning to share its being ok with the time you get. I have a couple partners that I love spending time with but I still lack a main with whom to spend all my time
Hard to find ddlg? Thats a very prevalent kink. I know many lgs
Lgs in wa??
Curious dd here :x
nah man
Hmmm, i know a few people in poly relationships. Dont know if its for me though.
I have a problem with being faithful if i'm not getting enough attention.
I am aware of that, but they either want it for the sex or just the relationship. I want both. Thats my prolem.
Yeah theres plenty. I've only seen a few local ones in the DD/lg threads but I've met plenty on fetlife.

Well with the right combo of fetishes and relationships you get what you want and more
The last relationship i was in was very vanilla. Didnt last very long.
How newbie friendly is fetlife? Is the amount of women viable or is it like every other dating site? I'd really like a SD/sb or dd/lg or a combo but its hard to just solicit that :/
Thats unfortunate. Vanilla is ok dont get me wrong. Its just that I can provide more to more people
True, the sex was great but it left me wanting other things. I hinted at many differnt kinks and she shut them down pretty quick.
Its not a dating site. Its like facebook for kinky people. There are plenty of women but also plenty of thirsty guys. You can use it to find events where you can learn more and meet people who are more likely interested in similar kinks
My last success was from me posting about how I had a free week to meet new people and I attended my first munch. A girl saw that and looked at my profile and followed the link on there to my okcupid and messaged me there. Now she is a , hopefully, lifetime friend and play partner.
Gah shes so cool
Thats why I'm going to another munch. To lean more and maybe meet some cool people who might be or lead me to new partners
Lame, need to find a girl that will at least do standard fetish stuff with you
Four inside, about 10 outside. We live on acreage so we tend to have more cats. Sounds insane, but we haven't had a single mouse, mole, snake, or bug infestation in 8 years.
253 looking for someone to have some fun with me and my girl.
damn you are a cutie pie!
23 / M / tri cities
Just want some friends
i live relatively nearby. whats your Kik?
Oh hey. Welcome back!
425 Redmond area. 18/M
21 str8 m

looking for romance or drugs.

amateratsu. is my skype (period included)
What ever happened to cake girl?

18 str8 m 98383 here
Entitled Bellevue 18 M reporting in.

Someone kick it with me, I literally don't give a shit.
There was a cake girl?
Yeah she made a cake and it spilt over in the oven and it was interesting at the time.....
I guess i wasnt here for that. Was she cute?
I dont remember, and yeah it was last year some time. A while back.
do you go to the bar or are you a big gamer? I am also in tri cities. I am trying to meet women but I am always looking for people to chill with
This is her. She was here the whole time
Oh... K
Oh the cat girl!
Welcome back
wow a lot of people are from Oly here. pretty cool
I'll be your friend. But I live in Othello and only go to tri cities a few times a month.
aw ty but /I'm mostly a funny looking nerd
24/m in Bellingham. Going to get drunk tomorrow night downtown. Anyone else?
What is going down tonight?
Bored in renton
Uw freshman in the dorms, anyone else here getting fucked by midterms?
Another morning
21 m in Vancouver. We gonna do pizza again??
Cheese Pizza?
David Bowie?
Just moved from texas
26 / M / Ellensburg

Stoner buds where you at?
Welcome to Washington. Why Ellenburg of all places?
Thanks. My dad stays here, my family has a little teriyaki restaurant here too. I want it to just be a temporary thing until I get back on my feet and start working again.
Fellow Olympian checking in. Im new here
I just started dating a girl who moved here from Texas a couple months ago. If you're half as cool as she is you'll do just fine
just moved up to Redmond. pretty cold up here.
Friday night! I'm going out for the first time in seattle. Exciting!!!
Cute trans near seattle?

Anyone going to Sakuracon?
The job market here isnt bad. Should be able to find something in no time.
I might be on staff this year
I'm going! I'm bringing/meeting several trans friends of mine too
I had onion rings. But I'm sure they have cheese.
Fucking love onion rings!
And I'm sure onion rings love you.
They are incapable of loving anything.
What are anons up to tonight?
anyone in capitol hill wanna hang out? planning on getting some liquor and playing diablo, let's walk around instead, p.s. don't kill me pls
Playing fallout
I wanna go clubbing.
But it sucks that as I get older, and have no attachments, my friends can't go out anymore.:(
I think I need to go back to school and get some moar frenz.
i'd love to meet her. 21/m
Tempting, i'm over in south seattle.
I havent heard from her in a while. I think she was going to join the army
I think i might just play some Fallout as well.
i heard she used to work at cha cha's but i can't say for sure. fuck this i'm going to qfc before i can't get lickrr. also frozen pizza

Wenatchee reporting in. Anyone here from there?
Is cha cha's a noodle place? I know she had a job at a noodle place for a bit. I'm a bit worried, she doesn't answer her skype very much
nah it's a bar. got da liquor doe
24/m/bham here, ask away
Hey! I'm 20 M from Vancouver! Anyone who wants to chat or chill or game or smoke, whatever, I'm down!

Kik: whoknows893
Snap: themoocow
21 m Redmond
Down for most things espicially sexual
27 Tacoma. Let's get coffee, drank, hookah, or chill.
>when someone calls it "the 5"

california transplant detected
Looking for pics/vids of girls age18-40 in my area!425 or 253. I have stuff to share also. Kik: danieleastside
I'm going! Any of you guys cosplaying?
Someone here called it "the five"?
I haven't displayed in years. I am fatter than I was when I first stated going to SakCon.
What is the five?
I-5 or interstate 5
Yeah, from what I've noticed the people here are actually a lot friendlier then a lot of people down south. Like people use turn signals, say please and excuse me, and not to forget the dreaded "mean mug". Everyone is a wangster down there.
Just how bad is the south?
that's actually really relieving to hear. I've read that Washington has a high unemployment rate. I have no idea what it compares to Texas statistically, but I have been to fred meyers and that seems like a decent place for starters. also I've been on craigslist looking but I don't have the experience most jobs are looking for.
I actually work for Freddy's. Pretty nice place and the coworkers are pretty cool/chill. Good luck with the job hunt.
Well generally anywhere can have shit people, but growing up there was rough at times. Mostly because of the ghetto people everywhere. Lots of mexican vs black fights in school. Shit I remember when hurrican katrina hit and the refugees from Louisiana came to other states and they had black vs black fights. Kids in mobs of 30+ fighting and jumping fences and running. It's a funny sight.
Yeah, not too hard if you have work experience. Like the other anon said, Fred Meyer isnt a bad place to work at. I have friends that work there and they havent had many complaints.
Does anyone here like to smoke pot and go hiking? That's something I'm really interested in doing. Is this time of year bad? I just want to explore nature... Stoned. Any advice or would this be a better topic for /out/?
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Male 360. 23. Let's chill
Dont go where its snowing.
Start as early as you can and bring shit in case you get lost.
Pffft I have the opposite experience. I'm from the south and just moved here. People avoid eye contact, don't say hello, etc. I was ignored by a homeless guy for fucks sake
We PNWers have a problem with passive aggressiveness. Have you heard of the term "Seattle Freeze"
Also moved from ATL, never had car broken into, been in Tacoma a month and my window has already been busted
Did you leave shit in there?
509 m 45 bi Spokane Valley reporting in
Naw busters didn't even steal anything because I don't leave valuable shit in my car. So ultimately they just stole my hope, sleep, and the 260 it cost to replace my window.
That's Tacoma for you.
Fucking A that sucks! Didnt even steal the car? Must have been looking for money.
26 female, north tacoma... looking for a little casual sex. got time til about 8pm....
seems legit
lol its complicated. kik?
Shit I actually live in Lakewood people talk about that being hood but I don't have any problems there. Fuckin grit city.
Didn't even steal my car man. But it's one of those button start cars so maybe there harder to steal!? They did look for stuff to steal, my shot was strewn everywhere. In between that and the PNW attitude, I'm ready to go back to ATL
are you still down for coffee?
How long have you been here? You should give us more of a chance. As a whole, its great to live here. Great local music scene, great festivals in the summer. If you dont mind the cloudy weather or rain. Hell we dont even have super hot summers! I love the weather in the Northwest! There are good people here i think you should stay and give us another chance.
I'm def down. Kik cccholera
Been here for a month so far. Where's this great music scene? And Wut even to do here? Besides hike
Umm it's Washington!? Home of Grundge Music! For EDM/Rave well in October we have Fright Night which is fucking huge, and i'm sure you can find a rave somewhere if you look. You might have to drive over to Seattle for more variety. I'm not sure about where to go in Tacoma. Seattle has The Crocodile, which used to have bands player there like Pearl Jam and Nirvana. We have a great jazz scene if you're into that, Jazz Alley and The Triple Door or if you like classical music go to Benaroya Hall. Honestly i pretty much just know places in Seattle since thats where i live. Numos has good local acts. There are plenty of local music here. Pick up a copy of Seattle Weekly or The Stranger and you'll find lots of stuff listed.
The Gorge in George host lots of big acts as well as music festivals. We got Hemp Fest in August and shit ton of stuff to see in the summer.
If you're into the geeky shit there's the AFK Tavern up North in Everett. We even have lots of arcades like Gameworks and Round1 at the Southcenter Mall. It has Bowling and even private Karaoke rooms! For the weebs ther's SakuraCon and for geeks and nerds Emerald City Comic Con. What kind of stuff are you into?
I like indie, hip hop, and r&b. I am gonna see Yung Lean in Seattle in March. Otherwise I like art, especially street art, photography, hookah, drinking.
Vancouver M 30 here any females in the area wanna game fuck or chat?
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I just moveds to Seattle from Bothell a few months ago. Any want want to be friends? M/20


Ayy, I'm seeing Yung Meme in March as well.
Drinking is easy enough here, with our wines to our shit ton of micro brews.
Theres a good scene for indie hiphop and r&b here. Ever heard of BlueScholars?
There's plenty of local art here too, the band i play with practices in an artist loft. Thers lots of smoke shops here. You should check out the street fairs.
Haha I had to look it up. Bummer.
Yeah, its become a local stereotype but its not entirely true.
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Ayy see you there bruh. #infinite sadness
I'm sure I'd enjoy Seattle much more.
Come to Seattle! Festivals start up in the fall. [spoiler][/spoiler]eattle Center has lots of stuff to check out. In May there's Folklife Festival. Vedry hippy but fun crafts to check out and good music too.
Fucking Saturday night
well this thread certainly died.
Nonsense, it just comes and goes

I'm in Sumner 253. Anybody got smoke?
Yeah, fix it! What are you up to tonight?
I got nothin, sorry.
nothing right now. looking to make plans for the next couple of weeks truthfully.

I've never been and I don't know what to do there/expect, but I feel like I'm really missing out if I don't as it's a once a year thing
19 female 206
soccer enthusiast, and music snob.
Been going to SakCon for years. Even staffed for them n the past.
Theres something for just about any anime fan.
Viewing rooms for anime wih state of the art HD projectors and sound systems.
24hr video game room. As well as a classic gaming room,
Lots of cosplay
Panels on lots of subjects
Events like Cosplay Chess and dances like masquerade and raves.
Concerts by Japanese groups.
Japanese and American guests
24hr Karaoke room and karaoke contest
Exhibit Hal/Dealers Room for all your buying needs
Hotel Room Parties
If you're lucky you can meet some really great people and make lasting friendships.
I have friends from there that i've known for over ten years now.
I havent planned that far ahead besides a gig with my band.

Sounder fan?
What kind of music?
same and from what >>23285203 is saying it sounds cool af. I really want to go now, anyone wanna go with me???
19/M/509 Tri cities, so fucking boring be thankful if you don't live here
You dont have anyone to go with?
i don't :/ sadly don't know anyone in the area aside from work buddies
Well i've made friends just waiting in line to get my tickets. Are you a social person?
and it varies, i like everything except for country/electro swing/hard rock/screamo/emo stuff. my favorite bands are jakubi, weezer, culture club, octbr, etc. i could go on honestly haha
Music snob? Are you familiar with Jazz or symphonic music (by that I mean roughly 500 years of music from Renaissance to modern)?
Actually message me on kik - Mesovortex. I was a classically trained musician and I've got a very good ear. I could be a bigger music snob than you. I wonder what we could talk about.
By all means go on!
I'm in the 206 as well.
I was trained playing jazz.

kik daskugel

I just finished my college work and really want to grab some coffee or a bite to eat to decompress.
You just missed Timbr Music Festival. Had a bunch of great indie artist. Industrial Revelation was fantastic. Check them out guys! It's probably the most accessible jazz I've ever listened to.

I won lots of awards as a musician in college nationally and I played in many regional orchestras. I may be rusty now though. But my ear is better than ever.
Your local right? What instrument do you p!ay?
I'm really digging this! Thanks anon!
Yeah man, they were fantastic live. I think they are playing in the Seattle Art Museum next week as well. I played trumpet before and I was blown away by the fullness of their sound.
You went in person?

Demographics? I figured I'd mention it on FB and see who's going to find people
I'm a transplant. And my instrument is a secret.
Sounds like they would be awesome live! KPLU sessions do a great job of capturing the sound of a live band though.

To SakuraCon? You have to wait in line for membership.

Oh, i was going to ask you if you went to the UW. I'm very familiar with the music program there.
I went to another liberal arts school far far away.

vancouver as well
21/M/360 'couve
All of my reaction pics of Gideon were lost with the old laptop...
I think it's been over a year since I've posted in one of these threads.
'sup dorks
sup dude welcome back
eeehhh, I'm more chilled/quiet than social so not crazy talkative unless I already know the person
Hi anon, 30s m s. Tacoma here. Just move back recently and trying to chill out. Casual sex isnt necessary. Still down to kick it? Kik?
Alrighty i need to work out details on what i'll be doing at con.
I'm still trying to figure out if i'm staffing or nor.
Don't have a lot of time today sadly, but maybe later? whats your kik?
Its all good anon, I'm fairly busy today myself. Kik someduesomedont
Hey hamster. I'm out in Kendall.
What are you guys doing?
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Thank you! (three days later)

CAKE GIRL IS HERE. I even debated on making a cake today!

Hello it is I
God it looked like an asshole it was awful but it tasted so good

October time, i think. Or November. Who knows.
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Vancouver represeeeent
>>23290042 :o
25 / f / 253
Lets kick it and bake together!!
But I'm in 360 ;0; I'm three hours away from you dudette!
i know you now! sup
How do you know me!


It this James again. I will not be having these dank memes go unnoticed
nah this is OP
Oh :U Well alrighty then haha Forget I said any of that lol
already for.....SQUIRREL!
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you're alright
So is hat a no to pizza in Vancouver then???
21 male here, BG area
Kik is arbor736, feel free to chat
I didn't hear anything about Vanco pizza but if I wasn't home I would ;o;

holy FUCK 1. I know you and 2. BG people ;___; Hi DK
Yoooooo (pun inserted here)
I decided "fuck it, gonna try and meet people here" xD
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A lot of people seem to be up in Seattle/Bellevue area/NORTH

Only a few stragglers from Vanco exist on this board.
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It's because we live in a barren wasteland
welp, superb owl is done.
what do?
I'm making a new dish tonight! Not cake, but Brown Sugar Butternut squash orecchiette with toasted walnuts and a brown sauce

I cook when I feel lonely :(
Do what any normal person does, meme it up
509 M/24

Hoping that these beef ribs turn out well tonight
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You home alone again?
oh shit son!
I had wings and JoJo's for dinner

I've never cooked with squash or this pasta before, and I didn't have any sausage to put in it, but I will definitely throw that in the next time I cook this. Overall the sauce came out splendidly and the squash has a wonderful brown sugar taste
Looks tasty.

I am making all of my food for the week. Stroganoff with beef ribs, spaghetti with a meaty sauce, roast chicken with potatoes, celery, carrots, and onions, and I made a large batch of breakfast hash with italian sausage sliced into it.
I'm 26 male 253. what your Kik
Yum! Sounds like a delicious assortment! Be sure to take photos of your fantastic dishes and share with your /WA/ gang!
Give me a min. Gotta pull the ribs out of the oven and the hash and spaghetti out of the fridge.
We await with anticipation
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Hash and spaghetti. Looks a little plain, but is delicious.
Doesn't look too plain, but it looks like it would taste delicious. Where are you located again?
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And the beef ribs, going to serve them over egg noodles.

I'm in Ellensburg
I've lived in Port Orchard and Gig Harbor too.

Damn. If you were closer I would've suggested we all do a cool pot luck or some shit

BUT NOT NOW ;_; You're too far
Psh, 360 area isn't all that far away. Like 90-120 min tops
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I need to make some spicy chili sometime soon, while it is still cold. Gonna add some of this yummy stuff (Scorpion pepper extract and my current hot sauces).
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Not from my house goddamn

aaaaa I can't handle much spice because I'm an English sop. But I do admire your collection of Death
A drop of the scorpion pepper extract straight on the tongue is a good pick me up. Only burns for a little while. And I can do 4 hours of driving on my head lol. I used to deliver medical supplies and spent all day driving. Now I drive a hay squeeze all day.
Never actually been to Woodland area though.
It's just a long drive for a potluck gettogether


Nothing too exciting in the Woodland area. Unless you're into big Tulip farms
Well, where I live it is pretty much all hay and horses so yeah...

And that is what oven's, stoves, and microwaves are for!
I mean we DO have a Walmart. That's different from Hay and Horses

We also have a golf course!
We actually do not have a Walmart out here. We don't have a Costco either. Lots of open space and snow right now though. And we have a rodeo that I hear is a big deal when it comes around.
Where the heck is everyone else?
24 / M / 360 Vancouver

Except im at fucking work in Portland.. :(
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Almost forgot I had these. They are actually kinda sweet and make everything afterward taste amazing.
We have a Costco in Vancouver! That's like 20 minutes from Woodland lol In Amboy we have a festival in July where there are log races, chainsaw contests, and people build go-karts out of lawn mowers

Where in Portland?


My eyes are crying from looking at those
That festival sounds like fun. I'd go and grab a beer or two and have a good time.

And the peppers are good cooked into food or plain occasionally.
Downtown 13th ave and Davis st

I'm concierge for an office building... pretty much security. But the pay is cool.
It'll be July 8, 9, and 10 if you're interested!

Oh nice! I think I've talked to you before because your line of work sounds familiar! Hope it's not too lonely and scary!
20 M 360

You all seem awesome! I'm down to hang out, smoke, hook up, play games, explore somewhere, whatever!

Kik: whoknows893
Snapchat: themoocow
Where in 360

We Vanco peeps could meet and do a dinner or some shit
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I drive one of these but with hay squeeze paddles on it.
whats up?
And I'll see about coming down for that. It sounds awesome.
oops the work line was for the Portland security dude but your job looks like a hell of a lot of fun haha

This was for you brooo
Could be fun if I wasn't putting in between 20-55 hours of overtime a week.
tryna netflix n chill?

maybe hit red lobster?
yeah its not too bad. I missed out on all the good food at my families house today though. It gets real quiet, but not scary unless I read a creep greentext story or something.
I'm in Vancouver, I live off Mill Plain towards the I-205 exit! If anyone wants to hang out or something, message me on kik or snapchat :)
Bed time for me. Gotta be up to head to work at 2:30 See you all around.
22 M 360

A little shy but down to fucking chill and drink/smoke/yell whenever. I have shitloads of weed and pirated movies to offer.

kik: drfacedoctor
Red Lobster has a Lobster mac n cheese right now that sounds bomb diggity, plus it's near my work. I'd be down for that haha But No Netflix n Chill for me. Unless we do a Vancouver meet up movie night c:

Daaang this is what I'm talking about! I'm liking all these Vanco people!

I do like pirated movies and yelling
I'm just a rittle ronery out here. No one in the middle of the state.
What's your kik broh? We gotta chill
No kik or snapchat :c

Just Facebook and Skype, broski
Boy or girl? I'm 25 and a college student in Bellingham. I need some adventure.
We gotta get another couve meetup. Seems we have enough. Votes on location???
im down
The last Couve Meetup was at the Megabyte on foooourth plain? Some plain. Over by Joanns I don't even know.

I have a card for Free Mac n Cheese for a year at Mill Creek Pub in Battle Ground. Can feed about 4 people (or 2 college kids). We could do that and a bunch of appetizers

Or Red Robin or some shit

Or someone host a get together at their house (totes not risky) and we all do a potluck
im honestly down for whatever. my work schedule sucks though, so i cant promise i would make it.
What's your schedule?
Or more like, what days ARE you available
I usually work Thurs - Sun swing shift.
my days off are Monday - Wed
I don't have classes on Mon/Wed, and I'm available most Tuesday nights. Monday nights I coach volleyball.

Maybe if we see what everyone elses' schedules are, we can figure something out for those few days

im from the 253 and ill nuke that piece of fuckin shit
for sure, sounds good!
I'm late to the thread lol what's up couve people
We want to do a Vancouver meetup but we don't know when or where

An anon and I are available Mon - Wed, I can also do weekends but those days work best for him
>tfw I've stopped fapping and am conflicted about trying to have sex with whoever I can from here because of Christian reasons.
Where do y'all find your strength when you need it?
what up!
Hm. What stopped me was that I knew I wanted a full on relationship than a boink and go, so that's why I never hit it with these people. (plus /WA/ only likes me for my cat)

I guess my strength was my emotional well being? hah. I dunno what to tell you. You have to think to yourself how dedicated to your Christian beliefs you are, perhaps? If you considering getting with anyone for sex on here, you're kinda already breaking that wall down on morals, ya know? Either go with it or hang back. What does your gut tell you
Hmm I live right off the 500 I don't know a good meet up spot but I'm down to show up
When you say /wa/ people only like you for your cat do you mean literally or metaphorically?

I feel like I'm balancing competing interests in a sense. While I'd love to avoid sex and save it for marriage/that whole shebang, I'm also being realistic and coping with the fact odds favor whoever I end up with not being a virgin herself.
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Literally. Gideon's a cute patoot.

You could always do those Christianmingle or similar sites if you're looking for a clean untouched woman? Sometimes it feels like those morals just don't seem to matter in today's society, which is a little sad
Meh, I wouldn't trust someone at their word. Paranoia will likely push me to pursue sexual relations when I look at the decision to abstain or pursue in terms of a Nash equilibrium.
I fall asleep for a few hours and you guy start talking. Sup, anybody still awake?

Your food looks tasty!

Wow, sounds like you can cook.
/WA/ confirmed for only caring about Gideon

...also we should definitely meet up at the Blind Onion off of Mill Plain and Grand
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Thank you. I'm afraid it looks plain, and needs some green or at least meat in it, but it was utterly divine regardless!

Gideon is Love, Gideon is Life

And that sounds like a good idea. Wait, Grand? The one by the college?
Blind onion sounds good
Yeah. I promise I didn't suggest it because I live next door or anything like that.
Born and raised in Seattle yo!
Yea blind onion sounds good to me too
Looks arent everything. It's all about taste!

more p0ssy pics please
I love to cook. I just don't get too many chances to cook for others unfortunately.
I dont get to cook much for others as well. I think thats a good thing for others loll
Anyone been to any Seattle lesbian bars? Or at least the lesbian nights some of the gay bars put on?
>Valentine's coming up
>No one to gorge on assorted chocolates with
I will with you but count me out if you like milk chocolate.
I'm all about the dark. At trader joes they have this great chocolate bar variety pack. It goes from 62% cacao to I think 85-95%. It's amazing.
Where you at?
You have good taste ano. Dark chocolate is the only way to go! I'm in Tac. Wbu?
You have good taste anon. Dark chocolate is the only way to go. Currently, I'm in Tac. Wbu?
either of you guys wanna hang out? I'm 24/m in redmond.
Only places I've been to are Neighbors and Our Place.
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Totally not

Also I work at the vanco mall so that works pretty well

Blind onion it is!

he says Send Help
So maybe you guys can help me out. My friend is passing through on his way north and he's gonna be in town for a day, got any suggestions for stuff?
should probably mention what area 'town' is. Seattle
Okay I was just about to ask where town is lol

Is he an artsy fartsy kind of person? Chihuly Garden and Glass is a pretty amazing place day or night
haha yyeeaahh whoops

Cool I'll look into that, anymore suggestions? And nah he's not too artsy fartsy but I'm positive he can appreciate some well made artwork
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Hometown is lake Stevens but currently living in Bellingham for WWU. Please save me from boredom!
Yea that's it. On 4th plain. Dude Mac n cheese is love. Sorry I'm too lazy to tag everyone else in this, but I'm free most nights as long as I wave like a 2 day warning. Some last minutes ok but I play ALOT of Xbox. Anyone from couve can KIK me. Reecosuavey
I have given up all attempts to try and find meaningful relationships with other humans. Either because I'm autistic or because of something else I don't know.
SO now we just need to do one more human thing and set a date for this shit.
I'm pretty much booked up until the last week of the month.
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18/m/360 or 98383

Whats going down tonight folks?
Ft lewis
Dont/cant smoke but down for anything else just like to hang out and chill
I'm in Seattle.

Can you tell me about that? What was the atmosphere? What were the demographics looking like? What did you do?
howdy. salmon creek reporting in
Any chill people in renton area or within an hours drive? 22m don't drink or smoke but doesn't bother me cars anime and video games are my hobbies
I live in vancouver too, down for meetup.
Awesomeness well my schedule is pretty much completely free, so I'm good with whatever date and time
25/M/ Seattle (Capitol Hill) / KIK: Bran_Mongo

Moved here for work and can count everyone I know here on 2 hands.

Looking for friends, dates ( girls, but who am I fucking kidding right?), drinking buddies, people to smoke with, people to go to shows ( punk rock, metal, ska, reggae, rockabilly, psychobilly)

into various forms of nerdy and or spooky shit, tattoos,
I'm down for this too, can throw in some food/dollars for food, plus some watered down moonshine if anyone's inclined.
Any Western people here?
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Old man, Bremerton
kik manmanure
Young man, Sup Bremerton, Silverdale here.
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Not much buddy, getting ready for bed. Yourself?
Shit posting on Whisper, so far pretty uneventful.
I'm too old to know what whisper is.
Chocolate anon here. Where are you in seattle? I used to live in ravenna and columbia city for a while. Any plans for the weekend? Fml, its only mondaze.
Back for a bit. Just got done with a 19 hour work day. Tired as fuck.

I love seeing Vancouver anons on this board. What is everyone doing next week uhh...Wednesday night We could do a Blind Onionfest then
Sounds pretty good. The 17th (unless a bunch of y'all suddenly object) for 'za and moonshine!
I must say, gin and grapefruit juice is a great way to end a long work day
Holy crap are you me? Been staffing since 02.
Wow you started staffing before me. My first year staffing was 05.
My first SakCon was 2000 the first year they changed it from Bakacon.
In that tiny little Doubletree Inn at Southcenter.
Works for me! I'm debating on whether or not I should bring something tasty to contribute too haha
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Male/18/360 always looking for new friends in my area <3
Anyone here have some advice for how to get a girlfriend through okcupid/pof? I always seem to say something that turns them off and fucks my shit up.
Never really worked for me. Sorry, dont have any advice.
Good conversation and casual flirting then suggest meeting up. Pay on the first date. Don't be too sexually aggressive. Read her body language and you'll know when to go for a kiss. Don't take out your dick, let her do that. And it won't escalate that quick. If you haven't made out heavily first, it ain't time to fuck.
253 here M 18 wants sex (girls only) can be normal sex or kinky ;)
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Yes, let her take out her dick. Unless you arent into that.
I'm on capitol hill but I can't host anything

Damn, guys! I consider my self kinda seasoned for having first gone in 2009. But I can't live up to you.
How did you afford to live in Columbia City? I've lived in the Ranier Valley my whole life and have seen how much that area has been gentrified.

Yep, i'm quite a seasoned con-goer. I'm trying to see if i can staff again this year but havent really heard back from anyone.
Well Neighbors had a drag show the last time i was there. It was fucking awesome! The people were nice and i had a great time.
Oh and Our Place just felt like any other bar.
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Time to go to work

Woo fucking hoo
Gotta make dat money yo!
Hey OP where in South Seattle are you?
I live pretty close to the light rail.
So like Seatac?
Close, Ranier Valley.
I stand by this statement
30 male in the 206, have cubensis..
hmmm tempting
What have you cosplayed?
Chocolate anon here. How long you been living on cap hill? I dont think you want to meet up anyway anon. Are you m/f? How old? Recently relocated here?

Columbia city was inexpensive still around 2005 when I moved there, live just right behind Tutabellaon on Hudson for 6-7 years. The area was very convenient and chill until... You already know.
I used to cosplay Midvalley The Hornfreak from Trigun mostly.
I've also done Genma Saotome from Ranma 1/2 and Bancho from Gatekeepers.
Gai Daigoji from Nadesco
Cant remember others
True, Columbia City is quite a different place now.
>I dont think you want to meet up anyway anon.
Who gave you permission to read my mind??
I always imagine meeting new people from these threads, but when the opportunity comes up it's kinda just scares me.

I'm a 21 year old girl. I've lived in the area my whole life.
i've met anons at sakuracon,. some nice others werent.
Money money money
I gave myself permission to assume and you can't do anything about it really.

I understand your hesitation though. It can be intimidating to put yourself out there. What are your imterests? What do you usually do for fun?
360/24/m here vancouver area
That'd work for me.

Join us next Wednesday at the Blind Onion. Big Vanco meet
Is there a specific time?


Does 6 or 8 work
i would also like to know. i have work/school/various excuses to change my mind
Hope your get together turns out fun!
Wish us Seattle Anons could set something like that up.
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Ellensburg Anon here. Anyone in the area?

Kinda tired from working 30 hours in two days
Damn, i hope you're getting OT
Iktf, I lived over there for awhile by that chocolate and candy company, it was weak as fuck, moved to Spokane it's only slightly better, good luck with the spics amigo
Yeah, but not making nearly enough per hour to make it really worth it.

Had 150 hours on my last paycheck
Sounds like you need a new job.
Already looking. Worked 4am-9:30pm yesterday and 8am-9:30pm today
damn, thats way too many hours.
I wouldn't mind if I was payed more and the work didn't suck so much.
What kind of job it is?
Your job sounds like slavery.
Damn son. Malls suck so much, I'm lucky if I get 10 hours on a paycheck
M 25 360 Silverdale bremerton area. looking to hang. jam, fuck be fucked. chubby, trans peeps anything really
silverdale also M 25 whats up
not much 98383 guy here too
I drive a hay squeeze.

Feels like it sometimes. Most of the OT I get I have no clue about until about an hour or so before my shift is supposed to end.

Geez man. Sounds like you need a new job for the opposite reason I do.
This is what that looks like. Just swap out the forks for squeeze paddles.
So you move hay around? They should pay you more. Do you at least get decent insurance/benefits?
Yeeep. I used to work with Google, but I left the job because of a shit boss, plus the job transitioned into one I never signed up for. As much as it sucked after a while, it's so much better than retail
Sounds like you need a bale out(bad pun detected. I haven't seen many in our area (yakima dude here)
Ever try applying at Amazon?
No, but I've heard good things about them. Why do you ask? Are they bad?
Haven't heard much bad from them. They are the big mo ey in Seattle right now.
So quiet tonight
I like big money

And they have a place in Portland so maybe I'll try applying!

Sorry! I've been out and about and met a woman from Corvallis about a cat

My house is one cat less now :c
Yeah, I move around 1.5mil lbs of hay a day. Probably a bit more actually.

That's my exact problem right now. Got moved onto this machine without a pay increase. It has way more responsibilities and bullshit to deal with.

Looking around for a job. Honestly I am willing to move as long as the pay is decent and I can live off it and put a little away each month.

43 hours so far this week.
Kik : someguytochat
30/m/heteroflex/ Lynnwood and everett area
What ever is clever.
Awwwh but welcome back

damn, does it drive like a forklift?
The other bonus to the whole job is that I have a minor allergy to timothy hay so my neck is constantly red and irritated.
Exactly like a forklift, just a lot bigger. It is about the same size as the cab of a semi. I can pretty much turn in place. Driving in the snow/slush is always fun too. Drifting a large piece of machinery with 7000 lbs of hay in tow... It's a blast...
26/m/Alki Beach Looking to chat or hang out with someone! Kik me @ Sepake
So it has wheels? no treads?
Yeah I wouldn't be able to move hay around, that's my one allergy. Have you thought about doing a fishing season in Alaska?
Yep 6 wheels. Four in front and two in back

Thought about it, but never really looked into it too much.
Interesting, i suppose you need lots of traction when moving around Hay.
My dad used to work in Alaska before he moved to Seattle. Fish processing plant and also worked some fishing boats.
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You want to chat, meet up, exchange contacts and/or do something like a Skype call? If you are 18+ you should join this Skype group chat:


[To use the above link you need to copy it and paste it in a Skype message box to anyone then press send then click on it or post it in a group chat you are already in and then click it]
Yep. Average bales I move around are 3'x4'x8' and weigh about 900-1300 lbs each or 4'x4'x8' and weigh up to 1700 lbs each. So traction is nice to have. Plus we stack the stuff up to about 27' high in the barns.
I did a june-september run on a fishing boat one summer. It was hard work, but its all concentrated in 3-4 months then you have extra cash on hand the rest of the year.
That actually sounds like fun. I like fishing and I am up for a lot of hard work as long as I am paid reasonably for it.
Skype bot that is a first. FUCK YOU SKYPE BOT TEASING US with tight asses.
Paid in money or tight ass lol DAMMIT SKYPEBOT!!!
bad enough that craigslist are just filled with porn bots, now 4chan is infected.
Bots get old fast.

Anyone else near Ellensburg/Kittitas area?
getting paid in ass tokens would be a quick way of ensuring that every guy would volunteer to work overtime.
I'm willing to shovel a driveway or dig a ditch or something if there is a nice piece of ass waiting for me afterwards.
If it werent for the crazy hours and shit sounds like not so bad.
Come on 509 stop lurking and help out Ellensburg anon, all manual labor belong to us, at the cheap price of booty.
Yeah, wouldn't mind it too much if it weren't for all of that.

Will work for booty! Ellensburg area.
I hope you get a raise or find something better.

Booty? WHERE!?
Thanks. I really do too.

Man, not many people form the 509 area on here =\
I'm actually unemployed and have been for a while. Job searching in a place as big as Seattle is kinda scary for me but i have to do it.
maybe a change of subject will lure the booty out. What do you think about the new harry potter book coming out in July?
Wait. There's a new Harry Potter book coming out? News to me.
yeah all over the news today. Will be set in the same world but 19 years later.
Interesting. Who the heck is going to be the villain?

And it will probably end up being more serious since Harry and friends will be much older.

Wonder if they will have kids.
Uhhh I think read that harry has three kids and that they also have some play that coincides with the material. Didn't really spoil any potential villians.
Geez. Apparently Harry has been busy. I'm assuming Ginny is his wife.
I am sure it was the spell "ENGORGIO" that kept his wife around. HAHAHA

Well, he should have some skill with a wand if you know what I mean.
exactly, I am sure the porn industry has had fun with parody of Harry potter.

I don't think any gals are lurking, in my experience harry potter chatter is too tough to resist.
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Figured I might as well let people see what I look like.
Screw it. Listen and watch. Have a laugh and rock out.

good call, set the man meat bait.
don't think the embed is working for me. I am watching ridiculous lets plays.
Just look up Batmetal Returns
well its not rammstein, but who is?
It's actually Dethklok from Metalocalypse
that makes sense, I remember seeing that show.
So I need help dudes. I live in Seattle right, and I'm going back to school. Trying to decide between CWU and EWU. The program is basically the same, so I just need to figure out whether I want to live in Spokane or Ellensburg. Help, y'all! I have no idea which to choose. :(
unless being closer to seattle is important, there is no competition. Spokane has more things to do
That's what my gut says. It'd be nice to be closer to family, but I think it would be nice to live in Spokane for a while. Is it kind of a different culture from Seattle?
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213KB, 1280x720px
im in. my skype is no_name_found
anyone can add me if you suggest somewhere we can be hooligans together.

There was talk about it months ago, talking about the "cursed child", Harry's youngest son I think. They talk about how he's the son to the Boy Who Lived and has to live in that shadow, I believe. I'm sure it goes more into that. Yesterday was the first I heard about it becoming an actual book. I thought it was just going to be a play rather than literature, but I'm not surprised.
slightly different but not shockingly so. I didn't experience the seattle freeze there. A bit more conservative ideologically. The only thing I don't like about Spokane is the traffic, but compared to seattle its lightweight
Yeah I could see people being disappointed if its formatted as a play. I hated reading plays in high school. They will be calling it Harry Potter and the Way to Take Your Money.
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