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Do I really need special glasses to look at this shit or

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Do I really need special glasses to look at this shit or is it just a meme?
Do you feel special?
to reduce the chance of damage, train your eyes first by staring at the normal sun
that's only if you have enough time, if you want to train them in a short period I would recommend a low magnification telescope
In my personal experience binoculars work best
Start with a set of 10 1 minute stares with a 10 second rest interval and work your way up.
This is what the marines do to train for the desert sun

while the total eclipse isnt dangerous you can still get fucked up eyes if there's a sliver of sun getting through

sunglasses dont work for eclipses either
These idiots are totally wrong. You need to train every day and work yourself up to this. Start with a short glance and gradually increase until you can stare for as long as you want. Binoculars and telescopes are a crutch for the weak.
I'm gunna be the first to red pill everybody here.

the truth is you don't need special glasses to see an eclipse. Eclipses have been witnessed for millennial and they didn't have "special glasses" back then, yet they wrote about them in ancient texts so we knew they were able to see them clearly enough without glasses.

These glasses don't improve the eclipse experience in any way. The only thing the glasses are for are so you can see shit after the eclipse is done. But lets be honest, if you've witnessed an eclipse you're not gunna care if you can see anything else for the rest of your life anyway cause the eclipse is so awesome.
The way I understand it, looking at the sun normally instinctively makes us flinch/look away to protect the eyes. During an eclipse, it's much darker but the harmful rays are still there and we won't instinctively protect our eyes

meme. source: looked at the un-eclipsed sun before. didn't go blind.
its a lie by da joos
>Do I really need special glasses to look at this shit or is it just a meme?
just keep on looking. your eyes adjust after ~5 minutes
This. You should be fine OP as long as you stare at it for only a few seconds. Don't be retarded and look at it for minutes
Just use sunglasses, you'll be fine. It only last for a minute or so.
If you want to watch the entire thing it goes from sun unobscured to obscured to unobscured again so it's gonna be pretty bright most of the time.
>stare at it for one second
>use that afterimage in your eye to see the eclipse
If this was /b/, I'd say stare at the Sun during rises and sets, and work your way up to Noons.

But this is /sci/, so here's the truth. Looking directly at the Sun while any of the photosphere is visible, is detrimental to your vision.

You can look at the fully eclipsed Sun and enjoy the corona for the full duration of the eclipse. But when Bailey's Beads become visible, get your glasses back on.

It's bad enough the fucking Chinese are selling fake glasses that don't filter harmful rays. We don't need /b/tards helping them destroy the world.
>Stare at it for 2 minutes
>Get to stare at the eclipse for 19 hours
>Get to rub it in the welding goggle plebs faces
Yep. Some folks will screw this up and blind themselves, I am sure of it. Wear the glasses until the WHOLE THING is blacked out. And put them back on once the sun begins to peek again.
You need special glasses during totality, like in your pic. You do not want to stare at the sun when it is only partially covered by the moon, though, without serious eye protection.

The ONLY way you want to use binoculars or a telescope is to use them to project the image of the sun before and after the eclipse is total. Google can explain ho.
You need NO special glasses during totality, sorry, fucked that up. The rest of the post stands.
When will you Lrn2meme, fgt pls?
I can't tell if you niggers are joking

It's a meme. Just hold your eyes open for as long as you can, it will hurt a little bit but you can't damage your eyes by looking at an eclipse.
Why is an eclipse more damaging than looking at the sun without anything blocking it?
We'll, eclipses *are* sacred for (((them)))
it isn't
It's not. People just seem to forget that fact and stare at the damn sun leading up to totality for 90minutes.

Don't stare at the fucking sun.
It's half a joke.
You can "train" yourself to be able to look at the sun. Doing so will damage your retina though.
He's trying to get OP to fuck his eyes up.
This is what you get when /fit/ browses /sci/.
Be careful, if you stare the eclipse for too long, it may stare back.
It works but you can't stare at the Sun for more than a few seconds.
>The ONLY way you want to use binoculars or a telescope is to use them to project the image of the sun before and after the eclipse is total.

That's bit extreme. You can safely use optics provide the objectives (first lenses/mirrors) are properly covered with filters.

Mylar filters are much less expensive but produce images a bit fuzzier than glass filters. If you have a large scope, you can create an opaque mask to leave a smaller hole to accommodate whatever filter size you have.

You can also purchase sheets of the mylar solar filter and make your own. By "mylar," I don't mean emergency blanket material. Those are not dense enough, and they don't filter the proper wavelengths. There is special solar mylar material. Thousand Oaks, Rainbow Symphony, Baader are the big three.
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Nah it's just a meme. Don't believe the liberal establishment. They're funded by Soros.
When I was a little kid my mother told me not to stare into the sun. So once when I was six I did.
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ok i trained and trained until my eyes stopped being bitches and now I can stare as long as I want, but now my face looks like this?
It is just a meme. Definitely stare directly at the sun.
Well not if you are fine with damaging your eyes.

Solar glasses are really cheap.
I glanced at a partial eclipse. My eyes hurt for an hour after.
Since the major point of light is darkened, your pupils dillate and once the sun starts moving again you'll be bombarded with light on open pupils which will severally damage your eyes regardless.
Just don't be a faggot and use two pairs of sunglasses

Well, in a sense it's not damaging, just horribly painful.
Imagine stabbing your eyes with lightsabers, minus dying.

Of course not, there's the moon in the way. If you use glasses to look at it during totality, like in your pic, you won't see shit and you'll waste the opportunity.

But if you keep starting like a retard as the sun re-emerges, then it'll hit your dark adapted eyes and sting like a motherfucker. Just be alert and as soon as the sun starts to come back, look away.

Pop-Tarts wrapper actually did well (you will want to use 2 layers) other than a bit much IR transmittance.
Why the FUCK are human eyes not able to deal with the sun, something that is visible almost half the time?
While the corana itself is less bright than the sun, your eyes work on contrast (mostly), not absolute brightness, and the contrast ratio is like 100x more than just looking at the sun.
there's this american cliche of a shitty kid killing ants with a magnifying glass. you know what happens when you look at the sun, op? you kill the ants in your eyes, why would you want that
This perfectly explains why it's bad playing on a 5" PSV screen in a dark room. Holy shit.
the fact that they saw them doesn't disprove that it causes damage. No one said that looking at an eclipse would kill you or prevent you from writing about it. I don't know the facts of this matter, but your argument is retarded
>Don't stare at the fucking sun

It's kind of amusing when you pause to reflect on this. There are actually parts of the universe you just can't look at directly. It's kind of a surreal concept to me, because it makes me very aware of the biological limits and function of my senses
linetrap sells branded anal sex toys now?
>If this was /b/, I'd say stare at the Sun during rises and sets, and work your way up to Noons.
every board is /b/ with a theme anyway, so you should have just told him that
I wonder how many stupid people will go blind due to this solar eclipse.
Better question, how much can we up those numbers?
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Somewhat related but is the day of the triffids scenario possible. Like a solar flare or whatever and everyone goes blind because they're staring at the sun like idiots?
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That's why God can't show himself
Naughty boi. I hope you got a spanking.
Welding shield, yes or no?
I see, 3,14...
Don't be a dumbass and don't take advice from 4chan
Just look at shadows on the ground or use two pieces of paper on top of each other with a hole poked in the top sheet. The shadow will reflect the eclipse.
Not really a matter of if you should or shouldn't get them now. All the good stuff is sold out.
only view the eclipse through a thick bath towel from indoors, if you want to remain safe
The eclipse isnt more damaging. Its actually much less damaging, but it doesnt cause you to squint or look away because its not bright enough to be painful. So people end up staring at it 50 times longer than they would normally be able to handle.
You're a retard
You're retarded. Your arguments are retarded.
If I wear normal sunglasses, will I be safe?
It's "you are arguments", retard.
I just paid 40 bucks for a three pack of shitty plastic glasses I'll only use once. I want to kill myself.
Hey OP, did you know you can drink lava?

>Not buying shade 14 welders lenses and making dank sunglasses
>double negative
or you're missing the oxford comma.
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>tfw to stupid to have ordered in advance so now I'm scrambling to find a pair like all the other tards
to be fair I absolutely did not expect everyone to run out of stock with something so fucking cheap to produce
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>just paid $45
maybe I'll have made that back by 2024
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If you learn to lucid dream you can stare at the sun and eclipses all day long, hell walk on the surface of the sun even.

Reality's limitations are cast aside, and some lucid dreams can feel and look really vivid and lifelike too.
Probably because then our eyes would be weaker in other respects to compensate, and it makes more sense evolution wise to develop better eyes while eye damage from the sun can be avoided by just not fucking staring at it, and we get eyes with better features in other envioronments/situations as a result.
Scalpers bought up stock I suspect.
god you're such a drooling retard
Fuck guys, I'm behind on this, where do I find glasses for this?
Bro, seek welding supply shop. Ask for any welding glass that is shade 12, 13, or 14.
It's your only hope unless some library still has free ones on hand.
Fuck off, Tibet.
I doubt that simply because most of the former sources of eclipse viewers on Amazon are now stating "Out of Stock"

Now there are only like five vendors and they are all selling at outrageous prices.
It's a meme perpetuated by retards. It is less harmful than veiwing the sun on a normal day. The reason people need "googles" is so they can stare at the sun for a protracted period waiting for the actual eclipse to reach it's peak.
i looked at the eclipse back in 2015 or whenever it was and have permanent eye damage now
Was it worth it?
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