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Hey /sci/, look what happens when a person of high IQ is bor

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Hey /sci/, look what happens when a person of high IQ is born around literal savages

>iq thread

saged and hidden
Le bump
Very interesting
Daily reminder that IQ was originally used to measure dumbness, not smartness.
Poor nigger it must be hell being a smart black knowing the majority of your kind are wild animals in human bodies. This black is like an alien species to the majority of his own people.
Kinda like how I feel about brainlets of any race.
The worse part is its actually impossible for blacks to ever become mentally civilized as a whole meaning this negro is doomed to serve these jungle psychopaths till he dies and none of his patents will be passed on, most intelligent blacks are better off pretending to be idiots and raping some women then killing themselves.
Like I said, I don't see a significant difference between niggers and other Normies, or other Normies and wild dogs. They're all about the same level from where I'm standing.
>on a science board
>calling things impossible without a concrete, agreed-upon model to argue from
Show yourself out
While blacks can be smart the majority of them are mentally retarded, using what we know from genetics this also means the majority of blacks will always be retarded because these retard genes will always be more incident in their genome thus the black human will never be mentally civilized at all.
By that logic it wouldn't be possible for intelligence to ever evolve in the first place.
The environment blacks live in doesnt deter their retardation thats why they are still fucking retarded but where we whites evolved having their level of intelligence was extinction, thus the members of our race that originally had cognitive mutations for higher intelligence were able to outbreed our ferocious retards giving the intelligence we have today.
>>8417666 (stole my get you fucker)
Can't you just classify people by being retards and non-retards? Seems to me that if you need to make several exceptions to a supposed rule then that rule isn't all that helpful in the first place. Seems like you're starting with a conclusion and then trying very hard to make any evidence fit your conclusion.
Personally I think this theory is bullshit because aborigines are dumb as shit and live in a very inhospitable environment. I think intelligence evolved due to sexual selection and intraspecific competition as well as bottleneck effects but hey I wasn't there so either way it's a Kipling "just so" story like most of evopsych.
We base racial intelligence from the average or majority intellect because it shows the most incidence form of cognitive ability in a race, if we based things on our minorities we whites would be geniuses which is ridiculous.
Australia was once filled with megafauna nice giant meat for Abos to stab to death no thinking required at all, also Abos are cousins of the natives of Indonesia and New Guinea they were always retarded because Abos came from the jungles of Indonesia into Australia.
I've never heard this term "racial intelligence" before, if you're so knowledgeable could you provide a peer reviewed scientific article showing the causation of race on intelligence?
Racial intelligence varies but there is a certain average or majority intellect in each race of human.

Same as how there can be Gorillas with IQs in the high 90s yet regular Gorillas are morons compared to humans.
But according to your logic the Australian aborigines should've gone extinct when the megafauna died out and conditions became harsher, on account of them being too stupid to survive in these new, harsher conditions.

Something tells me you didn't think this all the way through.
I'm sorry, that's not a peer reviewed scientific journal, you might be mistaking what I wrote. Maybe there's some communication error due to a lack of intelligence on your part. What I asked for was a peer reviewed scientific article demonstrating the causation of race on intelligence like you've been claiming exists. It shouldn't be that hard to find one should it?
Intelligence is on a racial level instead of an individual.

>Majority of black will be retarded because of these retard genes.
I hope you are trolling me, or you got some charts and a list of REPUTABLE mother fucking citations for your posts.
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I want /pol/ to get out
Not even /pol/, but that picture is right about SJW's though.
Temperate forest are more challenging than deserts anon even blacks have thrived in deserts for millenia in the Sahara.
>SJWS are the greatest enemy mankind has ever faced
>not /pol/ btw
get out >>>/pol/
Black people are retarded anon its why they havent amounted to anything in human history, the few intelligent black populations have been raped to extinction by the retards these days.

It is obvious the Somali were once more intelligent in the ancient past but the retard Somali outbred the smart ones creating the unstable Somali humans we have today.

Even in West Africa there were kingdoms implying some genetic outliers of blacks were capable of forming socieities, it is said that whiteys destroyed them though.
Stop arguing with the feelies. If such a relation exists between intelligent and race you should be able to cite it. You are familiar with the scientific method aren't you? It would be quite silly for someone to be on a science board without knowing how to cite their information.
>Temperate forest are more challenging than deserts
That may or may not be true but your reasoning is entirely circular.

>"Niggers didn't face the same selective pressures, that's why they're dumb."
>Well isn't the existence of really really dumb aborigines in Australia evidence that there's more going on here than 'harsh environment=>intelligence'
>"Australia was once an easy place to live in, there were a lot of big animals" (apparently you don't need very much intelligence to hunt animals)
>But then the aborigines should've gone extinct with the big animals
>"Nah man, Australia is easy mode, the proof is that even really dumb Australia aborigines can survive there!"

If you want to make blacks smarter you must make Africa more intellectually taxing, currently it is but the retard blacks still vastly outbreed the smart ones meaning they will never be civilized.
No anon you dont get it, the environment must be intellectually taxing to make it possible for the smart ones in the race to eventually outbreed the idiots, as we can see in Aboland their idiots can still breed with eachother just fine meaning it wasnt intellectually taxing enough.

The asians virtually lost almost all of their idiots due to their common ancestor evolving in ice age east Asia.
Oh, it's no wonder you were so afraid of actually giving a citation. You think blogs are actually reliable sources of information. I didn't know somebody who claimed such high intelligence could be so gullible. Check out this blog I found that says white people are destroying everything http://www.toptenz.net/10-examples-white-people-ruining-everything.php. It has as much validity as yours and really makes me think.
This is just more circular reasoning.
Imagine you are in Africa, your race is in the savanna, it is full of idiots who rape all the women and there are some smart guys.

Now imagine if the predators in Africa could track you down much better like say hyena packs chasing you down till you get tired meaning running away wont save you. Now those impulsive idiots will have to be filtered out the genepool for better thinkers and planners thus those kind of humans in the race reproduce more.

Now imagine once every couple of months the savanna dries up into a desert, once again you need a boost in intelligence to survive thus the intelligence of the race booosts.

Still no reliable citations for your supposed truth. Am I supposed to just take you at your word? If I told you black people were actually gods would you just believe me at face value? No you wouldn't so why are you expecting anyone to just trust your incoherent ramblings?
>using what we know from genetics

Tell me anon, what is it that you think we know from genetics?
As long as an organism breeds its genes will remain.
Use your brain anon connect the dots.
Using my brain and connecting the dots would lead me to believe that lightning was caused by Thor or that the Earth was created 6000 years ago. Fortunately we have this tool called SCIENCE! You might have heard about it we're on a board named after this invention after all. There is a board made for using your feelings instead of observable evidence, they talk about all kinds of supernatural events. Here let me link you to it.
>Using my brain and connecting the dots would lead me to believe that lightning was caused by Thor
What nonsense, obviously using your brain would make you think lightning is caused by something in the clouds.
>obviously using your brain would make you think lightning is caused by something in the clouds.

Yeah, Thor.
Yeah but who's hiding in those clouds? Without measurements and the scientific method in general we could make all sorts of wild assumptions. How would we know that Thor isn't hiding in those clouds, or hey maybe the aliens are up there. Or maybe Jesus. Who knows what kinds of mystical beings lay on those pillowy mounds of white.
You cannot see Thor so that is not logical, to assume a person would also be in a cloud making lightning also raises even more questions.
According to your lack of peer reviewed scientific articles we can't see that race determines intelligence. So why are you continuing discussion based on this idea that you have yet to even prove?

To some degree it has been successful at that on 4chan sci

there are actually peer reviewed articles but they are heavily criticised, (the authors also dont know much about genetics), there is not alot of them and occasionally the methodology is questioned (e.g. the samples they choose especially from developing countries). None of them actually quantify any genetic input into racial differences in intelligence.

i really dont understand how people can think that racial iq differences are predominantly genetic considering how complicated and nuanced our world is and when we know of so many environmental factors that affect iq. those studies are poorly controlled i imagine, especially when studying culturally and socio-economically disparate countries or groups of people.
so what you mean to say is you have no proof, and you're still just mindlessly spouting shit. who's the retard again anon?

how dare you waste that get on such tripe
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no im a different person and im against those iq racists.
yep i'm the retard i didn't read your post properly. it seems you've been blessed with gets in return

>says is against iq racists.
>posts picture of adolf hitler.
its a picture of chaplin you get-gifted meme
>what we know from genetics
You mean what you learned about genetics from Internet strangers
Every time someone applies natural selection like that Darwin rolls in his grave
It was recently discovered abos came to Australia fifty thousand years ago. Pretty impressive considering what they had to circumnavigate to get there.
no thats definitely hitler
theres no point in speculating on selection pressure without actual evidence for selection pressure. you can use any kind of explanation and alter it as much as you want to justify selection pressure.

you would all just end up with egg on your face if you found out there was actually barely any differential selection pressure in humans.

also the racial distinctions we give to people are largely arbitrary.
He's just adding shit together, how is that inventing something?
Anyone with a brain can do it
duct tape a bowl to your monitor's side
>tfw that nigger is smarter than any anon itt
I also read all this thread with his accent, for some reason.
It was quite fun.
if he's so smart why does he stay in his country? in the US, he'd have better opportunities
>being a traitor
It's 2016, I guess, why not
If u cant see difference you have serious mental problems.

wath you said is like you cand even notice the difference bettwen 0.9 and 0.00009 and 0.9 (normies Niggers dogs)
his country is artificial, they don't have any culture
I feel like most anons in this thread don't understand genetic bottlenecking and nutrition when it comes to IQ.

In Africa it's obliviously going at a slower pace but the fact is disease is selecting out while nutrition (and arguably education) is boosting in.

The person like in op's link was unheard of in Africa centuries ago but did occur in Africans who went to America (after they themselves went through a similar bottleneck). So their society getting better in the future isn't completely hopeless.

Nigeria for example is doing much better than Greece despite a lower IQ average and not being in the EU.
I doubt you could do anything close to what he's doing with the limited resources he has.
>Americans talking about culture
i have no words
reccomend me a legit book about IQ

seconding this
Nigeria doesn't ow a shit ton of money to Germany you fucking moron
Sub-saharan blacks are the most genetically different species of human because the common ancestor of most people and blacks is very old. Because of this, there is no guarantee that blacks have the genes for average human intellect, and because evolution is a fairly random process, there is no guarantee that blacks will ever evolve the genes for average human intellect.
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>/sci/ mocks psychology for being non-rigorous pseudo-science
>unless its about IQ and how dumb niggers are, then its 100% legit

IQ and the Wealth of Nations.
so many constructive ways to discuss intelligence from a racial angle, but instead we get 15 year olds posting shit like this

>constructive ways to discuss intelligence from a racial angle
oh you.jpg

There are. The problem is that the discussion always gets hijacked by emotional/insecure white supremacist types, and there's always an undercurrent of "we have to prove white right".
>that "inventor"
>high IQ
He is a mere tinkerer. Now THIS is true African genius.

african """"inventions""""

lmfao africa will never prosper
He will get zero attention from "black activists".

Meanwhile this fraud gets money thrown at him.

I would like to see your result if someone told you to make a scoot with the limited resources rwandans have. Wood, a machete and a few iron nails. Not to mention they don't have a proper lead to effectively understand the mechanism. That guy's IQ is pretty high.

Meant for

>/sci/ is one person
There are at least 3 people on /sci/

>The one who makes the pro smoking threads
>The one who makes IQ threads
>The one who gorillaposts
Don't forget all of /pol/ for race threads and AGW denial threads.
African blacks literally have 40 POINT IQ DIFFERENCE FROM US WHITES, that is not nutrition anon that is an absolute genetic trait. The only reason there are even buildings in Africa is due to us, the only their countries function is due to us trading with them, they would collapse into Haiti tier hellholes if we stopped paying attention to them and isolated them only by isolating the nigger would we truely see if it can remain civilized without whites constantly checking up on it.
Black dont care about blacks, they kill their own race the most at very alarming rate, only when there is a common tribal enemy(whitey) does blacks suddenly unite and care about eachother.

Yeah well, only in the US people are so obsessed with race that they identify first with their ethnic origin and second with their nationality. So your argument is invalid.
>implying the liberal governments would fund research proving "race realism"

You don't seem to understand where the money for your scientific journals come from.
>no conservative governments have ever existed
I imagine the Middle East is full of researchers waiting to do some research.
Black Americans dont care about America either they see America as an alien state that oppresses them,which is kinda true, I have no idea why we never just all the blacks back to Africa and established infrastructure so they can only live in a single African American majority country. Its a dumb idea to keep a formerly enslaved group of humans in your land eventually they seek vengeance.
Why does /pol/ have to be so fucking unironically retarded jesus fucking christ I can't come here anymore knowing they're in every thread. Every claim isn't meant to be fucking anecdotal I bet they're not even in community college.

Actually yes. There's a lot of research in Iran.
Sure, in the hard sciences.

They can't go against the American grain too much or the West might find more evidence of nuclear weapons. It's best for them to just laugh at our liberal idiocy and not bother.

i fail to see the anecdote here
>thinking humans can be biologically grouped consistently is mental retardation

No the retard is you for thinking our species can escape the inevitable results of geographical natural selection.
If scientists were really in on a conspiracy against racism then stuff like sickle cell disease wouldn't be considered a primarily African disease. The fact is that intelligence is part of social sciences and as such is not capable of being properly observed or recorded. We simply don't have any meaningful measurement for it. You can speculate on gods and deities all you want but if you don't have any cold hard evidence then you're just going based on feelings. Feelings are fine but don't expect to make any accurate predictions with them because feelings change from person to person and from time to time.
Its completely ludicrous to not associate intelligence with DNA, look at all of animal life they dont learn anything yet have levels of intelligence meaning intelligence is caused by genes obviously. Its just human denial that chemicals control absolutely everything about them MUH FREE WILL retards.

I don't think he is smart.

Some of his inventions like the baby feeder or drink pourer are just plain stupid. That's probably why you made this thread, so we can laugh at his shitty inventions, which are stupid enough so even stupid people can realize they are stupid.

I for one don't buy it. We see retardation like this in America too.

For example: https://www.youtube.com
Yeah and once upon a time it was completely ridiculous to think that lightning didn't come from Thor. Find a meaningful observable measurement of intelligence not based on subjectivity and then we'll talk. So far even after analyzing the brain we've come to no such discovery.
Intelligence is just a term for how efficient your brain is at computing new information or stored information(memory). This is why a smart person can understand a concept quickly where as a moron takes alot of time to do so. To be a philosopher you must be intelligent because they think outside the box they think abstractly the better your abstract thinking the more intelligent you are, that is why geniuses like Tesla and Einstein were capable of conceptualizing concepts me and you cannot do.
BLM is spreading to the UK and SA
That's a nice opinion and all, but still no measurable proof of any of that and therefore not related to science in any way. Culture is a far more likely influence on intelligence rather than race anyways. If race was a determining factor they would have at least found observable differences between newborns. Since no scientific articles showing race causes intelligence have been presented even after asking a million times in this thread it's very likely there is no relationship.
>pillowy mounds of white
Well well... who's the racist NOW?!
Culture is caused by intelligence idiot, compare the culture of human children to adults you are so in denial its sad.

We already have scientific proof that race is connected to intelligence but its racist so its automatically wrong. However notice the black race is the most failed one of all the human race, has the worst countries, and is above all the most violent and criminal form of human in recorded history, it is just disturbing at what blacks do to civilized areas.
We don't want no nigger clouds around these parts.
Proof of scientific articles being denied from being published on the sole factor of it being racist or get out.

If you need scientific articles constantly for proof then you are just a brainwashed sheep, they can literally write anything in an article control you, use your head for once and connect the dots.
>connect the dots
Hi Thor.
Think critically anon dont just accept reports and articles like a brainwashed slave. This is the problem with science today they think they know everything already.
No, using your own beliefs to shape the world around you instead of using science to shape your belief is faulty thinking. Everything in science is tested against constantly and it's the purest form of truth we have available. You're using a conclusion based on your own prejudices and beliefs and trying to fit bits and pieces of reality into it. What happens when something comes along and disrupts your belief belief system? Look at this video for example https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=__Vj3DXwOBI . All of those examples of successful black people conflict with your reality and you face severe cognitive dissonance. You likely make excuses and feel major stress when faced with this reality because you "connect the dots" in order to shape it into a picture that doesn't exist. It's far easier and healthier to let scientific literature shape your belief system as you're very unlikely if ever to face this cognitive dissonance ever again.
Are you retarded? The vast majority of negros are psychotic reatrds, it doesnt matter how many smart niggers you show me because the average black is a psychopathic retard it means they are a naturally uncivilized primitive race, learn to critically think for once anon.
You have no evidence of any of this, thinking critically means that I come to the conclusion that intelligence is cultural rather than racial.
He probably means https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anecdotal_evidence
Racial is another way to say genetic to think culture has any effect on intelligence is simply moronic, there are negros born in the most violent shitholes in America yet they pass school just fine and even adopt the backwards american black culture but still retain their high intelligence BECAUSE OF THEIR GENETICS.

Once again you are just in denial you have no control over any of your cognitive attributes besides your personality to an extent.
>geniuses like Tesla and Einstein
>Tesla and Einstein
Ugh, cringe
*I mean, I just don't like this coupling
You seem pretty desperate to get other people in line with your world view, why could that be? Is it perhaps because you feel alone with this baseless belief system? That you feel the vast majority disagree with you and you have so few to connect with? If you accepted reality you could let that stress and cognitive dissonance wash away. Yet you struggle so very much to fit a square into a circle shaped hole. I feel sorry for you.
Genius is a term for a very intelligent human I know Tesla is far more intelligent than Einstein.
You argue like a woman.
I'm not arguing, I'm simply feeling sorry for you because you're stuck in a world that doesn't fit what you believe.
>You argue like a woman.
A bunch of psychoanalytic horseshit followed up with feelings. Sounds about right.
>You argue like a woman.
You argue like someone who is waaaaaayyyyy too obsessed with blacks. When did you make this thread? 2 days ago? And how much time since then have you spent arguing with passing anons in this one thread? And how many threads like this about black people have you made? I don't put a lot of stock in psychology but you have issues.
>argue like a woman

sounded more like an edgy 18-year old
>Tesla is far more intelligent than Einstein.
I mean, he was good, but sorry, not nearly there. He's not even a Nobel laureate.
He was very smart but unfortunately he developed serious brain cancer from x-rays that altered his personality and destroyed his ability to make use of his genius.
Well, we can only judge by the results.
> He's not even a Nobel laureate.
Shut up jew.
>I'm not arguing, I'm simply feeling sorry for you
Yes you argue like a woman.
>because you're stuck in a world that doesn't fit what you believe.
The negro would not be the most criminal human in the modern world if my the world wasnt exactly how I saw it, you cannot critically think that is why you are constantly in denial that human intelligence is racial.
Are you a woman?

>African blacks literally have 40 POINT IQ DIFFERENCE FROM US WHITES, that is not nutrition anon that is an absolute genetic trait

Actually it's been established already that most sub-saharan African countries run sub-optimal averages that can be aided by prenatal nutrition. The genetics account for around 20-25 IQ (which puts them in the 75-80) with only the khoisan of South West Africa being within the 40 IQ (60-65 range) difference you bring up.

>isolated them only by isolating the nigger would we truely see if it can remain civilized without whites constantly checking up on it.

You mean like the Benin Empire that existed in pre-colonial Africa that actually impressed both Britain and Portugal with its structure and organization?
This is not science.
>"...with liberals focusing on factors external to the groups in question and conservatives focusing on internal cultural and behavioral factors."

A poor white is more likely to steal than a rich white and a poor black is more likely to steal than a poor white. Who woulda thought?
Liberal bullshit, only a few sub saharan countries have IQs in the low 70s most negros are in the low 60s or terminally retarded compared to a white person. Even a white child is brighter than an adult african negro.

Also if you have no issue with the San being imbeciles why do you have an issue with blacks?
Liberal we are all the same horsecrap is not logical anon, humans are animals thus have base animal traits that can be categorized into racial categories like any subspecies dumbass.
>Shut up jew.
Are you sure you're on the right board?
do jewish people have a privilege on this board?
>the person who thinks blacks can be smart also thinks Thor is the cause of lightning
How did this get state funding?
Alright, if 'white people' (genetic definition pending) are inherently vastly smarter than 'black people' (genetic definition also pending) how come they both spent almost exactly the same length of time living in huts made out of sticks and pig shite? Europe was settled about 40,000 years ago and it took 38,000 years to build something even as impressive as Stonehenge.

Could it be that cultural and environmental conditions, compounded over and over by the cultural and environmental conditions of history and the culture's interactions with neighbouring societies and their histories, combined with chance and happenstance lead to a wide range of possible human intelligence?
>"No, it has only to do with biologically vague distinctions that have only been seen as relevant in the last couple of hundred years and that certain people would have specific personal interest in maintaining"
>Wow, these people have been making these for HOW long? The worksmanship looks fucking terrible.
Pretty much this
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>GCSE grades

Tbf that's at least partly down to the huge amount of additional spending on deprived minority regions in London. Elsewhere doesn't see that kind of spending.
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