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What does /sci/ think about Medicine? >Inb4 it's a trade

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What does /sci/ think about Medicine?
>Inb4 it's a trade
>Inb4 it's just applied Biology
>Inb4 It's just hard because they crank up the shit you need to memorise

Feels like it's the true academia field.
>Ph.D. Equivalent
>Crazy funding for research
>If you suck at research, can still do the shit you learn in the private sector, aka, practice medicine as a surgeon or a general practitioner.

Why do people diss med students like me so hard? Is it because they're jealous of the opportunities medical students get after graduation?
Ned student eh.... what year?
Year 3, clinical studies. Year 1 and 2 was hell.
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no its because medical students are usually full of themselves and form cliches where they talk about medicine all the time and they become really irritating to be arond.... atleast where im from.

>tfw Feel like it's the true academic field.
Yea we medical students tend to form exclusive clubs. At least I still try to make friends outside of med bros.
Well good luck

My year 3 was mostly spent on module. We each had a list of about 50 specific diagnoses we had to follow on rotation and every rotation I hit only had a few cases I could actually "do clinical"

have fun though, the feeling of always being criticized in med school only gets worse, no one recognizes amazing decisions, but the family/patient/nursing/residents/house staff will criticize the fuck over your minor mistakes

"ohhhh ive got soo much work to do, ohh a midterm, ohh i smell of formaldehyde and it makes me hungrrrry"

shut up status whores!

lool joke.
The weeding already ended so i hope it'll be comfy from here on out
t. Med school reject
We will only confront jealousy and saltiness here in /sci/.

People just cant stand the fact that some scientists actually have a fun and rewarding job with great opportunities, salary, high social status and makes panties moist. If they could get selectod for this program, they would abandon their own majors in a heartbeat. But they can't so they'll hate us.
Medicine is legit, but the vast majority of graduates don't give a fuck about the field and give you the equivalent of a very poorly computer standarized guideline.
medstudents remind me of /pol/acks in a way. very full of themselves, they think their knowledge base is the be all and end all of everything. Keep in mind that Physicists and Mathematicians have much higher IQs on average than med students. You should be more humble.
lool ive never wanted to be a doctor, i wouldnt enjoy it. and unless you are working in a lab, doctors arent necessarily scientists, mostly just the errand boys for chemists and biomedical scientists.

and what you said about salary and status hits the nail on the head. i feel like most medics get into it for status, or atleast thats a significant reason. and that also makes sense in the light of medical students being driven and that compared to other social welfare roles, alot of doctors arent really that personable.
In facebook I see selfies with med students dressed in the white uniforms, talking shit about some practice.

When you see ME in facebook you do not see me taking selfies with a 4-manifold up my ass now do you?
I'm not too sure bout the scientist part, but I'm doubtful bout the accuracy of it. Cause there is a nobel prize especially for developments in medicine, I'm sure those are earned by Pharmaceutical science, biomedical and medical degree holders. On top of that, medical doctors get to conduct their own autonomous research. Go read up research by people like Ben Carson and Merzenich.
Well of course those people work hard to get in. So now that they feel fulfilled, they gloat
>for learning

Wow! They performed a basic human function. Good job! Wow!

This is actually pretty sad. To live such a shitty life and to be so untalented that you can get happy just by performing a basic human function.

Like being proud of how good you can take a shit.
Idk, I'm not them. I don't social media actively, so I can't comment.
But this is not exclusive for social media. These people feel proud all the time, just for learning.

I say that they should feel proud AFTER they save someone's life, AFTER they diagnoze the correct sickness and cure a person, AFTER they actually do shit.

But being proud while being a fucking student? For learning?

That is the most cockstrokingly shitty thing you can do, and every med student is like this.
i said they arent necessarily scientists.

conditional upon whether they did research. im not saying they arent because obviously you can do phds in medicine and opt to work in labs.
i dont understand how medical students cannot seem to understand at all why someone, who may be more intelligent and talented and just as happy (if not probably more so) would not want to go into medicine.

its funny that you guys go to the jealousy department when someone criticise you. just reinforces why people think medics are annoying in the first place.

and i think its kind of ironic for a profession where youre supposed to care for people but instead medics are so proud and self-centred.
Well if you think about it. It's the same in the other fields as well. Especially people who got into top ivy leagues.
>Group photo with Harvard hoodies
>People walking around wearing MIT shirts like everyday
Isn't restricted to med students son.
I believe dean's listers also act like that.

Those are american universities. In America universities are like products sold to the students. They treat their education as an object they just bought so it makes retarded-sense to feel invested in it. How are you NOT going to feel proud for going to Harvard when Harvard is literally a popular meme of "the great school for sucking cocks" and the same goes for MIT.

The answer here is that americans are all retarded in general. Not a single one of them is even remotely intelligent. They will all stroke their cocks like morons while doing nothing of value.

Tbqh I've never seen university shirts that were not from american universities. Even I have one from Texas A&M as a gift from an ex girlfriend. EVERYONE HAS THEM. American universities are not universities, they are just brands.

I don't even think my uni has a merchandise store.
Well America is the land of capitalism
good fucking point
But almost every country has capitalism. The world has already embraced capitalism.

America just took the worse version of capialism and ran with it, while they rest of the world took capitalism and merged it with their previous economic ideas to get better systems.

That is why my country has free university paid for by taxes, the taxes I will in the future pay even more of as my tax-paid degree will allow me to earn more money, and yours doesn't because old capitalism cannot even comprehend the idea of investing in the future.

I think medicine is an interesting field that can be rewarding for the right people. On the other hand, I feel like there are a lot of people in medicine who went in for the wrong reasons and do not have the human emotional qualities to be physicians. I also dislike how elitist some are. Admittedly I am a pre med fag who probably won't get in but my true passion is literature and astronomy and I would rather publish books but it's a pipedream. I fucking hate my life.
Your country has the population of one of our medium sized states, you are homogenous in ethnicity and beliefs, and you are irrelevant on a global scale
When a burger tries to banter you
Well, the people who do not enjoy the lifestyle usually leave the field all together.

One of my friends quit a few years during residency, decided he wanted to do computer sci instead

A preceptor of mine was internal med for 30 years, thought medicine was going down the shitter and decided to be a crime scene investigator instead.

I disagree. Many remain for the money.
Do any remain for the purpose? To reduce suffering in the world and make the world a better place for as many as they can. Especially when there are many mentally disabled elderly and children who can't live a normal life, and people losing their lives to strokes and cancers.

Yes I think many remain for the purpose, of course. Medicine is a humanistic profession. That is why I think medicine in countries where doctors do not make so much money you will find better healthcare or at least doctors with more compassion. I don't mean in total third world hell holes but outside the USA/Canada. People's health/lives should never be a business like it is in the USA especially.
It's a great career, and the best degree you can do at uni. The work isn't very stressful, since you don't have to spend all your time at a desk and just talk to people most of the time, and you make an insane amount of money.
Unrelated but I was at a birthday party
>talking about stuff with a normie
>mention a breadboard
>"what's a breadboard?"
>just give him a dazed look, guy gets pissy
>he says "well it's like you not knowing what a Phygean mode is"
When will normies stop thinking their dumb shit matters as much as science.
no, maths or physics are probably the best degrees you can do. i was under the impression from tv and friends that being a doctor atleast in early training phases is quite stressful
>The work isn't very stressful, since you don't have to spend all your time at a desk and just talk to people most of the time,
why would you even post when you dont have the faintest fucking clue what you are saying
it depends mostly on whether you get what you want to do out there in the job market.
Becomes a finance slave
Also become a finance slave
Do what you have learnt, become a surgeon, save lives.
Med students are tools, I mean just look at the attitude of the guy in the OP. Just do what you love, but if you feel the need to gloat about your job so much chances are you have some... issues to work out, maybe concerning parental or societal approval.
I agree with you that some Med Students can be gloaters, but never generalize a group of people.

I'm sure the vast majority of Med School students (and dedicated students in general) are too busy busting their assess studying and working to bother posting on a place like 4chan.

Granted you're right when you say someone like OP is an example of what NOT to act like. Humility is something that most people in higher learning apparently forget at times.
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>tfw passionately want to become a surgeon but can't because convoluted fucking Canadian system

bros help me
Physicians generally get lots of respect and lots of money for their career choice. They're also generally from privileged backgrounds because only the rich or well connected can afford all that it takes to graduate medical school. They're the definition of the "elite" in society, but they think they're not because of all the "work" it takes to get there, and that they're "helping people", even though IMO they kill just as many as they help, but that's neither here nor there.

Doctors are just regular people too, deep down, and should be judged as individuals. They aren't all bad, but they're easily targeted because they seem to have everything in life.
Are you implying IQ matters ?

idiot, idiot, idiot.
med student here, i hate my classmates

id say around 60-70% of them are like what you all said, however, they do seem to care about people and less about money, cause many of them already have a good economic background anyway

i dont really care about people, im in it because the body is neat. however, its not hard at all to fake concern about someone and they really appreciate it. also, feels nice being useful
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>med student friend starts complaining to me about his work load
>I tell him all the shit that I have within the next 2 weeks for my physics/maths double major
>he says "holy shit dude im soooo glad i did med"
>mfw I just take a huge fucking dump on the test papers and shit out an assignment in 5 minutes and still get credit average
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But will you earn more money than your friend?
That is the question.
Are you rationalizing your lack of it?
It won't get comfy.
I don't know what you plan on choosing for your residency, but primary care gets worse.

I chose to do internal med, and as you know, it's great to conceptualize a plan on treatment. The biggest barriers are the patients themselves, and the sheer cost of treating patients, dealing with insurance companies, and how there is an overall lack communication and follow up (mostly by the patients themselves)

anecdotally I've experienced lots of undermining too. I might want to have one study or rad procedure done, but the radiologist or whoever else might cancel or order additional tests without keeping the rest of the team notified.
Some nurses also undermine and it's all a headache
I only see this here, the "physicists" and mathematicians" which really are still undergrads seem to be really salty whenever they chance upon a med student, and mostly american, at that

why can just either ignore them or be happy for them? beats me

ITT: salty losers
Strange, I was considering making a health/medical thread. Since there are some med students/doctors in the thread, I'm wondering what you think about two things in terms of the American bealthcare system.

1) what's the specific cause/causes of healthcare inflation?

2) what could people do to reduce healthcare inflation and inefficiency?
is working as a doctor a guarantee that you'll be wealthy?

>what do you expect the reaction to be on a thread like this...
Become an acne doctor and the world will be yours. All you have to do is sit in your office, look at ugly acne people and prescribe isotretinoin.
Healthcare inflation is definitely multifactoral. There is some segments of the lack of competition to serve patients cheaper than others, and I think this fact alone causes Americans to shop for their healthcare in other countries.
Additionally, since the healthcare system is expensive (a patient with an MI would have to pay the cardiologist, the interventionist (person performing the cardiac cath), the pharmacist preparing the medications, the nurse administering the medication, the interventionists "renting of the cath lab," the phlebotomist collecting blood work, the laboratory running the tests on your lab work, the ambulance ride to the hospital, the paramedic, the Emergency physicians bill from the ED, the internal medicines input to address (hypothetically) your risk factors and life style modifications to reduce pressure burden/cholesterol, your outpatient cardiologist or primary addressing your antiplatelet therapies, the ICU nurses pulling sheaths and more bills from telemetry and step down units), it could leave a patient with a bill of over $100,000 easy.

If they're uninsured, they most likely will not pay the bill.
The loss of money puts the hospital in the "red" and services inflate to recoup costs.

It's an over simplification but the system is a beast and the ACA and Obamacare did very little to fix this
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>these frauds are payed orders of magnitude greater than the dedicated medicinal chemists who actually develop the medicine they prescribe.
Reminder of who performs the surgery to save your loved one
>he thinks general practitioners are the same thing as surgeons
Reminder of who referred you to someone who can save the life of your loved one
My comment was not directed at surgeons, please learn the difference, anon.
I'm sorry, i corrected it >>8417973
Are surgeons A OK?
Are surgeons the bros of medicine?
Med school is really just the most protected trade school on the planet. The rising field of "Physician's Assistant" does most of what a doctor does, with 2 years of training at a fraction of the cost. All the MD usually knows is how better refer a patient to some specialist who will know what to actually do.
But an MD can become a specialist. And a physician assistant can't be a specialist
Surgeons are pretty based, anon. I'd just prefer they weren't awarded fiscal payouts of supernatural proportion every time some NEET goes under the knife
Hey it's not the surgeon deciding how much he's paid. I believe that in anywhere except the USA, many surgeons wouldn't mind getting paid less as long as they can do their job
I can agree with this. I suppose I am being overly bitter. I just think of pharmaceutical firms like vertex, and the development of ivacaftor/lumacaftor - If we could redistribute, and adjust the inequality of, income and funding presently seen in the field of medicine and drugs, a lot more 'miracle' medicine would be available to the market and specifically to patients of rare illnesses.
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>t. med school rejected
'Miracle' drugs are hidden from the public to continually drive profits with less effective drugs that require long term consumption.
RN here. Any examples on how we're undermining you guys? I don't really have much interaction with med students at all, they're insulated from us. Even residents for the most part are only visible if theyre a consulting service, on my floor atleast.
I've had some RNs utilize CPOE and input orders that the team hasn't ordered.

>sending a stool down for CDIFF despite extremely low risk, test also has high false positive
>probably not intentional, but will place orders for NPO in preparation for a study and I'll ask patient down at scope if he's had anything to eat, "yea I ate some oatmeal a half hour ago"

I dont mean to offend nursing as a whole, just ones who overstep and CPOE random stuff
It's a legit field of study that can impact 1 person at a time or possibly millions depending on how a given MD pursues their career
>Med students
My school sums it up in a nutshell as:
>If you see someone sitting on the school shuttle so that they are in the aisle seat and the window seat is empty or has their bag on it and it is rush hour, that's a med student.
I've done this primarily for bloodwork, and usually have a very strong reason for doing so (pre-vanco, PT/INRs, lytes etc), but ordering c.diff samples when the patient is low risk is just plain dumb.

I just think calling a doc for something im 100% certain he/she will order will only serve as a nuisance to them make it time consuming to me, especially on a high acuity unit.

But youre right in that certain nurses can be dicks to residents and new fellows. The work can be really shit sometimes and can burn you out after a few years, which is why I'm planning on walking the long path to becoming a surgeon. Not sure if thats going to be an improvement though.
>'Miracle' drugs are hidden from the public to continually drive profits with less effective drugs that require long term consumption.
>hidden from the public

By any chance, are you a fan of, or have watched, the documentary 'loose change'?
It's much appreciated.
The bloodwork omissions occur so frequently that pharmacy follows all INRs/PTTs, troughs, metabolics with abx, and such at my hospital. It's good you guys do continue to do

One of my friends is starting her gen surg residency, I think gen surg has the highest burn out rate and lowest satisfaction among all fields and I'm not even joking
One of the surgery residents on my floor described a typical week being anything between 90-140hrs long, divided in parts between actual OR and research. People have suggested OR nurse as an option, but I can't bear the thought of handing fucking tools to the guys that are actually doing something.

Its just a damn shame that getting into medical schools has become this monumental task in my province. Makes me wish I did a useless BSc degree instead of my nursing degree, because that would've atleast resulted in an early admission, vs my current situation where rules state I need to be in my 3rd/4th/final year of my current degree to even apply.

Make the swap.
I was a CNA who worked in some run down nursing home to get work experience for admissions. Shit sucked

Also had several nurses in med school who made the transition. Also had a few PhD students with degrees in psych and biology who made the swap too.

I'm assuming you have your BSN
just take bio/chem series, bio chem, physics, and calculus, take the Kaplan MCAT study prep and get in.

Since you're in the field it'll be easy to get LORs from the docs you work with.
>becoming a doctor
>basic human function
Learning is a basic human function.

Be proud AFTER you've saved a life, not while you are merely reading a textbook that tells you the basics of anatomy, asshole.
Nice bait. Or are you autist?
>talking about stuff with a normie
>mention a breadboard
>"what's a breadboard?"
>It's a board you can make electric circuits on.
>"Like one of those green computer cards?"
>"Sort of, but the wires aren't stuck to the board permanently. Anyway..."
What kind is shitty logic is this? They are proud they got accepted into medical school which is a big deal. It took them a lot of hard work and they are happy it payed off. Boiling things down to it's just learning is completely autistic.
Wait why? Why would a med student do that? Is he just recreationally taking the bus? What?
Don't mind him, >>8418130, he's just a butthurt autist who thinks he can make it into med school if he wanted do. Let him continually live his delusion.
>What does /sci/ think about Medicine?
I think too many people get into it for the wrong reasons and end up hating their choices until they can go private practice at age 50.

>Why do people diss med students like me so hard? Is it because they're jealous of the opportunities medical students get after graduation?
Assuming you're actually in med school it's because you're still worthless but think you're top shit. You haven't become a doctor, you haven't saved a life, you have done jack and shit and think you're cool for it.

You're not as bad as pre-med niggers but you're not that far above them in terms of pretentiousness.
>Pre-med niggers
itt: Babbies who couldn't get above a 28, Caribbean """"""med"""""" students.
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thanks brah! turns out hearing someone from 4chan telling me to go for it has more impact than I'd expected it to have. I'm in Ontario, and we have a cutthroat admissions process, so I'll either be jumping provinces or coming over to the states after making a bundle of cash here.
I'm a fresh year med student

And I'm really worried
I guess I went for it for the status and decent job opportunities
I didn't even like biology in high school. I liked chemistry and research, and I am not to fond of memorizing metric tonnes of shit. I probably will manage to do it ( for now I passed (3/4) tests but I don't know if even want to
Is there even a point in going to Caribbean schools anymore? From what I hear, they're in the process of ruling out the IMG class in the next 2-4 years. Anyone new going into it at this point will be graduating into disappointment when they find even that door is shutting.
There's a good post on SDN about it, but absolutely no. It's a terrible idea for the following reasons.
>Carrib schools are all privates
Meaning they give zero shits about you graduating and getting a job, as long as you pay even if it's for the first year.
>You will get into a shitload of private loans
Self explanitory
>graduation rate is roughly 53%
In comparison, most colleges, have this up in the 90s. They almost purposefully make it easy as shit to fail out because clinical spots are expensive to buy.
>50 something % matriculation rate
If you somehow survive them fucking you over, good luck getting into a US residency. Without a residency, your M.D. is useless.
>Most if not all go into primary care residencies in shithole parts of the country
GG no re if you want to become anything except for a family practitioner because there are maybe a dozen that get into any competitive specialties, and that's with kickass STEP scores.

M.D. > D.O. > PA applying multiple times before you should even consider carrib.
"Basics" of anatomy lol holy fuck

You guys are smart okay, really, but don't act like you have any idea how difficult med school or medicine is.
LUL this thread is cancer. Most of the CS and engineer majors at my school were mediocre medical students. Doctors are as smart as any other profession. Their intelligence is different, just like a math majors intelligence is different, but they are on equal planes. An premed Engineering friend who took and usually was one of the top scorers in good number of the advanced maths, physics, and engineering courses in uni only passed Gross Anatomy. Did not even high pass or honor it. Gross Anatomy is EASILY just as hard as any course you math and physics people have taken in uni. There is a lab portion that comes with the anatomy classes that is just ridiculous if you are not used to it as a med student. There are a few harder classes than anatomy in medschool IMO but, yeah medschool is hard as fuck...I'm not sure if most of y'all can make it...
Not dermatologists
Agreed dude they are totally different skillsets and people need to stop comparing them, just because you are good at engineering doesn't mean you're gonna be good at medicine and just because you're good at medicine doesn't mean you're gonna be good at finance

My brain is literally retarded when it comes to anything finance related but I can do physics, calc, and pure maths bullshit just fine.
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Oh fuck. Will I make it into residency? Fuck was my life a mistake? Will I end up with a useless piece of paper, shit shit shit, I want to die.
What year are you in? What school are you in? If you haven't taken your steps, these will litterally determine your degree. You need to shed any hope of going to anything but family medicine. If you tell me your school i can give more details as to how fucked you are.
Either way, assuming you aren't in a total shithole school you should have roughly a 50 percent chance of success, assuming you graduate.
>You need to shed any hope of going to anything but family medicine
Not true, otherwise pajeets and sanjays wouldn't be in every fucking specialty field.
Step 1 score and research is pretty much all that matters
Stop playing God and just let natural selection take care of the landwhales, uninsured retards, and oldies who are going to die in 6 months anyway.
>caring about money, especially above a certain point where you have more than enough
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>tfw interviews at 5 of the top 10 ER programs in the country

Feels good this bullshit is wrapping up. Can't wait to graduate and move on with my life. Med school is fucking awful and I don't recommend people do it.
Only in America this happens.
>Old people die on the streets
>Land of the Free
More like free to die, Amiright?
The situation was different 5 and especially 10 years ago. Someone who is for example just finished neurosurgery residency would have graduated 7 years ago. Match rates are absolutely fucked right now for imgs.
I want Emergency Medicine. Am I fucked? I heard it requires as much as neurosurgery.
It is nowhere near as bad as neurosurgery, but an IMG would need to be a retard to apply for neurosurgery. I dont know if there was even a single IMG ever accepted for neurosurg. For EM, 2013 stats were 52 accepted, 172 rejected, 2016 should be roughly similar, but may be worse. Ace your boards and apply extremely broadly. Use sdn for further info.
Imo your best bet is to apply IM and apply to pretty much everywhere. Once again though sdn is a much better resource for this.
What if I'm a local medical graduate? Does that make it any better?
What do you mean by local? United States?
If you are a US graduate, (that includes that one school in Puero Rico), then absolutely none of what I said applies to you. It makes it like thousands of times better. 106 US graduates did not match to EM. 1371 matched.
>Puerto Rico medical school
People going there must be really desperate.
It mostly accepts local students and is better then any school outside of U.S.
Really? Better than University of Cambridge School of Clinical Science Or Oxford University Medical School?
In terms of getting a US residency, yes.
Yeah, even though
>medical school in the caribbean
Is a euphemism for 'fucked up too badly to get into reputable schools', people still have reasonable careers as physicians in the US
Well, that's good to know. I mean it's not like people graduating from there aren't able to quite comfortably find a residency locally.
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