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JC Virus - 70%-90% of humans have it

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>The John Cunningham virus, known more >commonly as the JC virus, is a very common >virus in the United States. According to the >World Journal of Neurosciences, between 70 >and 90 percent of people in the world have the >virus. The average person carrying the JC >virus will never know and is unlikely to suffer >any side effects as a result of its being in his >or her body.

So my question is, WHY HAVE I NEVER HEARD ABOUT THIS VIRUS WHEN IT HAVE INFECTED 70%-90% of the humans in this world? What if the virus mutates?



>The John Cunningham virus, known more commonly as the JC virus, is a very common virus in the United States. According to the World Journal of Neurosciences, between 70 and 90 percent of people in the world have the virus. The average person carrying the JC virus will never know and is unlikely to suffer any side effects as a result of its being in his >or her body.
Maybe It is the virus that is going to Destroy humanity, the new NOAH? Oh shit
Everyone has herpes too.

What matters is how active it is, and thus the symptoms it creates. In most of all the cases of each no symptoms will ever surface.
>Let it grow...it will become lethal when the time arrives and it's spreaded globally
This virus is different. It is inside your brain, It may kill you in the future, we don't know
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>has he been infected yet
>oh yes most certainly!
>JC Virus - 70%-90% of humans have it
I don't know, but might you have?
>What if the virus mutates?

??? do you think that a virus mutates simultaneously in every single human?

If suddenly a deadly strain emerges, it needs to spread all over again from patient 0.

So the fact that 99.999% of people have means shit if nobody even has any symptoms from it.
But what if this Virus over time, like say 100 years, slowly developed and kills humanity.

It says that this virus can cause PML

>But what if this Virus over time, like say 100 years
in 100 years we'll be able to create a vaccine for any virus within a day

5 to 8% of your entire genom is made of viral DNA.

stop worrying about an innocent virus who has never harmed anyone if such nasty bugs as HIV and herpes are around.
It says that this Virus can might be compared to AIDS/HIV

yes, both are viruses. wow, what a comparison!

no, they are not comparable you imbecile.

cartoons and videogames are not scientifically accurate you dumb fag
herpes isn't nasty, and probably half of all adults have herpes simplex virus
Even if this is true, why have i never heard about a Virus that i might have. I have read that it can harm people, and more and more people are PML positive according to

you probably have CMV and EBV too.
Yeah, maybe. But I believe that JC virus is something else. Something more dramatically. I don't know , maybe your right, maybe your wrong. Let the future show the result. I was just telling about a Virus that i found somewhat different, but maybe you have right, It's nothing to worry about.
>herpes isn't nasty

are you retarded?

are not nasty?
Just me posting a link about this Virus, nothing to worry about :)
Or is it? :O
>why have i never heard about a Virus that i might have

nigga you dumb,

like, you really seriously dumb.

you astronomically dumb my nigger,

you are a walking talking ecosystem of microbiota.

There are probably more species of bacteria living on you right now than number of people you have ever talked to.

there are 10 times more bacteria on you than there are human cells in your body.

and there are 100 times more viruses than there are bacteria.

the mere fact that you are dumb, like, really really dumb, does not force us to excuse ourselves for not informing you on how dumb you are.

yes you have that virus, and hundreds upon thousands of others.

as said earlier, over 3% of your entire DNA is of viral origin, and you are stupefied by possibly having a single one.

did I mention that you are dumb?
>posts list of non simplex herpesviridae illnesses

EBV is implicated in all kinda shit diseases, including demyelinating ones
are you illiterate?

I name herpes, you reply saying herpes is not nasty. So I name a number of herpes viruses.

Just because you additionally named herpes simplex in your post does not nullify your retarded statement that herpes isn't nasty.

>"humans aren't evil, I bet 90% of countries on earth have whites living in them"
>humans aren't evil? ever heard of jihadis or jews?

>hurr durr I was talking about whites

no you were not
friend, you are absolutely going to die one way, and it won't be pleasant.
because you and other dumb people will pay $$$ to remove a virus they have always had but never even noticed
>mom phones up grade school
>billy bob has herpes and will be of sick

this is the world you live in

I don't have herpes, but this is not herpes
no, this is /sci/, the illiterate world is everywhere BUT here.

on this board you are either scientifically accurate or you fuck off
But you aren't scientifically accurate. Herpes is the name of the disease caused by the herpes simplex virus. It was named before the virus was known. Later viruses were grouped into families, the Herpesviridae being the one you were trying to say when you used the word herpes.

uh, no. like, you are literally talking out of your ass.
Most people don't know if they have herpes simplex virus. HSV-I is usually acquired in childhood, HSV-II in adolescence or early adulthood. In most people is is asymptomatic, or nearly so.
Stay mad, stay wrong.
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Herpes is a Virus, Hiv is a virus too, what if JPV is as dangerous as Hiv? But does not kill the victim in the same rate as Hiv, and is maybe not dangerous YET, but maybe it will soon?
Why contain it?
Who are you?
Oh my god JC a virus!
Not what I ment, just know that you are the same guy
This is not a game, but reality
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This character have an interesting storyline

Like the one I read about Trans humanism


Again, Who are you?
One thing is sure, I believe in both God, and Science, but Trans-humanism is a little bit too much.
You believe in an old man in the sky that can control the entire universe but expanding your brain with artificial neurons is overdoing it?
Well, before I was believing in the Trans Humanism, but then an angle showed up and I could see for my self that God really exist. If you want me to tell you the story, I can, but you I would not tell a such story to someone that would not belive in it. My father who is an engineer, also belive somewhat in god after the event.
Is that so? Was it obtuse or acute?
It was no lack of intelligence at all. I have new theories that may explain how the earth was created. Thats why I want to study, and in the future, prove god.
Judging from your experience I would suggest a geometric proof.
Like the theory what DMT really is, that DMT is the key to our reborning, and our conecction to the spiritual world.

Angles are Energy
God is Energy
You are Energy, but have a body of Dark Matter that is the key to what is Visual


Where is your third eye?
In your brain
What does your Third Eye do? Produce DMT, DMT is the key to the real spiritual world
DMT is your memory and soul. DMT is what makes you YOU
Unfortunately I was born with the terrible defect of only having two eyes so I'm not sure.
How old am I? I'm 18 years old.
And I know alot of stuff, and what I do, is connection science to the more spiritual
The "Third Eye" is not literately the third eye, just a part of your brain called "Pineal Gland"
If your dream, you have no defection with the "Third Eye", Pineal Gland produces DMT while you sleep. You are therefore somewhat connected to the spiritual world when you sleep.
and your mouth produces methane while you are awake
You can fart while you are asleep too.
You only uses 10% of your brain, I did LSD, and it made me think different about the world. I'm no a dumb human begin, I live for profs. I know coding, C#, vb.net, Python. I use Ubuntu 16.04 as an OS. And run Steam OSX.

I'm just saying that God really exists, and I have seen it myself. And I will soon prove my theories mathematically that he exists.

This is an unsure theory by somewhat of how the mathematic was used. But I believe in it.
>So my question is, WHY HAVE I NEVER HEARD ABOUT THIS VIRUS WHEN IT HAVE INFECTED 70%-90% of the humans in this world? What if the virus mutates?
because it causes no effects, no damage, no nothing

its like whining that you have bacteria in you. It sounds like a completely inert virus
Dude lay off the hooch and stop listening to Joe Rogan
You sure?
>Joe Rogan
Never heard of the guy
666 is not the devil number
It's 616
Maybe something to do with him, I don't know yet. But it was a new testament that was found.
Illuminati is the world we live in today, people worship the Devil himself without nowing it.

"The new World Order"

It all leads back to the Egyptian times, when god could interfere with the visable world. The Egyptians meant he could she everything, because infact he could. Illuminati is satanic, and the world today is satanic, because of the Illuminati.

That is "God Particle" what i think he used to create the visible universe
Before the big bang, everything was just spiritual Energy
It's time to put down the keyboard Deepak, 555-DIAL-A-QUACK is no longer in service.
My theory is not stupid(be honest), at the moment it is just a theory, and you are allowed to believe in what you want. But I believe that Illuminati changed the world to believe in Satan, do your research. History, Science, Religion, it all have a connection, everything have. You just have to open your eyes and do your own research.
Also, My theory might change, if a more logical explanation comes up. I live for logic, using the logical and creative part of the brain combined.
You also usually have to flush after expelling that much shite.
>he hasn't played pandemic
>he doesn't understand you keep your virus innocent until you have infected madagascar
Also, Eat Chocolate, Dark Chocolate it increase serotonin, and a high level of serotoin can make you somewhat great social, and smarter.

Well, English is not my main language, I'm Norwegian. Grammar Nazis is somewhat hated. As long as you understand my concept, I'm ok with some grammar mistakes.
The concepts you are spewing are the same new age garbage we've all heard a million times. I'm not sure why you think any of us would be impressed with this utter drivel.

I read that, and it is somewhat possible to die from this Virus.

Well, I have seen an angle for myself, and thats why I mean what I mean. I can't change an option when I have seen things myself?
Before this, I was like you, never would believing that god created the universe. But after seeing things myself, I have a full understanding about this world. You have yours, and I have mine. I just like to share my believes, because it is science, just with some religion inside.
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And if you tell me that my ideas are stupid, thats a lie, because it makes sense.

What if Star Wars was created just for the purpose to get the whole world interesting in the Universe? That also makes sense.
I haven't seen star was yet btw, but please

Argue with some logic, can you please do that?
Then I have right and you wrong, because I make more sense ;)
And can you tell me about and interesting new math that is under creation? I have the website saved, but if I give it out at 4chan, this whole thread gets deleted for no reason. Have tried before
Orgnial japan, but top-english at the end making it readable for me and others.
My INTERNET was also sometimes taken away when i saved documents from the website at my computer, and NLP have something to do with it?
What if I give it out to mass media? I can, and I will if you don't tell me more about it.
Btw if you believe it was aliens, then you are wrong. It was god, not aliens.
its called Xenu theory and it takes the mass of the universe of 1/ayy^lmao squared
Is there somewhere private we can talk?
tubgirl <dot> <com>
>tubgirl <dot> <com>
Stop trolling, you know that my mother works for the papers, and i can easily spread this theory of yours. Maybe worldwide. Just give me something real, so I can talk to you private.
I will not spread this by any change if ofc I can talk you private, I have many questions that IS KILLING ME
Oh yeah well my dad works for Nintendo and he says Mario Dick Wars is coming out for Playstation Zeo next Tuesday
Holy Grail?
World Peace?
The only thing I am asking is to not believe the Devil, but god, as long as that is what you do I am okey with your tough
>a prototype for a much larger system
But more importantly: what do you want?
I want Peace in the world, and not making us to robots. I believe that we will find out the truth about the universe, with ourself and our body as it is. I want to discover new planets, and mysteries in the universe with technology, and not by manipulating our own development. I mean it comes naturally.
We should stay together as the redwood does
In that way we can find out more. Humans is one spices that should work together, not against eatch-other. It might be so much more in the universe we don't know about yet, but we have to stay together.
And we have to belive in God, because he exists. I have seen it myself
I was with you through the discovery and exploration bit, but you're beginning to sound dangerously like a speciesist and frankly, that kind of talk makes me sick-to-my-god-damned-stomach-man.do-you-understand?sick.
If you have something else on your mind, I would gratefully listen, and maybe allow it. For the last 3 or 4 weeks, I have been searching for answers. Trying to make a big picture.

Yes I understand what you mean, if the story of David is ture.
I don't know, but for some weeks ago, it was something happening to me, strange things. But I think I see the bigger picture now. The story when i met an angle; I was telling about all my sins to an angle, after that, another angle, I did it to 4 angles, before I was finally got to call my dad. He picked me up, but it was still left a tons of sins i had done in my life. I saw a big moon, a very big moon.
I regretted so hard for the things I had done in my life. It fixed the relationship between me and my father, and mother. My father is an engineer. And we discuss stuff like this all day.
One thing, the alien, at the Egyptian time was god, and is the same god today. We was led out from, as a people god loved. And he have always learned about us. I believe our Test have been to decide what is wrong or what is right. A true or false test. A 0 or 1 test.
How the fuck do I understand everything now?
Fucking this.
But>>8304362 don't forget, some people don't like the idea and want to get rid of it regardless of harm. Which feeds into >>8304365.
>idk how this thread started but it ended with me learning about DMT and what happens when I die
>Thanks guys i guess this will make tomorrow morning at my fry cook job easier
What if this is a symbiotic relationship?
What if our consciousness is not from human cells at all? And it's actually from the virus, meaning 30% of the population has no consciousness.
stop trying to make thousands of years of real scientific research obsolete with your idiotic unprovable dangerously religious bullshit theories.

wake up you retard, we are not special just more complex lifeforms, you are naive if you think humans wont evolve to or step down for another species.

only a weakling thinks there exist humans of secret knowledge, which practise magic to control us all.

we all have to eat,drink,shit,piss,sleep and die. stop putting strangers on a pedestal just because you are too stupid and are overwhelmed by retarded missinterpretations of physical facts

fucking faggot the only thing making me worship the devil are your retarded posts
Reminds me of Penumbra.

My first thought was, what if this is why 70-85% of the human population is stupid? As though there's missing inside of them? What if it potentiates stupidity?
DNA is a virus.

Why is this surprising? There are probably uncountable viruses and bacteria that we all have in common
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