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How do you reconcile with the fact that you experience infinite

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How do you reconcile with the fact that you experience infinite unconsciousness after you die?
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Existance gets tiresome sometimes at 24. At 80 I figure I'll be ready for the eternal night.
lol I don't care. It's going to be just like my life was before I was born, but I would have left behind my legacy.
I just want to cum and feel good man, is that so much to ask for?
I prefer unconsciousness to consciousness, so I actually welcome the sweet embrace of death. I'd be pissed if reincarnation turns out to be real and I have to relive lifes perils infinitely. That would truly be hell.
No you don't.
There's just nothing.
I've died about...twice.
The last time I felt the warm slip of death and the all consuming nothingness I actually fought my way back from death because I wanted someone to turn off that goddamned loud BEEEEEEP sound.
When I asked the nurse what it was and if she could turn it off she said that it was my heart monitor and no. It needed to stay on. I thnk she said that my heart stopped and that I had died.
Was funny as hell now that I think about it.
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I literally avoid this like the plague because it keeps me from sleeping if I start thinking about it in bed.
>experience unconsciousness
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Do you remember that time between laying in bed and waking up?
It's probably like that
Stop fighting. Death is not bad my friend. Let your consciousness grow toward the unconscious.
So I enter an extra dimensional state of mind where nothing and everything makes since?
Do you remember your great grandfather or his father? Unless you make some groundbreaking discovery, invention or contribution to mankind, you'll be forgotten in 2 generations after your death.
I've experienced the infinite unconsciousness before I was born. It was aight.
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>fitness related
This is why I hate 4chan. So many posters are obsessed with wallowing in misery and depression which drags everyone else down by saturating their minds with negative thoughts. You can't escape it even on more positive boards like fit.

This kind of shit needs to stay on r9k and adv
If you raise a strong family you'll be remembered for hundreds of years. I know the name of the patriarch of my family who moved from Silesia to Gotland in 1360. We had a celebration of 750 years of our family name in Visby in 2010, 300 people from 6 countries attended. I can trace my line back to this man though 28 generations.

If you don't know who your ancestors are, you are probably doomed to be forgotten as well.
Even if reincarnation exists it means you'll start on a blank slate with no recollection of your past life so you wouldn't know.
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>while you exist, your death cannot exist
>when your death exists, you will no longer exist

Why fear what exists when you no longer exist and vice versa
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Well, for starters, I believe there's more after death, and my consciousness will continue on. So there's that. You can tell me I'm wrong, but I won't stop believing it.
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hello dog
The true goal is to not get dragged down by obvious and unavoidable things you pathetic weakling.
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Fucking hell, I was about to go to bed.
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delet this
What's to reconcile that sounds awesome
You won't even know it happens when it happens so what is there to worry about?
It means to accept.
to cause (a person) to accept or be resigned to something not desired:
Poor doggie bad master.
I'm kind of drunk so I don't know how well this will translate.
It's not so much a fact of the afterlife as much as it is what you get to experience. You're entire life could be fucking garbage but there is an infinite amount of (You)'s that got to have a way better time and achieved everything you ever wanted but some weird thing was different to those people (chaos theory, string theory-ish) so everything you've done in this obviously fucked life is irrelevant, enjoy the fact that a perception of yourself got everything you ever wanted. (Don't be a faggot make the best of this roll but still..) even if I kill myself I'm stuck in the inevitable nothing yeah but man. There is a me out there who is killing it at life.
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This. The time before I was born was fairly OK, and better than most of my life, anyways.
>how it feels to chew 5 gum
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I wish I believed in God. Like those people who have an unshakable faith in a higher being. That way at least I'd be happy while I'm living even if God did not exist.
This, you stupid niggers. Stoics would meditate on this fact every day: "you" never experience death, so there is nothing to fear. The state of being dead is permanent unconsciousness and ceasing of bodily functions. The self, who you are, is predicated upon consciousness; if there is no consciousness, there is no you. So, if you are alive, you are you, and if you are dead, there is no you. Thus, you never experience death, so there is nothing to fear. Stoics knew that shit back 2000 years ago
Infinite dimensions hypothesis is untrue. Otherwise there'd be people who figured out how to communicate with or directly influence other dimensions (since there are infinite dimensions with infinite possibilities).
Considering that the MWI of quantum physics is likely the correct one, you probably literally cannot stay permanently dead.
to think a year ago I wanted to kill myself and half-tried to do it, but then this shit still haunts me.

what is the secret to eternal life?
Maybe the smarter dimensions don't want to talk to retards.
That's just wishful thinking. The only way to escape death is through medical and technological breakthroughs that either allow you to extend your life exponentially, or transfer your consciousness into a computer. Neither of which are within our grasp for at least a few more centuries.

We were born too early. All of us are dying. Maybe one of your lucky descendants can experience that.
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If life were infinite, then nobody would aspire to anything.

You could do something tomorrow, or the day after that, or the day after that ad infinitum.

How boring and stupid would that be?

It's the fact that life is limited that should give it meaning and purpose, strive to make an impact so that you're remembered after you're gone, think of how the greatest men have had their names past on, still "living" through their memories and accomplishments.

The probability of you being born in the first place around in 400 trillion, those are the chances of you being plucked out of the void and put on this earth to do what you can with your own life and you waste these insane odds being an existential sadcunt.
It's the other way around
We are all "I" we share the same conscious energy, we have different hardware, which accounts for our memories, feelings, likes, personality etc.

When the hardware dies, then the personality and memory dies with it but the consciousness is universal. We literally are everyone, we only have the illusion of being separate. The fact is, we came from one big bang and continue to be that one big bang for eternity.

(You) exist because (You) must exist, have always existed and will exist for eternity.

Consciousness is existence and cannot die.
you need to face facts and accept it, not wallow negatively in it
It's weird that death is the only thing humans will never be able to understand because nobody who has experienced true death is alive to talk about it. All the living will ever be able to do is speculate. There is no science or invention that can explain death.

They get trapped wallowing in their own nihilism, convinced nothing matters anyway, which gives them justification to not really try to improve their situations day-in-day-out, which feeds more into their nihilism, etc etc etc.
Really I think it's just fear at its core. They fear failure, but not so much to actually put a bullet in their heads and end it all, because they also fear death, rather they lack the courage and character to do anything but live out the meager existence handed to them by their circumstances.

And then they die, because death comes for us all.

But there's still time, yet. Go sort yourselves out and squeeze however much you still can out of the however long you've got on this rock. Create meaning for yourself. My most pessimistic view on all this is, if life is meaningless anyway, you might as well pick a lane and be as happy as you can be in that lane, and try to bring as many people with you along for the ride.
I live life.
Retard alert!
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you're wrong

Thinking your consciousness with preserve when you die is just as fantastical as believing in God. The universe doesn't work that way. Your entire being and sense of 'self' is created by cells in your brain. Guess what happens when those cells die?
A lot of people die momentarily only to be revived at the last minute and they describe it as experiencing nothingness. There is no life after death. People who have been under general anaesthesia (myself included) should have experienced something similar. Your consciousness just ceases to exist.
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>tfw you die all those hours researching perfect form on lifts and routines will just disappear your knowledge of it will no longer be
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>If life were infinite, then nobody would aspire to anything.
seems false, this isn't how desires work, and aspirations are either instrumental to other desires or are desires themselves

people want to do things; in order to do the things one wants to do, one must put himself in a position that enables him to do the things he wants to do

so long as eternal life doesn't somehow entail immediate gratification, which it doesn't, people would keep on wanting things and trying to get them

does your knowledge that you could have steak in December at all diminish your desire to go out for steak on Friday? of course not!
You can't just tell someone they're wrong when you don't even know for a fact anyway. Why were you born when you were?

Maybe you always were and the brain you have now just happens to be in this time frame

Next time you're born you'll have no clue you already were born

You exist because you are existence, we are the one same big bang, we are existence and shall exist forever.
Why haven't we found a way to extend human lifespan to hundreds of years yet? Why aren't we spending all our effort and resources into it? Seems like it'd be the most important human endeavour.
Because retards like you live long enough.
Seriously the stupidest thing I've read in awhile.
What is the most important human endeavour in your opinion then?
Look up Turritopsis dohrnii
It's an immortal jellyfish

There also planterian flat worms that are also immortal

Obviously you can kill them, but with healthy conditions they'll live forever
Not fucking up the balance of life and death
Lobsters too. They are only limited by their shell size otherwise they'll live forever.
Another thing that seems to be biologically immortal are certain plants, like vines. You can propagate them, and keep them alive seemingly forever
Well in an infinite dimensions hypothesis, there would still be universes uncommunicated with by the ones who develop inter-dimensional communication. There will always be one because there are an infinite amount. Maybe we are one of the ones they haven't and never will contact.
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I used to be very religious. I was happier then.
Steak isn't really a good example because it's an example of immediate gratification.

Think about how much people already procrastinate on all sorts of little projects and resolutions, and imagine how much that would be amplified by the reassurance that you could procrastinate indefinitely.
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>Maybe we are one of the ones they haven't and never will contact.
How convenient.
There's only one dimension until proven otherwise. Infinite dimensions is psudo science as it allows for the existence of God, in at least one dimension a God would have evolved and been able to traverse all dimensions of space time, creating life.
I wish I could have a girl to bang.
The best religious picture ever
Yeah but what if we're the ones who are going to develop inter-dimensional contact, and we just haven't figured it out yet?
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You do realize you're a completely different person then when you were a child because of brain development, right? People have changed after losing parts of their brain or getting dementia when older. Most emotions are also created from bodily automatic responses that were dictated by genes/upbringing.

As for reincarnation bullshit, how the hell would you get inside another persons brain from yours? Stop being delusional. Your worth in the universe is as much as an ant.

Day 1
>3x10 meditations on the ephemeral nature of life
>3x5 observing the stillness of decayed corpses (last set you can watch people die)
>3x10 realizing your actions are futile and that no legacy lasts

Day 2
>5x10 substance abuse
Infinite dimensions
Infinite possibility
Infinite time

It would have happened already an infinite amount of time ago.

Maybe that's God
Holy shit there's moar?
I only thought it was one of those once in a life time candid pics that occasionally pop up.
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How could anybody want to die when such beautiful things exist.
I honestly think you're a very weak-minded person if you're afraid of dying.. Geniuses always say casual shit on their deathbeds throughout history because they have the raw intellect to make peace with it
When I tell myself that my dog is waiting for me, death doesnt seem so bad.
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I still havent figured out how to communicate with people.
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ugh, fuck this pretentious mindset.
>why bother working out if you get shot by a crazy guy tomorrow
>why bother trying to get a job if you could die in an accident
>why bother eating healthy if you choke drinking fat-free water
>why bother making friends if they or you can die the next day
>why bother improving if X
Fuck off.
True and false.

The physical aspects of a person can change, the consciousness is universal. The me that i am is also the me that you are

We are the same conscious energy, nothing to do with reincarnation.

It's like a household connected to one power source, 10 computers in the house, each computer with its own hardware and operating system utilizing the same source of power

The computer dies, but the energy that runs it continues on

My worth in the universe is the worth of an ant, and the worth of the universe, for we are the universe
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How long have you been around for?
I like girl butts, is that weird?
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It's normal.
>they describe it as experiencing nothingness
Not true.
>long enough
27 years old here, finally got a gf and it's a whole different experience to love and be loved by someone else in a romantic way. Millions of years of evolution hardwired us to find immense pleasure in this. Solitude is nice but don't let it become your life and miss the train to experience what companionship can provide you with.
>implying that's a good thing
you existence will still be deleted
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Girl breasts are nice too. You like?
This personality will be deleted , I am consciousness and will flow on forever.

There's nothing to gain, nothing to lose, just to be
word just bee urself
that isn't a relevant fact about steak here; the point is that it's something you want; people have desires that can't be immediately gratified, and they pursue them, whether or not they're time-sensitive
Yes, very much!
it's not asking why you should do anything because a freak accident could happen NOW, it's that death is completely inevitable. I don't like the nihilistic "nothing matters lol" shit either but you completely missed the point, apply yourself.
you sound rustled my dear anono
I want to suck on female titties, is that weird? I'm not even a baby anymore
Time happens to go in one direction.
Our desires are about the future. Having your desires spoiled is harmful. Death spoils those desires. And so death harms us.

When ancient philosophers talks about our pre-existence not being bad for us, this is really because times arrow doesn't point that way. We don't mind the time before our birth because we have not considered mourning it.

But if we could live further in the past, this would be good if our past lliving were good. If I found out that I really was born in 1700 and helped fight in the Revolutionary War before somehow losing my memory, these forgotten years would be something I had lost. I'd suffer a harm in not having more past. How could this be if the Ancients were right?

Because times arrows points to the future, and death deprives us of future goods, it is a great harm. Hopefully the afterlife exists.
LOL, no one gives a shit
this is how you always know someone is mad as fuck
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It's definitely normal. One of the best things to do to a human female.
>Our name will be forgotten in time, and no one will remember our works; our life will pass away like the traces of a cloud, and be scattered like mist that is chased by the rays of the sun and overcome by its heat
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>rather they lack the courage and character

I realized that partially thanks to 4chan's nihilistic nature. Honestly I feel like otherwise I would go through life drifting, never fully aware of whats happening around me. I too once had normies around me telling me thats everything is A OK', rationalizing status quo 24/7.

The downside is that Im now unhappy and conscious of it. Maybe doing something about it will give me some sense of control over my life.
>I feel like otherwise I would go through life drifting

if only I had the courage
To sleep, perchance to dream – ay, there’s the rub;
For in that sleep of death what dreams may come
When we have shuffled off this mortal coil
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>what is the secret to eternal life?
Technological advancement.
>tfw hungry as fuck and that food is more appetizing than her tits
>He died in 1700, childless and heirless, with all potential Habsburg successors having predeceased him.

lol nice
i'm pretty sure this is what happens

over an infinite amount of time everything will happen

infinite time is what you have on either end of your birth and death.

so naturally you will awaken again in some random consciousness. Eventually every consciousness.

If you get deep into hindu philosophy this is basically the reconciliation between the Atman and Brahman
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you can have both bro
b-but I'm cutting anon
yeah, I had a similar thought, but it just isn't true that over an infinite amount of time everything will happen; it's perfectly conceivable that nothing happens for an infinite amount of time, or that the same event recurs for an infinite amount of time, etc., etc.
Consciousness is just a chemical reaction in your brain. When you die, the chemical reactions stop and your consciousness ceases to exist.
infinite is bigger than you think if you think it's conceivable for nothing to happen over infinite time

our own universe is proof positive against that hypothesis
>believing in something without any evidence for comfort
are you that afraid of death, anon?
What if the universe just keeps restarting at the end and you'll have to live out this shitty life each time?
Energy is not created or destroyed, only transfered. So hopefully your concious energy gets smeared across the universe. Maybe one day it will find its way to another meat vehicle.

I am foaming at the mouth.
my consciousness emerged from the void once
that's good enough for me to assume it will do so again
I get more sad thinking about people I know dying than myself.
>he thinks the idea of living every possible experience is comforting

it's fucking vertigo inducing
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But don't you guys believe in rebirth? Well, technically it's equivalent to dying because you wont (in most cases) have any memories of your previous lives and it's like you're living for the first time. Just as scary as being dead forever in that sense. Most if not all non-semitic religions have this idea of an eternal life cycle of some kind
I experienced unconsciousness when I pass upright in my chair in front of my desktop but I don't care much about it, other than dread.
I don't think you've quite thought this through; consciousness persists throughout time even though a huge variety of things happen in your brain—what is responsible for this persistence? Even if you think your consciousness is bound up with the particles that make up your brain, his thesis, if true, would hold, because eventually, some billions of years after you die, those very particles would become arranged again so as to be conscious. And because you were unconscious for the interim, it appears to you that no time has passed at all.

unfortunately not, though I sympathize with your agenda. It's perfectly conceivable, for instance, that a Groundhog Day loop occurs, no? And this could go on for infinity, couldn't it? If not, what makes that impossible?

Consider an analogy to your point with regard to space—even more obviously false: the claim that it's logically impossible that an infinite space be entirely blue.

One can't experience unconsciousness, what do you think these two words mean?
If that's the case then there'd be people with memories of their past lives.
continuity of consciousness isn't the same thing as integrity of memory, right?
we assume that people who experience memory loss are the same subjects they were before the incident, no?
is she really that tantalizing?
Your conscious is made from your brain, anon. After death it then breaks down into proteins food for critters or burned and turned into ash/other kinds of energy. How would you end up in another body?
Nofap does stuff to the mind. Its better than what I was before. I will make it one day.
not really
also loads of people claim to have memories of past lives
>It's perfectly conceivable, for instance, that a Groundhog Day loop occurs, no? And this could go on for infinity, couldn't it?
there's an idea that "some infinities are larger than other infinities"

so you can have an infinite groundhog day loop universe existing as part of a subset of all universes.
You can even have an infinite number of slightly different infinitely looping groundhog day universes all as a subset of possible universes
>we assume that people who experience memory loss are the same subjects they were before the incident, no?
in a legal sense, yes, but in a philosophical sense "no man steps in the same river twice"
>tfw almost a published novelist
>tfw going to use a pen name so that I'll never be remembered as me
I have the ability to be potentially infinitely remembered and I'm shutting all over it just because I can. Am I alpha yet?
that's why I dabble in esoteric
if it turns out to be true, then it is a win
if not, then I just lost some time that I would probably spent on some other retarded shit, so no loss there
that's not what that idea means. Here's a link that explains it well: http://www.math.grinnell.edu/~miletijo/museum/infinite.html

> so you can have an infinite groundhog day loop universe existing as part of a subset of all universes.
>You can even have an infinite number of slightly different infinitely looping groundhog day universes all as a subset of possible universes

The issue here is that what you need to be in a single universe in which everything possible happens; it's not enough that alternate universes exist in which everything possible happens, because things don't and can't switch from universe to universe
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how 2 get musclebound braphog gf
over infinite time a universe can reorganize itself in infinite configurations in addition to the possibility of there being multiple universes
tell me more anon, what are you writing about?
I have no reason to believe my conscious energy or whatever it may be couldnt find another human brain to inhabit sooner or later. It's done it at least once hasnt it, could happen again and depending on how it works it might happen inevitably, we dont fucking know
>>39559300 what is esoteric
no, in a philosophical sense, we also think that the fact that someone hasn't remembered an event doesn't imply that he wasn't the same person who experienced the event

your room mate walks into your room and tells you that he blacked out last night; you object: "impossible! without integrity of memory, one can't have continuity of consciousness! thus, it wasn't really you who blacked out"
what if you're mixed with other people?
it was really him but it was different hims
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Women like this makes me wish I had a twelve foot long prehensile tongue so I can blast it up her ass and stir up her guts.
That makes my brain hurt
yes it can, absolutely, but the issue is that for your argument to go through, it's not sufficient that the universe you exist within *can* reorganize itself in infinite configurations; you need it to be the case that it *must*
and unfortunately, it appears there's no more likelihood that it will adopt all possible configurations than that it will adopt some small subset of them
you roll a die six times and you have only a 1/6th of each possible outcome (one through six) being represented, and this is what's required for your reincarnation to be assured, except that instead of having six sides, the die we're speaking of has virtually infinite: the chances of all possible configurations being manifested is actually infinitessimal
what is google
anyhow, I am looking into Castaneda-related stuff at the moment
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You can still appreciate her body with your inadequate human tongue, my friend.
absolute sophistry
That's where you're wrong. The universe is not infinite and thus cannot survive infinite time. Our galaxy will die one day and so will every other.
>tfw there are probably better universes than ours
>tfw there are even better planets than ours
dubious, but he's wrong otherwise for reasons I laid out
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fuck, why did I read this thread?
nihilism is not the answer bois
I don't know bro, I kinda like my life.
Just YA genre fiction. Easy reading fantasy story with a female protagonist who seems strong at first and then fucks everything up because she doesn't want to save the world she's just trying to rescue her kidnapped sister. I'm trying to find a good editor and copywriter atm, everyone I've talked too so far has given me really average preview and keeps blowing smoke up my ass about how good the first few chapters are. I've published flash fiction and a short story before and have been asked to send in more of my writing to a few mags so I'm confident that someone will pick my manuscript up, I just want it to be really really good first.
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wrong pic lol
We will live through our children and our actions.
>How do you reconcile with the fact that you experience infinite unconsciousness after you die?

by leaving your mark on the world

easiest way is by having kids
The problem with this quote is that we do not have a choice. We can't choose to "have or do whatever we want" at the expense of death. Death is thrust upon us. It is the inevitable outcome for every living creature and many live very unfortunate lives before their end.

You should absolutely pursue the most pleasure while you can even though it all becomes meaningless at death. What is the alternative? A shit life followed by meaninglessness at death. Enjoy what you can while you can.
>life is meaningless
>point of life is the find meaning
how do i do it brahs
lol that's obviously not how meaning works big boi

if life went on indefinitely would your pursuits be rendered meaningful? obviously not. so your pursuits aren't, your life isn't, meaningless simply because you're going to die. if it's meaningless, that's on you
all you have to do is care about something more than you care about yourself

find God if you like, have kids if not, fall in love with a person, with people, with the world, you'll be fine
If life went on indefinitely then meaning would come from the continued existence itself regardless of pursuits. Existence can be seen as a sort of meaning anon.
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ooh look, it's humpty dumpty, words mean what he says they mean!

think more, homie
It won't find another human brain to inhabit. It will however drift towards the overarching consciousness of the universe (aka God) and reunite with it, as it once was, before the Big Bang. If you've been a bad boy, this might take some time or might never happen and you might find your consciousness wondering aimlessly for a very very long time in a nightmare you can't get out of (aka Hell).

Also why is this on /fit/?
It's like when you sleep, you aren't conscious. When you die, you won't even realize that you are dead. You'll become nothing, and the world around you will keep going without you. It's quite peaceful if you ask me.
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I think it is you who needs to think more friendo
but you just showed that it isn't peaceful—that it isn't *anything* qualitative

I agree. Eternal life and consciousness sounds pretty exhausting.
You just transcend into a high dimension. Not sure how high you go. Kind of like being uploaded from your body suppose. The good and bad of that is that you become one with everything else there. You have the thoughts and expeireinces, pain etc of anyone who has ever lived and died..
dude I gave you a one sentence thought experiment, you didn't even go through it, I'm just trying to help this philosophically illiterate board out
What thought experiment did you give me exactly? Do you mean the one that I responded to?
I meant peaceful because that's how I feel about death at this moment. I'm not depressed or suicidal, I just like the idea that there is one.
It is, though it would be interesting to be alive forever... you get to see how our technologies, politics, and other things evolve. But it would be tiring.
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>spend years as a shitty neet
>wish I was dead every day
>decide to change
>get job, get fit, start reading and get friends
>suddenly find myself worrying that I'll die before I reach my prime
>lose sleep over the concept of not existing more often than not
How do normal people not worry about this shit?
We don't know what happens after you die. There is no evidence that shows there's just nothing.
They don't. Normies gonna norm, or come to terms with what they can't change before they're 16.
you didn't respond to it at all, you gave a pseudo-response that evinced a total failure to engage with the suggestion

you find out tomorrow that your life will go on indefinitely; is that the end of your existential angst? has it been imbued with meaning? to the contrary, existing forever as a finite being seems like a near-perfect recipe for huge swaths of meaninglessness; whether your life has meaning is, in the case of immortality, just as in the case of immortality, dependent on what you are like and on what your life is like

[x which is not meaning] can really be its own kind of meaning is not an adequate response—if you take it seriously, you aren't finding traction with the prompt
That stance is actually a logical fallacy called the Argument from Ignorance.
*just as in the case of mortality, ie regular life
"formal fallacies" exist because each of them descends from a legitimate form of argument

also, that's not what the Argument from Ignorance fallacy is; that's when someone asserts that a claim is true because it hasn't been proven false

that's almost precisely the opposite of what this dude just did
Think of it this way: the physical world is infinite in time and space.

It has always existed and will always exist.

Therefore: the chances of your consciousness coming back at some point are also infinite.
I already treated this, scroll up:
Lol? Don't you get it? Don't you get it! No amount of atoms are unique! There's no "superconsciousness" aka god that will pick up your consciousness after you die! After you die the substances, building blocks you were built from scatter and are used to build other things. But there's nothing to fear. Death isn't "infinite" because it's not something you experience. It's the end, not the beginning of an infinite end.
>stop being such a downer
>"wow u r rustled"
Why have everything you want in a day when you can have it for a lifetime?
Anons argument was that there is no evidence that shows there is just nothing after death, therefore we don't know, and by proxy there might be something after death.


There might be something after death because there is no evidence that shows there is just nothing after death (because it has not been proven false).

That sounds a lot like the Argument from ignorance, a claim bing true because it has not been proven false, to me.
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I am applying myself. That's the difference between you and me. You are in denial about holding the nihilistic mindset (you are, faggot) whereas I am enjoying the journey and will embrace death when it comes, hoping to have made my stay on this planet worth something.
>Applying yourself
>Posting on an American anime image board
Never gonna make it
Oh please, this is essentially an underground Facebook group at this point. Been browsing since 08 and that's all its ever been.
The chances of it happening are indeed infinitesimal, but time is infinite.
Permanent sleep? A surprise to be sure but a welcome one
the *might* is why it isn't an instance of the supposed fallacy you named, (though, just to note, an argument's being an instance of a formal fallacy doesn't imply it isn't valid, for the reason I just mentioned).

Do you see how the "might" works? That's a completely legitimate and valid move: if we have no reason to believe something is impossible, well then ipso facto we have reason to believe that it is possible, and thus his statement, which is really a tiny little claim pointing out that something that we all thing is logically possible is logically possible, is justified

the infinitesimal chance isn't multiplied by the infinity of time to get certainty; it's infinitesimal in total, please try to reread
>the infinitesimal chance isn't multiplied by the infinity of time to get certainty; it's infinitesimal in total, please try to reread
I don't think you understand the nature of time.
oh god, please just try to reread, please
As time increases, the chances of something unlikely also increase.
But it wouldn't really matter if that was the case or not. You could be the the third rearrangement of a person in this very moment and it'd be the exact same as if you were a first arrangement of a person. With no memories of your past, it wouldn't be an experience of "omg, im being reborn", it'd just be another consciousness put into another newly wombed brain. Whether or not you ever get to exist again doesn't matter because the chemical connections in your brain is what creates consciousness. So even if someone on earth took your corpse, broke it down and used the atoms that built you up to make a clone of you right after you died, it STILL wouldn't be "your" consciousness, it'd be a brand new one
let's see if this helps

imagine the whole universe is frozen in time; now imagine it stays this way forever

there you go; infinite time without infinite occurrences

if this is logically impossible, please explain by what mechanism

I know this is a tempting way to see it, but this is a probablistic oversimplification and not, as you can see, how the world actually works
no, if it were inevitable that all possible events and configurations of the universe would come to pass, one configuration would eventually come to pass in which the stuff that makes up you reforms in a way just such that not only is this new being/brain continuous in consciousness with you, but it also has your memories; that's a logical possibility, and if all logical possibilities must inevitably come to pass, which is what they're arguing, that would inevitably come to pass

of course, it isn't the case that all logical possibilities would inevitably come to pass in infinite time, because this isn't how things work
>imagine the whole universe is frozen in time; now imagine it stays this way forever
Why would the whole universe freeze?

As we speak I'm trying to find the right mental gymnastics to rebut your argument which must necessarily be flawed.
>it isn't the case that all logical possibilities would inevitably come to pass in infinite time
Infinite time, anon.

i n f i n i t e
I shared your view for most of my life, but some experiences that I've had in the last several years + finding out about the theories of people like Rupert Sheldrake + reading up on various religions (the more esoteric parts of them, not the technical and ritualistic aspects) changed how I view things forever.

Sorry, but I cannot look at the universe anymore and think it's all randomness without purpose. The universe being conscious in some way is what makes much more sense to me.
yeah I'm sorry dude, I found solace in precisely the same argument you've presented for years; unfortunately, as I hope you can see now, it rests on a false premise
I reconcile with it via the fact that either there is no life after death, in which case what I do here has no meaning, because I already feel that everything is the same, and it doesn't matter if I experience it or not, or that there is life after death.
Essentially I don't feel it's worth it to keep existing in a world without absolute truth/God, because I had my share of worldly pleasures and don't really care about them anymore.
okay bud, this is getting a little frustrating, let me try to give one more illustration of where you're going wrong

imagine things freeze, nothing happens, the configuration that the universe is now in sticks in place
and now imagine it stays that way forever, which is to say for infinite time

so, again, there you go: you have a universe in which infinite time elapses without infinite configurations manifesting

the issue here, I think, is that you're assigning an infinitesimal, non-zero probability to each possible configuration, and then you're multiplying that by the infinite number of configurations (time-slices, let's say) that would elapse over infinite time, to get, of course, certainty: you're concluding that it's certain that each of these possible configurations would manifest itself, and you need to conclude this for your argument to work.

the issue is that the logical possibility represented by the non-zero infinitessimal value you've assigned to each of these configurations doesn't correspond to the actual class of outcomes given by the infinite time slots, because in fact, many, many of the logically possible configurations should actually be assigned a probability of zero, and we have no way of knowing which ones are which
Why would things freeze?
I have no idea, all we need is that it's logically possible that they could, and that they could then remain that way—if you'd prefer not to think about the configuration remaining static, take a loop instead, a groundhog day type deal, or whatever
it's merely to illustrate the point that, even if things continue to happen, it isn't the case that every possible configuration must manifest itself; there is no such restriction, and without it, the kind of reincarnation you've suggested is extremely unlikely—the odds are, again, infinitesimal
If you want to hear something comforting listen to this.
Everything you do now, MATTERS while you still exist. Just because you do a miniscule nice thing like brighten up someones day,improve yourself, etc, won't have any meaning at all in a hundred years, doesn't mean it has no meaning now.
How I cope is
1. Death is probably the ultimate end, but there's nothing scary, uncomfortable or bad with BEING dead.
2. Death is irrelevant when you're alive because all the thing you do in life matter in YOUR life as long as you're still alive, and when you're dead, it's over, so death is entirely irrelevant to your existance.
3. There's nothing you can do to stop death. Worrying about it does no more good for you than worrying about other things you have no control over in life, like your plane crashing or you catching an extremely rare disease. If it happens, it happens. No amount of worrying will change that.

And who knows? Maybe living a long satisfying life where you reached all your goals will make you more accepting of death when you're old? All you wanted to do, you did, and while being old and alive is nice, it's fine that one day you're gone too. You were pretty much done in life anyway.
You're talking about a permanent and universal condition. Might as well say "imagine space and time disappear".
this can be switched around, why be afraid of failure if nothing matters anyway? acid made me realise that i am a conscious part of the universe and my death will mean nothing to it
I'm sure everyone is going to remember the fat weeb who jacked off in his basement to traps on 4chan. Maybe they can change their family crest to a green frog just for you.
again, that was an illustration of the point that there is no restriction that entails that across infinite time, every possible configuration must be manifested; now that we know that the restriction is false, you can see how time could and would (extremely) likely proceed as it normally does without manifesting every conceivable configuration
Nice bait
It's not an illustration, it's a complete reversal of the basic condition of space and time.
not at all; so long as any repitition in configurations is possible, which it is, and which it must be for the reincarnation you've suggested to be possible, it's possible for one configuration to be repeated over and over, timeslice by timeslice
again, if you don't like that example, pick any of the others I've given
good goy, live in your existential box and never face the reality of your conciousness
I'd do it because I'd know that even if I won't remember, I was just a day ago the happiest man alive

have you done acid before? i came to the realisation that "I" am just an extension of the universe which in a way makes me the universe and we all share the same conciousness
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Because I'll finally join him and leave humanity behind
Time freezing is not an option with infinite time.
How original. Almost as cliche as the 'stoner bro' weed lmoa
it's not time itself that freezes, "time freezes" is an idiom we use to describe the world's freezing, ie the world's repeating the same configuration over and over
jesus christ dude, I thought I was arguing with a few people simultaneously, and now I've realized that I've been trying to explain a single point to one not very smart dude for like an hour

please just think about it a little more, you'll get it sitting in traffic some day
Why would basic matter freeze?
time is a dimension of this universe. The Universe is not eternal. Thus time cannot go on infinitely. Anything else you say is just assumptions that you can't prove.
I'm just a sophisticated biological machine as far as I'm concerned. Don't really have any feelings about dying or being "off" if you will.

I spent a week unconscious in the hospital.

I assure you it's nothing like sleeping.
matter doesn't need to freeze, there only needs to be a restricted range of configurations that it cycles through, like the groundhog day case; and if the groundhog day case is too strange, then why is it any less strange that the atoms that compose your brain should come together to form another, presumably billions or more years later? that's just groundhog day on a longer timescale
so you're betting on the existence of repetition, yet you're failing to see that that very repetition makes it extremely unlkely that every possible configuration stuff should be manifested

you're missing the point by such a wide margin it's almost impressive, but if time isn't infinite, all the better for my argument, which is only that the infinity of time would not entail or even imply that all possible configurations of stuff would eventually manifest, and thus the physicalist reincarnation suggested this guy and others isn't remotely likely, much less inevitable
>why is it any less strange that the atoms that compose your brain should come together to form another, presumably billions or more years later?
That's my point though.
*configuration of stuff
>you're missing the point by such a wide margin
lol. you've missed my point. You're entire argument shouldn't even exist. You assumed that time is infinite. I just told you it isnt. So you're wrong. And as a result, you don't know when you thought you did.
what experiences it?
Optimal progression. Gains questionable...
I obviously understand your point, try to reread what I've written

my argument was, as I just laid out, one with a conditional conclusion: (even) if time is infinite, it is not necessarily the case that all possible configurations of stuff would eventually manifest
I didn't assume anything about the infinitude of time—do you see the difference?
go to bed nietzsche
everything is a chemical reaction. the real question is why you are able to experience life and not just rect to it like an animal
>(even) if time is infinite
I understand what you're saying, but I'm gonna be a little more clear.
Time can't EVEN be infinite. That's like saying: EVEN if a circle could have 3 sides.
It's not ontological.
what if we all share the same universal consciousness but are only different due to brain chemistry/experiences/memories stored in our physical bodies
>The Universe is not eternal.
Why not?
you utter fucking idiot, there's nothing analytic or otherwise necessary about the sentence "time isn't infinite"; if time isn't infinite, that's a contingent ffact about the kind of world we live in, which is easy to discern by conceiving of forever
also, I should point out that time's having a beginning doesn't suggest it isn't infinite, and particularly since the matter at hand is predictive (does life go on after corporeal death?), the only sort of infinitude we're worried about, the only kind that needs to be possible, is infinity of future (not of past)
im just saying that a lot of people feel a "oneness" with the universe on acid, its a very surreal and peaceful thing
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fitness included's mental well-being you pleb

>Caffeine gives you jitters
>Heroin calms you down
>Meth keeps you awake

I'm ok with it.
Infinite unconsciousness seems comfy as fuck.
i dunno bro sounds comfy. get infinite rest period for my gains for eternity.

being high on acid helped me realise my true being in life
I think people cannot truly comprehend nothingness, void. I think intelligent people get closer to this and the closer we come to the idea the more terrifying it is

Ceasing is against everything you can ever know. Life is struggle, movement. The opposite of it should terrify you.

I try not to think about it. I think the best option we currently have is to live healthy, eat well, and take care of ourselves in hope of options brought on by techology to extend life or cease death
If you think immortality would be boring (it wouldn't, at least until humanity reached perfection and/or annihilated itself) I'd rather be bored than not be.
I'm kinda brainlet to understand this, is this a suicide is bad post? or a who cares do what you want and suicide post?
>worrying about something that you 'll never experience
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I'd do mine over; I think I got a lot of it right.

It's a

"Nothing matters unless it's eternal"


so basically kill urself
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Ancestor fetishes are just fear of the dark. Being remembered doesn't matter; only thing that matters is living a virtuous life in the now. It's to the same effect and you don't sound like a nutbar who's turned to /pol/ to cope with his paralyzing character defects.

Virtue is a product of legacy and the desire to be well regarded in life and death so ancestor worship is necessary for a virtuous society


Wanting and accepting reality are two different things. You have to make the best of what time you have. So go forth like a champ and tap that ass so you can spend the rest of your life being raped in prison like you deserve, ya fucking pedo.
You have a near death experience that forces you to reason through the fear and reach peace. Get out and live more; play in traffic.
No it doesn't you fucking child. The board was changed from "Mental Health and Fitness" for this exact reason. Emo losers kept fagging up the board with their issues instead of more pertinent mental health topics, like developing better study habits.

Now, go to the rules page. Go look up the rules for this forum. There are only a few. Go read those few rules, realize how this topic doesn't fall in line with this board, and then eat a dick.

I personally don't give a shit what gets posted here, I just don't like when smartasses like you tell everyone something is designed for a purpose that it clearly isn't.
Virtue is an aspiration to guide your conduct, so that you can become better, and make the world better for the rest of us, while we're in it...
When you die an infinite amount of time will pass in an instance, enough time that the events that lead to your existence in the first place might happen again and you will be reborn.
because i don't remember them lol

I like to think of it as a permanent nap. I like naps.
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should be illegal to train in thot's clothes.
Well, i have this life, gotta make the best out of it.
Why would i fear the inevitable? Even if death isnt the end, its surely going to be the end of anything i can think of as "me" anyway. I will reap the fruits of life and experience its sorrows and when my body will be too damaged and my mind will start to wither away, i will welcome darkness with open arms, for i have took everything i could take from life.
*i have taken
English isnt my native language.
fuck off, faggot
>after you die
STOP WORRYING ABOUT WHAT HAPPENS AFTER DEATH. chances are you'll probably have a lot of time there to think about it, if not then its not worth talking about it. life on the other hand is limited. grab life by the balls and go live
I think our brains create an eternal paradise for us when we die, which compresses the experience of an infinite amount of years into the last seconds of our life.

Kind of like a last dream but you never wake up.
>you will never experience space travel
>you will never witness an alien civilization
>you will never know how the universe works at its most fundamental level
Green text?
My life is pretty shitty anyway. So I could care less.
being dead and alive have on thing in common: ignorance of the opposite experience. in a way, it doesn't matter as a matter of fact whether youre dead or alive
lol mods loloololololol
You really think having kids is the greatest achievement you can leave behind...?
Every living thong on the planet does this, this isnt special in any way and doesnt leave any mark on this earth
Life is infinite. The personality is not.
>other people are starting to post these now

I know it's been nearly 10 hours but god speed anon.
This is simple.

Until you die you are immortal. You can not experience death and will only ever experience what it is to be alive. Worrying about death is to worry about something that will never happen to you.

We all know that death happens eventually but a single person can never experience their own death and after it happens they will have no recollection of their death or their life.

You are literally worrying about something that can never "happen" to you.
It doesn't bother me any.
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picture related to how i feel about it op
the reason to keep living is that you will not exist forever anyway. The alternative to living is absolute redundancy.
Of course a despicable human being will say with such certainty that our lives are a mundane freak accident and we are nothing more then stardust that gained consciousness.

In all actuality, we aren't ready as a civilization to meet our maker. When God gave us the opportunity by coming into contact through him we ended up destroying his vessel.

We are not ready for a being that is more perfect then we can comprehend when we as a race are too busy caught in petty triviliaties delivering ourselves into evil and damnation everywhere we go.

God is patient and also knows that we are going to bring ourselves into damnation for good, and when the 25th hour strikes, he will come again to lead is into salvation
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I misread this as 'infinite consciousness'. Same thing, really.
Hedonism by itself doesn't give you a purpose, though. It's just using pleasure as a way to escape your fear of facing reality. It's why normies like to go to parties and fuck around.

The only thing you can do is create your OWN purpose, but that is not an easy thing to do.
You couldn't care less. If you could care less that means you still care a little.
Everyone who isn't ok with being unconscious forever is a normie. Why? Because robots can barely stand the soul crushing agony of being conscious with their past, present and future experiences. Normies want to stay conscious because they love life and they love living it.
you won't
I don't care, after all i won't feel anything.
I don't know, pham. It's better than going to hell, but just in case I'm gonna have a mausoleum that opens from the inside.
>having no counterargument
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