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>at the register >she doesn't say hi >realize she

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>at the register
>she doesn't say hi
>realize she must've already said hi and I missed it
>realize she must think I ignored her
>panic internally
I always say TOO much at the register. Stuttering and asking how their day is and thanking them profusely...
>tfw she says hi to everyone except you for some reason
>tfw can't gauge the volume of own voice
There's thing one old bitch that does this to me. I always make sure to greet her with extra politeness just to piss her off.
>at the register
>say nothing, say "hi" if the cashier said it
>say thanks when all is done
no fucks given
I used to get stressed as fuck at the register so iktf, but stop giving a fuck, they service hundreds if not thousands of people a day, do you think they give a fuck about 1 random customer?
>Complain to management consistently, get her disciplined consistently and eventually fired.
>become a mystery shopper.
>give everyone terrible ratings unless they're super nice to you.
>at the register
>say nothing, say "hi" if the cashier said it
>say thanks when all is done
This is exactly what I do. But not returning a "hi" is rude.
Also I have never gotten stressed about it lmao dude get your head checked.
>they service hundreds if not thousands of people a day, do you think they give a fuck about 1 random customer
I don't give a fuck about 1 random customer. I care about 1 very specific customer, me.
Just because it's not a personal insult that haunts her my mother raised me to have manners.
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God... is this for real?
I'm pathetic and afraid of judgement and hatred and anger, so yes, it is real.
I don't believe your story. If you were pathetic and afraid wouldn't you barely mumble a word?
I get overwhelmed and feel like I need to say SOMETHING or else the cashier will judge and hate me. Then I end up saying too much.
I worked retail and developed opinions about regulars, yes.
Unless you do something egregious we've seen worse. But if you just pay for your shit and keep the line moving we didn't really care.
Coupons, welfare checks, smelly customers, people who buy a fucking months worth of groceries in one go or crazy developmentally disabled ones were hated.

One time I had a guy come through the line and buy just an entire crate of condoms. The biggest box of condoms on the planet earth. You'd expect this to be at Costco or something. Hilarious on its own but then he said the price wasn't right so I had to go run a price check on this giant ass box of condoms. Dude just poker faced it the entire time. I was dying trying to keep my shit together.
The guy didn't look like he'd be the type to use a lifetime supply of condoms, this added to the comedy.
I got the price, the system was right, he was wrong. He decided not to buy it and left.
Part of me has always thought this was like a behavioural therapy task or a sociology assignment because this guy was so unconfidently confident about it.
Was it one of those stores where you announced the price check over an intercom like in American comedies or did you just have to type it into the computer?
No, I had to physically take the box and go to the condom aisle look for the price tag and check it.
Meanwhile everyone in line just waited behind this dude who I have to imagine wouldn't have turned around to face them for anything in the world.
they are told to be polite by their boss, so its not genuine anyways

you didnt miss anything crucial
I was just wondering if it he was trying to play some sort of prank. Having "I need a price check on a thousand condoms" sound over the intercom would be pretty funny.
>female cashier doesn't say hi or make eye contact with me
>stands there expecting me to bag the groceries
>say "uh, you gonna get that"
>she gives me a nasty face but does it
>complain to her manager on way out
Non-autistic people don't need to be told to be polite to be polite when interacting with other people.
It didn't seem like it. Usually pranksters have either a shit eating grin way about them, or they go full retard and feign ignorance. And there are generally friends there with them.
He seemed unsteady, was alone, and didn't say anything out of the ordinary until the price came up. He seemed serious enough to be serious without being totally detached from the situation like a prankster would be, if that makes sense.
There was still a twinge of anxiety below the poker face like he had chips in the game and wasn't just trolling.
Which is why I thought maybe it was for therapy or a class social experiment.
>Non-autistic people don't need to be told to be polit
please, its typically autists that put in the effort to be polite, take OP's post for example.
people dont have the time or energy to be nice to others, you gotta keep the system moving nice and smoothly for them bigbux to keep coming
A man who is friends with everyone is friends with no one.
Overly polite people are always autistic or beta in some way. Legitimately autistic people are annoying as fuck and don't know when to shut up about their stupid thoughts and hobbies. Normal people are often disliked by many they interact with but interacted with nontheless.
t. autism

Being polite doesn't make the world move any slower, and regular workers don't give a shit if they could up the company efficiency by 5% by skipping courtesies. People's primary motivation is life is personal happiness. Working in a friendly atmosphere increases their personal happiness.
when I bought wine and condoms the female cashiers were smiling at me and joking with me(not at me)

the girl ended up being a disgusting druggy though so I tricked her into leaving
>Saying "hi" and "thank you"
>Overly polite
t. autism
you must not be from nyc, its a dark world over here
Not from NYC but I am from a major city. I don't know my neighbours names, the cashier at the corner store doesn't recognize me etc. And I love being anonymous in crowds, could never live in a small town.

A basic level of courtesy and politeness is still expected of people. No one demands you do it, but it makes life more enjoyable for you and everyone around you. I won't initiate conversations with strangers but I do say please and thank you because my mother raised me right.
>not only shopping at shops with self service
>paying the same to get less service
If I wanted to scan items I'd get a job as a cashier.
im gonna save you the spiel and just say that NO ONE in nyc has the time for that bs. you try to polite to someone, and theyll look up from their phones for one second, give you a fake smile, say thanks, and then straight down on their phones again continuing on for their day.

i swear, you come off as too polite, people will think your weird or that youre trying to get something out of them. the only polite people in nyc are those petitioners and notice how there is nobody around them despite them being in the middle of the block.
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I can never look a cashier in the eyes. I always just sperg out and look into groceries and try to fuck off as fast as possible. I can feel them looking at me and thinking I'm retarded. Fuck i hate being a sperg make it stop pleaseeeeee
>then straight down on their phones again
Why should I feel an urge to be more like stimulant addicted teenagers? Just because something is common doesn't mean you have to mimic it, anon. And having common manners is never looked down upon even if they were getting rarer.
>too polite
We're still talking about "hi", "please" and "thank you" here.
OP's an idiot, its literally no task to say please and thank you. its ingrained in out culture, most of the times we dont mean the shit, we just say it so we dont offend eachother.

im talking going out of your way to help someone else. im talking about what you say AFTER please and thank you, which in nyc, means that you say absolutely nothing.

and it doesnt necessarily have to mean that youre addicted to your phone, im sure people are, but when i mentioned it, i meant that people are busy with work related stuff, family, friends.
>paying the same for something you don't want
Would you really rather have to talk to a cashier than scan the shit yourself?
>im talking going out of your way to help someone else. im talking about what you say AFTER please and thank you
Well that I agree with, but if you look at where we started
It was never about making small talk or offering to carry someones groceries to their car. It was about "hi" and "thank you" which that anon said is for autists.
Talk to a cashier.
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