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Is there any saving dead memes from dying? Can they be revived?

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Is there any saving dead memes from dying? Can they be revived?

Pic relate. How to kill a meme 101.
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I am more pissed off about my precious tradition becoming nothing more than a meme for edgy imbeciles.
nice plug faggot

>a meme for edgy imbeciles.
You just described fascism. It's even higher than communism on the autism scale.
We all know chads are leftists
I didn't know that. Care to explain?
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No he isn't. Chad is smart and therefore ancap. Chad thrives in the ancap world where only the fittest survive.
This is probably true actually. Chad would be best suited to a free for all savage society.
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Only virgins need to be coddled and babysat by the state.

>listens to (((TRS)))
Nope. Chad exists only because he is in his element in a society of law and order. If we were ruled by the laws of nature, we'd absolutely destroy all these chad fucks and take their harems because there's more of us.
You guys are the only group of people in the world who complain about your marginalization in society, yet makes militant tier moves to make sure that you stay that way and beyond. I don't think you guys appreciate the power that memes hold over the blob of manimals called modern society. If they already thought betas were faggots, shit like this, made by YOU >>38982035 certainly isn't helping things. In fact, you're all probably viewed as less than human at this point. Good job.
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I don't complain about my marginalization by society. Never have. I don't really give a fuck about people on /r9k/ or the normies. This is just my method of having fun. Btw I didn't make the pic bruh.
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TRS is a lot better than Jordan Peterson
>more of us
Nope. The normies belong to Chad.
Spitting image of a chad if I do say so myself.
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>when discover meme magic is a poison chalice
Jordan Peterson doesn't even believe in the nation, why would a fascist listen to him?
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holy fuck do not go to that instagram account. absolute reddit incarnate, including shit tier emoji memes and 4chan screencaps.
I always find it funny how nationalists and fascists praise Western warriors, intellectuals and leaders but never excel in any of those disciplines. Fascism is really a self-help gibberish for emasculated virgins.
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virgin islands vs chad republic.jpg
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The "virgin vs chad" meme died pretty quickly after being created, honestly. It was long dead before it reached instragram. The first one was funny because when it exaggerated the opposite of that "virgin walk" picture, it was unexpected. The joke was that Chad did ridiculous shit like "never hear a song in his life" just because virgins use earbuds in public. Now everyone just makes chad a typical chad and the virgin a typical beta, there's no real twist. The "The Virgin X" part is made with the expectation that there'll be a "The Chad Y", making the virgin part almost an afterthough and the chad part completely predictable and dull.

Sometimes they can till be good if they're creative enough, like pic related, but most are completely uninspired. I probably shouldn't give so much of a shit about memes, but it's a bit depressing to see something that started out hilarious die so fast.

Nice trips btw OP
The right stuff

Original clarification
Excellent analysis, professor
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