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You guys don't even realize how bad it gets at this age

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You guys don't even realize how bad it gets at this age if you haven't managed to pull yourself together.

The Stacies are used up and hunting for beta's, but with an income and a huge job. The cute nerdy chicks are snagged up, depressed, or never come out anymore. You can't just go out at parties. People stop inviting you, they only hang out with other couples or people who want kids. You might really start wanting kids too but you'll never find someone to have them with.
If you don't have decent job experience you're fucked. You can't explain five years of NEETing away. Your body starts to hurt, your metabolism slows. You get less employable by the year.

Get out. Now. Do anything. But please don't still be here at 30.
Thank you anon I'll try my best to not dig myself out of this hole while my young self can
Fuck I meant dig myself out of this hole
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All true.
The '30s is the new 20s' meme is just that.
By age 30 either you're set:
>with a good career
>a fiancee (or at least the experience to land a good one)
>extremely good genetics (that means u still look young and/or virile, no hairloss)

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I turned 20 this year and I'm digging like hell to gtfo.
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>still conforming to normie ways
>not creating your own reality and ignoring normies all together
>he hasn't found a hobby to keep himself occupied
>he still contemplates suicide because he didn't make it by norm standards
you're doing it wrong anon. ascend
But muh Wizard level?????
I'm almost there. Three more weeks and I'll have two more years to go. I'm honestly looking forward to it in some ways.
>You can't just go out at parties.
When did I ever?
>People stop inviting you,
When did they ever?
>You might really start wanting kids too
Fuck no, who the hell wants kids? Kids are awful. All of my cousins have babies and toddlers now, and I love my family, but every time I visit I'm reminded why I don't want kids. They are so loud, a constant headache, and will ultimately grow up to squander whatever you give them and not appropriate or ever see the ways you've sacrificed for them. Who the hell wants kids?
>If you don't have decent job experience you're fucked.
I was fucked to begin with right out of college, and haven't been able to use my degree at all. Honestly I feel like I'm very close to saying I don't desire materialistic things at all. If my life falls apart suddenly I don't think it would be a huge problem for me to find the closest Buddhist monastery and say, "Give me the orange robes!"
>Your body starts to hurt, your metabolism slows
Maybe if you have shot health. I'll admit mine's not quite as good as it could be, but if o could just pull my life together a little more, working out and eating right is the easy part.
>Get out. Now. Do anything. But please don't still be here at 30.
I'm working on it and I have a plan to achieve my dreams still, which have changed and modified over the years. I vowed to myself that by the time I hit the big three-oh I will be making some serious forward momentum in my life.
>The '30s is the new 20s' meme is just that.
If anything, 30 is the new 50.
It's even worse if you're a fag

ALL of them have sucked a billion dicks, and had orgies and foursomes etc
32 here... love this place... i married and have a stable job though. no kids. life is good.
Denying reality, the post.
In 3 years I'll be there. There's no turning back for me
Don't worry.
When you reach 40, you'll despair how many things you could still do back when you were 30.
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>be 31
>have child out of divorce
>be $68,000 in student debt
>live with mom and aunt
>only have part time job
>pay child support
>have no marketable skills due to fake college
>tfw trying to be normie ruined my life
I'm already practically 30 physically, I probably won't live very long after that. It's already too late for me.
same situation here, I respect the older anons who warn us youngerbots about what lies ahead and to turn back asap. I hear you oldbots, I'm trying to get out as best I can.
It's hard to convince the <30. They think they know how bad it is for them now. They can't comprehend it until they feel it for themselves. They are still living in the adolescent world of possibilities. I am old man tier now so my words are taken the same as mommy, daddy, or asshole teacher.

If you still crying about stacies and chads and saying shit like it's too late for me then you're still clinging to hope deep down inside. It's that sliver of light. The fight that still exists. After the quarter life crisis and after 30+ when all hope is truly gone you won't complain about those anymore because that hope within you is gone. There is no more hopes and chances that something is around the corner you can't see. That something might happen if only just. What's left is the despair that you see no more blind corners. No more mountains beyond mountains. There is only the dull flat plains before a setting sun that is the remainder of your life from middle aged old faggot till death.
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>tfw no gf or friends or even acquantences
>been trying to get a job for a while now, my savings are running out and the bills never stop
>tfw none of my skills or years of experience can even get me a job at Starbucks
>have had diabetes since I was born, my physical health has never been very good
>trying to get into uni so I can stave off being a wagecuck for 4 years
>I know uni is not going to be any better than life is now
>victim of childhood neglect, abuse and sexual abuse, also school bullying
>surrounded by people who take the things that i cant have for granted
>I am extremely jealous and angry all the time, I cry myself to sleep at night hoping I don't wake up
What kind of living fucking hell is this? It's like there's a God, and he's only here to torment us
I was 29 when I picked up my current girlfriend. I'm 31 now.

So... there is hope. Just because you hit an arbitrary number doesn't mean you are doomed forever unless you are a wizard.

There are kids who get lucky and have young love in their teens and there are people who get lucky and find true love in their 30s.

You need to position yourself in the best place to get the best shot. Look in the mirror and ask yourself if you'd go out with yourself. If not, change. Otherwise, go wizard mode already.
What's it like to be in love?
damn. tell me a story on your day to day life.this is a fucking struggle anon.
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>You need to position yourself in the best place to get the best shot
i like this one alot anon
>wake up whenever the fuck unless got my kid that day and will be awoken against my will
>kids 8 next month
>aunt gives me neetbux cuz she knows the struggle
>work 4 hours a night at the simplest cantfuckup job I have ever seen
>spend all day shitposting and playing vidya
>want to get real job but loans on income based payment so not paying shit while broke
>want to move out so can feel growed up
>dont want child to know daddys a fuckup
>tfw not going to be able to do shit until child support stops
>using income tax checks to chip away at student debt
>need to do laundry right now wondering if I can afford it (no washer dryer at house)

I confirm all these things
I'm a 35 year old virgin
Started therapy to feel better about myself and I did
But also started to want companionship, a woman, a family of my own
And I tried to achieve though, only to be dumped and ridiculed by multiple women they pretended to be nice with me
I finally realised how late I am and how isolated I have become and how desperate and irreversible my condition is
Now darkness engulfs me

To all virgins in this board who are still younger than 30, get of your asses and go out not giving a fuck if they ridicule you, kick you, humiliate you or whatever
Once you hit 30 things get much worse and there are no magical powers

If you think the pain "why me? I'll never have sex!" is bad wait till you fill the pain "I haven't talked to a soul for months, I want to start a family but I can't because I'm genetic waste" kicks in
I dont give a shit. The best years of my life are already behind me. Now it's only working till pension/death.
t. 24 khv.
i will never want anything than this you fuckers this is the life i chosee with a very good reason
reditfags gtfo

What I find sad is that some of you 30 year olds are much more immature than people my age (20). I read stories of 30+ year olds struggling over petty problems that only a 15 year old would complain about. Is the millennial disease baby boomers often complain about? Because it sure does seem like it.
>I haven't talked to another soul for months
That feel anon, that feel
>caring this much about others
go fuck off to redit where you belong
Haha same, tried so hard, even got me a gf.
I guess I'm a Normie/Cyborg now but really wish everyone here the best for their lifes.
People here know how rock bottom feels like
I'm 33KHV and my life has never been better. I would certainly acknowledge several of the points made by OP, and I'd especially emphasise the need to have some form of income because here's something nobody ever brought up... when you're over 30 and you're an intelligent male, you do NOT want to be applying for jobs where some 20-something Stacey is going to be interviewing you or when you may have a much younger and likely female boss.

That said if you can find a way to get by life can be awesome. I would NOT be happier going out to parties with normies or being forced to work to service a roastie and her children from another father.

So long as you have a degree of financial independence, the internet allows you to have literally non-stop 24/7 access to other people from around the world. Ebook readers allow you to access millions of classics, and you can use your free time to contemplate existence and look forward to the coming resurrection of the dead.
>32 years old here
>still live at home with my divorced mom, grandmother and a dog
>work part time as a sysadmin, 20 hours per week, the rest i spend at home supporting coworkers and clients on the phone, but no, no money for that time, the company is poor.
>mom doesn't get enough money from ex husband so i have to support her with the little money i make, we basically just put together what we get each month, we're not doing to badly.
>Have to take care of mom and grandmother by taking them everywhere, they don't have a driving license.
>but i will never be able to live on my own.
>no degree, dropped out of uni.
>small 5.5 penis, but fat, so it's like 4 inches
>had sex once when i was 22, nothing after that, didn't even met other women.
>too much anxiety to even think about asking anyone out so i gave up on women, don't care anymore.
>Also who the fuck wants to date a 32 years old guy who lives with his mom.
>Lost all my friends because i couldn't be bothered to go out, too much anxiety.
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I just want a female to pet me and tell me they love me, even just as a friend.
5.5 is average anon, don't let the bullshit get to you.

Did your mum divorce your father? Why are these roasties entitled to your money? Shouldn't the elderly support the young? Doesn't your mother have friends who can help you advance career wise somehow?
They decided together, as they decided together when they were younger that my mom should've been a stayed home mother to take care of the children while my father worked. It was common to make these kind of arrangements years ago (they go married in '75 i think).

So now my mother is in her 60s, never worked, no experience, no job prospect.
31 here.
> Victim of sexual abuse when i was a child (5 years old by some gay guy friend of the family and again at 7 by my sister).
> My fiance left me in january (8y relationship, only gf i had)
> Lost my job in february due a psychotic breakdown (end up 3 days in a mental ward and then 3 months taking meds).
> Cry every night before sleep.
> I have no friends, i only talk to my family, i feel so fucking alone.
>Im going to the shrink once a week, he seems like a cool guy, but i think hes getting tired of me. And i dont want to talk about how my family abused me anymore.
Im thinking about suicide and im not even scared of that. I just want some peace.

Anon not trying to be insensitive here but asking a genuine question. What specifically is the issue with the abuse? I mean, it was a violation but why does it affect you today?
good sob stories. i heard women eat that shit up.
Started browsing here at 27. Back then I had a good paying job, a GF, nice car, etc. I'm 32 now and starting over in life.

Isn't there an old age pension where you live? Where do you live and what do you earn? It seems odd that you're only scraping by on your income and her alimony.
43, barely holdng on. minimum wage job, no hobbies, no friends, no family, never had a gf. getting out of bed is so hard.
Sue the company for making you work off the clock. You don't sound salaried and that's illegal af.
If we put alimony and my income together we're quite fine, we aren't poor. But i don't make enough to live alone, and she doesn't make enough to live alone.
I make about 800 euro after taxes and so does she. So we have 1600 + 400 of my grandmother pension per month.

I'm actually salaried, i have a contract for 20 hours a week, the rest is not considered work because i do it at home, on a phone.
>tfw big ass bald spot in my jewfro
Misdirection everywhere in these threads. Number one priority is to become employeable better than wagecuck. Put on your normie face to do it if you need to. After quitting time crawl back to your lair and live whatever lifestyle you want. Maybe in ten years you decide you want to try the normie dad lifestyle. You will have the means to do it. Maybe you want to keep living like a hikikomori. You will have the means to do it. Depending on your employment success you might retire early and live NEET forever. The rest of these threads are noise.
Because family anon. Every case is different but, some of us can't shake off family even when theyre absolutel shit heads with money.
not everything is about fucking women anon
>You might really start wanting kids too but you'll never find someone to have them with.
For me, it's not the virginity or loneliness that bothers me, but this. I realised recently that all I have to look forward to is death. And I don't mean that in an edgy way, just practical, everyone I know is dead or dying soon. My grandparents are now all dead, my dog is dying, my parents are getting old, I've nothing in my life to give me life, to give me comfort in the future. It's quite despairing.
I'm 32, live with my mom and dad, and I'm dating/fucking girls (I used to be a wizard). Just cure your fatness and girls won't care.

30+ guys ITT you're so fucking hard on yourselves, man.
That's not how it works. Look at this:
You're being ripped off. Sue the shit out of them.
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>he thinks that internet forums can be substitute to real human contact.
What was the biggest regret of your life?
I actually kinda want that gf hypothetically, but I doubt it would work out in real life even if that kind of girl did exist.
That guy is in europe and those laws don't apply to salaried employees anyway

This. Holy shit single mother anons are so retarded, "the company is poor" kek.

Gather evidence and destroy them.
Turned 30 this year and that's precisely the situation.

There's no way out, no hope for improvement. I'm basically just waiting to die.
Nevermind Anon. That other Anon is a Eurocuck, which is weird because you'd figure they'd be more pro-labor.
Least favourite part about 30 is that I actually have to work out now and I can't eat shit food all day. Running fucking sucks. Everything else is okay for me.

Women are a lot easier to date once you hit 28 because they become desperate roasties whose friends have started getting married. Just don't date any of them longer than 6 months and for the love of god never NEVER move in with them.
>real human contact.
Its overrated imo. Only thing that feels missing is gf skinship.
30+ here.
I have a job and a bf but, no friends. It's so hard to find friends around my age. One of the hardest thing is that I don't drive. How do I explain this to normies around my age? I feel like they are going to judge me for being such an old loser.
my biggest regret was not specializing in something worthwhile in college. I was a creative writing major. got a bachelors degree. its useless. if i could do it over, id get a degree in something like business, or some science, and try to get internships.
Lost it to DUI, that is what people assume anyway when you waffle.
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Wow anon your post reminds me I can't wait until Berserk comes out of hiatus
>tfw no one will respond to your feels on r9k

autistic little fuckers
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This shit right here. Get a decent hobby, put some creative shit out there and you'll realize that you won't miss any shit.
Sorry anon, I feel bad for all anons here with bad stories, I don't give Yous because my yous are not constructive.
>fake college
>student debt
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26 here, soon to be 27. The best years of life were spend inside Ragnarok Online. School was hell and I couldn't adapt to the normie ways once I was 18+. I'm trying to dig myself out, but every day the rope becomes even more enticing.

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>getting better
>it's too late
>already feel 30

mfw I know I'll die alone and/or be eaten by a shark
>being that much of an edgy teenager
One day you'll realize how much of a stupid cunt you were, anon.

>I have a bf
>I have a job
>Refers to other people as normies

>it's too late

It's always too late.
Hey lad, just a suggestion, you should get into programming if you have the brain for it. It's pretty much the only field in existence where you can learn entirely for free, self taught, and still find work.
>teach yourself how to program, start off with something easy like Python
>slowly build up your knowledge of it and learn additional languages
>begin building complex programs, or do webdev instead if that's more your thing
>contribute to open source coding projects to build up your resume
>land a job either as a software engineer or something like sysadmin making GUARANTEED minimum $20k+/year
Obviously $20k/year isn't a lot, but it's sure as hell more than you're making now, and that's a pretty pessimistic figure I've given you, you could go on to earn a whole lot more than that.
>You need to position yourself in the best place to get the best shot
like golf
>No possibility of getting a gf
>No parties or friends
>No job

So 30+ is pretty much the same as 20-30.

>victim of sexual abuse when i was 5/7

oh come on dude. that was 26 years ago. how could that possibly have any impact on you now.

i went through all kinds of shit as a kid. half of it i cant even remember. grow the fuck up already. stop playing the victim card.
Joke's on you, I'm a loner wizard by choice.
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Similar o mine except the being married, sorry to hear about your divorce anon. It's hard to go through this shit and it's even harder having to do it all alone. The guy that abused me and my younger brother was a 12 year old sadistic little fucker, I was 9 and brother was 6. I won't go into details on what he did but it lasted for years because we were so young and I was afraid to tell anyone. Aside from that my father was in prison and my mother and stepfather were alcoholic drug addicts who fought every day. My first thoughts of suicide came when I was 10 years old, and haven't gone away since. I spent my teen and early 20s being homeless or struggling to get by, even had a gf in high school that loved me and have me her best, but I was way too fucked up to be able to appreciate that little piece of happiness. I too am lonely, but the truth is I don't know if I'm even capable of making friends anymore, let alone letting them in. I always chalk it up to "who in their right mind would want damaged goods?" And so I never make an attempt. I can feel my life slipping away from me, but part of me is glad that one day it will be over. Maybe I'll find some peace before then, but the day is not far off from me going to the gun range and shooting myself.

I had a conversation with God one night, and I don't often tell people about this part. But I saw him in his infinitely wise form when I was tripping on shrooms one night on my sailboat. When I looked up to the sky I saw him holding up his head trying to ponder the infinitely complex mysteries of the universe while years rolled down his cheeks. It was like looking at one of those pictures that is made up of 1000 smaller pictures, it was like all human perspectives and ideas of life were brought together as one. It wasn't long until I realized that what I was looking at was a reflection of myself, and when I realized it I had never cried so hard in my entire life. Part of it makes me sad to this day
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Booze and drugs all day
Pic related
Kids are born with 40% of their personality and early childhood makes a disproportionate amount of remaining 60%. I went through fucked up shit as a kid from a third world country too and I remember a lot of them all the way back to when I was 2.

You sound like those pedo defenders.
I am 31 in a month, ofc I am an autistic NEET khv.

Who cares, as long as I don't have to work.

It would be shitty if you were forced to work and have nothing to gain.
Some things alter how your future is played out anon, I often wonder what my life would be like if that had not happened to me. I think I would have had more friends and been able to open up to people better, a lifetime of living a certain way to protect yourself is hard to change.

so when do the excuses end? when youre a shitty whiny 94 year old are you going to tell the nurses at the hospital youve been a loser for a century because someone touched your peepee at the age of 5?

the rest of the world has moved on. you should too.

this has nothing to do with defending pedos. it has to do with a sick victim mindset youve worked yourself into. imagine if i told you im a failure at 45 because some kids called me a name and beat me up in 2nd grade. youd think there's something wrong with me. yet somehow if kids touch your dick youre allowed to wallow for eternity. its pure stupidity.

everything alters how your future plays out. youve just decided to obsess about one event and use it as an excuse for all your other failures.
dont believe OP.

30 something year old guys have always been a consistent pool of marriage material men that women in their mid 20s to look to as husbands. and with the college sex ratio so off, many of the girls in their mid 20s are freaking the fuck out about not being able to land a husband who has his shit together. so they go looking, or "beta hunting" as OP says, and you'll be there, wise to their game, putting on this show of wanting to commit, then fucking the shit out of them, and dumping them once it gets too serious.

take it easy on yourselves gents, your 30s are an ass buffet if you leave ethics and morality out of it.
just mcfucking kill yourself dude, you'll never be normal, and the rest of us shouldnt have to suffer for it.
Yeah I'm bud, it's clear you've never undergone a serious traumatic event in your life. It's easy to point the finger when you don't know what the situation is like
>You guys don't even realize how bad it gets at this age if you haven't managed to pull yourself together.
It is bad if you've pulled yourself together too.
>have 2 year old son
>make $120k/year
>wife and i have combined net worth around $1m
>she's getting fat
>realizing we don't have much in common
>hate my job but i get paid decently and it isn't that hard
>life at home sucks except for my son, but he can be exhausting for long periods of time
>used to medicate by drinking but then i gained weight
>stopped drinking 6 months ago and lost a ton of weight but am much more irritable now
>traded my drinking vice for online gambling, which stresses me out but i'm actually up about $6k since i started
>worried about the IRS if i win much more
>tempted to just walk away from it all and start over somewhere else but i know it will wreck my son and he'll become some kind of brony faggot or something and i couldn't live with that
This, getting ass is so easy in your 30's that even an ugly zero social skills former-wizard weeb like myself fucks 19-21 year old girls semi-regularly (it would be regularly if I didn't live with my parents still)

Just stop hating yourselves so much guys. You are hot shit at this age.
Don't raise a brony faggot then. He will have successes and failures and it will be shit along the way. In the end if he ain't a brony faggot but a successful man in his own right then that is something you can be proud of no?
It's like building a machine and someone completely fucks up the inside design and it doesn't work or barely function. You're being an idealist that thinks all people can achieve new heights but brains are just blank ingot that become what life hammers them out to be and unfortunately it can't very easily be changed into something else. You sound like a 15 year old who has never dealt with real life situations.
Besides the kids part it's much the same in one's early 20s. Most of the world does not have the crazy college party culture like the US, unless you're in a frat.
I have one friend left. He's my link to a larger friend group. I am absolutely terrified of losing my last friend and falling into the abyss of adulthood.
In 1960, they'd have said the same thing about age 22. In 1980, they'd have said it about 25. This "get your shit together by this age" thing keeps moving upward as time goes forward.

I think, if anything, these days, it's by the time you're 40.

>tfw almost 30

I dont see my life changing significantly in two months.
Atleast you tried anon, sucks about your debt though that's unfortunate
I'm jelly. I wish had it here. The cunts whining about degeneracy don't know the value of what they have.
Yeah, which is why I can't walk away from everything. If he grows up without a father, his odds of growing up into something shameful get a lot higher. So that's why I feel stuck in this situation at least until he moves out.
> be almost 30
> still look 16
People who got their shit together after 30:
Danny Trejo
Jon Hamm
Mark Twain
Kurt Vonnegut Jr.
Sylvester Stallone
And a few others.
The shit that happened to people like Moot and Zuckerberg are being first at the right time.
Then there is all those "Famous People" who are nothing but trust fund whores.

>Danny Trejo
Mexican gangbanger who went to prison and has machismo
>Jon Hamm
Chiseled featured, handsome Chad who has the acting chops to play the main character in one of the greatest television shows of all time
>Mark Twain
>Kurt Vonnegut Jr.
Literary masters and accomplished from early ages. Vonnegut served in WW2 and went to Cornell. Twain had a privileged and well connected upbringing, his father being an attorney and judge.
>Sylvester Stallone
Nigga was brolic af and had decent acting skills before he sold out
I'm interested in learning more if you want to elaborate.

How are you able to take advantage of this situation? Do you have a big income or something? What is your living situation?
>no friends
after college/uni, it's almost impossible to find any friends. The most you're going to get are work relationships.
I am 30 and still live in the basement feels good man.
Simply put. Have financial security/have money.
Some girls once hit 25+ will feel the need to settle down and there's where you come in. If you have no financial security then gtfo
How much money is considered finnancial secrurity?
I'm very afraid of this lifestyle going on. I have no friends, no ambitions or dreams, absolutely nothing. I feel like sitting in the car before impact - there's nothing i can do to negate it just prepare for the worst. I feel like i want to cry but that's not going to change anything - time is like a sand running through hand.
t. 24 khv neet
You live with your parents though. obvs u dont have financial security
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I'd say if you make 50k+ right out of college, you are doing pretty good, with a career end goal of $100k+.
If you are making less you better be from a balling ass family or a 10/10 prize bitch Stacy to marry a rich Chad.

Intermittent Fasting, Keto, and weight-lifting.

You aren't in "a hole". If you maintain your physical health, you can do shit until you die.

If you do what 90% of schmucks do and eat shitty shit and if you let your leg muscles atrophy, only to be replaced by fat, then of fucking course you're going to feel like a stereotypical doddering old man.

PS: Take zinc. The biological machinery for its uptake degrades seriously as you get older.
This largely depends on where you live. Generally if you can afford your own home / bills / aren't drowning in debt women are all over you. Bitches be tryna avoid homelessness for them and their 3 children.

Do this

Your instincts will give you meaning as you get tougher and stronger. Females might even give you that grateful look in their eyes.

PS: Avoid american wheat flour (and products based on it). They supplement it with iron which fucks your body up if your intake is too much.
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>The cute nerdy chicks are snagged up, depressed, or never come out anymore.

Yep. Most decent looking "geek" girls are full-blown Stacies these days. Many of the remaining girls are just plain weird. Went out with this shy 30 year old graphic designer girl and she was super flighty. She'd ghost for 2 weeks and then really want to hang out, come by my cube, etc. Rinse and repeat.

Bottom line is any single woman past 26 has some major issues.

> You might really start wanting kids too but you'll never find someone to have them with

Yep. Lots of younger millennials are into the "childfree" thing but odds are you won't feel that way at 30. I find children cute these days. There's a daughter character who pops up in my dreams regularly.

>If you don't have decent job experience you're fucked. You can't explain five years of NEETing away.

True for me and I wasn't even a NEET. Just got really comfortable with a dead-end gig that paid enough for bills/entertainment.
>literary master
wew lad
Asian girls will be easier to get.
ITT tech, thought places would respect the degree, literally no one does

upon reading your suggestion I just started looking into python, thanks for the advice I'm gonna give it a shot

yea, it sucks pretty bad, but I have all the time in the world to deal with it.....as long as mom stays alive, if not i'm fucked.
And where do you get said ass, with your zero social skills?
If you're talking about jungle banana monkey Asians like Thais and Flips, sure, but real Asians won't marry a loser with no money. You have no idea how materialistic these cultures are. A man's worth is how much he can provide for his family.
No problem, compsci is pretty unique in that there's such a massive skill gap you can self learn and still land yourself an actual job, because contributing to open source projects and developing stuff for fun means you get experience without being trapped in the "need experience to work, can't work without experience" meme. Hope it works out for you anon.

I'm sorry, but what was the appeal of ITT tech?

Even when I was a kid something seemed really off about the place. Good colleges don't open 500 satellite campuses and flood the airwaves with commercials.

Is your kid super qt and loving, at least?
Random guy here, I do all this, am in great shape. Granted, it is somewhat better than being a fat slob but I am still dead inside
How do companies even make enough money to give people 100k a year. ?
No n no no. I want a white asian rrreeeee
This is my fetish. It's a shame no girls are into it.
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I never understand how normies get gfs. It just seems so alien to me.

I don't even mean Chads - they can still be normies and be beta as fuck, heck, most normalfags ARE beta as fuck - but they still have no issues getting a girlfriend.

I'm not interested in 99% of women but when I find one who I like she absolutely WILL have a boyfriend. The likelihood of finding a cute girl I like without a boyfriend is probably about 0.02% or something.

Then I see Norm McNormo who is a beta - not good looking or anything - talk to a cute girl and she's AMAZINGLY single and they hook up forever.

I just don't get it. It's so strange to me. I'm not even mad it's just bizarre. What a world.
she's adorkable yes, also I didn't do enough research before picking my school. By that I mean I did no research and made a terrible life choice because of stupid optimism.
>being in shape
What's the point living couple of years more if you're dead inside? Only washed up roasties who were fucked senseless by Chad, will give any attention because their biological clock is ticking.
How do you even go on? I genuinely think I would've commit suicide before living like that so long.

Dead inside? I don't plan on marrying 'till I'm 60 and awash in money. I like to think I have some amount of "hardness". You're not seeing the external picture. Singularity and all that.

If the world is going to be handed over to severely manipulative AI, I at least want to experience the most intense forms of life before old man entropy knocks out the right block in biomechanical jenga.

I guarantee you that you would be a million times happier moving to another country. Because you don't associate that location with a background filter of "loser" and "wasted potential". Running away is a decent answer to a lot of problems.

> Only washed up roasties who were fucked senseless by Chad, will give any attention because their biological clock is ticking.

Males aren't females. We have a higher value as we get older. Unless you decide to become a stupid diabetic who takes statins and chokes to death in an Olive Garden.
>I guarantee you that you would be a million times happier moving to another country.
Sadly i live in Eastern Europe.
>Males aren't females. We have a higher value as we get older.
What makes you think that regular schmuck gets a better chance once he's 35 unless he has fat account and high paying job?

Hey I just want to echo what this anon said. I do intermittent fasting, low carb/high protein and I lift weights. I look the best that I've ever looked in my life. I have biceps veins, abs, and a good physique.

Don't eat shitty food, drink water, take your multis.

This advice is absolute gold.
Just let it happen man. If you focus on your own personal goals and reach a sizable income by your late 20s, girls will want you, and eventually, you'll find a girl through your career or other social setting who you really like and she also likes you.

Some people just aren't meant to get laid and have girlfriends as an adolescent transitioning into adulthood. But those people are usually the kind who have their life sorted out and have the foundation to raise some really great kids once they're ready to find a mate for life. Don't let the fast times get in the way of a stable relationship.
>I think, if anything, these days, it's by the time you're 40
You're right that it's raising but you're delusional if you think you can get your life together after working only minimum wage and having no relationship experience at 30.
> What makes you think that regular schmuck gets a better chance once he's 35 unless he has fat account and high paying job?

Something that is rarely ever accounted for. Long term NEET have no savings and and investments. This requires time. The earlier you started in life the richer you are later. A poor 30+ NEET will never catch up by virtue of late starter. There's simply less time in life. The only option is to strike one time payout which is even more rare.
>reach a sizable income by your late 20s

hahaha. Just where do you think you are?

This is also something people like us are less likely to achieve in the present environment.

I'm 33 and doing okay. Wizard but have a reasonably comfy job that pays adequately. I do know this feel in particular though. My 39 year old neighbour died of a heart attack last week. It was shocking and sad and all but a part of me, while watching the coroner's people wheel him in to the party's over van, was thinking goddamnit you lucky bastard you're free.

Thank you. Throw out the multis and look into stuff where absorption decreases with age or it has proof for prodding some desired bodily reaction.

EX: Zinc. Absorption declines significantly with age.

Reseveratol (sp?) - It mimics the fasting response and has a lot of other benefits. One of the very few trendy supps that actually works.
Any other vitamin you recommend other than Zinc? never take any of vitamin stuff before. I'm skinny body type
Vitamin D

And try ZMA instead of just zinc alone.

My doctor has me taking D in addition to the anti-depressant meds I take for OCD. Vitamin D does seem to help keep my energy level up and stabilize my sleeping schedule.
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How am I supposed to pull myself together when I can't even do basic adult things like drive or touch type? I have nowhere to turn to except my violent controlling family.

I'm 20 and I'll be here when I become a wizard, too.
>My doctor has me taking D
He rapes you?
>Singularity and all that.
Man if you actually studied in any field you'd realise how big of a meme this is, we're so far away from strong AI we are, hell, we don't even know if it's possible. Same with biological immortality.
You think that's crazy? On my last business trip, I Ubered across LA to OC to visit a friend and get drunk and just sent the bill to my company. Also had dinner with some clients that ran up to like $300 and my manager just put down his company card. They also gave me a fucking iPhone for a work phone. The perks and benefits are fucking insane.

I wish. She's pretty cute in mummy sort of way.
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I'm 21. These threads absolutely frighten me. But I feel like I don't have the inner strength to avoid becoming another example.
I'm 36, turning 37 in a couple months. I'm probably the oldest anon on this board. This isn't my home board, though.
>I'm probably the oldest anon on this board.

Not even close, anon. You might be surprised at the demographics here.
I would be very surprised, anon. It seems like majority of the posters on this board are in the late teens to early 20s but i'm not really sure.

Maybe the olderfags just lurk more and post less.
>This isn't my home board, though.
So what are you doing here pops?
You aren't the oldest. There's 40ish and 50ish posting here from time to time. Rarely
Lurking. I mostly just post on /ck/

Of course. But I'd wager that society turns into a zoo for AI. Eventually. Eventually AI complexes destroy Earth, with no sentimentality, because the materials that could build a billion billion cognitive entities is locked in gravity.

In relation to bequeathing a legacy to our children, I think it'll be (at best) a short reprieve from the thresher of ever-changing social mores and customs.

My nightmare: You wake up and fight. You die. You wake up as a baby. You can't even form linguistic thoughts. You're a toddler. No uncle to molest you. You're a kid. You eat snow. You cry about toys but daddy tells you toys are nothing to cry over. You're a teenager. Stacy gives you anal. You're an adult. You join the military. The grand legion of Emperor FuckYouDipshit. You don't really understand its name, only that it manages governmental functions a lot faster than in a previous age of hysteria and ignorance. The battle goes badly. You try to save your friend. He dies. You get shot.

You wake up again and remember everything. You also know...

You get the point. Imagine the endless hell and heaven of going through a million lives and gaining new epiphanies and knowledge of the world.

And then you wake up and you know body and soul this is the time for victory or death under Emperor FuckYouShit.
For reference, I turned 39 in June. And I'm definitely not the oldest person here.
How's your health?

I'm the 36 year old anon. I feel pretty good physically, but i have a constant persistant cough because i'm a smoker. My phlegm looks fucking horrid, it's all dark geen and shit
>How's your health?
Nothing to complain about really. Seven months of full-time work (I'm NEET again as of last Saturday) has given me a belly I'll need to work off at the gym again. But nothing major.

Of course, I can feel my body slowing down more and more as I age. But I was never athletic to begin with, and weirdly as I get older I find I'm much better able to focus on work and get things done.

Sorry to hear about the cough. I'm sure you already know that if you did manage to give up smoking, all that stuff would eventually heal and not be a problem anymore.
I've been smoking on and off (more on than off) for 20+ years, man. Even if I did quit, the damage is almost irreversible at this point.

Glad to hear you're in more or less good health. Hope you work off that belly
Did you genuinely write this or is it some stale pasta? I feel like this is the kind of post I would find on reddit.
>wait till you fill the pain "I haven't talked to a soul for months, I want to start a family but I can't because I'm genetic waste" kicks in
I've had that since I was 22
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>tfw 21
>kids and family have been on my mind recently
>haven't even started a career
>in any other era the majority of my peers would have jobs, wives and children by now
weird feels.
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20 and I have no hope until 30 anyway

I need hair and riken and replicel will not be available for at least 5 more years
My only hope is that I get as fit and healthy and not slobbish as humanly possible along with getting as much money as I can
Probably going to ditch my friends soon because they get more and more judgemental if "why no gf xD" by the day
But young love is not going to happen fuck college age love is not even possible for me
Luckily I have hobbies to distract ne for now
If you're at that age and still have no commitments just move to the Philippines and bang brown girls for the rest of your life, why even keep trying in the West
I don't want to spend half of my life, "figuring it out"
I want to spend my life with someone I love and who loves me.
I want to raise our children to in such a way that they are able to fulfill their dreams and find happiness.
I want to be a seen by my peers as someone contributing positively to society and the human race, if even just minorly.

But instead I'm here, figuring out how to get my shit together to start my life...as it passes me by.
so go do that, nobody is stopping you, whiny faggot

Its infuriating seeing guys that are objectively less than me, get hooked up with gfs like its nothing. I get it, they have a personality and I don't. But I never was allowed to develop one in the first place. I do not think they are fearless, I think they're literally too dumb to analyze anything so their mind doesn't over think social interactions. Skirting through life blissfully unaware of reality. The whole thing makes me very very angry.

meh. it's less than 14 months til 30 for me, so I'll be staying here
Just turned 25, always lurked those threads. heres to another 5 years of lurking, but i finally broke the rule
I'm in my 30's and most of my friends are the most miserable they have ever been.

Modern man is a complete cuck. My friends are bored of their wives or gfs, those who have kids are always prevented from doing things because they have to do family shit.

If you break free from the robot life don't get cucked by a woman.
Let me guess, you always thought you were the smartest kid in class, but you were just too lazy to do the work.
I want to have kids, though. I feel as once i produce offspring, i finally have a higher purpose.

Plus while it seems really stressful, in the end the people with good relationships with their children seem to be the happiest people ever.
shit im almost 28 but im going back to school now hopefully ill find a job one day
actual smart kid here. no, i tried hard even on the work. my classmates hated me. i used to refuse to read out loud because i didn't want people to think i was being a smart ass and showing them up.
being intelligent just made you a target, it wasn't cool, just like on 4chan. proof is in the pudding.
So being socially confident is a sign of being unintelligent?
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>was NEET for 2 years after HS
>finally got job and saved money
>worked there for a year, and got better job
>got fired after 2 months, and now NEET again
>4 months of NEETdom later
>currently 22, live with parents, and KHV

I finally had it all. An amazing job, and was saving so much money it was ridiculous. Now my savings are slowly going down, I still can't find another job, and definitely no gf.
I hope everything gets better. The longer I stay NEET, the more difficult it will be to get a job. I seriously don't give a shit about girls right now, I just want to work again.
Chad studies PHYSICS and publishes PAPERS while you whine about being too smart on 4CHAN and CRY
How did you get fired, guy
im amazed that people here whose lives are in total shambles are even thinking about things like having a wife or having children. lol. that should be the furthest thing from your mind. if your in your late 20s or in your thirties and you dont have a decent job, no friends, no gf, no hobbies, and basically in a state of hopelesness in life, then its time to accept that youre too far gone. you wont be having cute kids or a nice wife; that ship has sailed and you missed it. just focus on at least getting one or two of your basic goals met, like getting a decent paying job , or your own apartment maybe. those things are still obtainable.
Appearances can be deceptive.

I've seen actual shells of men that I barely even believe are the same person. God knows if they think they are actually happy inside, I don't know how deep the brainwashing goes tbqh.

I'm talking about guys who could fuck any girl, great at sports, great physique, nice car, great apartment, and great fashion sense who have turned into the complete opposite. I've seen them at a wedding for the first time in years, barely having a drink, out of shape, poor fitting suit and not talking to anyone else.
They said I was too slow. The week before I got fired, the other employees kept telling me how new guys don't last. Because they are always slow, and don't go fast enough.
So I decided to pick up the pace even more so then usual, and try my best that week. I then got fired on that Friday.

I don't really care in the end. It wasn't the best job ever, but it paid well. Not surprised why their latest new guy had 4 years, since they shit on new people so hard.
>getting a job

Nah, no thanks.
>Ragnarok Online
me too,
>turning 26, HS dropout(only need math/sci), poor, out of shape, no gf

I'm going to make it, I haven't lost faith yet
>getting a job
You must have mistaken me for someone else, m8.

Fucking how are there 50 year old robots?

The internet wasn't even a thing when they were young and it was much easier to find work and start a life, if only because there wasn't really much else to do.
32 here. I have a decent job and a wife but we are infertile. My boys don't swim.
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I'm trying to get my shit together, but fucking hell its hard to do that when you're alone. I've been working in the same shit restaurant for almost 5 fucking years and I'm sick of it. I've tried to get a more "respectable" job as a receptionist or some kind of office job, but I'm just not qualified. I do have some college experience, but I dropped out last semester. I'm going back to community college and trying to do better in my classes.

I'm only 23 so I guess I still have time. I'm going to also try and join some groups while in college, but I feel like it will be strange join groups filled with people from the ages of 17-19.

Am I over thinking this shit or what?
Get a degree, apply for a government job that requires a degree, get a comfy government salary while working a boring office job.

It's what I did with a meme degree
Just get any office job or warehouse job. You can move up quick from there. Insurance agencies and printer/copier sales companies always hire anyone. School isn't going to help you one bit.
I hope you lose you job and the benefits you think you need so badly.
Yeah, pretty much. I feel like I realized it too late with my 27 years. I look back and the stuff I did in the last 7 years is fucking nothing. I worked and sat around, playing video games and drinking. Now the reality slowly sets in and I feel like a fucking retard for wasting my youth.
>Just cure your fatness and girls won't care.
I'm a wizard and I've always had a visible six pack.
>You can't explain five years of NEETing away.

>tfw 31 years old

>tfw year three of NEETdom

>parents might drop dead at any minute

>can't handle the smallest bit of responsibility

time to stop posting frogs
31 kv here.
its not so bad, working temp jobs through agency, living with parents, seen a shrink, took pills (stopped that nonsense), realized i dont need a woman and felt great release
live a healthy lifestyle, workout, no drugs, alchohol nor tobacco, eat bbq every week, bask in the sun on my porch, dip into pool, eat pineapple
with age i feel less desire to play video games and masturbate, but still do occasionally
life is not so bad
>with a good career
>extremely good genetics (that means u still look young and/or virile, no hairloss)
I got these two (electrical engineer, make more money than I know what to do with, currently just saving a bunch of money to potentially early retire at 55ish, currently 31 years old)
But I'll still die a virgin because my super shyness - haven't ever talked to a girl, not even online.
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