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>tfw gay >tfw you will never get married to a women and

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>tfw gay
>tfw you will never get married to a women and have biological kids together

feels bad man

I just want to be the stereotypical suburban dad
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Why don't you get over yourself and just date that black dude?

because black people are gross and have aids
Why in the world would you want to? Breeders are jealous of the fact that gays were born with the strict purpose of living hedonistic, pleasure seeking lives and never having to worry about wasting their time, money and effort on children.

You've fallen for the religicuck meme. You're doing exactly what they want you to do. All those bigoted religious cunts that want to see you suffer? They're laughing at you right now. You're a joke. You're the biggest fucking joke. Instead of living your life to the fullest and having kinky sex with your hot af bf 24/7, you're sitting alone in your room and hating yourself. What a fucking joke.

If you're dumb enough to buy into this shit, then you deserve everything that comes to you.
Iktf anon
>tfw no one will call you dad
>tfw will never get to ask what your kid learned at school today
>tfw will never grow old and be a grandpa who spoils his grandkids
Some people understand life is about passing on your knowledge, morals, and genes to the next generation to further your nation's society and expand your race. Act like a degenerate hedonist and die of aids faggot
>Some people understand life is about
Says who, faggot? Life ain't about shit. And don't bother say some shit about skydaddy.

>passing on your knowledge, morals, and genes to the next generation
why should I give a fuck about the next generation? I'm not gonna be around to see the future, so fuck them. Go ahead and call me selfish, that's not an argument for why I should care about the next generation. You're just eating up a bunch of shit society tells you to believe in. I barely ever use this phrase, but you're being the epitome of a cuck right now.

>to further your nation's society and expand your race.
LOL Why should I give a fuck about my country? Why should I give a fuck about my race? Go back to circlejerking over Drumpf on your containment board, /pol/tard.

>Act like a degenerate hedonist and die of aids faggot
I sure as hell will be a degenerate, faggot. Go ahead and stop me.

I find the idea of being a father who is raising their kids with a women who loves him more fulfilling than the casual sex and drug hedonism of the gay life style.
Fuck off to /lgbt/, normalfag
>I find the idea of being a father who is raising their kids with a women who loves him more fulfilling than the casual sex and drug hedonism of the gay life style.

Wow, I feel bad for you, anon. You've internalized not only what religicuck society told you is supposed to be your goal in life, but also the image they created to try and demonize homos and justify their shitty treatment of them.

Go ahead and hate yourself, faggot. Let's see where that gets you.
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Just stop being gay then
>no one will ever call you dad
Start dicking your boyfriend and he will, fag.

>Act like a degenerate hedonist and die of aids

Your gay lol
>some people understand that life is about passing on knowledge etc etc
You have so many options:
1. Foster children
2. Become a teacher
3. Volunteer
4. Contribute to society in other ways.
Instead you choose the easy route which is having a few biological children. If you chose any of the above then you would be able to pass on your knowledge to not only multiple people but you would also make life better for those who already exist.

Stop pretending to care about improving society in any way. Just admit your main motivation is to selfishly spread your genes.
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>he fell for le family meme

>Stop pretending to care about improving society in any way. Just admit your main motivation is to selfishly spread your genes.

this x a very large number

you're a worthless piece of garbage op and you're only bringing down yourself as well the lgbt 'community' go back to /lgbt/ and go fuck yourself
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>Why in the world would you want to? Breeders are jealous of the fact that gays were born with the strict purpose of living hedonistic, pleasure seeking lives and never having to worry about wasting their time, money and effort on children.

Keep telling yourself that AIDS fag. Right up until you die alone. Once your family is dead and your asshole is worn out and your looks have faded you'll be nothing but a sad old faggot that's been put out to pastuer. Those boipucci anime loli posts will be the only legacy you leave behind and your bloodline ends with you countless generations before struggled and worked and fought and bled and died just to bring about the next generation. And after millennia all their efforts managed to produce was a dirty selfish faggot. Pathetic.
being gay doesn't seem to stop a lot of the suburban dads i know

much like being married doesn't seem to stop their wives from cruising
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>implying i give a fuck about the generations that came before me, their effort or their name
>implying you're scaring me or making me feel bad about living a life of pleasure
>implying you're not pitiful for the fact that having BABBEE is the only thing that gives your life purpose

>dirty selfish faggot
you bet your ass i am. lmao try harder cocksucker
>I will have kids and a wife to not die alone
Kids don't give a shit about their parents. You will just be alone in an eldery home by yourself until you pass away one night in your sleep. You will have a funeral, and you will be remembered for a week. Then everyone will forget about gramps and go on with their lives.

Why do I want to waste my time, money, and energy to raise some kids in the name of abstract ideals? We will all die and face the abyss one day. It does not matter if we have kids or not.
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You sound really angry and lol butthurt faggot. So you don't give a shit about family, your ancestors, your country etc ie the people that provided and enable your pathetic existsnce? All you care about is getting your cock covered in shit? There'll come a time in your life when all the boipucci gets boring and you want more. A real relationship. A normal life. Someone to settle down with and grow old with. A home. You can never have that, faggots can't have real marriage and don't experience real love. All you can do is fuck until you gwt bored of that cock and need another. And even your smelly asshole sex is a pale imitation of sex with a woman. What an empty, pointless life without meaning.
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If you weren't a spineless faggot irrationally afraid of social judgement you'd get your life together, marry a good dude, and have a kid via surrogacy. You're probably a loser though, so even if you were straight you wouldn't be able to have the life you envision.
you seem pretty obsessed about something you don't like. have fun being angry about us faggots existing, i guess.
I fucking love being a poof
Stop being gay then, you faggot
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Spotted the fag who's Dad either wasn't there or didn't give them the childhood and love they deserved. I feel bad for to bud. My Dad is my best friend, when I was living at home we'd always read in the same room and talk at least 3-4 hours a day, go walk the dog together, etc. At family get togethers and social events everybody constantly comments how I look and act exactly like my pop. I was worried this would slow down after moving out but we still text constantly throughout the day and make time for each other. I can't wait to have a son of my own. The happiness you get from a relationship just can't compare to anything else, and this is coming from somebody that's done 8 hour amphetamine fueled masturbation and had sex with beautiful, slutty fucking women while stopping to snort massive gators of fire come then going right back to bed to go at it like fucking animals. I've experienced both and the happiness a stable family life is the ultimate, life-long happiness. One day you'll break through your emotional deficiencies and realize this, or live and die miserably.
"Fire coke" lmao not "fire come"
>shameless phoneposter
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