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>tfw gyno i have had fucking man boobs since i was 13. how

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>tfw gyno
i have had fucking man boobs since i was 13. how do I get rid of this shit once and for all?
they're like barely noticeable, post a front pic
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One word: mansierre
Your gyno is not that bad. You'd probably still look fine when wearing a shirt, and even at the beach people wouldn't think of those as man boobs.

Anyway, it's near-impossible for them to go away by natural means. Your only bet for a quick solution is expensive surgery. Just eat better (avoid soy and drinking from plastic bottles) and work out to get your testosterone levels up.
That not gyno senpai do chest exercises. Cut fat
Chest exercise u have pseudo gyno
I used to be a 300 lb lardy and I lost a bunch of weight but they won't go away fully

That's neither gyno nor manboobs. Guys are supposed to have pecs, OP. Your pecs aren't going to be perfectly flat unless you're literally starving yourself.
That is Gyno you stupid fuck, learn what a pec is.
>googled it
so it's literally just chest fat, why even call it pseudogyno when it's got nothing to do with gyno
Because it looks like gyno.
it doesn't though, gyno gives you rocket tits with perky nipples
That's nothing OP
Look at my gyno
Lift and bulk. You can make your mantits look likw part of your beefy build. If your arms are swole then itll look like muscle rather than fat
Holy shit are you a man
jesus christ I want to suck your nipples
Yes. I have to wear compression bras to hide my mantits
There are different degrees of gyno. Some just give you puffy nipples without the rocket tits.
Jesus christ, do you/did you consume a lot of plastic bottled drinks, eat a lot of sweets and shit containing processed soy? They cant be just naturally from genes or whatever.
wtf how is that even possible
No, it's just something I developed during puberty
stop talking about things you don't know about.

Op squeeze around, if it feels like a hard clumpy ball under the nipple area it's most likely gyno.
>the plastic bottles meme
we only ever drink water out of plastic bottles in my country and I'm hairy as fuck
Your diet was shit during puberty.
Run. Cardio. Cut your BF%.
I can't feel any lumps or anything. Here's a front pic
>what are xenostregens
>falling for the bottled Jew

Body hair/=/high test
How broad are your shoulders?
How wide are your hips?
>literally have boobs
>still won't seal the deal with HRT
You have your chance to be cute. Why don't you take it?
You look fine lad that aint so bad. Yeah it's a tad weird but it's alright
Hair doesnt indicate high testosterone, its 90% genes. There are a lot of fat guys with mantits that are hairy like bears.
Those are fat tits.
OP here, not only do I not want to but I'm 6'3 and have a very un-cute face
you look fine you giant baby
1. mask with muscle
2. surgery
>How broad are your shoulders?
Very broad
>How wide are your hips?
Pretty wide, slightly thinner than my chest
Mine are far worse than that. I have the tits of a twelve year old girl
What kind of lifestyle do you live? Your body is skinny but with a lot of adipose tossue around your chest and stomach?

Are you mostly seditary? Do you ever just sit most of the day or eat a bag of cips and candy cars? How often do you excercise?
Can I suck on your boobs?
Do you also have a twink body?
Have you ever let someone else suck on them?
>Can I suck on your boobs?
>Do you also have a twink body?
>Have you ever let someone else suck on them?
No but I've had sex kek
this is sexy, I wanna lick your tits.
Nofap is the only way.
Ghat gig
They only way is surgery.
Gyno is either caused by estrogen OR too much testosterone, or obesity.
Since you're slim it's one of the former, and it can't be fixed without removing mammary glands.
Go on the paleo diet and do 100 pushups a day for 2 weeks, if you still have moobs you're a chick bro.
I used to be really fat and lost weight
Congrats, you're a numale
>I used to be really fat and lost weight
How long ago was this
I was always >the fat kid growing up and didn't start losing weight until the tail end of 2015. I have remained at roughly my current weight for about a year
>I have remained at roughly my current weight for about a year
Maybe then your mantits will get absorbed eventaully.
Try building some pects also.. if it's not gyno it should lead to them becoming unnoticeable, as the fat gets spread over the pectoral surface.

Otherwise as I said, you need surgery
Tall girls are attractive, too. For the face part, post pic
Don't fall for the pectoral meme. I had gyno so I started working out my chest lots and now I have a bunch of muscle underneath the gyno so it's pressed out even further.
>I had gyno so I started working out my chest lots and now I have a bunch of muscle underneath the gyno
As I said he only should do pecs if it's not gyno, but just leftover fat from his obese days.
He says he doesn't feel the glands underneath his nipples:
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>tfw Pectus Excavatum and Gyno

That's nothing. I seriously can't wear t-shirts without my gyno being noticeable. When I say noticeable I mean extremely noticeable. It gets pointed out everytime I wear one. It's true gyno too because I actually lift and am in good shape otherwise, which makes it worse... because if you're fat people would just think it was because of that. For me, I have a good body except for this fucking gyno

You don't know my fucking pain, you'll never know my pain, If I had a chest like that I wouldn't bitch and post about it I would love and cherish those nipples, you'll never know true pain, you should feel my pain...
Fuck off clean shirt. I'd kill for your grade of gyno. Fuck

Different person but I did all that growing up but didn't get gyno. I got gyno around age 19 when I became severely depressed. Apparently depression can lead to it because of how it fucks with your hormones (plus how generally shitty you eat/treat yourself)
Just get fucking surgery then!
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I don't know if that's 'gyne', 'adipo' or just because of my PE, but I have 'manboobs', I can notice my 'nipples' and that's extremely embarrassing...
>Apparently depression can lead to it because of how it fucks with your hormones
Yes gyno is more often than not caused not by a lack of Testosterone or estrogen but by the mammary glands causing you to produce your own estrogen locally in that area
inb4 thread gets nuked
I hate trannies and wouldn't touch HRT with a 10 foot pole
i'd blow you
cute boiboobs
you should feel good
Do chest exercises in the gym. You have chest fat not gyno. If you had gyno your nipples would be huge and puffy
>work out all it is is fat
>see a doctor and get pills
>see a plastic surgeon and get reduction surgery
Stop being dumb op
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