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This is how normies react when you fail to live up to their

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This is how normies react when you fail to live up to their social norms:

>So I went into dollar general to buy some razors and a can opener. This guy was stocking shelves in the razor isle. I asked him if he could tell me where the can openers would be. He answered me without looking up from the bottle in his hand. I told him that it's polite to make eye contact when someone speaks to you. To which he said ya whatever. So I told him that this is why he works at Dollar general. My razors were marked incorrectly, so I ended up back in his isle. He started in with some comments, so told him if he didn't like his job he could get a better one. It escalated from there until he raised his hand to me. That's when I pulled out the phone.

A store is not public property.
The customer can be refused access at the store's discretion and the customer has no right to film the employee like that.
Also customer is being a jerk, the employee may be doing his job sloppily but that's no reason to go full retard and then put this shameless display of assholery on the internet.
Enjoy your NEETbux, dumbass. At least the employee is paying tax.
>I told him that it's polite to make eye contact when someone speaks to you
What kind of retard says that to someone, zero tact. What a total maroon.
>This is how normies react when you fail to live up to their social norms:

you're literally the one correcting him and being a dick about HIS robotic behavior
you're the shitty normalfag in this situation and I'm not clicking the link
Kill yourself
Video uploader's name is Charles "Chuck" Breter JR.

He lives in Erie, PA

Linkedin says he drives for Uber.
Sounds like typical homeschooled retard yank who hasn't been humbled.
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>white people getting this uppity over raisins
what the FUCK is wrong with normies they are PSYCHOS ESJESUS FCUKINGCHRIST

"now you're harassing me"

I'd probably snap and kill a customer if they tried pulling this shit on me
Amateur food reviewer gets salty when fast food worker doesn't immediately respond to his "how are you?"

Fucking normies and their useless exchanges

"How are you" is a complete waste of everyone's time, especially at a drive through window when orders are usually TIMED and they have STANDARDS to maintain or they get in trouble.
look at how wounded he was by it, it completely ruined his life until he forgot about it 30 seconds later.
spotted the normies

how hard is it to just do your job? instead normies will do as they please.
video was deleted by the cuck.
>been working at fucking dollar general for 6 hours for the 1347th day
>"Why aren't you in a good mood and friendly?"
I will never understand this because the ppl who get upset about this have jobs themselves and know work sucks, so why can't they be more sympathetic?
Another example of some dumbshit normie
>gets so ass blasted they delete the video
>Throwing an autism fit over someone not saying thank you
>Filming said autism
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Close call! Thankfully I saved it!

i wont be going to Starbucks anymore if they don't fix this rude employee behavior.
Doing gods work anon, also digits checked.
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>im just filming you because it's my right
>why are you filming me?????!!! you're harassing me!!
Did this social norm come from normies who get a dopamine rush every time they do literally anything, making it easy for them to be happy at work?
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>grrrr get out of my store
>Fucking normies and their useless exchanges
God I fucking hate this.
Do normies derive some sort of pleasure just from talking that I am completely missing out on?
Are you actually on OP's side?
since there are no black males in proximity, he's the superior male in the conversation.

by default, he owns the store.
Anon is such a faggot. Walmart, Dollar Generals and most stores are on private property. Just because they call it out in public does not make it a public property.

Also why do insufferable faggots always pull out their vertical camera to film absolutely nothing but their own autism?
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>films poor minimum-wageslave while going out of his way to be a shitstain
>Gets butthurt that wage-slave begins filming him being a retard
Are you retarded? Obviously OP was quoting whoever uploaded the video. If you look up the video, it was on leddit well before OP posted here.
Guys, I think OP was reposting somebody else's video, I don't think that's actually him in it.
And how was everyone supposed to know that?
All of their arguments can still be said whether op uploaded it or not.
actually I'm just laughing at a hilarious line in the movie, sidepicker
Now that you mention it though, I can't even tell what side OP is on
dern it
By not being retarded. Obviously OP was on the employee's side by implying the customer was the normalfag who was trying to get the employee to live up to social expectations. Also, greentext usually means you're quoting someone, newfag. Clearly you thought it was a greentext story about himself despite not being structured as one at all.
When did I say greentext wasn't quoting? Literally everyone knows this.
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By assuming it was OP's video. Why would he be quoting himself? Also, if it was OP's video, I doubt he would wait 2 days to post it here.
I don't think the customer is a normie, he's just a dick. Norms don't engage like that in full retard mode.

has this prick deleted his youtube and social media yet, the fat fuck>?
"And how was everyone supposed to know that?
All of their arguments can still be said whether op uploaded it or not."

Obviously I meant how would anyone know it was already posted on Reddit? Why would anyone not think op doesn't know how to write a greentext story properly and just wrote it like a retard?
Normalfags are dicks all the time. It's the smallest shit that sets them off, like not making eye contact with them while you're trying to work. Since you have no experience with this, you're either one of them or you're an ass kisser who tries to follow all the social norms so they'll like you.
If you weren't retarded, you'd see how OP structured his post and assume it's not his video. You wouldn't absolutely need to know it was posted on leddit before making this assumption. I only brought it up to refute your notion that it was OP's video. You could find out if it was posted anywhere else the same way I did and do a simple Google search for the video's url.
>all the comments get it right
Holy shit. Yeah that guy filming is an absolute asshole. If he pulled that shit in my store I would call the police in less than 1 minute and another minute later they would be there (because same street).
thanks my nigger
nice projecting there, bud.
A norm may pass some remark, but wouldn't whip the phone out and go spastic. That guy is by no means a norm, he's a closet r9k I guess.
Normalfags whip out their phones for the pettiest bullshit and hold it vertically.
Either I mustn't be one of them then or my idea of normal is quite different to what passes for that instead.
If it wasn't OPs video then why did the video get deleted when he got doxed in this thread?
He was doxxed on /pol/ first and people were harassing him on youtube/facebook. The video was still up for almost 2 hours after his info was posted in this thread. If he was in this thread, he probably would have deleted it quicker.
Scrolling through the /pol/ thread I just noticed someone posted an image of the video's comment section were someone commented with with his full dox, not just his name. So that's almost definitely why he deleted it.
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>are you racist or something? towards black people?
change the title you moron
OP here.

Why the fuck do you think I am the guy filming?

You think I'm pro-camera normie here?
anyone have the reddit link?
>posting reddit links
Just Google the original video's url and it comes right up.
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Why would the Starbucks employee thank the customer? I thought you thank the person who hands you your beverage, not the other way around
You sounds more like attention whore than robot
Thanks dood, very noice.
That asian guy is cute
>Gets called out for not making eye-contact
>All the employee has to say is that they have an anxiety issue that makes eye contact difficult for them
>Congratulations, that customer now looks like the biggest dick ever for discriminating against someone with a mental illness

Although to be fair he already looks a bit of a dick. Looks like he was just trying to start shit so he could get his five minutes of fame on facebook
>calling someone a newfag unironically
fucking christ, could you stop trying to be an image board tryhard?
That's exactly the kind of thing that a newfag would say.
I used this site before you, newbie!!!11!!one!!
damn, that dislike ratio though
He should be grateful for the opportunity to make drinks for people.

Fucking uber drivers. Aren't they all yuppie upper middle class Redditor hipsters?
Hey I browse reddit. You and me got a problem, punk?
> having to be a wagecuck at Shekel General
> just trying to get through the day so I can shitpost on /mu/ and maybe /h/ later on
> some dude comes in coming off from a r/theredpill bender
> herewego.jpg
> tries to establish himself as le alpha xD
> tells me how to do my job
> trying to goad me with petty insults
> getting mad because they really don't pay me enough for this shit
> the dude getting louder and looking around to see if other women are assessing his status
> realize that there's a million of these jobs so I think I'm just about film myself knocking this motherfucker out
> dude starts panicking as he realizes that life isn't 4chan and he has never been in a fight
> says he's being harassed like a little Tumblr bitch and leaves
> get reprimanded by manager
> goes home and smokes weed
> fuckthisgayearth.jpg
Spicer is /OURGUY/ fuck OP redditor piece of shit
the actions described in the greentext are exactly what retarded, entitled assholes who have nothing better to do, do with their time.

>this is why you work here
this doesn't work because you're a patron there, so you're just as bad, you're paying his paycheck. it's stupidity versus someone who wants to just work.

if you can't find a unique item like a can opener, you deserve to not be looked at while you're spoken to.
he knows he doesnt like his damn job lol, you sound autistic af OP
OP is a real autismo robot KEK
heard some normies talking about this guy at work not saying how are you and keeping to himself as if it was a problem that needed rectification

dumb normalfags
>how hard is it to just do your job?

but he was doing his job, he told him where to find the item. who fucking cares if he looked him in the eyes or not, muh eye contact, thats normalfag thinking faggot.
Wow OP you're the autistic schizo with no self awareness whatsoever
OP here.

I'm not the guy who uploaded the video retards. I literally copied and pasted the greentext description from the video description.
And you "work" in your mom's basement making sauce
yeah thats why its in greetext, obviously all these retard newfags dont understand
>smallest shit that sets them off
you have never seen a normalfag in your life. do you mean poorfag??
the fuck is wrong with people. All these autistic niggers somehow are allowed to live.
>A norm may pass some remark, but wouldn't whip the phone out and go spastic.

Are you serious? How many videos are there online of people recording fights or any old shit instead of helping or to goad people on?

As soon as anything slightly unusual happens they take their phone out and start recording, not to mention going to a concert and recording instead of actually paying attention to and enjoying the performance you paid to go see.
Whelp the video got removed before I could watch it
reupped, check the related thread on /pol/
I wonder how Chuckie Cheese provides customer service to his uber patrons

haha op when you turned the camera to yourself to display a fat man child you instantly lost. this guy was just working you disgusting fat fuck
What is greentext, you moron


board is full of spazdicks mate id give up
Can you link the pol Thread I can't find it
Are there really people in this thread that think OP is the one that recorded the video?

Its pretty obvious he is quoting the recording and posting a link to his video.
He should have followed you outside and beat you half to death outside the cameras view.

t. abnormalfaggot that has never worked
This is why based ReviewBrah exists.
He wouldn't complain
He wouldn't shill his social media
He isn't over the top in his editing or personality.
Just a nice guy with his nice suits reviewing some food.
>Not just going out of your way to be involved as little as possible in other peoples lives
I dont get people like you OP
I feel sorry for the employees having to deal with that retarded fuck.
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