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Psychological Issues #88

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1. Use a name in the namefield.
2. Share your problems.
3. Be listened to and cared for.
4. Keep in mind I may not always be around or always have time for everybody; there are others besides me, but don't assume I automatically condone their advice.

Here are some often recommended resources:




And here are some tests:

Psychological Issues Archives

1 - https://desuarchive.org/r9k/thread/35498409/
2 - https://desuarchive.org/r9k/thread/35521806/
3 - https://desuarchive.org/r9k/thread/35541735/
4 - https://desuarchive.org/r9k/thread/35547290/
5 - https://desuarchive.org/r9k/thread/35567230/
6 - https://desuarchive.org/r9k/thread/35668421/
7 - https://desuarchive.org/r9k/thread/35689780/
8 - https://desuarchive.org/r9k/thread/35716442/
9 - https://desuarchive.org/r9k/thread/35740738/
10 - https://desuarchive.org/r9k/thread/35763440/
11 - https://desuarchive.org/r9k/thread/35777773/
12 - https://desuarchive.org/r9k/thread/35803625/
13 - https://desuarchive.org/r9k/thread/35835561/
14 - https://desuarchive.org/r9k/thread/35855848/
15 - https://desuarchive.org/r9k/thread/35876435/
16 - https://desuarchive.org/r9k/thread/35882457/
17 - https://desuarchive.org/r9k/thread/35906378/
18 - https://desuarchive.org/r9k/thread/35926221/
19 - https://desuarchive.org/r9k/thread/35945942/
20 - https://desuarchive.org/r9k/thread/35971403/
21 - https://desuarchive.org/r9k/thread/35994443/
22 - https://desuarchive.org/r9k/thread/36019645/
23 - https://desuarchive.org/r9k/thread/36040635/
24 - https://desuarchive.org/r9k/thread/36089774/
25 - https://desuarchive.org/r9k/thread/36093480/
26 - https://desuarchive.org/r9k/thread/36108068/
26 - https://desuarchive.org/r9k/thread/36132647/
27 - https://desuarchive.org/r9k/thread/36158561/
28 - https://desuarchive.org/r9k/thread/36183284/
29 - https://desuarchive.org/r9k/thread/36210653/
30 - https://desuarchive.org/r9k/thread/36244000/
Psychological Archives 2/3

31 - https://desuarchive.org/r9k/thread/36259571/
32 - https://desuarchive.org/r9k/thread/36284773/
33 - https://desuarchive.org/r9k/thread/36294613/
34 - https://desuarchive.org/r9k/thread/36315834/
35 - https://desuarchive.org/r9k/thread/36347338/
36 - https://desuarchive.org/r9k/thread/36362980/
37 - https://desuarchive.org/r9k/thread/36376102/
38 - https://desuarchive.org/r9k/thread/36394647/
39 - https://desuarchive.org/r9k/thread/36414900/
Bar Session - https://desuarchive.org/r9k/thread/36425918/
40 - https://desuarchive.org/r9k/thread/36441841/
41 - https://desuarchive.org/r9k/thread/36464463/
42 - https://desuarchive.org/r9k/thread/36497331/
43 - https://desuarchive.org/r9k/thread/36520550/
44 - https://desuarchive.org/r9k/thread/36546008/
45 - https://desuarchive.org/r9k/thread/36566894/
46 - https://desuarchive.org/r9k/thread/36593662/
47 - https://desuarchive.org/r9k/thread/36620323/
Bar Session - https://desuarchive.org/r9k/thread/36644294/
48 - https://desuarchive.org/r9k/thread/36664702/
49 - https://desuarchive.org/r9k/thread/36697612/
50 - https://desuarchive.org/r9k/thread/36721283/
51 - https://desuarchive.org/r9k/thread/36745035/
52 - https://desuarchive.org/r9k/thread/36773599/
53 - https://desuarchive.org/r9k/thread/36794358/
54 - https://desuarchive.org/r9k/thread/36814374/
55 - https://desuarchive.org/r9k/thread/36842342/
56 - https://desuarchive.org/r9k/thread/36869693/
57 - https://desuarchive.org/r9k/thread/36889638/
58 - https://desuarchive.org/r9k/thread/36917996/
59 - https://desuarchive.org/r9k/thread/36947320/
60 - https://desuarchive.org/r9k/thread/36967412/
61 - https://desuarchive.org/r9k/thread/36987179/
62 - https://desuarchive.org/r9k/thread/37015031/
63 - https://desuarchive.org/r9k/thread/37040728/
64 - https://desuarchive.org/r9k/thread/37085943/
65 - https://desuarchive.org/r9k/thread/37105759/
66 - https://desuarchive.org/r9k/thread/37130800/
Psychological Support - https://desuarchive.org/r9k/thread/37154739/
Psychological Support - https://desuarchive.org/r9k/thread/37171552/
67 - https://desuarchive.org/r9k/thread/37198958/
68 - https://desuarchive.org/r9k/thread/37220653/
69 - https://desuarchive.org/r9k/thread/37239171/
70 - https://desuarchive.org/r9k/thread/37270112/
71 - https://desuarchive.org/r9k/thread/37558329/
72 - https://desuarchive.org/r9k/thread/37583554/
73 - https://desuarchive.org/r9k/thread/37600377/
74 - https://desuarchive.org/r9k/thread/37706039/
74 - https://desuarchive.org/r9k/thread/37640621/
75 - https://desuarchive.org/r9k/thread/37729443/
76 - https://desuarchive.org/r9k/thread/37824755/
77 / https://desuarchive.org/r9k/thread/37849700/
78 - https://desuarchive.org/r9k/thread/38014184/
79 - https://desuarchive.org/r9k/thread/38035776/
80 - https://desuarchive.org/r9k/thread/38056924/
81 - https://desuarchive.org/r9k/thread/38082378/
82 - https://desuarchive.org/r9k/thread/38099205/
83 - https://desuarchive.org/r9k/thread/38122695/
84 - https://desuarchive.org/r9k/thread/38153894/
85 - https://desuarchive.org/r9k/thread/38176228/
86 - https://desuarchive.org/r9k/thread/38192581/
87 - https://desuarchive.org/r9k/thread/38212902/

There exist many threads that weren't official, and were opened by regulars. I haven't saved those because they would be quite a mess to find. They are archived on the desu website anyway, but I haven't listed them.
Nick is a bad person and should consider suicide

Hello there. You're the anon who doesn't like punctuation much. What is the cause of your discontent?

The first time you posted, it was during a busy moment, I assume, and we didn't get far. Ever since, you always post first in the thread, when no one else is around, and you'd rather not use the opportunity to get anything done.

That's a shame.

As long as you fully understand what you're doing, I suppose.
Man, this is the earliest the thread has been up.

I could open it 7 hours earlier than now. When I get up.
I would never be here.

It'd stay open until the usual time when I go to bed and it dies because nobody keeps it up.

I've given up on the group idea, where we'd be a team and it'd work as a team. For two reasons: one, as soon as I leave, the thread dies (sometimes anons stick around for conversation, but rarely for very long and rarely with any drive); two, I don't see anyone sane enough to be able to do what I do. Some do great, Facet and Dan, but as soon as you veer into their specific odd beliefs, it goes tits up in the blink of a perverted eye.
So I recently got back from visiting my family, and I met this really cool girl on the plane.
i pretend to be heterosexual at my job and it has caused me trouble. I'm almost in a relationship with a crazy girl and i keep burying myself deeper in the lie. I've already made out with her several times, grabbed her butt and boobs

Wat do

So now you're considering dumping your abused girlfriend and abuse this one instead. Spare me.

>i pretend to be heterosexual at my job and it has caused me trouble. I'm almost in a relationship with a crazy girl and i keep burying myself deeper in the lie. I've already made out with her several times, grabbed her butt and boobs
>Wat do

You have a worse problem than role playing. Your personal boundaries are so weak you'd sooner engage in physical relationships than defend yourself. That strikes me the most here.

Do the Kinsey test and report back. I need to know how serious your case is.

Absence of names means I get to baptise you. Your name is now Straight Faggot.
>You're the anon who doesn't like punctuation much
>implying half of r9k doesn't finish sentences without punctuation
>responding twice
Suicide is always an option
>It'd stay open until the usual time when I go to bed
Huh, then I would probably be here every time.
>as soon as I leave, the thread dies
Yeah, it kind of sucks. I've tried to stay with people by having a few conversations with multiple people, but eventually they either go to bed, or they just stop talking to me.
I'm a 6 on the kinsey scale. Only attracted to men exclusively
>So now you're considering dumping your abused girlfriend and abuse this one instead. Spare me.
I don't go out of my way to do these things. It's just natural to me. Besides, I wasn't planning on actually making a move, she just started talking to me. I don't think it's a good idea for me to hang out with her often, because I'm probably going to be tempted. She's like a fucked up hippy girl.

You're wrong about the punctuation bit.

I could respond twice, or three times, or 7 times. You're probably the same anon who gets assdamaged by the numbers of posts and posters in every thread, as if it meant anything to anyone.

I give you one last chance and after that I give up on you. Take it or leave it.

Then yeah, you need to worry about your boundaries, because it seems that they are soft.

You need to stop that physical relationship right away. Telling the truth might be awkward, but always an option.

Why on earth did you go so far to hide your gayness? I need to know.
>I could respond twice, or three times, or 7 times. You're probably the same anon who gets assdamaged by the numbers of posts and posters in every thread, as if it meant anything to anyone.
Wrong again, nick. Your advice does more harm than good, I suggest you stop giving it
wat do here?

You know, Eh, you're about the only person I'm not sure I can work with. My resentment for you is serious. Everything you say oozes of shit and makes me angry.

Let's focus on what we can do. Let's focus on your brother. On a scale of 1 to motherfucker, how much do you hate him?
Huh, I guess I'm bisexual. It makes sense, because I've fucked a guy and a girl. I'm just disappointed that I lost my virginity to a guy.
I'd have to say a 2, because most of the time I don't give a shit.
>Wrong again, nick. Your advice does more harm than good, I suggest you stop giving it

The advice I give produces results and I see it all the time. If you want to keep sounding like a broken record for months onwards, go ahead. I will never respond to you again. That was your last chance and you blew it.

I have no friends, I don't know how to make friends, I don't how to talk to friends, I wouldn't know where to find places to make friends and I don't know to handle friendships, I'm always too nice and I become a doormat.

I don't have a girlfriend, I'm 25 years old and the lack of intimacy with anyone is killing me, god why is the world so cruel, yes I'm whining like a little bitch instead of doing something about it.

I hate living with my parents, I can't be a young man having them around, they always expect me to be perfect all around, never make any mistakes or fool around. They always expect me to be the perfect little boy, and I can't do it anymore.

And finally I hate my job, although it pays great for someone my age, I can't shake the feeling that I'm wasting even more time than I've wasted in my early twenties doing nothing to improve myself, like it's robbing me of my drive for life and I only have to live for my work, and I know it's not all my job's fault that I hate it, but all of the above.

Share your problems. It's all written in the OP.


How much on Kinsey?


As expected. Do you find that lack of anger normal? Do you think most people would feel the same way as you do?
I would make a joke, but it wouldn't sound like a joke.
>Why on earth did you go so far to hide your gayness? I need to know.
I don't really feel like its appropriate to be gay at work. I didnt want to be fired or anything. So I let them assume I was straight and then things just happened and now i have a girl who is probably going around telling people that we're a thing.

Kek willed it.

You forgot to name yourself, so your name is now People-Pleaser.

>I have no friends, I don't know how to make friends, I don't how to talk to friends, I wouldn't know where to find places to make friends and I don't know to handle friendships, I'm always too nice and I become a doormat.

Most likely, a personal boundary problem, developed from trying to please your "perfectionist" parents all the time. You don't feel like just existing is enough to deserve respect, so you're always trying to do things to obtain respect and being liked, which does the opposite, as people notice when someone is acting weird for unclear reasons (unclear to them).

>I don't have a girlfriend, I'm 25 years old and the lack of intimacy with anyone is killing me, god why is the world so cruel, yes I'm whining like a little bitch instead of doing something about it.

Writing here is doing something about it, it's not whining. If you stick around, you will get better.

It's healthy that you hate living with your parents, at 25, and considering what your parents are, so consider that a good thing.

Read the article on Narc parents and see if it sounds like yours or not. Either way, I doubt you were raised in a healthy way.

If your job pays great, why don't you move out and live on your own? You'd enjoy it much more.
>Do you find that lack of anger normal?
I'm pretty sure that it's only normal for me, but I couldn't really tell, because everyone around me is as equally fucked up. If not then more.
>Do you think most people would feel the same way as you do?
Like I said Nick, everyone around me is fucked. The most normal person I can think of is my gf, and she's still a major introvert, but it's probably not normal.

Just do it. Cocktease.

>I don't really feel like its appropriate to be gay at work.

Do you think making out and grabbing tits is appropriate at work? I assume you didn't this there, so it's no longer work-related, which means it's fine to tell someone you don't want to engage in physical activities since you're not attracted to them. Is it normal for you to let people use your body against your own desires?

What we must do now is find a way to reconnect to your emotions, starting with your anger, which is most likely the most preserved emotion you have.

Think about something your brother did that pissed you off and tell me.
No, because I already ruined it by telling everyone that it was a joke.

Too bad, I want to know now.
Just talking to him can piss me off, and he wonders why I don't talk much. This probably sounds very contradicting, but I do not dislike my brother if he just sits there. Like if we're watching a movie, it's fine, but if he raises his voice and cusses I'm going to be mad.
>Like if we're watching a movie, it's fine, but if he raises his voice and cusses I'm going to be mad.

Is that when he raises his voice at you or in general? When he curses at you or in general?
I was just going to tell him to get drunk and do coke, because coke makes you an asshole, and whiskey helps with confidence (for most).

>Lonely robot in a wasteland

This one's for you, robots.
When it's directed toward me.

OK, that's funny. How much alcohol and drugs do you use yourself?

Can you give me an example of a conversation where this happens? Write in direct speech, with quotes.

Is there anyone else who makes you angry the same way?
Not too much, but sometimes I wish that I'd do more, and sometimes I wish that I did less.
>Not too much,

That's your own assessment, I can't do jack with it. I need neutral information, like "every day", or "every weekend". Otherwise "not too much" could be either of these depending on what you think is too much or not enough.
So how accurate are those tests? I took 2 and scored really high for depression on both of them. Never really felt i had it until the past couple of months. Started losing interests in hobbies and started feeling more and more like a burden on people to the point where I sort of started pushing my family away.
Idk why but I just feel like the world is so hopeless and everything is meaningless.
Something he might say:
"Why the fuck didn't you wash the dishes? We're going to be leaving soon."
Anyone who raises their voice and cusses at me. I don't do it to them, so they shouldn't do it to me. My step mom would do it often, and a few times I was ready to just kick the door in while holding a knife.
>So how accurate are those tests?

Both depression tests are pretty good. You definitely have depression, but that's the surface.

We need to dig deeper. Do you feel like there's an obvious cause to your depression? If so, tell me.
Just whenever I feel like getting really high or drunk which happens about once every two months.
>Why the fuck didn't you wash the dishes?

I imagine that's a fairly normal way of his to address you. What happens if you instantly tell him to talk to you more politely?
I think life is very pointless. I am very bad at making and keeping friends to...do things with on a regular basis. I have a lot of friends but never in my town/city. So my friends are people i only ever text.

I am often described by others as being bright, cheerful, positive, bubbly, smart and likeable

I went through 2 years of college and 'hung out' with 'friends' a total of 3 times during college.

I really find life pointless i cant explain i just feel there's no meaning to going on

Sometimes i cry to sleep and when i do i feel a very tight gripping feeli in my chest.

i'm afraid very afraid that life will really be pointless so after i was done with college i wanted to move out...i bought a one way ticket to japan and found a job as an english teacher here...i'm technically living the life but i still dont have someone to *do stuff with* and...when i do ask people out they are either busy or...the only ones who are down to hang out are people whose company i dont really enjoy. I just meet them anyway for the sake of not doing something alone.

I have a month and a half of mandatory unpaid leave so i'm going to do some reckless hobo hitch hiking around japan. People think i'm brave and adventurous...i am terribly afraid that if i don't create trouble for myself i'll go back to my boring life that i hated before i came to japan and hate everything

I am so messed up i dont even know how to sort my thoughts out right
That's just how things are, but you're lucky, because Nick is going to help give you a new mentality. You'll be exactly the same, but happier!

Your name is now Weaboo.

I'd say you almost certainly have depression, for starters.

We need to focus on why socialising was and is an issue to you. Do your parents have many good friends whom they kept for decades?

I literally have no idea if this is sarcasm or not. I imagine it is.
I feel like it kinda started at the end if last summer. I felt like everything was a chore and hated doing anything even with my family.
I went off to college and it seemed to get better. I felt a lot happier for the most part but near the end of second semester I started having the dead feelings again and had certain occasions where I just felt all jittery for no eeason, although those were pretty rare.
Came home and was dreading it, mostly because if my dad. Had to get my car fixed for hail damage and then i missed something (super small and turned out to be unimportant) and my dad blew up at me and called me worthless and I'd never amou t to anything. Havent really felt much emotion since then, happy or otherwise. Not the first time he's done it, but it made me kinda officially wrote him off in my mind since both times he's never mentioned it again and both times were over meaningless bullshit. My mom is cool and everything but lately it just seems I get annoyed about everything even with her. I go back to school in about a month and I'm loving with friends so I hope I feel less worthless. Also have a physical in a couple days and I think I'm supposed to be going over some of this stuff there too.
He'd just say some bullshit about how it's his house, or if he was in a good enough mood he might say sorry, but het has to be in a great mood. He'll also just call me names, or talk shit at random times. My parents told me that when he talks shit, he's happy, and he does it playfully. Although, I don't believe them. I'm pretty sure that he almost always feels like shit.
Kind of, kind of not. I just wanted him to feel welcome.
>Came home and was dreading it, mostly because if my dad. Had to get my car fixed for hail damage and then i missed something (super small and turned out to be unimportant) and my dad blew up at me and called me worthless and I'd never amou t to anything.

Is that a normal thing to do for him?

Share some memories of you and your dad, bad memories.

Honoured to be baptised by you.

I can talk to people and have small talk/conversations fine. I really do act very normal for most of the part.

But ye i was that kid in class who ate alone during lunch and eventually i liked eating alone better than with others

i hate talking about deeper things like feels or politics irl. Online with strangers is okah.

>Do your parents have many good friends whom they kept for decades?
I don't know. My parents are very family oriented, my dad has like 10 siblings and my mom has 3, the whole extended family cousins and whatnot gather pretty often and offer help/support to each other...my parents are very family oriented so they dont hang out with 'friends' often. They each have friends from their childhood but they hang out less than 20 times a year i think.
>My parents told me that when he talks shit, he's happy, and he does it playfully

Your parents sound fucked. What an obnoxious way to justify someone's behaviour. Goddamn. He isn't a dog.

I need more details on the logistics here. Who lives with who, who pays the rent, who does what. I thought you had a house with your slave. Who else lives with you?
I was visiting my brother for a few weeks, and it's my brother's house.

Thanks for correcting my misspelling. I can't spell weeaboo it seems.

>But ye i was that kid in class who ate alone during lunch and eventually i liked eating alone better than with others

I was that kid too.

>i hate talking about deeper things like feels or politics irl. Online with strangers is okah.

Likely because offline you might offend someone and you'll see it in them. Conflicts are scary to you.

What's your worst childhood memory?

Why did you visit him?
It's so I don't look like a shitty family member.
I am happy working minimum wage part time as a cashier even after finishing a degree because I don't like responsibilities. How do I become a career ladder climbing normie?

Considering your family, that's a hilarious concern.

Ponder the fact that while you're selfish in all ways, you don't want to sound like a dick to your family. Why? Your brother talks to you like you're a human turd, and you're going to put up with it? You aren't a child anymore, and adults don't force themselves to visit people who treat them like shite.

You have no reason to subject yourself to useless acts that serve nobody. Your brother can't enjoy your presence all that much if he wants you to do the dishes at his place, what kind of a shit host is that?

Do you think I'd ask you to do the fucking dishes if you stayed at my place? I wouldn't make my own brothers do anything if they stayed over here.

Hospitality, ever heard of that in your family?
>bad memories
So pretty much all of my memories with him.
First one I really remember is when I peed my pants in kindergarten. I wanted my mom to come in to help me but I guess she was doing important things or wouldn't pick up her phone so my dad came in and I was fucking terrified. I don't remember much besides him yelling at me, but my mom recently told me that the school said that if something like that happens again they'd call child protective services. Happened a lot in my old neighborhood and it's supposedly one of the reasons we moved to the new one.
Back to the old neighborhood, my dad left to the Middle East (both my parents are military) when I was in early grade school to about 4th grade I think. My aunt was here while he was gone and it was some of the best times I had. He came home and it went back to being like it was, I was just too young to realize it was shit.
Pretty much my sister and I have been wanting my mom to divorce my dad for our entire lives, but my mom wouldn't do it because we were minors and neither of us wanted to spend time with him alone if he got partial custody. Now that we're both beyond that she still won't do it even though he gets furious over the most petty shit, most recently cussing her out over a fucking spoon.
I never really felt it was super unusual until I started seeing how my friends acted around their dads and how comfortable they were with them. When I talk to him I still feel like I'm talking to a stranger, and I can't remember the last time I had a real conversation with him, or even saw him with a different emotion other than feigned happiness or anger.
The worst part of it is he tries to buy my sister and I a whole bunch of material things as if that would make up for the years he treated his whole family like shit.
Oh yeah another memory with him I felt I should share cuz i alluded to it earlier. The first time he called me worthless and told me I wouldn't amount to anything is when he was driving me to a college course I was taking over the summer (it was in between my junior and senior year in hs, didn't have my license yet), and I didn't set my alarm, so my mom woke me up. I was still ready on time, we still got there on time, literally he just got made because for 1 day I didn't set my alarm.
>Hospitality, ever heard of that in your family?
Yeah, but they say that hospitality is even having me over.

Why do you want to climb any ladder if you don't like responsibilities?
>Conflicts are scary to you.
This is quite right, i never thought about it this way.
>What's your worst childhood memory
I don't remember one specific one in particular...

When i was 7 i liked this girl, let's call her Poppy. Poppy wS my classmate. I liked Poppy a lot but in a non-homo way. Never felt any romantic/sexual desire towards poppy.

Everyone liked Poppy cos Poppy was cute,obedient, praised by the teachers and Poppy was very good at my worst subject. I can't explain and still dont understand but back then i was soooo obsessed with wanting to be her *best* friend i would keep popping up wherever she was and cling to her. Poppy ended up being best friends with another girl let's call her Blue, i got really jealous and upset. I kept comparing myself to Blue and felt inferior and then felt angry at Blue cos i felt Blue wasn't 'worthy'. In school i used a book to hit Blue on the head and didn't tell her why. The next day, Blue's elders brothers looked me up and told me off. I cried i think?

Then when i got home i scribbled "why doesnt Poppy like me" allllllll over my furniture............ Years later i think when i was a teenager i begged my mom to throw the shelf away because i was so embarrassed and didnt want to be reminded of myself being so stupid when i was a kid.

Then one time i was either 7 or 8, there was a drawing contest and i submitted a drawing of cinderella, i stayed up till 2am? to finish colouring it, my mom stayed up with me to help me too. After the teacher collected everyone's works in class, she raised mine up and asked
>class, does this look like cinderella?
And of course everyone chimed 'noooooo'
I mean it was shitty of her to do that to any kid at all, and now it doesnt matter because i stopped sucking at drawing and feel somewhat confident about artfagging but i still remember this incident.
Alright Nick. I stayed up all night, and I'm really fucking tired. If the thread is still up I'll talk to you later, if not I'll see you in the next thread.
>First one I really remember is when I peed my pants in kindergarten. I wanted my mom to come in to help me but I guess she was doing important things or wouldn't pick up her phone so my dad came in and I was fucking terrified. I don't remember much besides him yelling at me, but my mom recently told me that the school said that if something like that happens again they'd call child protective services.

Pissing your pants when you're 3 or around is normal. Having your father come to scold you in public, however, is not.

That's fucked up already. Adults around you at the time immediately saw that you were in danger and imagined that your father was abusive. Even your parents knew it and moved out to avoid getting into trouble.

Everything else you said paints your father as a very sick man. Read the article on narcissistic parents.

The gift thing to redeem themselves is typical.

Your current state is most likely connected to having been raised by such a man. Very good that you noticed how other fathers behaved with their sons, focus on that as the normal.
>literally he just got made because for 1 day I didn't set my alarm.

In other words, any excuse is good to lash out at you. He's filled with anger and any reason to let it go will be taken, even if it makes no damn sense. Emotions over logic. Sounds like a narc to me.


Then tell them to fuck off. Why don't you? Why the hell would you spend a fucking minute with people who talk to you this way?

I'm stopping here. I have to get busy. I might be able to come back sporadically. I'll do my best, but except some severe down times. Also my connection fucks up.
I'm torn on my feelings about my boyfriend. His family is self-serving and burnt out on life overall. They didn't teach him shit. If you can think of basic things that a 26 year old adult should know how to do (including paying for his phone plan or knowing what kind of insurance he's on) he doesn't fucking know it.

My gay friend hooked us up, said he was sweet but just didn't get out much. I figured he'll learn to resocialize.

I thought I saw myself; A year later, the reality is he has no fucking clue who he wants to be and instead of looking at my life and wanting to be independent, he really just wants me to take reigns because I've already put myself out there.

We took a drive through a gorgeous neighborhood in the city, I thought to myself that I'll never have that life because I can't even convince him to move out of his parents house, no way he'd ever want the responsibility of being a home owner. Nothing interests him except quoting television/dank memes, listening to dubstep, and watching religious debates.

But he worships me I've never had that before. It makes it hard for me to say he's bad when he just wants to love and cuddle me. But I really resent the fact that he doesn't love himself enough to take care of himself. What should I do, besides break up with him. He knows all my concerns but can't fix it all because he doesn't even know what should be a problem at his age.
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Should I off myself? (((Original)))
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I got a 31 on depression, git fuckt!
>unhappy childhood memories that i generally don't think about were triggered
>start thinking more about why my childhood wasn't all that perfect
>nick gtg
>gonna spend the rest of the night pondering over shitty childhood times unable to sleep

Should i go to the konbini and read manga?
I'm supposed to hang out with someone tomorrow and thus wake up at 7.30am....
It's 11.40pm
Narc parent seems spot on.
I know his dad was as shitty as he is so I guess I know where he gets it from.
My biggest fear is that I'll end up just like him if I'm a dad someday. I don't want my children to resent me like I've grown to resent him. Not sure what to do.
Is releasing myself from 3d and living the waifu laifu a sound decision, psychologically?
>tell them to fuck off
I don't want to deal with the shit that's going to come after. The only reason why I don't fuck with anyone is, because I might not be prepared for the consequences. I didn't really want to spend 1-2 weeks with my grandma.
is your bf happy with his life? i would be surprised if he were but there's a chance.

have you talked with him in depth about your concerns? you might not be right for eachother. but more likely he got some serious issues that he should be dealing with for his own sake.
if he actually want to change, suggest therapy if he's not already in it.
Yes, actually. He's OK with his life for the most part, especially now that he has a gf/sex on tap. He lacks that inherent shame that robots have about their life. If it wasn't for all the in depth talks we've had already he'd have no idea that being babied like he is at 26 is bad. He's only making small changes because of me, but not because he sees the importance.
that's kinda interesting. does he have any thoughts about his future and does to work/go to school?
I ask him where he wants to live, like a house or a loft and says he doesn't know. I think he wants to live in his hometown, but that's because there's only 100 people there and he already knows everyone already. He's a manager at McDonald's and he only just got that because I told him to do it. He's been with McD's since he was 20 and didn't want more responsibility than flipping burgers. Not interested in getting a degree or learning a trade.
this is a bit tricky since we're talking about a third person.

sounds to me that either he's not actually thought about his future in a practical sense or he's genuinely fine with just being alive without pursuing anything bigger.

and for that i envy him, but that's just part of my own problems.
>Is it normal for you to let people use your body against your own desires?
Yeah...sometimes I sleep with guys I'm not that into because I just like feeling loved

Bump. I'll be done in about 40 minutes or so.
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