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>start trying to gain weight a couple weeks ago >step on

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>start trying to gain weight a couple weeks ago
>step on the scale last week
>I gained one pound
>feel pretty good that I'm making progress
>have a couple cheat days
>step on the scale today
>lose 2 pounds
What the hell am I supposed to do? How do I make myself hungry?
Liquid calories is the key.

Drink calorie dense shakes (shit like peanut butter, protein powder, whole milk) and keep eating until you are physically unable to. You're gonna make it.
how does a poorfag gain weight. I don't know what to get that's cheap but will help me put on weight
My first week I tried Red Robin blue ribbon burgers and fries. It's like 10 bucks for the basket and has 1800 calories. It's good if you're used to 1 meal a day
peanut butter sandwiches, ramen, and fairlife chocolate milk.
thanks bros. I eat a lot of beans and lentils but is that a meme? seems like they have a decent amount of protein. hadn't thought of peanut butter actually but it sounds like a good option
doctor put me on a 90-95 % liquid diet drinking these shakes, because of my IBD

i've gone from 99 to 112 in about a month
I'd recommend something similar
pizza and coke erriday
lift weights bro dude
Fatbot here. I feel as if our struggles are the same, except our hunger levels are on opposite ends of the spectrum.

Being a fatty:
>you just need to start eating less! have some willpower!

Being a skelly:
>literally all you have to do is eat more! how hard is that?!

Healthy weighted individuals can't be robots.
People always insult fat peoplr for being fat and eating too much, but then they contradict themselves and insult people like me for being "anorexic" because I don't like to eat a lot.
Liquid calories as someone said. Try protein shakes and mixing in some peanut butter. Whole milk, peanut butter, and chocolate protein powder is great. Though you should lift, too, or you'll just put on tons of fat and become a skinnyfat which leads to just fat fat.
This is the truth. as a skelly I can empathize if I just had the same appetite problem but reversed. If it was as hard to eat less as it is for me to eat more, I'd be fat.
Don't snack, eat three large meals a day, also do excercise with lots of protein
What's a "cheat day" for a skelly? Do you just fast for the day?
lost over 70 pounds literally fucking eating less
put the fork down, fatass
smoke weed. but that usually ends in consuming junk food.
I'm also a skelly... 120 lbs at 6'0". I just bought a tub of mass gainer + a blender bottle + 20 lb dumbells and have been doing 20 push-ups every hour or so.

Am I on the right track? Two scoops of mass gainer is 1200 calories btw. Doesn't taste too bad either.
This i used to be a skeleton a year ago i gained about 30 pounds and starting working out
after combusting and inhaling cannabis fumes for going on 7-8 years, i've actually began to eat much less. it just doesn't make me intensely hungry anymore- but it DOES make it nearly impossible to eat without toking up first

its a dead end, bud

115 at 5'10'' here, but honestly don't mind.
This is good, yes. If you are looking to just gain any kind of weight, it's simple. Consume more calories than you burn. If you're working out too, that's when you need to ensure you're also getting proteins and fats, or your muscles will just deplete you from working out and not having anything to replenish them.

Typically speaking, 2600 cals/daily is what you want to start with. Some people I know have been up to 3000
What do you mean by my muscles will deplete me if I workout and don't eat a lot of fatty stuff?
Muscles need proteins to recover, thus adding mass, i.e. weight. If you aren't getting enough protein (1g to 1lb of body weight for gaining) then you're just expending calories without putting on anything.
Same anon again, but no shit check out /fit/'s sticky. It's actually quite helpful for gaining. And never do 5x5 program. It's a fucking meme and doesn't isolate anything. Isolation exercises are just as important as full muscle group exercises.
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