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>20 years old now >mom still wont admit that homeschooling

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>20 years old now
>mom still wont admit that homeschooling left me socially retarded and suicidal
I love you, anon
I hope your life improves
Describe what's it like to be homeschooled, I'm curious.
>be me
>was socially retarded until I got out my comfort zone
>now have a gf and make 60k a year

Feels good, man.
If it's any consolation I wasn't home schooled and I'm still retarded and suicidal.
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I thought I was the only one.

Dude....I went to college and failed and that's how I lost my virginity but at great cost to myself.

I don't know how to help us.

Join the fucking military, I'm sorry son you have to suffer for any shred of self respect.
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Im not a full blown case because I got out at 6th grade. but basically you just completely lack the skills to socialize and meet strangers on a daily basis, and obviously have no idea how to talk to women. An actual k-12 homeschooler is typically very easy to spot since the parents are never normal people and probably pushed their kid into something weird like opera or ballet. I can hide my power level for the most part but I still feel the scars of only knowing like 10 kids growing up.

was the girl homeschooled? howd did you meet?

almost done with stem univ and i hate every second of it. I joined a fraternity of other suicidal good students. still eternally lonely and cant seem to force human connection.

my brother joined the military and sometimes I wish I did too
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O hey me too.
Met through my university. Just get out your comfort zone, pussy.

>I got out at 6th grade

No excuses, you went through high school.
ill try but at this point I should probably just buy a hooker
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me too. At least I'm aware of how autistic I am.
Same, you'll be ok OP
>I should buy a hooker

With that defeatist attitude you're not going to change. Enjoy your life while you still can.
this was an interaction from a year ago

>me, my sister, and mom were talking in living room
>"...I was a pretty relaxed parent"
>blank stares
>"I wasn't that strict, was i?"
>she banned me from reading Calvin and Hobbes until the age of sixteen, among other things
>"well at least you turned out fine"
>my sister moved overseas and I'm a neurotic shut-in
>more blank stares

I don't even like to think about her, I just want to move on
My faggot dad words it like i "blame" my problems on homeschooling
Does he not think that could possibly have any fucking impact on my social skills
both my parents will deny anything I lacked from homeschooling. Its like how cult members cannot leave because their loyalty is how they justify crazy initiation shit. if my parents admit any social stunting then in their minds they wasted 18 years of their life
>almost done with stem univ and i hate every second of it. I joined a fraternity of other suicidal good students. still eternally lonely and cant seem to force human connection.

>my brother joined the military and sometimes I wish I did too

the truth is I never overcame my problems so I can't help you nomatter how much I wish I could. Good luck young hero.
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I went to public school and am an asocial autist AND was tormented by teachers and chads. I'm homeschooling my hypothetical kids leaving them at some mini prison for 7 hours a day should be illegal
Yup they must just really not want to admit to themselves that they made such a big mistake
Addictions did, not homeschooling
You are either a:
-internet addict
-vidya addict
-porn addict
Turn off your PC RIGHT FUCKING NOW and don't turn it for half a year. Use your phone only to check email and communicate, also music.
Enjoy your new life if you do this.
the best thing you can do is not talk to them too much and convince them to join sport teams at a young age. that way your autism wont rub off on them too much
Dude, what's stopping you? I'm 25 and I'm joining the military next year.
Mah nigga.
I'm 25 and starting college this fall.
Best of luck.
well i feel like it would be a waste if I could make more as a MechE
If makes you feel better I went to normal grade and high school and I was so bullied and tortured and beat up and mocked that I probably suffer from some sort of PTSD
Sorry I don't want to scramble my children's brains or make them obnoxious chad folk just because that looks better on me.
Ask any kid if they want to stay at home in their pjs all day or go to school with the weird fetal alcohol kid who is violent and that one teacher who gives him unfair treatment.
>muh social development
come on I didn't really experience anything more just stupid fidget spinner tier fads like yugioh, ask any kid if he wants to play on an ipad all day or go outside with his stupid gay anime cards.
whats PTSD like?
it's like not having any control over yourself and never being able to relax
>went to public school
>still ended up socially retarded and suicidal
>made it to 16 years old and quit
>now a 27 year old NEET
Some people are just destined for failure.
>homeschooling left me socially retarded and suicidal

Iktf (except my mom recognizes the damage and it wasn't her fault anyway)

I sometimes wonder what causes more robots to be created: homeschooling or school bullying
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tis tu shel pes fren
all roads lead to Rome. there definitely dozens of things that can create a robot
>Implying homeschool is to blame
She probably homeschooled you in the first place because she knew you wouldn't fit in.
nigger she homeschooled all 3 of us
And how are your siblings fairing?
my sister is the most selfish human being I ever met. wouldnt mind never seeing her ever again. my brothers a normal military guy
There you go then. It wasn't homeschooling that left you socially retarded if they went through the same thing and turned out normies.
Get the fuck off this board then you fucking idiot.
marines are not normies, and 2/3 is a pretty bad ratio anyway
what makes you so insistent you would have been better off in daycare?
I was homeschooled and came out as well as I did because of computer. Addiction is a meme. You can't be addicted to the internet, food, porn, vidya, or whatever else backwards ass shit you think is addicting. How the hell are you supposed to socially integrate without a computer anyway? If you are in school you need it for school. If you work you need it for work. You have bigger problems than addiction if you attach a keyboard to your pocket sized PC to skirt around using a PC without being addicted. You want something external to blame for being a fuckup. If you think you are addicted to any of those things the problem is 100% you, not those things. Everyone else uses them just fine with no ill effects. Enough with the bullshit.

I'm actually grateful that I was homeschooled because I was able to focus on my interests and I gladly accept the tradeoff. My social skills aren't as good, but I was already autistic so it's not like that was going anywhere to begin with. I see grown ass men and women who struggle to read on a 5th grade level all the fucking time. I can only imagine how much worse things were in the actual 5th grade. Non homeschool always allows the dumbest fucker in the room to set the pace for the entire class. I'm aware of the smart but lazy meme but it is nothing more than jealousy. No matter how you look at things, the straight A student is always better than the always working hard student. It's not fair, but it's also not fair I don't have lots of friends and sex with everyone I want to dick. It's just be yourself tier advice, but git gud is what OP should do. This is the exact opposite of what you suggest. Despite the handicap I managed to secure a good job. Good grades and a little networking can go a long way. Clubs, conventions, and computer make it easy. Even Chad doesn't get his best career offers from the discos, he has to network, club, and convention too in order to get the contacts.
I was homeschooled throughout high school, but honestly I was already a lost cause beforehand. I know I might be a different person had I attended public high school, but I doubt I'd be any better off. Social anxiety while perpetually taking the path of least resistance isn't a great combination if you're male. As a 23 year old now, it's unlikely I'll develop social skills at this point.

Oftentimes I wish that I was never born.
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