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how do we fix westernized females? last thread: >>132249623

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how do we fix westernized females?

last thread:
Kill all non-western people.
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hello retard.

>white knighting this hard and trying to avoid acknowledging the issue this hard
the bluest of pills.
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men have to lead the way and stop being manwhores
Go away traitor!
Go away you larping fuck.
>We have a problem with rats infesting the city!
>I know lets nuke it
the fact that men are taking pics of her and not shunning her is a problem, shes not really attractive either
me on the left
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I want to direct your attention to the girl that played the "bait" in Chris Hansen's "To catch a predator" show. This is her talking to a man that she KNOWS is a pedo.
Agreed. Islam is the chemo. Our only choice now is to see if Islam will kill off Feminism/Degeneracy before destroying western culture entirely.
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This could work for a temporary solution to the race issue, but it wouldn't be a sure fix for women.
Stronger fathers, stronger mothers.
We don't need Islam. We can fashion our own fashions.
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We bring in the Cossacks.
uh that's her job faggot she's an actor hired for this

autism must be eliminated
>Canada thinks submitting again will solve the problem of submitting to feminism
Cucks to the core
where is this? it's the whitest event i've ever seen.
>Stronger fathers, stronger mothers.
that is a goal, not a plan.

how do you get this done?
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Maybe start by not watching any more kike-produced movies or shows. That'll help you heal your sick perception of women a bit.
I love how faggots on this site love to pretend they are redpilled on jews then proceed to repeat the jewish impression of western women beat by beat on every comment.
>biting her lip unconciously
it's too obviously real
I'm the guy in the other thread who was discussing red-pilling a thot.


Another thing that ALL women and most of you don't understand is that it's women themselves who de-valued the vag. At one time, women were priceless treasures to be won over and cared for. But from the free-love hippie bullshit to the Gloria Steinem bullshit to what has become the fat-ass "feminist" bullshit, women themselves took away the vag's power by putting it on display and PROCLAIMING it powerful. Anything that's readily available is no longer of great value, and that's basic economic shit.

Like I said earlier, a woman's thinking is fucked up: Jennifer Anniston has breasts and she is a strong wealthy woman. I have breasts therefore I am as valuable as Jennifer Anniston. And look where that shit got us.

I blame dudes for letting this happen, but on the other hand I think with my dick as much as anyone. Someone should've smacked the hippie bitches, but 60's dudes wanted tits, so meh. And here we are.
>No smoking
>Public nudity ok
always makes me smile XD
Change domain to hooktube, it's like archive.is for youtube

he does have a liberautism flag so he likely has aspbergers since he's using t.v shows/actress's as examples of reality
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>Norwegian archive autist
You're doing gods work m8, cheers
Mother Russia, be our savior in these dark days. It is to thee that we look.
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why are western guys such cucks?
Vid source?!
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physical violence usually works on children
>wanting to watch this
end yourself.
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>westernized females
I think you can just say females
Japan is americanized like no other.
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Do men like this kind of lipstick?
Look at the state of him he'd do anything to get her pussy, not really a fair representation.
If it were chad he'd be shoving that dildo up her arse and fucking her
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my girl used to love You're the Worst. fuck that show, seriously. it's degenrate shit.
have you seen the cuck episode?
literal subversive (((programming))). i told her to stop watching that filth if she wants to stay at my house and either she stopped, or it was canceled.
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>Typical antifa
Don't really want a shooting war but it'd clean out the trash wouldn't it?
But Dad, it was America, this feminism shit came out of their campuses.
no, gay men and old women do.
>it's the whitest event i've ever seen
So sorry for you
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"Always learning but never able to come to a knowledge of the truth."
Usually they fix themselves after cock riding till they mid 30s with no kids or bf.
It's a sure fire way to tell a man you're a whore that will fuck him without much coercion.
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Even the traditional ones?
>either she stopped, or it was canceled.
or she just watched it when you weren't around?
nah mate, after WWII = americanized as fuck
taytay wears red lipstick all the time
>actors act

Is this a new concept to you?
Repeal the 19th.
>young 18yo willingly wants to interact with pedos
>young 18yo has her eyes locked and bites lips
that's not acting you retard.

19th of what? and in what country?
You know nothing of Japan.
No one forced you to adopt it.
Sort your shit out like men instead of looking for the easy way out.
Destroying your entire culture because one part of it has gotten out of control is like wearing a buttplug and ballgag to stop yourself from getting raped.
that is one specific degeneracy.

all other forms that you see now is because of americanization of japan
cant stand bright red personaly
until cultural revolution, you just ignore them. arm yourself with the ability to recognize degenerates and don't give them the time of day - let them die off.
The 19th amendment of the United States' Constitution meaning that women are allowed to vote.

They shouldn't.
that's pretty cool
As a guy I HATE lipstick on a woman. It leaves smudges that my wife might see after I'm done fucking one of my girlfriends
>implying she isn't a whore
She's literally dressed like a stripper on stage for more record sales.
I bet she's sucked off and fucked many a shekelstein and goldberg on her way to the top.
Blow up dolls aren't woman you degenerate.
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Japan has always been fucked up.
Hey the only way to cure cancer is to poison yourself and hope it dies before you.
again, you're posting post-WWII shit.

learn to history, ameritard. however degenerate they were, they became a thousand times worse by americanization
That's a good one!
Islam is worse than degenarcy. Atleast its western degeneracy. Stop adopting anything from those rats. We already know the solutions to any problem you fag. No need to assimilate cockroaches.
It's not the same, it is killing your culture stone dead and adopting another one entirely.
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how about now?
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>implying she isn't a whore
i never said that she wasn't. i bet she takes dark meat in the ass too
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Who cares about that whore
>The guy second from the left
The problem isn't just with "western women", it's the culture in general. People have been overly protected, and told "you can do anything" for too long.
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fucking top kek. Keep posting these man
what culture?
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Isn't that the flash girl from the TV show flash?
pic related
This was taken moments before he committed harakiri due to the overwhelming dishonour
Purge from ourselves materialism. You only shift the problem from one area of society to another, so long as success is measured in acquisition of material wealth, or the goodness of society is measured in its consumption and production.

Until we expressly reject materialism and reject modernity, we will remain a servant-race, our actions dictated by a master holding a piece of bread above us.
I'd bet on it desu
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He committed Sudoku
no, she's not actress.
Good luck pitching that one to the kikes senpai

You dont know shit. People can act and you wont even notice. My sister and her friends were hours infront of mirrors when they were kids. And trained any face there was. Its no problem to do this lipbiting thing and make it look natural for some girls. They make any face you want. Your are just projecting your depraved sexual fantasies and wish that were true. NO pretty 18 yo girl wants to fuck your ugly ass. Fucking pedo.
This is true... It's hard to always get a shower before getting home
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you get fool'd by obvious shit then. autistic retard.
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It's from the He-Gassen

Confirmed for never interacting with women.
What show is this from?

Pure degeneracy
No. Most don't like it at all.

Same goes for this disgusting trend of black/purple/brown/green lipstick. And dunking your head in a bucket of makeup.

Go out, and around 1/3 to 1/2 of girls are doing this. Guys universally fucking hate it. But they aren't doing it to attract men. They are signaling to other women.
We purge a lot of people with that rejection of materialism, as well.

It is not some inconsequential philosophical declaration.
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>white women need no fixing
t. betafag pussy thirtsty cucks
Get rid of social justice and genders studies. Teach them western values. It is easier said than done. It took decades to brainwash them into this bullshit. It will probably take decades to undo the damage. Here is a video of Peter Thiel back in 1996. Not much has changed today.
No you are the autist. You cant even fathom that this might be acting. You are being fooled probably on a daily basis.
The sign in the background reads "surotto" (slut?) Where was this taken? A red-light district?
>Purging the kikes
sign me up senpai
Who infiltrated the places of learning, who taught the people to believe what they are told, contrary to the eternal truth in all men? Who spreads social and philosophical poison?
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the funny thing is women in the most oppressed societies still do stuff like this

In the Arab world most girls just do anal or lie about being virgin

rly makes u thnk
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>all negative responses
Have I been doing it blatantly wrong for the past 11 years?

Its possible to pull of if you are a blond pale and thin woman.
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I don't know where but I've had that pic since at least 2007
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Maybe? /soc/ exists if you don't wanna post your face here.

But really, a good guideline is to use makeup/lipstick only when it is necessary.

A little tinge of lipstick isn't bad. Some eyeliner is cute. Etc.

Seriously, if your goal is to look good for a guy, ask guys what they like. Don't listen to the jewed-out media trying to sell you cosmetics.
I don't know...but there must be some sort of final solution to this problem.
I only like deep red lipstick on swarthy milfs. Think Carmen Sandiego. The blonde bombshell thing looks ridiculous to me.
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how will you ever live with yourself if you bring a daughter into this world?
Keep the mother from dressing her up like a slut and be a good father.

Not that fucking hard Mr. Blackpill.
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This is what I think. There's literally no incentive to father a daughter when they're not property of yourself, to be passed on to the husband. As it stands, socially and legally, they exist purely in anticipation of betraying and shaming their families.
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Ha ha I love it!
>what is school
>what is other teens
>what is media
>what is internet
>what is social media
>what is literally every other person
white sharia
take jews and rap away from them
Kill all westernized women.
Import all traditional 3rd world women to replace them. Actually raise the offspring this time around. Keep them redpilled and if they start falling for jewish psyops, dispose of them and start over.
what kind of gun is that supposed to be?
From the look of it, it almost looks like he was going for a semi-auto shotgun.

Or possibly a break action rifle.
>what is homeschool
>what is not allowing jew media in the house during their formative years
>what is raising them with values that allow them to make good choices about who they hang out with
>What is homeschool
>What is good parenting from her mother and good and honest relationship with you
Stop fucking them.
>>what is homeschool
social retardation and isolation.
>>what is not allowing jew media in the house during their formative years
you can't, she will come in contact with it no matter what.
>>what is raising them with values that allow them to make good choices about who they hang out with
what is teenagers not doing exactly as they're told? remember christian grills are very degenerate even though they don't have any degenerate shit at home.
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In terms of IQ, most women are equivalent to blacks so the question is how do you fix either?

>strong external apparatus to police their shitty behavioural economy
>strong disincentive mechanic on males to subsidize shitty female economy(single mothers are an abomination)
>alter the reproductive dialectic in a way that eugenics the weak

Good luck ever doing even any of these things, establishment is happy with the current whore fest because they have access to it unlike the super majority of men.
Looks like a single barrel shotgun.
It actually looks identical to my inline double but with one barrel
It's the mothers that instill nasty materialism and blind conformity into the daughters, though. This is a great secret in society. The mother relentlessly informs the daughter "all that matters is that you're pretty. Don't learn, don't think. Cut that out." They are praised for having many friends, but not for learning, for being pretty, but not being smart, for being what the group around them happens to want at the time, but never actually developing facilities or morality or eternal principles of their own.

And we wonder why it is women voting for the most nonsensical and destructive things that can be imposed upon society. You allowed to be raised generation after generation of sentient furniture, and are surprised when they still behave as suck, after being emancipated from their guardians.
I'm not surprised.

Purge ironicmimternet trash from western nationalism.
>In terms of IQ, most women are
>or she just watched it when you weren't around?
No, she spends that time fucking Jamal
Fucking mods can go fuck themselves
Why the fuck did that faggot mod move the thread? Women are a /pol/itical issue.
mods = white knight reddit cucks
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hmm, really make you think
And the conversation is now completely derailed
Mods = fags
What depressing tits. No wonder she's a catty sjw.
>What is a stylized art
>remember christian grills are very degenerate even though they don't have any degenerate shit at home.
[citation needed]

What show? I need to fap!
>Someone took the time to put this together
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