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Being a woman is so easier than being a man

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First - A woman will always find a mate no matter how ugly she is. She literally just has to spread her legs. For men on the contrary it's very hard (but you all know it hehe).
Second - Society rules are about protecting women in every way. Eventhough women cry "patriarchy", the very laws of our western world are made to protect women, to provide for them. For example, nuclear family gives each wife a husband, in a real patriarchy 20% of the males would rule as alphas and take all the women (like in islam). Now with welfare laws, a woman can take the phone and cry and she'll get housing, food coupons, education, ... While a man can die with his open mouth in the street, nobody will care. And if she has children it's even easier.
Third - She's adult, has adults rights, but if it does please her, she can be a woman-children all her life, her good man will provide for her and take all the risks and assume responsability for all the decisions. She can live a frivolous and superficial life, and everybody will be fine with that. Even the *strongest womyn* look after the most alpha male to tame her.
Fourth - She can do whatever it pleases her with her emotions, outfits or behaviors, because for every of her choices it will be "her choice", and people will be frowned upon judging her (in our modern liberal societies). Who are you to judge this strong woman who experiment her sexuality, you reactionnary *shitlord*, ugh? On the contrary no self-respecting man can cry, no man can wear a fucking short at work (very strict dress code), and a man who has the slightiest misdemeanor will be sentenced as a dangerous psycho.
Fifth - A woman can perfectly fail and achieve nothing, nobody will really care as long as she's a nice gentle cute woman who dresses well and puts make up on. If she succeeds, wow that awesome, but even if she fails, wow, that was awesome for trying! Way to go, gurl!
Sixth - Did I mention the kids? A man is basically a pedo and a rapist.

These are all the absolute advantages women have in our societies for now.

ALAS, if our gentle and compromising societies are protectors and allies for women, we all know who are their biggest enemies: themselves.
It is well known that women have jealous, aggressive behavior towards other women.
And by letting more and more women taking part in how society works, it has 2 effects.
First - They lack the ability to stand back, the abstract thought capacity to project, and the capacity to plan consequences to make functionnal society laws, they wreck every traditional ways of life, for the sake of "equality" and "rights".
Second - There are more and more women to interact with, everywhere. And because of this, civil society becomes more and more unwelcoming for them.
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>A woman will always find a mate no matter how ugly she is
They are children with boobs.
I know women who look exactly like her and they are married with children.
2bh I think this woman sets her expectations way too high. If she was less picky she would be fucked by a new guy every week.
>guy just isn't sexually attracted to her
>that makes him an asshole
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mfw to intelligent for anything other than my intelligence too matter
lmao nice cuck threads,
yes, its better to be a cunt that a beta male. But a man will always have all the power
Imagine that was a guy for a second. Virgin wizard.
And to top it off this bitch is in self denial. Shes ugly af
>be stupid woman
>become a prostitute
>men will pay you money even if you're fat and ugly
What are stupid men supposed to do? I'm asking for a friend.
expectations too high
Not all males are at the top, Roman. Also, only top males have the power.
So what the fuck did he even d to her? I was expecting some slight, but it was just some blonde guy dating an attractive blonde girl that triggered her?
Women are stupid and they're basically on the same level as dogs and children.

They don't even deserve this much discussion.
>What are stupid men supposed to do?
They are shit out of luck. Society does not care about stupid or ugly men at all.
Malus point if they're short. Fuck the short guys.
If you're short, dumb and ugly you might as well claim to be trans. Society will still treat you better as a medical accident than as your real self.
What a stupid deluded cunt
Literally the every guy I know who isn't either in a relationship or was in one in the past year is an overweight slob with no motivation to better himself who never socialises.

Stop rationalising this kind of shit guys, work on yourself in terms of physical and mental health and get some social hobbies and you'll be fine.
>First - They lack the ability to stand back, the abstract thought capacity to project, and the capacity to plan consequences to make functionnal society laws, they wreck every traditional ways of life, for the sake of "equality" and "rights".
You, my dear /pol/tard, knows very well the pattern, opening our gates to refugees with very different ways of life, that will ultimately destroy all the women earned rights.
That's not the same as finding a mate though. Everyone knows women can easily get laid.
Of course, this is the right thing to do. But young males are now all captive of the easy entertainement, immediate gratification, that keep them at a child state. They don't grow anymore, and adults they stay kids.
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Good goy, hate your women and don't procreate! The women are bad, goyim, don't care about the (((society))) that makes them so.
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>For men on the contrary it's very hard
waaaah i find dating difficult
>a man can die with his open mouth in the street, nobody will care
boo hoo welfare favours families
>no man can wear a fucking short at work
haha what
>A woman can perfectly fail and achieve nothing, nobody will really care
waaaaaaaah im not successful
>A man is basically a pedo and a rapist.
oh no you can't perve on kids in the park

literally blaming others for your failure. some people have certain parts of their lives handed to them. your flag says you're a fascist but you're whining about how life isn't fair. the irony is delicious

grow a pair you fucking child

flip the genders and you have 4chan's entire attitude towards women
True, you can always make a gem from a trashcan, but will you spend the time and the effort to do so? I don't think.

The vast majority of women are beyond saving, we're not their parents. They had been brainwashed by mass media, school, family all before knowing you and you think you alone could repair all this?
Don't delude yourself.
Kill yourself roastie.
>Good goy, hate your women and don't procreate!

woah woah! no

you're just supposed to procreate with niggers
you have to go back.
>butthurt frog thinks i'm a woman
no, just

>i haven't found dating hard
>i don't need welfare
>i can wear shorts at work (??)
>i'm not a failure
>i don't hang around near playgrounds
so the OPs points don't mean anything to me
You type like a women, hang yourself cuck.
Well no shit faggot everyone knows women have an easier life than men. What's incredulous though is that they refuse to believe this, moan about being 'oppressed' by the imaginary 'patriarchy', despite the fact that being a woman is basically life on easy mode. If they fuck up their own lives they can just bail and set up shop in someone else's. If a man fucks up his life, he's as good as dead.

Thanks feminism. It ruined everything. And faggots who support a woman's right to vote and work helped this happen.
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Fashists generally favor duties for family units. Much like some religeons and in some cases kommunists. Picrelated is old USSR poster demanding communist girls have sex with communist men or she is deemed burgois by adding capitalist value to her gender. It's wierd how modern kommunists generally take a U-turn on the matter.
No, we have to look for the good 1% of the women.
>ussr encourages sex for procreation
>modern commies want free birth control and sterilization
top kek, the problem solves itself
>im a cuck because i'm not whining about how much better women have it than me because they get welfare and help from the government and get applauded for doing nothing by society
i dont need welfare. i dont need help from the government. i dont want to get applauded by society for doing nothing. because i am reasonably successful already and getting more so every year because I actually fucking contribute.

you're the ones sitting around whining that you're not rewarded for sitting on your fucking arses. if that makes me the "cuck", examine what you believe that word means you useless fucking frenchman.
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Here, have some more keks.
>modern communists bitch and moan how their communist fighter was punched in the face
>because it was a girl
>while claiming gender equality
>USSR encouraged women to take arms after hard work in the factory
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Miley YES!
i remember in high school a lot of new kids and some loner kids hanging by themselves in lunch time all year...sad,But remember seeing some girls be loners too well they were picked up by dudes fast even fat ones got friends while no one wanted to talk to the males i moved to another high school from texas to california and it was hard for me to make friends when i moved second semester just started and their where some new girls just arrived too from texas and other states and they got friends really fast i mean first day and it took me all semester long to have people get use to me even the teachers

TL;DR Women/girls have it easy because pussy

also fuck orbiters
>intelligence too matter
either you're stupid or bad at making jokes
Even for normie guys, normie girls have it easier than them.
Nobody can't refute my points unless he's a Chad, aka the natural alpha leader
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top kek, this picture has never been more appropriate. The greatest irony is that had these degenerates existed in Stalin's day, they'd have been first on the trains to the gulags.
>What are stupid men supposed to do?
Work in politics.
She is an actress. She is even dumber than a standard women. Someone told her that feminism was in now so she parroted what she was told to say.

Shaking her ass for cameras is genuine. All women do that without any pressure put on them.
Irishbro knows whats up. Women shake their asses for the camera and in the very next breath complain about being objectified. It's funny though because in some ways it's an admission that the only thing useful about some of them is their body.
If they were never told to resent it they would just happily shake their asses. They won't ever stop shaking their asses no matter how conflicted it makes them feel.
>people take pity on women
Wow what else is new?
Ad hominem bull shit, come back with something similar to a argument.
>points out inadequacy in society.
>you're the ones sitting around whining that you're not rewarded for sitting on your fucking arses. if that makes me the "cuck", examine what you believe that word means you useless fucking frenchman.
No one said they want a reward for sitting around, stop pretending that so you can make it sound like you have superiority.
Actually woman are overprotected like in the divorce where they always has the kid and the money and nobody care if some dude will be ruined by that because man are strong part.
And don't talk about the molesty were police will laugh at you if you strong male are molested by a woman and something like 8/10 of case of molesty to woman(at the court of genova) were false.
Nobody care about the omicide to man because doesn't do that loud
But evriday here in italy( in a place were litteraly is the least violent in the world) tg talk about homicide to woman forgetting about the 40% of the homicide in family
her concept of being nice seems incredibly dependent on benefiting from unequal reciprocation
you just don't understand superior American humor
>a woman feels entitled to more than she contributes
what else is new kek
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>Caring about 3dpd
I don't think it´s easier to be a woman or a man. You're looking at being a woman from the point of view of the needs and desires you have as a man. If you weren't such an egocentric prick, you might understand women better and have more luck with them.
> If you weren't such an egocentric prick, you might understand women better and have more luck with them.
I don't care, I'm homosexual. Also I'm stating mere facts, or try to refute them.
Is that why you chose to be gay? They world to hard on you as a man, so you figure if you can fuck guys, maybe you won't have to compete with men? You can just put them to work for you? That's why women are 1000% better than any twink or tranny, they may be bitches, but at least they play the cards their dealt. You cheat the game.
Nice double 00's, they match your double sized anus.
shes a nice girl :^)

Yay more of these, I love taking bait.
Just no.
No, you don't get free benefits "JUST CAUSE"
Anybody could do the first part if they try hard enough, like you know, the neets of this board. And No, you can live independent.
Women are judged by our actions just as harshly if we do bad things.
Yes if you act in a way that makes you not fail, people are okay with it, surprising. If you kill someone, they die too. So much learning.
I don't even get what point this is supposed to be unless I missed the continue. Whatever though it'd be stupid too probably.

But no yeah, the hole between your legs totally decides your troubles in life, sure.
Nothing worth having comes easy. The majority of greats are men for a reason.
Yeah, as if easy was the point of it all.

Her friend still has better ass.

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>you both add such a beauty to that scenic surroundings
Has this board really become /pol/'s dumpster?

>so many feets

fuckin feetfaggots
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every board is our dumpster anon.
What the hell is this? How can someone be so egotistical? It's like a cartoon.
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Female easy mode is truly disgusting
Being a woman is life on tutorial mode. It's amazing that we coddle women so much that we've even let them trick us into thinking they have things worse than men in society.
Aw, the hole thinks it has something worth posting.
let's just say being a hot chick has diminishing returns but it starts off better. just in terms of "how well off you are in society":

2/10 chick = 2/10 guy

5/10 chick > 5/10 guy

7/10 chick > 7/10 guy

8/10 chick = 8/10 guy

10/10 chick < 10/10 guy

if you're a godly guy with smarts + looks + utilising it correctly, you'll be far better off than a chick with the same tools. but if you're just average you'd rather be a chick than a dude
>2/10 chick = 2/10 guy
>8/10 chick = 8/10 guy

Kek, the delusions are real. No matter how ugly, fat, or disabled, a woman will always have it better than a man. She has access to legal and medical help we don't have, she'll actually get love and sympathy from the world, she doesn't have to sign up for the draft, and she STILL can get a man, unlike a sub 5 man. Fucking roastie apologists.
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This. If anyone doubts you, watch this youtube video. https://youtu.be/rgB5XyqZoNc

Even disfigured women get love, support, and sex from tall, healthy males. Remember the down-syndrome girl who refused to date other downies, instead opting for a relationship with a decently attractive male?

The mother is so immensely selfish that despite knowing her child would be born without arms and with severe heart issues, and despite even her doctor advising her to terminate the pregnancy, she still brought this new life in the world.

Disfigured men like this armless boy face some of the most horrowing lives possible. By all odds he will never be able to attract a member of the opposite sex. He will face loneliness, agony and immense anguish. All because his mother is vile, putting her desire for a child over everything.

The comments. The abominable normie comments. "Hats off for her husband!" Her husband facilitated bringing in new life into the world that would experience nothing but pain and heart palpitations. "This is really joyful!" It only seems happy because normies and roasties simply do not posses empathy, their soliplism is so immeasurably deluded that they truly believe everyone gets to have relationships handed to them on a silver platter like they do.

My conclusion is this: to make an impact, to enlighten normies to the consequences of their actions, and to hold them accountable for the unjust agony they inflict on their children - these situations need to end as tragedies.

David Reimer is a perfect example - the doctor severely botched his infant circumcision and ended up amputating his penis. He lived his entire life truly incel. At age 38 he shot himself. If he had gone postal instead, Supreme Gentleman style, then forced infant circumcision would have a higher chance of being banned. Normies would understand the pain and suffering of their sadistic force choices on their own innocent children.
Fucking hell, I can not believe it. The depths of selfishness is truly bottomless. This is why I support birthing licenses.

Good comment dude.
If you're black get accepted into any business to fill a quota.

If you're white then your shit out of luck.
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Thanks man. I just sincerely hope these stories end as tragedies. Nothing will change otherwise. Years ago I was hoping so badly Reimer would go postal. But on the positive side, Elliot Rodger inspired thousands of outcasted males, and I have a feeling it's about to get real Supreme in the coming years.
I'm a muscular 24 y.o. 6'2 guy with an excellent condition, have green eyes, perfect skin, goes often to parties and have a Bachelor degree in CS, but I am a virgin.

So much for your overweight shit.
Lol, not true at all. Maybe for shit tier jobs.
Do you unironically think this actually happens in reality? The way affirmative action works is that if there are to candidates with very similar qualifications preference is given to the one that belongs to an "underrepresented group".

Black people make significantly lower income on average than white people as most of them barely have any qualifications.
in a world with billions of people you want me?
an ugly manlet to procreate?!
i know that if i have kids they probably will be ugly fucks too so no i don't want to bring babies to suffer.
My parents were stupid to do it but im not
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>An ugly landwhale close minded bitch with extremely high "standards" refuses to fuck anything that's not Chad

Muchos topos kekos amigos, I don't know why all of you are surprised by this...

>chubbyish blo-
>muh white guys

Stopped reading

Can we go a SINGLE thread without stupid shit like this?
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these comments are genuinely naseauting
Wew i love the taste of b8

>wimmen can all get mates
Sex-wise, every neet on this board can get wimmen too. But they're khhv because they must first rule out "roasties", "landwhales", "escorts", "women who they are just sure will leave them for chad anyway" (which is every woman due to their crippling insecurity)

>blah blah point 2
can we stop with this "alpha" shit, we aint wolves ffs. Also enlighten me on this so-called "cry with ovaries for welfare" plz never heard of it

HAHAHAHA oh god but whose fault is that, OP? Men have been championing the idea of women strictly being childish SAHMs for so long, and still do in shit countries. Wasn't feminism literally about reversing the expectation that women must be women-children. Can't pin the blame all on women when there's lots of guys who have for centuries been advocating for all women to be women-children

>wimmen can wear what they want, men can't
you know that new meme trend of straight guys in crop tops and/or skirts? Yeah almost every supportive person I've encountered, is female. It's guys who are extremely offended and yell that any guy not dressing ultra-chad and keeping all his body hair, must be a megafag suckijg 40 cocks a day. If you want progress, check yourself

>if women fail, friends are supportive, if women succeed, they are congratulated
I dont think this is a gender-specific issue anymore, you just have shit friends. And there's lots of people criticizing fat/ugly women who fail at achieving things

good point, i get that men should be trusted with kids more. But maybe cut down on the fact that crime, in particular violent crime, is highly disproportionately committed by males, that might help fight the stereotype of men as more aggressive and criminal
Isnt there that one guy with no arms and legs married? And that immensely fat boogie guy is also married (and not to a landwhale). If you go out more, you'll actually see ugly guys, and that they may have mates
His mother is selfish af, but of course people feel the need to make positive comments about the already-born child. I mean, what are you going to do, go up to the kid and say "hey by the way, I'm going to assume here that you spend every moment in complete anguish and wish terribly hard that you were never born. I wil not be shaken from this assumption no matter what. No wait don't tell me you like having been born, you'd rather be alive than non-existent, or that you are ok with life despite your disabilities DON'T TELL ME. I think you should have never been born, and we can always fix that now by, uh, euthanasia, how bout that?"
T. Tradcuck

Djdbba in dbkdmsks b sa
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