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ITT: talk about it. Get it off your chest anons. whats on your mind?

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Thread replies: 509
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ITT: talk about it. Get it off your chest anons.

whats on your mind?
I'm so tired. I feel worn out, like a husk wandering through life. I meet new people and the start to like me. Once it gets to a certain point I start to push them away because I figure who would like a person like me. Then I end up lonely again
i'm so bored all the time
I always wanted to be part of something since alone i am nothing and nobody
I'm the same I think it's avoidant personality disorder
I'm at work and just wanting to chat about anything so I'm spying on anons here
had panic attack getting an extraction, some cunt paramedic yells out "YOU SCARED OF AN EXTRACTION BRO?" gee I don't know you stupid fucking brofag.
I just applied for a job at a liqour store 5 doors down from my house and I don't even want the job.

I just knew my parents want me to get the job to boost my hours so I can earn extra money.

I only applied to get them off my back and not dissapoint them
I've stopped drinking for like 3 weeks I feel a lot more comfy now more sane etc I'm not quitting but heavily drinking will be rare occurrences
I got bored of life so I went and joined the Foreign Legion, it was fun but not quite something I consider spending my ''best'' years doing.

Came home expecting things to be different (why would I think this).

Back to the cycle of nihilism and emptiness.

How about you anons?
I have talents and intelligence, Im going to uni on full tuition, and Im ungrateful. I dont care about how many people tell me "good job" out how proud my parents are. I did it all because it was easier than getting yelled at. I have no ambition or drive.

Am I bad for not caring about anything or anyone?
The feeling that I haven't done enough for myself (or anyone for that matter) for the last few years and that it will fuck the rest my life up for good
I wish I didn't have social anxiety. I'm "okay" at talking to people, it's just that I can't engage them and I'm afraid if what I'll say will make me look stupid or weird to them.
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Just her.
i have exams and I've the second worst sickness in all my life. I'm only sorta coming out of it now and my next exam is on Monday. Hope it wont effect my grades too much
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im trying to do nofap to reset my brain.

had a lot of bad news today and im finding it really hard to cope.
The amount of suffering I perceive to be required in order to help myself, let alone other people, seems like an unbearable amount. It's hard to believe I can do it when the only real reason is that I can so I should. And if I can bear it, how do I know where to start?
I'm thinking about some girl. I also thinking whether I should join the navy or not. I'm pretty nervous rn. I feel alright despite that
I hate how my highschool crush still makes me nervous ten years later.
Israel must fall.
yeap. But low energy enough to not be bothered to do anything about it?
>he's going to leave me
>he's going to leave me
>he's going to leave me
>he's going to leave me
liqour store is a comfy job at least you aren't working in a kitchen
you have the dream you just don't know how lucky you are
l0l get owned female snek
I want to apply to two jobs. But i'm afraid of not being able to handle responsibility and performing badly. I'm afraid of getting fired because i tend to fuck up out of nervousness. I'm all fucked up and don't know what to do.
>tfw no bf
>tfw half of my family is deeply religous and my brother is a homophobe
>tfw irl bf is impossible unless i move far far away
I got bored of vidya. The only thing that i genuinely had fun doing and now its gone.
I really hate my life rn. I want to drop out of college so bad, but have literally no idea what the fuck to do if I drop out. Considering the coast guard, but eh, the military doesn't really appeal to me desu. Sucks. Have zero clue what to do in or out of college. On top of that, I've gained weight recently, haven't had any luck with girls, and I'm just generally feeling like a loser. Sometimes I wish I could magically transform into a sociable normie with all the money, girls, and success I desire. Being a robot is AWFUL
if you need the money then give it a go, apply for both and see. You can always quit if you cant do it, dont feel guilty or afraid dude, youll be ok
I want to die and I'm having a hard time finding reasons not to.
>hopelessly in love with a fictional character
>literally everything I want in a girl
>she'll never be real
it's all downhill from here, right?
is there any going back once you have an unironic waifu?
I'm always bored all the time but I have no idea what will make it go away.

I'm bored at work
I'm bored at home
I'm bored when I'm with friends
I'm bored when I'm alone
I'm bored as I type this

I don't remember the last time I didn't slog trough an activity and i have no idea how to fix it.
Tell us more anon. Were you sent to anywhere interesting?
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I just want a pure wife to build a nice family and simple life with. I don't need to be rich. I don't need to own lots of things or have lots of friends. I just want that one thing and it looks like I can't even have that.
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>lifting didn't help
>drugs didn't help
>therapy didn't help

end me now boss. this episode's going to be rough
I just want to make 50,000 in as little time as possible, pay off my debts and end it.
Well anons, same anon here

i fucked it. 7 days no fasp all gone downhill;. feel a lot better though
I'm a NEET with a drug record that my parents don't know about
Thanks. I really needed to hear that.
That won't make you happy anon. Truth is, if you aren't happy now you probably never will be no matter what arbitrary goalpost you reach in life. Once you get that family that you think will complete you or make you happy, it'll just be something else. Probably a house in the suburbs or a new car. Once you get the house or the car, you'll think to yourself "maybe a promotion or a better job will make me happy" but that won't either. Nothing will fill that void inside your heart anon. Best you can do is learn how to cope.
I'm in a dorm with a few guys and girls and I'm pretty into one of the girls there. We went to play some pool not too long ago so I thought things were going swell, we study in the same room every day and I try to be playful, she teases me, all good n stuff.

yesterday evening i was studying alone and suddenly she comes in, dressed fucking amazingly eye-poppingly beautiful. I tell her she doesn't exactly look like she's gonna do much more studying today but I don't mind.

she says

>oh haha, no, me and Chad are gonna watch some Netflix

Suddenly behind her emerges this demigod amongst men, ripped, a half head taller than me (and I'm 6'2), hair gelled backwards, perfect facial aesthetics, you name it.

she was gonna watch Netflix with this guy at 11:30 PM.

This ruined my entire day to such an extent that I went to sleep without thinking about setting my alarm, causing me to sleep in on my project presentation I had to give this morning, which makes it that I have to redo it next year when I should have graduated.

I seriously had a knife to my wrist a few hours ago but if we're honest I think I knew from the start I wasn't gonna do it.
I have to clean my room, and its not as fucking normie as it sounds of a problem if you could see the state of this literal shit hole. I would rather have to live in the middle east for a week.

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I randomly chatted up on FB a girl from one of my classes in January. It took enormous guts. She wasn't really interested but she also didn't have a boyfriend at the time.

Throughout the semester I sent her a message every few weeks and sometimes she was very talkative, also more often than not she wasn't. Today I messaged her again and she was in a talkative mood again but out of the blue she suddenly mentioned her boyfriend. My world crushed.

I don't have that Pepe at hand but the one that has the text "she is the heroine of your story but you're not even a side character in hers" is extremely fitting right now.

I definitely have ADHD. The question now it's what do I so about it.
Same here but at a newsagents instead.
>drug record
What do you mean? Like a criminal record?
I have unrealistic dreams. I hate myself. I'm tired and jaded. The only good thing that keeps me going is my girlfriend.
>Suddenly behind her emerges this demigod amongst men, ripped, a half head taller than me (and I'm 6'2), hair gelled backwards, perfect facial aesthetics, you name it.

I'm sorry about that, I'm 6'2" as well and I have no idea where these literal Chad giants come from.
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I've become infatuated with a Tunisian girl. She's so fucking sweet and I really love her and it's completely mutual, like we madly like eachother, but I'm in another fucking continent and I don't know what the fuck I'm gonna do. This is the first time a girl has ever liked me and I don't know if/how we'll make it work. She's so fucking nice.
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I want acne to go fuck itself in the ass with a red-hot piece of steel and then kill itself
talked this guy online for four years, live in different states, we got along really well and had a lot in common. become good(online platonic) friends. recently had a meetup, goes okay, we had a good time.

btw I'm 30 and he's 20, he still lives with parents. I can't help but feel like a huge fucking creep during the weeklong visit even tho I'm not a creep at all. the age gap becomes a bit more apparent and obvious in reality vs online.

after I get back he has a completely different change in attitude and is kind of ghosting me at this point.

overall really fucking pissed off and hurt and feeling like a dumbass for thinking a 10 yr age gap wouldn't matter when it comes to making friends. fuck making friends online period
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Nothing is on my mind but this cute pony cuddling with me under the stars https://youtu.be/fNo8mLu-v2s
Also i smoked the last of my weed so i can reach a new level of high.
Gonna have to go out today and interact with that normie cashier at the dispensary to get more weed.
I really like this girl but I don't know how to talk like a normie. Even if I do have something to talk about, I never do things without rational reason and talking to a girl for no reason other than me liking her just doesn't work for me.
4 days here and Im about to bust a nut
Same here literaly
>schizo for last 10 years. living hell on daily basis.
>met a girl, she likes me even i am fckin bot
>she told me shes schizo too and she wanna end it

>thanks that i believed for a little better life again bitch
I'm being overworked while I'm overdriving myself in school. I'm becoming an emotional wreck as I can feel the stress taking a toll on me.
My hair is thinning at the front of my scalp, if I go bald I might as well die, my thick blonde hair is my most attractive asset.
nothing I do will make her feel better
she doesn't feel that way anymore
mistake after mistake after mistake

this is a lie
I just spent 5 months doing bootcamp stuff.

My biggest mistake was going there in December, as the roughest part was during January, its the coldest I've ever been in my life.

All we saw was the south of France, cities are filthy, the French like to dress like hipsters, plenty of Arabs who sit around in caffes all day.

We did this ski training near the border with Spain, that was pretty fun but fucking exhausting.

I'm from thirdworldistan so from my point of view the quality of life in their army isn't that bad, but my bff who I met there was in the Canadian army and said that its 100 times worse than back home.
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Her lovely smile and the way she calls my name when she sees me. God, I'm going to miss her so much.
Also plenty of medieval looking villages that look straight up out of some RPG game, even more bizarre is that they all seemed completely abandoned, I guess there is no way to earn a living there so people move out to the big cities, still real nice to look at.
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I still remember the day we said goodbye to each other. it makes my heart sink to this day
Finally getting my weight in order but, I lost 25lbs in a month and all the threads I see on /fit/ say it's unhealthy. I tried adjusting my caloric intake but, I either plateau or lose too much. It's extremely depressing knowing even when I get to my goal weight I'll have loose skin and shit. Holy fuck I just cannot win
I hate how I'll never have sex or a have legit gf. I'll never k ow what's its like for a girl to be into me enough to fuck me. No girl to wear something sexy just for me, no girl to be obsessed with me in a non platonic way, no girl to go on cute dates with, no girl to send me random nudes without asking. Ive done stuff with girls before but never had sex because too beta. I'm ready to die guys.
Most of the time I think about sex and killing myself. I feel unappreciated and alone, and that I am not liked anywhere by anyone.
There are times when I would kill myself in an instant, but I have many mood swings in a day for it to last; I would think that is useless and that I don't need others validation to exist, and that I should be happy with the way I am. Thing is, deep down I like myself and I know I am not worthless, but it's hard to not feel depressed and bitter when I go out and face the world.
I've been wanting to revive the Roman Colosseum. A televised fight to the death portrayed in the most brutal way possible may just be the kick in the head the world needs to get back on track.

However, it's going to be an "enemy of my enemy" deal, which has been shown to fail miserably, starting from WW2.
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>I still remember the day we said goodbye to each other
It's drawing really close for me and I'm dreading it.
>tfw she tells you not to forget her because she'll never forget you
I'll never forget her, and I don't think I'll ever truly be over her either.
i quit to my job 2 days after getting hired
i had to wait for the bank to give me a credit card so i can get paid for those 2 days of work
idk what to do with that i finally opened a paypal acount
what should i do ?
bet all that money in casino websites,or buy a game on my nintendo wii u?
how come? What job?
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im sorry, you won't get over her.
you'll think about her everyday for the rest of your life.
it's been this way for me for over 5 years.

listen to the leftovers season 1 soundtrack and have a good cry.
I lurk on this board to laugh at other peoples misery, it brings me much joy
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I still don't even know my own sexuality properly, and I don't think I'll ever put it to the test either. I'm pretty sure I'm bisexual but I can't picture myself going through all the shit you need to do for sex, and the sex itself doesn't even seem that appealing. Don't get me wrong, I'm a fucking deviant, and that's partially why I just find it easier and much more satisfying to masturbate.

But recently I've started to see the appeal in just how wonderful knowing another person past their person could be. I'm not even sure if this is a romantic feeling because I don't know how love feels, but it's very bittersweet and I think about it a lot. I dunno, I'm actually very happy with life despite my physical and health problems, and I enjoy being alone with world, but I feel I'm broken and can't truly follow a passion like that.
I recently got involved with a girl who has absolutely no relationship experience.
Its coming to that first point where we have to figure out compromises, but she doesn't understand why communicating is so important. All I want to do is tell her to sit down, shut up, and get comfy so I can lecture her but I can't because it'll just piss her off.
My father just found out that i lost my job, told him i was on vacation from work, now he's so damn mad
i feel envy
original post
>you'll think about her everyday for the rest of your life.
>it's been this way for me for over 5 years.
5 years, really? I've thought about her every day since I met her but that's 'only' been 8 months now. I figured it might pass with time once I don't see her anymore.
It's worth the gamble, anyway.
I hope it does for you! it's painful otherwise.
I am losing it.
why did i quit?
because i was an anxious neet and didn't like the job
it was some industrial shit job and i quitted before they could give me a debit card so i had to go to the bank to tell them and get my paycheck there. it was annoying as fuck too
I can't think straight during social situations and it makes me feel uneasy. Like if I try to say something it'll come off as something completely random or off topic.
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>cheated on qt3.14 gf with nympho bitch
>couldn't live with it
>I broke up with her
Nympho bitch turned out to be psycho as fuck and a major disappointment
Three weeks later I wish I could just return to my ex since she was my only true ally in this grim world
What do
The obsessive thinking and daydreaming of her almost every waking moment might, I suppose. She'll probably always be there in the back of my mind though, I wish things could've been different but there's no point in that now.
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fuck that's basically what happened to me. but, the time has passed. I can't go back to her. neither of them.
>Summer is about to begin. Just got told I'll be working a night shift for the next 4 months. Most likely end of shift is at 2am so no bar action.

Things were going so well too ended a long boring relationship and have been getting laid a lot. Something I never would have thought possible. Now I'll be living on the other side of the clock jerking off and getting stoned having almost no outside social interaction.
Is it delusional to think so tho?
I dont care about psycho bitch, only ex
We helped each other too much to let it fade like this
I really want a GF but I'm socially inept.
You deserve your suffering, scum.

So do you. May both of your souls be ravaged eternally
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I am 21 graduated HS in 2014
>work shitty job getting 11/hr
>only have HS diploma
Have a sister who is 28 and still lives with mother and I
>she got a bachelors
>can't find any work so she sits home
>all fucking day
>the only thing she does is cook
>I pay the electricity bill and my phone bill (300~)
> Mom is literally always on my ass
Tldr sister is a leech who can't find work bc of her shitty degree and she doesn't pay anything in the house, the only thing she does is cook and my mom hates me bc I never did college
im glad you have a pure soul anon. I wish I was as strong as you.

I know I'm scum
It was an experience I will never want to relive thus making a better person.
I am sad tho cause she surely didn't deserve it
>tfw pathetic orbiter
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My friends are adults and normies now. They've got a situation, a girlfriend, a job etc... But me, I'm here, replying to an anonymous guy on an Internet imageboard.

I can't do shit. I delay it to the next day and so on and so on...

I'm tired and bored /r9k/.
Yea i hear ya. Hey, but don't give up. I'm sure there is something for you. I pretty much understand where you are coming from though. I also get like that especially when starting a new job. Is this your first job? As for the money i say save it for now.
Finished bachelor's in 2011, working as a network engineer who is not good at stuff still. Money is in software and database, am too afraid to start from scratch ad I know nothing except networking. And even in networking I am not very good. I know basic stuff only. Old class mates have already done Masters, married, abroad or mostly going good or in business. I'm still same old beta anon, a hugless, kissless perma virgin who has social anxiety and can't cope with change. The job I m doing has no security and recently, the project I'm working under is not renewed and is going to be stopped. I have never approached a girl out of anxiety, tried anything new or have any ambition, went anywhere outside my daily commute, have travel phobia, IBS, anxiety due to toilet habits, still living(ok where i live) and leaching off my parents.i will probably be forced into arrange marriage and disappoint a girl and ruin her life with mine eventually.
Where did life go wrong?
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You deserve this, desu
Reap what you sow
Also, my parents have mortgage, and neither them, nor me as of my current income could pay it up. I wake everyday with a feeling of hopeless and a look at myself as a failure.
I've also been putting this off. I can't move without standing on or breaking something. just think how satisfying it'll be to feel clean anon.
he already said he felt bad about. he knows he's scum
Him. Always him. Can I sleep for one night without him being in my dreams too?
I seriously never wanted to be a leader. I just don't want to force people to choose my ideas. I want them to think on their own.
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I should've never grown up. I should've died a child.
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I get angry whenever I watch porn and loot at sexual stuff in general.

But I feel the need to do so because I feel horny. I am a kissless, handholdless, gfless, 23 years old virgin. I have zero experience with females.

Knowing that I will never get to live out my fantasies or even get to experience the most basic sexual affections angers me.

So I masturbate in rage. Sometimes the anger is so strong I lose focus and have to pause masturbating.

I don't know if this is normal.
I was a top of my class student who got in to one of the best medical schools in my country with nearly complete scholarship(I pay literally 100usd worth of money for college.)

Fast forward 1.5 years of med school i suck balls,lost motivation to study,Got fatter than i was and literally fap instead of study though i know i can and will wreck all the current nerdfags if i wanted to..i cant get myself to focus..someone help a robot out ..please
I'm stuck in a rut. I got fired from my old job and have been picking up jobs at the day laborer place, but I haven't gone in three weeks. I've been living off of my small savings and some birthday money, but I am in dire straights now. I still can't convince myself to so anything though. I'd rather just get black out drunk, pass out at two am, then get up at ten am and start drinking again once the hangover is gone. I have no motivation, no purpose, no happiness, and no one really cares about me. My house is filthy and I just can't be bothered to clean. I've lost all interest in living.
Just worked for about 10 hours with half an hour lunch.

Mind is blank, mood is none. I don't know anything about how I feel currently, when I'm usually attuned to my mental state.

but it's for a purpose.
I hate seeing interracial couples, specifically black men and white women
You are going to kill someone eventually

I'm calling it now.
Im near mental breakdown for several reasons:

I have to defend my bach thesis in upcoming week. My supervisor has sqrewed me a lot with my work not doing must himself, got to present it alone infront the most brutal jury.
Like, the biggest problem is, that i actually have no fking idea, what am i going to do with my life. If i fail, i can try again in 2 years which would be waste of resources and already fked up mental state. If i dont, i have to find a work (even though i have lots of connections). Problem with that is, that i kinda hate life and if i had to work even next 5 years in 1 place, i would rather shoot myself than live in this loop.

This shit is getting more serious since i have started to push ppl away from (selfhatred is growing everyday and i wanna release others from this behavior)
>Meet up with local robot
>Force him to be my friend
>We get along really well
>He wants me to take his virginity
>Warn him that I don't want a relationship and that I don't feel deep romantic connections with people, only sexual and friendly connections
>He says it's fine and also doesn't feel romantic love
>After a few times of us hanging out, he's kissing my forehead and interlocking fingers when we hold hands

I'm scared I've done something terrible.
same nihilism and emptiness
why are so many robots faggots
Anon, would you want someone to talk to that would help you out?

I don't like seeing people be the way
I'm neither robot or gay, anon

I'm a femanon FEMALE
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What's there to talk about? I'm just a sad, lonely man who has realized how worthless he is in the world. I'd always thought that if I busted my ass and planned ahead that things would work out, but my life has just gotten progressively worse and worse. Hard work and dedication doesn't mean shit in the real world. Being a good man doesn't mean anyone will value your existence. I could kill myself now and it would probably be a month or more before anyone noticed, and that'd only be due to the stench.

>>37406214 this is not the OP you replied to, but I am.

Yes, I am a grill.
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>new female qt in college
>actually manage not to fuck up first interaction
>hopeful for friendzone (I won't realistically get further)
>do a few homeworks for her
>fast forward 1 week
> looks at me
>"you know anon everyone here is a bit weird"
>TFW she knows just me
>TFW cuts me off shortly afterwards

It's not worth pretending to be a normie.
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trap =/= girl
I hate the changing scenery of life.

But...it is time for me to find the true me, which is far away from here. Away from this community, away from this world..

There's a new me out there, and it's my time to find it...

The color of my world is changing, to match the aspirations of my soul. Yes...things change, and life changes, but my soul remains.

Damn it.
I'm not a trap, but I wish I was.
show your tits. pls
That's lewd! I'm not that kind of girl.
>stupid fucking roastie derails another thread
>thirsty beta normie helps

Why do I even bother coming here anymore?
I think I'm about to have the same thing happen to me, I'm Australian she's American, and I don't know what to do. I'm probably just going to kill myself honestly.
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sometimes I ask myself why I even bother improving myself, it seems no matter what I do, life still sucks. I don't even want to kill myself, life simply doesn't feel right, ya know.
I'm not sure why you feel terrible when you made it clear to him that you don't form deep connections to others.
can't find the designated yaoi RP thread and I'm worried about my gaybros

have to RMA a fucking $500 monitor because it started shitting the bed
fuck off you underage retard, get the fuck off my board
How do I get a qt Aussie GF tho
I had a legitimate worry and instead of people putting gender aside and commenting on the situation, they keep responding like fucking thirsty betas.

Not my problem
I'm scared that he won't be able to discern his hormonal feelings and romantic feelings.

I really like him as a person and don't want to ruin the friendship or him.
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Weed has put me in a strange place. I was suicidal depressed for the past 2 years, and got severely worse within the past 6 months since dropping out of college. I never had a lot of friends in highschool or university, so I didn't get a chance to party a lot. I rarely drank or smoked, but when I did I really liked it. However, anxiety and no social life made it impossible to get hooked up with dealers.

But with medical dispensaries popping up more and more often, I recently started shopping there often. At first I did not smoke very often, twice a month at most. But I've started to smoke almost every single day these past weeks. I can't imagine not waking up and smoking right away.

I've become a degenerate pot head. I know I won't achieve anything, but I don't care.

Asking for a loving family so a lot. Many people don't have that.
I know this feel. I can't even imagine sex as something real. If someone told me sex was propaganda and didn't actually occur in real life, I wouldn't be surprised.
What makes you say that?
I'm curious.
i'm so fucked.
"hurr durr females have it so easy". no not really.

and yes inb4 you go on about wew, fembots aren't real, only roasties exist xdd, fuck off with that shit.

i hate everything about my life.
i hate pretty much everyone.
apart from my one flatmate who goes foodshopping with me bc i can't do shit by myself. can't even use a self checkout by myself without panicking.

inb4 "oh u'll find some nice guy who will help u with that shit". but will i find someone who will tolerate my insecurities and constant torrent of interrogation-style questions whenever i dont understand or feel doubtful of a situation. will i find someone who shares the same ideal as me of "us against world". we don't really need anyone else but our own soulmate. friends are disposable, they're all temporary. so is family, but soulmates aren't.

i feel so fucking lonely and i hate that i can't change it.
anyone who tries to talk to me, i just push away because im scared that they'll just leave me like countless others do bc they can't cope with my shit anymore. "aww it's cute how u have ur ideals and keep to urself" to "wow ur so fucking difficult, u wont open up and have unrealistic expectations".

i hate life guys
>I'm not the type of girl to share nudes
>I'm also not the type of girl to form intimate romantic connections

Your bait is falling apart, m8
yeah anons are right, eat it and learn from it. never do it again.
I want to get drunk. I want to get high. I don't want to wake up anymore. And I'm desperate for some human contact even if it's just chatting
Bro im the same
I don't share nudes.

I don't tend to have sex outside of a relationship, but I like him as a person and felt comfortable helping him lose his virginity.
fuck it. everything sucks. just be used to being alone unless you force change on yourself.
I've smoked every day for over 2 years and am graduating college with a 3.5 and just started an internship. I used to be suicidally depressed but increased responsibilities have left me no time to think about myself anymore. I spend all my time either smoking weed/playing games, doing household chores, or working and haven't been this happy in a long time. Don't blame the weed, blame what other stuff you're doing, weed is awesome
I'm not a special snowflake but my personality is all over the place. I like going to keggers, getting fucked up, being a dumbass bro. I like staying in all weekend watching anime and playing video games. I like working out, staying fit as fuk, and playing some sports. I like reading buddhist texts and watching psychological thrillers. I like competition, I like fighting. I like being empathetic and trying to help people.

Most people I meet are far more defined in their personality. Like, partying and enjoying sports is on one end, and watching anime and playing non-CoD games is at the other end.

I think I'm scared of showing someone my full personality, all my interests, thoughts, and beliefs, and them being turned away by some combination of them. I really don't think I'm someone's ideal mate.
force change how

i went on a fucking "normie" phase in an attempt to do so. was a bad idea. never drinking again, never going fucking "clubbing" again. (flatmate offered ok, so i was like ye sure as long as i can follow u and not get lost)

i also went to the docs, took meds. had counselling and therapy again. nothing works at all.
Same dude, i havent had anything to distact me from how shit everything is since i got bored of vidya
i lost my will to live
eh, sometimes you just have to go out and force yourself to do it. like physically force yourself to do stuff like take meds and therapy and get exercise and put yourself in social situations.

it really fucking sucks if you don't really want it. really, you have to believe that you're going to change and take action.

if any of thst makes sense. I don't fucking know
Was the exact same way until I started working, it made me better at social situations

but outside of work I still hate my life and am really depressed
Bro im sorry, but it gets better senpai
I've been dealing with depression for as long as I can remember, and it has gotten bad as of late

outside of work all I do is drink and get high and I don't have the energy or motivation to try and change anything
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I am depressed, my family is annoying, I got no hobbies, play Minecraft because LoL and everything else became boring, I hate porn and I got diarrhea because of a fucking watermelon
Im waiting for cancer test results but I'm pretty sure I have lymphoma I have no idea how I'm going to handle it and I'm scared to death
> "she is the heroine of your story but you're not even a side character in hers"
I relate so much it hurts
also you don't gotta be a normie to be happy. don't force yourself to be one.
You sound like my soul mate, Anon

I'm a similar way. I have a diverse personality and group of interests and it's hard for me to find people I relate to.
This actually made me really sad, I hope things get better for you
You don't do any of that because you're a fat NEET LARPing about a make-believe femanon that joyfully takes true virginities of incel losers like yourself but has existential crises when (((she))) realizes that they might be getting attached to her

I don't actually mind tho it's kinda hot and it's getting me through the workday
You are the last hope for humanity. Go to church and find a man. (Legit only there you'd find something like a "soulmate")
I want to be able to talk to people and make friends. But I can't think of any reason why anyone would want to talk to me. And then when I really think about it, I can't find a reason why I want to talk to people. But I still want to. But I never actually do talk to anyone. I've tried to find places to talk online, one on one. Omegle is shit, just people asking asl then disconnecting; 7 cups of tea is a one sided conversation, 4chan is shit, reddit is shit, everything is shit. I don't want to spend the time to learn rules and conventions and deal with the social structure of irc or forums. Is there anything out there like omegle that isn't shit?
I honestly believe I'm going to die a virgin. I'm 29 and still a KHHV with no end in site. Prostitution is illegal in my country so I have no back-up plan.
yeah i honestly did.

i took uni as a fresh start, and did believe that i was gonna sort my life out.

yeah i can see how constant exposure and forced social contact would help.

but it doesn't solve the underlying issue.

im an atheist. i dont think i can relate to any religious person, especially since im so hateful.
>prostitution is illegal in my country

I'm a beta submissive male on top of being black. How is this possible?
I am 26 years old. I am completely disillusioned about women and people. I grow more resentul every day and I have 0 incentive to approach people or make friends or meet women. I want to earn some money, go home and potentially buy some new clothes. I dread human interaction because all I get is negative feedback. Although I try to be friendly, people can read minds and pick up on every inch of insecurity/weirdness/ anxiety/ whatever. I really dont care about them but I am sick of being looked at like I am the antagonist.

I am done with the whole thing rationally. But a life outside of society is not comfortable. you have to be integrated enough so people wont attack you out of nowhere. I dont know how to move on. I am not unhappy in life in general. I love myself and I enoy life reasonably. I just fucking hate people like the plague.

What do?
Can you just pretend you believe be?

I need some serious reassuring that I'm not doing something awful. I'm feeling pretty shitty about myself because of this situation.

I really like him
Yeah it doesn't solve the underlying issue, but honestly it has made life easier to deal with at least some of the time
For the longest time now, I feel like I'm not "human". That might sound weird or edgy but I'm so full of hate towards anyone and feel so alienated that it makes me crushed. I am so lonely yet I can't stand the company of other people, I don't care about relationship. Add to this the usual depression and all the other mental bullshit, I really want to die.
Thanks for this thread anon this is actually feels really good to share it.

Me too man. I don't even care though. Can't you fly to another country though? a lot of people from where I live fly to Thailand and have sex with whores.
im sorry anon. I don't have any other advice to give. I wish I could say or do something to make it all better for you.

im rooting for you and I hope 6ou find your way through this ridiculous life.
>How is this possible?
Were you raised by a single mom too?

t. Fellow beta blackbot
>Can you just pretend you believe be?

Sure I'm bored af, why not.

Sit him down and be totally honest with him regarding what you want in a relationship/FWBship/fuckship. Monitor his reaction. If he lies and says he's okay with it (even tho he wants more), call him out and tell him to be honest. If he tells the truth, then hey you've got yourself a new bf/fookbuddy/palarino
Bro, same. I had a mental break down during my alevels and my sister got a music degree. She can't get a job and doesnt pay rent. I work at mcdonalds and pay rent.

theres days where ive been really fuckin bummed, on the verge of tears, and wanting to just go out and buy a bottle of rum and sit in the dark. ill think stuff like, "what the fuck is working out gonna do for me? even if i go im not motivated so itll be a shitty workout. ill only feel worse about not doing well and wasting my time"

it takes serious effort to do it but when i do, i feel so so so much better. it is insane how effective it is to making you more relaxed and feel better
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Why doesn't he love me back?
uni's already too much for me desu. lecture rooms are packed xd

i have to say that i have gotten better with my social anxiety since being at uni. but everything else has been the same.

thanks anon. im gonna keep trying, bc what else can i do.
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I'm dealing with a worry that I might want to become a women, I've never felt comfortable in this bulky ass male body anyway. I wouldn't be some supermodel but the idea of being able to feel dainty and lightweight seems very freeing. To feel like I occupy some kind of elegant form. I'm sitting here with wide shoulders and a full beard, not really enjoying it at all.

I don't feel like I'm trans or anything, I don't really give a shit about gender. But I think about living life as this awkward dude and I would just feel better in a different body.

Not to mention I already deal with schizophrenia and all 3 voices are females. I'm probably a fag for thinking like this but it's nice to post about it before talking about it to real life people.
Don't let that one experience stop you from trying again anon. I'm 20 and I've actually met a 30 year old on here and we've met up a few times. I mean yeah it's weird to explain to people but I don't really care, he's a real chill dude. I'd meet up with him more often (we live in the same town) if I didn't think it would bother him and I was more outgoing, but we're both NEET so alas it doesn't happen often.
the past few months have driven me nuts. Nearly all day every day i contemplate about my ex, and every night i can't sleep or not think about holding her close to me. I can't stop thinking about my bad judgements but mostly her misunderstandings of me. I wish she would talk to me, or if we could hang out. I know she only has like one friend and does nothing with her life except smoke weed all night and work at subway all day. And she knows we connect well and have fun together.. I wish she would just tell me what was really wrong.. all she said was she doesn't want to commit to a relationship right now in her life, but why cant we just hang every now and then? she never talks to me, i feel like she just tossed me away despite what we had.. im scared to ask her myself.. I waited until i got over her for the most part to even consider hitting her up, but a couple months ago i reached out to her to lay everything out like I'm sorry for the dumb things i said, and she was in the wrong to be using a dating app while we were dating ("to make friends"), but she disagreed. i felt like i made it worse and i wish i never talked to her so i could have had a cleaner slate for when i wasn't as emotional. the other night i broke out and cried for the first time since she left 4 months ago, and started cutting myself which i rarely do anymore. I miss her too much.. she was so fucking beautiful, her eyes were golden and her skin was so perfectly soft, she was so fucking short, she had a ton of tattoos, she was into gothic art, she was so fucking spiritual and interesting. no one i've met at university compared to her, she is so different and special to me.
all i want is to just lay down with her on her fucking amazingly comfortable bed with 20 pillows, hold her so fucking tight, and watch Bob Ross painting while she strokes my homeless looking beard, plays with my calices while reading my palms, and pokes my muscles. thanks for asking i hate keeping it inside
People were always so mean to me, because I look like a nice guy who will take it on the chin and say nothing, I wasted so many of my time and opportunities because of past hurts. I know there is no god, but I wish there were so I can get justice from the people that hurt me in the past.
what is an extraction?

>avoidant personality disorder
Is this a real medical issue? I feel like I might have this but I am extremely skeptical of silly "conditions" like add, depression, etc. Is there any research on avoidant personality disorder?

anon, one thing about a relationship is that you don't have to share all of your hobbies with your partner. No matter what crowd you hang with people will think some of your hobbies are weird. But probably some people will be accepting of it.

I'm sorry anon. Wishing your results come back negative. Maybe it's easier to talk to an anon stranger than people you know irl, so let us know how the results turn out.

>7 cups of tea
wat dis?
Online communication is kinda weird. Have you tried meetup?
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good job anon. you're doing all the right stuff
Yep, but that's true for most black people in general and the VAST majority of them aren't submissive or beta.
I've been going through the same thing, it gets easier to deal with and forget about over time but it still fucks me up
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I'm thinking about starting hormones. I'm waiting a month to think through it and it isn't the first time I've thought about it. The last time I dismissed it was because I couldn't fathom the idea of being able to deal with my parents knowing. I've grown in the way I think since then, and it doesn't matter that much any more. I just hope that I don't get kicked out while I stealthily transition and then will be able to move to the US to live with my bestest of friends.
>Breakup with first gf 4years ago
>Was a beta bitch boi bacl then and she was way out of my league
>Bad break-up went NC, also became a drug addict for well over a year after it
>Sober up and go abroad to soul search and work
>4 months ago come back with enough money yo enroll into college, get a good car and nice appartment while still having 5 digits in the bank
>Ex-gf went from a 7 to a 9, stayed in her city and is a waitress
>See her at a bar 6 weeks ago
>Always thought she was the "one", the love of my life
>Meet up and stzrt hooking up
>She's all over me, can't believe how much a man I've become and how much I've grown
>She's very stable, not like when we were together before. She was afucking psycho back then.
>Catch feelings for her again
>Hard, really, really hard
>4 days ago open up to the darkest mopent of the past 4years, telling her about my addiction pre-travelling
>Tells me that she got kicked out of her house 2 years after our split
>Told me she became a prostitute for a bit over a year to become financially independent

The girl I consider the love of my is a literal whore. I've never felt so conflicted in my life. I told her I needed some time to process but that I dont care. But ofcourse I do. I had a few other gfs but I haven't met anyone that comes close to her. Not to mention she's fucking good in bed. Almost like she's a pro.
>if I wanted to
Sorry to hear, but if you "can and will", don't let your potential go to waste
I know that sounds generic as heck but you know
get over it. if she doesn't do it anymore who gives a shit
man why the fuck does this make me feel so hard when I don't even have a similar experience
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I have it better than most people on this thread. I'm young. I'm healthy. I'm loved by my family. Yet I'm so unmotivated. I can't look to anything on my horizon. I thought I could make it work with this girl. It didn't. I thought I could have friends by being confident and grooming myself for success. That was false. I always was an outcast - The funny, weird kind, or the alone, asocial kind (now). Never went to a party. Have only two people I regularly message on my phone - Father and Mother. They're so loving yet I'm so distant. I'm a failure. I failed at this school when I was opposed by tough times. I failed to grow into a responsible, muscular man. I'm an ugly cunt. My face is an infection, rashes and acne mushrooming in red and yellow blots.

One year ago, I was different. The crushing weight of exams was there, but I had hope. I traveled. I had a smile on my face. I played videogames. I worked out. I was nearly a normie.

What happened to me? I think about it all the time, looking on my past, looking at me now. Was it falling in love? Rejection? Everyone around me being better, going somewhere in life? My too great ambitions? My bad results which led me on a road down low self-esteem? Am I a happy person in a rut or am I coming back to the days when I was suicidal and asocial like in high school four years ago, just after a period of heightened confidence? Where has my happiness gone?

I could have made so much out of that year. Like my classmates. Like everyone. I know I had it easy. I don't know who I am anymore. I lie to everyone about my feelings. Will I ever recover? Am I mad?
I'm so lonely. I want to have friends. I want to have a girlfriend. But

I'm afraid of social contact now. I'm self-conscious now. I used to be so proud and confident? What the fuck has happened?
I gave up on all of what used to make me happy, because it took too much effort. I'm a shell of my former self. Rise up, get to class, do nothing, escape reality, sleep.
It's not your fault, but you need to tell him to stop before it gets worse/he starts thinking it's a romantic relationship
The longer you don't, the harder it will be to end it
am i going to be a perma virgin?

every time im at a party or something i tell myself this is not for me and i need a nice qiuet date not some random slut.

and everytime i meet a qt i tell myself i need to practice talking to girls before i go for this qt.

i need to stop lying to myself.... or im gonna hate myself for the rest of my life, thats noway to life.

im too much of a fking bitch to do shit anyway
As long as she isn't still doing it then get over it it doesn't matter
I'm never going to get a job, or be happy, or be remembered, or achieve my dreams.
none of us will be remembered in the grand scheme of things. we're just fucking dirt
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I might be getting sent back to work in a sweatshop for another 6 months with no pay.
Seriously thinking about going on the run. I am not going back there, it's fucking hell.
my grandmother just died
two days before her 60th anniversary being married to my grandfather

I feel so fucking tired
agreed were all fking useless, best we can do is make the most of it while were here
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All the cute girls from work left and i didnt even get to talk to them.All thats left are old broads and pretentious 3/10's.
How the fuck do you even fail before you try ffs?
Ofcourse but it still hurts. I'm not really butthurt about the sex work. Especially with my own sleazy past and I know people can really change. But more about the fact she had to go through that horrible time. She was molested from her teens to 18 and is very vulnerable. I even know the guy who manipulated and got her into the industry and I can't get the image of my bashing his head in.
Tried to die last night
Literally don't why I didn't pull the trigger
Regretting not being able to do it rn
Have to wait until my car gets fixed
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I'm straight as straight, but sometimes I wonder about forcing myself to be gay so some guy can love me romantically, even though gayness repulses me.
>forced to army by govenrment
>guard, boring af, alone
>suicidal cuz depression etc
>always carrieing gun with ammo on duty
>damn close to shoot myself twice in the last days
fuck my life
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Just drinking and thinking about my life. Not about past choices, but actual feels about future. I feel so insecure.
if she's the woman of your dreams... she's worth it. try to get past it anon.
why is this so fucking common man, i used to feel nothing and I didnt like that

now sometimes I just cry like a little faggot and I wish I could go back to feeling nothing
It sounds like some kind of fairytale to me man, like a love story, I mean if you make each other happy why should anything else matter
Can being gay be a kink?

over the years ive developed a nasty habit of fetishizing everything that generally repulsive.

i couldnt jerk off to milfs anymore it had to be grannys. cant jerk off to just chubby it has to be ssbbw. what the fuck is wrong with me.

and ive kinda worked myself up to such a level of kink that i'd love to be the girl, now ofcourse that gay

but am i gay? i mean in no way could i actually start a relationship with a guy and its always a turnoff when i see a guys face in a porn i just like the dicks.

will this kink ever fade? will i ever be able to jerk off to normie porn ever again?
can you come shoot me
redrafting my suicide note, making final plans - hope to meet my one and only ex one last time before I go.
Not him but
>It's ok because he realises he did something wrong
This is literally something I hear every time I read a greentext story about some guy talking about women cheating on him
for me it's the exact opposite, I was sad all the time, but one day I woke up without any exact feelings, sometimes I have a crush on someone but that's it, just depression
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I'm trying to lose my feelings that I have for some girl that would never have a chance with.

Thinking about just makes it worse though
fuck I never understood depression, like I just didn't get it until recently, now I get it. I don't even have anything big to be fucking sad about, I'm just a fucking loser whos not even good enough to have a major event to be sad over
original enough.
the united states of america, new york state, new york city, the bronx, riverdale
Another fucking job passed me up somehow even though I knew a higher up in my region, so right now I'm fucking pissed and have no way to let it out
it started with trying to become a normie after I graduated, finally get a girl, etc.
eventually I kinda fucked it up, had an accident and had to take medication for several months, that made me fat and gave me a bad rash (never had spots before), that and the failed crush made me super sad and eventually loose my feelings except depression

I'm 20 years, no contact with girls ever, even lost my confidence, lost my muscles due to constant pain from the accident, got fat, bad acne due to medication, as mentioned at the army right now and close to shoot myself on duty
from Austria, sry
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I have planned on purchasing of them garages that I will use as my laboratory, for I am about to be creating a concoction that will be my magnum opus on the Day of Retribution.

I encountered a gaggle of roasties on the train, discussing. They were probably about my age, eighteen, and were talking about how long they've gone without sex. They were literally complaining about how not having sex for a week drove them crazy.

Well, do you know what drives me crazy? That women are even allowed to be outside, acting like this and still are being put on a pedestal. During the Day of Retribution, I shall bring on swift justice - neutralizing this threat to society so that we may flourish. Flourish without them.

I will start gearing up my laboratory in time, and buying all of the ingredients. I'll be locking myself in there for about a month, working on solutions and seeing how well react on mice. When my magnum opus has been created, I will release it. I will be king.
I'm just tired. Tired of everything. Could use to ride my motorbike a to clear my head I but I don't a even have the energy for that.

I want to actually be social and have friends but the idea of going out and talking to people terrifies me.

Tempted to call it quits now guys, it'll save all the petty bullshit.
I "graduated" high school early and went to community college for the second semester of my senior year. No one cared about me, like nobody texted me or tried to contact me, even though I went to a fairly small private highschool (like maybe 500 kids, maybe less)
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I am so close to my goal.

Just have to push a little further.

I can do this.
In the same boat mang.

>crush on hottest chick in office
>have a few good coffee room convos
>know I have to step it up and start hanging out in spare time
>too pussy to ask face to face
>stare at chat prompt not knowing what the fuck to write
>try to invite her for a group outing with mutual friends overklig e-mail
>falls through multiple times
>she has a boyfriend now

Why the fuck am I afraid to talk to someone I'm attracted to?

Group activities are copouts. She won't understand I like her. Had I just said "You're fun to talk to, let's take a walk this weekend" I wouldn't have this uncertainty - she says no, at least you know.

Now I'm analyzing the shit out of 5 month old chat logs and diary notes, it's pathetic. "What if", "what if". Fuck.
but it's not ok. he knows it's not ok. but you have to learn from mistakes, forgive yourself, and move on.

shit happens
I know that feel
noone wants to contact me, I always have to ask what others do, otherwise noone would tell me, I always feel bad after doing this and being with those persons at a party, where I eventually just go because I don't speak to anyone and noone wants to talk with me if I try to start a conversation
my ancestral homeland, dank. ill go visit my distant relatives and then you can snipe me
I'm just so fucking average nobody remembers me. but I've gotten used to it to where social activities become tiring. Just having someone besides a occasional text from my mom would be nice
sweet, maybe cops will shoot me because the only reason I haven't done it yet is always being a pussy and bitching out
I'm even too much of a failure to shoot myself, guess the kids when I was younger were right kek
I just don't understand how I got from a decent almost normie with chad tendencies to such a pthetic failure
I just don't understand why I'm still living. The only thing I'm interested in at all lately is how shitty the established norms are and how humans just function to function, and nothing I can do will change anything. The only reason I haven't killed myself is because I'm too much of a bitch to wipe my hard drives and burn any notebook I ever wrote a thought down in so nobody could ever get inside my head.
I'm in med school too and I lost all motivation as well. Fuck this shit. I could do really well too if only I had the motivation as I always score real good when I start really studying two weeks prior to my exams. Fuck.
Is it bad that I'm starting to agree with a lot of the unabombers philosophical points
Are you me? What you just wrote is identical to what I experienced, to the point where it's surreal
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I have one year of med school left. I'm not gonna fucking make it like this.
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I spent the last 3 hours summarizing everything I need to know for some physics elective exam I have the disfortune to have tomorrow. A printed version of this document is lying directly in front of me on my table, and I just can't bring myself to take a look at it. I'm so lazy it should be criminal, someone execute me if you may.
Hey senpai I'm from Austria, please come shoot me instead.
maybe I'll just kms at this point, I'm fucking talking to people on an imageboard full of trolls and hope to cure my disorders. I secretly hope to find a girl here, however i'm an ugly fuck that hates every second of it's live, yet not able to shoot myself

everyday the bullets in my magazine look friendlier, I don' know if I can take it any longer
what kind of gun my man. i come here to try to make myself feel better but I just feel like shit, maybe im just a pathetic self pitying piece of shit, who knows
guess it's a worlldwirde genetical disorder or some kindd of that, even if i managed tonget a girl, could my kids go through the same suffering as I do? I'm scared of thiss even more than of girls
why would anyone want me though, like I don't know if I would even be capable of holding a relationship without being a huge burden. Like all the money my parents wasted on me, trying to make me happy and to live a full life, and I just turned up a huge piece of shit.
AUG A1 5.56mm fully automatic (military version), 30 bullets in the mag
I have 2 years left. I want to take a year off
At least you have nice dubs.
That Keep Calm and Talk thread about psychological issues has helped me deal with a few critical nights and I'm really grateful for everything those namefag anons have given me, but I'm afraid that becoming a regular there and helping people won't be as healthy as doing literally anything else to keep my mind occupied.

Any experience with that?
literally me.
got the same empty feeling when being alone and bored that overwhelms you, even worse than the constant depression?
noice. I want to shoot myself but I don't want to add to gun crime statistics.
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I'm lost, confused, and frustrated
No future plans but killing myself in the next few years.

After having convinced myself I was a tranny and taking hormones, I'm now doubting myself more than ever in every way and I'm just tired of it. I hate myself because of my dependent personality disorder and extremely low self-esteem, I always feel like I'm losing myself in others and copying everything someone else does. I used to have this before sometimes, but now I have the feel constantly and I feel like I don't even know who I am anymore.
I have no one to care about and I want to settle with someone even if I'm 23

I live in a town of 300k people but how do I meet new people? I got rejected like 5 times at uni and the rest of the girls are stuck-up bitches, this is making me feel so shit
when im alone I get pretty fucking sad and I hate it, but even when im surrounded by people I feel isolated I guess. And it doesn't help that much, because I'm just that guy that people talk to until their friend gets there, or the guy to lend a pen
another med anon here, I lost my enthusiasm in the first months of school, when I realized living in the country-side like a rural retard is actually way more fulfilling and less stresful than this
I feet cheated out of life
>until friend arrives
ik that, worst feeling in the world

one time one of my normie friendseven tried to help me, showed my a girl and I was just not able to talk, I couldn't think of anything to talk about, however I would lovd to discuss stuff even normies could relate to, just too autistic for basic human functions I guess
Sieg fucking heil.
>I want to take a year off
Don't, it'll only get worse. Finish asap, then do whatever you want.
I just want to drive off into the fucking woods and build a house or some stupid shit like that at this point. I live in fucking new york city and I'm too fucking stupid to make my life any better. I just don't feel like I'll ever contribute anything to society, but if I killed myself it might fuck my parents up
Thats actually what I'd like to do. But I'm too pussy to do it and everyone I know expects so much out of me. I'd be happy living in a farm desu.
But after med school there's residencywhere I live. It will never be over
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I'm crazy about this girl and we really hitted off, but she's going at a much slower pace than me and I'm basically forced to see her most days of the week which is pretty damn hard sometimes

It's been a long time since I felt this strongly about a girl which is freaking me out big time!!!
i think i'm falling for a girl that's almost 10 years older than me
what the fuck should i do
>bach thesis

anon what on earth are you talking about
Been there last month. It ended like shit last saturday (she left me) after we had gone out a few times and spent together at least 12hs every time.

I've managed to not see her the last couple of days but today there was no such luck. Its shit man.

Good luck though. Really.
Take a shower, put on some nice clothes and smell nice and stuff, and try to take it as far as possible!
I'm winging a paper (which is due tomorrow) but the more I write the more I realize how bullshit it all is. However, there's no turning back. It's like riding a train without brakes, you know this shit is gonna be off rails in the curve but that's just how it is.
Holy fuck this sounds horrible

I actually work with her so the fucking only backup plan I have is getting a different job if it doesn't work out!

Also I have to concentrate all my energy to not fucking let it show I just wanna brush her hair and feed her grapes all day. This shit is getting too much sometimes, the only thing which calms me down is that it's still going really cool between us so far but I don't know how long that shit gonna last FML
I'm 23 and I still get nervous about going to the liquor store. It feels like an adult place where I don't belong.
>tfw the only reason I'm not an alcoholic is because of my fear of the liquor store
lol good luck bro try to put some well written pieces other people wrote in there to brighten it up
I know that exact feel m8. I wrote a paper the other day, when I actually read through it I just felt embarrassed.

Whatever I guess, not my fault I had to right on something I don't really believe in.
Double down, anon. Pile on that bullshit. It'll probably net you at least a C. Don't get discouraged, it'll be shit but at least it'll be over and you won't have to worry about it anymore.
*write on
Fuck that cunt. Originananalio.
>I actually work with her so the fucking only backup plan I have is getting a different job if it doesn't work out!
Well, there is something positive about this. I went to a job interview yesterday, which went great and not wanting to see her again (I mean, of course I want, but I'd also like it if she wanted to see me) is a driving force in getting something better.
Allright that's a good silver lining I guess, good luck on the hiring process!
i feel like i'm lacking something.

i want to go out, so i do that, but it does not satisfy me.
i want to start a new hobby, so i do that, but it does not satisfy me.
i want this and that, so i do that and more, but i'm never satisfied!

i have this constant crave for something. it has been bugging me for months. it's always there, never leaves. i don't know what to do about it.

i know hurr reddit and all that, but watching this on slideshow always distracts me for a little bit at least.
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why is it so hard bros
i have been a fucking loser my entire life and then a girl shows up and for a second i started thinking things would get a little better(yeah i know i shouldn't base my happiness over someone else but still) and now here i am, not even 2 months later, on the edge of being dumped, probably because she realized i'm autistic
what did i do to deserve this
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>tfw crush left me on read after I said Hi
I feel like I'm nearing the end of my life, very little interests me anymore and Im constantly exhausted and irritable. I'm close to giving in
>on the edge of being dumped

So you haven't been dumped yet? What makes you think you're about to be?
tfw begged oneitis to punch me

she wouldnt, she didnt even want to come anywhere near me.

she hates me
What's on my mind?
In gf's bed, feeling weird that I guess I'm a normie now considering that I spent nearly all my good teenage years on 4chan and now I guess I'm a chad
Feels good and bad man, mainly good. There's hope for us all anons, I'm a 5'5 manlet
is this what the end feels like?
Sex is just kinda eh mate.
It's better than having a wank, but the actual act itself is kinda meh.
It's the relationship that comes with it that matters, and a meaningful relationship can be formed by nearly anyone.
started work at a fast food joint, no proper training.

it's crappy and i would love to quit already but i need to work as i have been unemployed over a year already

Fourth med anon here. One year left and I'm burning out for this summer's exams already. The NHS is going to shit, I'm starting to struggle to see what's the point
just get in so you can start killing off the fatties. I love watching those british "too fat to work" documentaries on youtube. Can't believe you guys are allowed to air that shit on tv
Just go nofap for a bit, tends to sort it out.
>deliberately push everybody away
>whine about having no friends

this is hell
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I started working for a TF2 YouTuber and i do his video thumbnails for him now but i got Fallout 4 in the steam sale aswell, and now i'm not sure wether i should get off my lazy ass or keep on playing

FYI: I've been waiting for FO4 to have a sale ever since it came out, and now that i finally have it, it gives me so much joy
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>>do a few homeworks for her

first mistake
>no job
>no ambitions
>no gf
I wish things were different
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Kek's justice has fallen upon you NORMAN SCUM
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Had a similar thing with a Turkish grill (I'm Serb so extra irony there) but it didn't work out. She was the only woman I ever had feelings for and she was super redpilled and sweet. It makes me sad knowing I will never find another woman like her.

Hold me brehs.
>met perfect girl a couple weeks ago
>we hangout almost daily, have a great time together
>have great connection
>I get shitfaced one night and text her some mean shit because she didn't want to hang that night
>says we can't be friends anymore

How do I get her back? I didn't say anything too bad but now she thinks I'm an asshole. Can I patch this up or did I fuck up ?
well what did you say, was it original?

Called her a dumb bitch after she didnt want to chill. Remind you I was gone and woke up hoping it was a dream, it wasn't
I fucking hate that realization. I hope you didn't try to say it was your friend that took your phone. Did you say anything personal though or was it just typical drunk bullshit that you can apologize profusely for

I also love waking up and knowing it was just a dream.

Not at all, I took full responsibility and said I was super wasted and apologized and told her I hope we could still be friends.
I'm still living with my ex for about 3 months now. He's a really great guy but I don't know why he doesn't want to take me back..

I'll wait for him but if another guy comes and swoops in for my affection, I might just leave him. It's just that, he is my first love..
This one bitch.

I know falling for her is a bad fucking idea. But shit. Why not?
I'm already numb AF.
Visiting this board makes me stressed and anxious but if i don't visit it i become stressed and anxious.
Help me overcome this dilemma.
>cant make work party cos working
>onitis whom im mad for goes as does chad
>next day she comes in
>rubbing my arm "why didnt you go? i missed you, we could have done shots together and danced"
>great, il just go next time
>talking to chad
>he casually mention he fucked her
>"all i remember is her moaning and her alarm going off in the morning, dont think i even came, and i let her out the back door so my family didnt see her"
>"her only words to me were 'where is your door key?'"
>she says in work group chat "night out friday, anyone invited", later writing "its because chad is on holiday for a few weeks"

chad ALWAYS wins

At first I was like fuck it, but now I can't stop thinking about her and how nice and good she was to me. She didn't deserve that.
because she's behaving like a cunt
taking extremely long to answer, seeing messages but not responding until later, giving 1 liners and etc

i'm either being cucked(or not because she isn't GF) or for some reason she got bored by me
my body is getting more and more tired and weak every year and im only 26.
a few hours in the sun depletes my energy entirely, how the fuck do people work in the sun all day
maybe she had trouble with alcoolholic father or brother or ex or something?
fuck that makes me mad
You got this nigga I believe in you.

Yeah she had a rough patch when she was younger, not too specific about it bc we were new friends. Not sure how to handle this. I was thinking of giving it a few more days and then trying to speak to her again. This shit happened last Friday
you might have no joke triggered her
What happened anon?
I've been considering this. Every time parents come home I go on the porch to avoid the guilty shame feeling.
are you good at cs? want to be part of a team?
Same feel, brother

Probably, just wondering if I can salvage this
I mean have you called or texted or seen her in person at all? Because if you wait too long its just going to get more awkward by the day
I'm not sure where to go in life due to sheer lack of knowledge. I'm also nervous about working a job due to never working.
Say you're not used too drinking too much so it really fucks you up and you do dumb shit, but the chance you can salvage it is very slim desu.
Dont to it. Think about the multitude of potential enjoyable situations you can have for at least 30 minutes. Im serious.

Nope, but I thought giving it some time would be better. Give her a week or so to think about it and maybe she'll be more open to speaking again. Don't wanna look like I'm trying to fast to get her to forget about it.
Do you like the game or is he a bud?
At least in my experience, the hurt party waits for contact from the person that they think hurt them. Kind of a weird situation since its still a new relationship though
I have a sissy fetish, but idk if I want to be a sissy. I hate the idea of cross dressing and idk if I associate with the girls or just like seeing the get sprayed with cum.

Yeah I have hope bc I didn't wrong her too fucking bad.
I have crippling fear of failure and fear of confrontation. It has turned me into a NEET, even though I want to get better. I fucking hate how my brain works.
>>rubbing my arm "why didnt you go?

So basically she knew you liked her and was rubbing it in that she fucked Chad. Does that sound about right?
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>go on 2 dates finally thinking I found someone
>suddenly no communication

I just want to give up...I'm 28 years old, I have an MBA and money, and I look good and yet it's like women can smell my inner loser.

she doesnt know i know she fucked chad
She has to have known you were going to talk to Chad though, right?
Why don't you message her?
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why can't i get a fucking job?
i have a pretty good education and im not a rude guy
i see people left and right who have really bad education and still end up getting good jobs
how come that im unable to do such a simple thing that other people have far less trouble with?
meant for >>37411838

I texted her on Sunday asking her out, she said ok but when I suggested a time she went silent.

24 hours later I asked again and she said she would let me know and I haven't heard from her since.

If I text now I'm needy and if she's truly interested she will text me, but at this point my hopes aren't high...hell she was kissing me and shit last week. Dunno what went wrong...

yeah, i suppose. gossip travels strangely fast at my work

id have pulled one of my nails off with pliers just for a hug from her, but
since shes just a dick socket ill try and get her out of my system
Chad, norman. Chad.
I was late to work today and I feel awful about it.
He can't keep getting away with this...


Don't worry she will reach back out when he pump and dumps.
wheree do you work?
I finally met a girl and we've gone on a few dates and it seems like she really likes me

she makes me so happy and i'm so scared of messing it up
I've been talking to this girl I met on a dating site for the past two months.Everything was going great we would constantly talk and had a list of things to do when we met up.She told me today that she has been seeing someone for the past few days.Shit crushed me,I didn't even get a chance to meet her in person.This sort of thing happens alot.I'm withdrawing from my friends and family by the day.I'm in school and have no motivation.I'm decently attractive and fit but I can't get past the demons in my mind.I think about killing myself everyday.I just don't know anymore,I feel so tired and bored of everything.The only time I'm happy is when I'm dreaming.I tried to become a normie but its not working out.I guess i'll just continue being a loser.
>said she would let me know and I haven't heard from her since

that was her way of letting you know, friend. time to move along.
I lost my pupper to cancer today.
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I can't stop listening to this
Good movie, great scene
Same and I think of myself as a lefty
I have a burning hate for ex-gf. So much that it's distracting.

Do you ever wake up in the middle of the night in an uncontrollable rage?

If so imagining throwing her off a building works wonders.
it's important to me that you counter dump her first, anon
Don't overthink it anon, if it's going to happen it will happen desu.
but i don't want to fuck it up and make it not happen yknow
Why does mental health services always fuck me over
Maybe the problem is you.
I know you do anon, but trust me you can't force that shit.
after i posted i started cleaning, just got back on now and its only like a 1/3 the way there, and then theres vaccuming, bleaching corners w/ mold and dusting replacing lightbulbs.

Fish all dead aswell, green water. I feel like a dick but my grandmother got them for me I never asked, now my last memory of her is gone too all cause im a lazy fucking neet.

well g2g clean more or im getting kicked out. GL other anons lifes a struggle when your a robot
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I've been having difficulty trying to be nice, in the sense that no matter what I do it's as if people still dislike me. And I'm not entirely sure why. It's bothersome.
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Still in love with my ex. We've tried many times to make it work but we've done too much fucked up shit to each other in the past (mostly her) to ever have a healthy relationship. Her life is in an absolute downward spiral and I can't help her or be there for her emotionally because its too painful. I've fucked her recently and I can just tell that mentally she is just not healthy like she used to be. She's currently addicted to opiates and cocaine and I can see it easily leading to heroin. I don't want her to die lads. I just wish we could go back and meet each other all over again and make it work.

>tfw about to watch Eternal Sunshine and bawl my eyes out
> I have a negative orbital vector and no under eye support
>mandibular protrusion ckuld be better
> dicklet
> manlet
> brainlet neet

> tfw tfw imo desu desu
Hey man i don't like when the therapist yells at me for trying to commit suicide and the the psych not returning my calls when i can't make an appointment
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I think I'm actually incapable of not being in love with someone at any given time. My mind will latch onto any woman who seems fairly nice and create these elaborate romantic fantasies about our relationship starting, evolving, the sex, etc. If the woman doesn't give me any attention, or I don't see her for a while, the fantasies get boring and I move onto the next person that I can think about.

I don't know why this is, I guess I'm just starved for a real human relationship, real companionship. It's not like I don't have any friends, I actually have decent social skills and some strong friendships. But without some girl to daydream about in my private time, life becomes unbearably boring and pointless to me. The reason this is a problem is because it is generally a very bad idea to fall for the people I do end up falling for. In the past it's been women that have fucked me over, or that obviously have no interest in me, and when the love is strong for people like that, it hurts.

Right now the daydream girl is about 6 years older than me, and is practically raising her 2 cousins along with her grandmother. I'm young and this is not the type of relationship I'm ready to deal with, but I can't help myself. But the truth is, I don't want to stop with the fantasies, even if they are bad for me. They give real meaning to my life, and I would be so bored without them. And I do still believe that eventually, one of them will turn into something real. My social skills have been getting better, I'm trying to become a more interesting person to talk to, and I'm generally more confident than I used to be. Maybe even the current daydream girl will work out, we are genuinely close despite how weird it would be.
Why'd you tell your therapist you tried to commit suicide? They're obligated to report that and it would do nothing but cause problems.
Well the fucking thing is they never called them a friend called the cops when i said i had a bottle of pills in front of me
>when the love is strong for people like that, it hurts
wew lad you're telling me. Also you mentioned you're young. How old are you?
I love my gf too much. She is staying a bit with her parents due to stressing out over the other people staying at "our apartment". She said she wanted my seed, the future is ours, yet I feel so scared. I'd die if I lost her.
18 original years of age
"Eternal Sunshine Of Spotless Mind"

Literally, her body isn't encroached with any drugs and cigarette.
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I just want to get rid my the raised scar on my forehead it has been haunting me for years since 2nd Grade in fact On top of it I'm uggo as fug not because I'm >tfw no gf by any means I just want not be viewed as a degenerate any more you know when I walk by I am able to see the fear and people's eyes I haven't done anything wrong and none of my scars are my fault I just want this hell to end
well why did you tell your friend, then?
Booze made me say a good bye i just wanted to go out blackout so it'd feel like nothing but i fucked up
Him. It's all that's ever on my fucking mind and it's making me crazy. Can't distract myself with anything successfully, wish I could be as good as he is at not talking. Even when I do hear from him I'm scared to really try. Definitely can't ever be honest about my feelings, which feels like I'm not being genuine. I'm so exhausted by being confused constantly by it all. I can't even escape it all while I sleep because he's in my fucking dreams every night. I'm cursed.
I hate my dad for being ugly and making me ugly. Fuck him.
I got the number of a real qt3.14 a few weeks ago. Haven't contacted her since because I am scared she will dislike me over time just like everyone in my fucking life. And since the girl (who wasn't even my girlfriend) that came before her really tore me apart I really try to avoid that pain again.

I am so pathetic.
don't lie anon
You were scared to die.
I'm not particularly good at anything.
Well a lot of people are afraid of the unknown and i won't deny that i am one.
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i decided i wanted to live in a van and drive around the country this year, i thought it might fix my mental problems, idk. so i got my permit and license (basically my only "accomplishment" in the past decade desu), but i was too autistic and depressed to pick out/fix up my own van, so i let my mom and step dad do it. they picked out a van that is too short to stand up in, then the original 2 week reno timeline got extended to over 6, then i find out they butchered basically every step of that reno and i can't sit up in the bed (ceiling is about 8 inches from my face so i'd probably hit my head waking up), the lights don't work, exposed shitty wiring, plaster is cracked and falling off etc etc.

of course i can blame no one but myself and my own mental illness for this, if i complain about it i'm a spoiled brat, and i don't have the energy or social skills or technical knowledge to salvage this or to go buy another van myself so i'm basically screwed. i didn't think this out at all and essentially wasted over 22 thousand dollars and several months of my life on my own autism. idk what i'm going to do now, my family hates me and thinks i'm only "nitpicking" (lel) because i'm too autistic and scared to actually go on the trip, and i just hate everyone and everything. i don't think my mom would even be willing to help me buy another van, she's too pissed about this, idk how i can get out of this, i really don't want to be trapped in this house the rest of my life but this van is just so cramped and uncomfortable and awful in every way
anything you are specially bad at ? I feel like I'm not good at anything either.
I'm going to do you a favor and be real.

You have literally the experience of a lifetime ahead of you. Fix everything yourself and just go do it. Don't think about that you can't stand up in it, don't worry about how it falls short. Just go out and do it.

i don't know how to, and i don't want to talk to strangers, idk what i'd even do out there, i'd have to just park in walmart parking lots and hope nobody bothered me, i don't even want to see the country it's filled with dumb normies, this was just a stupid idea all around, i don't think i'm fixable at this point

fuck i hate this so much
I don't understand why your parents are enabling this van trip. They must just want you out of the house.
What are you even going to do, driving around? I've spent a lot of time driving aimlessly around and it really gets old after several hours behind the wheel.
Do you actually plan to get out of the car? Or just drive all day and sleep in parking lots? At first it's cool to see the world through your windows, but it gets old fast.
And what the hell are you going to do for gas money? I can barely afford gas for my little roadster, you've got a fucking van getting shit mpg.
You're gonna end up sucking dick at truck stops.

yeah pretty much, my stated goal was to see all the national parks in the lower 48 (i don't actually care i just picked something arbitrary) but honestly i don't think i could handle it if some hiking normie came up to me and tried to make conversation, i'd just freeze then run in the opposite direction, the fear of this would honestly probably keep me from actually going to the parks desu. i'm just really fucking dumb, i thought this could somehow fix my life, i guess it was a nice thing to think about for a couple months at least


i have a trustfund, money isn't really an issue, it just turns out it doesn't actually cure autism. if i were less fucking retarded i could have just spent double the money on a actual finished camper and left a month and a half ago
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There's a girl who I really like and even though we're friends and chances are she knows it I can't say it. We don't talk as much anymore so I missed my chance anyways.

>tfw shared a bunch of interests
>tfw we would always tell really stupid jokes
>tfw we would discuss really personal stuff

I should've realized it at the time looking back. She probably liked me, and I went and fucked it all up because I don't have the balls.
Maybe it'll be better than you think.
But in my experience, the idea of driving around the country is attractive only until the point where you realize you have to actually get out of the car to have any real experiences.
Most people who do the van living thing are visiting bars and meeting people, going to parties and concerts and beaches. They're the ones who say it's so great.
I've heard most hikers don't even like conversation, though, because it spoils the natural silence, and hiking etiquette just calls for a silent smile and nod. That should be manageable enough even for you.
I'm sorry for your dog Anon, I really do. Cancer is a fucking bitch. I'm studying biotechnology and it's pretty hard not just as a career but as a choice ("wow dude Biotechnology? you mean like those evil Monsanto dudes who are making genetic monsters and destroying the world, right?" yeah it's not as socially attractive as "surgeon" or "engineer"). I aspire to graduate and one day help the ongoing scientific battle against cancer, however small my help could be.
I feel like making my friends suffer.

Take finasteride/propecia. look into it now before it's too late!!
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>siblings are getting married at this point and having kids
>jobless daytrader
>spend all mynfree time drinking and playing vidya
>family despise me
>never even held a girls hand

At what point do i pull the plug?
Somehow I can talk to girl on OkCupid an Tinder but I can never seal the deal. We have nice long conversations but the moment I say something about meeting up the conversation ends and they never respond. Sending a response afterwards makes you look extremely desperate so I just leave it. What do?
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Stop fapping and start lifting. Channel the anger and rage.
i still want to be a hero when I grow up, but I am grown up and I can't even help myself

that does actually make me feel slightly better, but idk you have to talk to a ranger just to enter a lot of the parks and idk if i could even manage that, i really didn't think this through at all. but i don't have any idea of what to do instead. do you think aimlessly driving around without interacting with anybody going to be appreciably better than sitting at my moms house and browsing imageboards 16 hours a day? i'm really not sure


>actually has friends

you don't belong here yet dude
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I don't know what I was thinking, letting you walk away like that. I'm in and out of motels here. I'm not hard to find, you did it twice and you can do it again. I'm in and out constantly smoking cigarettes.

Here's a picture of a cabin I stayed in for a week. It was pretty comfy
The cold reality that I'm not getting any younger has set in and has hit hard. Wasted 3 years and 20k going to school then dropping out just to get back in school again with little to no credits towards a 2 year degree. Everyone is succeeding around me with half the work I'll put in.

Honestly I think the worst of it all is that I've ran out of Vidya to play to help ignore that gaping black hole that tries to suck me back down into old habits just to escape.
>do you think aimlessly driving around without interacting with anybody going to be appreciably better than sitting at my moms house and browsing imageboards 16 hours a day?
Driving gets exhausting. And the more tired you get, especially as a new driver, the more likely you're going to crash the car. You're probably not really going to enjoy days upon days of nothing but driving.
I don't know if it's better. This is pretty much why I never committed to living my my car full time. There's nothing to fucking do except drive.
>dad wants 18k usd to finish building his vacation house overseas
>tfw learned to do the exact opposite of whatever he thinks is fiscal policy
>tfw through patience and planning have access to 50k in credit
>tfw know you're not even supposed to use credit lines irl, it was for traveling rewards that I thought were fun.
>tfw confused as to why a parent would ask their underemployed son, who eats cans of tuna to keep costs down for an interest rate free loan?
>tfw my dad must have real costs due and is up against the wall to be doing this and the vacation home is a a cover or he simply went through life thinking credit was "le free money".

probably going to lend him a pittance, or nothing at all. I'm trying to engineer a life where I'm not a slave to debt, and he just wants to drag me down with him to save a couple grand in interest payments.
I fucking dont know what to do with myself, i live near chicago and still cant find a bf. Any guy i find is either out of my league or just a vapid whore teeming with stds. I just want a nice bf to play vidya with and chill.

o-oh. well....what do you think i should do instead?
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>at work get to move stuckshift pickup
>get excited and forget to take off parking brake but guy reminds me after i back up
>parkibg lot os always cramped and its a big pickup so i seem like an idiot who doesnt know how to backup
>shifter looks like pic related and when it was time to go forward i couldnt find the middle so i sat for like 30!seconds becausebi was afraid id put it in 3rd instead of 1st
>pull into shop
>tells me i almost hit pole ehen backing up

its small i guess but i feel like a faggot they move semi trucks in such a cramped parkibg lot fullnof trucks and i get to move a pickup and feel like a fool. ive only drove a 5 speed on the road a few times

am i a faggot? it just felt weird find gears since it wasnt like a 5 speed
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The only stuff that makes me feel bot depressed now is chewing tobacco and smokes. i only smoke about 3 cigs a day but chew 1 bag of pic related every two days so i spend about 30 a week on chew and cigs

i also eat lunches that are like 12 dollars and make 400 a week but have no bills

am i being too wasteful, i enjoy it and lunch is my main meal
>asking me for life advice
I don't even know what to do with my own life.

If you've made the plans and have the van already, maybe you should just go for it. Your life can't get much worse, right? You can always turn around and drive home if it's that bad.
is it good food anon? Like does it make you healthy and happy? I mean twelve is a bit much, unless it's a big meal. I used to make fun of my coworkers for getting lunch from the deli on the campus because a chicken sandwich, small amount of fries and a soda was like 12 dollars, and we made minimum wage of 7.75, so we worked over an hour to eat a kind of shitty meal that we only got 15 minutes to eat
mc donalds: 2 double cheeseburgers, big mac meal with coke and 2 apple pies

im actually not fat im 6'3 and 200 lbs
I have a burning hate for r/neoliberal
I mean is it filling and energize you for the rest of the day? What kind of work do you do? I mean you probably know how bad frequent fast food is for your health by now if you live a sedentary life.
I think she likes me but I'm afraid of going out in public and self concious about my weight so instead of asking her out I just smalltalk until she gets bored and walks away awkwardly
If I get to an average weight will it cure my crippling social anxiety?
i change brakes and oil on semi trucks and other things like that

i typically sweat all day
I mean 12 dollars is kind of a lot daily, but if its your big meal, or something you like, you shouldn't have to justify it to yourself.
Reminds me of the Defenders trailer
>you want to save New York? you can't even save yourselves
Which to stay on topic: in highschool, the thing I looked forward the most every year was the upcoming series, movies, games, anime, whatever piece of artistic media that had a date. I didn't give a shit about parties, the hype of something about to be released was and kind of still is more important.
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Why's all the bad shit gotta happen to me? Why is it all so fucking attracted to me? What did I do to deserve any of this? I played my cards the best I could while sticking to myself, yet people always have to find ways to fuck with me no matter what. And just when I think things are good I put back with the shit again. WHENEVER the worst can happen it always does. I'm so tired and angry at this point. No one gets me and it have to wear this stupid mask to get by. I wanna scream but fucking head off and tell people how ironic and overly critical they are over stupid things. How low their IQ must be to actually care about those trends. And then still find time to fuck with me. And they never stop. I want to fucking punch somebody. See their blood spit out their mouth and be scared of me. For once in my life I want to take the mask off and reveal who I truly am.

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>She's dating someone now

I never mustered up the courage to ask but I can't just forget her. Is it too late bros? If I were to be better could I cuck him?

I crushed so hard on this girl. I'm not sure what to do anymore. Please help.
I can't afford a PC, I can only phone shitpost.
I haven't talked to someone in 2 months.
I consider going an hero multiple times a day now.
i find both genders physically disgusting. I love people on a mental level though

at least I know the truth now and can accept myself for who I am but it's official I am undesirable. people want to have sex with other people so I would be a waste of everyone's time. I'm not sad though; I just want to make a lot of good friendships and take care of my friends and buddies for the rest of my life
High school was tough for all of us. Just try and be as apathetic as possible and it'll go by fast. Nobody wants, needs, or cares to see who you are. Try to ignore and be ignored. Society and people are shit and it's not up to you to fix it or to tell them how shit they are. All you need to do is ignore it and participate as little as possible.
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I tried doing that and all it does is attract Chad and his gang of tards. Because you're so quiet they want to see what you are and hear your voice and never fucking stop because you aren't a roastie. Some females are disgusted to even talk to me, nay, look at me even though I've never looked at them in my life. Even fucking today
>Chad: Hey Anon, remember when you told me you have a crush on Stacy?
>Chad: Stacy, do you like Anon?
>Stacy: *gives me Stacy look of disgust* No.
>Chad: Damn Anon xD what you gonna say about that?
I wanna shove a sharpened pencil through their cheeks
Just don't do anything stupid. If you lash out against anybody, the repercussions will make your life even worse in the future.
You can't really win, you can just pass the time until it's over.
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Today at work I spilled more spaghetti than usual and I just feel like curling up in a ball and not going back. I'm sure it's nothing anyone else even thought about but I have intense anxiety about my own actions, even if they're small things.

Today I was zoning out a lot and I stopped right in the middle of trying to microwave my lunch and someone asked me if I needed to use the microwave they were standing by. I laughed and explained that I just had to stop for a second because my brain was trying to process what to do next. I literally zoned out and my brain "skipped out" of reality and I had to take a second to re-orient myself to what I was doing exactly. I just sort of froze and stared intently at my lunch container for a good five seconds.

Everyone in the room looked at me very weirdly and stopped talking when I said that. Now I just feel like they know I'm super autistic and weird.
I saw my oneitis in a dream last night and we talked to one another and it was probably the best I've felt in a long time, only for it to come crashing down when I woke up, and I was still nothing to her.
Just writing that out makes me laugh because it seems so petty.
>tfw thread killer

Hey liquor stores are fine--people usually happy to be in there, ya know.
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>be me
>overweight clown
>people view me as rock with no emotions
>freely insult me because of it
>build a false superiority complex to cope
>now everyone hates me
>girl gets through to me
>we date
>get closer and closer every day
>love eachother
>she starts to be interested in my best friend who is also my only friend
>she's going to leave me for someone who's even more of a manlet than me
>i hate myself even more now

I've already attempted suicide. She's all I've ever had, fucking Chads take everything else away from me and I get bored by vidya now. Should I try again?
what was your attempt method

and how did you family treat you after?
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I ruined almost everything with the only person I ever loved or felt a real connection to. I want to apologize so fucking bad but I'm too much of a pussy and she would probably just reply: "oh, ok."
You don't have to answer, but what did you do, anon? If it's that serious how in the world could they only answer, "oh, ok?"
I fingered a fat girl I met on tinder because I'm lonely and I hate myself
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I don't know if it's that serious, maybe that's just what my brain keeps telling me, anyways.

>meet girl
>become friends quickly
>realize how much I feel for her
>be horrible at expressing myself
>become clingy and irritating around her because I'm so happy we're friends
>she doesn't like this new me, so we drift apart

We still talk semi-regularly, but when we talk it doesn't have the same feeling it used to, I still remember that last time I got that mutual happy feeling from her, even though it was in October.
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>be me
>uni student
>addicted to porn
>Tried r/nofap
>Tried hiding my phone
>Nothing is working
>Masturbation literally makes me dumber in class
>can't solve a simple problem
>Can't form a sentence that doesn't sound like a 4chan post
>Haven't been with a girl in two years
>Literally can't even look at girls without seeing them as porn stars
>My life is spiraling out of control because I can't stop won't stop Rocafella records'cause we, we get down bady, we get down baby
>The girls, the girls, they love us cause we stay fresh to death, we the best nothing less
>{Verse 1-Young Chris}
They don't make us so break us, when they make up to break up (No)
See the Jacob, fix they lil' make up(uh)
That's them youngunaz, Chris and Lil Neefy
Wishing they were the one what Chris got a lil'Kee Kee (That's right)
Home base Sham Coo back dere(uh huh)
Keep ya mouth shut, we might do that dere
Yep, it's only right, that the whole block stares
Hop out the bimp, with blue and white airs
When i say move nigga lets go and get left yo
Miami feelin my begets so my whole neck glow
Say I'm young but i can sex though
Now could it be I'm the one ladies check fo'
Yes hoe, got grown women my momma age, fuck me all kind of ways
Suck and swallow everything, way before them rhyming days
Naw it ain't bout the age, it's all in the stroke
Bitches thought i was a joke, 'til thy got my jammies, HEY!
{chorus x2}
{Verse 2- Neef}+ {Young Chris}
Yep, it's only right we don't feed 'em no cash
We ain't flea 'em and pass soon when we see 'em we pass 'em'
damn anon, that's tough. It was a long time ago but I was in a similar situation. It's horrible because I remember feeling so powerless. It's as if the past was so recent that it's almost tangible, like you could almost reach back and make it reality again but not quite.

I don't have any advice to offer since I never figured out my own situation, but best of luck. If anything I guess it's good that the two of you are still friends, but it must hurt knowing it's just not the same. Having and losing something hurts more than never having something, I think.
Just graduated college and I can't stop thinking about a girl that had a pretty big thing for me back in sophomore year of high school. Big as in, she got on her knees with a bouquet to ask me to prom. Now I'm a cyborg, but back then I was a total robot and had no clue how to grow our relationship. She was kinda awkward too, so I neglected her until she "dumped" me. She tried to kill herself some time after that. I just want to apologize and tell her to hang in there but I have no way of contacting her. Don't have her number and she deleted her normiebook. I hate myself for throwing away a real chance at love. She's my anecdotal proof that fembots exist, and exactly the kind of person I wish I could meet now.
The thoughts are in my head again. When I look at tall buildings, at the river, at the railroads. I keep thinking about it. I'm scared. It's taking over me. I want these thoughts to go away. I want to be happy. I don't want to give up. But I'm getting tired
Do it anon, the military will change your life for the better. And you would continue to benefit from it if you dont have an other than honorable discharge.

I say go for it anon!
go on omegle 4chan tags and 4chan discords there only about 1/70 genuine people if theat, I'm just gunna start going outside from now on,
it's people shitposting, to insecure so they mock others or bored, I ain't wasting my time on it anymore
>meet girl
>get to know her
>fall in love
>all of a sudden I have trouble talking to her
>talk to her friends more than her
>fall for one of her friends
>the cycle repeats

What the fuck is the point, robots, my life is going nowhere and I'm too much of a sperg to live with that.
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You can think of how you might be able to buy a waifu bot in the future. You just need to make the money for it, only thing keeping me going.
I feel utterly terrible and miserable. In the last week I semi-cried in the shower (no tears coming out). I feel abandoned and nobody cares for me,all I want is someone who cares, but I can't find such a person since I distrust people. I also think that I sometimes stop breathing in my sleep, even though I'm thin asf, so I might suffocate.
I think that's all, ty for reading this.
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>dad was an emotionally abusive asshole growing up
>correlate this behavior with masculinity
>grow up being as harmless as possible
>now 19 years old and can't talk to girls

was I doomed from the start? can I reform myself?
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My Ex.

Was broken up with a little more than a week ago.

Was everything I could have wanted, though she was a bit unstable. I am too, so I can't judge there.

Looked almost exactly like pic related, even has her hair dyed similarly. 4'10', a whole foot shorter than me.

She is creative and funny and great to be around, we had a super intense and sexual DD/lg sort of thing going for almost a year where we were exclusive, and were officially a couple for a few months.

Had crushed on her for ages, even though she is about to turn 19 and I just turned 26

She basically wanted more freedom and to have more experiences, I just wanted to experience and enjoy things with her.

Been super broken up about it, she still wants to fuck, I am good in that department and our kinks match up so yeah... but emotionally I don't know if I can handle it.

I want to try and keep that going and maybe get her back eventually, but I don't know if I can. I am not exactly the coolest person around (she is nerdy but I am barely not a total sperglord, I have just been trying to improve myself the last few years).

All I want is her.
anime girls dont count faggot
I can sympathize each other, and would like to nestle close to someone who has the same sense of values.

I wish I could talk with him more.
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>get treated like shit at work
>but somehow the "powerhouse" behind company
>blamed for other peoples' incompetence, not even an "I'm sorry" when I prove it's not my fault because lol logs
>get treated like shit at home, always called "ungrateful", "disrespectful" or worse by parents
>nobody listens or cares about my problems but I'm expected to "consider others' feelings"
>family insults me to my face, constantly put me down compared to "favorites" despite the fact I'm the most successful of my generation considering I graduated college on time (aka rushed through it to avoid the pain of being shamed at every family gathering) and got a real job in my field with a real title and business cards.
>get told that I will just have to "deal with it" and "swallow my pride" whenever I even slightly complain because I "need them".
>there is no escape, work or home
>I have not had a real weekend in over 2 years

I've been feeling pissed the fuck off for the last week. People at work are starting to notice something is really wrong since I'm normally happy and smiling.

I feel like I'm one bad day away from a total breakdown, and I'm not even sure what that will look like anymore.
Thanks for the laugh anon.

She basically was some tsundere anime girl, but it turns out in real life tsundere is just like, borderline personality bitches who are hot and cold and get you hooked on them and don't want to keep it going.
>wasting so much time trying to improve myself but im still socially inept and unable to make any friends
>any sense of progress i make is dragged down by the fact im sitting in the same chair i have every day in my bedroom for years, alone
You know, I used to write a lot. I had a gig in a newspaper. Read a lot too. Found inspiration in knowledge. Had a passion for wisdom. I read everything I could lay my hands on. From biology to David Foster Wallace. It helped me build relationships with like-minded people, people with whom I shared these interests. I felt full and enthusiastic about life. I could see myself as an intellectual, somewhere in the future.

But it began to fall apart. Friends left, I got older, and broke up with my ex, the only man I ever loved -I'm a faggot lmao-.

Now my motivation is close to zero. I do everything on auto-mode. I barely read. What I read, I don't understand. I pass my classes on residual knowledge, quoting shit I remember from years ago. Nothing feels worthwhile anymore.

I always sleep, and I barely go out. It's been weeks since someone hugged me.

My only motivation is to finish whatever I'm doing so I can go home to sleep.

Sleeping is the only thing that enjoy now.

Not even browsing these websites anymore. I just do this to drain energy so I can go back to sleep.

I doubt I'll ever leave this pit.
Sorry to hear this. Godspeed, anon.
If you have a real job why don't you move out? That's what I did and while it's a bit lonely it's still better than being shit on every day.
did your newspaper gig demand that you write exclusively in short, declarative sentences, many of which are actually fragments
Been looking at apartments since last weekend. What they did then was the tipping point.

The issue is that while I have at least 3 months of salary at my post-raise payrate saved up I have no credit history to speak of seeing that I just got a credit card last month. That and the car title is still under my mom's name (despite the fact I pay for everything related to it) and desu I can see them being cruel enough to cut off access to it to keep me under control.

>tfw irl bf is impossible unless i move far far away
then do so anon, move far away and make a new life

what are the qualities you are looking for in this fictional character? are they completely unrealistic?

aw, you seem cute. get yourself another girl bb.
I'm so fucking far gone mentally I'm not even thinking about career goals or women or my physical appearance anymore

All I want more than anything in the world is for this fucking madness inside my head to stop consuming me so I can just start fucking living again
Never expected asserting myself against you would feel so fucking good, dad. Despite the fact that I've overstayed my welcome, despite the fact that I have turned down the only way that I can pay you back for all you've done, it felt amazing when I told you that I didn't want to do this free work for you anymore. And I really didn't expect that.

I won't put it to waste dad. I'll work hard on my own thing, and I'll make sure you don't regret putting up with me for all this time.

lol wow so mean anon..
I want to fuck a girl so bad and it's taking over my mind. I have so much other shit I should be worried about but thoughts of sex are constantly invading my thoughts. I just want it to stop but I don't think it will until I do it and that'll never happen. It's such a pathetic feel but it weighs on me so much.
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stop watching porn

sort yourself out
he's right, oh god... he's right
I've tried nofap and all that shit and it never goes away, my brain is probably permanently rewired. I can't control my libido anymore
I fucking hate myself and my girlfriend. I hope she likes fucking her new man, as if I fucking matter. Haven't had sex in weeks but I doubt she gives a shit. Shes probably getting dicked left and right while im here wishing things were the way they used to be. Gfs are over rated, fuck them being alone is where its at, nothing bothered me then. Girls are always whores and life is a cruel joke. Ive been drinking hoping ill die every night
It takes a while, you need to stop "imagining" having sex with women and get outside and go for it. you can make all the excuses you want but they won't help the void you're trying to fill with pornography.
join a discord group
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My friends mom died in a drunk driving accident. We arent that close of friends. Was in a group call with him and a couple other friends. I got mad at one of them and screamed "IM GONNA HIT YOUR MOM WITH A CAR" while the dude was there. I haven't been able to sleep since.
I've became depressed because a guy ONLINE left me. Hes such a degenerate but he always ends up being the last thing I think about despite it being almost a year since we talked.
Neither will "going for it" as a 27 year old virgin
ok then stop complaining about it faggot jesus christ why even talk about if you're done trying
i just really love drugs. and wearing diapers, that's awesome too.
>try this
>make it to 2 weeks
>see lewd picture on the chans
>back to porn
I'm in my early 40s and I've been coming to this site basically since it was brand new. I was never really good with people so this is pretty much the only socializing I do outside of the bare minimum amount of small talk at work. My daughter's in her early 20s and just announced her boyfriend proposed to her. I honestly haven't felt this alone in as long as I can remember. Her mom's long gone and now I can't pretend she's not an adult anymore. I'm happy that she's happy but I don't really know what to do with myself without my little girl. I just threw myself into working and raising her and that's all I've really known for a long time.
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I meet a girl but she's kinda ugly and fat but she's super into me and want to fug, and her friends make me go out on a date with her, and I going to because I feel all alone and miserable.

Meanwhile my friend is banging a hot big titties girl and I am super jealous

Any advice?

I feel you
She goes to my uni and one time I saw her next to me in the library and I just froze, like I didn't want to, I just wanna say hi but my body froze and I feel chills down my spine. Pathetic
>Wake up feeling tired
>Friends just not online, always working and can't hang out
>Friends have all finished their degrees, I dropped out three years ago
>Spend more time online being called by my online username than my real life name
>Captcha keeps making me type in 'CALLE'
>Starting to get older and chubbier
>Just lonely overall

Should I try out internet dating, bros?
then stop going on 4chan
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I am convinced that modern women don't know what love is. They are constantly wearing immodest clothing without any semblance of shame. Things used to be different. There used to be real value attached to a woman's virginity.
I finally managed to get a gf, but i'm too cucked by parents to actually visit her IRL, and worse, she's not worth the effort as she's secretly a massive slut

Oh, an an insecure bitchy cruel hypocrite
But she has my copy of the Hobbit so I've gotta wait till she's finished with it to dump her
I'm about to turn 21, but I've imagined it differently when I was 16. I thought when I was 21, I would have lost my virginity and had a girlfriend; or at least been on a few dates. I thought I'd have an apartment with some roommates while attending college.

I still live at home, working a dead end min. wage job, not in school, no friends, and I've never been in a relationship.

Tomorrow is different; I'm dead set on going to the local community college and enrolling for IT. The only good thing is that I've managed to save up $9,000. I'm also seeing my doctor and dermatologist to see about my hunchback and my fucked up skin.

I want a real social life and not one on /r9k/
This place is all I have
Feel like my life has been on pause for 8 years. Everyone around me seems to have something going on in their life but I've never managed to find anything.

I was pursuing my passion I told myself, but then I realised one day I'm not really that passionate about it, not enough to make a living out of it anyway.

I ignored other aspects of my life and now have a lot of catching up to do.
That sounds like my ex, where are you from? Somewhere in CA? Originally Thai?
feel like if i cant change my mindset i end up killing myself sooner or later.
i already figured that being oriented towards a goal can give your life a meaning. but what if im having a goal that cant be attained? or if i dont know how to do so? how do i cope with this feel?
i cant stop thinking about the things im missing out of. like having sex with kinky girls. or just being around people i like. intimacy with an another person or at least a friendship. someone i can share experiences with. i can work out, i can study. im already doing those with great results. but there is nothing i can do when i see a girl on the internet with a guy. it feels like im slowly dying and wasting the best years of my life. the worst feeling of all is when i see some fat or ugly dude fucking a hot girl. i dont know what to do with this feeling but im starting to go crazy. i wake up and go to bed every single day with these thoughts. i cant even focus on my studies properly because it feels like my head is about to explode from the amount of thoughts and the mood swings make my days a nightmare
fuck you I can't resist Hitomi Tanaka pics
I'm an alcoholic. I know I have a problem. I'm on the brink of death, yet I want to drink so bad. Everything sucks when I'm sober. It's boring. I lack motivation to do anything, even fap or play vidya. All I do is shitpost and sleep all day. I can do anything I want but what's the point? I want to drink so I can at least enjoy playing vidya alone.
Piety. I want her to get out of my head already.
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Yeah, all the time. I don't want to physically hurt her necessarily, but I do want to make her cry. She was always such a cold cunt. What a bitch.

I want to join the french foreign legion because i'm just really depressed and don't see a reason to live my normal life anymore.

Find that inner focus you had when you were top of your class. Harness your motivations to something you love. Lose the weight you gained. Control and discipline yourself. Fucking work on it.
I haven't taken my antidepressant in like a week and I'm really feeling it
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I'm tired all the time, I don't see the point of anything anymore.

I just lay there in my bed and hope night comes again.
Leafland, and she's Korean

She acts all prudish, modest and innocent, but secretly she's a massive slut and constantly projects her shortcomings onto me. She thinks she has the right to be a condescending, judgmental bitch when she's a whore.

I like that you're more complex than your average bro. What's wrong with that? Keep developing and pushing yourself. rise above, m8

listen, you'll find someone better. distance yourself from this girl who wasn't able love you enough. Pick apart her flaws, everyone has them. Focus on you. Eat something awesome. Work out and get cut. Get rid of the homeless beard. Put yourself back in motion.

Part of your anger might be towards yourself. For "allowing" them to hurt you. Try to focus on creating boundaries and telling people to fuck off when they overstep so they don't cause you harm like this. The hardest thing is to care for yourself. I know what this is like, I relate

Do it. Fuck her. I bet she'll love it lol

I'll punch you. Can I punch you?
im actually gonna go to the cinema with her. is that a date? i really cant tell if she likes me the way i like her. i hope so
>can't be both a 5'5 manlet and a chad
No, pick one.
Have you considered that
1. there's nothing necessarily wrong with girls who like having sex, and more importantly
2. this person is very toxic to be with and as lonely as you might feel, you're likely going to get fucked over if you let yourself get sucked into her manipulation

Then again this is based on the very little I have to go on so maybe there's something I'm not getting here

Lololol this is why you don't call chicks bitches, stupid. lmfao 4ever.
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I can't hang out with people without drinking. As in I don't know what to say to them if I don't drink.

I've been pretty alcoholic these past 2,5 years, tried different kinds of drugs once in a while, and smoked a lot of weed at some point. I had a head injury while out drinking, fell forehead first directly into the concrete. The doctor said it wasn't a concussion or anything serious, but it felt serious.

My mind feels foggy and tired most of the time. I stopped drinking and started eating better 3 days ago, but I fear I've fucked myself up permanently and doomed myself to a life of neetdom, just for some forgotten drunken nights.
i fucked it up god dammit
fuck me im fucking stupid
it could have been so good and i went and fucked it up
and now itll never be the way i want it to
i can tell myself that i dont care or that i dont want things to be that way but i know that i do
and i fucked it up
seriously i wish i had been smarter then i know things would have been so good
maybe i would have been happy who knows, there wont be a chance for me to find out because thats done and over with because of me and only me
i could have actually been happy

Do you live in the US? cuz mental health sucks in the states. I suppose it's also relatively "new" but people don't give a shit about the mentally ill

And for making you fuck him. Y/Y?

Give you a kiss <3

>was I doomed from the start? can I reform myself?
Oh shit. You can reform, but it's gonna be hard. You fucking rule though. Why don't you run with it and be a dom? Plenty of subs looking for discipline. Fucking hot as fuck, bb.
Is this a relationship
I know the last thing you want is unsolicited advice, but don't beat yourself up over fucking up a relationship. A relationship is NOT a guaranteed ticket to happiness, despite what some people here might think. They can bring satisfaction, but if you hate yourself and/or hate life outside of it, it'll just eat you up and you'll become dependent and toxic. Focus on yourself and happiness independent of other people, as monumental and impossible of a task as that might seem.
I am fucking stuck in the miserable prison of my childhood trauma and nothing works to help me get out of it. fuck
Yes, you can reform yourself. I can't really give advice though, because I dunno shit about positive masculinity (other than, maybe like, TTGL).

Aw, this broke my heart to hear. Why don't you try connecting with people here? tons of anons give out kiks/email/discord to chat. might as well start living a little. Congrats your little girl is growing up. It's really sweet
i wish i would have gone all the way through with jumping off that bridge in kent, washington 8 years ago
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Frustrated on how my future prospects is gonna be.

In CC right now, but really conflicted on wanting to transfer to uni after next year. I'm worried about financial debt after I finish uni and whether or not I'll land a good job. I feel the market is getting more saturated with college graduates with no experience.

I'm also shit at studying, so I'm pretty sure I'll struggle in uni. I think maybe I'll try to find a okay job now after I finish CC and go to uni later down the line in my life.

Is that really worth it?
I'm foreign. Considering applying there for some exchange program in a year or two, since it's cheap, and then attend uni in my country because uni in America is too darn costly
I don't know if we're talking about the same thing, but I can relate. I have a good life. I had all the cards right there in my hands and I didn't even use them.

I was given a highway and instead I chose to ride my bike on the sidewalk.

I mean, I fucked up. I've been to this place, a better place than I've ever been to before. I had already worked on my flaws before - by the time I attended this place I was an outgoing, confident, smart guy. I could have been even smarter and by now I'd be headed to really good times. I could have grown even more confident and become Norman McChad.

But I didn't. I let my challenges crush me. I gave up. I became a failure. The place that was meant to turn me into a better person just made me worse. I wasn't a robot until a few months back.

I just gave up. Surrendered all the progress I had made.
I'm 25 in 12 days. I work a shit job, I haven't had a gf since I was 13. My work mates keep ranting about their sexual adventures and all the lewd stuff they get up to and I have to listen to their shit non stop. My entire family secretly despise me, which I can understand as we have nothing in common except shit genes. Plus I've been following Guy McPherson's predictions on collapse, which doesn't help. I just wanna choke in my sleep and die.
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I miss my ex, I don't regret breaking up with her. She had hardcore anxiety because of abuse and was always taking it out on me while I was depressed and giving her no attention. I felt finally free for the first few weeks after the breakup but now I'm starting to miss someone caring for me on that level. I do feel like I graduated from being on here but it's still a part of me. I have friends, im involved on campus, even though I found out I have to take an extra year of uni, I feel somehow at peace with that. I just hate coming back home in the summer and re entering the cycles of abuse that is my broken home. The only thing that's keeping me going is that I am resilient and I am determined to fight my PTSD. I start therapy next week. I hope everyone here finds their happiness.
Had the same thing with this other girl last year. Honestly if I was there now I would of definitly make a move. I might just tell her anyways that I liked her, now not so much she's seeing this side of me and im seeing her getting more and more of a shallow bitch
Have you tried weed or other drugs to help cut down?
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