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So what do the SJW women friends suggest we do about the

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So what do the SJW women friends suggest we do about the terrorism problem?
not an SJW, but I'll give my two cents. It won't end, the US funded the Mujahedeen for a reason. As long as the US profits from terrorism, it won't end.
What do YOU suggest be done about it?
Gas the Ahmeds and shitskins who dare support or do anything terror related. Deport their families so they won't breed more of them. Force shitskins to take language, history and culture tests before giving citizenship.
This way only the ones who truely want to start life again will stay.

As I thought- you're better at pointing fingers and bitching than getting down to solve it.

Build a wall, keep immigration out, simple.

You're SJW and you suggest this? Looks like you were /polightened/ all this time and fighting us Katana lords for no reason.
White women
>burn coal
>hate white men
>drink and drugs
>unfit mothers
>cant cook/clean

Muslim women
>not degenerate only care for god and husband
>like white converts
>clean virgins
>put their children first
>make great wives

What an impossible choice...
Not SJW, but we need to pull out of every country in the world and stop letting immigrants in for a while. Being involved in other countries has only served to make things worse and make them madder at us (and rightly so, to some degree), and obviously letting in lots of immigrants, at least from the Muslim world, has only enabled them to retaliate. We don't have to end immigration forever but for a while while things cool down.
I didn't vote this election, but part of me hoped Trump really would be the guy who finally stopped engaging America in foreign conflicts. Disappointed but not surprised he continued on this presidential tradition.
nothing the karma will balance everything
also if you kill your enemies they win
Do what we did in japan and korea everywhere
If the entire world is western and eating mcdonalds nobody's gonna be that interested in organized terrorism

We were getting there until you chucklefucks fucked up the whole operation
But the terrorists are often home-grown. Now what?
I am not a SJW nor a Poltard. Just my honest opinion after viewing the sheer stupidity on both sides.
Look at >>37240947
Deport all of the Koran thumping Muhammads
They believe (naively) that removing or resolving radicalising factors such as western interventionalism, institutional racism/islamaphobia, Israel/Palestine conflict and wealth inequality will reduce the number of muslims becoming terrorists.
It's an idea, you retard, it's not easy to solve. Our government caused this in the first place, and it won't stop until someone actually happens to it
What about the white converts, like the one who did the London bombing last month? You have a stupidly narrow understanding of this evidently.
Gee I wonder where white converts come from, I think they grow on trees or something...
huh its almost like our culture has been poisoned by some outside force.........Now what could be the cause....Lets see a lot of people attribute it to cultural marxism, Marxism, The frankfurt school, Jews, there we go its the jews.
you do know the frankfurt school was pro-culture and didn't want capitalism to dilute western culture, right?
>Bomb other countries
>Then complain about refugees.

Don't be this stupid
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