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What's making you self conscious? I'll start >acne

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What's making you self conscious? I'll start
>acne scars
I want to die can't even look at myself in the mirror
They'll probably fade unless they are really extreme HTH.
Idk I know this guy's who has horrible acne scars and just thinking that I might someday have them that bad depresses the shit outta me
my moobies used to make me super shy. shit I still don't feel comfy without a shirt..
>What's making you self conscious?
Honestly I have no fucking clue. I feel normal, dare I say confident when I'm by myself but fuck up socially around others because of a lack of confidence. god help me

>acne scars on face
>narrow shoulders and rib cage
>wide hips
>small dick (6 x 5)
>can barely grow facial hair
>severe ED
>feminine bitch hands and wrists
>virgin in late 20s
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>small dick (6 x 5)
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Shit! Wrong pic
I dunno, I'm in my 20s and had disgusting acne in my teens and had a lot of red blotches that didn't seem to ever go away but they did. It took some time though. My skin is perfectly clear now never get a zit.
I had really awful - I mean fucking TERRIBLE acne scars from when I was younger. I was a compulsive picker. Get gritty face wash that exfoliates your skin. Mine vanished after a few months of use.

I know it's "average", doesn't matter though. Average dicks are pathetically tiny compared to what most women prefer.
My small dick
Everything else is whatever, but this single factor has destroyed my life in so many levels.
Well when I see my skin on my phones camera my red marks seem indented it literally looks like the moon
Find a comically small woman to balance it out.
and be labelled a pedo?

guess it's better than nothing
I was fat and that shattered my self esteem something fierce lmao
>implying there's any difference
there are midget tier women in porn that are shorter than 5 feet tall but still take massive dicks
can you post a pic? you don't have to show your face, just the marks on your cheek or wherever.
I have scars from digging my nails into my face trying to pop pimples.

I said small, not a literal whore.
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Short and skinny

Pic related me being a hoe
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Weak and submissive but not attractive at the same time, at least I'm not fat
acne on face and back

besides that, im mostly self conscious because of my shitty upbringing
Would you suck my dick, bby?
>outta nowhere jew nose
>nigger lips that never close

Especially the last one. I'm not even a mouth breather
>Severe Asymmetrical Pectus Carinatum
Basically the right side of my chest sticks out twice as far as the other, and I am pretty slim so it makes it look like i am hiding something in my shirt. Surgery to fix it is really expensive and chance of death. Do I go along with it?
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Kill me
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>Have ginger hair
>skinny despite best efforts
>eyebrows not visible
why am I cursed?
get a chemical peel. I did it three times and it got rid of them
>thicc for my race, actually thicc and not fat
>stretch marks everywhere
I feel fat, yet I am 5'11" and 145lbs ~10% body fat.
I am balding, but I don't want to get a haircut
>Have ginger hair
>why am I cursed?

Nigger rlly?
>pathetically tiny compared to what most women prefer.
women prefer clit aaction. I hve a 6 incher and go "too deep" for my gf sometimes
My inability to properly decide if I think I look okay or weird to people. Am I the only one who sees a different face in the mirror every day?

Also perky manboobs despite being average weight.
No one thinks ginger men are attractive and it's one of my only defining physical features
I am an apprentice brick mason and was raised by a master mason. My whole life has been judging architecture and craftsmanship. I have an eye for detail from it. Came into the self betterment crowd and being conciousness of race/genetics so the stuff I am self conscious about is just nitpicky things that people will likely never ever notice but it all has to do with the right side of my body.
On my right palm there is a hypothenar whorl, specifically the Ws variety. I worry someone might see it and know what it means.
My eyes are cockeyed about a sixteenth of an inch, one is slightly higher than the other but I could just be imagining it. Nose is slightly skewed to the right as well.
Various physical traits that are untermensch, not ubermensch...
I only have 4 abs, looks like a 6-pack dropped on one end.
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I have been suffering with severe body dysmorphia around my labia minora since I have been aware of my labia minora. I have been doing obsessive self-checks (every 2-3 hours) for the last week. I have been in tears several times in the last week. Withdrawn. Irritable. I have researched and views thousands of healthy normal vulva, which I think are all beautiful. NOTHING helps.
Personally, I think my labia minora are okay. I don't love them, but I've accepted them. They provide me with pleasure - I have zero issue reaching an orgasm fairly easily, which I know can be an issue for a lot of ladies. However, I think my labia minora will be absolutely horrific to someone else - wrinkly, long, discoloured, bumpy, large clitoral hood, rough edges, etc. I have this idea that they will think I'm diseased and literally run. Or worse, tell the whole city I have a messed-up vulva. I understanding picking the right guy is important, but sometimes you don't understand how cruel people can be. I have convinced myself that all my friends have small pink labia, because I'm had 5/10 tell me they do, which seems statistically impossible. That being said, I'm likely the biggest out of my group, because they all are super sexually active which means they must be okay with how they look.
I'm a virgin, so no one, including my doctor has seen it - aside from anonymous posts online which I received positive feedback from (but maybe these were just labia lovers?!?). I'm at the point where I want to just cut it off. I have no plastic surgeons in my area (would have to travel 8-9 hours away), nor can I afford the surgery at this point. My mom is my best friend but I can bring myself to talk to her about it.
Plus, I want to have sex, I really do and I don't want to wait the 2-3 years until the surgery. I also really want a fulfilled and happy sex life, and I don't see how that will happen. I think my desire to have sex is what is triggering this for me.
You have some severe issues, you know that?
I have a lazy eye and that fucks up my confidence hard
If that's your vagina, there's nothing wrong with it
This isn't really a concern now but when I was I kid I was really self concious of my ear. They were kinda pointy at the top (like some anime ears) but I thought it was alot worse than it actually was. I called myself elf-eared even though no one ever even made fun of my ears. I was a weird kid
I am getting raccoon eyes. I don't know when it started. I just turned 25. Its so dark under my eyes. I am thinking about wearing makeup.
I read your text before looking at your pic and that looks fine.
Post your face and torso
I'm balding.
Not rapidly, but It's happening. I HATE having a shaved head, especially since I'm a beardlet. Good, thick hair was all I had and even that is being taken from me.

>Am I the only one who sees a different face in the mirror every day?

No. Different rooms, different lighting, pictures at different angles...
I have OCD and this drives my crazy.
Lots of people go bald, the best thing you can do is embrace it rather than try to cover it up.
Chemical peels and exfoliating washes. Seriously.
Any recommendations my nigga?
I know you're just trying to be nice, but I'm not blind, I know I'm disgusting.
If my memory of pucci wasn't that it tastes like salt and boogers, I would totally eat that
I used St. Ives apricot scrub. Once it starts clearing up, move to their grapefruit since it has fewer gritty bits and is smoother. It will even out the craters. It works well for back acne too.
Feel free to keep thinking that. If you're around Minnesota I'd treat you right. Pussy ain't bad, my ex had worse.
I love you anon go eat fap a tad abd cjill ruh boruto season 2 os comong out lifes good. Daijoibu :)
Nigga I'm talking about my same mirror every day. Sometimes I'm like "I'm lookin cool", most of the time it's "I look old", some times "I look young, like weak beta kid young", other times it's "I look underwhelmingly below average", etcetera.
Thanks! Also can you do chemical peels on you're self or does a derm have to do them...and do they work?
Well you already said that nothing helps, so I didn't see the point in trying to be nice, just wanted to be honest. It looks average and as I said before, nothing wrong with it.
>Skin covered in blotches from HCV
>Can't remember simple conversations or actions that happened less than 72 days ago because of HCV
>Still drink because fuck HCV and any effort to cure this shit
>I redpill people when I'm drunk
I just want to die but I'm too much of a pussy to actually suicide so I'd rather wait until I get liver cancer from this and disappear.
Terrible teeth :^(
look at how asymmetrical my clit hood is, not to mention its size
It doesn't look deformed though, so what is the big deal?
>My entire face
>now I'm starting to get fat too
Fucking hell lads. I'm hideously ugly, and I can't stop eating because it is the only thing that i can enjoy. Life is torture; i just want to go to sleep and never wake up
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You call that roast?
Do not trust those anobs. You are right about your vagina, before sticking my dick in pussy I always think "Does this look alright? Doesn't that Labia Minora look somewhat off? Is it lacking symmetry?". As men, we know a lot about vaginas, in and out, we know how they work and how the anatomical details of each muscle should balance. If I get a girl to get naked, horny and ready to receive my dick, but the Labia Minora is weird (which again we all WILL notice), you fucking bet I'm telling that disgusting bitch to dress up and get the fuck out of my basement.
>used to be fat and lost weight
>still have residual manboobs and fat around my waist area
>autistically overanalyze my face and hate basically everything about it
>BDD so it's 10 times worse
My gf said she'll take your virginity. Want to see her boobs?
Yeah and the vast majority of womens tits are asymmetrical too but that doesn't stop men wanting to bury their faces in them 100% of the time.

No one here gives a fuck, the other anonymous responses you've gotten in the past don't give a fuck. None of us have anything to gain from saying this, it's not like if we console you enough we get to stick our dick in there. We have every reason to be picky and say if you have sharp knees or whatever but we still do not give a fuck.

You look fine, you've stated it doesn't cause you problems and that you can still get off with it. If you want a professional opinion go see a gynaecologist and I bet they'll say the same shit.
At least spoiler that nasty shit, you fuck
i would eat it like a buffet
Man up, I have to live with it.
I wouldn't touch that shit with a ten foot pole
What about your four inch one?
>way too tall
>feet are long
>tits are spaced apart because male ribcage
>brown nipples instead of pink nipples why god
>have to be extra aware when I talk so I don't fail girlvoice
>afraid to laugh, sneeze, cough or make any sound that might reveal guyvoice
>penis is probably too small for anyone who would be into a tranny
>can't tell if my makeup is good or not
>can't tell if my posture is perfect
>constantly in fear of giving self away
Just thinking about having to leave the house at all makes me want to die
I don't know - that was a different robot's recommendation that I relayed.
IDK, probably, depends on how desperate I am. I wouldn't eat it though, and not only because my memory of pussy is that it tastes like salt & boogers but because it looks like a sloppy meal
I'm still in Do You Even Lift mode and probably will be for the next 12 months.
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Just talk in guyvoice all the time. In fact, as deep as it can go. Then, when someone challenges your womanhood, loom over them and say in the deepest voice possible, "are you sure about that, bro?"
>too skinny

I fuckin' hate being so frail and small looking, I just don't know how to starting putting on weight or muscle and it seems like no matter how much I eat I stay at like 130
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Please no

I just want to be invisible
>very good facial and bone structure
Looks fine pal

10/10 would put my penis into
As a skinny fuck who would like to put on weight but lacks the discipline to do it, you have to build up how much you eat over time so you don't get full too quick. You want your stomach to get used to more and more food at a time, and you also have to lift in order to go from frail to normal without just putting on weight in bad places.

It takes time and sticking to it is what I always struggle with, that may be your problem too.
nah that's literally bullshit, just eat a lot of sweets and fats for high calorie gain and excersize properly.
If you eat all that stuff you'd not be getting protein which is what makes muscles. You'd just be putting fat on and then burning it right off again.
eat a very high-calorie diet and take supplements for protein. Trust me, steak and shit just doesn't cut it for building muscle fast.
Do not take this bait.
"b8". Nigga I used to be skinny, but I ate a lot of calories and worked out a lot, I used supplements to take care of my vitamins and shit, and it worked really well. Not meme supplements, protein powders and the like.
>tall shy transgirl with small penis
You sound cute. I'd probably cuddle you and play with your big feet.
I did the surgery anon, I know the insecurity that comes from it. The surgery really hurt but it was worth it. Tfw nick name was lopsider
i use a basic face wash and acne pads
should i still switch to whatever kind you're referring to? what kind is it?
>185 cm
>58 kg
Im a fucking skeleton
i have this weird growth in my eyelid, it's in the middle of it and its not some zit or anything its just a ball of flesh, so no weird coloration just sticks my lower eyelid out more on the left side.
have also gotten some light eczema around my eyes.
i'm starting to get weak hair by my forehead and cant grow a beard.
at least i got a big dick
>I'd probably cuddle you and play with your big feet.
>and play with your big feet.

But why would you want to do that
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but thats not a problem at all because the real problem is that im boring, filled with hatred and antisocial
>get bad haircut
>normie friend takes a look at the profile of this girl who was messaging me on fb and points out how fake it is

i feel ugly and i feel gullible and i feel stupid
>virgin pretending he knows what women want
hue hue
>since I have been aware of my labia minora
you mean "since I started browsing /r9k/"
Lighten up kid, they're just memes.
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Being fat.

Thats literally it. I want to be skinny but it's too hard and I like Pibb Xtra and Zebra Cakes too much to change.
I've been wearing a wig the past few months and I've totally forgotten this feel.
If you can't bear a shaved head, then try a wig. The technology is pretty amazing these days.
>wrinkles / bags under eyes
>giant eyebrows unable to keep under control
>shit teeth
>bad skin

The worst part is these are fixable things if I wasn't poor and autistic, and I would actually look pretty good. Never gonna happen though
>>penis is probably too small for anyone who would be into a tranny
Why would one be into large dicks if they're into...
Actually, I don't care.
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>Pectus excavatum
>Belly button (it's a slight outie)
>Big nose
>Body hair (mainly back)
>Wrist size
>Dick size (hovers around 6, give or take a quarter of an inch)
I'm 28
You can do at-home chemical peels, but they're not as effective as the ones performed by dermatologists. Mine recommended me glycolic acid ones. Pairing it with dermarolling (also performed by your derm, as the at-home rollers are asking for bacteria to grow on them, paired with the fact that the dermatologist ones have more, smaller needles and are more effective) works well.
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haha holy shit this was pretty good desu
I have breast tissue and I'm a guy. I'm skinny so it's not like I have full blown tits but my nipples get puffy and my chest sags a bit and makes it hard to wear tight shirts cuz they poke out.

When I was a kid I had these hard lumps right under my nipples that got sore and tender. I researched it and found out its a symptom of gynecomastia.

How do I get rid if it?
The only female posting in the thread posts a picture of herself and includes a huge write up. Typical.
Surgery is your only option man. Nothing else works for gyno
Tremendous cunt spotted
Are you looking between your legs?
>But why would you want to do that
Because I'd like it. Big tgirl feet are cute, especially knowing you're shy about them. Not joking, the way you described yourself got me aroused and I don't want you to feel bad about your body.
I'm lanky, I have a high hairline that I use long-ish hair to hide, I'm angry almost all the time and I hate myself
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How do you get rid of bacne? I've tried everything but prescribed medication. Yes I've done the sheet changing, cold showers, exercise, tons of drinking water, etc. etc. Nothing works.

Is the pill the only solution?
you guys dont know shit if you never had to deal with keratosis pilaris on your cheeks aka perma blushed face which only gets worse and brightens up upon any sort of activity. its even 2017 and people still ask me why am i always "blushing"
so many things, and the self hate and anxiety only compounds on itself with time
>Overweight with man boobs
>psoriasis, dandruff
>patchy beard
>acne scars on side of face
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Anti-aging and anti-acne cream, get it prescribed and it will destroy your acne.
Wow I can't imagine how would deal with a real problem.

Image is a facade, realise this and looks don't matter.
not trying to suck your ego dick here but honestly relax a bit, thats a 100% normal-ass pussy you just posted, seriously, its NORMAL AF
ok seriously i just risked looking at that pic for a second time, IN WORK, and i can defo defo defo defo defo confirm. 100% normal pussy! Its really nice! When did you start having these thoughts? I honestly think youve let the memes infect you cause its perfect
>dude looks don't matter jus b urself lmao :^)
fuck off normalshit
my yellow teeth.

i dnt know if theyre that bad but theyre my worst feature and i think they are.
How can I get rid of my acne scars? Nobody has ever mentioned them, they're not very noticeable but they're on the sides of my cheeks and I can only hide them with long hair. Weight, I'm losing. I just need to fix this.
calm down bro, please
Pectus Excavatum bros unite!

never actually had anyone insult or make fun of it though, hate it so much still
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oooh i see now, your labia may be ok but your personality is shot.

You want to be abused, and not even in a hot way.

I take back what i said, you havent got an ugly labia but for sure it aint nice. Stay insecure desu
My face is all kinds of fucked up, in a cool way though or that's what I keep telling myself. Shit I'm lucky I even have a nose and front teeth still with the battery my face has withstood.
>Huge cow tits
>big areola
>Starting to sag not even 20 yet
>Huge cow tits
I have keratosis pilaris which is basically a skin condition where I constantly have goosebumps. There's no cure to it and it hurts me to know I'll never have smooth skin.
>keratosis pilaris
HOLY SHIT I have that but doctors have always said its just normal skin nothing to worry about
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that's what mine said too but it's ugly desu
>tfw people always point out to my neck and ask me what the fuck is that
>tfw they alwyas laugh when I tell them I have constant goosebumps
is having smooth non-bumpy skin too much to ask for?
You're probably too worried about it, it's not a severe dysmorphia. It's common and a lot of guys won't even notice it. And imho it's pretty beautiful how it looks, so don't worry and live your happy sex life
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And you're not posting them why?
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The person you replied to was not the roastie in the picture, whose pissflaps are barely even flaps.
become a lesbian. those are our bread and butter to be eaten out daily
kill yourself you dyke retard
I had a really shitty moustache and I shaved it off, and now I think I look like I have down syndrome. It's not growing back lads.

Recommend good suicide methods pls
Dress up like V, try to overthrow british government, get shot by cops, easy peasy method lad.
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