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Post girls you find attractive part 2 no tattoos or piercings

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Thread replies: 275
Thread images: 151

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Post girls you find attractive part 2
no tattoos or piercings edition

>she will never look at you like this
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Got around 10p pics but i need (you)s to bother dumping
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Original recipe extra Oregano
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Fuck your rules op
Wew lad
Why do you even have pics of that guy on your pc faggot?
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Wow. That has to be the most generic, cookie cutter, unimaginative, unoriginal taste I've ever seen being so proudly displayed in this shithole.

I'm gonna post the libertarian kike just because I find her gorgeous.
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Because she's cute :3
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Its all about dat smile anon
Yours has a weird face imo

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My qt artfu
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I actually literally want to die in my sleep as soon as possible
Anglo/Teuton white women have a very bright smile, I'll give you that. I remember this one german brunette girl I knew who had a very expressive smile that always made me feel good.
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Now your getting it

I also have the biggest boner for traditional girls or just those that look like they would be moral if that makes any sense
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My fembotfu, shes too cute

>tfw shes not my gf

its not fairrrrrr
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>tfw shes not my gf
Yeah we knew that already anon t. Posts on r9k feels bad man

Nothint beats cute girls that dress nice especially in dresses
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Postin my waifu
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Communism Kills is kinda cute.
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Gas the kikes race war now quite ORIGINAL meme lads
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6/10 in my opinion
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>posting again because anons in the last thread had bad taste
tfw no qt freckleface gf
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No thanks anon pure redhead is fine
Pick on faggot
found her dad m8
>this gross ass little snow fairies

you niggers are so sheltered and boring that it hurts my libido
yall like some fugly bitches

originally, too
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Looks kinda like the girl next door but she's cute. desu
Okay, if you insist,,
Kill yourself gay boy
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Homos need to be thrown from rooftops
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Post your qts then
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>Post girls you find attractive
Posting now
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Autism but makes her cuter 4 me.
Who is this? On YouTube?
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pretty cute if I do say so myself.
Do you think she stares emotionlessly into space like in this webm when she's getting fucked from behind on all fours?
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My psycho-fu

Would fugg but with caution.

All these photos... can you post her face so everyone can adore this cute latina? I want all her soccer uniform pictures.
No, she turns her head back and stares into your eyes the entire time while making no moaning sounds

She still cums and has body spasms but no sound escapes her lips
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I'm still posting Ellen Page.
Her Faceberg is private I'll post more of her pics that I have.
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she is perfect. completely.
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> her body betrays her emotionless exterior
Why is this so hot?
pls tell me who this is pls
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This is the most detailed picture I have of her face. I wish I had a picture of her in person.
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I second this motion
anon pls deliver
>I actually literally want to die in my sleep as soon as possible

good luck, i've been trying that one for 22 years
>adidas tracksuit
>no adidas
ill pass
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i want to hug her kiss her love her
Your waifu has manly bone structure.
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I like webms.
Anyone have more?
She looks like a living Barbie doll. I don't mean that in a bad way, she's just, I don't know, too perfect or something. It's not natural.
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I'm gonna post this person and not say who she is because apparently that's the done thing around here.
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> her cute retard walk
I just cant...
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there should be a rule about only posting lost cuties you missed in life and it's gone forever now.
Wow what a fucking sad thread
>liking subhumans
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perfection right here...

this is making me blush.
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FUUCK file too large sorry senpai
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Is that right anon? Need more degenerate chunks of metal in their faces?
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>tfw no thicc mulatto gf
Is she an altmer
I remember that episode squidward fucked a human
I'm not mad, just sad

"fembot" here btw ;)
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>no tattoos or piercings edition
I find those hot though
What part of kike are you niggers failing to understand?
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>people are arguing more than they are posting qts
There was a girl in my school who looked just like this. She loved horses and was kinda weird. She bent over in a jacuzzi at a pool party in 6th grade and let the jet blow on her cunt when I was sitting right across from her. I started getting really hard but this fat dumbass asked her what she was doing and she suddenly became aware that other people might be able to tell, and she got kinda embarassed and didn't say anything. Dumb fatty
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> I want her to bounty hunt me
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Found this on /g/. I'm in love
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smiles makes me depresseds
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but your brain did.jpg
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>hate it when women have 1 or 2 tattoos
>fucking love it when they're covered

what did my brain mean by this?
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She's too small and qt to be mandalorian.

Not that Boba Fett was even mandalorian, himself. He just stole the fucking armour, didn't he.
Whatever, anon.
Damn, does all it take to impress a girl is rig up some shitty IR proximity sensor light in a jar?
She scares me. She'll put me in that oven, next.
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I don't even know you or her and I'm sad about what didn't happen between you both...
I usually just make draws of my only relationship and get compliments about it.

still hurts.
There's something wrong with the guy's skin colour. You should fix that.
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guis look at this cut3 n3rdy gurl
She really shouldn't risk damage to those cards like that.
If Bors were a girl
Holy shit she's standing on a fucking carpet. RIP video card and RIP network card.
she dont wanna get her feet cold though
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>tfw no indie gf
I find her to be particularly attractive.
Same situation here. I get really depressed every time I think about my ex. I don't even have feelings for her, but I still miss her. Why does it still hurt?
>implying you can't pick up electrons with your feet
That said, I have ESD'd my fair share of electronics and have yet to destroy anything, including a sensitive radar transceiver. I feel that the risks of ESD are a bit overstated.
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this girl is cute but as with most of the girls in this thread theyd hate most of us
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i like girls that look like pic related
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Bloxx original
>plucked fake eyebrows.

bad taste,sorry.
its because of the lighting and the camera and all that shit and she's also wearing make-up and she's also acting in a rehearsed way
In real life she's probably a lot more realistic looking and consequently hotter
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ahhhh i wanna love her!!!
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lets see your pretty girls then, probably inked up sloots
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the threshold for what is socially acceptable for attractive people is greater due to the halo effect.
Therefore a lot of stupid shit girls do is cute, because they're girls.
I wish they liked me too, that'd be pretty fucking cool
>haven't transferred my fairly respectable image folder from my burnt out PC to my laptop
>can't dump dozens of GIFs of beautiful women doing nonsexual things
I suppose I shouldn't have mentioned it but I wanted you to know anon.
I have seen pictures of this woman before
Oh man dude. She just has no idea what I would do to her. I would meet her and be really polite and respectful and good company and she just would never know how much I want her to cum hard in my fucking mouth
god dammit
already posted and no. I hate make up.
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went to a con and saw this girl, she's around 5'.
girls like this get me: short, (short)brown hair, brown eyes, light(?) skin. idk.
probably compensating.. .
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I know I've seen this person somewhere.
how am i supposed to know what post is yours anon?

og post
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>tfw no big boobed Jewess gf to be a good little shabbos goy to
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9/10 imo. The hair and nose are what do it for me.
Next up would be Stella Cox and Ashley Adams

God I fucking love porn
>hairy armpits

She shaves that and I'll agree with you
It's probably a noise thing. When they have just one or two small tattoos it's easy to focus on them and see all the imperfections in thek where as if they're covered you can't see the mistakes as well
Sickly looking kike

Probably has hiv
>literally has a bigger chin than 90% of men
pretty gay senpai desu
Where the fuck is she
Plz gib de sauce nibba
Damn love the bangs

Any hardcore?
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Asian qts are the qtiest
She's a prostitute, you can literally go on a date and then fuck her if you want.
liararoux com
>that video on her site
I'm saving my neetbux
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you already posted the cutest girl though. I love her...

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>generic white whore wearing too much makeup
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she is so strong and beautiful :3
you take that back you cuck. voe is the cutiest cutie of all time. especially in the pic I posted here >>35680024
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Facebook friend
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>nose piercing
Why do women do this?
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Disappointed, Thumbnail makes her look like she has amazing shock value saggy tits

Here are tits that deliver
Jesus fuck, is that gangrenous?
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No just shitty genes
>tfw I am not white and will never look like any of these girls
>tfw nobody will ever find me attractive
go to bed Ricardo
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I just want a thicc qt
this is my new fetish
Define not white
Just how brown are we talking?
Everyone outside of the middle east and India has completely moved off of white girls.

Asian countries are noticing how good they have it since the entire world is infatuated with their women. Black and hispanic women make up most of the sought after women in the pop music world. Even porn is upping their hijab covered women because the world has found out the middle east covers up their women because they are fine as fuck and the men are rape monsters
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>meet qt 3.14
>you start dating
>things getting serious
>she wants to fuck
>she pulls those out

don't know what I'd do
south asian
cool well I'm a scrawny south asian girl and not a cute weeb fantasy or "thicc" so I guess I'll be gross forever

please keep posting pictures of cute girls, I want to feel even worse
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Id unironically leave tbqh total deal breaker if i cant even look at you without feeling sick its not gonna work id feel bad but jesus thats gross looking
>cool well I'm a scrawny south asian girl

please :^)
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Cool so now define south asian and scrawny
S.A as in brown? And could scrawny be considered thin?
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I'd gladly take her Jerusalem
i actually have really ugly feet too

16.5 BMI
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bruh yes, wheres my chubby gamer girl?
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she really is

i fucking love poppy
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>Tfw no cinnamon skin freckled gf
thats dtw airport
Thank you OP these women are very pretty.


Looks like something an old time Romanticist artist would paint to idealize European feminine beauty.
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God damn she is so insanely pretty I can't handle it

Is this what the average gril looks like in Scandinavia
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Why do you fucking faggots sperg out and call it "cookie cutter" any time a beautiful Aryan woman is posted. There is a reason they are universally considered attractive.

She's way better looking than your dumb jew

Anyway here you go OP
didn't this bitch die?
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indian qt.jpg
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absolutely CRIMINAL lack of brown girls ITT
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Yeah it's weird, like I have never really reacted to a webm like OP's. When she smiles I just feel get a weird very happy feeling in me.
I'm convinced incels and robots have a very close minded and limited taste in women compared to Chads and normies.
>When she smiles I just feel get a weird very happy feeling in me.

Yes but then it becomes painful because you know that nobody will ever smile at you like that.
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find a way.png
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>Yes but then it becomes painful because you know that nobody will ever smile at you like that.

It's always bad at first, but then I find a way.
>tfw urge to preserve white race increasing
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Boba fett was the "son" of jango fett who was a mandolorian, he's actually a clone of jango fett so ethnically he's one too. Also good taste.
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She is so beautiful it hurts

Fucking hell
all girls should be orphans honestly
>she'll never look at you with that sub 80 IQ, mongoloid look in her eyes

This is it, this is the last straw! I'm gonna kill myself.
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idk why we're all posting models but w/e
>I don't know why we're posting models in a thread about attractive women
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>I don't know why we're posting models in a thread about attractive women
lower your standards
Is it possible for a woman to be TOO attractive to be attracted to her?

These women re all very beautiful, from an objective standpoint.
But they don't do much for me.
I can appreciate them from an aesthetic standpoint, but I don't desire a relationship with them.
>it's what's on le INSIDE that counts

Fuck off reddit
Short hair and cinnamon skin hnnnnnggggggggg
Most of them are probably perfectly nice people.

I mean entirely appearance wise.

It's like my brain knows I'll never get one like that, so it doesn't even bother.
strangely she is kind of cute in a cro magnon way
You probably won't see this post but you might want to come visit the BMAF discord. It's mostly just a place for blackbots and Asian fembots to chat and share advice.

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I would say so. Beyond a certain threshold, you know there would be no chance whatsoever so you can more easily communicate with them as if you had no romantic interest, like if they were male, outside your age-range or it was a professional interaction.

But, that said, you might just be autistic.
>>Beyond a certain threshold, you know there would be no chance whatsoever

>having a chance with any woman at all regardless of her looks

Fucking normans I swear

I literally can't be attracted to anyone below 8/10. Why would you even want to be attracted to some boring 7/10
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With a little studio makeup, she would make a really convincing Klingon.
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>you will never hold her in your arms and keep her safe
>you will never smell her hair
>you will never preserve the Aryan race with her
this thread made me gay thanks a lot faggots
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man's dream.jpg
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But you WILL do all those things with her anon! Maybe not with her exactly but with someone just as beautiful to you! Don't ever give up!
I want her to be my gf, and take lots of pics of us together and put them on her instagram to brag about her handsome anon.
But I'm ugly and she has her gopnik-chad bf already.
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She will never wake up and look at you like this.
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>tfw no strong jawed qt3.14 to make alpha sons with
What do you mean, anon? Also, just found out who she is, she looks like an IRL Tracer, the qtest thing

she grew up in an orphanage and it made her sweet and socially retarded
it's anna speckhart
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I don't know anything about her even though I've seen her posted here a bit. She's looks ideal though
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this one's damaged, boys, take note.
ok then mate, your wish is my command.

if you dont reply to this post you will die in your sleep painfully tonight!
enjoy death
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Does anyone else have a thing for basic bitch Staceys
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y tho.jpg
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i mean electrostatic damage doesn't really o anything anyway...
Aw that's kinda sad
How can fembots even compare?
what is attractive about clumped eyelashes and orange skin?
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Bretty good ones
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Does anyone else here really like athletic/sporty grils
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The thing about extremely pretty girls is that they always have obnoxious personalities. No one ever gave them shit for anything, so they never meet any kind of forming resistance. As a result they are like obnoxious little children.
That's literally all girls, not just the pretty ones.
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I just want a hapa gf
The prettier they are the worse it gets.
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I see Amy Schumer as a challenge, more than anything. Here is a woman who, in every single aspect, is absolutely revolting - her exterior AND her personality - yet I can't help but wonder what would be like, to plunge balls-deep into her.

That's right. Balls-deep. With no protection.

I won't lie, I'm extraordinarily-hard while typing this. I want to grab this... thing... and that's what Amy Schumer is, let's not delude ourselves, a "thing"... by the hips and ram mercilessly in and out of her quivering, malformed cunt with the force of a gladiatorial chariot, while she makes stupid faces and contorts orgasmically, unable to control her bodily reactions even if she wanted to.

I would erupt violently inside that corrupt and corrupting womb as though the entire fate of humanity depended on my seed penetrating the foul walls of one of her ovaries, the electrical fusion from this coupling creating the Antichrist, as our combined, guttural, Chewbacca-like roars shattered glass and walls alike around us, the house toppling down while we lay there in a filthy, disgusting mess.

Yeah I reckon Amy Schumer does it for me
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>ywn save her from glutony and love her as she was in her prime
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Ok then go fuck some obese inbred slag. I'm sure she'll have a great personality.
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>tfw I can't almost post webms because of the shitty small size allowed
I think the best are those girls who are pretty, but not so pretty they never develop a sense of tact.
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I agree with this. although I do want me a nice fuckhole like this
Why do you see all these qt British grils in movies, but when you actually go to the UK they're all disgusting manfaced whores
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Young Sharon Stone was propably a complete bitch, but she looks amazing in this picture.
They are happy outside of the British isles
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Because they pick the pretty ones, just like everyone else
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Who dis

Pls I need to know
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Anna Speckhart I think
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the druggie look only makes me harder
Layan what a qt
>muh aryan women
Can't even find women attractive without being a full blown autist at the same time, fucking hell with this board
Says the numale kike who gets assblasted any time a blonde girl is posted and calls her "cookie cutter" or some other retarded shit
Says the fag with zero taste other than what Hollywood tells him to like, and who thinks he is not under the control of the kike. Fucking pathetic.
You creatures have horrible taste :^3
It's natural to be attracted to your own people.
If you're white and not attracted to "cookie cutter" aryan women, you've been brainwashed beyond redemption. kys.
There is a reason that blonde Aryan women are universally considered attractive you stupid faggot. They are objectively the pinnacle of feminine beauty.
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>"objectively the pinnacle of feminine beauty"
>no ass
>no lips
>skin that looks like it smells like Havarti cheese
>orange feet
>constantly trying to become other races i.e. Asian or black
>thin hair that gets fucking everywhere
>no mystique whatsoever
>addicted to starbucks
>wear uggs
>wear leggings
>show off their tits
>undesirable cleft chin from german heritage
> philtrum runs up the bottom of the nose
>rotten teeth
>bad taste in food
>assimilated culture
>They are objectively the pinnacle of feminine beauty
That's redheads and dark haired girls with pale skin
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>she'll never command me to worship her feet after a long day of walking around in tall heels bossing beta males around
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you're all retarded and gay
Is that a guy?
>no mystique whatsoever

No women have mystique you retard. They all talk too much to have mystique.

Shit taste
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>tfw poor fat balding manlet with micropenis
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I wish desu
>tfw not watching sky's smol benis flop around while you fuck her tight butt
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>you've been brainwashed
No, you have, as the cookie-cutter Aryan woman was invented be Jews, covered in toxic makeup, poisoned with deep disgusting personalities.
Odds are you are disgusted by the natural form of an Aryan woman and you only like their disgusting make-up ridden bitch form.

Yeah, no, they're far from feminine and are only universally attractive because they're bland and manufactured as well as propagated to be as such.
>complaining about thin hair
>talking about """mystique"""
>thinking all white women are alike the ass-less titless yankee woman

The liberal college retardation came strong with this one
>women talk too much
>women are annoying
>women can't keep a conversation going
>women are boring

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>Jews invented the Nordic race

This is next level retardation.
No, Jango made claims he was Mandolorian but was disavowed by Mandalore. So at best it's disputed.
I don't have to choose one. The answer is both. They talk too much but they don't talk about anything interesting.
she does cringey dancing videos
Jews invented the worship of repetitive patronized beauty standards to get the population addicted to them in an endless rat race to attain them.
well, what interests you personally?
I can talk for hours-- I mostly tell stories and share facts. Also included are storyfacts which are historical tales. I also do "concepts" where if I suddenly think of something great (which I do because I am mentally ill), I will share it with you. We can get it copyrighted or split it or you can have it for your own, I have a thousand of them.
Sorry but all the women posted in this thread aside from the following uglies have rampant amounts of makeup: >>35676729 >>35672266.

The Jews pushed makeup, the Jews pushed toxic parenting, the Jews pushed "independence," the Jews ruined white women.
And you're sick enough to defend that creature and say it's beautiful. What a brainwashed good little slave you are fuccboi

The fact of the matter is white women, as do most women, look like men, or at the very least teenage boys with long hair and no acne (usually).
They rarely EVER look even somewhat feminine, for fucks sake even little boys and often young teen boys are more fem than the average woman is without makeup.
Like it or not, that's the facts. If you want a bitch whore slathered in a few mm's of makeup, go right the fuck ahead. But don't you dare spit bullshit about how people are brainwashed for not liking the norm.

Hello, Israel.
I posted myself ITT and it's really flattering that you think I have makeup on.
>Jews manipulated society into worshipping a race that Jews hate and want to get rid of


Society worships Nordic beauty because they can see with their own eyes that Nordic people are beautiful. The Jews are actively fighting against this and making up retarded bullshit like the "blonde hair and blue eyes is cookie cutter" meme. If that's cookie then so are black and brown hair which are far more common.
>le jew is the anti-white devil
All jews do they do for money and profit, and to get people running on the wheel, painting their hairs blonde, applying skin whitener and using color contacts to try and be a blonde blue eyed person is all part of what they do.

Jew's don't give a fuck, they just want to use you and everyone for money, white or not. See the jews managing hip hop groups (NWA) and other shit.
>tfw no ilay gf
>The Jews are actively fighting against this and making up retarded bullshit like the "blonde hair and blue eyes is cookie cutter" meme
Eat a bullet you crooked nose murderer.
Cookie cutter has no relation to hair or eye color, but rather to general look. White women all wear makeup, all use maskara, all use foundation, etc.
Blond hair adds to that cookie-cutter-ness as posh people obsess over it, as do blue eyes on top of that as that's the image people often stride to be.

I missed a few uglies with red hair that I now see, but otherwise you probably were covering your face too much or the picture was garbage so I scraped it from the record.
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What is it about attractive females that causes people to shitpost relentlessly
it's actually fucking amazing
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>haha Jews don't hate white people you silly goy
>blonde hair is like so lame lol
>the Nordic race is ugly bro
thissun m'dear jej
Everyone is cattle for the Jew, not only the whites. Jews don't give a fuck about anyone or anything, they just want to use the local populations of wherever country they have settled into for their profit, because all that the kike respects and values in life is money.
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come on desu
you can't tell me you wouldn't do a bunch of drugs with her then fuck her while she's passed out

Get the fuck off my board, nigger
Why do girls always tilt their head at weird angles to give the illusion of a jawline

Do they really think we can't see what they're doing
sorry but sky is trash
When will this retarded thicc meme end

It's just encouraging roasties to be disgusting fatasses. Skinny will always be more attractive.
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one man's trash is another man's treasure :^D

you're not completely wrong tbqh but she's the kind of trash that turns me on
Definitely not.
Wouldn't so much as to cop a feel from her. Hell, unless she had similar political beliefs as me or something of the such I probably wouldn't even speak to her.
No thanks.

Didn't even see that one
Doesn't look like you have makeup on to me which is at least better than all the plastics being posted.

What's attractive about, uh, trash?
If you want to just abuse/hate-fuck something, while I don't understand why you would, fine, but otherwise, what's genuinely attractive about them?
They just think it's cute, it's not like women want to have a pronounced jawline
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Mia Wasikowksa is a fucking princess, I don't give a fuck what anybody says
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Gonna spam this thread with beautiful black good bitches
she looks like my psychiatrist...
I think I could love her-- my doctor, I mean.
she's so young and vibrant but she is bogging herself down with kids and work. She's going to age poorly.
A nice tasteful jawline on a woman is very attractive. Way better than some chinless freak.

That's not to say that she needs to have a giant manjaw.
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Young Bali
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Gang gangsters
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Been trapping since birth
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Sky unironically looks pretty good sometimes desu, but also has a bit of that slutty degenerate look
it's just

like come on she actually looks good in this one
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Ain't neva been scared to shot a bitch dead
She looks like a British slag.

Pretty qt desu senpai
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Fuck da police nigga
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Say good night nigga. Bitch u dead
I am not attracted to people that despise me and most girls are disgusted by me. I like women that are nice me and the only women that has ever been nice to me was a dumb Stacy so she becomes the only experience I have
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Gang in dis biotch
In my experience Staceys can be either really nice and friendly or sociopathic monsters.
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yes isn't it great
makes me want to reach peak degeneracy levels with her

>Liking trash
Shit taste faggot

Ooga booga kys faggot
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Are u mad because I'm not posting the typical underaged white girl who is ugly enough to appear obtainable?
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there's no need to be upset. Post some cute girls
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Gang in dis ho
>not ugly
Pick one especially the ghetto ooga booga trash you post

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These a real bitches who can handle themselves. Stay madZ
Looks like a guy friend of mine who's the lead singer for a hardcore band, lol
This girl looks like my ex who went full-blown dyke (no surprises there).
Hate the hair but the face is super cute

This is the type of girl who is gonna lecture you about the evil rich straight white man but who also exclusively dates rich straight white men.
She's pretty but she also looks like a serial heartbreaker
Here's a vid of the same girl.
WARNING: not for those with weak hearts

Thread posts: 275
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