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Would robots actually be willing to serve a NEET girl who doesn't

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Would robots actually be willing to serve a NEET girl who doesn't do anything but read manga and watch anime all day? As in providing for her, cooking her meals, and generally taking care of her while still being subservient to her.
Sounds like a fucked deal. What's the upside?
If there were guarantees she would be loyal and provide my emotional needs, yes. But since this goes against the very nature of women, no. I doubt any robot wouldn't want such hipotetical scenario.
No, she wouldn't do either of those things, and would most likely be generally cold and neglectful toward you, except for special occasions where she's nice because she likes it herself, not for your sake.
>while still being subservient to her
HAHAHAHA nah bitch, you would be subservient to me. Even if you think you wouldn't, you would.
yeah okay, but she is not allowed to leave the house, access the internet, or refuse sex.
That's very abusive, no girl would agree to that.


Are you implying that I would actually stoop so low as to literally make a woman my master? No. Fuck that.
No, fuck that. She's a woman. She needs to cook for me and take care of me. I'm not a fucking cuck. I'll give her the money she needs as long as she fulfills her own gender role.
that's why i'm not offering a free ride through life for anything less. If a girl wants to be completely useless to me except for her sexuality, then I'll be sure to secure her as my sexual resource.
>asking someone to literally provide everything you want for you
>thinks asking for some freaking loyalty and to obey them from time to time is "abusive"
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I wouldn't be subservient. I have no qualms about "taking care" of a NEET girl but she would still be required to pick up after herself and allow me to plow her like a gorilla in heat
I mean I'd do it

No fucking way man. Never.
This basically describes my bff. Except she does the majority of the cooking.
She's very loyal and very in love with her boyfriend. They've been living together for + ten years.
And you see nothing wrong with:
Unless this girl was going to be a mobile pre-warmed fleshlight, there is no reason any guy would agree to this.
Yes, I would do everything.
Then definetly no. Someone must be beyond desperate for this. Robots were desperate but now they know the true nature of females they aren't anymore.
So basically I'd be taking care of a cat. So why not get an actual pet?
>Yes, I would do everything.
Do you have a good job and an apartment?
If you're such a piece of shit that doesn't mind someone else is providing for you then at least learn to fucking cook you bitch.

Only if you were a literal 10/10 goddess would someone in their right mind consider your shitty offer, but you're probably not even a 6/10.
women in a nutshell oregnalio
only women can ask for shit
>Would robots actually be willing to serve a NEET girl who doesn't do anything but read manga and watch anime all day? As in providing for her, cooking her meals, and generally taking care of her while still being subservient to her.

If I had the income to 100% secure that and still have money to save yes.
But I'd need the absolutely guarantee she would stay and LOVE me forever. But that's impossible to know unless I'm somehow omnipotent.

So no.
Here's the package I offer
You get:
Good apartment and eventually a house
Don't have to keep a job
A decent allowance
Caring man who takes care of himself and wants you to be happy
Support in working towards any ambition you might develop somewhere down the road
Most of the day to yourself

You earn this by
Keeping the house stocked with supplies
Cooking breakfast and dinner
Keeping the apartment tidy
Writing the checks to pay the bills
Maintaining a week's worth of clean work clothes hanging in my closet.

After a couple weeks of figuring it out, this list of chores won't take you more than 90 minutes a day, giving you the rest of the time to do whatever you want.
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why is it always this bullshit? Can't we just do the watch anime and read manga part together without this power tripping / power scale shit?
Nah, if i want a retarded pet that does nothing all day and still requires maintainance i would get a goldfish
It would be more the case that you would be the pet for her, except you would also work for her.
No, I can't tolerate serving anyone, that's why I'm NEET.
Oh so like a gentle femdom deal?
I would 110% be down for that, but I doubt you would because I'm non white [\spoiler].
She would not want you using such repulsive words in her presence.
if she is attractive and lets me fuck her on command, then where do I sign up?
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Only if she's a totally loyal virgin qt, otherwise no that just sounds like the typical useless roasties
>describing the average marriage
You need to be productive in a capitalist society to earn anything.
Also, it's against human biology.
That person will die alone.
If they don't cheat, love me and give me good head and ride me, i'd be down - why not
I guess that word is loaded since it's so often fetishized, but as a concept I think it's nice thing. Regardless, I would adapt to vocabulary changes, and any other reasonable request to make this theoretical woman happy.
You will find a nice girl anon
Provide everything for a parasitic bitch who don't even sex? Senseless.
If you are a total qt, sure absolutely. Even if you wanted to fuck Chads on the side, I would enjoy that.

If not a qt, then not interested.
This is the sort of response I was looking for. I am fairly cute, I am not super pretty but at least I am thin and not ugly.
Yeah this is basically the same as me desu, it's crazy how difficult it is to find a cute-ish girl that would do all this sort of shit. I don't even want the girl to work or anything, just do daily chores and then do whatever the fuck they want, with food on the plate each evening and a nice fug every 2-3 days
This sounds perfect except I think I'd get lonely with "most of the day to myself".
Just get somebody that's self employed (me)
can you post a pic perchance?
As long as I'm allowed to fuck your feet whilst you do something else, absolutely.
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I'd marry a neet bitch, but I wouldn't be the one cooking and cleaning. I have a good job and my own place, but I'd rather have a shy robot girl and spoil her with pretty princess points rather than some slag looking for beta bux
For sure I'd take care of her and shed take care of me. Idk about the subservient attitude I'd spank that right out of her. Spanking can do a lot of women good desu
Yeah, but that's the reality of living with a man who has a job. You'd get me on evenings and weekdays, and sometimes during the day through the internet.
If I'm going to be a servant it'd be best to be a man's servant. If I serve a girl I'll inevitably develop feelings for them and feel upset at the lack of reciprocation. If I serve a man, that problem will never happen.
I'd do it in a heartbeat. As long as she cuddles me and lets me pet her like my cat does.
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