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Why are hairy girls so fucking hot?

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Why are hairy girls so fucking hot?
I hate it when nearly every girl these days shaves. Why is it too much to ask for a girl with a nice hairy pussy ;_;
a hairy pussy is great, but underarm hair is disgusting.
Never got the male hatred of body hair. Mammals have hair it's fine
This is the only time hairy pits have ever been attractive on a girl. Any lower than a 10/10 and they can't get away with it
Layan sauce
I prefer shaved girls. They just feel so much better, and smell better too. I hate to show my normie on /r9k/ but I can say from (admittedly limited) experience that running your fingers over a hairless pussy is absolutely electrifying, while doing it with a hairy one just feels like touching a beard.

That girl is perfection otherwise, though. That hairstyle and face are hnnnnng.
is that a legit girl
That's how a 10/10 looks like.
Because they're mature and shaving/waxing body hair is so they will look like children and arouse men.
body hair is generally associated with masculinity
Because the hair traps their wonderful scents, waiting for you to nestle your face into it, inhaling deeply.
meant to reply to this post
Sauce, please, someone
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Her face is eerily similar to my mom's so I had to pause and fap when her face was covered.
I'd prefer the pits to be shaven but pubes are A-OK.
damn your mom is hell of hot
want a sibling?
I'd skeet on those pubes and pits, if she was into that
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i hate this picture

stop posting it pls..
Armpit hair is cute, fool. Not excessive amounts, but at least a little something.
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On my phone so I was limited in my choices.

I hate your picture as well.
if its hairy enough you don't notice her dick
Ignore what >>35421455 said.

Want a new dad?
It's the lack of smell that you get with less hair that I prefer
This, and also just the feeling of a shaved/waxed pussy, which is fucking amazing.

It's hard to describe but when I touch a hairless vag it feels like there's an electric charge sparking inside my dick. It's a kind of light-headed intoxicating lewdness I've never experienced elsewhere.

This. It might be ok In Pictures but in real life it's rough and smelly and scratchy. And gets in the way
Because hair is for heat insulation
Completely hairless is on its way out. We've hit a peak, and some amount of bush is becoming popular again.

Hairless vaginas are a sign of modern degeneracy and capitalist exploitation. True patricians like women who don't look like children.

Though I have no personal experience I feel the opposite way. Women started shaving their armpits/legs when they started wearing more revealing clothing that showed those parts. So when I see a shaved pussy I immediately think ''slut''.

Bush, to me, signifies that it's a truly private area.
liararoux on reddit
That's not actually true, though. Women (and men) shaved their pubes in ancient Greece and Rome, and it's been common for generations in certain Muslim and Hindu traditions.

Personally one of the biggest reasons I don't like hair is because it reminds me of self-righteous SJW cunts that refuse to groom because they view it as a sign of the "oppressive patriarchy." Shaving and especially waxing are an expression of a woman's willingness to do things and change her body to make her partner happy, while bush is an expression of refusal to do so.
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I really mean it.
You're right, it's not something that's been constant throughout history. But in recent times that was one of the reasons they chose to do it.

I think watching jap porn was one of the things that changed my view on it. They're still, submissive, feminine, and definitely not SJW-tier.
Ah, yeah.

Japanese bush is kind of different for some reason. I don't know if they trim or if it's natural, but they tend to have a pretty neat "patch" rather than a giant bush that covers their entire pelvis like white chicks that don't shave get.
The interresting thing about this is, mamals usually have hair everywhere but their uro-genital parts of their body and on humans it is usually reversed unless they shave.
I don't think they naturally have less hair, it's just that most of them trim. Compare someone like Ai Kurosawa to Anri Okita.
shes $1600 per hour
Fuck yeah dude. We had a hairy girl thread last night and I was trying to explain to these spinless nu-males why hairy girls are superior.

If a girl is shaved I cannot get it up. I NEED A HAIRY GF.
fuck that hooker is 80 yuroos, and if you search some you might find one with hair
Is it true that americans have to your hookers start at 300 dollars and this is considered "std risky"? Or does media lie again to me?
Yes if you dont want to catch AIDS then you'll need an overpriced whore with an inflated sense of self worth, which is how you get $1600/hr girls who looks pretty average,

Its because its not legal.
Fuuuuck that's rad. It's cheaper buying an old used BMW 7series or Merc S class and go for golddiggers
I seriously look down on you if youre a grown man who doesnt like bush. Seriously grow a spine
r9k is filled with underage faggots, but a larger proportion prefer bush than in mainstream society.

I think this may have to do with social isolation.
tfw no armpit hair+bush gf
How many times per week do you have sex? Because hair grows back fast and it's hard to remove it unless it reaches certain size. The bumps are painful as itchy.
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god i love living in europe, can take a quick trip to holland and fuck top tier std free hookers for reasonable price
Armpit/pubic hair is designed to capture pheromone laden sweat. Women who shave it all bare can't send men scent signals.
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I refuse to fucking signal for your sake, faggot.
>real women have curves and are covered in hair and you're a faggot babyfucker if you disagree
I will not kiss the ring. I will NOT kiss the ring. Fucking pay me, you shitter. I'll endorse whatever Tumblr shit you want, but you goddamn well pay up. Five bucks PER HOUR.
Currently zero, but I lived with my exgf for 5 years and saw her naked every day, plus I've shaved my own junk from time to time so I'm aware of how things work.

I know it's impossible to expect perfectly smooth every day, but being with somebody who shaves two or three times a week is MUCH better than somebody who doesn't shave at all. Stubbly isn't quite as erotic as freshly shaved, but it's still better than stinky hair.
even humans don't have hair directly on the genitals
i have pubes growing along my shaft, check mate
deodorant and daily bathing already get rid of sweat
thats because you were cut so tight that the hair follicles were pulled up to cover the shaft

sad story anon
im uncut, check mate
an uncut dick with hair on the shaft?

wow, even worse. praying for you anon
your sister loves my BHC (Big Hairy Cock)
i'm an only child ^^

i'd happily take your cock if you shaved it though anon~
shave my cock with your teeth faggot
o-only if you like it rough like that...
I'm very traumatised with pubes and all of that because my sister made me lick her vagina when I was 10 years old.
ill rape your throat with my bigfoot dick lets get it
d-desu i dont want to leave scars on your beautiful monster cock by scraping your pubes off

Sounds hot. Want to greentext the story?
>innocent me at 10 yo
>I'm laying in my bed watching tv
>sister whos 15 yo comes and starts behaving weird
>she starts getting close to me and tell me to touch her down there
>i do it and she apparently likes it
>i was sexually clueless until the age of 15
>then she stands on the bed and makes me look at her pussy
>I couldn't even distinguish it because of the hair
>she told me to look at it closer
>then she grabs my head and says to lick it
>I start licking everywhere but I have no idea what I'm doing
>she tell me where exactly to lick
>and then she tells me to suck
>I begin sucking and she's loudly moaning
>I keep doing it for a while

And then I can't recall anything, I might be repressing these memories. Now I can't be alone with anyone in a room without getting anxious because she did that everytime we were alone.
Pussy. I'd love my sister to force me to suck her hairy cunt
I wasn't aware of my sexuality. She literally raped me a couple times too. I hate her.
It was too good to be true.
It's a Neanderthal thing. It's part of the reason why they fired off as a species.
They found homosapiens attractive for having less hair.
I was jerking off at 8 and trying to get laid at 10.
Your sister would have been a godsend to me. Pass her contact info along she sounds like a freak.

Greentext the rape too I need to jerk off
do any femanons have hairy pits
cute girls are cute
stfu you obese assfaggot
you wont say the ssame about a basic hairy bitch
You need to blunt that edge, son.

Hair won't make a basic looking bitch hot in the same way shaving won't make her hot. That's kind of a moot point.
I'm not edgy just horny
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I prefer how I look shaven but it's ridiculous to maintain without getting stubble and rashes. Don't mind a bit of hair and it's totally fine to have a preference but still i just couldn't have anything to do with a guy who was repulsed by it.
Id lick that clean. You'd never have to bathe again.
Post hairy pits, attention whore.
Does that pussy get any hairier? That's too bald for me.
I've looked through her website.
She said she likes museums. Does she charge that time as well?
Don't have them and well yeah but it's not for you is it. I like to maintain for comfort and hygiene
So if your boyfriend wanted you to keep it as hairy as it could get you'd refuse?

Yes. As long as she's with you you're on the clock.
Yes actually. Not up for being controlled that much. Same as being expected to shave. I like it how I like it.
please post more. that's the ideal amount of hair for me.
Only have shaved pics though. If I get a good smooth shave I'm going to take a photo. Hair just comes up dark and unnatractive
why your pussy skin is brown? looks disgusting
It isn't brown but it's a little darker. Especially in a poorly lit webcam photo. But you do realise skin tone varies in that area in real life? Like people have brown or pink assholes? Nah of course you don't know this..
What a virgin. That's just a shit quality picture of what seems to be ginger pubes.
I'm the guy who's been arguing in favor of shaved in this thread, I'd love to see those.
How can you argue a preference. Waste of time. No one is wrong. I'm strongly turned off by guys who are totally against hair desu
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no discoloring on this pussy? maybe your roastie is just disgusting and ugly?
Everyone's different. Disgusting or not I'm secure in that I have a healthy normal vag that real people won't be triggered by for understanding bodies are all very different outside of porn
Had the shit smoothed out of it anyway. Nice poreless skin there. Or is it just a child
God girls like you suck
"I don't like to be controlled"

But I'm sure your laundry list of male requirements stretches down to your asshole
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>roasties this mad about their ugly pussies
Big assumption. I would rather not live in perpetual itchiness. Not sorry
A preference is a preference and arguing about them is the way of 4chan and /r9k/. That said, I said earlier that I totally understood that shaving every day was impractical, but the gesture of doing it somewhat regularly mattered more than the physical result.

This is a very hot pussy, but some coloration is no big deal to me. As long as it smells good, feels good when I finger it, and tastes good when I go down there, I could care less about anything else.
I'm not mad. I think my puss is adorable without me looking like a baby and having to bang heavy filters on it. Calm down
sorry your pussy is uggo
It isn't. Sorry you'll never see one irl. Uggo or otherwise
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thats what you think, roastie
Seems fairly likely if I'm being honest
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seems fairly wrong, roastie
What is this itchy meme? It's only itchy when you keep shaving and don't let it grow idiot.
I'm not pretending I find it itchy and unappealing to go full bush. Why am I not allowed a preference for my own body hair
Just post a shaven. I'm curious. Actually think I recognise you. Post on b?
No one said you aren't allowed.

Just post more nudes
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I'm just saying it is itchy so idk why I'm being told I'm wrong.
You're probably thinking of me yes.

Leaving now anyway. Got to work
This, have you smelled a slightly sweaty chick? Shits heaven.
I'm super horny when my gf doesn't shave. Whenever she does I don't event want to go near her vagina.

Chemistry, femanons.
ree I would stick my nose in your asshole and lick your clean for weeks you fucking attention slut
Slut for attention yes. Irl I'm comparatively fucking shy and scared about all that
aren't we all? Where are you from?
Nowhere near anyone on here thankfully. I can say that with some certainty
it's sexual dimorphism retard. we are always trying to increase it to look more appealing. it's your own hatred of body hair that makes you shave. not male's.
o-oh rip
I truly love women
just fucking say where you are from, whore.
On 4chan where Ive posted nudes. Why the fuck would I do that
's hairy genitals
because you're an attention-whore
>le I'm shy here is my gaping pussy meme
4chan meme shy
Because you're a cutie and I want to fuel my imagination while I masturbate to your pics. Indulge me please.
What can be gained from it from either of us. Except being doxxed is something of a possiblity.
Somewhere along the way my insecure self quite happily got used to attention from strangers. But in real life. I don't know shit. Not trying to be teehee~ so innocent. But it's a ridiculous contrast for what people would expect

Gaping though? Sure looks like it
I just wanna eat your asshole desu so knowing more about you will make me feel closer to you. How can someone dox you by you giving a country name
I'll go as far as to say Europe. But it's sort of happened before so it's not worth any type of risk. 4chan is vindictive as you are well aware
Pretty much this. I want to tag team you with this anon. You're so unbelievably sexy.
I wish to be reincarnated as your chair
Germany is better for hookers.
Do you ever post on /soc/? Asking for science.
have done yes
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