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H-have you forgotten?

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H-have you forgotten?
We have not forgotten your failure.
I will never forget the supreme gentleman

he looks over all of us from heaven :3
Elliot is a failure, just another pussy like Dylann Roof. Good plan, poor execution.
never forget our beautiful boy ;__;
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My interests have changed to some extent, it pains me to say. I used to be probably one of the top 5 most obsessed Rodgeposters. I still do post here, whenever I see a Rodge thread, though, and I will always remember him on St. Elliot's Day.
I miss him
Elliot was a good man

Elliot redpilled me at how disgusting and inferior women were. I have nothing for him aside from my thanks and respect.
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I have a vanilla latte every May 23rd in his loving memory.
Elliot was too whiny and incompetent for my taste. I identify with a lot of his story, but the parts about constantly breaking down and crying to his mom, sister, family friends, etc. was just pathetic and offputting. Plus his actual massacre sucked.
baby boi ~
essential elliot music video kino?





Can someone give me some info on this eliot person. Who is he?
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haha, thanks desu ^_^ [oregano pizza thx moot]
He was the supreme gentleman ;_;
Our supreme gentleman.
he did it for all of us.
His plan for revenge against the sorority was foiled by a closed door. He was worthless.


He failed even in death, that's what makes him a true robot
You have been chosen to be the next martyr
You cannot escape your fate even if you try
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I'm amazed by this because he had a damn gun. One bullet to the lock, maybe a kick and he is in. How do you fuck up that badly?
I dunno are you 23 yet?
Basically a robot that went full beta uprising.
Elliot vs "Don't go to school tomorrow"
Who would win?

I used to consider myself the #1 most obsessed Rodgeposter, perhaps I was. I've slowly become a full normie over the past 2 years, but I will still never forgot him.
He was probably nervous, lol.
I've been thinking about doing this as well, except targeting chads instead of stacys.

Any tips?
>Any tips?

Don't, become a Chad instead
Don't let a door get in your way. Also don't kill any pathetic betas, maybe even ask them if they wanna join you.
Wanna join me?
IF i were to do something like this, id become a serial killer of sorts. id never do such a thing, obviously, but it would be better to do it like that. i would, hypothetically, choose my victims individually, only targeting proto chads and proto stacies, instead of killing a bunch of people indiscriminately.

imagination, huh? crazy!
i quite like my pathetic life. hopefully your killing spree goes well though.
Don't let a locked door stop you, and don't go on your spree on a retarded time of the week/day.
Can't you fucking faggot let this guy sleep in peace already???
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>the only way he could figure out how to get laid was to have humanity enforce laws that force women to have sex with losers
Elliot Rodger was a sociopath who believed that he was the "closest thing to a living God". Rodger endlessly complains about how no one accepts him, but rarely does he ever make a full attempt to turn his life around for the better. Sure, he went to college, moved to new towns, and went to a party or two, but never did he approach any girl and attempt to woo her. Then, he claimed that women were to blame, and they were the modern plague because he was the "magnificent gentleman" and no one recognized it. Maybe no one knew about his divine personality because Rodger expected everything in life to be handed to him, and when things didn't go his way, he threw tantrums, threw beverages on people, and eventually murdered innocent people and then himself.

What a fucking coward.
"coward" is not the appropiate term for somebody with big enough balls to go and murder people only to off himself afterwards.

you can call him a bunch of adjectives, but not coward. by definition, he wasnt a coward

>a person who is not brave and is too eager to avoid danger, difficulty, or pain
throwing an autistic fit does not erase a lifetime of being afraid of reality.
being afraid =/= being a coward

plus, i wouldnt say he was afraid. he was more about resentment as a result of what he perceived as a lifetime of rejection.

pls donut simplify issues to the point where you are not adding anything to the discussion.
Is this a good time to point out that one cannot in fact dodge the rodge?
>Too much of a coward to talk to girls or pick them up
>Was scared of the pain of rejection
>Only ended up going on a killing spree when he felt nothing would improve and he had nothing left to lose
>Only attacked unarmed people
>Had to lure three chinks one by one because he was scared of being overwhelmed
>Was too scared to kick in the sorority door
>It was too difficult

Total. Coward.
For starers don't leave a long ass message that people can read because if you fuck up you get to be a laughing stock that made people shitpost a NEET board because that idiot remind them how stupid they can be.
You're right a coward requires inaction due to that fear.
stop being stupid. by definition he wasnt a coward. id like to see you do something as ballsy as he did. you probably are the kind to think people who suicide are cowards, am i right?
get your run on sentences checked, bud
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>pls donut simplify issues to the point where you are not adding anything to the discussion.
>every post simplifies issues to the point where he adds nothing to the discussion
>Literally explain why he was a coward according to the definition you gave

Whatever. You know you're stanning for a fucking loser right? lmfao
See, this is what I'm talking about. My post will be forgotten no matter how stupid it is time will destroy the memory of it. I make run on sentences and try shooting people I get know as that shooter that didn't know correct sentence structure.
>>coward: a person who is not brave and is too eager to avoid danger, difficulty, or pain

does a person who go on a killing spree avoid danger and pain? no.

im not adding anything new to the discussion because you guys keep denying what has already been established by definition. im only repeating myself because you guys are too dumb to comprehend the meaning of the word.
>you probably are the kind to think people who suicide are cowards
You are trying really hard to move that goal post
He lived the life of a coward and responded to more mania than courage or balls by what he did, the fact he can't get pass a door shows he was in no clear mind and more a blind haze of anger than of say courage or calculation.
How about this.
All the times he should have been brave and eager to face danger he was a full chicken shit coward.
The one time he should have been a coward he went full retard.
You've made a bunch of posts now saying that coward who couldn't deal with virginity is not a coward. You have shitposted the entire thread away, man.
>the fact he can't get pass a door shows he was in no clear mind and more a blind haze of anger than of say courage or calculation
does the fact that he was in a haze of rage mean he was a coward?

>All the times he should have been brave and eager to face danger he was a full chicken shit coward.
like when? do please mention a specific instance. i never read his manifesto, but seems that all women that he approached were wuick to reject him

>The one time he should have been a coward he went full retard.
yes, thats better. he died a retard in rage, not a coward.
Rodger was not in a war, anon. He slew a bunch of unarmed, quiet nobodies and when the time for confrontation came, he shot himself in the head. He lived as a coward and then died as one.
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Tell me every deatail about how you're thinking about targeting chads in a mass murder attempt, I really wanna see what's the easiest and fastest way to do it, boi
Why would they care if they're the laughing stock? They'd be dead, retard.
>but seems that all women that he approached were
>all women
>he approached
He approach zero. Even the girl he bitch about hurting him in his manifesto did nothing according to his peers. Basically he said hi to her so gave a confused look and ask who he was, and he bolted away which they all laugh at(cause why the fuck wouldn't you laugh as something as absurd as a stranger saying hi to you only to run away?)
But regardless he had zero accounts of trying to actually court women. He would fucking sit around waiting for them to approach him.
He got shit faced once and name called them once and they laugh (because random stranger(again) yelling "fuck you" is ridiculous) and name called back, which lead to a drunk charge of trying to push people off a balcony. He was hurt that easily that name calling people to get name called back hurt his feelings.
The fucker was a woman in a boys body.
jokes on you, after you die you just exist in a energy state where you can't see/hear/speak or do anything but be left with your thoughts.
You're saying every single person should be brave? That's retarded. Brains are wired differently, especially with Elliot. He had a mental illness.
Interesting theory. I already know what'll happen to me, as long as I get the deal done in time. He should let me stay with him.
So much Elliot bashing in these threads, do you all come in just to argue?
>beta lol door lol coward
We've heard it all before
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Actually, I was pretty impressed with something he did... but this same incident was very telling about what kinda of person Elliot truly was.

He went to a random house party, uninvited, to talk to girls. I could never do such a thing. The people actually welcomed him in and served him beers. Everything was pretty damn normal. But then he started trying to kill the women at the party for not worshiping him and instead talking to other people at the party. Elliot was just an ass... and also a bully, for that matter.
well, thanks for letting me know. i didnt know that.
>He went to a random house party, uninvited, to talk to girls.
In fairness he also admits he got drunk before going too. Most of us here could do a lot we "never do" if loaded enough.
>The fucker was a woman in a boys body.
what is it about most woman haters being as moody and emotional as girls? Every single one of them is like a girl on the rag 24/7 where something as stupid as losing at board game sends them to tears.
That wasn't actually the point though. People treated him very warmly, from the sounds of things. He lashed out and attacked them despite this because he saw the girls talking to "brutes".
why did he get beat up again?
oh shit yeah he was a huge cunt. Everyone has their own story but everyone involved in his manifesto shared that he was reclusive and harsh. The guys at the second party claimed he started swinging haymakers when they kept telling him to leave. Even his best friend shared that he warn his mom several times that Elliot was acting violent and had serious anger issues. The fucker seriously had more issues than just asperger, delusions of grander were in his head that's for sure.
Um, killing unarmed and defenseless people with a gun and BMW falls under the definition of being a coward.
You talking about the night he broke his leg? His story he went to the wrong house demanding they give him his glasses back (because he thought they were stolen, however shoving people for several minutes and falling about 13 feet would likely send your shades flying away) they laugh at him and beat him up and stole his chain(a gold chain was recovered later in the yard where he fell breaking his leg, so take that as you will). According to party goers he was demanding his glasses back and threatening violence to the point he started swing at people and then he got thrown out.
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and a huge douche
very normie behavior.
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Boo fucking hoo hoo.
Cry me a river biatche.
You mean fucking normies.
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they are not fucking innocent. They have all commited atrocious social crimes against us and every now and then a few of them get what they deserve.
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