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Write a letter to somebody who may read it, may not, or, most

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Thread replies: 375
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Write a letter to somebody who may read it, may not, or, most likely, will think it's to them when it's not guilty as charged .
Dear everyone at my school, and some alumni:

You guys have been stressing me out to no end. You see, I've had to use guesswork at every step of the way to figure out what's been going on. I think I'm right--at least for the most part--but I need the detailed truth about what happened and some reassurance that everything will end up okay. None of you will be frank with me, and most of you are just flat-out ignoring me. I was freaking out yesterday because my sleep-deprived brain was short-circuiting and thinking that I may have made this whole thing up. Logically, I know that's not true, but with the kind of stress I'm under, being at the center of attention and uninformed, I think it's understandable that I would think that. Just when I think I have arranged the available pieces of the puzzle correctly, a new piece comes up that doesn't seem to fit and makes me wonder whether I'm making some of the rest of them up in my head.

Honey cinnamon apple sauce is the fucking shit. Like, mmmmmmmm all night.
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Awww thanks Anon. You too! :3
I will never, ever quit you.
Or, you could say: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ

Why are you such a cunt?

It's been 3 years and I still end up thinking about you every day. I'm really sorry with how I handled things towards the end, I was so wrapped up in my own bullshit I didn't notice you were hurting and needed help. I should have been a better friend to you and I hope with all my being you're in a better and happier place.
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Because Trump wants to grab me
Oh you are so funny. I'm glad we broke up.

You can get out now, normaIfaggot.
what are your puzzle pieces anon?

I know how you feel. My pieces are music and they tell a very specific story.

You must be another anon in the same game.
To me,

Kill yourself already

From, You
I still blame myself for reacting to it so poorly. I want nothing more than to join you where you are, without you the world around me doesn't seem real, colours have lost their vitality and food tastes like ash. If there is any afterlife and I see you I'm giving you a right hook you cunt.
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Sometimes you have to break the cookie to dip it in soy milk...

You are a worthless piece of shit and after everything I've done for you and had to deal with you deserve every bit of my revenge. I hope you never find happiness again. Maybe you will appreciate what people do for you, even though you give them nothing in return, and not take people's generosity for granted. But knowing what kind of a scumbag, shitty person you are I doubt that is ever going to happen.
I'm glad you're out of my life.
You're the lowest of the low.

- L
Tell me your pieces first, please.
No one cares normaIfag.
Bowie, Garbage, Chrvches, Purity Ring, Grimes, FirefoxAK, Lady Gaga, Korn, Shinedown, Austra, Linkin Park, grouplove, Phantomgram, Florence and the Machine, bat for lashes, Sleigh bells, war paint, above and beyond, tegan and sara, the raveonettes, disturbed, eisley, Mother Mother, daft punk, The XX, Goldfrapp, incubus, SIA, fuckin BEYONCE...

All of them have songs about me or my situation. All of them have come out with recent work from the last 6 months, even the ones that had been idle for years.

>inb4 schizo
Yeah, nah. It's true, all of it.
Ohhh lmao I didn't think you meant literal music. I thought you were speaking metaphorically like I was, as in a bunch of hints at some larger symphony were coming together in your mind.
No, it's literal music with lyrics and videos telling a very specific story. Seriously, watch the newest videos of all of those bands and you will see several repeating themes.
Not caring and still replying. Alright then friendo

You're a complete piece of shit and you're so delusional you can't even see it. Almost everybody you think of as a friend hates you, they're sick of how you constantly and publicly masturbate over the victim card while lying through your teeth. For all your 'not like the other gurlllzzzzz' bullshit, you're exactly what men hate about women- you lie, you get inappropriately attached to men who couldn't give a fuck about you and then stalk them for months, you seek attention in the most vulgar and obvious of ways constantly, and you act like it's your god given right to dictate the friendships and social circles of everybody around you. Maybe if you weren't so busy hating other women because of the 0.0001% chance of competition they represent, you might be able to learn some lessons about how to act like a female adult instead of a mentally ill teenager with daddy issues. That group of male 'buds' you think you have absolutely despise you, they wouldn't even throw you a pity fuck because of how crazy and vile you are- it's really pretty laughable how you act so aggressive with potential 'competition', when realistically, none of your guy friends would fuck you if you were the last woman on earth due to your behaviour. I honestly wish you'd stop threatening to kill yourself and just go ahead and fucking do it so the rest of us won't have to deal with your bullshit.

hello anon,

as much as this hurts, i want nothing more than for you to be happy. i genuinely hope you are the happiest you've ever been right now.
I'd honestly like to believe that I'm over you. I've come to realize that we wouldn't have worked out, we don't really mix except for that period of infatuation. A big part of why I was so hurt after you ended it was that we could've fucked and I could've lost my virginity by now, and now we can't, and I didn't want to belive I was that shallow so I attached emotion to it. More than our thing was worth at least. Whatever. I don't care about you for the most part now. You do you man, I'll do me. I'm going to move on, and channel energy into being someone I can be proud of, or at least happy with. Someone you would've been legitimately infatuated with. I'm open to the possibility of being fuck buddies though, I still really want your body.
everything you have ever fucking said is lie. I hate that i still have to clean uo the mwss you fucking left. I hate that i became so worthless to you practically over nite. I didn't get the decency to get the fucking truth as to what happened. You know, SO I COULD MOVE FUCKING ON. Fuck you you deserve the worst for what you did. You or nobody has ever given a shit fuck you
what could someone have possibly done for the to deserve "the worst"?

How melodramatic are you?
Good lord Anon wtf
All you ever did was exacerbate and worsen my mental state. Shit i still have to deal with DAILY because of your fucking horseshit. You were a fucking leech. Just using me to make yourself a little bit happier. Going back on EVERYTHING you ever promised. It's nice that you probably got all of your advice from friends considering you couldn't ever form your own opinion. Thanks for not even giving me the decency to break up with ne properly. I feel that if i try and reach out to somebody and try and form a bond with them, they'll just inexplicably leave like you did. But hey, not like you give you a fuck, you never did anyway. I hope you fucking suffer. You deserve anything that comes at you. You never loved me or cared. Maybe i just want an apology that im never going to get
initials pls
This could be to me.
lots of these things could
The point of these is to vent, no? Calm the hell down holy shit. Just trying not to bottle stuff up
>This could be to me.
>lots of these things could
I feel the same anon. Even ones that don't have my initials haha.
Dear V,
I just don't have any energy to cry anymore. I told you everything, you didn't even react. At least you read my messages, it's very nice. No irony, it's actually nice.
I don't know what to do next. You know everything, now I wait for your decision. I know that the past can't be changed, but we still can shape the future.
Love, A. L.
uh give me yours first
well it's been about 5 months since we split up and you turned into an asshole. I never meant to annoy you or overdo it until you turned nasty for me caring. I loved you so much, everytime my phone goes off I wish it is you. but its not and never will be. that really sucks. I want you in my life so badly. even if we aren't lovers. I miss your mind. I miss our closeness. our bond.ive found sombody new and he is awesome so I wont orbit you anymore. still though feel free to hit me up. ill always care.

thanks for holding me so tightly while my pieces form back together. you are truly amazing and I hope this works out.


I know you don't go on this shithole but I need to let this out. I have so many questions in my mind. How could you do that? You left me. I respect your choice and trust in your ability to make sound judgement, but I will still fight for us. Call me a fool but I am not going to give up on us as easily as you did. If the time comes when I cannot hang in there anymore, I will let you go feeling contented knowing that you are satisfied about how our relationship went and that I did my part. But for now? I will not give up on you. Not yet, Bri. Not yet.


I know I'm not the best person to talk to sometimes. But you shouldn't have blown me off last night. That sucked
I'm not >>34988212, but I'm curious too. Why are you concerned about giving your own initials?
>Calm the hell down holy shit.
I'm a J.
I'm a J anon.... ;_;

I'm in love with you and that's fucking retarded. I haven't felt this way about anyone in a long time. I didn't miss this feeling. This is either going to fuck my life up completely or I'm going to bury it and me in our hole.

- M
Dear my old school

I didn't do it. She cried first and I froze. I'm not the monster you think I am. She terrorised me for 4 fucking years and all it took was for her to flash some crocodile tears for you all to think I did those horrible things. I don't know how to live with knowing what you all think of me.

I hope you live through this with as much guilt and pain as humanly possible. I hope you rot from the inside out. I used to want to kill you but now I know that this is better for both of us.

- N
because im paranoid (but not entirely) sure as to whether or not she goes here
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Dear, E

You need to shut the fuck up about your retarded political ideas. All you do is read headlines and then make these grandiose statements on Facebook. You have the most basic bitch views and ideas. I know for a fact that you don't read or research any of things you say. I've sat next to you countless times and watched your thought process from getting triggered to spouting a bunch of nonsense. Nowhere do you ever look up any information or even acknowledge context. Then anytime you're the slightest bit confronted with this reality you immediately back down and say things like "people just think differently" and "omg i can't deal with this right now". It is the most pathetic display every time it happens. You are a complete tool and it drives me insane especially when you're drinking with your equally retarded friends. The arrogance and self-righteousness you have is so very unwarranted. It drives me absolutely insane to sit there listening to this shit. But I will never say anything because it isn't worth embarrassing you and ruining our relationship, unlike you, who would do that in an instant if I were the one shitting my ideas all over the place.

Hey Bob,

I want to tell you something important, but I'm afraid that Eve might be reading our conversation. Hi Eve!

Dear A,
Go meet him in person, you know he wants to see you. You can even exchange the private keys there.

From the first day until now you have been everything. I'm sorry I was too scared for anything to happen. Until we meet again I'll dream of you.

oooh hot goss, this is kickin' off
you that dude who met the girl at that annual show thing? qt
Dear I,

Thank you for being there for me. Thank you for listening to me. But I hope you don't see me as a romantic interest. Cause I would disappoint you completely.

It's a bit creepy how much your mother likes me. Maybe she's just pretending but it's still unnerving.

Hope we'll stay the way we are now. I value your friendship and don't want to ruin it. You know people almost never remain friends after a break up. Besides that, I still can't get over what happened before. Also I hate it when people touch me, even my parents. I feel dirty after that.

Still, thank you for your understanding and kindness. Hope I'm not "friendzoning" you.

Best wishes,
Nope, not me, just moved away from my hometown (and my oneitis) and don't get back much
I hope you did you putrid roastie
You are the deepest person.
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Why thank you. I try.
Can both of you give further details?
I am never coming back
I want to be brave like you.
Are you that same emo from two threads ago or are there just a shit ton of you guys? I mean these are as vague as a high school Stacy's tweets. What are you talking about?
I'm a bit emo, I confess. But I never post vague phrases by themselves, I only reply with them.

orginal commedado
None of those were ever replies, my friend. Are you new here? If so, I'm sorry for saying that lol. I thought you were being intentionally difficult and intangible.

In order to reply to someone, you're supposed to click on their post number or type it into the box with two forward arrows preceeding it, then write what you have to say. Hope this helps!
I know how reply works, I have even seen the emo posts you're talking about. But you adressed my post >>34990759 and I felt the need to answer ^^
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sure are a lot of letters addressed to Ds in this thread haha

I dont know what to tell you. I'd like to spill my guts and tell you just how fucked up i am but i know it wont end well. I know the outcome wont be worth the relief. I'm going to hang myself tonight. Or at least that's what im telling myself. I'd like to. I set myself up for failure the day i was born. My regrets trail behind me like a ball and chain. No matter what i do, where i go or how i try to hide, i cant get rid of the memories. I cant get rid of her. I cant get rid of the people and events that brought me here, they've all combined into an ugly monster. A monster some would call fear. I'm afraid of them. I'm afraid of myself.

Okay... if you're trying to communicate with someone then you should say things to them directly. Just a bit of life advice to avoid confusion and heartache. No one can know you're taking to them when millions of people use this site, let alone what thsee phrases are even supposed to mean. Do they mean you want to kill yourself? Do they mean that you're abandoning a lover? Do they mean that you're finally running outside rather than on the gym treadmill?
Absolutely life changing. Inspirational!
That's like poetry: anyone can put in it whatever meaning they want or even several meanings.
*these^ I meant
Great Poseidon, just talk to the person with clear meaning rather than vague posting on 4chan and expecting them to read your mind (or hack your computer; not sure what you're expecting...).
I did, it didn't work, that's why I'm here. This person now refuses to talk to me. Guess I'm too clingy.
How do you know that they're refusing to talk to you? Are you just assuming that, or have they actually made no effort to contact you or text you back?
Does not replying to DMs for two weeks and trying to hide and avoid any contact count?
it's none of your business, dummy
We have become legend
I'm sorry.

Is it a Kek magic again?
If this is addressed to me, then I didn't get the DMs you're talking about. I was really hoping to meet you in person to talk but you made that impossible by not arranging that when you said you would. I would never ignore you intentionally. I guess these may not be to me though because I never blocked you anywhere.

Honestly I really, really hope these aren't to me because I've been scared for so long of making any wrong moves and I keep doing everything wrong despite trying my best not to. I'm so tired and no one is talking to me or telling me what's going on.
James? this is original content
It's obviously not to you. Completely different situation. You wouldn't run and hide if I tried to approach you, would you? Cause I literally saw that person hiding and running away and avoiding eye contact and so on.
congrats on being able read fuckwit
Kek confirmed
I don't know why this keeps happening. I dont know if there is anything between us but I want to take a chance with you. You seem nice in person and I think we could be happy together. I sucks you had to have a boyfriend but there's nothing I can do about that. This is our last week together and I hope something can happen between us by some miracle. I wish I was a stronger man but I'm going to try and not be weak. Maybe it was never meant to be. A moment of beauty
That actually does sound like something I would do (minus the running... I'm guessing that's an exaggeration) if I were super embarrassed and terrified about intense feelings I'd had for well over two years getting out to everyone without my knowing if they were reciprocated... and I was never told that they were reciprocated...

So yeah I guess nothing I do will ever be right because I'm not smart enough to know what to do.
right over your head.

how is it possible to be as dumb as you are?
You are a weak man. The person already has someone and all you can think about is yourself.
So am I right about who you are or this just more of my insanity?
I'm not the one you think about, that's for sure.

I'm paranoid now, Its the first time I know for certain that you lied.
You broke your promise too, what else did you break?

I think about running away everyday.

That's honestly such a relief. I'd rather be insane than have that be the case.
Jaylen told me some shit about you last night man, and I'm inclined to believe it since he's known you way longer than I have. Probably gotten more fucked up with him too.

Anyways, while it does kinda feel like I've been wasting my time orbiting you (in some small way it paid off on Valentines) I still think you're good people even if you're a fucking pro at keeping niggas in orbit.

I'm still coming to the shop on Wednesdays. Thanks to you I've become more normie than I've been in years. For that, I can't fault you.

P.S. In the off chance I'm NOT reading you wrong, fucking say something and kiss me you cute alternative slut
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Ow....... that hurt

I thought you were the air in my lungs,
the blood in my veins,
but it is my fault for thinking so selfishly.
For you are not mine to keep,
nor am I yours to hold,
though I wish that were the case--
If I woke up staring into your eyes
instead of searching my dreams for a gaze,
perhaps it wouldn't be this way.

You are not my life force,
not that I would admit to that anyway,
but you deserve better than to rot away with
someone like me

You are the yang to my yin
the spring in my step
the sparkle in my eyes and
the reason I wear my heart on my sleeve
but I could never hold you back.

I don't need light
passion nor love
if it means that you could have these things for yourself.

I thought you were the blood in my veins,
but my heart still pounds when I
hear your name.
Also *talking^, not taking. I should really proofread more.
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Dear Tiff.

I'm so sorry for leaving you, i was a selfish little piece of shit and i want you back so badly. I'm sorry for all the stress i caused you turned out to be too much for your little heart. I'm sorry that i'm too much of a pussy to join you.

im aware of the irony. Point being that it was dumb of you to freak out over something that was intentionally vitriolic, in a thread designed to let go of & not let said feelings fester. Is that easy enough for you to understand?
J... Jack?

How is Alex?
Has this ever happened before? Is this seriously the largest artistic collaboration of all time? A literal epic?

For me...

For her...

For love.
Dear H,

I'm so happy to have met you but I now realize I'm not the person who is able to be at your side. I lack the strength that you deserve in someone you can trust. I wish I could've dealt things differently, I wish things could've worked out, but we're past the turning point and your view of me has shifted entirely and there's nothing I can do to change that. I only cause you grief. I hope me not being as involved in your life will help you in the long run. Those two and half weeks when I could say exactly how I felt towards were bliss. I'll never forget them. Especially when you said the same to me back.

I wish you the best.
And I look forward to seeing you do your best from afar,
- C

It has been almost five years since we broke up, I miss you but not as a girlfriend but as the best friend that you were before we started dating. I wish I could go back in time and tell to myself not to tell that I loved you more than a friend because I lost my best friend and my life completely went off rails after that. All I want right now is that we forget about our failed relationship and try to be good friends to each other again.

I miss you so much.

Best wishes,
you could of been

you could of been much more beautiful
What's the story behind this, Anon?
Goddamn my brain must be so fried lol. I was explaining how to reply to someone who'd just replied to me, on top of my spelling errors.

I should probably relax for a bit before trying to make any additional posts.
What are the initials for this?

I know you're parents won't approve of me because I'm a different race but I care about you too much to stop trying, and you've told me the same before

i also can't spell
Thanks, Anons. Lol.
I'm such a creepy creep fucking disgusting creepy creep
This will suck a lot but that's life I guess
i miss you, it's weird, its been so many years since i decided to cut you out. i found a picture of you while i was clearing out some files on my computer & you looked really cozy. since i've grown up i relate to you more and more, and thinking back to our "relationship" it's a little weird, i never thought that age mattered, but knowing you were the age i am now when we were dating, it gives me some hindsight into why we didn't work out. i'm not saying that you took advantage of me, because you didn't, just that we were at different levels of maturity, i was naive.
you probably "deleted" me, and i don't blame you, i was just an insignificant little girl. i know i wasn't the first, nor was i the last, in your collection of e-girls strung along. sometimes i think about talking to you again, telling you all of this, but i don't, because there's a high chance you couldn't be arsed to care and that would hurt a bit too much for me to handle.
i wish you were here to take care of me, my life is so messed up right now and i've been through so much. i remember you writing me paragraphs...
as usual i have no idea what i want, i feel pathetic writing this, but it's good to vent i guess. you probably wouldn't like me now, i'm so different.
take care, s
Uh... want to talk about it? I doubt you really are.
I hope you're talking about "what that mouth do" and not trying to make a negative self-fulfilling prophecy.
Women everywhere,

Why is it that you always push me away and cut me out of everything when I've been nothing but kind to you? If there's something wrong with me I'm not going to hate you for telling me. Silence is worse than whatever it could be.

I just want to know why.
Too white boiz

Every white girl dreams of BBC.

Black guys
>Larger dicks
>Fun to be around
>Interesting conversation anytime you want
>Nicely dressed and groomed
>Crack jokes all the time
>Will take you places
>Broad social spectrum
>Know interesting people you will be introduced to
>Behave like real men
>Smile on their faces most of the time
>Can dance and cook
>Chills in the school

White guys
>Tiny dicks
>Socially awkward
>Inhibited socially
>Prefer to stay home
>Hate to dance
>Sad faces
>Often have either anger or anxiety issues
>Shoots up the school

I'm talking getting a boring job leading a boring life all alone with maybe a waifu it'll suck but I don't want to die so I guess I have to get a boring job like security till I die one day of old age all alone.

Man this sucks but I guess it's life
i'm a creep
also a weirdo
what am i doing here
the alphabet is weird
I can't believe anyone takes that fat fuck joe seriously. The guy is a pathetic loser. Oh, he was addicted to pain killers so that makes him an authority? The tard thinks he is some kind of hardass that throws little hissy fits when he gets mad. He can barely type yet he thinks he is complex and intelligent. The only way he can get laid is by taking advantage of a girl that's 15 years younger with severe daddy issues. Goes to show how completely lacking his morals are and If he ended up beating her I wouldn't be surprised.

Judging by him and my ex's other friends, it had to be her that referred Mr Cyclops to my current GF. That guy is exactly the kind of person she associates with. That dumb little girl surrounds herself with the shittiest people I have ever seen. A bunch of self-righteous white knight sociopaths that eat up the bullshit lies she tells them. The fact she blamed me for her infidelity, the fact she blew up at me for posting a couple of innocent selfies while she would post full on nudes, the fact she would get jealous of every woman that looked my way, and the fact these are the kind of people she calls "friends" are all testaments to who she is as a person.

Someone I want nothing at all to do with.Both her and her mother. If you're reading this then for the love of fucking god never talk to me, my friends, or my family ever again. Just fuck off forever and stop trying to have any sort of influence in my life. You're an uneducated, disloyal, backstabbing, two-faced, lying, manipulative whore. You cost me thousands of dollars and untold amount of emotional damage. So if you're here, if you're still checking for messages from me... please just fuck off forever. Oh, and tell your azn fat retard to remember he will never be a fraction of the man I am... even when I'm wearing a dress. He comes off about as threatening as your shit-breathed dog.

I will never forget the time he threatened me by saying how he was from "The Streets."

What a tool.
Who could have been more beautiful, and why don't they meet up to your standards as they are?
I think I'd lie for you
Thinking I'd die for you
Jodeci "Cry For You"
Do things when you want me too
Like controlla, controlla
D to R
Now I want to bake some bread. I should try that tomorrow, or maybe tonight if I have the energy.

You would hate me if you met me. Please find somebody else. You are far too good for me. I love you. I don't deserve you. I love you. Please move on.
To me,
You know what dude? You gotta stop stressing out so much man. You gotta realise that not everyone is out to make your life worse.
Look at your life. You've got through some tough shit over the years. You've got a job, a house to live in, tons of friends. A few years ago you had none of this, you were a 19 year old out on the streets and you've managed to build this pretty fucking good life around you.
We're gonna get that confidence you had when you were a teenager back. Remember that? No problems flirting with girls, going out and getting drunk with friends, trying out new things cause they seemed fun.
We're gonna get the old you back, just fucking watch.
From me.
>I'm the only person in the world and all my problems are unique
Cus that's literally what I said right? What... problems did I say I had? When did I say I was the only person?

I'm an important person, not the only one. I don't know why I'm important but I have a few guess.

But hey I guess retards like you like to talk about shit you have no clue what they are about.
Dear Jess

It's been about a month now since we parted ways, so I figured I'd come here and post a message to you incase you might be still browsing this board. I don't know how you are, I don't know what you've been through for this past month, I don't hate you, and I think you know I can't do that, I miss you a lot. I know you might not feel the same, but i don't care I just wanted you to know it.

Im a pretty shitty person, i put wealth and power before you like it was my god, I needed this lesson more than anything, I learned to put my ambitions forward instead of reading instructions like a machine, so I can thank you for that, I taught you to be more confident about how you look about how you sound etc. So we did get something, even a little bit out of this thing.

You're probably wondering how I am, you were right, I'll never be happy without you in my life, I did come to terms with it though and started to adjust. I'm consistently the top of my classes and since proving my loyalty I've inherited greater autonomy and wealth from my family, I regularly meet with my uncles and friends, started to get involved in politics and my families business. I now have the power to do anything I want, anywhere. But what does it all mean if there's 1 thing I can't get? Nothing at all, that's how I'm doing anyway, went off on a bit of a tangent there my bad.

I know I made callous decision to suggest we part ways, I could hear the sadness in your voice the day I called, it killed me inside. I know I'll never be a good person, or someone as pure and as gentle as you, but I want you to atleast know, that I'm going to try and be a good person. I'm sorry for what happened.

The first time I said these words, I meant it, and I will always mean it till I'm dead. I'm on your side, and I always will be. I will never forget you and will remember you as a very key figure in my life.

I love you, even though you might hate me back.

-I . A . M.
Dear M,
I wont forget your abuse. How you screamed at me, held your gun to yourself when I didnt have things to say.
I hate you, I wish you pulled the trigger. You would have done your family and I a favour.
Get fucked

t. R
I need sexy times. I need snugs. I need release.

I need you.
Aaron you fuck, I hate you. I was your gay love and you trahed me and left me for some roastie whore than left in the middle of the night.

I fucking masturbate to your emo gayass posts about how hard your chad life is after you stole that shit. I hope you fucking die, and when you finally kill yourself, I'll finally be happy.

You made me love you to hate you.

I hate you so much now. I hope you rot in hell after the way you continuously treated me for so long. You were an awful boyfriend and you're even more of an awful friend to all the people who care about you, there aren't many because a lot of people have lost hope in you, but if they do care you treat them like shit. Have a fucking lonley life you spergy peice of trash.
I need you, too. I need all of those things, too.
You stopped liking me because I was a Fascist
Well you can come back, I have been reading up on Juche and Nazbol, and I honestly believe you and I could make it work in any country of our choosing. I miss you. Come back.

Then come on over
You come over.
More details on this, please?
Who is this about, Anon? I'm scared.
I got trips and you got nothing.

I win. You know where I live and I don't even know who you are.
Dear Pilots,
I hope to god you didn't pay those cunts at the bowen center anything for "helping" me. They are cunts. C.U.N.T.S.

if you did pay them anything please go back and get your money. They didn't earn it. I'm not saying this because they refused to give me the one medication that actually works for me but because they are worthless cunts. I'm well aware of my issues, ok? I know my faults more than you do, more than them. So why pay someone to give me a hard time about it?

Just be fucking glad that they were women because if a man talks to me the way the fat old one that looks like Gru from despicable me... I would have put a fist in his face.

Ughghg, what an ugly cunt. Both of the ones I talked to.
Fat bitch

Honestly you are a fucking stalker and despite this I don't know your actual name because I don't give a fuck about delusional weird bitches like you. For all the shit that comes out of you someone should tear you a new asshole. Disgusting pig.

Also obesity and ugliness is not sexy for your information you ugly fat cunt.


I miss you. I wish you'd come home to Daddy. I'd take you back in a heartbeat.
you sound butthurt.
Dear P

I do not care about my job and never will, it is merely a platform where I show up, talk shit with my co-workers, fuck off home and get paid for it, I do not care when you say I'm bad at my job as I do not put any effort into it, this job works for me, not the other way around, if you think being a manager of a discount store is something to be proud of you are even more pathetic than I am.

Family I need help. Keep me on your prayers would you?

I'm tired of the intensity of undulations of your emotions.
So I'll be disappointed in you each time.
You are still immature mentally.
Throw such dirty words to me, how much will your mind ease?
You mock me and you don't even realize that I came to you at all .....
I'm really tired of the intensity of undulations of your emotions.
Good friend,

I think I understand what you're getting at. I'm addicted to imageboards. I'll keep my trap shut.

With love,
Interesting, any rappers?
dear not (you)
Dear 4chan,

I have been paranoid and have been responding to people who clearly aren't even writing to me with intense anxiety. I don't know what's been up with my head. Hopefully things will get clearer soon.


Yes, why am I such a cunt?
I'm guessing you were responding to an earlier version of >>34999304. If so, ??? What are you trying to convey?
Why are you calling yourself a cunt?
Scarlet, why are you so closed off, you give me like one word answers, I just wanna talk with you.
Quit with the autism,
You're doing the exact same thing as I was Anon. I'm not Scarlet. I'm sorry.
I want to go back to that time.
At that time, I didn't realize that you would care about me.
At that time, I didn't realize for a while that you care about me.
I wish I hadn't noticed you forever.
A lot of these bands weren't all that popular when I first discovered them. I just don't know many rappers or the songs I found didn't seem to fit the profile. It's not just the songs but the music videos that help me identify the right ones.

Theres quite a few R&B and I even found a few country songs as well. I don't listen to all that much country or rap. There are just so many at this point that I'm starting to feel guilty if I miss an artist or song. Like, they made them all for me and it's like... if I miss theirs I don't want to hurt their feelings or make them think I didn't like it. There are just so many and unless it's very clear it was meant for me I don't add it to the list. There have been so many more where I'm like "Maybeeee this one too?"

There are some that are SUPER on the nose though.

David Bowie is the center of it. His blackstar video
Grouplove has a few songs that are so clearly for me and her as well. For fuck's sake, the singers are dressed up as us in one of the videos. Like, identical to us.
FirefoxAK "heart of mine" is super specific as well.
Garbage - Magnetized is obvious.
Purity Ring's "Begin Again" and "heartsigh"
Chrvches "Leave a trace",
Grimes "Belly of the beat." "World Princess part2" and her new video "Venus Fly"
Linkin Park's new video "heavy"
Austra "Future Politics" video,
Yes Alexander "Fever"
Bat for lashes "Sunday Love"
Unkle "Sick Lollaby"
Daft Punk Weeknd "Starboy"
Lady Gaga's superbowl performance
Goldfrapp "Anymore" Daughter "No Care"

They all share very similar themes both in the lyrics and visually. If you watch those it should be super obvious. They have ALL came out within the last 6 months. They are all from my favorite bands. That is why they were chosen. new songs get added every day... it's crazy seeing bands that haven't came out with new material for years release something new and not only that but it's for me. It's crazy. It's just crazy.

My music tastes are all over the place.
Name of A?
Is it the scarlet from omegle? Why do you want to talk with someone who doesn't show her face and appears to be a cunt herself?
Am I speaking to scarlet right now?
Okay, as much as my autism is kicking in and making me want to respond to everything, I won't because if you re-install KIK and /or unblock me, you're gonna see a message from me.

I'm not sure how long they last so I'll give you the short rundown.
I don't like you, I don't love you.
Hate would be a bit strong since it's not actually that frequently I remember who you even are at this point, but your very existence disgusts me when I am reminded that, you do indeed exist.

I don't give a fuck about you, or your family or whatever else you want to tell me about.
It's just words (words I cannot be fucked to read).

>I . A . M.

Oh god you're such a fucking bitch. (something I remember fondly)
Ismail, if you're going to send letters to me, be a man and do it properly.

I'll be going to sleep soon, but I'm sure you'll check this thread once its archived anyways.

You are nothing to me and will continue to be so.
Fuck off

Jess x
No why would I talk like that about myself?
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Stop being paranoid, bravelet.
That's brutal. That hurt me to read and i'm not even I.A.M.
Stop that paranoia right now, sucka.
You browse this board you browse it with apathy, new rule.
If I'm the Space Cowboy, I know my Julia (MM). I know my Faye(RR).

Who is my Vicious? Who is my rival?
These are Sockpuppet. Other than me.
We're quite close, we were very close at one point
Im sorry for all the pain i cause you. Itd be best if i imposed some sort of self exile until im better and can treat ppl right
I know who you are. Just forget those times. You are (not) alone
What's that supposed to mean?


UM that's cheating A would know who it was if it was A
Dear Loved ones

If I do end up stretched thin, I hope you care for me enough to take my dog into your home. I loved her so.

Sincerely, Chad

Sorry if the other night was too much. It all just kind of flowed and happened so quickly. But at least I got to tell you I love you.

You took her from me but I never even had a chance and here I am still thinking about her. How the fuck do these feelings still exist when she never wanted me? That goes for any girl ive ever liked why am I attracted to girls that never want me back? Just let me be attracted to fat girls or something. Ill be happy i swear but let my attraction to girls who clearly dont want me to stop please.

That you should leave orbit
Not orbiting, we were in a relationship
Dear asian escort I just fucked.

Thanks for the fuckie and the suckie.
I feel pathetic for paying for sex again but thanks.

Where from? I may know you
You can talk to me. Please don't be afraid to do so.
But aren't you orbiting rn?
Who are you? You related to the person?
Chad! Stop stealing everyone's girlfriends (and/or boyfriends)!!!
>>I'll be going to sleep soon, but I'm sure you'll check this thread once its archived anyways.

im still up, so i may aswell reply now.

well you're the jess i know for sure, im glad you're alive and well.

i don't know what else to say, im sorry i had to break it off. i did send you a message on KIK but it never went through.

you have every right to be mad, i never said you didn't. I didn't have any other way of contacting you so i used the board you used frequently. i've stopped browsing this site a while ago, just dropped in cause i felt like letting you know whats happened since 1 month and to know if you're getting on fine too.

yeah i know you still hate me, i didnt exactly expect you to magically fall in love with me.

alright well, i dont have you blocked if you thought that.

anyways, goodnight.
Nope, she's always been like this

I'm just worried about her, she says she aint feelin too good. She never opens up.

She hates me for cheating but she never opens up about it

I am trying very hard to become the person I want to be, and become the person you could see yourself being with. I'm trying every day.

They meant nothing to me. Unless your nickname is JD and her name was Marcy. Her I remember with a decent enough swell in my heart.
She has bpd, what the fuck do you expect?
My use in the past tense of Marcy being misused. She's fine, married a cop.
Are you from Ohio?
Who exactly is this?

Dear Berry,

Holy shit, you stupid fucking cunt, I love you. Even though you casually say the most horrendous shit imaginable, like "I don't need you" or "Don't kill yourself, I'd feel bad. Idk why". I really hope you get into counseling and get yourself under control. Even though I doubt we'll ever talk again.

t. Me
forgot to tag.

You know who you are,

I have a really loving partner, who has been with me through the worst things I have ever had to endure. They are attractive, intelligent, caring, innocent and kind-hearted. They fit and I am so lucky to have this person in my life to help and support everything that I do. I don't deserve them but they don't seem to care about that. They make me feel free and accepted and unconditional, instead of bogged down by numbers and what-ifs and other people.

I probably achieved my number one life time goal this year. I feel on top of the world. I feel so blessed and lucky and perfect and amazing. I feel like my life is finally changing. If you told me years ago that I would become this person I wouldn't have believed you, but I am. I'm so happy. Everything went so right for me.

I work hard and I take care of my people, but I'm still a vindictive cunt at heart. Which is why I wish I could throw this all in your face. After how you doubted me and looked down on me and tormented me. You were always the worst person, at times I was just too young to see it. My grudge is warranted though. I did nothing wrong, which is why I am now over the moon, while you're still nothing but a piece of shit. I wonder how it feels to know that I accomplished more than you did, despite being so much younger? How does it feel knowing that despite your best attempts, everything went according to a normal timeline for me? That despite your best efforts, my hard work prevailed and I came out with everything I could ever want and more?

You're scum. You're shit. You're one of the worst people on the planet. If only everyone who met you knew the things that you have done, the evil that lives in your heart. If my house was on fire and you were in it, I'd let it burn. I hate you and no matter how much time goes on, I'll always hate you and you will always deserve it.
I used to talk with her a bit and heard a lot from others, you're not her first.
No shit shes had other boyfriends, same with me having other girlfriends. I know her inside and out. Don't try and get all salty and tell me she's been fucking around with dudes, or that somehow I'm an orbiter.
Just tell the person everything.
It helps to let shit out.
But she acts the same way with all dudes. She'll probably try to kill herself again as well. Why waste your time on someone who lives far away, Jimmy?
Was I not offensive enough? I was aiming to embarrass them on their precious internet haven that they frequent and maybe they'd kill themselves.

Lol faggot.
Because I actually care about her????
Sorry famalam
If you have to ask, then I'm not who you're thinking of
I wish I could bully you
Who disguised me? Lol
I'm not married.
I'm not a bpd.

People here are crazy ....
Goodbye, cruel world.
I don't love anyone here.
Well then, good luck I guess.
Maybe. Last initial is R.
Hey Dad,

Just wanted to let you know what you're still the reason I have zero social skills beyond the surface-level stuff I learned by imitation. I hope you drink yourself to an early grave on the other side of the continent so I can have the pleasure of seeing your corpse be lowered into the ground where filth like you belongs. It'll be my one vindication before I end up dying alone.

Your biological son, since I no longer consider you family.
no you just sound butthurt.
full name for a?
Who speaks own privacy on 4ch?
People who don't understand social literacy are people other than me.

I will never say the truth here.

It's been around a year. You seem genuinely happy with your new partner and I'm very happy for you. I know the reason we broke up is my communication issues but you really brought me out of my shell. I feel like we could really be something, making films together and talking about insects and weed. Every partner that I've had since you left me I compare to you. Every person I meet I compare to you. You set the bar way too high and I miss you so much. I honestly hope you are happy, not even sarcastically. But if you're ever feeling any hint of doubt or want to give me a second chance, I promise to treasure you. You are a pure angel. I'm fucked up off of Jose Cuervo and crying right now, but even when I'm 100% sober I think about you. I have ever since I met you.

I have a pack of Marbs with your name on them sitting in my car.

I miss you.

Much love,
I cannot hate you, but I want to leave emotionally apart from you any more than physical distance.
dear j
i hope you're doing fine i just wanted to let you know you where right about the problems i had and deep down i think i always knew but was to stupid to change for the better. I've talk to my parents about this and asked for help on the main problems, they tried there best to hold back there tears but failed once they found out what i was going threw and yeah even my dad, he is one though son of a bitch, i didnt think anything could make him cry but i guess i was wrong. i also asked my friends to help me with my brothers death and the fact that his killer could come after me at any moment they said that they would spend each night with me keeping watch to show me i shouldn't be scared of sleeping and that it wasn't my fault he died. my first night i slept the full 8 hours with out waking up once im proud of myself because of that. i still have one thing i have to work on and that is my fear of women. ever since you left the fear has gotten worse but before you left you said i could trust you and you would help me get threw this. i was wondering if that offer was still open because you where the only one i trusted to help me, you may still hate me for that one night but i want you to look in your heart and see if you could forgive me, i want to be normal again and i need your help for this so pls i beg you take me back i promise i will change because ive never been 100% serious about anything but if it means changing for the better so i can be with you then ill give 200% and if that still doesn't work ill give 300% so pls talk to me again i miss you and love you
love j
ps i never once hated you
What the fuck are you trying to say Anon? Lulz
Stuff feels weird without you around. I'm not sure if it's because we were together for so long or what but I still dream about you even though I was miserable with you. Since we split I don't know how to open up to anyone. I don't think I could go a day being sincere about my feelings. I'm living a big joke since I left.
Also, what are you trying to say? People don't make make sense at this hour I suppose.
I meant don't make sense hehe. Neither do I
If you look up information about me in google, they will never be obvious. I am publishing real personal information only in one place.
I feel you on this 100%.

It wasn't always that way for me though.
Actually, I came here for the purpose of studying society, but in reality it was only a waste of time.
I dont even know where to begin. Theres a lot i want to say but at the same time i know its really not worth it
I want to talk to you so badly about what I am feeling right now. Not the crazy conspiracy stuff but about the other thing. It's so much more important to me than anything the world has to throw at me.

I want to be talking to you so badly about this. You are the one I want to be talking to. I want you to be the one to help me face this new world. I want it to be you. I want it to be you...

I have incredibly nice, caring, and loving friends that will help me become a woman you would be proud of. It's going to be incredibly difficult and I will be pushing myself to limits I don't think I can reach. I'm confused and I'm scared.

How I wish it was you with me now. Right now. Talking to me, holding my hand through this.
ur gay

Not really sure what I've come back to. I thought I'd spent enough time to get over you but apparently it only took one night talking to you for my feelings to come back. I'm pretty bummed that this is how i feel.
What happened anon? That sounds like an interesting story.
Dear H

Holy shit haha why do you have to be so nice. I called quits on you a couple days ago and promised to cut on the texting and instead I increased. I can't tell if you like me or not. My understanding of women has always been below so I wouldn't be surprised how that'd affect me in this department. It hurts alot knowing I won't build the courage to ask you out. I'm afraid of the response, both of them that is. I wouldn't know what to do. I hope I can repress these feelings long enough.

Sincerely J
Is there anyway of contacting this person? It's better then bottling it up.
Too good to be true eh? I think I missed my chances with you, and that's my falt I guess, sorry.
I'm fabulous faggot.

now stop hacking my computer please.
actually a very mundane story, but i'm just a genius wordsmith
Share then nigga. If you're a genius wordsmith it'll sound great.
i want to fuck you in a 3some with my gf
please dont hate
wouldnt it be good, you get to enjoy sex again without emotional attachement

please don't kill yourself ;_; I do not want you to die

Okay then what's your name
you sound incredibly pathetic and desperate.

You are so fucking beta it's not even funny. Jesus you are annoying. Take a page out of your Chad friends book. You will never find a girl and I don't wanna be with you.

i feel you

:( wish that boy had the sense to be caring or loving like others

he's not the one
Can I please just neck myself already? I don't want this life I'm going into for your benefit, and everything that's not working towards that been a slog for nearly a decade now, so I'd really like to get off the ride already.

t. T
Ugh why am I like this?
like what anon? Like what?
like a v-i-i-i-ir-gin

I love you, but I don't.

I want to get to know you, but I don't know what to say
rain on your wedding day
a virgin
a rolling stone
a candle in the wind
a diamond
I swear I typed >>35002696 up before seeing that lmao
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Dear K,

I don't have much to say despite my restless thoughts. We used to be such good friends but you had to keep testing the limits of it and now you've broke me and you know it. Any moment not spent talking to is a mix of agony and mental clarity, and every moment spent talking to you is torture to my mind beyond what I can handle. Any stability I have left is episodic it seems and the longer we go without talking the longer these episodes last. I want to keep in contact with you but deep down I know it'll tear me apart if I do, but it may still as well if I don't. My life feels so empty and I just don't know what to do anymore.

Yours Truely, T
I could use like... 20 god damn bjs

Where the fuck are you lady. What is going on? I want to be your woman god damnit.
luckily you are projecting because she writes in actual sentences, unlike you virgin neckbeard friend
oh darlin you just don't know, do ya?
Then you sound like a faggot go kill yourself.
and she doesnt sound american at all thank god
Oh, the faggot part is what she loves the most.

>What is going on?
you are definitely schizophrenic. seek help.
I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess two things:
>1. You're a mod.
>2. You just found nudes.

I could be totally off of the mark though... idk. Many of my guesses have been wrong today lol.

<3 <3 <#
Your voice still makes my pussy wet.
how I could do so so much more.

Kiss me like you kiss your girlfriend.
Honestly after ripping my dick off I care a lot less about the female gender
why would you ever do such a thing anon.
Dear C.A

stop being such a jealous manchild.
i feel terribly sorry for your wife and child for being stuck with you their whole lives.
hope your buissness fails miserably and makes you as pathetic as you made me feel.

with love, A.
also you guys know that I know this board exists just for me right? Like, I know the posts here are the actors or friends or other people having their lives "fixed". Like, I know that you guys pretend to just be "real" posters.

The reason I post in here is to send messages to ya'll. To her but I don't know if she is even alive. I love her, I miss her, I don't know exactly what happened but surely you all can't be dumb enough to think you're fooling me any.

What I don't get is the reason for this. Why are you stalling?

Another is... why do you plant the seeds if you plan on just gaslighting me constantly? is it a test of some kind? Like "Don't let others get you down, believe in yourself dattebayo"

I want to hang out with grimes please. And kitty. You know, with her feb 8th birthday.

Let's get this party started already. I'm lonely, I'm horny, and I'm tired of the games.
Am I supposed to congratulate you now or later?
now please
Congrats, enjoy your relationship
oh shit trip doubles
well when does it start?
Search for angel dreams on youtube or flexible yoga angel dreams is in Japanese as in the actors
I meant new lunar my bad
I don't want her to be dead. If she just didn't want to be with me that would hurt but I could move on but I don't want her to be dead or dying. That's too much to take for me alone. I don't want that no.
Who knows? Not my business, after all
fuck you

Fuck all of you. Stop doing this to me. Stop it please.
Dear D

No matter how many times we fight and you cry and you try to convince me, I still don't want to live with you and I don't want to date you. I don't want to bring it up because it still makes me feel bad but now I'm feeling like I'm stuck in a situation I'm not happy with, and the outcome is bad either way. I would like if we could talk about it without hysteria and claiming you'll be homeless if I don't date you. You came here to take a decent-paying job. I told you before you even came over that I was hesitant about living together and so with all of this coersion it just feels like you're trying to weasel your way into controlling my life, and I feel bad for thinking I was helping you when you tell me I'm using you.

Half hoping you read this, half hoping you don't...

>To Whoever/All/Anime waifu god who awaits me in the next life.

I just want to say thank you for corrupting me for giving me the power to see the past to see bits of who i was
to see that i have lived many times and many lives done many things i hope to see you again whoever you are
where ever you may be i know now that you are always watching What will your next move be i wonder?
what surprises await me when my time comes will you again send your agents?
Well whatever you have in store i know it will be grand.
J and whoever else I can't be fucked to list,

All right, can the vague shit end? Like can you guys sort your shit out so it stops affecting other people? I did my part removing myself from the whole drama years ago now, go get the ending you want from it all so that you can have a happy-ever-after
Jesus fucking christ if you assholes did this to her ex as well. NO WONDER THE GUY LOST HIS SHIT AND KILLED ALL THOSE PEOPLE.

You are fucking torturing me. You are pushing the human spirit to the fucking limits. You want me to break. You want me to do the same shit because you fucking pieces of shit get off to hurting people.

I'm unbreakable. Unstoppable. Invincible.

I'll show you who is worthy.


Do you even fucking have any clue?
Can the paranoid shitter who usually talks about getting hacked not reply to every letter here? Thanks
suck my dick faggot

suck it long and hard.
not every letter is for you
yea, they are and you know they are too.

Go fuck yourself.
im sorry. I wish i knew why you're still on my mind as much as you fucking are. I never got to tell you how happy & proud of you for getting into that school. I mean, I sure as fuck couldn't get into a school that prestigious (could maybe, but it'd be taking the easy way out which i refuse to lol). All I've been is hateful towards you, with little instances of me not here & there. I still remember all the happy memories we shared & im glad it happened. What I really want is just an apology. Maybe not even an apology, just an acknowledgement of the shitty things that YOU HAVE IN FACT DONE. Not saying I haven't either, because god knows I have. I don't want to think about you with anger & hostility. I want to genuinely think of you in positives, but you're making it hard. That's what I wanted when I called. Not to scream & yell (my paranoid ass probably misread or got tricked) but oh well. Best regards
PROTIP: I only use ampersands when reaching the 2000 character limit. Shit studying of my typing style but C+ for effort.

I love you.

off yourself you stupid schizo piece of shit holy fuck
God I love you so much.
Dear Tyke/Theo

I'm truly sorry for everything that has happened between us. I miss our drunken gaming/movie sessions and how we always had words of wisdom/brotherly bonds for each other through the worst situations. Hopefully one day we can reconnect and be friends again. I miss the old Scooby gang and the shenanigans we'd get into.

t. J

Where the fuck did you go? Come back, you're literally my only friend.

And A message me first you stupid bitch I've done it every other time.


Forgot to add the theme for this

I know exactly who this is.

So does she.

You're super pathetic man. You're so easily spotted. You're far too stupid to pull off what you're trying to.

You're embarrassing yourself you twinkie faggot. Yes, a future trans-woman is calling you a faggot.
Dear Anon who probably knows me irl:

I'm one of the least vague people on here. I can be clearly identified in every letter I wrote. Tf are you talking about?


not every response is a letter, but I can be identified in important comment chains too
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what is it like to be as dumb or dumber than a bag of rocks

i don't know you, and if you are this crazy you need to seek psychiatric help. good luck on your transition though, it's very brave to go through with it
>want to write letter to crush I've been acquainted to for 2 years
>realize writing any kind of letter would turn her off
>don't write letter

Fuck, why is the window of opportunity so god damn short

Me venting? Holy fuck you're a dumbass. Don't try and put motives to things that arent there numbnuts
Yup, exactly who I thought.

Double down faggot and keep trying. Sorry I ruined your pathetic life. I wasn't even trying to but I somehow managed to. That's how incredibly pathetic you are. Just the thinnest of threads.

The best part is I know that when this is over, whenever it's over, I will have the world at my fingertips. Until then all I have to do is do what I do best. Endure. Endure the existence of pathetic shit-trash people like you.
Just curious: what is this guy trying to do? Lol.
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buugaagta waa wanaagsan oo i iyaga ku raaxaystaan. Magacaygu waa iyo waxaan jecel akhriska nigger kor ii dhuftay haddii aad rabto inaad la hadasho mararka
Waan ogahay jirto masaafada inoo dhexeeya annaga weyn, laakiin waa iska caadi. sidaa darteed waxaan u maleynayaa in waxa i dhab ahaan doonayaan in la yidhaahdo waa i aad jeceshahay iyo sii on your wax samaynaya
waxaa laga yaabaa in maalin maalmaha ka mid aan la kulmi doonaa oo la hadal
Laakiinse bal yaa og yahay
you need to get help

I hope I'm not being too clingy. I don't want to drive you away but I can't stop thinking about you. You gave me a kiss goodnight, maybe that means something. I hope you want to go on a third date with me. If not and you want to cut things off, then I'm not going to forgive myself for a while.

- B.
to whom it may concern
ayyy i hope it good my g long time no see
dearest, friend
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Dear all 28 year olds,
How fucked are we?
Thank you for this simple, beautiful letter amongst all of this bullshit.

Breath of fresh air.
why is she going to be dead?

i really liked you, i wish i could see your smile again.

Dear A,

I hate to admit this but I still love you, even though realistically I know you're just a nasty whore and a part of me wishes you didn't exist.

- J
Fuck both of you. I know you're online R, and that you're just avoiding me. As for you A, there's no way in hell that you're NOT playing Trove and Brawlhalla together, I know you fucks are playing together. Fuck you R, ditch one brown boy and move on to the next. I hope you guys date and A's heart gets broken.Everything's just in a perfect place for you now, huh? Everything's fucking convenient. I hope you get your heart broken too, and know what it feels like to be on the other end of the spectrum.
I am the writer of

Don't get confused
We have the same initials but I don't think we know each other.
I hope d gets cancer of the asshole and dies in his garage.
Neat, didn't even notice. Nah, I don't think either of them go on 4chan.

Weird though, yours bummed me a bit because of the initials.

To be fair I had to double take on yours, I think theres another one further up the thread that's also the same initials. Might have been you too though
You mean this one? >>34987483
If so, then yeah that's me too.
Although I wish yours was actually her.

To >>35000870
No, sorry.
How long have you been doing it? Then I guess I should stop now
Faggot it's now or never
Aaayy tsup? Are u E?

I miss you.

dearest rose, while we may never get to gas hipsters under our tyrannical hegemony, let it be known i think you're a sweet girl, and hope one day we meet in a higher level of irony

No worries im alright. I couldn't find the rope so i just drank all night and painted.

dear s,

no matter how i acted last time we talked, i really do miss you. i'm too stubborn, otherwise i would have messaged you by now

Yes, i have X's number and we actually still talk sometimes. I just don't know how to start a conversation that could easily ruin the only real friendship I've had in years.

You really are quite beautiful and I fancy you a bit, to be honest.

I'm only responding to this because you told me to.
Luna <3
Trump, ur about to get DUMPED
i wouldn't waste my time with scarlet either shes a bitch and a liar

hey taylor u a crazy ho

t. ya boy
Are you a R thats from Ohio?
Haha please delete this
>Are you a R thats from Ohio?
If this is s please message me
Pathetic desu originally
To whom it may concern
This is goodbye. Ive written this note so many times. But this time, nothing is going to stop me. I've lived a fucked up life. But then who hasn't? Some people just aren't built to stay. And I've realized(long ago) than I'm one of those people. The noose is in my lap. Im ready to go now. I wrote another note in my little sketchbook. I wrote many there. So this is the end, my friends. I welcome the serene nothingness or whatever comes next. I embrace the unknown as it'll do the same to me.

Drag me to hell or oblivion, this is it
The thing that could not be
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Hey anon

We have not spoken in a while, maybe that is a good thing? I miss you but I know we can't talk. You won't, I won't. We always used to talk about this sort of thing, completely honest and open to one another. My best friend. I just wanted to tell you how I've changed, maybe not alot but enough to see a brighter future. It all started with you. You gave me the confidence and courage and you made me aware of the things I hid away. The parts of me I only revealed to you.
I am doing things, I leave my room now. I even met a girl. Maybe it was just a New Years' fling but when we kissed and spent the rest of the night to the tones of our favorite music in the corner of the room filled with hopeless drunkards I felt something I have not felt in years. I was so happy and content, I would relive that night every night with her. That was nearly two months ago. It has been the best and worst time of my life. Love is a curse and a blessing. I am so hopelessly in love with her, but Im afraid it is because no one has ever showed interest in me, and so I immediately fall. I am doing my best to keep social and interesting, we talked alot first but it has faded with time and I fear she has given up on me. maybe it just wasn't meant to be? I am devastated but I've never been happier. My grades are crashing, I have no plan for the future and I don't know where I am going, But I've stopped caring. Life may never be sunshine and rainbows and if it were it would be pretty pathetic. Im sorry for rambling.
I miss you, and don't give up. It gets better, but only if you try.
ripperino bambino
Dear R:

I'm sorry about everything, and that you keep getting hurt--either by my mistakes or your own mind. I wish you would have had a little bit more faith in me and not assumed that I ever tried to do anything like those things. I miss being able to talk to you without any baggage.

I would do anything that you asked of me, if you're still reading and it matters to you.

I can't. I'm a mommy now.
If you arent s just leave me alone
What The Raveonettes song do you like?

I miss you. Everything. I miss us making love. I miss us fighting and your strong hands around my throat, having my life and death in your hands, literally. I miss being completely under your black magic spell. You're not a bad person, you're the best man I have ever met. I have done so many mistakes because of my own fears and weaknesses and now I don't know what to do without you. I know I have lost you and there is things I have done which I can't take back, but please, if you care to talk you know where to find me.
I don't want to do this alone.

cancer, suicide, I don't know. The song you guys put in my head is about an angel so I got the worst kind of thoughts that she was dying or dead.

Again, why do people think I would ever hurt someone? Why? I'm the most gentle person in the world. I just want to love.
nverlnd, where are you wild horses, and forget that you're young. (this one is older though)
Sorry I didn't respond to your messages right away, or sometimes didn't respond at all. I know it was a jerk thing to do, but honestly I'm horrible at conversation and tend to just not say anything if I have nothing to say. It's a good decision to not be my friend anymore and it's definitely my fault not yours that it is this way.
Which one is trump?

Am I hillary?
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No I'm not, sorry

original famalams

I need a sign.
What sign do you need, Anon?
That this is going to be over soon and I'm going to get the truth.

The truth about what I am, who I am, and where is my home.
hahaha last initials for J and A please so I can see if this is about me
It's not, the A I'm writing to would be asleep by now
That's a lot. You sure one sign can cover that? Haha. Can you further clarify on these:
>that this is going to be over soon
>where is my home
Seriously guys am I really THAT weird? So weird that I became a world wide meme?

well I'm just looking for a date. I know the sign I'm looking for. I'm waiting for the blue to tell me to follow them.

I just don't know when it's going to happen and I want it to happen ASAP. I'm ready. No one has ever been this ready before.
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You can follow me any day.
who is the R and who is the J

You think Jesus frequented /r9k/?
I am jesus though. How could I follow myself?
If I've written you many times recently in a similar format, then you're probably R. If not, then you're not.
Oh yes I did.

I am multitudes and you are too.
is R an autist? Autists might not always notice or check these threads tbqh. I'm probably not the R you're looking for.
>implying jesus would attentionwhore
he's more noble than that
Who is the J that you're looking for?
weewwww going through some of that sweet sweet effexor withdrawals. Fuck my assholeeeee.

Sweating, nauseous, dizzy, headache, so nauseous, lagging, and the fucking brain zaps. ZAP ZAP ZAP ZAP ZAP ZAP
I wouldn't say looking for but I've been out of contact with said J for many months now - Since late June 2016

Why can't you just message me for fucks sake? I thought I finally had a girl that liked me and now you're just gone. Don't get someone emotionally invested then just leave.

Yeah I'm not who you're thinking of because I was in contact with R very recently.
Okay D,

I promised you something. I'll stick to it. I'm sorry for the things I have caused. You won't need to worry about it again, there's no way I can not get it right this time.
I wish I could say goodbye in person because I really, really miss you and wish I could run my fingers through your hair a last time.

I love you
God I cannot wait until I beCome a lady. I'm totes going to be the prettiest goth princess ever. Its crazy how happy and excIted I get at that thought. Even just my friend referring to me as "girl" makes my heart beat more pure. I never thought ever this would make me so hopeful. It even helps me forget about all the current insanity In my life.

I wish she was around to share tHis with me. The fun sexy things we would do...
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dear C
This is a first for me to post on this board, i don't know how often you browse it but in the off-chance that you see this i wanted to tell you a few things. first off you were a wonderful person, i felt like i could relate to you on many levels. you weren't a burden to me and i didn't care how messed up you were or if you were trying to save me from yourself, i just wanted to be part of your life regardless of how many emotional scars you had, i wish you didn't have to decide what was best for me on my behalf, you didn't realize it but you were the best and now that you're gone i have nothing. i wish i could have helped you and i wish we could have talked and played more i was really looking forward to finishing our eu4 game together, i hope one day you unblock me and i hope one day we could become close again. if one day you decide you want to be friends with me again just send me an invite i'll always gladly accept you with open arms
with love

Dear A,

I wonder if you lurk this board. If so: add me back. 949

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OR was this supposed to be interpreted as:
>the blue to tell me to follow them

If so, pic related is happy to have you--though, you'll have to follow her father, too. lulz
To my friends,
Sometimes, I think that you all bring me down. There's a lot to be said about the effect of the company you keep and I think that only associating with people like you is making me worse. I know in my heart of hearts I'm just shifting the blame, but I really hate you all sometimes. I can't stand you. But I have no one else but you three, and for all your faults, I'm no better. I guess we'll all just be failures together.
Dear I
Thank you for showing me, for however short a time, what love was like. I'm sorry I didn't see it in front of my eyes.
good luck anon, that shit really sucks. did you try to taper off or just cold turkey?
Dear anon,
Good for you..
I fucked up, it's probably not you, well I was to afraid and cowardly, I dropped out. I hope to get a job and may be go back? If not I'll think of something..
Good luck in life..

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