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This girl's a Syrian refugee. And you louts want to ban

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This girl's a Syrian refugee.

And you louts want to ban them from entering the country...
Okay fine, we'll take the qt grils but rest are out
I don't
and she is 13... you dirty sad fucking pedo cunt
What? Just because I let them in, doesn't mean I'll get a chance with them.

She is 19 you fucking retard. Competed in the Olympics, even. Her name is Yusra Mardini.
Fucking kill yourself normie retard dumbass.
Really? Jesus Christ, my girlfriend is twenty-five and looks younger than her...
i wanna ban that ugly ass fag sitting next to her
Sometimes I seriously have to check the URL to make sure I'm not on /pol/.
Anybody else do this?
I've never browsed /pol/ so but I can always spot their b8 bretty quick.
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>tfw you'll never take the tube home from work on a rainy late October Friday evening, feeling mildly numb and full of ennui; "but it's ok, things could be worse" you say to yourself as you step out of your tube station, opening up your umbrella and taking a moment to stare at the hazy street lamps, random shops and tail-lights reflecting on the rainy streets; taking a moment to look at your watch, it's 6:07 pm, so you start walking to your flat, stopping on the way to your corner chip shop, the Ocean Fish Bars. you get the usual, large chips to share and two medium cods and scampi, picking up a can of Old Jamaica ginger root beer and an Irn Bru, you go out, saying cheers to Jermaine, he's a good lad even though he's missing two teeth from back in Nigeria. you keep walking home, misty rain in your face but it's ok, because soon you're home and you'll unlock the door and your qt christian refugee gf runs and jumps in your arms, dressed in your burgundy hoodie, kissing you and almost not letting you say hi to her, she's noticing you got some takeaway she gets even happier, she was just about to text you that. she's chipper, having just finished a long assignment for her class. you have your fish and chips while you watch some Inbetweeners episodes and doing shit jokes about #bants and cheeky nandos. after that you dim the lights, put on a record she picked a while ago from a shop run by a and old hippie, lying on the floor, rain hitting the windows. the record ends and she draws a bath for the two of you. you enjoy your bath, looking hazy-eyed at eachother, faint smiles, resting your chin on her left foot, thinking that you've done this before, and yet, you're overwhelmed by a state of pure bliss and you realise, you're finally at peace with yourself. suddenly she breaks the 20 minutes long silence, saying the same thing.
>I know your economy isn't doing well and you've got plenty of homeless and poor to feed
>but this refugee is cute, what's wrong, are you gay? Are you not a real man? Are you beta, cluck cluck?

Ironically, this tactic makes even the most fanatic of the altright betray their ideals. Usually with excuses as "h-heh, w-we'll cuck them b-bros"
She is not Christian.
I want to ban OP when he should be posting on /pol/. What's the matter, too much of a pussy to do it?
>altright cucks
>having ideals

good one anon.
She may be qt and everything will be good,until you go over to her house and she's roasting a fucking goat in her living room.
If all the refugees were cute 20something girls I'd support shipping them in by the thousands
But they aren't, most are hairy brown 20-30yo male terrorists who rape and steal
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>everything is good until something good happenss
Some Syrians are Christian.

Those may enter.
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