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>apply for job >nail interview >complete and pass tests

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>apply for job
>nail interview
>complete and pass tests
>nail second interview

and provide 2 references from previous employers.
Just give them 2 people you have mowed lawns for, baby sat for. Hell give them 2 relatives with different last names. All they really ask them is how they know you (which they can easily lie about) and if you were a good worker (which again, they can lie about)
I'm pretty much fucked.
I've always wondered about this. What would happen if I say I have no references? I mean, they cannot just assume that everyone has worked before. What if the job you apply to is your first job? What do I say?

t. someone who has only mowed the lawn for dad and still haven't worked a single day in his life.
I said i had no references and they got so bitchy and pissy and were like okay the interview is over and then I said, " i have just been really focused on school and studying, I dont have any references because this is my first job"(im 21)" and he said well thats a good excuse okay can you start tmrw? I now have a job :)
>got so bitchy and pissy
Lmao, what the fuck?

Who do these people think you are? It's like they expect you to have conquered a land and been crowned king just to work their shitty 9 - 5 low income job. I just want a basic shitty job so I can survive and have enough money for rent and other expenses.

Did you lie or did you speak the truth? I cannot lie to people and keep a straight face, only if I know them really well. Anyways, nice that you got the job.
I cant lie its against my morals, I just told the truth and tried to seem like a good worker

For most people they will get hired because of friends or they are charasmatic but for people who just want to work and not he expected to form a whole social group there its harder, even if we had what we needed to work there theyd rather hire a fun retard than a hard working robot.
>apply for unpaid legal assistant internship with public defender's office
>wait weeks just to get interview
>interviewer just rips into me and starts bringing up requirements that weren't even mentioned on the job posting.
>Mentions I have no previous internship experience even though I have done various McJobs for years.
>Thinking to myself "WTF, it is an entry level unpaid internship?"
>interviewer basically just convinces me Im a piece of shit and not worthy.
>I just sort of melt even though I try to defend myself
>I can probably take notes Mr. Interviewer, I mean I had to do that to get through college, and I graduated with honors.
>Even though I explained I was interested in the internship because I wanted to see what working in the legal field was like in my introduction and cover letter, the Interviewer just concludes interview by telling me I don't seem to passionate enough.

fast forward to today . . .

>Have interview for loss prevention job at department store nearby

Catching thieving degenerate and building cases against them sounds more fun than defending them even if it doesn't advance my career as much.
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