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"Behold, a deity stronger than I; who coming, shall rule

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"Behold, a deity stronger than I; who coming, shall rule over me." ~Dante Alighieri on his beloved Beatrice (excerpt taken from La Vita Nuova).

/r9k/, I am conflicted. The reason for my visit to this God-forsaken shithole of a board is desperation. I come seeking help and guidance from people who I view as sick and degenerate because I cannot think of anyone's advice who I would rather hear at such a dire time in my life. You see, the only thing separating me and the zeitgeist of this board is a thin veneer of idealism.

On one hand, I am a Romantic. On the other hand, I am a Misogynist.

I am a Romantic in the traditional sense of the word. One might even call me "lovesick." I have become stricken with an affliction that causes me feelings of pleasure and pain, manic euphoria and depression. This affliction is Romance. We all know this affliction by name name but few of us know what it actually is. I felt it at a very young age when I yet knew what it was. As a tween, I mistook it for what my sick culture taught me it was, "BDSM" or more precisely, femdom. What a stupid fucking meme! I never really embraced that however, finding most if it to be absolutely sickening. I am glad to have grown out of it early in my teens, otherwise I may be writing to you all today as a literal cuck.
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"Women often take unreasonable whims into their head. Never mind; put up with all her insults; never mind if she kicks you even; kiss her dainty feet." ~Ovid (excerpt taken from The Art of Love, Book II).

It has at different times been called domnei, gyneolatry, suprasensualism, romance and courtly love (the latter from which we get the words "romantic" and "courtship" respectively). Everyone from Sufi Poets and Arab Mystics to Medieval Poets, Minstrels and Playwrites have been enamored with the emotion I am describing. It goes far beyond lust or mere animalistic fervor we see in niggerfolk. This feeling is at once both spiritual and physical. Experiencing it frequently, I can only compare it to the times I have dropped ecstasy at some stupid parties. But that does not do it justice. It is an indescribable feeling of elation and joy that results from the pedestalisation of women at the expense of one's own wellbeing or pleasure. It is a Knight's self-sacrificing devotion and love for his Lady, which partially only ever existed in fantasy. It is the reason so many men kill themselves, kneel before women and offer them diamonds, and even become fascinated with the freaky-deaky things I mentioned earlier. Religion at times has been able to suppress this, but they all failed in the end. The Cult of Mary, the idolisation of the Virgin Mary, mother of God, is this Triumph of the Divine Feminine over Christianity that has lead many to decry that Catholicism is Pagan. For we even see this pedestalisation of women in Pagan myth, for instance the mother Goddess. Gaia begat every single god and goddess in the Greek Pantheon. It seems that this weird courting mechanism that springs from biology is inextricably linked to religion, it is literally the worship of cunt. I used to think this was an affliction of whites, but after reading the poetry of Muslims and seeing how much black dudes obsess over their ability to please women ("MAH DICK!"), I see I was wrong.
"Being your slave, what should I do but tend
Upon the hours and times of your desire?
I have no precious time at all to spend,
Nor services to do, till you require.
Nor dare I chide the world-without-end hour
Whilst I, my sovereign, watch the clock for you,
Nor think the bitterness of absence sour
When you have bid your servant once adieu;
Nor dare I question with my jealous thought
Where you may be, or your affairs suppose,
But, like a sad slave, stay and think of nought
Save, where you are how happy you make those.
So true a fool is love that in your will,
Though you do any thing, he thinks no ill. ~ Shakespeare (excerpt taken from Sonnet 57).

So now you know why I am a Romantic, a hopeless one at that, and what that means in the context I am applying it in. Why I am a Misogynist is an even sadder story.

I was a virgin right up until the ripe old age of 20. I never had any trouble making male friends but I never really knew how to advance with my female friends to the next level. I see now that I was an idiot for having female friends at all. With all my pathologies and frustrations, I began reading PUA blogs and spending time on plebbit, specifically /r/theredpill. The things I read there OUTRAGED me. I was so fucking angry and upset, I did NOT want to believe any of those things were true. I went out of my way to construct a fantasy world where reality agreed with my opinions, but it was hopeless. Being an observant person, generally in-tune with the feelings and thoughts of other people, I knew what those angry misognyists were saying was true. How true, I was still yet to know.
Accepting bits and pieces of Red Pill "philosophy" and melding it with my own philosophy, I was able to snag my first LTR last year. Last year, I was still a traditionalist (AKA, I'm the leader but I am benevolent and I do it for the woman's well-being. Basically a trad-dad.) This is how I was able to reconcile the Red Pill with my carnal wants and needs (lots of men do this, guys into Christianity call it being a "Servant-Leader.") Naturally, I ignored all advice saying that you need to be rough and aggressive, but I had already sort of accepted from a young age that the man is the one who initiates because women are coy and lazy.

I have some bizarre sexual hangups. That is why I refused to be the "dominator." It makes me feel sick. Even getting blowjobs, I feel absolutely terrible. I prefer giving to receiving in a ratio of about 5:1. In no way am I ashamed of my body, I even have a pretty sizable cock (6"x5", ;) ), but I just feel weird receiving without giving something. Ever noticed your GF always prefers to suck your dick than to have you eat her out? I know all the reasons why. I obsess about this...

I obsess about it so much that I began to fear if those reasons would be activated within my LTR. I made sure to go out of my way to keep her satisfied and prevent that from happening. I am masculine in many ways and generally just fun to be around, so she was quite attracted to me. I was able to please her for a long time, something I am very happy about, but this nagging feeling of unease that something bad was going to happen would not leave me. It's like she was missing something very dear to her, and knowing the nature of women, I feared what that could be.
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About 5 hours ago, that suspicion I had was confirmed. I was over her building, upstairs in her dorm room, and she tells me she has a surprise for me. A surprise? I'm so eager to find out what it is... She pulls out this black box, and at this point my heart's racing. Opening the box, she pulls out a pink collar. "I KNOW WHAT THIS IS!" I'm thinking to myself. I'm breathing heavily and sweating like a madman. Biting her lower lip, she tells me she wants to try something called "kitten roleplay." It was at this point I just walked out of her room, amidst all her questioning, "Anon? Anon, where are you going?!" If I had a gun I probably would have shot both of us. I would have preferred the surprise be that she has a dick, or that she was railed by 10 black guys at once. I don't even know what the fuck to say to this "surprise."

Now I'm in my room. I stare at the wall for an hour. She calls me non-stop. I don't even know what to feel, much less what to think. I don't feel like crying, but I feel.., different. I feel not love, just sick. I've spent about an hour writing this shit just to feel less awful. Pretty sure she came by my building 20--30 minutes ago. I hope someone can get something out this HUGE, LENGTHY blogpost, if anyone even reads all this garbage (I'm writing for myself). If I had a message for the guy who's finished this, it's "Don't love." It's not worth it.
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What the fuck did I just read
Why are you so mad? What is it about the kitten roleplay that set you off?
I agree with you that love is a meme btw, fuck women
There is no evidence-based reasoning for love.

Love is a social construct.

Thank you for reminding me to call my Tinder XX chromosome date. I intend on lecturing to her about evidence-based reasoning of mammalian reproduction and showing her posterboards of statistical models of declining birth rates. I suggest you make haste and create a 36 page questionnaire to filter out non-Beatrices. It is the only scientifically valid instrument available.
I'm going to respond to this like it isn't bait, for whatever reason.

There's no incompatibility between romanticism (which, from what you've described seems less like the classical usage of the term and more like the modern, with a focus on romantic love. You've just ratcheted it up to a pathological degree.) and misogyny. In fact I'd regard them as two sides to the same coin. The root issue here is that you don't see women as people like you, but as some other separate class of being.

The real root cause here is that you're just immature. This bizarre screed you've (maybe) written is proof of that. As you grow older you'll hopefully outgrow typing this kind of bizarre shit. As that process moves along you will naturally reach the point that you start treating the other sex as people just like you.
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>As you grow older you'll hopefully outgrow typing this kind of bizarre shit.
DUDE, I don't even know what the fuck to feel right now. My first relationship just crashed and burned and I fucked my frame up by walking away like an autist. I couldn't handle it.

And it will go away??? Tell that to Slave Ray! This fuck's much worse than me and he's much older!

You don't get it.
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I said hopefully. When you say things like "I fucked my frame up" it doesn't look good for you.

What's the end game here? Is this funny to you?
Buddy, it definitely isn't good for me.

The reason I wrote this bizarre manifesto is because I feel like shit right now and I just wanted a little compassion.
>I never really knew how to advance with my female friends to the next level.

straight outta the aspies mouth
I appreciated your post
Just thinking the same thing, its good though none the less

Someone is actually putting effort into their posts and its not just another degenerate trap thread
Thanks, friends. It's late here and I can't sleep. It's good to know I'm not completely alone in my thought.
/r9k/ at night

The real god hour.. between the hours of 1-3, when the cyborgs unplug themselves from their rituals
It makes sense that women can enslave men, their only purpose is to attract a mate, and if that mate decides to stimulate these feelings in the male, the natural response would be unconditional love.
I mean the natural man expects to have to fight for a woman's attention ( and womb), so when a woman gives attention back, the man basically has no recourse other than slavery because he doesnt know how to deal with this evolutionarily
The big difference though,

Is for the most part we are able to actually take note of that and intellectualize it, which it does make us smarter to a degree

But notice that women still have the upper hand, they don't think about it nearly as much its just in their wiring.. there are upsides and downsides to this on both sides

Women will always be slaves to their programming, but once men come to understand how they work.. they cant work with it instead of it working against them..

Women will always be fucked.
can work with it instead of it working against them

Women always have the upperhand in the beginning, but we continue to learn

They sort of stop at 18.. we get the upper hand over them later in life.

But this was natures design, it is the optimal method of reproduction and it actually ensures it.
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what the fuck is this? i just had some sort of out of body experience reading this. i was listening to this song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OViCo2yTf7Y

you have a bad feel indeed here op. what are you going to do in the morning?
This programming is meant to ensure the best possible life for her children

women always have the inherent disability of having to gestate children

This results in them "cheating" socially to make sure they are the most secure as possible when making these precious children (which is understandable),
It is the responsibility of men to make it clear that you can support a family under any circumstance
Now this inevitably leads to divorce questions ,in which I say the woman gets nothing (instead of maybe basic welfare for food and shelter for human beings) (The government legally enforcing incentives to break up families)
>claims to be a romantic.

Beatrice is the figure of the spiritual guide, and take a specific symbolic role that is the feminine spiritual guide, that led and inspire the warrior and the poet through his explorer through his destiny. She have the role of a desexualize inspiror, in the same way feminine oracles led the policies of the city through divination in Ancient Greece. It's mostly the archeytpe of the feminine.

While the Holy Virgin, mother of god led the maternal role, she is litteraly the mother of God, so the mother of all mankind. Hence the phrases of Jesus to Joan on the cross " She is your mother now ". She is the archetype of maternal love and protection.

In the same way, you have a lot of little " mary " through european history, figure of feminine maternal protection, Joan of Arc, symbol of the french nation, of the glorious feminity who take arms and die for saving France, who drove the english out of France. Isabella of Spain, who led the Reconquista and put the muslims out of Andalusia. And the more generally the feminine warrior-saints of christian and pagan european times.

Medieval Poets and Ministrels deals with an other archetype, it's more the feminity in its distress, the little girl, without defense that need to be protected by the pious warrior. It's for that that in Chretien de Troyes, for instance, Perceval or Yvain always fall on damsels in distress, crying in the woods for help. They are the figure of the little girls without defense that need help from you.

They are three different archetypes, the sacred mother, the sacred inspirator, and the sacred young girl. Respectively to be protected, to advance into life, and to protect. Don't confuse the three and explain them with turbo red-pills that consist of seeing a pseudo biological need to submit to women.

This isn't the case at all, but MGTOW doesn't understand anything at history, religion, or relationships between man and women in general so ...
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>you start treating the other sex as people just like you.

Cucks shouldn't give relationship advice.
Stop talking out of your ass, WikiHow.

Oracle of Apollo. Wrong, wrong, wrong on Beatrice and the rest. Are you fucking up history on purpose? Memes?
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I'm not reading this fucking shit. I just looked up some stuff on google about this kittne roleplaying stuff (I had heard of it before ) and I got absolutely livid

I punched some holes i the plaster wall of my campus housing (i didnt even try to punch that hard wtf its literally paper) which im renting and this stupid fuck next door starts yelling so yell at him to SHUT THE FUCK UP CUNT and now he says hes going to call the police

Im definitely not going to bed now
>This isn't the case at all, but MGTOW doesn't understand anything at history, religion, or relationships between man and women in general so ...

Neither do cucks.
Beatrice was an actual woman (well, girl) Dante knew, and he wrote about her way before he wrote the Divine Comedy.

It's hilarious how in this day and age tools like you still value anglo academia.
guys im all sweaty and im starting to feel giddy lol

life aint so bad

hope the cops come so i can fight them

Did read the divine comedia ? This is litteraly, as Guenon perfectly exposed it, an initiatic myth, going through hell, and escaping hell, climbing on Satan to go to the purgatory and then finally heaven following the voices of Beatrice. Of course she have that role of the divine inspirator in his works, wether Beatrice or not was a real person isn't relevant because you clearly can't reduce her to a mere sexual/erotic symbol, she have clearly the role of the initiatic truth, and that role was already taken by the oracles.

And if you want to deny that the Holy Virgin doesn't symbolise a maternal role, good luck on that. The rosary and the prayers litteraly begin by a " My mother ". Same way with Joan of Arc, who is called " Mother of France " here.

Again, those three types of figures symbolize the three steps of life trough feminity, the protection of the mother, the initiation and the begining of life and then the love towards the young girl, the need to protect.

And no, I don't take anglo academia seriously, for the simple reason that it's mostly an analytic philosophy /reduction to biology and materialism tradition that didn't produce anything good the last century in terms of human science.

But what about you giving some counter-arguments, instead of screaming " wrong wrong wrong ".
>Did read the divine comedia ?
Did english no learn, yes?
Fuck off.
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One last post. I need sleep and I'm gonna have to patch up these holes soon.

I'm familiar with the traditional explanations for this phenomenon of men pedestalising women. The interpretation I ascribe to is the one Paul Elam frequently writes about, which is that either through culture or biology, men have been lead to basically worship women in what culminates as this sort of proto-femdom.

If you think I'm full of shit, look up the Weibermacht. The traditional explanation for that is that it's a warning against giving women power. But you take one look at this illustration of Phyllis riding Aristotle and tell me what you ACTUALLY see. Then keep in mind how many Catholics devote an inordinate amount of worship to Mary, kissing her statues' feet as a divine religious rite. All these illustrations of the same image are not coincidental, they represent something innate, either culturally or biologically (or both, most likely)
Do you think that mentioning that I forget a "you", and more generally that my english isn't perfect is enough to dismiss my arguments ? What kind of retard are you ?
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>Do you think that mentioning that I forget a "you", and more generally that my english isn't perfect is enough to dismiss my arguments ?

No, I think the fact that you don't even know that the title is either "Divine Comedy" in english or "Divina Commedia" in italian speaks volume about how much full of shit you are. And that's just the first 5 words of your post.
Go away.
I think that reducing everything to sex is a bad tendency that began with, in philosophy Schopenhauer and Freudian psychology isn't very much coherent for a lot of reasons.

First, there is a lack of coherance in that explanation for the simple reasons that the concept is too vague and contain too much various elements to be really convicing. See for instance, that the catholic devotion for Mary as nothing to do with the medieval love described by the medieval authors, or even the role of beatrice. You can see in the adjectives used for instance, the sweetest, the purity, tenderness are often terms that are used to describe Mary and evoke the maternal role. While for instance, Beatrice is evoke in terms of knoweldge, of power, of vision in Dante's works. While the womens of the medieval authors, in the quest of the graal for instance are described by their vulnerability. To enter those three different archetypes and relationships to women in the same " crypto-sexual submission to women " isn't coherent. But let's take another detail that must show you that it isn't the case, if the Marial cult was really what you pretend it should touch the people that are generally tend more to submit to women. While it touch Italians, Greeks, Spanish people, who are, compared to northern europeans, more into a machist-attitude of contempt towards regular women and of love for the mother.

But I can't convice you in one post anyway, try to read D. de Rougemont " Love and the West ", some of Guenon's works on the subject for a beggining, you shouldn't reduce it all to a biological/cultural need for femdom.
Again, do you think that showing my errors of grammar, that are due to the fact that english isn't my mother tongue and that I try to translate from my language the terms I use is enough to disprove anything I said ?
If you lack even the basic skills to convey properly what you mean there's no point in arguing, you won't be able to express your point properly nor to get what others are actually saying.
I don't think that what I said is not understandable. Some errors or strange formulations doesn't prevents anyone to get what I said.

I don't mind anyone correcting me on my grammar faults or even bantering me on my weird english but as long as I'm understandable and I think I am, reducing the value of my paragraph to nothing because I forget a " you " or mispell Dante's work is basically the same thing as pointing out the open fly on someone during his speech.
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>start treating the other sex as people just like you

Holy fuck. Roastie detected.
I awaited your reply before going to bed just to see what you would say. I promised my previous post would be my final so I'll keep this short and simply say that I'm sorry (not sorry to you) that I won't be able to finish this conversation with you. After this post I am off to bed and I may or may not view your next reply in the archive of this thread.

You're the only one conflating all these things with sex. I merely stated that chivalry was an example of the pedestalisation of women. Dante obviously longed for the dead Beatrice in a way that is abnormal for a regular man. At the mere thought of her death being a possibility, he wrote that he wringed his hands and tossed and turned in bed, and was haunted by strange hallucinations. He cried himself to sleep "like a battered child" and lamented that he was "love's slave."

I see you didn't want to respond to my image. But it's important, as obviously there was a sexual component to the phenomenon of "domnei." That grovelling and kneeling was not purely platonic. As courtly tradition evolved, it became more sexualised. At first, yes, it was expressed as Platonic and professed itself to be in service of a higher purpose. but it changed. I can't cite obscure literature to you but Frank Tallis explains it in-depth in his book "Love Sick." If you're truly interested in learning more about other people's perspective and not just interested in lecturing, you'll add that to your backlog.

I see that you left me a reply and I just want to let you know you that I didn't read it.
ITT virgins discuss literature about females in attempt to explain why they can't get laid
Well thought the femdom term had a sexual tone in it, sorry. I don't deny, either the love's obsession, never the idealization of women in all those figures.

I only try to precise that in my opinion, it's not the women as such that is idealized but more values or figures that are associated with those particulars womens and that are plural and that shouldn't be only classified by a femdom need.

But I will put the Frank Tallis book on my to-read list anyway, always good to have other sources.

I'm actually having sex while typing this while listening to PARSIFAL and reading Tristan and Isolde, u nerd.
>I am a Romantic
you're making your life miserable anon and nothing I can say will change your mind, because it's your Nature
>I'm actually having sex while typing this
>I've never actually seen a vagina and prefer pornography that omits them visually
>Ever noticed your GF always prefers to suck your dick than to have you eat her out?

I want to go to another country, a place where it isn't so cold
So you'd rather that you were the kitten instead of her?
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