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>early morning >taking the ICE (german highspeed train)

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>early morning
>taking the ICE (german highspeed train)
>listen to music, sunrise looks beautiful, overall comfy af
>couple in their 40s come over and tell me I'm sitting on their places
>train is almost completely empty
>made to get up and move exactly one row behind them

You can't make this shit up

Why were you sitting in their seats you fucking retard?

Because I entered the train before them and there is no way to tell if a seat is reserved or not
Your ticket says what seat is yours, does it not?
Internal combustion engine?
This is just everyday Germans, biggest, unfriendliest fucking twats on the face of the earth.
Well those were their seats, it's not their fault you sat there.
why'd you move?

Just say "ah, sorry no deutsch" and pretend to be english. Whatever they say just repeat it and if they speak english go "sorry, i do no understand. No german".
At least Germany is easy mode for autistis. Everyone can get a gf in Germany because girls won't even notice autistic behavior due to them behaving in autistic ways themselves.
Konrad, warum machst du das
This is typical German behavior, they are the most autistic, unfunny und out of reality nation in this world.
That's only true for the men. German girls are pretty awesome and good in bed.
You have a 50% chance of them sperging out amd fucking you up.
t. German
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they paid extra money for that reservation. If I took a markup for a reserved seat you can damn sure expect me to demand my paid for seat. You can move your sorry ass somewhere else.

Oh and
> there is no way to tell if a seat is reserved or not

is simply not true. you fucking get spoonfed the information from where to where that particular seat is taken. you are just an autistic idiot that's all.

pic related it's the in-cabin reservation information system every single fucking ICE train is equipped with
>someone pays extra money for seat reservations
>get asked to move so they can make use of their reservations

Austrians are worse.

But, yeah, maybe next time you should actually read your ticket properly, OP
You know who the biggest pricks in Austria are? Americans and american jews. They're the cheapest, most condescending literal retards in the world. Why? Because even if everything has a German and English description here they ask the most inane questions and demand the most ridiculous things when they fuck up.
>40 year old couple
>public train
>fucking you up

Dont lie Hans. Ive been to Germany.

They're the biggest pricks anywhere on the planet they happen to be, anon.

Austrians are dicks. Just let go and admit it.
Sorry Anon, Americans are nothing more than drooling children exploited by megacorporations. The US is so powerful because people were convinced it's okay to work 3 jobs and still be poor. You got JEWED. It's time to admit it.

Um... What?

You do understand not everyone here is American, right?

>insisting on an arbitrary pair of seats while the train is almost empty just because you paid for it

And I'm supposed to be an autist
If someone took the seats I had paid for and refused to leave, I would call the conductor who would then throw that person off. The fact that train is nearly empty means that they are even more in the wrong for not moving to another seat.
>take a seat in an empty bus
>one woman in her 40s enters
>sits in front of me and pushes the seat all the way back

It's the little things that make my blood boil.
>letting a minor inconvenience by shitty people take away your tranquility

You played yourself
You have three options:

A. Put your knees against the back of hear seat and move around so she can't relax

B. Get up, move to the seat in front of hers and move it back as well

C. Just tell her off

OP is a fucking retard for sitting in an obviously reserved spot. Especially if as he said the train was almost empty it shouldn't have been difficult to find a non-reserved seat
>At least Germany is easy mode for autistis. Everyone can get a gf in Germany because girls won't even notice autistic behavior due to them behaving in autistic ways themselves.
Too bad you can't get one if you're a cis white male.
Serves you right for thinking you could be happy.
Btw, there's a big difference between nerd/robot "autism" and legitimate soulless drone autism, most people here act a lot more human than Germans and similarly ruined people do. That shit is just fucking inhuman, you have to experience it to understand what I'm talking about. If you know any powertripping passive aggressive SJW cunts who mod internet forums, that's basically the average brain over here.
>most people here
By which I meant /r9k/.

>over here.
And by this I meant Germany. Sorry for any confusion.

It's just not a place for human beings anymore, like the rest of the EU really.
I took the train there once and it was full and someone was on my seat and I made them go somewhere else and I felt bad about it but I really wanted to sit since it was a super long travel ;-;
German women are autistic?
Yes but in a petty, terrible, mean, indoctrinated way. They're extremely brainwashed, to the point that they don't act like normal people anymore, I don't know how to describe it. It's like they're pod people.

Like if you were a kid playing with legos and the other kid was a mean spirited nasty autistic bully who is also the favorite of the equally autistic kindergarten teacher... can you imagine what kind of shit he'd pull to fuck you over?
>made to get up

>made to get up

No one made you do anything. I'd actually prefer you were lying.
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>he can't even ride a train right

I have no idea what you are trying to say. Are you implying that German women are evil and will ruin your life/fuck your shit up? If yes, how? Elaborate a bit famalam.
Do you know what a culture entails?

For example, if you went to Japan, can you name some differences you think you might experience?

It's everything, from the distance people stay from each other, to how people of different social status are treated, to which order the food is eaten, how men are perceived when they become a higher-up in the workplace and what they're supposed to do if there are any women there, and vice versa, what values from which historical texts have permeated the culture (is self-sacrifice considered a virtue? is being greedy considered a flaw?), and so on.

Basically I'm trying to say that people, especially women morphed into this strange robotic beast that's of a completely different culture to a normal western culture, and they have the entirety of the Leviathan to turn against you if they realize you're not one of them.

Imagine someone being a passive aggressive cunt to you due to the way you hold your chopsticks and having the malevolence to ruin your life over it, the autism and lack of self-awareness not to realize why this is not the way to go, and the full support of society in doing it.
You're trippin, son. German women are nice and easy to talk to. They also know how to suck a dick properly.
>They also know how to suck a dick properly.
Did I mention the complete lack of any modesty or morals or any ethical framework to their lives? Protestantism pretty much killed Jesus and replaced it with Capital, and shit has been downhill ever since.

Might as well stick your dick in a turkey.
If you dislike German girls (and sex) that much, you can just date women from other countries. Every bigger German city, especially the ones with universities, are filled with women from all other the place.
Everyone gets assimilated into the Borg.

Thank God it'll soon be over.
Funny that you are mentioninh nerd shit. A couple of weeks ago I met a German chick who is a die-hard Star Trek fan.
Star Trek appeals to the autistic Stalinist brain structure, as it's basically a communist utopia.
you're talking about the Federation.
Star Trek depicts many races.
Only on /r9k/ would people be spergy enough to consider being a good lay as something bad.
Everyone's a "good lay" if they have a soul and are capable of love, no need to be a professional whore for that.
Wtf Germany why are you guys so anal about seats that you made a while system just to reserve one.
Seriously you made good clocks but your autism is showing.
Top tier choice of train, thing sounds like a beast when pulling out of the station
>Everyone's a "good lay"

Holy shit, son. Why don't you just type, "I'm a virgin". No, not everyone is a good lay. Some people are horribly bad at sex. One of my exes was really selfish and prude. Sexual compatability is extremely important.
>One of my exes was really selfish

>if they have a soul and are capable of love

Sorry you've been dating the pod people I guess.
It's not about the seats, spergy. It's about planning and control. You always got to be in control. Spontaneity is evil.

Your inexperience is showing again. Maybe one day you'll understand...
If the seat is in the same carriage it's most likely the same class. That couple were autistic
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Pod people is a good way to put it.
Women are so consistency anxious that just sitting in a chair the wrong way will make them resent you.
If you don't follow their mores then they will chew you out because it makes them stand out.
Most women seek validation from other women.
Those who seek it from men are often whores.
But the ones who seeks it from God are qt.
learn these simple words
Fuck off.
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Your need for control is autistic.
Germany will be the downfall of Europe.
Germany can't help but want a Unified European Army.
I'm coining "UEA forces" right now before anyone else.
And maybe one day you'll fuck someone who loves you.

Oh, Deutschfreund, I've fucked more German girls than you've hugged.
>pretends he didn't read the entire sentence

The Swiss are easily 15 times cuntier.

There are no numbers on most tickets, but it is possible to reserve a ticket.

>Not going for the easy UAE meme joke

I like you.
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