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Anyone else here just not interested in having sex? Why do some

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Anyone else here just not interested in having sex?

Why do some retards act like putting your dick in someone is the greatest accomplishment ever?
Same boat as you OP-chan, I just don't get what all the fuss is about.
>this dumb bastard doesn't realize that people get images off of whatever result shows up on Google.
It's called being asexual.
I lose all interest in sex when I jack off. I make sure I masturbate at least once a day to prevent myself from doing anything stupid. After you cum its like a haze has been lifted and your mind truly becomes free.
same, its like you get really horney then there is nothing, beats fucking by a long shot.
I think that sexually-oriented people acknowledge that sex is kind of silly. It ain't some big fucking accomplishment, pun intended. But if love is involved, it is a meaningful experience. Putting a dick in a vagina is not a great accomplishment, but earning and consummating love is. The act is symbolic for great affection if nothing else.
>got fit
>started dressing better
>got some swagger
>made social connections
>got laid a few times
>had a relationship
>i cant believe i fell for this meme

now I'm full blown Dr.Manhattan mode
feels better man
I didn't lose my virginity until I was 20, not because I couldn't find a partner, but because I didn't want to lose it.
I had several girls that I've had sexual relationships with, but always turned them down when it came to sex. It drove them fucking crazy. We'd share nudes, some foreplay and all that, but I always said no when they wanted me to put it in.
Honestly, I think it fucked with them more than I realized at the time, most women can get dick whenever they want, but when they had a man who didn't want to put out they had no idea why, they were convinced something was wrong with them. Many even asked if I was only being sexual with them just to make them feel better about themselves.
I'd let them suck my dick all they wanted, but never would I put it in.
Eventually lost my virginity to a girl I was with for about a year, not saying I wanted it to be something special (because its not), but I did want it to be with someone I actually liked instead of the high school sluts I fucked around with.
I genuinely had to interest in losing my virginity when I was young; whatsoever. I was maybe 16/17 and everyone in my year at school was starting to have sex and i was still playing Xbox and playstation. Felt like I had to in order to be up to date with conversation in a sense. Maybe took me 2 weeks (give or take a few days) of me deciding to finally have sex and me actually having sex. didnt even cum the first time :)
The thing about masturbation v sex is, masturbation is a singular thing. Whereas sex is generally an activity that goes along with other activities.
I was sexually active between the ages of 20-24. I never REALLY enjoyed it like most people seem to. I always got a lot more pleasure just jacking off. Now I'm just asexual and pretend to be gay around women so they don't do that women thing where they get mad at you if you aren't sexually attracted to them.
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I dont want to habe sex anymore but not because its not enjoyable. I just feel bad. Its so terrible taking a girls virginity knowing you will just get bored in the relationship and dump her. I don't want sex I just want a girl I won't lose interest in.


>This condition is probably the source of most of your problems
I don't want passionate sex. I just want comfy couple time and a rough quickie.
My sex drive has gone trough the basement lately and I'm not on meds. Any ideas?
It's more about what sex represents, acceptance, than the actual act (which is fucking amazing).
>this thread cannot do anything except descend into badposting
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Seriously fuck sex why sex when you can intellect

If you're not having mind sex you're a patrician
Not very interested, especially in the stupid mind games women play before they have sex with you.

I'm sure it can be enjoyable with the right person but this overhyping thats done is ridiculous and theres no reason to pay 100's of dollars to an escort to get rid of your virgin status.
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>Why do some retards act like putting your dick in someone is the greatest accomplishment ever?
Because that's literally what we are created for.
nobody has time for mind games. u not being man enough =/= "mind games"

take control or be cast away
It's not that I am not interested, but I have given up hope.
Sex really isn't that big of a deal, no matter how people rationalize it.

People say things like "Oh, people are built to have sex. It is the purpose of existence."
People are built to do a lot of things. They are built to hunt. They are built to chase gazelles. They are built to pick berries and scavenge the marrow out of dead animals. Sex is just a small part of the suite of our existence, and it isn't necessary for existence, just like spearing a mammoth isn't necessary. Even though we were "built for it".

The whole idea that sex is the nexus of existence is a very, VERY recent idea.
Think about it. In the olden days, there was no sex before marriage, even in societies where people married later in their twenties.
And even for married people, sex wasn't had all the time. There were no contraceptives back in those days, so having sex after a certain age or certain number of children was downright impractical. It was a thing that happened in the fist few years of marriage, and then it was never thought about again.
Things are different nowadays though. Thanks to the rise of contraception, people need to be having sex all day every day. Even if they are not married. Even if they are very old. Its a mindset that is only causing misery.

And on a final note, if sex was necessary for existence and happiness, people like priests, monks, nuns, and hermits would be the most miserable people in existence.
But they aren't. They tend to be happier and more at peace than everyone else.
Many great religious leaders practiced celibacy, so what does that tell you?
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>be me at around 20
>still a kissless virgin
>decide to hire and escort so I can finally get the chip off my shoulder and stop thinking about sex all the time
>have sex
>Five years later I'm a sex addict who regularly hires escorts

More power to you, man. I wish I didn't care.


You're retarded. There are certain species that don't even have sexual intercourse yet reproduce fine. Our genes want higher life expectancy, not 100% sex.
Why do u get bored in relationship? How do u know u won't lose interest to her?

I have never been in relationship before
>Why do some retards act like putting your dick in someone is the greatest accomplishment ever?

sex is not about having p into v, but it fulfills your desire of being wanted and intemacy revealed with other human
>Why do some retards act like putting your dick in someone is the greatest accomplishment ever?

because this people have been doing it for many many years. my friends who are attached/married find it extremely weird why i would not want to find a gf and stay single my life. they cannot comprehend it, they just can't because they are so used to a lifestyle with an SO.
Cause eventually it just doesn't have any excitement. It gets to the point where texting her and talking to her don't hold my interest. Like im a robot.

Thats the hard part is trying to find out exactly why I get bored and lose interest. I dont know if the next girl i date will make me feel the same way.
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>tfw to smart too read or post in ifunny threads
anyone who touches my penis initiates a fight onto the death whether they are conscious of it or not
I just want once to know how it feels. To dip my biscuit into a qt bowl of milk
>u not being man enough =/= "mind games"

u not being man enough = mind games

fixed that your you
>Sex really isn't that big of a deal, no matter how people rationalize it.

But that is wrong. To men, having promiscuous sex is a very important indicator of your worth as a man. If a man wants to procreate, he needs to show his worth by having lots of sex. Women don't want to have children with a worthless man.

Sure, back in the days it didn't matter as much, but it does now. The bar has been raised in terms of how much sex you should have. Contraceptives have made it so that you can fuck all the time. If you're unable to obtain sexual partners, it gives off signals that you're unable to attract women. Other women pick up on this, and will avoid you for it.

Societal expectations of the past doesn't matter.
>I dont know if the next girl i date will make me feel the same way.

She will. Women don't care about being exciting to you. That's your job.
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Sex is wrong
I believe sex is only worth it if love and passion are involved. But I also think that romantic affection is a temporary thing. Therefore, there's no point in having sex since no one will ever truly love you, it's basically impossible unless the couple is extremely religious.
Sex only feels slightly better than masturbating. The thing is, advertising campaigns use the most primal part of your brain against you. They beam images, audio, and videos in order to stimulate and manipulate your mind into buying their shitty products. It appears everywhere and soon enough, that's all everyone cares about.
There's nothing wrong with not having sex, but society needs to shame you for it until you get bankrupt buying products and trying to impress women. I was a virgin for 23 years. I've lived both lives. Don't fall for the meme
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