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Anyone else really fucking hate xkcd. This cancer has been around

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Anyone else really fucking hate xkcd.

This cancer has been around for a decade and it just won't fucking die. I have to see it everywhere because most of the internet loves it. Literally all it is, is:

1) Pointing out very obvious shit as if it's profound

2) 8th grade level of knowledge about some field of science designed to make the reader feel smart

3) Typical SJW bullshit with the typical setup of the totally "smart" character totally owning the stupid "bigot".
I never saw one I thought was even worth a chuckle. Why is this unfunny cancer so popular and why won't it JUST FUCKING DIE?
Yes. The level of smugness is unbearable.
Sometimes internet comics really make me worry about my pro-capitalist mindset because they truly are the only media driven solely by consumer demands and they all suck shit hardcore.
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Remember all those AWFUL things that happened in 2016?
Jesus Christ this made me rage and cringe at the same time. This beta cuck has tkane white knighting to a whole new level.
he's obviously making fun of white knights
I guess
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Actually no, he's not. Randall (the creator of xkcd) is a self identified feminist. A lot of his comics are like this.
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xkcd was actually pretty good in its early days though

But since then it has gone to shit for the reasons you pointed out.
Didn't he create the r9k robot?
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Some of the older comics were good.
the 'entire internet' just means the faggots on reddit
I find him enjoyable whenever he doesn't use his platform to come off as a zealous smart ass.
At least he has the common decency to veil some of his character.
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>You look like you're going to spend your life having one epiphany after another, always thinking you've finally figured out what's holding you back, and how you can finally be productive and creative and turn your life around.

>But nothing will ever change, that cycle of mediocrity isn't due to some obstacle. It's who you are

>The thing standing in the way of your dreams

>Is that the person having them is YOU

This pretty much sums it up for everyone. Randall is obviously black-pilled, or maybe grey-pilled with a sort of materialistic optimism?

In any case, XKCD is fucking great
its a comic for nu males
He's proving the "mysoginistic" argument that women can't ever come up with such eloquent comebacks though, by putting these words in the female character's mouth as a man. It's like he wants to embody women to act more like men because even he is aware of their inherent weakness and retardation. This cuck fucking hates himself for having a penis.
r9k is LITERALLY named after xkcd so kill yourself
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XKCD hasn't done SJW shit in the last 2-3 years I think. Its still pseudointellectual shit written by an actual intellectual. Maybe he does it for the money
No they're not. Most of his comics are graphs
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>It's like he wants to embody women to act more like men

I unironically want this
What the fuck is even the joke here?
Am I suppoused to get something?
You got that severely wrong.
Go sit in a corner and think for a while.
Wow the white knight literally has a fedora on and he likes "nerdy" girls. I can't tell if this is satire or not.
the artist created robot9000 so kys
Not so much a joke, but I think the message is that nerdy escapism can dull the pain of an uncaring impersonal universe.

I like it
I don't see how this is a bad thing. I see the author as a white knight in chastity who would never do anything sexual with a woman. He's protecting women from all the thirsty horny creepy betas. That's not bad if he stops women from getting spoiled and receiving attention.

However, I wonder what he thinks of women sluttying it up. Does he approve of it? Does he encourage it?
Am I the only one who thought 2016 was a great year? I don't like this meme.
Societal leftism distorts market demand.

>Some of the older comics were good.
Everything leftists make goes shit. That's become some start out ok, even good, before revealing their shit. Others are just shit from the start and we never hear about them.

That's why it always seems like creators turn leftist.

>XKCD hasn't done SJW shit in the last 2-3 years I think.
It endorsed Hillary.
The funny thing is if anything the woman would have been charmed by him, and probably even flirted with him. Aren't girls in a sense doing what she said in that comic?
That is certainly ironic.
Endorsing one of the two main candidates for president isn't "SJW shit", its literally just supporting the democrat candidate
Thanks for your contribution CTR.
great year for what purpose?

Britain left the European Union! Which means that the government is going to start slavery again and nobody is ever going to trade with them for the rest of time!

A LITERAL FASCIST was elected president of the USA and already has right wing death squads out to kill anyone who isn't a white male!

How could you even say that!? I'm literally shaking!
This is an edit though. His version is longer
Gotta agree. Lots of neat shit happened in 2016.
britain left the EU and now has a permanently weakened currency with one of their largest industries completely leaving the nation lmao

but yeah no, it's a great thing because no more shitskins... except for the ones that are still in the country
Why does the good guy always have a fedora on? Is the illustrator that autistic?
Hate to say it but this one is spot on.
The "good guy" is a "lelsorandum" character

>le all beer is bad meme
It was a great year for me personally. It solidified my place in the normie world. I only come back to r9k to reminisce on robot feels and try to help others.
oh and don't forget, Great Britain is STILL part of the EU. They haven't even gone through with brexit yet. So the pound is weak and you still have to follow EU law.
i copied that directly from the website nerd

maybe you're thinking of the hover text

it says something like "you can do this once every 50 orders and still have 95% acceptance"
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>Anyone else really fucking hate xkcd.
What? No! What makes you think that?!
A lot of people died
A lot of people got rustled over politics
A black guy was casted as Roland of Gilead, completely ruining the racial element that Steven King established
SpaceX failed a couple of times
This cartoon makes the mistake of assuming that most women are intelligent. Like most people, most women are morons and shit like this works on them. Therefore, if your goal is just sex, then PUA shit is good because it lets you bang stupid chicks. If you're looking for love though it's pretty silly.
It's not a meme. The only beers that taste good are the faggot flavored beers. The fact that there are people who unironically drink beers like soda or tea or any other beverage and not as a means to get the euphoric high of being drunk is baffling to me. Why would someone get home from work, go into the refrigerator and willingly drink a bottle of cold, bitter liquid to relax?

Liquor is so much better even though it kinda tastes like soap.
But none of that effected you personally though.
>drinking beer at all

Enjoy your low testosterone levels, cuck.
>butthurt European/Remainer detected
To the other news: 2+2 is still 4
Sorry for being a newfag but can anyone explain how he supposedly "created" r9k?
is he from 4chan?
People try to give PUA a bad name and say it only works on dumb sluts but their only idea of PUA is the old "Hey did your grandma buy that dress?" Neg shit
PUA has changed a lot and it's gone more the route of "This is what Chad does"
>Hate to say it but this one is spot on.

No, it's not "spot on" because nobody actually drinks beer because they think it tastes great, they drink it to get drunk or tipsy. Sure, they're advertised as tasting good sometimes, but in real life nobody talks about how amazing beer tastes. The creator (and you apparently) is just too autistic to realize this.
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why would a European be butthurt about it?

Most london bankers are going to berlin
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>In any case, XKCD is fucking great

No, you're just fucking stupid.

You're a liar and an idiot, a job isn't proof of mental capacity, especially since he hasn't done anything relevant within it.
Are you guys this retarded? It's an acquired taste, plenty of people drink shitty stuff, but there's good stuff just like there's good coffee and chocolate.
Read the fucking sticky.

Yes! I thought I was alone. Im a programmer so people are always sending me shitty xkcds. Just because he talks about something relevat to my career doesn't make it funny automatically.

Amy Schumer for nerds.
>its literally just supporting the democrat candidate

Who do you think created SJW?
Same reason the Yanks were butthurt and desperate to believe they were the ones who were going to be a success when part of their country seceded.
>You're a liar and an idiot, a job isn't proof of mental capacity, especially since he hasn't done anything relevant within it.
He used to be a programmer at NASA. That must require some mental capacity

btw is that an edit?
you didn't think that one through, did ya?
I agree. Every beer I've ever tasted tastes like hobo piss to me. The taste itself gives me nausea. Say what you will about faggot drinks, but they get me equally buzzed and taste better. Liquor is miles better, though.

Kys, insecure blue beta billy.
>He used to be a programmer at NASA.
Correction, he used to be a programmer. Where he programmed is irrelevant. Sure, it means he lives in the 21st century, but it's not like programming is something that can't be taught at schools and done by wageslaves.

He's not a liar, just an idiot who fell for the " Randall is so smart" reddit meme.

Never got why everyone thinks he's so smart. The alleged high IQ certainly doesn't show up in his shitty comics and he never did anything relevant in his field. He's just a smug talentless nu male of average intelligence for a college educated male.
Naah man, I don't understand why people like it, therefore it's obviously shit and it's all a big conspiracy.
>t. 8th grade
A good stout or bock is delicious you autistic pansy
Yeah was gonna say, everyone should leave this board if they hate him so much
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>That must require some mental capacity

Yes, but it's far away from that of an intellectual.
And yes, that's an edit. You can easily imagine how the original was.

>He's not a liar,

He is, in 2016 he dumped a lot of dumb SJW shit on the site, that's what I was talking about.

Anones, I literally cannot handle the redpillness. I need to see a doctor or something. I feel the physical pain from this pictures.
It was for me. I got more pussy than ever before.
>intentionally drinks something that lowers test levels and turns you into a weak servile cuck

>calls other people beta

You're not very smart are you bud
>hurrrrrr muh T levels
Number one sign you're conversing with a weak retard
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Of course XKCD is shit, why do you think the internet likes it so much?

This comic also intrigues me.

>Well, you see, SOME person put a collection of lead atoms into a collection of Carbon, hydrogen, phosphorus, and Oxygen atoms
>So why are people being worked up about this "murder"?
>I have no idea!
Anon, exolaut it to me? People are idiots? Why do they like shit only? Whats wrong with humanity?
I hate it when nerds play retarded to seem above it all
Here's the secret: they aren't playing.
So the male white knight does all the talking here, and gives orders to the girl he brought with him and "assigned" to police the person he doesn't like. It's implied he has a bunch more to assign to other people.

A little ironic, no?
All mainatream web seems to be just an irony.
If beers make you weak and servile, then why did my dad beat the shit out of my mom and my siblings when he drank them?

CS grad student here

This shit is everywhere
All the normie fucking betas in my department share these things like the plague

Fuck I hate them so much
Thought I was the only one
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Not xkcd faggot shit
But I like this one
>CS grad student
>calling anyone normie betas

You are a sperglord omega.
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>preachy stickman drawings that would be considered pretentious garbage if it was in text format

SMBC is a superior webcomic and does the science-tech-geek thing without being a preachy douche about it. SMBC is also visual like comics should be.
SMBC is the opposite of xkcd because its absurdity shows the limits of smug, pedantic intellectualism.
I would probably kill myself if someone i loved ever talked to me like that.
Indeed, unlike Randall, Mr SMBC can actually go for three comics without being a condescending dickhead. And as a bonus is actually funny.
Everything plagued with a """geek"""" cancer is awful.
I like this one just because it roasts faggots into that shit. A neg that keeps on negging.

Beta's can't stop their nature though. Once were slaves to women and then are slaves to cults and con artists selling them snake oil.
Does that mean we're not allowed to do rocket science unless we're Nazis? You can build on a person's ideas and still find them insufferable.

Title of that comic is fucking genius.
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Reminder, whatever your thoughts on politics are, this is what XKCD has turned into.

It was never good but its even worse now. It's become pseudo intellectual garbage created for redditors whos only dream is to make 40k a year doing "science XD"
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>try to help others

Fucking disgusting and deluded sense of achievement and pseudo-knowledge. You deserve leukemia.
>2016 was awful
>I know 2017 will be worse
At no point is any reason why either year is bad mentioned
I guess current year is bad is not a discussion is it?
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>test levels

When did you realize you were a faggot?
SBCM is great.
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>saturday breakfast cereal morning
People like you are the type I don't bother with because you enjoy being trash.
>SMBC is a superior webcomic and does the science-tech-geek thing without being a preachy douche about it.
Eh, it can get a bit preachy/bluepilled.
It's not showing a limit, it's just making a parody out of it. As a genuine critique, it's a strawman.
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I thought this one was kinda funny, I exhaled a bit
Sorry ;_; I have dislexia
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I love this awkward bee but I don't know its name
I would probably kill them instead of myself.
And by "kill" I mean put them in a cage without food or water and watch them die.
So this comic's making fun of those "tis an awesome thing to see!" white knights, right? I know it's xkcd but that's the only way I can read this.
it was my shittiest by far personally
idgaf about how some orange fat fuck got elected in some irrelevant country at the other side of the globe, my crush mistreated me and everything went wrong
Sometimes they can be somewhat interesting, but they are usually just overly smug random humour. They are pretty much made for the 'le science XD' crowd.
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There's good ones and bad ones. Sometimes the good ones are pretty clever.
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>mfw I'm in fucking Japan and it's 6:26AM and I'm browsing fucking /r9k/ and I'm reading a stupid bee comic in a fucking xkcd thread and I suddenly see my country's name and I think I misread the thing because of homesickness fucking with my subconscious but I actually read it right
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That wasn't funny or clever.
what your saying relates to spirits, beer is fucking delicious
He's literally wearing a fedora
Jesus christ
Why are you there in Japan?


U wot?
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I know. I didn't mean it to be clever, just on topic. Here's another one that's on /r9k/ topic.

What the fuck happened to XKCD? I don't remember it being like this at all.
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That wasn't funny or clever either.
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It really causes one to ponder.
Maybe I'm retarded but these things are really hard to read and I just get a feeling of wasted time after done struggling to read it.
for no good fucking reason
Come on,don't be shy. We all know you are on your quest to find the portal to the Anime Land.
No, literally no reason. Going to bed now, might go see Rogue One or whatever it's called later.
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Is this a good one?
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Aww man SMBC is the greatest i read it everyday
2016 was a pretty good year for me

Probably the best year in my life so faru
There's a difference between jokes and references.
I don't think there's a problem with an entertainer making their politics known and shilling for them. Or at least, if there was then Hollywood would have to be gassed. Which it should be.
>normie comic literally does not understand feeling alone
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>that second-to-last panel
>that projection
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There's maybe 1 xkcd I find funny out of every 20, but I still read it even if just to rage. Yeah, I know, it's fucked, but my God, where else are you gonna find somebody THAT full of themselves?
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