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Describe the biggest Chad at your school and what he is doing

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Describe the biggest Chad at your school and what he is doing now.

Ours was around 6'2, blonde, blue eyes, fairly average face though. He married the biggest Stacey and they have 4 sons. He is a personal trainer now.
why? why are you so obsessed with chads, forget them you losers and focus on your life
what is their to focus on though?
They are the pinnacle the person everyone wants to be around to have as a friend to employ to be
we are the failures vilified by everyone and used as scapegoats for whatever bullshit happens to cross their minds no one wants to employ us to be around us or befriend us thus that is why we strive to be chad why we obsess over chad
but we cannot become chad.
There wasn't a true Chad in my class. The most popular guy was about 5'10 with curly hair and athletic. He has a serious gf and works for done kind of film production company now.
>high school
>Chad would put his feet up on the back of my chair, wear glasses in class, obviously was stoned
>always asked the teacher to help
>any confrontations with the teacher would just end with him shrugging and saying "send me home, I don't give a fuck"
>brought beer to school
>had a girl I would play Magic with
>went on a few dates
>we both hated him, he'd walk over and stare at us or ask why we were playing this stupid game or touch our cards, once he let spit fall out of his mouth onto my shoulder
>she literally gave him a blowjob in the bathroom during school and he told everyone, and two weeks later she was still trying to talk to him, she would only talk to me after that saying she wanted to kill herself
>he was supposed to flunk out if school but on graduation our teacher told him she was giving him a "second chance to turn his life around"
>he got into a really good uni because his parents were rich
at least focus on like napoleon and mozart and plato and shit instead of some nameless extroverted fucktard you boring faggot
Legit don't have a bad thing to say about him. May have been chad but he deserved what he had and wasn't a cunt about it.
The lesser chads were rancid cunts though, like one who almost got me expelled by exploding a sink in chemistry class, kicked a disabled kid down a flight of stairs and shit. He went to uni, flunked out first year, was homeless, then starts up a fucking multi million earning company
chad is an pseudo-imaginary character that's created by this board. chad is perfect and have no flaws. he is like taylor durden. he is not real. do you understand what im talking about? stop comparing yourself to chad. start to develop yourself.
that one chad on my dorm who everyone was jealous of because literally all the girls only flocked to him at parties. He was 6'3" and looked like a california surfer but was actually a preppy New England rich kid, he got a degree in engineering but ended working at an investment firm with other chads
Ours was about 6'1, blue eyes, and looked kind of like a blonde Ryan Reynolds. Right now he's at a uni studying engineering. He was always nice to me, frankly, I like the guy. He helped me get into lifting and cheered me on in PE when I was in highschool. Plus, even he got screwed by Stacy (she fucked him, dumped him, and got BLACKED this year and has now found a beta provider to care for her child).

Just remember folks, no one is safe from Stacys horseshit.
Another story with him.
>was playing Deus Ex on my laptop
>had it on CD, this was before Steam had it iirc
>he comes up and says he'd like to borrow the game
>this is before I really knew him but I knew enough to be apprehensive, tell him its a really old CD
>"c'mon, don't be like that, I just want to check it out"
>give him the CD
>he puts it in his jean pocket
>I tell him I'd really prefer if he has a case or folded paper and put it in a book or something
>he ignores me and walks over to a bunch of girls who were watching
>I follow, but the girls start defending him, "no, its fine anon, I lend him CDs and its fine, don't worry"
>never get it back
>ask him about it, he just shrugs and says he doesn't play video games so he wouldn't have asked for it
>girls tell me they never remembered him taking it
>find the CD weeks later scratched up and thrown just over the fence in the hedges surrounding the school
>tell the principle
>he was brought it, I explained the story, he just shrugs and says "never happened"
>knocking on the door
>all his girlfriends are outside denying my story saying I hate him and was blackmailing him
>nothing happens
>girls would come up to me and say that they promise it wasn't him and don't tell the principle anymore because he's going through a rough time with drugs and they're worried about him please please please
I wish he overdosed
>nice face and hair
>below average intelligence
>has failed to enter in the Medicine Uni for 3rd time now
God I hated him, I have so many more stories.
>some girl was mad at him
>she comes next to me, puts herself around me, way way way close to my ear, starts talking sexy
>she also talks about how she hates him
>he comes up
>she asks "what do you want"
>dead eye stare back through sunglasses
>"you jealous?" and she starts kissing my neck
>"not really"
>he leaves. moments later she leaves

>next day she's shouting at him and he's walking away with two other girls
>"go have fun with your boyfriend" he gestures to me
>she looks at me and then picks up my text book and starts smashing it down on my face, clawing at me, and when I'm on the floor, kicking me
>she falls over crying, he walks away, I'm taken to the nurse and after explaining everything to the principle nothing of course happens
>she's hanging off his arm a week later
>that was my first kiss with a girl
People on this board will bring up Chads and Stacys they went to school with years back as if they're the insecure teenager in a high school drama.

Like shit. I know a guy like this in real life.
He constantly checks on girls that rejected him/stood him up or whatever from nearly a decade ago. He feels the need to tell everyone when ever anything bad happens to them or when they try to contact him for whatever reason.

He even told me once that the reason he wants to get wealthy is to that he can make all the girls that did him wrong in the past feel bad.
At my HS the guys who had the most women were not buff by any means. Just outgoing and athletic (hockey and basketball players mostly).

In Canada if you can play sports (of the big 3, hockey, football, basketball) on your school team you're instantly popular
there are two types of chads IMO, the leader and the bully. most jocks are bullies
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>mfw I was best friends with the "biggest chad"
>He constantly checks on girls that rejected him/stood him up or whatever from nearly a decade ago.

People literally do this all the time now that normiebook is popular. The ones who don't talk about it still do it.

I prefer to imagine everyone from the previous phase of my life is dead.
>Brown hair
>Blue eyes
>Greek god tier face
>Had a model gf
>Cheated her with some sluts from my class
>His friends were a coke addict and an angry manlet
>He became a jonkie
>Now works at McDonalds,he doesn't have half of his teeths and his face is way thinner
He probably still gets tones of pussy though
Nearly 7 feet tall
Super rich
CEO dad, former model mom
Extremely smart, extremely athletic
Prolific cheater who networked with all the other Chad smart kids
Womanizer that got away with raping an unconscious chick
head of soccer team
Went to places like Europe and Australia every summer to study, surf, learn language
Got into fights all the time in school, never had any of this effect his record due to athletic department protecting him
Spent all his time in student Orgs, honor groups, playing sports, working out
Was an accountant at top firm, applied to naval academy and got in
Went to Naval academy, is currently a navy seal
Apparently got shot a bunch and had to go under the knife. Has 12 children

>and he was also my former best friend and the only one I've ever had, even though he was using me
Why would you still talk to her after she slobbed his knob?
got some more stories, anon?

In my high school, there was no singular Chad that got all the girls or who was undeniably the best guy. There was no Stacy either.

Maybe I was just such a loser that I didn't even know who was Chad or Stacy and how they slept with half the class.
It's the board culture here to talk about social ineptitudes, awkwardness, trauma that lead towards us being different, and most importantly; social dynamics, which is why popular people are a frequent topic of discussion in the stories that inevitably get traded here.

Is it a good thing to talk about or think about? No. But you'd have to be retarded to wonder why it is being spoken about in the first place on a board like this one.
I need to vent more about that shithead. He made my life hell. He's the number one reason I'm so jaded, because he exists and society cares more about him than me.
>honors history
>teacher asks me to help one of his girlfriends, says she's flunking out and seems depressed
>I try to study with her but she is just out of it, would say weird shit like "I'm going to cut myself in the bathroom if you don't shut up" or ask me to deliver messages to him
>teacher keeps asking ME why she's not getting better, my grade is falling as a punitive incentive?????
>I tell her she needs to tell the teacher its not me, its her
>no joke, first thing out of her mouth to the teacher was "I haven't fucked Chad in three weeks and its getting to me"
>I have to sit through the entire conversation because she's my "study buddy" and offer my opinion at the end

Highlight from that conversation:
>"what do you like about Chad?"
>"he's just funny, sometimes he'll give me a nice hard slap, you know? sometimes he'll make my nose bleed. and sometimes he'll hit himself, and I have to take care of him, its really sweet"
This fucked up world where I was the one who had to deal with these people
All of them are mediocre fuckwads.
Anon calm the fuck down.
This >>34019140 will be the last one, I've worked myself into a really bad depression thinking about him. My life never got much better, it just didn't have him in it, I work tirelessly and try so hard and honestly I think sometimes I'm cursed. I'm the epitome of a cuck, one of those "nice guys" who harbors grudges, too afraid to speak his mind and never sure of themselves but vindictive and bitter. All I can say in my defense is I just never saw an alternative, never a helping hand to say "try it this way, I know its scary going alone so ill go with you".
I make money, put some in savings, and I exercise and I go to TJ now and then to fuck prostitutes and I play video games, and that's all my life will ever be because I just want to hide away from everyone until something changes or I die. I'm not well.
Do you think that he remembers you?
Have you ever considered doing a martial art, like Muay Thai/BBJ/whatever and hitting the gym? I had a multiple people similar to the guy you just described in my life and it felt unfair watching them go on ahead while they sent me into a place much lower than them.

It'll make you feel better about yourself if you consistently go and learn how to carry your own weight and fend for yourself physically.

You really shouldn't think too much about that guy. He's already hurt you once, so it's unfair to yourself to have it hurt again by remembering it and experiencing it all over
People might check in on people who were their friends and stuff every now and then but not like this guy. Shit man, it boarders on cyber stalking. I sure that half of these girls don't even remember him because he's not even friends with them on any form of social media. He even goes to like their instagrams and stuff and will send me screenshots of what they're doing.

He remembers and acts as if all this stuff he cared about happened yesterday and not ten years ago. Like at this point no normal person give a shit.

If you put a gun to my head and told me to tell you what was going on in the life of the Chads and Stacys I went to school with, I'd be fucking dead. The second people leave highschool/college/whatever and move onto the next portion of their lives, they stop caring about stuff like that.
You're either underage or a uninorm: either way, you need to get out.
>You're either underage or a uninorm: either way, you need to get out.
wtf is this? Either way a lot of catholic schools don't make a distinction between institutes and schools and just have classes from 3 years old to 18 years old
Probably not. I honestly don't care, its the memories that haunt me and what they represent. He could be a homeless junky or dead. He could be tied up to a chair and I could torture him. I'd probably walk away. Him and several other experiences snuffed whatever passion I had for life and I've never succeeded getting it back.

For health I started exercising, I do strength training. Just like seeing numbers go up. Same with work and my savings, just numbers ticking up. If its a bigger number than I last checked I know at least I'm doing something right.
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