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do any robots play legion ?

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do any robots play legion ?
I did, but all my friends quit so I got bored and now i spent my nights alone again
I do
Waiting for them to add arcway and court of stars to the lfr so I can continue the good suramaritan quest
What is the recommended 4chan server? I am looking to start playing soon hopefully with fellow autists.
I dropped Retail WoW after WoD. I spend my days playing on a BC private server and regret nothing
Illidan has the biggest 4chan horde population, but be warned the 4chan guilds are incredibly autistic (the bad kind). Full of wannabe traps, gay cliques, in-group and inside jokes and just general sensitive faggotry

it resembles more a reddit guild than a 4chan one
ye but i doubt anyone here plays eu alliance
i play on outland
im also a grill
this is the case with most 4chan groups outside of 4chan, it just attracts the biggest faggots for some reason

im in the 4chan horde guild, i hate everyone in it
btag? pls be my gf
i think there's an eu alliance 4chan guild on /vg/
WoW has been a normie game since Wotlk
Check out vg, theres a 4chan guild for Ally/Horde for both US and EU
>>Joins Guild
>>Hates everyone in it
>>Stays in it
Somehow this is fitting of r9k
Are there any alliance guilds/severs?
the only sort of alive one is on argent dawn and i don't wanna transfer there
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>Still paying $15 a month for this dead horse of a game.

One of the saddest things I've seen on this board desu.
>Somehow this is fitting of r9k
it sucks because everyone in "Literal Who" is a gigantic ass faggot but I don't want to join an actual normie guild

i just want a guild that isn't too serious and can take the bants but it seemingly doesn't exist
you can buy your subscription with in game currency, and most people do
the guild on us-sargeras is alive and is currently 5/7m noob
sargeras is US
Hes talking about EU you silly goose. HI TEN
im in there too, the GM is alright but all his mods or whatever are insufferable RPing redditor pussies
you need to play a lot to get the thousands of gold to do that
kiisama what do you mean....
>playing WoW after WotLK

Finally decided to bite the bullet and get into raiding with a guild that random invited me at some point. Never looked back, great people and a lot of fun with decent mythic progress, feeling this is gonna be my xpac boys
Does anyone PvP?
I quit in cataclysm when my twink guild died and only ever did endgame to make twink builds easier.
no you dont, it's average 30k gold on every server and you can make that in about a day on a lvl110 character
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Feenix? Our BC server is so dead m8
This so much, I'm still in the guild but just because I literally have no alternative yet because I just got back into WoW, as soon as I find a chill raiding guild I'm leaving. Seriously, fuck <Literal Who>
thankfully they might be merging with another 4chan guild too. don't know if that will diminish the rampant faggotry though
Merging with who?

yea its really shitty just like its always been since wotlk.

dk's and monks / dh, rets (all the same rediculous melee classes basically) still dominate and do absurd dmg while having defensive self heals as good as a healer healing them. shit is jus fucking flat out retarded
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tfw ten hates you
big lul
in eu its like 60k
punishment for being european
I play FFXIV because I'm not a weeb loser like you

Enjoy your no content
Not sure, that's what the motd says anyways, I don't visit the discord anymore, it's cancer.
>playing ffxiv after nocontentsward
if this was 2014 i would have agreed with you
>plays ffXIV
>calls someone else a weeb loser
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I did for a bit, but I have literally no in game friends and I don't really have time to join a regular raid group and to many people go purely by charts so if you play an unpopular spec it's literally impossible to get into pugs. So I went back to xiv where it's much easier to be casual and play dress up.
Last I played monks didn't exist, rets were shit, and dks were level 50+, so my brackets were fine.
I donno, I think endgame PvP is pretty much always bad. But you can usually find a bracket with a great variety of viable options.
I've wanted to come back, but it looks like only 19s is super active. But apparently gear scaling made brackets like 80s get more popular? Not sure if it's worth the resub.
literally me

I'm thinking of unsubbing but then I'd have nothing to play, single player games just don't do it for me anymore
how is the one on sarg?
>EU alliance

<big guys> back when?!

i audibly kek'd
big memefest but at least they raid and there's people doing m+ and stuff all the time
i played private server vanilla wow and another one at cata

both were dogshit, tried xiv instead and stuck around
Who /ffxiv/ here
holy fuck what a turbo autist
Switched my mage from fire to frost and I'm raping on meters.

I play on us-mal'ganis

i have 870+ on holy priest and spriest

and just made a DH who is 850+

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If anyone would like to play with me I'm on alliance-US. I dont think server matters that much since you can group up cross-realm.

my btag is Zet#11501. I only have one friend really and they dont play much.
>holy priest
Dude I'm so sorry.
yeah it's not too great, i was main holy but my raid switched me to shadow which has been okay

i still play holy for m+ cause we don't have anyone to replace me

also forgot to say i'm horde
Wear ur Shadow gear n learn Disc senpai, me buddys Disc and he puts out good numbers.
>that feel when your friends never invite you to do mythics or anything
feels bad
just go without lfr?
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Really hoping for that vanilla server announcement soon.
>muh nostalgia

fuck off
>muh nu-wow
no you fuck off
back to fapping to your pandarian main fucking furshit
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what does r9k think about hunters
I only played it so I could try and get to Roleplay, but lots of people were really cringey
Aren't these two completely different things? If people buy in its better for everyone as it's more money to keep things running.
One of my twinks was a hunter, I love playing flag room support and shutting down heals, keeping people in combat, ccing, generally filling whatever non heal role the team needs atm.
Stfu retail babby.
easiest fucking class in the game, utter trash played by 14 year olds
they were absolutely despised back when i played crusade-wotlk
>paying for wow post WOTLK
If it's an official vanilla server, wouldn't the build be pre wotlk even if you are playing past catas release date?
Which of those are you referring to?
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Yeah, Nagrand oceanic

Any ausbots playing? I need friends to mythic+
I literally watched degrassi while playing my mage. At least as a hunter I would miss some plot points.
im saying you shouldnt pay for wow anymore
In S. Korea it's over 100k
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>I literally watched degrassi while playing my mage. At least as a hunter I would miss some plot points.
lol what the fuck are you trying to say
just absolutely fucking nonsensical lol

>watching degrassi
holy fuck dude
see a doctor quick i think you might have a brain tumor or something

youre a girl arent you
judging by your garabge taste, unintelligible sentence structure, and total lack of game knowledge

either that or your an absolutely beta nu-male faggot
Stage fright
i unsubbed like 1week ago and i wanna reactivate so bad, but all i do is pvp and its state is so braindead atm with the melee dominance. then again lsd and godcomp are cancer aswell
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I was in RIPIP and rolled a tank - turns out they didn't need tanks so I fucked off.

The RNG bulltshit with warforged gear / legendaries combined with ridiculous dailies also killed it for me. No time for even a single alt.

I miss vanilla. This xpac is an abortion.
>complaining about grind and dailies
>misses vanilla
git gud?
Are there 4chin EU Horde Guilds?
Yea i still play. none of my friends..... friend* are playing it anymore. I mostly just log in do an arena or two and a couple of dungeons not really knowing what to do solo.
You didn't need to grind unless you were in a top guild in vanilla. These days even shit guilds expect it of you.
there is one on a god forsaken realm

we should make a guild on Draenor or Tarren Mill or something
I don't even have to grind anymore since 7.1, becuase I can buy my flask mats of the Blood of Sargeras Vendor.

What do you have to grind?
Probably. But I would have to transfer one of my chars to one of these servers.
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My GM kicked me from the guild today, I was late for raid by 15 min because I thought daylight savings hit server time. I argued with him for a bit till I just gave up and said
> What ever let's raid

One of his dick suckers made a grasping noise and then promptly kick from the party, guild and banned from vent. He's an artistic man child with anger issues who also makes shit up about other people and their reasons for leaving the guild. He ran the guild like a fucking prison now that I think about it.

Always I have his phone number and a idea of where he lives, but if perfer to get his account perma banned. What's the best way to do this? I was thinking have the Chinese send lots of gold straight to his mail
Are you willing to pay this?
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If I resub will I get a wowgf?
I'm an e4 with fuck tons of disposable income, I'm winning to spend $500 just to get him bammed
If you send these 500$ to my paypal he gets band for sure.
Hunters aren't necessarily the easiest, though none are hard. Wotlk feral druid dps necessitated staring at your screen for prioritizing inputs and maintaining proper positioning, but even then it wasn't hard.
At the time I craved acceptance and pretended to be a part of a community.
no, i've been trying for years :/
Cool what's your info
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But I'm not ugly.
me neither but for some reason girls on wow call me a creep when i ask them to be my gf
ive been playing as a free starter account

I got to level 20 and pimped my guy out using the dungeon finder to gank some heirloom kids

spent about 2 hours riding around in contested zones and didnt see anyone :(

it'd be cool if there was some kind of starter-account community that had some world pvp going
Not sure if there are new limitations, but I used to queue bgs and arena with other 29s. Not worth it of your toon isn't in gf gear.
Not being able to get a proper group for some shit easy dungeons

>I just wait for welfare mode to leech through it

i might try to remake a level 19 to play the battlegrounds, i think it would scale me up to 29 BGS at 20
GErman servers have an average of 70-90k price for the token

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22F looking for a wowbf to level with.

Must be on 4+ hours a day and loyal.
where do I send my application?
i'll level with you but idk about the bf thing. I'm online pretty much every waking hour.

Post your bnet and why I should add you instead of the other gentleman.
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I am a weeb too so we can talk about our favorite drawings and be autistic together

the other guy is pretending to be all alpha and shit, NOT a good sign
you gotta be trolling but even if you are and youre a dude or something, I'd still be interested in making a friend to level with. but as I said my bnet is zet#11501

A perk with me is that I will literally always be online because I'm a hiki. and I have no other friends so i wont ignore you or anything.
cuz i'm an alpha male and i'll fuk u good bb
Thirsty af, pathetic.

Fischer#1547, I'm not an autistic manchild like these creepers.
t. Tyrone "Emina 'Vjera' Mladic" Jackson
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Just letting you guys know that she added me. I win.
I'm on skype with her, definitely not a trap.
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>she added me

>lying like this

lmao. She's on mybnet right now and we're in voice chat. Hi
I'd post an image but she'd probably block me if I did.

What's her bnet then?
She told me to stop posting in here. Later nerds.
Haven't played in years, but from what I've read gf gear is pretty obscene in 29s. More so than 19s even with scaling.
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I play on a US server since I'm a RPfag but I live in NZ. I'm down to do some mythics or mythic+ but I'm only an ilvl 844 Havoc DH so not sure how much I'd contribute.

Battletag: AutisticHogu#1944

Will add you once I get home.

If anyone else in here, oceanic or otherwise, is down to do some mythic+ content then let's see if we can get a consistent group together rather than grouping with randoms. Alliance side by the way.
post yours and i will add you famalam
nostalrius is coming back actually. fuck legion.
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>new guild
>fuck up three times on mythic spiderbird because of my shitty computer
>gm just kicks me out from the group
>hs and log out from game without saying anything

I just want to get a good computer.
When I had similar issues I only used macros for ui editing (consult bg/arena forums), lowered every setting and convinced a guild mate to macro spam a/w warning whenever particle density based events occurred. Worked for me.

I usually don't have issues but all that fucking goo and tornadoes just fucking overkill. On my last death just when I was about to get out of the bosses frontal attack a fucking tornado came in to my view and dropped my FPS to 5. Can't even talk about it because the GM is a "le no excuses" guy.
EU Alliance here, specifically on Argent Dawn.

Getting new friends would be pretty cool, considering I have none.
Maybe you also need more zoom and more focus/familiarity with fight?
It sucks when you don't get the opportunity to learn from mistakes, but gotta be proactive too. However, this is coming from a faggot who loved hardcore raiding.
Fuck me, forgot to add battletag:


Well they wiped like 30 times before on progressionI and it was my first time in the fight, didn't even get to get a feel of it. Reading tactics and shit can only take you so far, gotta die and get a feeling for it a bit.
Play on the public test and watch videos in addition to required reading.
I did for a short time with a friend. We barely played then he transferred. Wasted my money.

>tfw no good vanilla or BC server
I quit before legion dropped. Got to 2.2k in rated bgs, ended up retiring with over 10,000 random bg wins on my main and I hold the record by over 4500 wins. It would take a sane person 2-3 years to win that many games and maybe i'll come back when someone comes close, but it's over for me.

I did everything I ever wanted to do in that game man. Hand of A'dal, Warbringer, Warlord, I left throwing money like I was in a strip club. 400k hks, living legends
WHAT WHAT WHAT? Is the server really coming back?holy shit i hope you're not lying

Hmm never tried PTR, I of course watch the videos and stuff but it's just not the same. I'm the kind of guy that can't learn unless I put it in to practice.
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