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>noticed about a week ago my cum started to smell like oatmeal

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Thread replies: 379
Thread images: 120

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>noticed about a week ago my cum started to smell like oatmeal
>think nothing of it other then it might be my diet
>three days ago I fapped and my semen came out dark grey
>this was a little worrying but the internet said that was natural
>yesterday i fapped and my cum was brown and had chalky bits in it
>freaked the fuck out
>showed discord server
>they freaked out
>cum literally looks like vomit from my dick that got mashed up
>im actually not that scared by it and decide to take a nap
>wake up to my dick throbbing in pain
>look at dick
>begin to panic
>decide to call a taxi to hospital because i dont have a car and ambulances are overpriced
>taxi driver asks me where to
>tell him to high tail it to the hospital
>he seems me cringing and grabbing my dick through pants
"oh man you gotta be kidding me"
>tell him to just drive
>he speeds through stop lights while im trying not to cry like a baby because my dick feels like someone took a sledgehammer to it
>when we arrive at the hospital i leave him 3 twenties and go inside
>desk clerk sees me and tells me to take a clipboard
>tell her i cant wait its a emergency
>she says everyone else has a emergency
>tell her i think my dick is dead
>she gives me a blank expression before looking at my crotch
"one second please"
>she goes through some double doors for a while before coming out with a doctor
>he asks me what my problem is
>i tell him my dick is purple
>he just stares at me
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>he made me follow him into a small room for me and wanted to see
>i hesitate before slowly pulling down my pants
>my cock had shrunken apparantly too
>it looked like a dark purple olive between my legs
>the doctor almost faints
>he walks out pale as fuck
>a nurse comes in to see what happened
>sees my cock in its vegetative state and just stops
>she slowly walks backwards out
>im in there alone for a while with my peanut cock out not sure what to do
>finally a group of nurses/doctors come in and decide to see whats wrong
>they ask me questions
"have you had trouble peeing?"
>a little
"any problems getting erect"
"anything unusual besides the discoloration"
>my cum is brown
>they all become dead silent
>nurse asks me if im sure it was brown
>show her the picture i took
>she gags before walking out
>the others didnt want to see
>they decide to make me pee in a cup to check if for stuffs
>i couldnt pee
>they said if i couldnt pee i would need a catheter in my penis to check
>freak out and ask for water
>after drinking a half gallon of water i go into the bathroom and pee into cup
>they test it and find nothing
>they tell me they are going to need a sample of my cum
>they gave me a second cup and told me to "try my best"
>all but one doctor left
>he just sat their and continued writing on his little clipboard
>ask him to please leave
>tells me he wont peak
>not sure what to do
>decide fuck it i already showed my dick to them i dont think this can get any gayer
>begin to fap
>finally cum after like 10 minuter of embarrassment
>still brown but this time its has more tiny rocks in it
>give sample to doctor and he leaves
>after half an hour they come back and tell me they need to check my prostate
>ask how
>someone needs to shove a finger up my butt and see if its enlarged
>im not sure which is worse
>losing my dick or losing my anal virginity to a bad porno plot
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>ask them what i need to do
>they tell me to remove my pants and bend over
>i remove my pants to reveal my cumstained underwear that hasnt been washed since october of last year
>my goal was to break the world record of longest time of not changing underwear
>the smell is so bad a doctor had to leave because he was about to puke
>bend over and clench the paper wrap thing that the hospital calls a "bed sheet"
>i dont think i can ever explain what happened next in a way that isnt shameful
>once the doc is done he goes "yep"
>i pull my pants up scarred for life
>doc leaves to tell the other what he did to my boipucci
>they come back later to tell me i have chonic bacterial prostatitis
>panic ensues
>they tell me not to worry i just need to take some antibiotics for 4-12 weeks to clear it all out
>clear what out?
>the bacteria in you prostate
>apparantly i need to either piss or cum it out
>doc tells me i need to masturbate daily
>tell him i fap atleast ten times a day
>he just looks at me as if im not even a real person at this point
>more like im a used tissue he just threw away
>he gives me a prescription for some antibiotics and tells me to go home
>on my way out the desk clerk asked me if i needed a cardboard box for my dick
I still have to wait till morning to get my antibiotics

>pic related its my cum
This is a good story

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Just googled it OP. Your jizz is brown cause it's got blood in it.
Could be worse at least you found out while fapping and not having sex
I'm glad you're going to have a relatively happy ending for this.

I got prostatitis when I was 15. My doctor assumed it was venereal. I hadn't had any sex, of course, but I bluffed my way through all his questioning about my [nonexistent] sexual partners. At least he didn't tell my mother.
Did you get prostatitis from your rank unders?
how would you get bacteria in your prostate? Doesn't make sense.
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Good god my dude, that is the most disgusting thing I've read recently
Do just like, not wash ever?
what the fuck i was already thinking about doing my laundry and taking a shower but for fucks sakes how am i suppose to sleep now if that's all im thinking about? i cant do any of that till a few hours. what in the fucking hell.
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Great story anon did kek
there are multiple causes apparently senpai. get a better degree in online doctoring

how is this a happy ending


i-i dont shower really

almost a year

i wipe myself off when i get dirty but i dont like showers or baths so i dont do that

post pics please?

my cum was a little brown too..
>chonic bacterial prostatitis
I looked it up. It's real anon. It's a real thing that happens! WhyYYY DID I OPEN THIS THREAD!!

now I'll never be able to blindly fap my cum around my room while spinning without searching the floor to check every single drop for brown and chalky bits!!!! AHHHHHH!H!!!!
VVVcheck OPs final post VVV

Keks, bet the bacteria in your ass is the cum from last year. Bacteria...not clean underwear...fill in the blanks, use the thumbnails and make the connections.
>haven't bathed in a year

the doctors wanted to kill you you freak.
>I don't shower
Where did this fear of the shower come from?
Are you a jew?
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my cum is the third pic

fuckku youu
Hospitalfag that made my day
i have hydrophobia no bully please
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>ambulances are over priced


Ok now its >>32183201 again, if you want to do something real with that dirty underwear achievement. You gotta wear it on your face a full 10 minutes after breaking that record. I bet bukus you would get yuerterber famous then
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d-d-dick pic anyone?
it doesn't count if its medical...
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>i remove my pants to reveal my cumstained underwear that hasnt been washed since october of last year
>my goal was to break the world record of longest time of not changing underwear
>the smell is so bad a doctor had to leave because he was about to puke

Holy shit

maybe it's good i didn't get into med school after all
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Oh my fucking god dude
>i remove my pants to reveal my cumstained underwear that hasnt been washed since october of last year
>my goal was to break the world record of longest time of not changing underwear
>the smell is so bad a doctor had to leave because he was about to puke
But fucking why
Does kek will it?
I've seen some weird shit on this site but fucking hell man
i mean im still wearing them

whut no

i just wanted to achieve something i knew i could do easily

no u
>still wearing them
nigga are you serious
ive been wearing mine since august
I might be a degenerate but at least im not you
posting in a very epic thread :DD
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>still wearing them
I would tell you to fucking kill yourself; but it seems like you are already on it.
Rotten Benis :-DDD
my god man.. run us through an average day for you OP

im curious about your disgusting life
mate, how are we gonna know the real situation without a dick pic? is it still purple?
You are one grimy ass nigga S M H

mine since october last year, on the 28th this month it will be one full year

but you are me

maybe thats the point
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oh man thats gonna take a while hold on

nah its not purple anymore

no u
how tf do you get a prostate infection
did you get any pics of your dick while rotten?
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Holy fcking shit OP
only reason i changed in the summer is because my grandma has a nice house and is really nice so i went to her house for a month and had to take a shower every day or two or this would mark a year and a half
take a shower and wash your clothes you fucking idiot
nah but man

it was like dark purple and shrunk to just a knub

oh man thats some devotion

no u
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>tfw you realise you are in same discord as this person
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You learn something new every fucking day. This place taught me more than any school ever can.
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Holy shit
I mean;
Holy shit.
Never change /r9k/

original comment 123
shut up you

good for you

no u
op can I fuck your ass now? your boipussy is ready.
no go away you dont get these bad cummies
>wanting to contract some sorta super std
That's the kind kind of degeneracy I've came for on this board! May kek bless your meats /bot/s!
>this nasty neet is going to create antibiotic drug resistant bacteria in his dick
god help us
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Good boy, baad cummies.

>tfw you're in 2 servers with this person and keep telling him how much you want to suck his dick
it's inflated, that'll hurt
Please include me in the screencap

Discord server invite link when???
>implying its a std

your welcome?

itll be the death of all neets

pikari you little tramp

lmao hold on here https://discord.gg/A4kukfW
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Its a very prestigious server.
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>they tell me to remove my pants and bend over
>i remove my pants to reveal my cumstained underwear that hasnt been washed since october of last year
>my goal was to break the world record of longest time of not changing underwear
>the smell is so bad a doctor had to leave because he was about to puke
Oh dear. Up until then none of it was your fault.
i really want to see them
so you still want my day to day schedule?
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Get better soon, anon!
pls anon me need the bad cummies bad
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Sure why not here you go
what are your living situations OP?
then join the discord server i cum on everyone there

like my daily schedule or do i got piss bottles everywhere?
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>pic related its my cum
this is my fethish. moar pls
Somehow, I believe this man has out done the guy who came ants
Daily schedule
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I can smell them through the screen

not surprised this isn't original
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are those green jizz stains?
Yes, post them
And I thought I was an utterly disgusting trainwreck when I wore a pair of underpants that had developed holes for 6 weeks.
join the discord i do this hourly in there

ok so

first i wake up and fap
browse discord
make ramen noodles
around this time its noon so i nap
wake up
browse discord
erp on discord
and by this time its night time and i go to sleep to restart my schedule because im a neet shut in


yeh im interested about your life, how you got to where you are
its these cummed stained ones i posted here >>32183665
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Dude, just, shake my head irl tbqh
look at the post literally above you you blind man >>32183777
Nice trips rotten benis lad
it's a sign KEK is pleased with his degeneracy
The most unbelievable part of this is a nurse gagging and running away at a gross bodily secretion

Unless she was brand new that wouldn't happen, nurses deal with the most disgusting bodily excretions every single day
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she probably just got a whiff of my underwear when i pulled them down
do you think this might change you at all?
maybe you couldtake a shower one in a while?
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nah i think of this as positive reenforcement to further my neethood because this just proves society doesnt want me

if you tried more society might change it's mind
Maybe if you fucking washed yourself and threw those undies away society would want you retard.
maybe i dont want society if they cant except my undies
My cum used to have streaks of bloody mucus in it when I was younger.

If I was in OP's situation I probably would have lost my penis.
Well, it's a happy ending because it's treatable and because you're not sexually crippled for life.
you're so nastyyy. mmmm i could give you a good shower babe. I wanna eat all your cum.
Good lord
Poor op
thats what you think you dip

we do it in the discord

ill be fine... i think
are you mentally ill? why would you want to have bad hygene?
I can actually understand the underwear (used wear one or two a month) but showers and baths are really cozy.
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>tfw really hairy so after shower I feel like a wet dog
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Fuck nigga drink some motherfucking water and change your underwear if you're already fapping it out.

God's speed crusty cockbot
Someone screencap this gem
i dont like showers

water is nasty

same desu

thanks senpai
i want this to archive first because this is gold and i need to see more of op's stuff
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okay here we go... done


Archive link please?

Have you sought treatment for your hydrophobia? Also, how do you feel knowing you are mostly water?
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>on my way out the desk clerk asked me if i needed a cardboard box for my dick
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>chonic bacterial prostatitis

its real


ps in case no one has pointed it out you got an infection up your butt because you DIDNT CLEAN YOUR CUMMY UNDERWEAR FOR OVER A YEAR
this thread took 30 years off my life

go away rank undies

espresso cappuccino
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watch as this post gets 4k upshits on plebbit

get better though op
Posted to leddit. Thanks for karma fag
Hope you get better OP you filthy cunt
go away rank undies

Please God go away you rank undies
I wonder what the chunks are. Pus?
Go away rank undies original
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holy FUCK

I've been feeling like shit, I'm failing at uni, this will be the 13th or so birthday I've spent alone, never had a gf, forgot what friends are, and my dads dying soon but your fucking post was what I needed.

cheers anon fucking cheers
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that is so fucking disgustin. why the fuck would anyone ever do this to himself
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This is the best :^)
go away rank undies
op is a fuckin disgrace to the human race
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way to go OP
thanks for sharing this great story with us
i hope you get well soon

and thanks for showing how this board is heavily infested with normies
>he doesnt cum into his pants over and over again and lets it become an aphrodisiac due to the sweat mixed within
Please post your original dick
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Hahaha great story
I have a strong urge to shower now.
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>thanks for showing how this board is heavily infested with normies
good luck OP, hope your dick doesn't rot off
This is the average erp'er that you are prison gay for, r9k.

For real though, OP. I'm a NEET too and you're a tale of caution for me.
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This story is golden basil
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Neet aswell. About to step into shower now
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All right, what now?
op here im gonna fap soon, keep thread alive and i will report with cum status including taste, size, color, thickness, etc.

dont die desu
>dont die desu
Fuck bro. Same to you.

>tfw no friends or gf
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who cares when we have anons like OP showing us how bad things could be
>i wipe myself off when i get dirty but i dont like showers or baths so i dont do that
>not showered or bathed for a YEAR

FUCKING HELL boys r9k has discovered a new low
>including taste

you had to take it further, didnt you.
were not bullying you just tae a quick bath i mean i can understand one or mabye two months but a fucking YEAR?
its like piss jugs

way of the true robot boys below rock bottom there a lies a place where men never changr nor shower for almost two years

yeah things could always be worse. prostate infection worse.
>inb4 he gets an infection in his mouth
>I dislike showers
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include me in le screencap mr r/4chan sir xD
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You are a human wasteland.

yeah itd probably give you some mean tonsillitis or something.
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lol you done did it
>i remove my pants to reveal my cumstained underwear that hasnt been washed since october of last year
>my goal was to break the world record of longest time of not changing underwear
Holy fuck
>still wearing them
I dont want to believe
>op here im gonna fap soon, keep thread alive and i will report with cum status including taste, size, color, thickness, etc.

did you survive the fap, op?
i havent fapped yet, i need to get medicine when the pharmacy opens first

after i take it ill fap and report on here and discord

discord is lit btw
Fantastic thread
Your mentality reminds me of that pedo Nick Bate and the way with almost perfect childish sincerity he tried to justify himself raping his little sister while still talking like some 'kawaii' NEET
Why don't you even feel shame?

>Implying we believe your ridiculous excuses
Best thread in awhile
thanks OP
also pretty disgusting
this better get screencapped lol

ok. keep us updated on your sickly semen.
Hes not even kidding. I was bundled into an ambulance someone else called after i accidentally bonked myself unconscious at work. Woke up to a raging headache and an ambulance bill of like $450 bux. Four hundred and fifty dollars for a couple guys who make less than I do to drive me two blocks while i took an involuntary nap. They didnt even medicate or treat me, just took me to the hospital. Insurance wouldn't pay it, i can't afford to pay it, so they can just keep sending copies of the bill.
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i had no idea if i should post this but here it is, i am from server too sorry love.
>i mean im still wearing them
The antibiotics are a waste on you. I hope you get a serious infection and die.
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your sucks
here, mine is better
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My post is in it!
Top right
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oops, missed a few brown boxes
kill urself
i tried my best.
wanted to get alot of it in for history; with people in there to be remembered too.
>tfw my post isn't in either
Both are good imo
but >>32186499 is easier to read
That's what you get for being a dirty faggot
I'm sorry anon, you did try
You and I know best how exhausting resizing stupid text boxes and pictures in MSpaint is
I wouldve included more posts in mine but I'm afraid of making pictures too crowded
Post the pictures of his shrivelled dick
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Thanks for posting OC, OP.
Please dont take pride in being an inconceivable slob tho
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cheers lad, clean read on yours though.
where did OP go though
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>water is nasty
You're fucking nasty you cunt.
i accidentally scared him off didnt know he was the OP ;-; although if he is a good boi he would be showering right now and clean himself up!

op got niggerjizzitis
im about to head to pharmacy for the pills

afterward i will fap and post results
>i mean im still wearing them

This is what got you into this situation you actual retard.
god speed, you and your quads brother.
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OP you should bottle your brown chunky semen, tie a balloon over it and huff the gas that ferments after a week. The fumes should simultaneously get you incredibly high while also putting you out of your misery.

A win-win in my book
I'd help you take showers, OP. :c that probably sucks big time.
>a nurse comes in to see what happened
>a group of nurses/doctors come in and decide to see whats wrong
This is why I'll never go to a hospital, where do these fuckers get off thinking they can just waltz into a room and look at my exposed junk out of idle curiosity? Fucking cunts.
You do realize you could die, lose your prostate, and your dick, because you are so Autistic you won't change your underwear, right?
>i mean im still wearing them
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Op's trip to the doctor.png
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Here u go everyone
This is fake and gay. I have prostatisis and i am well knowledged on this subject. Cum doesn't chane color like that. Also the penis doesn't change color.
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Update, more reactions
Will make final update when OP posts his magic jizz
Bumping for the taste of brown cummies with chunks
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Porridge. Oatmeal is what amerilards call porridge
For the love of god someone screencap all this and put it together in one image.

I just tried but I got halfway through and closed the wrong window without saving and I don't feel like doing it all again.
You fucking nasty son of a whore GO TAKE A FUCKING SHOWER motherfucker. You are going to die in the most disgusting way pls shower just today I'm so triggered reeee
here's mlne
I have no idea what porridge is
It's sweet and not chlorine like usual cum right?
I don't usually wear underwear so I just cum on my pubes and get the result you mentioned. And yet I'm still less of a subhuman than op.
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>doc tells me i need to masturbate daily
>tell him i fap atleast ten times a day
>he just looks at me as if im not even a real person at this point
>more like im a used tissue he just threw away

Go away rank undies

Bless OP for scientific exploration though
>water is nasty

No, YOU, and your fucking cum-stained underwear are nasty.
fucking hell dude lmfao
http://www.nukesbombshelter.com/ (Just check it out)
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put me in, too. this is 4chan history
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Here, this post will look so dope on your reddit screencap famalamalam!

>op is figz
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>i tell him my dick is purple
>he just stares at me
>Rank undies
>Not shoo shoo underroos instead
what does it taste like op

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Will wait, OP, this is glorious.
Make sure to post your reaction before you die from tasting your putrid cum!
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I had sympathy for you until...

>cum stained underwear that hasn't been washed since October of last year.

You're gonna have a special place in hell I'm sure.
Posting in dank underpants at work. My co-workers think I'm retarded for laughing at my phone .. God knows I'm not telling them what I'm laughing at.
I feel you, I'm laughing as a retarded too
sometimes i put broccoli in my underwear to make it look like i have a bigger dick than i do
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Someone pls make screencap.

I would do it but I'm too lazy
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Every time I start to think I'm a fuckin weirdo I see some robot doing something so completely detestable that I feel like Brad Pitt in comparison.

They always thought you were retarded, they just don't know the extent.

Except for how you never shower, they all know that already.
L0o0ok, dumbass
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>i remove my pants to reveal my cumstained underwear that hasnt been washed since october of last year
>>the smell is so bad a doctor had to leave because he was about to puke

Reminder to OP that he is more disgusting than people who are literally diseased and rotting away, that he can cause a doctor to have to leave the room from his stink.

You think you're scarred for life from a prostate exam? I feel more bad for the doctor who had to stick his finger in your gross asshole. I bet he wanted to kill himself through the entire ordeal, regretting every decision he made to get him to that point in his life, praying that one glove was enough. I bet the moment you left he tossed those gloves in the bin, lit the whole thing on fire, and washed his hands for hours while screaming.

You're just a waste of life, nobody deserves what those doctors had to go through.
Is this real

What if OP is making it up
Jesus chriiist op

This would both the funniest and most disgusting thing ive read in a while
fucking disgusting.
>cant get gf
>wonders why
go away rank undies

pls no mute roboto
>This is your average anime poster

Nice digits though.
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>my cock had shrunken apparantly too
>it looked like a dark purple olive between my legs
>the doctor almost faints
>he walks out pale as fuck
>a nurse comes in to see what happened
>sees my cock in its vegetative state and just stops
>she slowly walks backwards out
You should write horror OP
I like this one more cause some of my posts made it in

Anyone who meets this faggot could write horror, as they have first-hand experience.
Isn't it kind of rude and unprofessional of doctors to treat you like that though? Their job is to help you.
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Jesus dude. Why didn't you at least change before you left?
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Post dick op?

Would you react any differently if you witnessed zombie dick? You can think about and train for it as much as you want, but nobody is actually prepared to have it right in front of them like that.
ILL Broast in this ebin brumski
He couldn't stop breaking his record dude. hes got something called dedication, and autism
go away rank undies

but whats it taste like OP? does it taste like cappuccino? i bet its like when you buy a cappuccino on your way to work and then forget it in the cupholder in your car and it's summer and that shit sits there for a week but then your ashtray is full so you bravely breach the container because you're not a litterbug/arsonist and behold the sour curdled remains of last week's cappuccino. thats what it looks like
>>my goal was to break the world record of longest time of not changing underwear

He's the type of autist you breed when you let /r9k/ turn into a safe space for degenerates.
>i remove my pants to reveal my cumstained underwear that hasnt been washed since october of last year
>my goal was to break the world record of longest time of not changing underwear

Good fucking lord, OP. Fucking Godspeed. Shit looks like the god damn devil reading the King James version of the bible in latin backwards while jerking his dick off. That shit is like the devil cracking his belt on his wife's face he's beating it like a god damn mountain lion shit looks terrible.

Also link to discord server.
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You fucking deserve it for being a disgusting human being. I hardly brush my teeth and shower once a week, but damn OP, you take the cake.
>this is the kind of people your erp with on this site
Please brush your teeth you dont want cavities.
cavities aren't real, they're a jewish illusion invented to fund their secret cabal of lizard mind-controllers, known to us as Dentists.
Pretty fucking disgusting desu. But good thread.
You're the second most degenerate person I've seen today.
I've seen doctors deal with things like patients being visibility eaten alive by cancers and sores on the morbidly obese having necrotized and widened into gapeing pustelent sores of decaying black flesh noxious with the scent of rotting death with nothing but stern professionalism.

OP has been a given a gift, he has had the great fortune to be counted among the chosen sons of Papa Nurgle himself. To squander this gift would be blasphemy. Nurgles blessings are meant to be shared, not selfishly horded.
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>i remove my pants to reveal my cumstained underwear that hasnt been washed since october of last year
>my goal was to break the world record of longest time of not changing underwear

fucking kill yourself you fucking tumor
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Thanks OP at least I'm not you or Anthony Burch
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there you go.

RIP your wiener
Who the fuck was even going to confirm you wore those undies for the longest time?
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Still waiting for op to deliver moar
Noice story bro. Glad it had a happy ending.

Also please practice better personal hygenie
Oh boy did I pick a bad time to go on /r9k/ at2:00 am
Fuck the haters. Just continue to be urself, robott.
OP what does it taste liek?
Well it does look like vomit
Include me in the screengrab plox
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peter 1.jpg
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Acknowledging a medical emergency is not hate you enabler shithead.
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>i mean im still wearing them

I wonder how you got chonic bacterial prostatitis
>mfw reading this story
Put the brown bits on your tongue and see if they're like pop rocks
top ladd ain't you :^)
I want to rape that child
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Op here. Just came on undies. Had to fap flaccid which took hours. Cum is now all solid and tiny rocks that are white in color. Tastes like rotten fruit despite the sweet smell. Hurt like a bitch to cum cause it felt like shards of glass in my urethra.

A-atleast its no longer brown.
Based OP delivers
That's disgusting, but why didn't they refer you to a psychologist as well? Fapping 10 times a day is clearly in addiction territory.
Cut your fucking nails
Because he's clearly mentally fucking ill
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Hope you get better soon
but i am addicted, how do you think this started?

no you
Well that's exactly my point.
Does the cum just fall out of your dick if its solid? How does it not get stuck inside your dick? I don't understand
See a psychiatrist or something
it like shot out, there was very little liquid. i think it was stuck in there for a while cause this took me three hours of constant fapping to do.
It's not a happy ending, it's a chronic condition with a high reoccurrance rate which will effect him for years to come if not forever, it will require different antibiotics in cycles in combination with other medications to combat while antibiotic resistance makes treatment with the same drugs less effective with each episode. He'll also probably start developing terrible and frequent UTI infections due to the proximity of the prostate to the bladder. If those bacteria develop significant antibiotic resistance and make it to his kidneys he's pretty much fucked.
Put that shit under a microscope
the absolute state of yourself
i have one but no slides :/

rock solid
What does cum usually look like for you OP? Do you ever actually manage to shoot out large amounts of white liquid anymore?
>implying OP could even get near a woman without her fainting because of his smell
Stellar thread. Glad to know r9k still has some magic in it
it used to be a small white blob that just globbed out

now im shooting rocks out at high speeds
That is a hell of a story anon, good luck with the treatment I guess, hope your cock recovers fully.
>eating the cum
If it gets to your bladder, that shit is getting infected too. And every time you get infected, the antibiotics have a lower chance of working. Enjoy the painful death, OP.
OP, i hope one day you get treatment for your obviously serious mental illness
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>now im shooting rocks out at high speeds
Try not to fap for a week. When you cum it'll be like buckshot
Man, I thought I was a piece of shit until I saw this thread. Thanks for making me feel better with your degeneracy, OP.
they should rename your dick "the pellet gun"
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nwhatbfib fucggg
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final screencap
OP, I love you
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OP disgustingly delivered.
Holy fucking hell, what a day! What a beautiful day!
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>Tastes like rotten fruit despite the sweet smell.

You're supposed to get it out of your body not fucking put it back in fool.
You're a Roadhog main aren't you?
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fuck, this is actually the final screencap
i just had to include this
Fame at last.
One for the history books.
Insert ants into penis to eat the infection.
Posting straight to r/4chan

thanks 4 da carma b0ss
prostatitis is diagnosed through urinalysis, faggot
Consider including >>32190171 as well. Otherwise people might miss those centimetre-long claws that counts as further evidence towards OP's lack of hygiene
op here it doesnt include the discord invite


please add
it does
check the right of the undies
w-which photo

there are so many anon

How are your nails so clean if you haven't showered/bathed in a year?
Go Away Rank Undies
the picture with the yellow background in the lower half of the image
look to the right of the picture
i hide my cum under there to make them "look" white

ahh i see thanks
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all the keks
sauce on this qt 3.14
neat to be neet.
go away rankity dankity underoos
FYI you will get this infection again if you continue to wear your shit/jizz crusted underwear.
That's how you got the problem in the first place.
go away rank undies
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Get well soon, OP. Remember that your penis and nutbladder are sensitive parts of your body, so consider changing your underpants maybe once a month.
Original cum cakes
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OP here. Just learned my cummies are contagious... so I'm gonna start cumming on normies in public to spread the disease and eradicate them all.

WIsh me luck.
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>he just looks at me as if im not even a real person at this point
godspeed brown-cum-anon
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somehow not even fuggin oregano
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Did your dick come back to normal or still looks like a purple olive?

its still as small as an olive but atleast its not purple anymore
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Very fast candyslut.jpg
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>Later on the news: "Weird man shoots cum at people on the street and kills 4. A breakout of a unkown bacteria is now causing men to cum brown stuff"
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>tfw no oatmeal's cummies bf to dispense breakfest from dick
>tfw no oatmeal's cummies bf to shoot burglars with his buckshot cum
>tfw no oatmeal's cummies bf to teach to bathe
Why even live?
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i hate this place so much

i bet OP isn't a virgin
how?!?! the girl would probably die when she smells them undies
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go away for a while.jpg
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by the way he dealt with the doctor, tells me that he's an outgoing person -- has probably got some pussy down the road
but the doctor was scared of him, how did he get pussy if even a trained medical professional didnt want him?
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I don't believe it one bit, but it was pretty funny.
it was a guy doctor, he didn't get any pussy
rektum damn near killed em
OP, do you take your rank underpants off when you go to sleep? I assume you must take them off to go for poopies and things, so surely you must have known about the smell in advance.
So I'm guessing this is just one of those "lets have some fun with this guy lol" threads? He puts some baby food and some Mortons salt on his underwear and people believe it actually came out of a dick? Not a lot of this story has been believable op.

>i-i dont shower really

Indian by any chance?
So is this like the male equivalent of toxic shock?
ive been in his discord server for a while and can confirm that he's a virgin neet
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What in the ever-living fuck
git ye gon rank undies

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lol no shit
i bet he's never even touched a female before
not surprising considering he doesn't even fucking wash himself or wear clean clothes
what a pathetic sack of loser
>feel I need to pee
>burns slightly
>there's a microscopic amount of blood
>ah fuck it might as well get it looked at
>go to ER
>now can barely walk from pain
>have to pee in cup
>bloody chunks of my bladder come out
>it's the worst pain I have ever felt
>actually black out for a second
>restroom looks like a horror movie (god bless the janitors in hospitals for dealing with people like me)
>manage to make it back to room
>nurse immediately calls doctor
>random guy comes in
>"oh man that's a really nasty blood sample, what is that stuff?"
>nurse explains it's a urine sample
>he pauses for a second
>immediately orders every goddamn test known to science for everything sitting between my lungs and my balls
>it's the urinary tract infection
>not a UTI the UTI, the worst case in the living memory of anyone in the hospital
>doctor is completely at a loss because even greasy fembots struggle to fuck up like I did
>I drive home screaming
>get home
>blood everywhere
>wear a diaper for 2 days
>blood goes away
>thank you based antibiotics
>a week later bathroom is finally usable again
Nobody knows how I got it, I graphically described my hygiene and they couldn't find anything wrong. 7 years later it still acts up a little when I pee, and holding it in is hard, but there's no infection. It's just permanently damaged.
Haven't laughed that heartily in a while, thanks OP
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This is you, hank
I love this place sometimes
>some poor woman gave birth to this individual
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Jesus fucking Christ how do you continue to live in this filth

What the fuck man
This thread

is the best thread

on the worst board
so....can someone include me in the screenshot?
no fuck off you double nigger
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Posting in epic threadd
go away bad undies
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I tip my hat to you, good sir. For you have made my day.
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>almost a year
Actually gagged reading that, well done OP
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>i mean im still wearing them
Oh my fucking god. This threat is gold.
Wow, my cum looked exactly like that a few years ago. I just ignored it and now I'm back to normal, though I'm probably infertile or something
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>mfw this is real

I'm sorry, Anon.
Have some reading material while you die.

>>doc tells me i need to masturbate daily
>>tell him i fap atleast ten times a day
>>he just looks at me as if im not even a real person at this point

Thank you for that laugh OP. Great post.
>Tastes like rotten fruit despite the sweet smell
>on my way out the desk clerk asked me if i needed a cardboard box for my dick
Should have said
>Yeah so I can mail it to your house for you to play with.
That's what you get for wearing dirty undies for a month, have fun with your diaper rash...
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pondering scatman.jpg
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Holy shit. You have successfully flabbergasted me, you imbecilic nincompoop... Just wow.
anon you must have misread

OP wore them for a year...
Still, stupid games win you stupid prizes.

Fuck's sake, fuck off dude.
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already happened

"Anon doesn't change his underwear for a year and cums oats"
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10/10 would let op pellet inside me
that discord server he linked is full of nothing but faggots that he erps with

go there if you want the death cum
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>got invited to the discord the day before
>didn't join until today
>was wondering where all the new people were coming in from
>hadn't seen the thread yet
>just saw spooky pictures OP posted
>left because I was scared

It all makes sense now

I'm the last post in the thread lads

stick me in the screencap
yeah um, no,
I am the last post, faggot.
L-Lewd joined and left the day before. So no.
How long ago was your ambulance adventure?
Thread posts: 379
Thread images: 120

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