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Girl Types thread

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Thread replies: 140
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I'm interested what types you guys have. Post pics of girls that closely resemble your type. (Also pls post more pale girls with dark hair or goth girls).
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It can't be closer than this.
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Yellow fever represent
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Long brown hair and blue eyes.
That's the look my oneitis had, and that's what tugs my heartstrings even still.
Is it possible to have two oneitises? Because both of the only girls I ever loved look like this.




Apparently this comment had no content, fuck yourself bot.

104.5 degree yellow fever tgh
Not like I care about the opinion of some yellow fever fag that can't appreciate redheads anyway.
I like redheads but the freckles not really. I like freckles on other hair colors but on redheads.. eh
>can't appreciate inbreds
>all staceys

This is why you'll never have a gf
A redhead without freckles is not a real redhead.
As an Irishman, I don't really understand this fetish of ridiculously (read: photoshop-tier) freckled redheads..
Don't come here looking for ridiculously freckley redheads; the only girls who actually look like that are essentially gypsies who only fuck their cousins. Go to Scotland instead.
I don't get it either, people don't really look like that. And it's not really attractive.
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Blonde hair, big blue eyes, light skin, somewhat rounded features.
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Similar example.

Faggot, I'd probably date a turd on legs if it asked me out.
I'm almost certain this isn't a girl
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>tfw no qt Irish Traveller gf
pls leave me be robot
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If I have a type this is it.
I know you're probably joking, but travellers are literally worse than animals.
They tried to steal my dog. Twice. Let that sink in.
lt doesn't get much better than this
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Their existence is greatly amusing. I didn't know they were a thing until reading about them a year ago.
The Irish are animals. What do you expect?
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Fucking shit why won't it take my image
>Dat red wig
>Brick-like curves on all (including ones in previous images) except the one in pink
>Eyes indicate that they're all from the same mother and different fathers or vice-versa
I'm Irish. Don't put me in the same category as those inbred fucks ever again or so help me God I'll get the 'RA to bomb your local pub with you in it
>>Eyes indicate that they're all from the same mother and different fathers or vice-versa
Not necessarily, they're just inbred beyond all reason and logic. Seriously, if you tried to do up a family tree for a traveller you'd have a stroke
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>your local pub
>mfw the Irish are always within 200 feet of a drinking establishment, so they assume everyone else is
>Not admitting that Irish are untermensch
>le 19th century "Irish are monkeys" meme
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we're like the only country in western europe that isn't overrun with mudslimes. no rape incidents, no muzzie terror attacks, no nothing
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Her name is Mia
Everyone has a local bar, doofus.
The browning of the other countries doesn't deny the genetic inferiority of the Irish.
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These are my type.
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I don't feel sexual or emotional attachment to anything. I just date failed traps because nobody else will and it's not like it makes any difference to me.

Stacey's were annoying anyways.
>genetic inferiority
[citation needed]
Kind of like pic related, but with freckles and brown eyes.
There's a reason why out of all the whites in Europe the Irish were chosen to be slaves. Our proud Aryan ancestors could see the truth generations ago.
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Tfw she could never exist irl eh
good taste anon
She actually looks so much better in Stranger Things than in that image. Good taste either way though
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Overall, I think I like this type of girl when it comes to appearance.
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What about mild-to-moderately freckled redheads? The ridiculously freckled ones are too much but some freckles on the nose and tops of cheeks along with that beautiful red hair and good eyes?

Also, aren't there more Irish people outside Ireland than inside it?
you mean poorly compressed?
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>There's a reason why out of all the whites in Europe the Irish were chosen to be slaves
Because the Eternal Anglo hates Aryans with a passion obviously.
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Sorry bruh couldn't find better resolution
>girls that closely resemble your type

she behaves like a 12 year old girl and has just about the same amount of emotional depth. you are sick. you only like her because of these few selfies she takes and the rest you just make up. grow up.
>crispy is a fujoshi
that is when you know she is a lost case
Roastie detected.

who is this cutie?more pics?
your whole thread here is a thinly veiled crispyfag worshiping thread

you know the only way anyone will still bump a thread about crispy is if there is some other general topic

just let it go man
Grill's beautiful OP. Exactly my type too. PleaseNoTrap.jpeg
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read the filename originao commento
I'm not OP.

Anyway Crispy is GOAT
I mean something like this btw
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qt white latin american, as close to perfection as it get for me.
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I like girls that have hazel eyes and brown hair like me
I like blondes too but everyone likes them
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short hair, english accent, bright eyes, cute face
fantastic fucking taste that's a real 10/10 right there.
>mfw matched with a girl who looked nearly identical to this on tinder a few nights ago
>dont message her out of pure fear
>2 days later she unmatches with me

Fucking end it man
I mean she might be but she's definitely my type so who cares?
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Something like her, OP.
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i think her fellow white washed mex girl friend taylor is hotter to be honest
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Dark hair and eyes and cute thats really all i want
Slootycrispy a shit
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shes down to earth, doesn't take this internet crap seriously, has a good sense of humor, is attractive and talented. you can honestly say thats not the kind of girl you'd want?
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probably this

go on tumblr and look into the autistic girls that aren't into feminism
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>original post


based wales voted brexit while the cucklands voted remain. in other words, please delete this.
>men talking about "types"
Holy shit, what "types" are you talking about? All those pics are 10/10 stacies with almost exact same features, the only difference are hair and eye colour. Its disgusting how delusional you are.
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>black hair,
>red hair
>blonde hair
>brown hair
>middle eastern
>all the same
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I dunno guys, I just want a qt asian girl who can dress well and go on runs with me.
WTF dude. How do you any of that? How is she talented?
Hair and eye color are things you can literally change in an hour or two. The point is those girls look almost the same: same eye shape, head shape, same slightly upturned, small noses, same type of shapely lips, same weight, in all most all cases same skin color too.
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young, impossibly pretty brunettes.
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Big thick Muslimahs.
her artwork is amazing. she actually has skill.
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tattooed alt sluts with dyed black hair also get me going, but in a much more carnal way than the classically wholesome looking brunettes.
They're ideals
Real girls aren't constantly 10/10 but make up for it by being real interesting human beans

>>30377147 here. I'm more into the dark-skinned ones myself.
Have you talked to her or are you just watching from afar?

Yeah that girl is a 10/10 fits the dark hair and pale skin aesthetic I like.
>implying any men wouldnt cheat on his "interesting" girl if one of those "ideals" looked at him
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I wouldn't cheat, but if I felt a strong enough pull towards a flirty 10/10 I would break up with my current girl, or at the bare minimum tell her exactly what was on my mind and if she wanted to break up I understand.
OK, so let's say you're with an 7/10 whose everything you'd want in a girl personality wise. But then a 10/10 who is kinda like you but nowhere near as in tune with you as your current GF, would you then break up with your GF?
>implying this is any better
If I was hotter, I'd devout time to crushing men emotionally.

But it's haram, anon.


No they don't. You're reaching. There's a lot more diversity there than you care to admit. Perhaps you are looking for some "thicc" or "big beautiful women" to spice things up? Care to explain yourself with an image post? Besides, assuming most of the dudes here are white, they're programmed to find these kinds of women attractive. Let's see what your biological imperative is, anon.
My type of girl would be one that is Crispy but is willing to beat me with a baseball bat.
>Perhaps you are looking for some "thicc" or "big beautiful women
No, I just point out that men are delusional hivemind that all want the same 0.5% of 10/10s, with slight changes. I would give up my hand to become lesbian.
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something like this
robot this is original
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Oh. I see. So you're a salty femanon upset she wasn't blessed with GENETICALLY SUPERIOR traits, and so wants to parrot the "ugh, men are such shallow pigs because they have instinctual standards" meme.

Don't be a cuck, Shirley.
if my current girl was everything I look for personalitywise she'd be the one inviting the 10/10 into bed with us.

If you were hotter you'd be gobbling so much chad dick that you wouldn't give a shit about any other men either way. Stay toastie, roastie.
>Don't be a cuck, Shirley
Don't worry, men are worthless anyway.
>If you were hotter you'd be gobbling so much chad dick
Sorry, I dont have male brain that only cares about looks and fucking. You can stop projecting.
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>almost all face pictures

Really makes u thynk
>my ideal gf would be cuck with no emotions so she will be okay with sharing me :^)
I think I am going to gag
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>this bait

You don't read too many guys' posts on this humble little website, do you?


>Don't worry, men are worthless anyway.

You forgot the "wo-"
You are awesome. Not being sarcastic. Don't ever change
For someone who doesn't care about looks and fucking, you sure are mad about men desiring looks and fucking.
You see, thats a concept women know as "compatibility". It means that you look for partner who shares your values and ideals.
Men dont know what this is because they are too busy looking at pics 10/10 models and projecting ideal personalities on them.
>implying women have values and ideals outside of trying to hypergamously mate with Chad
>I dont have any argument so I'll just go with "b-but women are shit too!"
>Sorry, I dont have male brain that only cares about looks and fucking
You're blatantly lying to yourself
Look, I saw your post on the front page and you sound dumb as fuck. The guys that don't care for this sort of thing aren't in this thread (ie. me and tons of other robots, and a good amount of normal guys). By "I don't care for this sort of thing" I mean I don't care about "post your 10/10" threads or middle school discussions.
But acting like you don't care about looks and fucking is asinine. I wouldn't stoop that low even if I was anonymous.

Challenge accepted.


"Compatibility" is code for "fucking ripped with at least 6ft and 6 figures."
Can you retards please fight elsewhere or post more women? Ok thank you.
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>tfw no qt russian gf
it hurts bros
Thanks, I guess? Dont see anything awesome there but whatever.
toastie roastie trying to whore attention and shitting up a thread about male ideals that she doesn't meet. what a big fucking surprise.
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what the literal fuck is this
>"Compatibility" is code for "fucking ripped with at least 6ft and 6 figures."
you forgot 6 inches.
>you don't care about looks and fucking
I dont lust after 10/10 chads and consequently- have no desire to fuck them. Thats more than any men can claim (for 10/10 stacies of course).

Justin "Pushing my dong through little thongs" Wong


Only when flaccid.
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Actually this is a better pic.
There's more photos of her and I've fallen in love.
quints get...

r9k is literally tumblr tier
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>all these three dimensional pig disgusting women

I'm posting the only girl that matters.
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>tfw no tall, skinny, and flat, loose tanktop and shorts wearing gf
good doulbe
>Rescuing a Muslim woman from her arranged marriage and living on the run from her father/brothers/anybody who listens to the local imam if he happens to proclaim fatwa on you

this is a fantasy i could entertain
Checked for truth. Name so I can watch all the episodes right now?

Post your type, missy. We'll make an exception to thread rules 4 u. If it looks anything like a Gosling or a Hemsworth or a Skarsgaard, we will laugh at you.


Justin "risking subpoena for little Serena" Wong


Not bad. She kike?


Sad! It was right there!

What a beautiful baka.
Fucking hell. Shut it doesn I guess no one can argue with quints. Shit.
I met a 10/10 a year ago that was religious, politically aware, and was the only person my age, male or female, that could talk to me about the Boleyn family or The Moon is a Harsh Mistress. My point of course being that there are many many women that outdo you in every way (most easily intellect and temperment, given that you're posting salt and convenienty made-up generalizations ITT), and that's just how it is. Not saying those girls are the ones posted, but you can't assume 10/10s are any dumber than you are, nor can you say guys that like them are particularly vapid for being attracted to attractive people.
You sound like an underdeveloped robot in the anger phase.
>I don't lust after 10/10 chads and consequently I don't lust after them. That's more than any men can claim.
That doesn't really look like a noble claim to me desu. Just sounds like you have a low libido. But why exactly is liking someone with a "compatibility" with you (happens to have been reared to like the same music, sports, entertainment etc.) any less superficial than liking someone who happnes to have been born somewhat beautiful and was raised with the sense to maintain their beauty?

Sorry to be so wordy, but you're a curious person.
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welp, can't argue with quints
Who is she?
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this is now and should have always been a cirno thread
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You're a crazy man.


Too bad she probably has something extra slutty out and about just waiting for your guilty download.


>15th century knowledge is true intellect

Please post more. I want to know what the female version of fedora is.
>Post your type, missy
I dont divide people I am attracted to into types like its some kind of collective game and really dont care that much about looks. I was very attracted to two guys: a prematutely balding, skinny guy with objectively ugly face and fat, hairy, manlet whos only saving grace for absolute beta face was a beard. Of course they were both crazy about 10/10s.
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Posting higher quality. I actually don't care much for Indians though after finding out that the poo doesn't usually find itself in the loo.


Now I know you're just trolling. Don't ever reply to me or my wife's anon ever again.
A type isn't something that you use to decide who is worthy enough. Like if you see a car you like, you don't say. "Ah I won't drive my 2003 camry anymore until I can get a Bugatti Veyron" like no, you can appreciate a certain aesthetic but that doesn't mean you'll devote your life to it. Way to be a stupid roastie but ok.
How do you not know what touhou is, newfag?
>Please post more. I want to know what the female version of fedora is.
When a girl who's more beautiful, moral, booksmart, kind, and connected than you is wearing a funny hat, it's not the "female version of a fedora" (whatever the fuck a female hat is), it's your worst nightmare.
I admit that sounded edgy
You're getting hung up on the least important part desu, I honestly want to hear why you think you're not superficial and are more upright than all the horndogs in this thread because you want an emotional 10/10 and want me to believe you wouldn't give a physical 10/10 that nasty cunny even if he asked really nicely.

This is what happens with a literal autist pretends to be a woman.
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You know, frankly I find all you woman worshipers to be weak, stupid, and gay. ...Yeah, seriously, I secretly hate most people on this board. And all people who like anime. I think they're stupid and autistic. Why do I even come here, damnit. I have no real friends, even virtual. ....I know there's probably a small minority like me, but whatever, I just had to vent it. All these /pol/ fags, tfw no gf (boo hoo)... it's been fun, but I've just had it. I don't know if I can take this anymore.
>Ah I won't drive my 2003 camry anymore until I can get a Bugatti Veyron
Yeah but try to tell me you would exchange 2003 one for a bugatti if you could.
>I cant believe people can be attracted to people that arent 10/10 hot
I never really counted liking same media as "compatibility". It has more to do with similar way to view life, shared view of love and what good relationship is, similar level of intelligence. Usually similar age also helps since you are more likely to be at certain point in your life .
Thread posts: 140
Thread images: 61

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