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Is /r9k/ just a bunch of normalfags pretending to be robots now?

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Is /r9k/ just a bunch of normalfags pretending to be robots now? Where are all my bots at? I'm really lonely guys, more lonely than I've ever been and the last place I thought I had found refuge in has been infested.
Ive had to tell normalfags to leave like 10 times more than usual today its pretty exhausting bro
the problem is that r9k is full of normalfags who don't even pretend to be robots.
It is over now we all have to actually kill ourselves.
sup faggot? reporting in.

this isn't our hug box though. it's summertime, remember? these faggots are everywhere.
i try not to post because nobody replies
Naturally the density of robots on r9k will decrease as more and more of them commit suicide and normies come here to have a good laugh at their expense

i knew it would end like this, forced to either kill myself or get off 4chan
I want off this ride friend
Guess it's time to leave. All good things must come to an end.
Where do we go from here? Wiz?
I am too normal for wiz and that place is too slow.
I guess I am completely fucked.
>I am too normal for wiz
You're probably too normal for r9k as well.
Fuck off retard.
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We could just make a skype group and have people dedicated to removing any normalfags that try and join like let em in for a day and if they spam or show normie tendencies they get kicked
This is a good idea friend. I don't have Skype though
They're not even pretending to be robots anymore.
I guess being a complete failure is cool to them now

I get 43 in the robot test.
Also I have schizophrenia, so I am not normal by any means. You fuck off.
>I get 43 in the robot test.
Holy shit. There is no test you fucking normalfag faggot.
Here are the requirements.
>no friends
>autistic hobbies (optional)
we gp to a chan when where normies and jews are'nt allowed, the place from where /b/ and /pol/ are control.
You all could simply utilize filters. This would create a userbase within the userbase, by diverting traffic from cancer threads to non-cancerous ones. Filters screen out the common cancer we see on /r9k/ daily - you wouldn't even be subject to reading them all day. It is the most immediate and effective way of separating ourselves from the normies.

It follows logically, that if enough of us do this, there would be an /r9k/ within an /r9k/.

Start filtering now or get the fuck off this board for good. This is literally the only way to combat the people who make this board their shithole.
Don't worry I'll livestream my suicide as soon as my get my next (and I suppose my last paycheck) next week! I just have to find a way to prevent the Normans from getting to it and fucking it up somehow.
I fit those to the letter then anyways.
I-If I somehow made an image board for all of us robo friends to be robo friends together would you robo friends be down for that?

Obviously right of the bat there needs to be some preemptive security measure to check gender (no """""fembots""""") and so on. But I think I can make it happen....if I got off my lazy ass that is.
Or we could simply make a board in the other chan.
What would you recommend are some tags to filter to make my experience Normie proof?
Do it anon. Do it for all of us.
I'm brainstorming here but I need your help robo friends. If I wanna keep the image board anonymous, how can I possibly set up a measure to check the gender?! If this was an login account based system, I could work up something but that would defeat the entire purpose.
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posting to say hello OP, have a good evening!
You could do it like the pass, nobody can see your username but you are logged in simply with an id number and pin.
Fuck the Fakebots.
I am a trip normie who has had a hard time socializing. I admit it. I post here on the reg.
The other boards aren't my thing and I've already said why a million times. I don't claim to have had it better or worse than robots. Honestly, I have been bullied alot in my life (even more than the average robot). Those feels...
RRRRrrreeeeeEEeeEEeeeeeeeee normie leave!!!
how does one make an image board?
I don't understand the question.

It's like making a news site, but with boards instead of news.
Yes help us scare away the normalfags, we need to knock up the edginess in here to robotic levels
faggots come out in the summer
When I make cup noodle, I microwave the cup with the water in it, I don't add hot water.

I rub my fingers in my asshole and then lick them clean
I held the door for a Stacy today. She didn't say thanks or anything so now I'm gonna call her a fucking cunt of a whore on a Filipino cartoon image board.
I said robotic not meta, this is way 2 edgy 4 me

No. That doesn't work. Nobody is going to make the move. There is no better "preventative measure" than shutting them out based on the language they use. You'd be going through all that unessecary work for nothing in the end. How many people are going to just move? We have the space and convienience here.

We do it here, NOW. It is the simplest and easiest way. If you or some other schmuck makes another chan it'll simply be deserted given a couple months. WHY NOT change the way this board is from the inside out? It'd be an initiation to people who actually like and contribute to the website. I mean they came while we were here first. If you hate the normies so much, fucking show it by screening them the fuck out. This includes the females that ruin EVERY thread they post in.

I felt bad no one replied yet. Here's your (You), robot friend.

You choose. These are off the top of my head. I come on here every day usually, and been coming on and off for the past 3 year. I don't like seeing the aforementiones shit shoved down my fucking throat all the time, so I filter them. Use your head and identify the common ones.


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ENOUGH!. you must apply to the fallowing to be considered a robot, This is the bare, generus minimum of what it takes to be considered a robot the amount of normalfag tolerance on this board in the past year has been immense, hedonism and degeneracy has run rampant as it's become the norm to talk about relationship problems and drug usage. Again, you must apply to the fallowing to be considered a robot, any less and you are a cyborg, faild normie or a full blown normie

>no friends
>no past or present gfs
>never have done illegal drugs
>have no other social media
>have a significant mental disorder that has impacted your life since day 1

"ect" are other things that make you more of a robot. if you did not meet the fallowing you must relocate to a designated normie center IE literally anywhere else, just off my board.
We could use [s4s] shitty site they made a year and a half ago.
tfw I posted this in the wrong thread
Let's just all go to red dit u guyyyys
Fuck you I only have a face because my shitty ex friends use it and they refuse to contact me in any other thing
When I was a normalfag back in 2007, I came to this site the first time and the thing which deterred me was the autistic slang this place had.
The way to get rid of normalfags is to not make this place in any way relatable to normal society.
Let's just all go to redd it you guyyyys
I browse reddit when I'm pooping. It's like a mild/better /b/. I still prefer 4chan though, reddit has a lot of people making threads or comments for the extremely valuable upvotes.
Why i'm not living in the virtual reality age?

I wish i can drink in a comfy place with my fellows anonymous true robots. All we have now is shitty headset for normie and theyr "job simulator"
There is VR you stupid fuck.
It is just that all robots are so much of a failure to actually do a place to hang out.
Hell this retard over here can't even make a simple board >>29494435
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I'm still here OP..

I've just b-been hiding...

We're still here.
I hate this place and hate you self-loathing NEET faggots, but I have nowhere else to go :-(.

/b/ has no convo, just porn and gimmicks

/pol/ is just racism and trump support threads

/tv/ is cool for GoT threads, thats all

nothing else is about the bantz. This board has random social discussion I can relate to sometimes and it isn't lightning fast.

Reddit is gay as fuck.

This is true. I'm what you refer to as "Chad" and find you fuckwits extremely entertaining
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I got no place else to go man! No place else to gooooooooo.....
if your penis has been inside a female (XX) vagina and you didnt pay for it, you are not a robot and need to leave immediately
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>r/4chan Redditors who see this board as an EPIC MEME goldmine
>people subscribing to the Just-World fallacy
>"so me and my girlfriend..."
>people making fun of robots for being robots
>le Rare Pepe XD threads still pop up
>tripfags and namefags everywhere, because how else are you going to satiate your cancerous need for attention if you're anonymous?
>literal "board celebs"
>Skype groups full of normie teenagers who haven't even graduated high school
>whiteknight betas defending the """""fembots""""" instead of telling them to fuck off because they think it'll get them laid

Yesterday there was a thread where a guy was venting because one of his Stacy co-workers came up to him and said, "Hey kid, wanna cover my shift?" "Kid," when they were the same age. And acting as though it was some kind of privilege to cover her shift, like he should be grateful. That's just such a fucking demeaning way of addressing somebody. Normie cunts don't even see people like us as human, and they don't make an effort to treat us with any respect. So the guy was pissed, and I scrolled down the thread expecting people to be in agreement. But what did I see instead? "Kek, what a fucking autist!" "Fucking sperg," "You should've just ignored it!" All a bunch of normies jumping on the bandwagon, trying to fit in with the thread consensus and insult the guy. Normies have been shitting on us for our entire lives; the guy stood up for himself for once in his life and the so-called "robots" tore him down and told him to stay down, stay in his place.

It's pathetic what this place has become. Normies have the whole internet to themselves, and still they come here to fuck things up for us. We're mentally-ill social outcasts who only have each other to connect with, and they treat us like animals in a zoo. They find our pain funny. They find our misery justified. Even the rest of this very site joins in on the bullying.

We are the laughingstock of the laughingstock of the internet.
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Don't look at me twice on the street
gotards are the ones fucking up /tv/. thanks fuck it's nearly finished
There are no true robots seeing how you faggots change the requirements to be one every fucking day.
>reminder you're not a true robot if you never cut a hole if your pillow and fucked it
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Good post
Made me mad
>Hands of an ogre
Trannies really are delusional
I see it like the opposite.
Normies lead so pathetic lives themselves, that they have tocome and laugh at us because they know their lives are shit, despite being """""""""""successful"""""""""""""".
Of course when told this, they imm4ediately say LOL YOU ARE DELUDED, i AM LAUGHING AT YOU LOSER but that's just defense mechanism talking.
They are as pathetic or more than us, they just hide their misery behind the mask of what society calls success.
When they are old and dying in their hospital beds they will realize how wrong they were, even if their shitty families don't really love them, or they destroyed their liver with alcohol because their slut wife left them, or they get aids, or whatever. But who gives a shit. It will be too late by then and nobody will give a fuck. Justice will be served, everybody pays their bills here before leaving.
You've noticed it's summer, right?
Good post, kid. Want to cover my shift?
I don't know the pain of robots...
Robots I will miss you. I will no longer post here. I'll find another board.
I need to change. Thanks.
>I'm what you refer to as "Chad"
This is mostly the issue.
Generic dimwitted normalfags start thinking they're impressive because they've fucked a few sluts and they got called "Chad" as a joke and didn't get it.
>When they are old and dying in their hospital beds they will realize how wrong they were, even if their shitty families don't really love them, or they destroyed their liver with alcohol because their slut wife left them, or they get aids, or whatever.
At least they'll have lived a full life. What will you be thinking of, your hearthstone ranking?
this basically

I'm so tired of favorite drug threads and threads about virginity loss or how to lose it

Like no, robots dont want to lose it, and dont have anyone to buy drugs from even if they wanted to. buying drugs makes you an insta normie
atleast they passed on their genes, even if they don't leave behind a legacy their ideals and personality will live on their kids. What will you have? you'll die alone in a gutter with nothing to pass on and become the dead end of your lineage how can you face your ancestors in the afterlife?
>/pol/ is just racism
>Reddit is gay as fuck

But that's clearly where you came from faggot
Stay mad normie.
What is the point of living a lie? Are you happy with yourself when you have to pretend you like people instead of telling them to go die in a fire? to have to say hello to other normies in the street even if you rather would piss in their coffee?
Enjoy living your lie, because I know I will at least have the truth even if it comes with misery.
What about stealing drugs though
They don't talk about any other shows I like. I made threads and nobody would reply.
jesus, cheer up lad. Eat some fresh fruit or something,
Are you stupid or something? how many other people in history do you think died without reproducing ever? you really thin you are the only snowflake in the whole history of the planet that died without fucking? come the fuck on, you are not the center of the universe, faggot.

fuck you faggot. leave now
Its amazing. We've taken your board and all you do is continue to fight about what makes a "real robot". You guys can't even stop cannibalizing each other in face of being pushed out of your " safe" space.

The robot capacity for self destruction never fails to impress me.
its called filial piety to do right by your parents and ancestors just because many other people hit the dead end doesn't make it acceptable to do so
lol don't be yourself, yourself is a fucking loser. Try being someone else for a change. Someone who isn't a little bitch.
you cant be someone else. the charade is not going to last forever. and in the end, it will make you more miserable than you were before
And? if you are unable to, then who cares? if you really care so much, then go and rape some woman in a lost country in a lost town where there are no cops and society and be done. And yes, here in mexico they still do that and get away with it.
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Is this you? Upset that your favorite board has been hijacked by home-wreckers?

A most friendly reminder to those who fail to understand. Tired of the same old garbage threads, more than likely mass produced by interlopers, AI bots, or even worse.. redditors and/or tumblerites? Begin filtering today!
robot here

basically contemplating ending or living my again.
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If you have to resort to making fun of downtrodden, mentally-ill robots on /r9k/ in order to feel better about yourself, you are an infinitely more pathetic loser than everyone here combined. Might as well hop on a plane to Ethiopia with a big bag full of hamburgers and just walk around laughing and pointing at the starving African kids you people love to invoke so much. That's basically what you're doing here.

Fuck off, normies.
>stormfag thread
>some euro country thread
>blacks are factually dumber/more violent w/infographs as proof thread
>trump support thread
>"I have a differing view than you guys AMA" thread
>faggot /pol/ster vehemently defending his shitty biased board post
>the charade is not going to last forever
Hit me hard friend. Recently the facade I called my life began breaking down, and so did I. I've managed to avoid a lot of problems in life because I was able to put on this show of being "just good enough" to get by. Just enough to be ignored by people in highschool. Just enough to get a shit part time job. Just enough to get the passing compliment from my boss. Then I got tired, and the facade started breaking down. Now everyone sees through me with their piercing gazes. It hurts so much.
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I don't post on this board anymore but I still browse for a minute or two sometimes, i'm too old for this board(29) so I don't even bother.

I can tell this place is full of teenagers/teenage angst because you eventually stop caring about women/relationships when you hit your mid 20s as a loner, I just don't give a shit anymore.
animal gore like old /b/
threadomancy... a lost art.
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Help me in my fight, brother. Hide normalfag threads. Use a filter. If you see comments on normalfag degeneracy or thr "fembot" meme, REEEEE and spam woman hate/frogpost until they leave.

It's exhausting work.
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I rarely see a reason to post anymore, robot brother. Suicidal ideation is taking up most of my thoughts.

I can't see myself anywhere else but 6 feet under.
Can someone seriously teach me how to use the filters?
I need to filter bebe and pizza and all of these >>29494813
there's a lot of Internet
you're being a faggot
The Internet is not even real
I'm making Jolly Rancher vodka with Grey Goose
Viva La France
it's kind of real, the infrastructure is real, 4chan/r9k is not real
digital shit
I'm going to slam your motherboard with a vast panel of viruses
Not even trojans
infest your Windows 95 with my proxy server
yeah baby, do you like that shit
you love getting it with my proxy, don't you bitch
yeah can I rub my telephone jack in your mouse ball
yeah baby, tell me you love it
>be lonely robot who gets jealous of all the other robots who at least have internet friends to talk to
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friends are Hollywood propaganda,
dont fall for it brobot
Pretty much,normies are sadistic, savage animals and nothing has taught me this more than looking at this board.

It has also taught me that behind their smiling faces and cheery demeanor, most of them are miserable bastards as well. They are so fake and full of shit that seeing people behave in a genuine manner unsettles them deeply.

It's entertaining how this board used to actually be pretty funny/insightful before the normies came in and turbed it into the polluted cess pit it is today. Normies are human cancer.
it's "etc" actually
>Pollute our board via a sheer volume of posts.

>Blame it on robots when the board naturally begins to devolve into a narcissistic attention whoring shit fest that is characteristic of the normie personality.

Not only are you an asshole, but also a retard.
play WoW on Kronos it is one of the last bastions of virginity atm
>skype group
It's like you WANT to get your shit fucked up , skype groups are a normalfag trap
Have you seen all the suicide threads? I think many are truly gone.
It makes me sad.
Our time has ended. Our fight is over.
>he says, while posting le Reddit frog
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