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General Feels Thread

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 332
Thread images: 105

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Post any feels you want. Good or bad, it doesn't matter.

>tfw gone 10 months so far without talking to a girl irl
>tfw still in school but 0 friends
All other people have all these nice lives and I'm just here sitting alone each day
Do you do drama or play instrument or sport? Something like that equals friends even if you don't want them!
i wish i could be human
>tfw spend the whole day cleaning my bathroom
who /getting shit done/ here?
>someone should be here any minute
>hungry but do not wanna make anything just incase they show up
>already dressed [got on jeans]
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>tfw girlfriend is sick of being fat to fulfill your fetish so she finally breaks down and admits she's been hiding how miserable she is and goes on a diet so you have to work out also
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i want to rape
violate and humiliate
doesn't matter what
something alive
i want to lock it in a room
no bondage
just me
wrestle until submission
then leave them
to wrestle again
Nope I don't do any of those things
sometimes I feel like it is bad when there are not enough good times for everyone.

like when u (me) make a meme and people say "good double" but not "good meme"

it is important to share the good times but maybe next time we can make more good to share
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not a meme

yes i am bird

i don't think there is a bird meme but maybe i can ask for you
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I wish i could stop checking in on my ex's twitter to see how she's doing with her new boyfriend.

>i just want her to come back but i know that's not happening.
>tfw trying experiment from last night
>tfw went better than expected and got results

So if some of you guys remember last night, one anon postes about what his escort / whore said about precum, yes i actually tried it since i have nothing to lose.
I'm your prime example of what an autist is, even confirmed autist by tests, Virgin, dressed poorly and odd shoes, basically everything that would deem me low-tier human.

>Go about my normal day, have to go outside for stuff.
>consider the things i read last night.
>get to it and take a fap before going out.
>smear precum on neck and hands.
>dress like usual and out i am.
>on the bus girls actually notice me.
>one sits next to me and starts talking with me.
>end up getting her number, was like a 7/10 Girl atleast.
>later again in the way home get another girls number without doing anything.
>she was a pure 9/10 atleast and constantly smiling at me.
>had to hold my spaghetti in both talks and didnt do much more than stutter and nod.
>tfw making it somehow despite being a 4/10 autist.

What the actual fuck.. This is just like the ballsweat guy, i wonder when itll fail for me.
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>that feel when becoming more of a normalfag every day.
I have come a long way from when I first started browsing this website. I'm slowly leaving my manchild self behind and turning into an adult.
make one


a meme :^)
abusive parents

abusive parents

abusive parents


don't have access to myself

in a prison and i can't escape

forced into this state


abusive parents
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wait here it is I found it

new meme

>tfw I couldn't even graduate high school with government programs and too afraid to go back to a high school since I'd be a weird singled out adult in the classroom
>tfw my mom is concerned that I may never finish school and become homeless after she dies
>she only stays sane because she lies to herself into thinking I will become successful one day
>tfw the only activity I do is to complain about not getting out and not having friends and waiting for my toys to arrive in the mail because I am slowly becoming a complete manchild
>tfw too poor for buying escorts anymore and they are the only people I connect with
I think I need to drop out of university. I fucking hate my program and even if I had the resolve to just power through, I don't think I'm smart enough. It feels awful to have spent thousands of dollars for nothing but I think I need to cut my loses before I waste even more money
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:) thanks and good image triples in your image
>tfw too poor for buying escorts

Same, tax season fucked me hard.
>write music
>feel like it's shit
>trash it
Why does this always happen? I feel like I've never written anything good. I have an idea and sound in my head, but can't translate it to real life. Also 0 friends, so no band
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I have a shitload of homework to do, I also got destroyed by some faggot in an online game 14 times in a row, and now I feel sad for no fucking reason. I just want this day to end.
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>tfw qt gf gave me a ukulele for my birthday
>tfw nothing you say will mean anything to her

>tfw you're just another guy
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Screw this, I'm drunkbso I have an excuse for this.
I feel like shit right now, last week I implied to my ex that I still have feelings for her, and that we should give it another try.
After that she did not reply until today.
I asked her if everything is alright she said: "Yeah, I think so"
I asked her again what exactly is wrong and that she can talk to me.
The only thing she said was "Don't worry about me anon"
But now I have much more questions, wtf is wrong?
Is it because of my text?
Is she sick?
Did she fuck another dude and now she's pregnant?
Or does she also still have feeling for me but is confused?
I just don't know what to do anymore, it fucking sucks, sometimes I even wish that I never met her.
But on the other hand she was also the best thing which ever happened to me.


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>That feelio when frend calls you silly idiot

Why live?
>tfw gone 3 years without talking to someone outside of immediate family
none of my problems are special or unique and I could probably just ignore them if I really wanted to, but I have nothing else going on in my life so I just choose to focus on them instead. rip me

u wot m8
>I'd be a weird singled out adult in the classroom
... you realize adults don't go to teenager high school right? they have something literally called adult high school. for adults.
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>tfw you don't want anything anymore
i'm getting to a point where eating food and drinking water is a chore
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Oi! Pls tell /s4s/ that I said "Hi", thank you friend!

ok i'll do it

good job with your clean teeth
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>naruto aired on CN a decade ago
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>Tfw onitis is moving to the other side of the country in 6 weeks and I'll never see her again.
Imaginary friend

bingo blox
imaginary friends arent real
Thank you very much friend, I brush them two times per day and I floss!

The times they are a-changin...
Real is subjective my good friend. Bob Allan may not exist in this realm physically but he is probably a btter friend than you have ever had
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>sister got a bf whos more protective than me

Not sure how to feel really
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>tfw the girl you love his getting married
>tfw she sent me an invitation for her wedding

Listening to this:
and thinking about those days i had her in my arms... It's been 3 years and i've never been able to love another woman... She seems happy and she became a teacher like she always dreamed...
Solong, i hope you keep the heart shaped locket i gave you
>he is probably a btter friend than you have ever had
That wouldn't be much of an accomplishment tbqh. Still won't make him real tho
>tfw about to open an ice cold can of Monster Energy
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Yeah? well you're a dumb idiot

Get the fuck out of this thread
she invited you because she wants one last quickie before she's married. then she'll need a guy to fuck behind her husband's back when she IS married. you don't invite an ex for any other reason
>yfw she walks down the aisle wearing the locket you gave her
>she gives you a quick, sly look as she passes by
>she says I do as she has your cum inbetween her legs still
>gone over 2 years without sex

Pls send help
You are targetting me unfairly I have evry right to be here just as much as as you anonymous little ants
try 4-5 here, friend. last time was fucking great too. I thought we really reconnected. then she moved away to live with a new bf.
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>so desperate to be loved by another person that I pose as a girl on Omegle so that I can at least make other dudes happy

It's making me gayer every day, I hate that I have to resort to this due to my inability to talk to women
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>laptop screen breaks
>decide to buy a new laptop instead of spending $40 to fix the screen
>virus deletes the OS from my new laptop
>can't return it now because there's no OS
>$400 wasted
>tfw when every interaction I have appears to contain a component of violence

I'm so sensitive that everything feels like a battle. Except when it's completely silent.
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>That feel when you haven't made any real friends since eighth grade
Just put Linux on that shit, m8

Or pirate Windows, easy
Im not a robot. Im not a normie. Im in between, an android. I can pass for normal, have casual friends at work/uni and acquaintances i chat to. However I can't form meaningful relationships. I have tons of internet friends to play vidya with and an internet bf but. I want a friend
a close friend someone i can talk to
just have walks together randomly, get cosy under a blanket together and binge watch movies or tv shows while sharing ice cream from a tub
go shopping togehter or cook together or take interesting classes at the local art college together
someone just to share small joys and comforts with
can talk to about deep things but also just shallow gossip about what you saw on your way to the shops or what a cute butt that celeb has
but i dont know how to find someone like that and keep them

i dont know...
I'll look into it but I already passed the 15 day return period anyway. I wish I never bought it.
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>tfw lost only friend because i wouldnt show my face to them
>haven't fapped in days
>light-skinned black girl wearing tight yoga pants bends down right next to me
>barely have to move my eyes to see her ass
>try not to stare
>she stands up and moves right in front of my chair
>stands with her ass a few inches from my face while she talks with her friend
>stop what I'm working on and just stare
It couldn't be helped.
7/10 was pretty nice.
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>tfw when you want to post your feels but don't because tfw you feel it doesn't matter at all.
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>tfw trying to teach myself new things but having trouble getting it to stick and keeping motivated
eww that body
he looks like poop
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>tfw had chinese food last night and store clerk slipped in a special cookie desert without me knowing
>tfw all my friendships only last a month or two before they start being mean and eventually block me
i know this feel

that sounds really shitty anon. why are they so mean to you?
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>tfw have been listening obsessively to Creature Feature's new album for 3 months now
Shut the fuck up you piece of shit. Why are you coming here and saying retarded shit like that you fucking autist
>tfw you'll never be in a group of bros with power and money just doing whatever you feel like
I just want some meaning to live
I just want this guy to have no meaning in life
life has no meaning but what you give it

you must search
Human beings have no purpose, they have potential.
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I miss all my bros from hs now that i'm away in college. New friends are cool and all but witha couple exceptions there just isn't that same level of brotherhood
they don't tend to explain themselves. I am thinking it's because I am just really bland. I'm not even clingy or anything.
>No motivation do do anything other than stare at a screen posting on the chans
>Been like this for years now

I'm not even sure if I've still got hope or lost all my hope. I'm just existing at this point.
>tfw course is a sausagefest and the only grils around arent very girly/feminine
i miss my grill friends and slumber parties where we do each others nails and talk about feeligns

i know none of you can relate to my feel but its nice to be able to vent
i think that's what happened to me too. imaginary friends are the better alternative
>hey anon how do you curl your hair?
I don't
>what do you do to it
I wake up
>hey anon can I touch it.

>hey anon can I touch your hair?
>(proceeds to touch it anyway)
stop touching my goddam hair
>But its so different?!?
So dont fucking touch me when I don't want it.

So fucking annoying, other white people keep your grubby hands to yourself
I guess i can relate to the opposite of your feel, cause besides my roommate now and roommate last year my friends in college are grills. And they're great and all, but it's not the same as being with the guys
No I get you, I also miss girls who looked like girls.
can I put my penis in your hair?
>tfw don't want to live but want to die even less
niggers cant be robots ..srry
muh feelbros
Normies are self-destructive thespians, that's the opposite of growing up.
>got work to do
>due in a few hours
>know it will only take me like an hour max to wrap things up
>work better under pressure
>gonna browse and wait till the last hour to get started

how retarded am i? i wanna get it over and done with, but i know if i try to focus my brain with switch off and go "eh, you got plenty of time"
>tfw the new drug I snorted didn't get me as high as I wanted
anon no don't do the doo doo
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>tfw slowly getting sucked into anime

It starts with the "adult-anime"... I keep telling myself it's like watching a western crime/drama show, but who knows where i will end up.

Is there any hope left /r9k/?
>being ashamed of your interests
As long as you aren't causing harm to others who cares?
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I'm sorry I had no choice
>brony detected
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>tfw I just lost two friends because of my eating disoder bullshit behaviour. I'm so scared I'll end up being all alone again.
But i'm getting these feels im not comfortable with

I'm afraid they'll fuck me up
>be me
>born on valentine's day 1990
>my parents divorced when I was a baby
>don't have a single memory of my parents together
>spent all my teens praying that my first gf would be the last, because I figured that even if I was poor, if I had a happy love life it would be everyting to me.
>KV until 19yo
>at 19, fell in love with some girl at uni but she had a bf. Was texting her all the time, flirting, she was flirting with me also.
>meanwhile, I get more and more horny and meet this slutfriend, eventually fuck her because why not. Break up a few days after.
>get together with the girl I love during summer, have sex once, never see each other again.
>love life has been a catastrophe after that
>haven't talked to a girl in over 2 years now, lifeless NEET

I just wanted to be the angel of love because I was born on valentine's day and make one girl that I loved happy, but I failed at that. Now I just wanna sleep forever.


You can be whole again, devour-our!
>tfw tendies
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>tfw talked to a qt asian girl today
I justed wanted to share these commercials with you /r9k/, I liked them a lot.
>At dead end job
>Only still there cus 1 grill
>Had chance for a better paying one but turned it down for her
>We go to the bar after work when our schedule matches up.
>Know she's never gonna see me as more than a friend
>Fed up with life in general
>Can't stand it sober
>Starting to not stand it fugged up
>Finding less and less reasons to live
>Really just wanna end it all

What do robots? Life wasn't meant for me, I find fault and complaints with everything. I really just wish it was possible to trade some poor 3rd world countrymans life with mine so he could make something of it.
>be NEET for two years after high school
>tried moving to a small town in the South
>college was expensive because muh out of state tuition
>move back to commiefornia
>be NEET for a while
>parents say I can either look for work or go to school
>decide to start looking for work
>this boomer bitch told me I better be going to at least 2 job interviews A WEEK
>decide to just enroll in community college
>waste two fucking years just taking general Ed with no goal in mind
>browse /pol/ this entire time
>devide to become an ideal male
>take welding classes for a year
>go to concerts every week to try and be more social
>also find a job at a casino, first job
>meet cute girl at work
>ask her out
>we get drunk in her car and I lose my chance at wizardy
>I am trying to be reliable, trusting man
>she is always late and some party girl
>which is good because she is fun to be around
>decide I will take her to a concert instead of boring shit like walking around town
>during the week I dated her, concert venue had nothing going on
>next week had a show
>call her to ask her to nearby Battle of the Bands next week
>"we shouldn't see eachother anymore "
>"our lifestyles are too different"
>tfw if I had just waited a week to ask her out, we would have gone to concerts together instead of her thinking I am some boring fuck who doesn't do anything
>back to full autist mode when I see her
>only smile at her when we pass by
>can't even talk to her anymore at work because too nervous
Years of preparing myself for becoming a normie, ruined because of a girl I dated for less than a week. Can't even claim wizardry now. Fuck this.
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>tfw I'm making a list of people based on ethnic groups for each country
>tfw I'm that lonely and autistic

I'm on Colombia right now
Does it smell ? I want to try but I'm affraid people will notice
It's good or bad feels it doesn't matter
lET'S All have a feels meetup in real life? what do you guys think?

all in for FEELS MEETUP!
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>tfw french and can't meet robots
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>horniness never goes away
>orgasm gives no feeling of "release" and is anhedonic and shitty 99% of the time
>wouldn't even care that the orgasms sucked as long as I could just feel some fucking release
>will literally be annoyingly horny all morning, fap, and within an hour, be 5x hornier than i was before i fapped
>it's not purely physical, it's not just some libido thing, and it's not an addiction to pleasure
>i just want the fucking craving to stop
>have had this problem since adolescence
>spent a considerable amount of my time and energy over the last several years practically transforming my worthless autistic personality into a makeshift PUA mecha-cyborg that can get laid a lot
>into really weird femdom shit so it was really hard to accomplish
>have had numerous FWBs waaaaay out of my league
>have had girlfriends who matched my kinks
>have had ridiculous experiences that are so fucked up they genuinely make for great stories
>have had ridiculous sexual luck, like numerous threesomes with lesbian couples and teenagers
>have been fucking around the block, have done things
>go home from a literal lesbian threesome with my face smelling like two different pussies
>still see some random 4/10 walking by and feel physical anguish that i can't eat her ass
>tfw it just never ends
>tfw constantly finding drumming up some insane quest that i think will fix it all, the ingredient that has been missing, then spending 5 months orchestrating and masterminding how to accomplish it, and still no release
>tfw i've been sat and stepped on by every human female in this city and i don't feel any better than when i started
>tfw i could have spent all this time doing something useful
>Have a 450 page report deadline for friday
>Been working on it since september
>Compiling it all this week to get ready to print
>Have realised I've forgotten so many things, and I've added or done things that make 0 sense and I can't even remember doing it.
>tfw will forever be destined to fuck up tasks even when I have help and guides.
You always overestimate that shit. EVERYONE DOES.

>tfw just got done reading one of the most brilliant thinkers of the 20th century's personal notebooks
>tfw every other page for the year leading up to publishing his biggest masterpiece was "I have no idea what I'm doing"
>"This whole project is fucked"
>"What was I even thinking? I have to scrap this whole thing"
>"I can't recover from this mistake. I totally forgot about..."

Just bowl through. For example it's a common joke that every PhD thesis hits a slump of "I was completely retarded to think this was a viable project, I'm fucked" in the penultimate year.
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>hugely invented in art
>literally no talent whatsoever, both creative and technical
>i'm actually worse at every form of art than some random people who just pick it up

i never learned anything, because i couldn't, even when i was in school i tried to study, i always forgot everything an hour after the studying was over i never understood how everyone else was so fast at learning shit

now i just sit in my apartment, literally rotting

>No will to live
>I'm tempting fate
>I feel most alive
>Confronting death
>But life goes on
>With no escape
>Don't wait for me
>I'm here to stay

Fucking Haken man. They'll blast you away with prog rock the one second then hit you with a suicidal ballad the next.
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>that sinking feeling in your stomach when someone on /r9k/ asks for contact info
Why is that a .gif a not a .png?
I always expect tears to stream downwards, but they never do
>hate women
>hopelessly fall for every blonde girl at work
>go home and fap til my dick burns
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>tfw I've made an immense amount of progress in my life over the past year and my feels have since waned into the pettiest things.
>tfw my problems once consisted of intense paranoia, symptoms of schizophrenia, debilitating depression, a collapsed lung, no friends, no gf, et al. These were the things I had on my plate and I still bravely woke up every day to fight them.
>Now that my life is more fruitful, my problems include things like my friends being inconsiderate/ignorant, my house being messy, not being able to see my gf as often as I'd like to, and just generally woes that aren't major issues at any stretch of the imagination. However, these issues seem to be much more taxing on me than my previous ones, despite them being much smaller in stature. These issues manifest themselves into menacing thoughts; I take much more fright at these ones than I do at the former.

Maybe it's a good thing. The fact that I'm aware of what's going on makes me feel better; I find solace in thinking that I'm not taking my better life and better self for granted. Perhaps when the basics have been sorted, we move onto the smaller and smaller details in a strive for perfection and wellness.

And decidedly, there is nothing to do but to keep on. I know myself to be closer to good fortune than to ruin.
Chad, pls go be original elsewhere
I dunno man, my life has slowly been progessing(got a job, out of the house away from my alcoholic dad and schizophrenic mom, working on a phone and car, getting more friends) yet i slowly feel more and more miserable. I hardly wanted any of these things in the first place but now that I have them I just feel more cynical and hopeless about them.

I'm destined for failure.
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>tfw 23 year old neet
>graduated community college after two years of taking online classes
>now a neet of one year, though I never really left the house since high school ended
>on six psych meds to give me the courage to wake up in the morning
>spend my days watching anime and shitposting
>parents don't talk to me anymore during mealtimes, I just take my food upstairs to my room
>decide its time for a change in my life
>download the Kik app and go on /soc/ to add people
>message a bunch of people that have bro-tier interests
>literally none of them message back
>get one message from a guy with a penis for his profile picture
>delete kik app and cry
>realize that my life is abnormal, and that people my age are out working, having relationships, and getting married
>hear mom crying downstairs sometimes
>put in online job applications, hear nothing back
>cry some more

Fucking kill me please.
This is what abstract art is for
the matter of fact is that every abstract art piece (i guess the musical equivalent would be outsider music) required some talent, or at least means to do it
Who on the verge of literally "REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE"ing right now out of frustation?

I've had like 5 cigs and 3-4 drinks in the past hour and its not helping.
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>No friends
>No gf
>Always agitated
>No motivation for anything
>Current events in the world just making me more miserable
>Only coping mechanism is fantasising and vidya
>Can't kill myself out of love for my family
Anyone else trapped in reality here?
trying to get better
Women still are out of my reach and it's getting harder to try and talk to them
All I do now is watch anime and sleep
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>wake up
>already want to go back to sleep
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>throughout my entire life i've been constantly surronded by males, all my friends and acquianted people were males
>i can make friendships, though with some effort, much easier communication with males
>i've never ever had any female companionship/friendship/etc, if my amounts of interaction with women were objectively represented, it would've been the same thing as if we compare Betelgeuse and Moon
>i don't know what to do, i'm attracted to them, but it doesn't "click", feels like i'm trying to connect unconnectable
>was frequently asked why don't i have gf, after some attempts of changing the topic started to joke out like "i'm tired of answering to all these grills typing"
>i think people found out that i've never tried

I don't even know how to feel.
And to add to this, I didn't even cum. Does it count if I don't cum?
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That must be the difference between us, then.

When I had none of those things, I yearned for them. I was also oppressed and downtrodden by the hand of an obsessive and overprotective mother (like, levels of obsession/overprotection that rival those of psychotic people)

She and I are a bit closer to okay now, but it's only because I've forcibly distanced myself from her and stripped her of the power she had over me. She still doesn't quite get it, but that's alright. My goal isn't to make her feel guilty or ashamed. I don't care if she's sorry; I'm just glad she'll never be able to hurt anyone else like that, and that the person she bullied for eighteen years was able to prosper from it.

As much as decency permits, I like to look at it as a blessing. It was a time of struggle that turned into something great. It's their sicknesses that everyone takes pride in.

Success was inside me all along, I think.
I'm also 23 and NEET and hear my mom cry.

>Severely mentally ill
>Not even suicidal any more for whatever reason
>dropped out of uni 2 years ago and haven't spoken to anyone outside of family or left the house since
>days and years just go by in a haze

No idea what's going to happen. I kind of want to die, but I'm not crazy enough to kill myself at the moment.
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"Best" friend spent night in a house of girl I have feelings for.

>"Nah, he was wasted, he wouldn't even walk"
>"Yeah, there were like three more people sleeping there"

If he had anything with her I swear to god I will break his fucking face
Kill yourself fucking disgusting normalscum
Good on you, i feel like you're a special kind of crazy(don't take that in a bad way)
Definitely dont belong in this place, get out before it digs its roots too deep.
This guy gets me
>Uni student
>On sports teams, lots of friends
>Seem to know everyone
>"Everyone loves anon"
>Have terminally sick mother and severe depression
>Don't want to seem like I moan
>been neet since 2009
>tried to escape in 2010 and 2012
>failed both times
>never talk to anyone online or offline

I really should have tried harder. The years have gone by so fast. I can't keep up. My mind is stuck in 2010.
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>tfw my job got rid of me
>tfw it was the only place where i could talk to cute girls on a regular basis even tho they already had bfs
>tfw their presence made life just a little bit more bearable
>tfw heading back into loneliness and sadness of not having girls to talk to

what do i do now
what do you do all day sempai? you don't see your family?
Just do it! It won't make it better but you won't feel so bad.
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>tfw your gf wants sex all the time

wew lads. I'm getting really concerned about the neighbors complaining.
I still live at home, but I don't really talk to my mom. Never had a dad and I never see my siblings, haven't seen 2 of them since 2009 and the other lives far away.

I had pretty much nothing to do with any of them, even when they still lived at home. Never knew any cousins or anything either.

Just 4chan and games all day really. Many would wonder how I've done it for so long, but it's all I've ever really known. Thinking about my childhood years is like looking into someone elses life.
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This made me uncomfortable for hours.
I feel the same about my childhood years. It seems surreal that I once had daily interaction with people other than my mom and grandmother. I used to play video games with other kids.

Seeing gameplay for Pokken Tournament made me wish I had friends to play it with...
>tfw not even robots want to be friends with me.
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>tfw you are jealous of the guys who talk to your oneits
>tfw she doesn't give two shits about you
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>tfw mom's birthday is in three days and I got her a new laptop to replace her 2011 piece of shit hp house fire machine she has hated for years and she has no idea

love you mama
oh jesus christ, fuck off. fuck, there goes my night.
That feel when start dreaming again then remember why I was relieved it stopped when it did all those months ago
That feel when I can't escape her no matter how much I hate her
That feel when she's already forgotten me and added me to a long list but she's all that I know
That feel when I want to die, but I want to know how this shitty story ends
>spent a good couple hours cleaning
>cigarette butts and beer cans everywhere
>$400 laptop
yes, when I was like 10 I was fairly outgoing, didn't have a lot of friends but I liked being around the few that I had. I have no idea how I ended up like this. Something happened to me when I became a teen. I just changed .

I've had next to no positive reinforcement in my life, that didn't help.
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>Meet a girl
>Like her, likes me, get along well
>COULD pounce, but
>/r9k/ has inflated my standard so high that I can't teust anyone less so I don't so shit.

Goddammit. Three times already. /r9k/ has painted normal people as such concealed yet potent toxic I don't allow myself to get close in fear. However getting a girl you can "bring home to /r9k/" so to speak seems nigh impossible anyway:

>"Older? She is using you."
>"Younger? She will leave you eventually."
>"White? Super slut these days."
>"Minority? Super gold digging slut."
>"Liberal? Ha. Ha. HA!"
>"Conservative? Secret slut."
>"Atheist? Militant liberal slut."
>"Religious? Militant secret slut."
>"Short? Nympho sluts."
>"Taller? They never like shorter men so they will leave you soon enough."
>"Flat? Fat? Sluts out of insecurity."
>""Gifted" body? You know she flaunts that shit everywhere, that whore."
>"Poorer? Richer? They will gladly leave you soon enough for somebody who makes more."

I could go on, but you get iy. You think that reaching the time of my life when I am getting female attention would be nice, but no. I feel more miserable and alone than ever now. I blame all this time I invested soaking in this board.

>tfw I let /r9k/ become my internalized mother.

Not even my real mother has such insane standards for me. I guess I will never leave this place after all, because its messages can live on haunting my brain.
A lot of HS's have separate buildings for older people too. mobile home looking types
i second

original comment
its all tears in the rain, godspeed anon
>the you will die alone and worthless
have wanted this my entire life and dispoints eventually made me give it up an push it away. it hurts to bring your hopes up only to be dis-pointed yet again
I made a friend 4 years ago
It was the best day for a long time anon. He taught me new things and introduced me to new people

He just told me he thinks I'm drifting and that nobody he introduced me too really likes me. Theyre just being polite, so he thinks it would be good if I left and made new friends.

Hehheh, time to make Another friend anon, r-right?

I hope I can. Maybe it isnt too late, right anon?
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>tfw the most special, important person ever

Suck a dick, NPC fags
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>tfw struggling to choose between utilizing my potential or taking the easy road through life
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My grandfather has cancer and I don't have anyone to talk about it with
>tfw hope I don't fuck up graduate school
>bipolar ex girlfriend I broke up with about a year ago calls
>mfw she tells me she's come to consider a large amount of the times we had sex while together rape
>Genuinely didn't understand what I was doing, she never said anything along these lines while together
>I haven't stopped thinking about suicide since
I would seriously call your local police department and explain what the fuck is going on before she files a false charge on your ass.
>post what you feel
>on the verge of tears
>tfw nobody responds
>Dating a girl for 7 months
>Want to go on break with her to find myself
She's literally the greatest girlfriend I've ever had. Our relationship is incredible. I'm just not happy in it, I don't know why. I'm not myself anymore because of it. I feel like I'm trapped, it feels like we're already married. I'm in my early 20s, I'm not ready to feel like that yet.
If I met her 5, 10 years in the future it would be perfect. But here we are. I don't want to leave her but I'm just not happy. I miss her already. I feel so fucking guilty.
>tfw complete sperglord.
>Wealthy parents who expect me to do even better than they have because they think I'm a genius.
>I'd rather play League and fap to be honest.
This is your best call
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I heard her laugh today.

She's a girl that I see in the library every once in a while and, according to a mutual friend, is interested in me. I've been ignoring her because I'm set on not getting a gf, at least for now (I have my reasons, mostly my mental state).

I thought she had an annoying as fuck laugh. I thought I had heard it a couple times when she was with some other girl but I never looked their way. Turns out the annoying laugh was her friend's.

I melted. I fucking melted, robots. It's the quietest fucking laugh I've ever heard; my own laugh being a close second. She also did this little movement with her arms and shoulders and I just don't fucking know.

Fuck, I can't.
Because you have a pussy face and they can tell
Next time you have a conversation with her over the phone, record it with an app or something. Make sure you bring up the false rape charges and get her to say they're false and keep it for whatever comes from what she presses against her.
Also, lawyer up right fucking now.
He's probably happy he doesn't have to put up with his bitch grand kid much longer.

Why have you disappointed him so?
Why do you disappoint everyone?
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This really hits me. Dude was so alone his brother had to literally pay someone to come visit him and then he turns into an absolute cunt and drives him to cut his ear off. Robots throughout time.
I seriously doubt she's going to the police, I think she just wanted to be able to say that she confronted me about it. She's not nearly competent enough to even begin a process like that.
Honestly if she says it's rape, I can't really disprove that. The sex was definitely weird, I would pressure her for sex a lot even when she said no. Though I never did anything unless she eventually said okay.
>I would pressure her for sex a lot even when she said no
Your done for m8. Thats literally as bad as rape these days
It doesn't matter how "competent" she is or not. It is literally her word against yours, and they will assume her word has veracity each and every time.
There's no way for her to prove it, either. It'll be your word against hers. If you get an honest judge, you'll be fine. If you get a SJW cuckjudge, you're fucked unless you have a lawyer and solid evidence.
So just in case she goes for it, at least call/e-mail a lawyer and see what they think.
>tfw small dick
Tfw i tried to post from my dads computer but he is banned for posting CP what the hell
post it here pal, its always interesting to see/hear what other robots create!

That's fucking hilarious. How long ago was this?

Please post screenshot. Blur out your IP tho.
seriously guys I'm having more trouble coping with how I feel about myself than worrying about court.
We're young and poor as shit, she likes and occasionally texts my mom and sister and told me she doesn't plan on telling them or my current gf. If she wanted to ruin my life she could have by now. Plus I handled the conversation pretty well, she still cares about me on some level, and she seemed genuinely shaken when I said I was seriously considering suicide.
Zero evidence.
Admit nothing.
I really want to kill myself I have an electric cord I can use to try to hang myself next time no one is home. I wish I didn't have a family or my few friends, so they wouldn't have to deal with it but I'm convinced on doing it I belong in a mental hospital but I just want to fucking die, I'm tired of just drinking everyday thinking about killing myself I just need to fucking do it and hopefully it actually works this time
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> tfw you forced your only female friend away

> tfw this was your last conversation, on new years eve

> tfw you stop talking to her for 2 months

> tfw she is online a lot but just ignores you

> tfw you realize she thinks you were just trying to get in her pants all along

> tfw she thinks you are a beta faggot

> tfw you feel like talking to her and apologizing to her but then you realize there is no right thing to say, and it's better to just leave her alone, then sigh and go back to writing or jacking off on 4chan

> tfw you destroyed your friendship

I miss talking to her, we were friends for almost 5 years and we used to talk just about every day. Then I told her how I felt and it was downhill from there. This was the first time she brought it up though. She lives with her boyfriend like four states away now.

I have no desire to talk to other women and I barely even have feelings for her anymore, but the conversation she had iwth me made me feel like I was going to ahve a panic attack, and I was on vacation so i didn't want to ruin it with an emotional conversation.

As a result, I pussied out and missed my only chance to finish this stupid shit once and for all.

THe worst part is that I destroyed our friendship and she probably hates me now. I fucked up her trust in men or something. Or at least me.
Two years Ago. I am disgusted
Her word > Evidence
You need to cut contact with her because every single day you stare at that name on your messenger is going to stagnate any progress you could ever hope to make. I went through that self-torment and misery with different women and I would never willingly do such a disastrous and harmful thing ever again, no matter the reward.
Should I do german homework or continue reading tyranny of experts?
Tfw live in a terror zone.
>thinking about my Mother might see me just like that gore threads.
Dirt on my face and in Blood.
I dont wanna Die.
At least when my Mother is alive
>tfw drinking so you get diarreah shits
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>tfw looked up my 12 years estranged family on normiebook and they all post stale political memes and pictures of food

i just wanted everything to go back to how it was before
>dogger died
there goes my only friend
RIP dogger
email me her twitter info. i promise no contact, this is just my fetish

[email protected]

I did cut contact with her, but I still feel bad about it and I don't know how much longer i can last. I know I won't cave
>tfw girl to the right asks a question to the guy left to me about an exercise in class instead of asking me

RIP dogger

Srry about your dog anon
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I'm a neet and I just gambled off my last 60 bucks
was dogger a good boy?
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>Oneitis called me ugly to my face
>6/10 girl doesn't even think I am attractive which leads me to believe I am much lower than I thought
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>tfw anxious about work tomorrow

what if i screw up
Nothing will ever work out, things will always fail and I'll never be good enough. There'll always be too much fighting and insecurity, i can't have what i want because none of this is supposed to happen..
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>still no job
>met a new friend
>literally cannot stop thinking about him
I'm so fucking desperate for a friend that I'm getting clingy. If he knew he would probably get a restraining order.
been on zoloft for a couple days, mostly feel tired and a bit nauseous, not sure if pills or if i'm a bit ill

fapped and cumming felt different. on the plus i was laughing my ass off at a spiderman thread on /tv/ a min ago, which i haven't done for a while

even if i felt better i don't think it would solve my inherent laziness/apathy about life
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>mom calls and asks if I found a job yet
>tfw have a good life by r9k standards
>tfw still sad and depressed all the time
>tfw search endlessly through r9k for feels that resonate with me without success
>tfw cry myself to sleep
>tfw slowly losing grasp on reality
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>tfw i still dream of the day i held a girls hand in school
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>tfw only 19 but I'm already giving up
I'm not cut out for life.
I actually just got prescribed that today. I'm actually looking forward to a decreased sex drive. And maybe I'll even start feeling happy again
>tfw more occupational and financial doors have opened up recently than ever but i'm still bored
>tfw i'd rip a fingernail off for a carton of cigarettes of someone offered
>tfw new hardwood floors and my bedframe scoots around on the wheels when i fap
Quit doing that to yourself anon.
repainting my door here senpai. feels good knowing how it will look afterward.
I think you should try desu. I wish I was still 19. I don't have advice tho since I'm a huge failure.
my sides are in orbit my dude
She'll have power over you for the rest of your life if you don't make the first move.
Assuming you can handle it financially, I highly recommend switching to a different program you think you'd like. I dropped out of 2 programs and was way better off for it.
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>tfw no sex in almost a year
>tfw too coward to go to a hooker
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I mean, come on, man. I know we're fish, but at least fucking try.
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I have no idead what i'm doing anymore with my life no goals no ambition I'm slowly becoming a hollow husk of a man
you are human pollution. do not reproduce, allow your genes to be removed from the pool for the good of our species.

get the fuck out
you do not belong here
>see her at work tomorrow
>haven't even spoken to her since she said we shouldn't see eachother
>really want to be friends with her since I have literally no friends
>still too nervous to even make eye contact
>tfw when the thread is dead before I can post my feels
Gloriously autistic
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is it really bad?
the dude is a model of some sorts.
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Today I felt nostalgic and looked up my friends from middle school on normiebook. we were all proto robots then, bad acne, no social skills, no muscles, nothing but video games, anime, and each other.

they all became chads. every last one of them. they're all dating stacies. they all make over 50k a year. I don't understand. we were the same type of people the whole time I knew them. so why am I a kissless, friendless virgin who lives alone? what went wrong for me and right for them?
kill me
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>listening to Dos Gringos for laughs
>start discovering other fighter pilot songs, mainly Ecki Sudmeyer
>realize I will never be a pilot
>I will never slip the surly bonds of earth
>I will never get that feeling of total freedom when I make my first solo flight
>I will never become a test pilot during the early jet age
>I will never have an aviation career I can be proud of
>I will never have a shelf of signed squadron pictures and snapshots from my life as an pilot

Wrestling with this feel lads.



I kind of know that feel. Except my friends always had more social skills than me. They could talk just fine, crack jokes, lose themselves in human interaction, etc.

While I had a severe stutter and was self-conscious every waking moment. Still, it's weird thinking that I used to have friends. Now I'm on my own and they have other people.
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>It's been 4 years since I moved out of my parents house.
>I haven't said anything for 3 years to them, they probably think I killed myself
>stuck in a mind numbinly boring job, pays well so it's okay.
>don't socialize with anyone and they don't socialize with me
>never leave my house unless I have to go for groceries, my job, or the occasional gym workout.
I'm 26 and I feel no one will remember me when I die, i'm a kissless virgin, I don't actually feel sad anymore just empty and sort of content.
Wrong for you? Right for them? Dude, what do you think life is about?
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>tfw everyone around you smokes weed and does drugs and you end up having spite towards them because I don't want to try them myself
guys help i'm super triggered right now
im a recovering alcoholic and was in a similar situation. was jobless and friendless from 19 until i was about 27. my only advice is to stop drinking, or limit yourself to one day per week as a sort of reward system, and create something of a schedule for yourself if youre neet. set an alarm, wake up at around the same time every day and go for a walk. pick some tv shows and books you want to see and read and go through them. after a couple of weeks, youll readjust. it wont seem normal to you how you used to be just a short time before and youll have a new sense of perspective and clarity. maybe it will motivate you to do other things and maybe not. but it doesnt matter. i promise this will help and will give you at least a semblance of purpose and determination. this applies to anyone having trouble with drinking too much. the first 2 days are the hardest, then you will start to feel clean and clear minded again.
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>tfw have my first date tomorrow w/ average looking Asian girl with large tits I met on Tinder


I have something of a big dick envy. I wish for a day I had an 8x6 or better and had girls lusting after me and telling their friends and I could see the looks on their faces when they see it for the first time. Feels sort of bad man, I mean I've accepted my average, slightly bent dick, but some days I wish I had an aesthetic monster.
>tfw thin dick
>tfw i cant tell if i'm insane or not
>tfw i cant tell whats real and what isn't
i thought i was a schizo after a year of psychosis; i may have accidentally blown open my 5th circuit or activated my kundalini and have achieved a higher state of human consciousness

my parents don't really know, neither does the doctor if i am or i aren't

its driving me crazy!!
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19 year old virgin. All I want is a girl that I can love, someone I can make memories with, someone that I can chill with at anytime day or night and just do whatever and have fun. Ive only kissed one girl and that was almost 5 years ago now and I feel like life is passing me by. No gf is killing me. I did talk to this one girl briefly the other day which felt pretty nice
I think I posted this in another thread the other day but some girls in a bar made me cry and left immediately as I came into the door. I think I was in that establishment for like 15 seconds tops.
everything depresses me
running out of distractions
tfw ronery af ;-;
I'm in the same boat and same age, I just want a pretty girl to spend time with me, I have feels that I feel I can only share with a significant other
4inch cut falling in.

It really hurts and I'm terrified I may never be good enough for anyone.
We just want some life experience. I don't know how to form an intimate relationship with someone and if I continue this shit I'm just gonna be that one weird old guy on the block. I'm not even ugly pretty average looking. What's your deal?
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>squat on the toilet to take shits unless it's diarrhea
>shit feels like it's gonna be a solid one
>squat and proceed to shit
>two solid logs come out
>"alright, I always know my shits heheh"
>third little log starts to come out
>it's acting as a levee against the surge of liquid bum gravy that is forcing it downwards, unbeknownst to me
>it comes out with a *PLOK* and the watery shit sprays at high velocity into the toilet, as I'm pushing with the same force I do for solid shits
>some gets on the seat
>what goes into the bowl causes dirty poo water to splash out and get on my legs and feet
go on pls
i have memories that didnt actually happen
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I just want to stop hurting.
I don't think I'm ugly, I have a weird hairline, but I compensate with long hair so you can't see it, I need a haircut because it's getting a little long.
I feel you dude. All these relationships; friends and enemies I had talked to people for a whole year... turns out they couldn't telepathically hear me so I never actually knew anyone at all. Its like whole year of fake memories, all I did in reality was work retail and play on the computer, thought I was litterally a wizard.
It drives me crazy, I hear people complain about depression. Ive been sad as long as I can remember, but after you experience psychosis, im not really afraid of anything anymore, it was the worst thing.
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You think your hairline is why u don't have a gf?
Kek no, I thought we were talking about looks.

But if we're just talking general weirdness, I'm bad with people, I just can't form relationships with them. I'm usually quiet and can't keep a conversation going.
They are peculiarly typical these kinds of people, always posing near a beach and in the sun on a boat or a car. They all do it.
I feel you I'm kinda the same way. I'm not too much of a robot. I have plenty of dude friends. A few girls I'm acquainted with. But to have a real relationship where I actually can talk about my feelings or anything related is beyond me. I have real life hobbies I'm passionate about but when it comes to me and attractive girls I usually go full autist and can never get a number or anything. Sucks to suck. Do your conversations end in awkward silences? Cause that sure as hell happens to me a lot
sweet lyrics bro. I can almost hear the mumbled vocals.
>mfw I keep fucking up and I don't know how to stop it
>Do your conversations end in awkward silences?

To many of them do, it's just strange how they trail off into silence
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>lose over 135 lbs
>still need to lose around 70 lbs
>realize my body is fucked either way
>sabbotage self by eating enough where I won't lose weight
I don't think I've gone a day without crying for at least three months. I feel worse than I did when I was over 350 lbs.
What if your a normie in the sense of friends, no gf, defiantly not a chad very shy, only reason of friends is because grew up with them. Don't bother people or go out of my way to make new friends. It's all this really that bad?
don't give up anon, you can be /fit/
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>tfw grill I like ignores me when she says we can hang out then posts pics of her at a bar with with a bunch of dudes
>same weekend 2/10 grill from physics wants to hang out but I am really not attracted to her, but at the same time damn she thicc but her face fucked up

wat do?
tell me about your psychosis, i thought i was on the path of buddisht enlightenment, i could do magic, have telepathy, and that everyone was trying to force me out of society and litterally castrate me
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>have no life
>shitty job where nobody likes me
>have almost no money
>self esteem so shit i dont feel like im even capable of having a gf

just the usual. i keep trudging on somehow.
>complimented a cute girl on her shirt and her face lit up with a huge smile.
Felt good being a nice guy. I probably made her week with that compliment.
>tfw all of my friends and family are all doing really well
> tfw I'll never achieve similar levels of success.
>tfw I'm destined to be mediocre at best

I just want to be something more than what I am.
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Going to pic related in two weeks. But I'm so damn scared of what could happen. How/ Why the fuck are there so many normies involved in the things I love? I mean just look at em all. ESPECIALLY THAT SLOOT IN THE BOTTOM LEFT! Anyway,I'm too scared to go on my own, are there any robots in NYC that could accompany me? All I have to give in return is friendship, a handshake, and maybe a 6IV Kalos born ditto if you're into pokemon. Maybe.
that looks like just a generic class photo considering they're all on macs.
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>tfw you check your email expecting a couple messages and your inbox is empty
>tfw your thread gets 0 replies
>tfw your too nervous to go into a gun store to buy the one thing that can free you
>tfw none of your hobbies interest you anymore
>tfw your only activities are edging and 4chan
>tfw you see so many qt's at school but too socially inept to do anything
>tfw you see a girl with amazing feet and you know you can never do anything with them
>tfw you ask a model to do a crush video for you and she responds with "I don't waste food"
>tfw you gave up on your math class
>tfw you see some 20 year old whore driving a white bentley on your way to a minimum wage job
>tfw my fellow robots hate me just as much as the normies

just a couple of feels i'm currently feeling
So there may not be any normies, only other socially awkward inviduals such as myself? Does this mean I can pretend to be alpha for 2 hours?!
I'm actually a comp sci major and you'd be surprised at some of the people who major in that. I thought it would be a normie free major but you see all types of people and it annoys me.
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I want to sleep with a woman. Literally just sleep with her.

I want to fall asleep with her in my arms.
if its an open class for literally anyone then you're gonna see all kinds most likely. they'll definitely filter out if you go further than that.
>tfw just dropped out of university.
Was NEET in disguise anyways, thank you depression and alcohol. Now I have to pay some depts (not murrica levels, but still) and need to be a wage slave.
I fucking hate this feel.
eh not until she farts like disgustingly loud while shes asleep,

>be sleeping with soon to be gf
>now ex gf
>1st time sleeping over
>we fuck ourselves to sleep
>laying there in awe in the dark as this being is asleep in my arms
>someone else
>not a dream
>sitting there ingesting the homemade dopamine
>ask her if shes awake
>decide to finally go to sleep
>out of fucking nowhere
>literally just sit there in awe
>too scared to lift blanket
>shes wearing a thong
>smell creeps through the blanket
>worried she shit herself
>have to hold my breathe and air out the area
>she wakes up to all the fuss Im causing
>just tell her I got up real quick to get something

I swear to god it was one of the most disgusting things I have ever smelt. I dont know what the fuck she ate or what crawled up that bitches ass and died 3 weeks before.

>got change to go out of state for school
>out of state tuition is fucking insane
>do one year and go back home
>sitting with car loan debt
>been wage slaving for the past year now
>no hope in sight

I dont want to go back to college fuck
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>internship starting very soon
>nervous about fucking up and the pissing off the supervisor
>nervous about not fitting in with the normies that work there
>worried I made a mistake choosing this career
>can't turn back because too invested now
>been drinking a lot to relieve anxiety
>tfw a woman will never look at you like that
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>23, friendless for 8 years now
>applying for seasonal job again, but it'll only be for a month or so
>finally looking at colleges and universities to maybe try applying, but don't know where to start
>have a p gud gpa, but don't want loan-debt, don't really know where to begin, don't know what I want to do, still can't make up mind about anything
>months on end where I don't feel like doing anything
>just woke up from some slow burning nightmare that involved getting ignored in some strange ass elementary school reunion ritual and an old teacher asking if I was doing all right as a wave a new young kids carried me away the old hallways as I tried to think up some noncommittal response

know I gotta do something here, but I wish all these life decisions didn't have the potential to be financially ruinous
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>tfw therapist says "I don't know how to help you anymore"
why am I still here
i hate when bitches used to do this on my desk. or when they flick their hair and hit you in the face
>majoring in an art related field
>haven't drawn anything serious in 2 years and want to drop out of uni
>Tfw depressed
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>going to a mental hospital
>maybe I'll make friend there
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>thought the same thing once
>it was all old people
>just ended up spending all time in my room on my laptop
>don't have a laptop
>bought another sd card for my tablet
filled it with anime just in case
>tfw dreamed about her again and woke up crying
Haven't seen her in a year. Why can't I make it stop?
christ that would cure me of my thong fetish for sure
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>oneitis for this girl since 9th grade
>always felt like she liked me back
>never told her, scared of spaghetti pockets
>dream about her almost every night
>too late to say something now

i just want to die
I hope you find a friend in there. Get well soon desu
im belching tons, like ive got an access of gas. all ive consumed today so far is water. what's happening?
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>haven't had internet friends since MSN
>hardly spoken to anyone since MSN era
>happy to do my own thing
>recently realise I can't hold a conversation anymore, even with robots
Your ass is collapsing. There is no cure. I'm sorry anon.
Here. Looking after my little sister while moving some furniture. It is a good day.
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>tfw i broke up with gf yesterday
Broke her and my own heart, i feel like shit
How come anon?
> like numerous threesomes with lesbian couples and teenagers
kill yourself
park your car in the garage, close the door, roll down the window, start the engine, and sit there
end your life
>have a female co-worker that wants my D
>not sure what to do
>shes freakishly thin and indian
>i do nothing but spout stormfag rhetoric
>she acts all flirty and teases me
>one time tried to (i am assuming) hold a cup in her mouth sexily
>im a virgin but have no interest in banging sub-humans
I'm feeling real low today
>break up with coworker after 2 dates last week
>take it hard because muh autism
>she is literally chatting it up and flirting with other people behind me at this very second
Sometimes being a robot is tough
>meet a person in a video game, really hit it off
>both really genuinely care about each other, spent all day talking
>months go by, we don't play the same game anymore, he stayed while i moved on to something else
>we still talk but feels very distant, struggle to come up with things to say often even though I desperately want to because I love him so much, we both seem forced and disinterested in conversation
>feel like I'm getting cucked / slowly getting replaced by someone from the old game but it might just be my imagination and paranoia
>really want to hang on to this since im really lonely and it's comforting to have someone who cares about you to spend time with, in real life or not
>feel like im slipping away from the closest thing I've had to a relationship in years and it hurts

God I am pathetic, I fail even at online relationships
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I'm exactly like you man. I got diagnosed with anxiety bullshit and have been working on that which has made a lot of those feeling get a little better. At the moment the anxiety is kinda worse because of new meds though.

>Get on new meds
>Make a world of difference have hepas of energy
>Anxious thoughts start to come back
>Start worrying about life in general, not having a partner to share my feelings with
>Feel trapped need to get out need to get out I should kill myself need to get out
>Calm down adn repeat the cycle.

Lifes shit at the moment but I'm hoping it calms down.
oh shit bro, i did this tonight. i feel like a bad person even though I know its good for both of us in the long run

>she keeps texting me how she can't cope without me and im the only one who keeps her grounded etc
>After waking up multiple times a night have a dream
>In the dream i wake up and go on with my day, dont remember what happened during that day
>Actually wake up and find myself in my bed, 2 hours late from class
Why does even my unconcious brain hate me so much
>break up
>2 dates
W-we held hands and kissed
>Created fake accounts and send messages between them so I can pretend I'm talking to someone.
>haven't had a conversation outside of my family in more than 2 years

It's terrifying and confusing to hear my classmates talk, because they're all using current slang and talking about current celebs while I've been completely isolated from this stuff since 2013.
See you tomorrow :-]
I have a very similar situation myself it fucking sucks. Just know you're not the only one bro.
Tfw playing your favourite game and suddenly you feel like you miss friends so you stop playing and go to sleep
Lmao who cares
I got rid of it in the age of 22 and it didn't somehow make my life quadrillion times better.

A relationship is nice in certain aspects though.

But do not give a shit about that, you've got a lot of time.

When you're 25+ and a kissless virgin then you can start getting feels.
Fuck I simply can't take it anymore.
My vision has probably been distorted by anime, but the thought, that there will never be a girl as pefect and pure as in animes, makes me incredibly sad.
When going out I either see women with Chad-esque boyfriends or other girls I would have thought of as decent writing with 10+ orbiters on WhatsApp.
I don't mind putting effort into a relationship, I even think it would be very fulfilling, but in my entire life I have never seen a womanthat was conservative, house-wife-like and not a slut.
This entire culture destroyed women. Sure there must me decent women out there, but I wouldn't know where and how to find them.

Sorry for the vent and blogpost desu
>tfw don't know what to feel anymore
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>Be friend with a couple
>Guy is a /fit/izen obsessed with sport and gym
>Girl is super funny, makes tons of offensive jokes and don't care about reactions,hate normies
>Girl start flirting with me this morning, tell me she's single now
>Thinks she's joking and make tons of sexual advances
>One hour later realise it's true
>Two hours later, hear that she partied on the weekend with the stacys she hate and took some random kebab's dick one hour after she broke up via text message
>Try to talk with guy but too scared to fuck up so I just go on my routine
>Girl still flirting with me
What do I do ? I'm in such a shitty situation.
They've been together and I've been friends with them for two years I can't believe Girl turned out to be a fucking slut

Don't make any advances, she is a slut and simply flirted with you because she broke up with her bf and wanted to fuck you so she would feel better about herself (read: revenge sex). You are merely a tool for her.
Don't hurt yourself by giving in to her.
Yep that's me too anon
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I want a gf desu
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She isn't interested.
Women will still respond to others even if they have literally zero desire to be involved with them. This is a large part of why men often feel "led on" by girls. Men are like dogs and will chase after the slightest promise of pussy, while women can't ever be straight up or just ignore guys they don't like. This gives men hope in getting/getting back the girl, which just leads to a terribly shit time for everyone.
>tfw registered sex offender for life because your three year old brother put his hand on your penis when you were 11 and your mom was raped and molested so she panicked and called the police but didn't press charges but the county did and your public defender told you to plead guilty and you did and then a new law was added when you were 16 that classified your crime as requiring life long registration that you could get removed if you could afford a lawyer but you can't since nobody hires va sex offender and now you will never have a normal life even though you were best man at your brothers wedding and are going to be homeless in a few months and probably end up in prison and brutally murdered because you couldn't register an address because you have none but your family doesn't want you to suicide but also doesn't want to support you

Holy shit dude, greentext this in detail.

How does that fucking happen? your mother sounds sinister
This feel desu wow

I am here for 4 u I am so sorry
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>tfw used to make threads on my comp and then reply to them from my phone and then have a back and forth argument for hours with myself.
Shoved a champagne bottle up my ass during an anxiety attack.

Now have to pee super often, ATLEAST 3 times a night, and I can't poop properly without digging out the poop/enema.

According to the internet I risk full prolapse if I lift weights so i cant improve myself. I have some sort of internal prolapse, can feel the whole wall sink down at times.

Dont trust doctors to make the right call, havent visited, also live in tiny city where everyone knows everyone and there is no trust.

Also born with deformed chest so yeah it was all fucked from the beginning i have no other option but to kill myself i think. Been inside for 5 years now.
>tfw stoned and listening to Charles Mingus for the first time while sippin' on some coffee
Life's pretty great at this exact moment.
>tfw you are just an npc in other peoples' lives
>tfw outside of your rare interactions with them, you basically don't exist
She had been raped at gunpoint just a year before along with her daughter, my sister. I was living with my father at the time. We have an okay relationship now, but she certainly knows she absolutely fucked me for life. I don't hate her, but I don't understand how you let you eleven year old son plead guilty.
It was supposed to be expunged when I turned eighteen but the new law fucked me on a technicality due to the age difference between me and my brother.

I had a public defender that was literally retiring after my case so she said plead guilty and the judge will take it easy on me.

Of course had I pled innocent they would have had zero case but what the fuck did I know I was eleven.
probably going to not graduate hs this year and I sure as hell am not repeating does this make me a drop out if I don't graduate? I don't even know what I'll do after that, I don't have any interests, hobbies etc I can't kill myself because my mom would go crazy and I can't do that to my sister. Just fuck my shit up! I can't even finish hs how fucked degenerate and dumb am I?
But I already got the feels my nigga. Just want to experience a long term relationship while I'm still young. Not when I'm 25 or older fuck that
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