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Thread replies: 514
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Every day feels the same as every other day edition
Have an overwhelming urge to get my boy pussy destroyed by some craigslist weirdo
>want a cute bf desu lad
>tfw no trap to gently femdom you lad
>I could suck a mean dick rn lad
Every thread feels like every other thread.
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qt invited me to a pub quiz today boys, how do I not fuck this up?
pervs out
can i just play with it gently instead?
let us know how you get on senps. always fancied it meself but scared of getting ambushed by some ukip bulldog
Pretending that my day was great and I'm happy because people are sick of hearing me always complaining
For that stupid cunt from the last thread in 15000 bongs worth of debt, you should look into this: https://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/debt-and-money/debt-solutions/debt-relief-orders/
Im genuinely suprised by how fucking stupid you are. I mean I go into my overdraft every now and then but i don't take out a 3000bong loan so i can buy animu statues and WoW mounts.

Fuck the tism must be strong. I'd advise you give all your money to mummy from now on
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Finally got my references sorted for my masters application but now i have to write a personal statement/statement of purpose as part of my application. it says 'Please do not exceed 2500 words.' but i have no idea what to put.
Which one of you lads is this:
Alright lad chill out, you're talking to the wrong bloke.

>Age: 31
>2500 words
>personal statement

Fuck me. I thought it was meant to be about 3 sentences
Someone link the debt guy post please? Could do with reading something on the bus.
Realised that after i posted it lad. Sorry.
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Who /DeadEndJob&Happy/ here?

Make 8 quid and hour at Maccy Ds doing night shift.
Make rent with one fortnights pay and with the other I have 400 quid to fuck around with.
>tfw spent my 3 days off playing digimon.
About to head out though, gonna visit my parents today so got a 30 minute bus ride. Gonna read skagboys because I keep stopping after a few chapters because it's just not as good as some of Welsh's other works. Gonna barry on through it though it just because I wanna see what the lads were like before smack.
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Going to start watching K-ON!! today lads

Post waifus
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Last call for movie suggestions for this Friday lads. Current nominees are:

>Apocalypse Now
>Raising Arizona
>Rocky Horror Picture Show
>Fight Club
>Demolition Man
>Rush Hour
>It's Such a Beautiful Day

Voting will start at 2, close tomorrow at noon and the film will be on this friday (most likely 10PM, might bring it forwards to 9 if people fancy it being a bit earlier this time).
You mean she is your waifu but you haven't even seen the second season?
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How much do you pay for rent, bills and stuff like that?

I made a weird pasta thing with turkey, bacon and tuna?
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Satanic trips? On my Waifu?

it's more likely than you think
Yes I have, this will be my seventh rewatch
primark autumn range
Apocalypse Now
Quiet thread today

How's everyone doing? You lot got any plans for today?

Just ate a block of cheese
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>mfw when normie and planning on joining
posting a Jun desu.

I have now given up on my application for this week, starting again next week. also have to go to the shops as i am completely out of deodorant.
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I share a 2 bedroom house, the rent is 450 + 100 council tax, the gas and electric comes to about 60 a month, and sky another 40 (inc line rental.) so total is 650, but split it's 325. I get about 450 a month, so I buy food on bill week (about 100.) and it leaves me with the next pay to myself, which I never really spend on much outside of clothes, video games and comics. I have 3k saved.

I can get a place on my own for 300 (1 bedroom flat) plus 100 for council tax, and I reckon again 60 for gas and eleccy and 40 for sky. So about 500 quid I'd spend, meaning from my 900 a month I'd be left with 400 for food and other stuff. which I could do. Having few interests in life pays off. Also being thrifty when it comes to stuff like books and games helps.

old pic semi-related, 90% of these books were copped used.
What cheese did you go for?
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Steam group chat lads

Steam group chat lads

Steam group chat lads
>lacoste, adidas, nudie jeans
>tfw I realised I spent 300 quid just to look like I spent 50.
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>tfw used book stores.
I just wish no one else used them so I wouldn't have to get self conscious desu

Adsa own brand mature.
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I will see your soul straight to hell, demon.
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>tfw people are judging me on my choice of books.
Mate, I just want to read some shitty sci-fi leave me alone, I've read infinite jest, I'm one of yous, please leave me alone.
>tfw buying Dubliners I was asked if I liked Ulysses, I said no and the owner looked at me like I was braindead and the only reason I didn't like it was because I'm fucking stupid.
fucking rush hour yes, more chris tucker
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Slept for 10 hours and I still feel shattered, might go back to bed soon.
we keeping and adding from the last list? drop the one watched and ones with less than say 3-4 votes? so we have popular ones that did not win each time?
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>When you live in Aberystwyth for uni

Lads, this town is slowly killing me.
Why are you tired? Spending too long in bed can do that to you.

Saying that, I'm always really tempted to just get back in bed myself, I can't wait till I can go to sleep desu.
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That's a pretty good suggestion, actually. 27 suggestions from last week, minus the 10 or that got under 5 votes, plus a couple new suggestions...then keep rotating the selection like that each week.

Cheers anon
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I guess the reason why I'm tired is because I am sleeping longer, so spending more time in bed. I don't want to have to force myself out of bed though, maybe tomorrow I'll resist taking a nap but for now I think I'll have to go and have one.
I nominate Fifth Element
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I use to be like you bro.
I set my alarm for 8 and a half hours then when it went of I got up. Been doing this ever since and now I feel awake before my alarm goes off.

You should do it, do it, and you'll be okay.
>lacoste, adidas, nudie jeans
Welcome to 2005
Read today that during the feudal period in Japan, if a general/commander had his request to commit suicide he would just go back to his room, slice along his stomach, bandage it up, walk back into the room where everyone was and just chill for a bit.

Eventually he would pull the bandage off to reveal he was fucked and it was too late to do anything. Not all of them did this of course but some did.

I think that's how I'd like to go, it sounds hardcore.
*had his request to commit suicide denied

Should have read.
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That name brings back too many memories..
Talks between The Empire and The Union have come to a standstill.
This is the beginning of the third world war.
>first 2 posts are fags trying to get fucked by twinks
fuck off
>British expat living in Australia for 13 years
>Got dual citizenship when i was 16
>tfw now 19
Should I come back lads?
Frankenstein Girl vs Vampire Girl

It's already on Youtube so you can just put it on the playlist if you wanted.
Find out the answers to the quiz
Yet still better than your contribution.
That sounds pretty painful desu senpai
>wake up
>poleaboo still hasn't killed himself
Literally nothing wrong with that, fuck off back to /v/
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Voting is now open until noon tomorrow.

life is more painful
>no Letters From Iwo Jima
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one day saving private ryan will win
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>only one vote for demolition man
God damn it
woke up with intense indigestion. just spent like 30 minutes throwing up into a bowl, then while I was doing it I had on desk infront but my keyboard made it so it was half of desk.... accidentally spilled some onto my shorts too

fucking shit annoys me. i don't get it some days, then others i get it intense like today where it constantly happens and burns like hell. the medicine I have tastes like shit and has the consistency of swallowing glue
Feel like going to the shop and buying some booze

Don't want to be an alcoholic though.
Just so people don't waste their vote the front runners are LotR and Zulu, so vote for one of those.
I want to watch 5cms per second but that's really a snuggling with your bf kind of film
>being a weeb
>not voting for Vampire Girl vs Frankenstien Girl
Sorry what are you on about lad?
No. It's shit here
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Mate, I'm 28, I've been dressing the same since 2005.
I can't be expected to keep up with the yuff and their palewave, gothninja fucking Rick Owens 3xxxl tees and shit.
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>want to watch 5cms per second but that's really a snuggling with your bf kind of film

What's it about?

Might have to add it to my weeb cuddle list desu.
People hate you but you still post here famalam.
I just watched it today. Was pretty average but wasn't too sad.. probably because I was a sperg in school and never talked to girls.

it's basically a film about growing up, and moving places.. like a romance/drama
filtered desu senpai
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>Giving Shoutanus (You)s
Lads ive lost my id card and I really need to buy some tobacco.
What do I do?

Their is only one newsagents near me and I doubt they will serve me.
Im to scared to try.
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Who /Father Brown/ here?

Good role model for young little Catholics.
How often do you buy tobacco from there?
my parents wanted me to go there, visited last summer and saw how boring and shitty it was and how if i went id just want to kill myself. they didnt understand why i didnt want to go
corbyn for pres tbqh lads
Never before, I use the co op when I have id but there is no way they'll serve me without it right?

Keeping in mind I look quite young.
no off licences or paki shops near you?

you could always go in and when they ask for your id say its at home or you dont have it on you
The newsagent is an off licence but ive seen her turn people down before. Im gonna try soon. Might as well try.
i love watching this desu, its strange how wherever he goes people end up dying mysteriously though.
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Just use the co-op usually it's the same couple of people on the kiosk so they may remember you if you're regular.

>not just going in, asking for a 20 deck, if she says got ID just say no, left it at home, when she says sorry can't sell you fags, say no worries and leave.

It's not that hard mate, even for autists like us.
How many of you are NEET?
They don't i.d. me for booze in the local tesco express anymore so it's worth a shot if you are a regular customer.
>Tfw paki shop is ran by a stoner called Rasheed
/britfeel/ would love it for the memes.
The Lord works in mysterious ways.
Been a NEET since I graduated in June.
the local asda used to fuckiing i'd me at 23, i grew a beard for 3 months and havent cut my hair in over 2 years, they've stoped now, but now call me by my first name when they have to scan the booze through
>tfw your asda service guy is an black amerifag
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Been one for almost 7 years now. I'm only 19.
12 years

>will never achieve my dream of living in yankland

Heck, probably never even manage to get my own flat in an area that isn't full of druggies
Have you tried to look for a job or are you content living off the state/your family?

24, 8 year neet wew lad
6 years strong, 23 now.
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Rarely attended school then got put in an online school which of course I didn't do shit on, but it served as a legal loophole I guess so I never caught any shit for not being in school.

Pretty convenient if you ask me. Almost as if somebody wanted me to turn out this way.
m8 i work in a factory doing unskilled labour pulling in 12 an hour. think about that other 400. i get around 1700 takehome a month for doing nothing but breaking things up and smashing them down a hole
3 years a neet, now I'm 20 I want to get better
I have tried but I always fuck up interviews, would take anything atm though just to get experience. I've even applied for a job denying people bennies. What is really depressing is that my father has managed to get a job even though he had been unemployed since 1999.
his fingers and dick dont though.
>online school
some second life tier bullshit
Where are you anon and are there any openings?

What is your job and how do i get it?
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>tfw when i got offered a 10bong an hour job
>im a skilled machinist and maintenance fitter
It was pretty neat, they provided a free secondary internet connection and some shitty mini mac thing. They told me the bare minimum I had to do was log onto the stupid thing once a day, but I didn't even bother doing that. I went on once a week if they were lucky and literally logged right back off. Once a blue moon I'd send a single sentence reply to my "mentor" and that was that. It was called "Notschool" I think, pretty damn useful I guess.
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Sounds barry mate.
I'm happy with my pay, but glad you got it easy mate. Kinda jealous, but don't mind. My wage is going up another quid so though so it's gonna be great.

What do you spend your exta rennies on?
Has it fucked your life up though? Do you have GCSE's?
went to bed at 12am woke up at 2pm
>Do you have GCSE's?
Uh, I don't think so, so probably not.

>Has it fucked your life up though?
Not in my opinion. The way I see it, I grew up with the hikki lifestyle being normal to me, which means I have absolutely no problem with it and am fairly happy to just spend my entire life playing vidya and watching shows.

I'm glad I got out when I did, otherwise I'd probably have been conditioned to be another mindless wagecuck that needs to "contribute to society" to feel validated.
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What do you wish for lads? I succeded on my work samples which is nice. Could kill for a kebab though.
nice blog lad
27, been NEET since last February. Prior to that i was NEET from September 2010 - April 2013.
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you thought you could be hokage? its absurd, never. these eyes of mine show me many things, one things they've shown me
>I'd probably have been conditioned to be another mindless wagecuck that needs to "contribute to society"
No one is conditioned into this... It's just natural as a moral human being to want to better society, or contribute to it, in some way. Obviously, someone has to be the shelf stackers, the binmen, the cleaners etc otherwise society would fall apart... just don't let that be you.

You're an idiot.
That's pretty crazy. Surprised shit like this is possible in the Western hemisphere.
Tfw I would pronounce hokage like cottage when I used to read the manga
What's the difference in outcome between trying and failing and not trying?

I smile as much as I can and be as enthusiastic and interested as I can be in people and try to be as fun to be around as I can and all I get is people ignoring me after the first couple of sentences, or people who I'm around often talking about how dead my eyes look or boring I am

Seriously I think I'm just going to stop trying now, it's exhausting and it seems like there's no benefit in it
When you fail you learn and can make improvements to your next attempt. Some call this collection of knowledge "experience".
>What's the difference in outcome between trying and failing and not trying?

getting old and feeling you didn't try to do anything about it.

>it's basically a film about growing up, and moving places.. like a romance/drama

sounds like a puddle of wank to me
>It's just natural to be a good goy
No it isn't. Your notion of morality and fulfillment isn't natural in the slightest. Everything you strive to be and achieve is just what you've learned is "ideal". Do you really think you'd have the same concept of morality if you didn't go to school? I mean, it's only natural that this would have to be done so that society can continue, but you have to be some kind of idiot to think these values are natural.
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>went to morrisons to get some food
>as i'm walking in two older blokes rush past me laughing like madmen
>they were lugging 12 pack doughnuts each making an obvious steal
>didn't think much of it
>got my food and went out
>see them eating doughnuts on a road on the way back home
>they see me and probably recognize me
>"oi mate, you didn't see us, got it?"
>say "didn't see you what?"
>one of them says "good man" and chucked me a doughnut
At least I can say something happened today.
Liberal pls go
>you'll never steal doughnuts and laugh like a mad man as you leg it out of morrisons leaving some teenager trying to figure out what to do
Wish I had a chav friend who was up for degenerate shit, would kill the boredom a little at-least.
>playing vidya and watching shows.
wagecucks are the ones who make your video games and telly manchild.
weed and wine all day err' day m8, otherwise spend halk my wage on rent and bills
>protip: dont move out at 18, 5 years without carrying any money over between paychecks wears abit thin

all ive ever wanted to do is get drunk or high every day, sparing them 8 hours i'd normally steal booze for work, its turned out pretty alright
How old are you lot that you still have to worry about getting ID'd?

I haven't been ID'd in a shop since I was 18 trying to buy some filters off a cheeky cunt in Texaco. I didn't have my ID so he wouldn't sell them to me (Fucking filters) so I went to the newsagent next door and they sold me them.
>natural as a moral human being to want to better society, or contribute to it, in some way.

Bruv, i just want more shekels so i can buy stupid shit.
Fair enough mate, long as you're happy. Do you get disability or something? How do you keep your parents off your back from getting jobs or 'fixing' your life and what not.

It would be harsh to put you on regular bennies expecting to do job search shit when you haven't even been to school.

Sorry for the questions, your situation intrigues me.
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Been NEET for almost 5 years now.
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>tfw they named his son boruto
Yeah, I get disability and ESA (support group so I don't have to go out at all), my parents don't bug me. I bring in enough money just by existing so there wouldn't really be a point anyway.

It's pretty sweet.
>contribuiting to society

ive got 16 hours of free time that litterally will not go away every single fucking day. it doesnt matter how much i drink or smoke, 16 hours every day.

you m8 are a true master neet if you can take it, desu i wouldn't be alive if i didnt have something to waste atleast the first 8 hours on.
I'm 23 and still carry it for places that i'm not a regular and have high employee turn over. Got to remember that most places have a look 25 policy.
>Your notion of morality and fulfillment isn't natural in the slightest.
You don't know anything about of notion of morality and fulfillment. You're postulating.

>Everything you strive to be and achieve is just what you've learned is "ideal".
Again, considering I'm having this discussion and consider my self somewhat self aware... You're wrong.

>Do you really think you'd have the same concept of morality if you didn't go to school?
Implying you learn the concept of morality from school.
Implying school has any effect on your moral compass at all.

>You have to be some kind of idiot to think these values are natural.
You are a fucking moron, mate.
How do you imagine we arrived in the year 2016?
Was it through everyone being a lazy fucking bum?
Or is it, I don't know, say, the fact that it's completely fucking natural to want to contribute to your surroundings, to help your people. We are all somewhat altruistic, it is in our fucking nature.

Basically, you think you've found yourself the perfect excuse to sit and waste, while doing nothing... But you haven't. At all.

You imply everyone HATES their job and that no one actually enjoys going to work... You're just wrong mate. Sorry.
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My sister and her tits I got a hold of while snooping through her phone

I havent talked to her in 7 months
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>can't decide whether I should watch TV or play video games

NEETin' ain't easy
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Living the dream desu senpai.
Wait what's your disability?
whats her name cuz? I wanna facebook stalk her.
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20 here, I rarely get ID'd thanks to having prominent facial hair but I still have some sort of ID on hand because there's usually that one chance where someone will challenge you and refuse to serve out of their "best judgement".
I get mistaken for 25-26 too often, someone at work thought I was bullshitting when I said I was 20
Wow well done anon your sister has some nice knockers
he hasn't been to school, he's a legit retarded.
>my sister

Yea no. About as legit as "my ex-girlfriend"
That's not how retardation works.
>You imply everyone HATES their job and that no one actually enjoys going to work... Y

You would have to be the king of cucks to actually enjoy being a slave. That's some masochistic tendencies.
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Holy shit, your sister looks like a right normie stacy. It's like a text book example of a stacy.
>school stops you being retarded

Well, it certainly didn't help you
I tried a stealing a massive bag of chicken wings and three cans of Lucozade from morrissons self checkout but the fucking women stood helping people came and busted me, she rescanned them for me... She didn't say ''You're stealing'' but kind of just looked at me like ''Nice try''
My mate started shouting ''ARREST HIM, SOMEONE ARREST HIM''
lol it was pretty funny t b h, i'd probably be a million times more awkward if it were to happen now tho
Not every job is wageslave tier you dumb fuck
Same ballpark.
Shes skinnier now, I had to post an older photo as it shows birth mark on her tits and how her neck is the same, she has a birthmark on her chin which is covered by makeup but is seen in her tits pic.

here is her with birthmark on chin

i dont even know why im posting this
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>mfw fucked up a matchbet and lost 9 quid.
Apply for jobs, Amir.
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10/10 MILF BBW
Did she study in UCC
Are you Irish or is your sister Irish?
>can't get through school
>isn't retarded

Is fine, I've got her name if he isn't bullshitting about her being his sister (which he probably is).
Amir why do you continue to do these things? This is why no-one ever feels empathy for your failures in life.
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I can't function in society, lads.

I don't even know how to pay bills that aren't gas, leccy or water.

My frail NEET body isn't meant to leave it's nest and I hope I'm never forced out into the wilderness by the government.
>retardation is correlated with following the national curriculum

Wew lad. Probably the same type of tard who literally uses GCSE results as evidence of his intelligence
Pres? or Prim
m8 why not just play vidya and watch shit? There's plenty of stuff out there to kill time and enjoy it.

>Implying you learn the concept of morality from school.
>Implying school has any effect on your moral compass at all.
So you're completely denying that the environment in which children spend most of their time has absolutely no influence on the way they see the world?

>How do you imagine we arrived in the year 2016?
>Was it through everyone being a lazy fucking bum?
Shit happens. We definitely didn't get here because our ancient ancestors were altruistic though, we got here because they wanted to improve their own quality of life and that lead to working together. Just because it's natural for us to want to improve our situation, doesn't mean it's natural for us to want to contribute to society as a whole.

Now I'm curious what would happen if everybody's quality of life was the same regardless of whether they worked. But I guess that's what us NEETs are in the western world, the product of having the option not to contribute. But doesn't that essentially make me living evidence that contradicts the idea that it's natural to want to contribute?

Diagnosed with ADHD as a kid which conveniently entitled me to all the bennies I need.

>Not wanting to waste my time being groomed to be another wageslave makes me retarded
Yeah, okay cuck. Stay jealous I guess.
school pre college/uni is easy as fuck, you got to be legit handicapped to not get through it

hence why the guy is on disability
tfw I am not poleaboo and this place is just filled with degenerates.
where would we all be without /britfeel/
>So you're completely denying that the environment in which children spend most of their time has absolutely no influence on the way they see the world?
kek, changed the phrasing of that question half way through.
/brit/, probably.

it's the only place we can go, despite being full of normies and wagecucks.
that guys sister and her chad bf
I would have no social contact at all. At least here I can pretend you lot are my friends and it makes me cheer up a bit.
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this tbqhwy

>I don't even know how to pay bills that aren't gas, leccy or water.
Almost anything can be payed online now.
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I don't even know where this grill/pokemon is from, I dunno why I've saved all these pictures.
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Re-watching the 1st season myself pham
I haven't been to the gym in a month. This picture made me feel bad for some reason.
Does anyone else here play Fifa online?

What the fuck is the logic behind EA choosing which team wins?
You did it due to the fact Paras is a total qtpi.
Show's in the filename.


normie get out
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>start talking to qt at uni
>we hit it off quite well
>she invites me round hers a couple times
>Chill in her bed and watch netflix, end up sleeping in it together we didn't bang, just slept
>Calls to see if I want to chill at night after she's been out
>texts and snapchats me constantly
>Check her facebook this morning
>She's only got a bloody boyfriend back home
What the fuck, do girls normally act like this? If I had a gf and I heard she was doing this shit with some cunt I don't know when I'm not around I'd be livid.
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i like cock.
What are you going to do about it senpai?
>"i love being neet"
>neets post things like this >>26552867

oh im laffin
See if you can get some poon out of it lad.
you should definably try to fuck her
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It's taboo to ask out a 'slow' girl isn't it?
She's pretty and has a lovely voice imo, didn't think something was wrong with her until my mother told me.
What's wrong with her?

Which kind of retarded are we talking here/
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literally nothing wrong with that lad.
>It's an opponent using Madrid or Barca episode
Define 'slow'.
I did think I had a chance at fucking her, but now I know she has a bf I've realised that she hasn't actually done anything overtly sexual, like she hasn't tried to kiss me or made lewd comments, she's just overly friendly. But fuck, could I even do that to the poor lad anyway? I've seen boys broken over their gfs fucking other lads at uni.
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>when the ginger beer clears the cold symptoms just right
I'm not too sure desu. Didn't want to pry when my mother called her slow (she used to be a social worker and go into her) and now it would be weird if I asked, days later.
idk, I do want to bang her but also I don't have any friends, so keeping it platonic wouldn't be a complete waste of time.
If she's slow where she has a carer looking after her and shit, it could be considered rape/sexual harassment if they fucked, as the government would consider her not being in the right mind to give consent.
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Have you converted to Islam yet my fellow Britistanians?
>Not drinking hot lemon juice with ginger
That doesn't come in the form of a can, plus my corner shop doesn't stock lemons or ginger root
When I was younger i'd agree with you. Sad reality is that honour doesn't even come into it anymore for most guys. So you can either join them or take a moral stance which won't change anything and will only just give another guy the opportunity to get some form her, so you might as well be that guy.
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My mum used to make it for me when I was a wee lad.

Now i just drink normal tea instead because I'm poor and lazy.
Damn, he's a big guy.
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>working in one hour
>banging it down outside
>going to get soaked

Just fucking end it.

You need to define slow. If we're talking not downie but in the same area then there are certain legal issues regarding capacity to consent. Scots law here though so I can't give anything more specific for you (unless you are Scottish).
Eww, why are you posting scat porn/
bit racist mate
Stop it lad, I don't want to see ladies eating poo.
orgignal fucking comment
> not downie but in the same area then there are certain legal issues regarding capacity to consent
Like what exactly? I'm actually Scottish too btw.
Why is this thread so fucking dead?
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>he thinks this is dead

you haven't seen anything m8
People wanking off to that BBC porn
Try to fuck her and then cut her off. Say that it was a mistake and you didn't know she had a boyfriend
I hate how brews become disgusting and undrinkable the moment they go cold.
Lads, does anyone have that picture of the blonde girl with incredible thighs reading her Kindle on the subway?
Haha fuck right off. I hate the term but this is sjw progressive shite
what would the benefit of trying to fuck her then cutting her off be?
You got laid.

She learns her lesson about stringing lads along.
you're a fucking idiot

you wanna be her fuck buddy
>giving up on your morals because others have done so

no better than a mindless beast or a woman

Fuck them, they don't like puppers. I would sooner die than be a muslim (which will probably be my choice in about 50 years)
I am a white, 6'3, fit male. I am a God when it comes to genetics and you will treat me as such, cretin.

>not being the change you want to see

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>I am a white
lol you aint fooling anybody
It's most people these days.
Because the masses will take inspiration from a robot. All you succeed in doing is cucking yourself out of poon.

In normal life, no, in Uni yes. Having been through it, like 80% of relationships end when they both or one of them goes off to uni. They end up finding someone else. Lots of people just split up before uni knowing what will happen now

>one of my cousins who is 18 split up with her bf before going so she could 'experience uni'
>there is a future roastie in my family
>I must live for vagina and try to take it at every chance I get

Never said you should devote your life to trying to get laid, but if the opportunity arises with someone you find attractive why not take it?
Because she has a bf?
Because I'm not scum mate, she has a boyfriend, she may be scum, other people in the world like you who would take the chance are scum but I hold myself to a bit of a higher standard than just seeing pussy and having to fuck it.
Fallout 4 is set in a post-apocalyptic world but you get rewarded if you bring books back to the library.
if there is a librarian and they want the books back, i dont see a problem, just because the world has gone to shit doesnt mean people need to as well, even if most are raiding, raping and looting
There are plenty of things to mock about Fallout 4. Being rewarded because someone asks you to return their book to their favourite pre-war location isn't one.
You'd be doing him a favour in the long run.
Take the moral high ground all you like it won't change a thing.
Actually if you really wanted to do him a favour, all you'd do is take screenshots of your conversations and send them to him to show his girl was cheating on him. Don't pretend like you're anything more than an animal desperate to dick things.
make a strawpoll senpai, also apocolypse now pls ill buy more codone and get comfy
He would still hate your guts and be heart broken.
>Don't pretend like you're anything more than an animal desperate to dick things.
Got news for you anon we are animals, who have base desires that need to be taken care of now and again. Don't act all superior because you are some eunuch.
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Feeling melancholic lads, but i also feel like that's okay, so i guess I'm actually content.

>who have base desires that need to be taken care of now and again.
>what is finding someone who is actually not taken already
Its much better than being highly strung out lad.
I don't want to be stressed out anymore.


yank pls go
>what is finding someone who is actually not taken already.
>Thinking it is that simple.
It's obviously not as simple as just that, but it's not meditating for 7 days straight without a break to just back out because you don't want to fuck up a relationship.
Anon who suggested Raising Arizona and Apocalypse Now here. May I respectfully inquire why you didn't include my other suggestion of "The Training Of O" with Bobbi Starr, days 1, 2, and 3?

It's a titan of Western cinematography and you know it. It'll make you laugh, it'll make you cry; it'll change your life.
>finding someone who is actually not taken already
Near impossible because women get to pick and choose, 1 week out of a relationship and they spam facebook with indications that they are single and loving it, broadcasting that they are available and looking, then next week are already fucking someone
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>all these people arguing because at the core of it women can't control themselves
>not just getting a guy and locking him up in chastity and having your way with him when you feel like it
Relationship is already fucked up when a girl is comfortable inviting a guy into her bed when she has a bf. You're doing the guy a favour by bringing it to his attention before he gets invested any further on what is clearly a lost cause.
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lads how do you stop fapping/ viewing porn I keep relapsing
Why stop if you are enjoying it?
It takes away my test.

Lad of course you can fuck her, she's a girl in university with a bf at home. She's preprogrammed to become a slag.
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Honestly the best advice I can give is just to find more stuff to do; reading, going out for a walk, exercise, art, writing, even get a job if you have to.

I find most of the time I fapped it was because I was bored, rather than because I was horny.

Optional extra:

Ween yourself back onto using the good old imagination when you want to fap - you'll enjoy fapping more if you do it how we used to in the olden days.

Here's a non-pornographic picture to help you on your way
I'm not though I feel like fucking shit every day especially right after
Get off 4chan Adam

Get a bike and enjoy long, intense rides. If you still feel like wanking after one of those, especially in the current temperatures, you're inhuman.
>Ween yourself



strawpoll is already up lad, but I'l repost it here.

>Apocalypse now not quite in the lead

The horror.
Maybe one week we can marathon a mini-series or some shit.

Black Mirror?
which one of you were in feltham post office on Monday? i know a neet when I see one.
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banned from /int/ lads
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I got banned from /fit/ for being too homo once
Must have been some exceptional shitposting to get banned from there, what did you post?
fuck off we don't want you sitting up this thread

her linked in if anyone wants to stalk
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/sp/ ban finished today, can shit up the Madrid/Roma thread.
>still no american psycho on the list

>having a static IP


Posting feels. Used to get banned every 3 days but it hasn't happened as much since the Chinese lad took over.
*Pass ban finished today.
Definitely, or a few ep of a short series like Utopia.
He's cambodian you ignorant fuck.
You're impressively gay
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>not having a dynamic ip
No he isn't. He is a really sleepy German.
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Waifu has been posted, albeit rather late~
Hey tilde, what've you been up to today lad?
>black man comes down the lift on take me out
>screen shows two girls DOUBLE high giving each other

I laughed out loud desu

The biggest cause behind slutshaming is girls being massive sluts
The whole uk is being cucked.
>tidied my room
>did some uni work
>went to asda

sorry, I wish I had something more interesting to tell you~
The biggest cause of paedophilia is sexy kids and girls being massive sluts
>arent we so progressive
>look at us, we aren't racist!

Niggers never get loads of red lights on the first red.

Literally never
What're you studying mate?

Only the fat/ugly/chavvy and the greasey faced ching chong screaming china woman left their lights on

Comical really
Degenerate at the chippy got my order wrong.


Are tripfags being accepted in /britfeel/ now?
I would rather not say here senpai~

I know someone irl who comes here and I don't want them finding out who I am
Why do niggers from surrey have such a weird fucking accent
Sure, I can add you to my filter list, no worries mate
Calling it now lads: this is one of the top ten headlines 2016 will produce.


There's just no need to be a cunt unless they're actively being a cunt. Tilde's alright.

Fair enough mate.
>not cooking your own food
>calling others degenerates

kill yourself degenerate
Then why the fuck do you have a trip!?!?!
Jurors were told how the younger girl took selfies showing the defendants smiling with Ms Wrightson pictured in the background.

Mr Campbell told jurors that Ms Wrightson "is alive but she is not smiling and her face is marked".

He added: "(The older girl) decided to publish it uploading it onto Snapchat. Before it left her phone, someone had typed 'Nar xx'."

Jurors were told that by 10pm the house had been trashed and further selfies showed the girls drinking cider from a bottle.

>Counsel in the case and the judge presiding over the five-week trial, Mr Justice Henry Globe, did not wear wigs during the hearing.

Thanks for letting me know, Mirror
>Mr Justice Henry Globe

I mean with a name like Mr Justice, you're gonna become a fucking judge, aren't you?
Chavs lad. They're animals with better motor function
Some anons asked me to so they could filter me~
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>try to take a shorter route home from work
>it wasn't shorter
>come home and post waifu

Wew lads



btfo you nigger
work is your life now lad.
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stop being so lewd!
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>tfw kebab for dinner
Lads help, my kebab guy Hassan is literally giving me a large kebab, chips and drink for the price of a single small kebab now
Older woman in work today suggested me and the other nerds should wait a few years, build up our resources then go for an older woman.

Did women always advise young men to become beta bux cucks or is this a recent development?
get a kebab wrap to mix things up a bit, or kebab meat and chips smothered in burger sauce if you want to die quickly.
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I don't give a fuck he promised to pay me for it does it look like my fridge shelf is the supermarket

On the plus side it was slightly out of date so I hope he gets food poisoning
Been getting a lot of pain in my side for the past month and a half tried ignoring it, now I've got a few feelable lumps on one side of my neck too.

I think I'm in for a very bad time in the future.
just discovered something

if you eat them bacon flavour kettle chips, then drink some vanilla coke, it tastes like them doughnuts yanks eat with the bacon on top
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Fake tan disaster
didn't mean to reply to >>26555773
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>or kebab meat and chips smothered in burger sauce if you want to die quickly.

This is a joke right? This is my usual kebab every 3 days or so and I didn't think it would harm me this much?
well its not great lad, and the grease, oil and fat in that combo is pretty high. also the calories lad, don't want to be too fat now do you.
>/britfeel/ never bought that kebab place
Feels bad
you are a fucking idiot, justice is his title
tfw no new Poleaboo update
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>kebab meat and chips smothered in burger sauce if you want to die quickly
wew, good thing I have mayonnaise instead of burger sauce, i'm safe
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Finally got a job robots. I literally have nothing to do so I need money to buy shit like a new computer, a TV for my PS Triple, and drugs. Working with BIFFA tomorrow starting at 6:15am till 1:00pm. Think I'm working with them on the truck though I think I'll be told what I'm doing when I'm there for training. If anyone here's worked with them what am I in for?
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lmao, what a mong you are.
just to let you know, i'm that cheeky cunt robbing ur stuff m8. i bet he never buys loo roll either, does he?

>devilish tactics save me a few quid every year
if you're a true robot about to work in construction (building sites) in england then may god have mercy on your soul, you will probably kill yourself sooner than you planned
im going to accidentally wake him up at 6 am tomorrow
you're in for picking up rubbish by the sounds of it fella
you'll be alright mate. try save abit of the cash and you'll be alriiiiiiiiiight.

when it comes to new jobs, its never as bad as it seems.
Kebabs are some of the worst meals you can have. Even once a week isn't great.

You're going to end up with some serious health issues if you're eating them daily lad.
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regular mayonnaise? or garlic mayo? both are pretty healthy so yes you should be fine.
Probably running down the road dragging all the bins to the kurb ready for when the truck gets there and then taking the bin back

No idea but it seems like the shittest job and you being the new guy will probably be delegated it, proud of you for getting a job though anon, well done
i've always wondered how a quiet guy would get on working on a contruction site.
they seem to banter constantly, it's like a robots worst nightmare desu.
if you're not a ''tough lad ten cans of lager yee m8'' you're probably gonna get bullied to shit... or am i overthinking it?

i've always wanted to work on one and see whats its like desu but i'm paranoid about getting bullied to shit in the name of banter
same with the armed forces...
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whats your housing situation
private rented or social housing, or what?
>mfw u might be my flat mate desu
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>roommate used my fleshlight without permission again
no thats very very accurate, failure chads are fucking everywhere, the only way i used to cope was to be almost constantly high as fuck on xanax and dihydrocodeine
I can swing between either, usually go regular unless i'm feeling really ravenous
It takes a strong soul
You know they take the piss behind your back but they don't say anything too harsh to your face, at first they will try to include you with the banter and if you can't retort then you're pretty much fucked, same with everywhere first impressions mean a lot, just pretend you're polish or something
why don't you offer to used it on him, then you can make sure he doesn't tear it or anything.

Could be swollen lymph nodes which is a sign of infection.

As for the pain in your side, have you been drinking enough water? Sometimes if you get too dehydrated your kidneys can hurt.
I study Woman's studies with a minor in Health and Fitness
please say this is bait
How do you get a comfy job in a bookshop lads?
lol i reckon i'd get on alright, it's just i'm skinny as shit and in my experience people assume you're a wuss or something if you're skinny. Then they try to take the piss.
i really need to start bulking and lifting desu and i'd probably pass for a chad t b h... my face is atleast 8/10.
it's just i have the worst poverty diet you can imagine hence i'm auschwitz mode atm.
I used to work in a petrol station and when all the contruction lads came in for lunch, i'd banter with them abit and they'd give me a head nod when they next came in and stuff but i'm ''self aware'' so i dunno how i'd get on.
They'd also occasionally point out good looking birds and we'd all gawk at them and then give each other a cheeky wink and exchange remarks like:
"Oh yeah, definitely mate''
''The arse on that''
Providing my boss wasn't around at the time, that is...

I might try get a job on a construction site lad, sounds alright
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Just watched Made in Britain and i want to now throw bricks through Pakis and the Jobcentres windows
being self aware is a constant pain, imo its the biggest barrier for becoming a normie from a robot

is that a young Tim Roth?
Yeah mate you seem like an ignorant self absorbed cunt, sure you'd fit right in desu lad
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>tfw the new gp at your doctors gives scripts easy as fuck

valium, pregabalin and tramadol for my 'back pain'

life isn't so bad for now

love you bots
Well spotted. He played skinheads in the early 80's in several films.
>being self aware is a constant pain, imo its the biggest barrier for becoming a normie from a robot
Definitely. I have mates that would probably be considered ''chad'' but even some of them still suffer from mental health shit... it's just they're abit thick t b h.
I think the technical term is anxiety but i've found the only way i can be completely in the moment and not feel like i'm somehow observing is by being pissed...

That's not very nice, lad. I wouldn't say ignorant desu. I read alot and have strange self destructive tendencies... been diagnosed with everything under the sun mental health wise.
I just refuse to believe that ''depression'' is a thing. To me, it's more the effect of poor lifestyle choices. Bad diet, bad social skills, bad routine... All can be worked on. Despite being a ''robot'', I maintain that I'm choosing to be a loser. Because I can. I choose to be a ''robot'' I don't think I actually am one, a la Raskolnikov.
I'd prob lean more to a cyborg since I have some friends and have kissed a girl before. Though I've been bullied from every job and every school I've been to which is due to me being autistically spergy and beta around people, I'm also kind of the one generally ripped on by my friends I need robot friends who like weed. As well as this I had a humiliating video of me acting like a retard circle around those schools which was fucking soul crushing. Also I'm a virign and a kind of failed my education as well not being able to talk to woman. So I'd like to say I'm more 70% robot and 30% man. So I'm probably not gonna be able to handle the bants, but if they're not like that it might be ok.

Well anything is better to me then catering work to be honest mate. If it sucks I'll bear through it for the cash.
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>that's the joke

he was being ironic, you shitter
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>but i've found the only way i can be completely in the moment and not feel like i'm somehow observing is by being pissed





seriously this is a big relief to me, I also agree with the being a robot through choice rather than by design, its a multitude poor choices that make the right choices even harder to pick
>If it sucks I'll bear through it for the cash.
I've had worse jobs in the past than being a bin man, mate. Try cleaning shit, piss and vomit for 9 hours straight, all day, everyday and you'll be willing to do any fucking thing else.

Work is work. It pays the bills... That's all there is to it.
Become one with the dirty polish immigrant mindset and work ethic m8, then you're good for anything.

Plus, it's probably not that bad anyway...
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>hurr durr
>Work is work. It pays the bills... That's all there is to it.

One of my German mates once told me that 'work makes free' and I actually think that's really profound.
>Work is work. It pays the bills

Pays the bills and the rent so you have somewhere to live while you're working.

Somtimes I wonder why I shouldn't just kill myself now and get the whole thing over with.
I wish i got in a carcrash and end up in a wheelchair so people feel bad for me and i dont have to work anymore
I dunno if you're being sarcastic or not lad but yeah.
Those people that say ''don't drink to stop feeling anxious'' are fucking idiots. I don't feel worse at all after it wears off, despite what they tell you.
My doctor said the same thing to me but funnily enough told my older brother who suffers ALL KINDS of mental health fuckery (and has done for years) to ''drink when necessary'' That's right... A fucking doctor told him to drink.

That sweet golden brown sunshine in a bottle is life, my friend.
His doctor told him to fuck off with his meme disorder and come back with a real illness

Sound advice
no sarcasm, i struggle so much in social situations when im sober but when im shitfaced i can actually feel comfortable in my own skin when im talking to people i dont know

i wish i could be drunk in work
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Alcohol really is the answer to solutions, after a drink you just unwind and don't care as much. It gets to the point where I have to take a swig of rum just to go out nowadays, so I can actually feel comfortable and not stutter.
That's how I see it aswell. Or try to, anyway.
I've worked with Polish immigrants before and they honestly have a fucking incredible take on work and working for a living.
It's like they lead two seperate lives... After work they're completely different people. Work is work to them and that is all it is, nothing more. They don't let it become them, if you know what I mean. They don't feel bad about working a shit job... It's not who they are, it doesn't represent them personally, it's just what they do to make money to live.

Yeah sure, but there are countless things you can devote yourself to in this life. Take a walk through a busy city street at about 5:30pm and you can see with your very own eyes... All of that possibility, unfolding and intertwining... Makes me not care that I work a shit job and struggle to survive... Makes it that much sweeter when I can go home and spend countless hours doing what I love.
The key is just having a hobby or something you're passionate about.
Leeching off Yarmouth mcdonalds wifi waiting for the next bus
Been waiting for the last half an hour
Here too
Its full of screechy little kids
>Take a walk through a busy city street at about 5:30pm and you can see with your very own eyes... All of that possibility, unfolding and intertwining
>Take a walk through a busy city street
>All of that possibility

You mean like being stabbed, or being rained on, or having somebody try to sell you a Big Issue?
>haven't been for a shit in 3 days

O lads

It's not coming, what do I do? I think it's actually making me slower, carrying all this extra weight around
Nah, no meme disorders here mate. He's seen countless doctors and some think he has schizo. He's told me before he hears voices, voices that build... Every few weeks/months they reach a peak and become intolerable and drinking is the only thing that shuts them out. Despite this, if you seen him you'd never suspect anything was wrong with him.

Fair enough then, yeah. I feel the same aswell.
>i wish i could be drunk in work
I've thought about this before. I've also thought about doing it but the smell of whiskey is quite strong and they'd figure it out.

>It gets to the point where I have to take a swig of rum just to go out nowadays
I'm with you, mate.
Every morning with breakfast I drink fresh orange juice with half a cup of whiskey. That burn in the chest keeps me going and makes things easier.
You're not alone, lad.
fucked up the post desu
For me it's:

First few drinks - mild inhibition reduction, functional self-awareness and control.

Next few drinks - further inhibition reduction, increased sociability far beyond normal capacity, beginning of reduced motor control and descreased self-awareness. Vastly increased likelihood of inability to stop drinking. Slightly increased chance of in-the-moment dissociation and subsequent total memory loss.

Next few: Everything increases, except for motor control and self-awareness. Dramatic increase in likelihood of dissociation and memory loss. Usually, point of no return.

Next few: As dissociation and memory loss are effectively guaranteed at this point I have to rely on other people's accounts of my behaviour. HUGE drop in sociability, usually displaying itself as totally stopping talking and appearing intensely introspective. Not 'myself' at this point, so can't really say much more than that.

Next few: vomit or more usually, passing out. Vomiting is regrettably rare.

t. alcoholic

>having somebody try to sell you a Big Issue?
>he doesn't buy the big issue

Come on, lad.
buy some movicol i have the same prob and this stuff clears you out
>You mean like being stabbed, or being rained on, or having somebody try to sell you a Big Issue?
Yes. That is enough for me. Unexpected events makes me feel alive... After they've happened, that is. At the time they're happening I probably speg the fuck out but I wouldn't know because I can't observe myself interacting with people/things etc.
What does the crying ill person emoji mean?
Im never gonna be able to unsee that now for fucks sake
Its the route map button
Your post sounds like every night I get pissed, mate. I'm genuinely glad I'm not the only one who does this shit and for this reason.
Even so far as the becoming introspective thing... I reach a peak very quickly and then I fucking implode and just sit, in complete silence... Even if i'm still on a night out or something. Almost like the coming down after doing coke... I'm the same with booze. Vomiting and passing out, everywhere and anywhere. I drink until complete oblivion and occasionally wake up in a cold sweat, piss wet through and lying in a pool of vomit. But... That's life...
Started cycling to work in the last couple of days. Is less horrible than i thought it would be, even when it was raining on the way back this evening. Going through kenton and kingsbury is grim though.
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Too close to home for me, might play some vidya and come back next thread.
you got dubs

that means you have to stay

Man I sure hope someone would come and check the rest of the dubs, though.
imagine how grim it is doing that in Liverpool and having to go through Seaforth, Litherland, Ford and Maghull

life is hell when you cant drive
Yeah that would be great if we had some kind of magical dubs checker to save all of /britfeel/

Oh well.
If you could cuck someone, would you?
Would you cuck an enemy?
A friend? (Supposing you had one)
A family member?
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I'll have to save /britfeel/ with THESE dubs then
Does cucking a girl count?

haha i love the caterpillar NEET in his bed

what happened to the "abandon hope" or "just end it all now lads" signs. i liked those

hope everyone is doing reasonably okay

>signing off
I'd cuck YOU fampai!
Qualify the situation, lad.

In all likelihood yes

Thanks mate, means a lot.

That's not how you do it. Check these out
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calm down blondie I'm all yours
I just want to save a lot of cute guys from the vaginal jew
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tfw no bf to go on romantic night walks with.
>tfw no gf
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>slut about with loads of boys
>wonder why you have no bf

Why can't we all be bfs?
Is there a gay male version of a roastie?

A buttroastie doesn't sound right.

>tfw no junfag bf to cum inside
I prefer buttroastie myself.
That looks like a brutal ride. I've noticed the roads are quieter this week because its half term, not looking forward to the school rush next week.
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I just really want a nice bf, one who would accept my flirty nature.
No. Would be impossible anyway, but I'm also not someone who cares to compete.
>tfw still no bf
Did you break up with azulad?
chip chip cheerio god save the queen and all that jazz lads

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I have done before a couple of times.

At a party a couple of years ago and I pulled some bird, later on in the night her boyfriend was sat opposite as she was sitting on my lap... He looked heartbroken but couldn't do anything because he was essentially a faggot. I seen him a couple of years after and he looked fucking massive. Must have taken the iron pill after feeling so embarassed or whatever.
Also, fucked a bird that had a boyfriend who was a rich, sheltered little prick. I knew the guy but not like, as a friend... Just through friends, anyway... She told me he had a small dick, was a pussy and openly laughed and joked about what she was doing. I was thinking ''You're a fucking disgusting cunt'' as I was balls deep in her.
Had an MMF threesome with a girl that had a boyfriend aswell but I think he genuinely was a cuck. Like, he must have known his girl was a whore.

Each time it happened... It made me hate women even more and realise it's within them all to cheat. It's in their nature.
Most women are whores mate, treat them as such. They don't share the same sense of integrity and loyalty as men. I was ''redpill'' from like the age of 15, and naturally too. I didn't need to read it from some infographic on fucking reddit.

We Natural Born Misogynists Now
So, a cuckold, basically
from the looks and posts from both of them, I bet you azulad wanted a bf who would be faithful to him, junlad didnt want any of that shit
spread your boipussy, white bitch
So you want someone who will let you cuck them?

Try reddit mate.
Also, to add to this:
Don't know if it counts really, but I fucked my cousins ex girlfriend in his house. He knew about it but wasn't bothered at all... They'd only just broken up like a month before but I don't know if that counts as cucking a family member t b h. I regret doing it anyway because she was a fat stinking mess but I was drunk so, it is what it is.
putting off my dissertation by watching Star Trek and drinking Black Coffeeeeee

hows everyone's stupid wednesday night going?
If it was an infection would the lymph nodes on both sides of my neck be swollen not just one side?

Also the pain is more to the front really, it's right about where that tube that the pancreas/gall bladder/stomach all connect to.
I almost feel sorry for her.
Then I remember she's female, and how she would be if she didn't look like the sister from Pet Semetary.
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I fucking kek'd hard mate haha
which trek my man
Pet Sematary, I mixed the spellings sorry mr autism.
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>you will never take azulads virginity
voyager, season 2
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I woke up at 11AM and I'm already fucking tired.
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we are just cuddle buddies now.

he is a very sexy lad.
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Actually good looking, have some friends, had sex couple of times, talk to girls over web almost everyday.

On the other hand, social anxiety, depression, no gf, 2 girls i loved the most left because my depression got way out of hand and made be trash talk them and threathing to kill myself.

Can i end it now?
No cyborgs allowed, please go to /brit/.
lmao i do hope you do kill yourself you cunt
does he have a big bum?
>we are just cuddle buddies now.
What happened? Did you try dating?
>tfw i'm 21 and have fucked more than 30 women and i'm still here wallowing in self pity
this place is the fly trap of the earth m8
I believe the correct term is 'Prolapse Peon'
Dry Vein.

Because all of his marmite has been mined.
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>Social Anxiety
>have some friends
>had sex
>talk to girls over web
wow i never realized drake has baby size hands
>tfw most of girls i did fuck were ugly, whale, what is that smelly smell that smells like shit while fucking type

Way ahead of you bud

Social anxiety as in can't go out in the city by myself without feeling like i'm getting looks all over the place.
You can have anxiety and still have freinds mate. In my case we were friends even before this shit hit me.
>muh anxiety
>has sex with girls
>muh depression
>is good looking and has friends

Kill yourself you attention seeking normie cunt.
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Went to skegness beach alone today lads, it was pretty comfy but emotional as I used to ride donkeys there as a kid. Where did it all go so wrong?
Speak for yourself m8. I've fucked some legit 8 and 9/10's.
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What the fuck
>tfw watching skins season 3 because cook is the stereotypical chad and it's fun to watch senpai
My grandparents used to live near there and when I stayed with them they always took me there. It's only like a 3 hour drive and I felt like re visiting it.
i woke up at 4pm and im already tired
Why do i have a feeling you're not considering some things rationally and you're just jealous?
Never said i'm proud of any of it.
And most of it happened even before it got bad enough that i just dwell inside my room and don't see sun in days.

In my case the last one was a solid 10/10. Regret ever doing it for past 2 years now.
I doubt she was 10/10 mate.
Ten out of ten is literally reserved for supermodels and shit.

stay bent, faggot
>3 weeks and civil service still haven't replied to my application
Moving back in with my parents after I graduate and get my degree

where did it all go so very wrong lads :(

10/10 in looks and character.
But in my book most supermodels look like shit.
I really want to be neet.
So jealous of anyone that can be neeeeet.
Teach me lads.
We are all just children forced to grow up too fast m8
Not everyone here is a fat neckbeard virgin, you fucking car crash.
Sort it out lad.

Well yeah but you get my point. A true 10/10 in both looks and personality is purely a mythical thing m9.
Who /twink/ here? I need a bf
Where do you live? Like Wales or something? That rent is so cheap. It's 900 around here for 1 bed flat :(
Get where you're point at man.
I usually use 11/10 for mythical girls.
Just a small error in measurement.
I would be a twink if I didn't try to drink away my loneliness
>tfw I ended up becoming an alcoholic and dropping out.
You've got me all wrong, mate. I don't contribute to the demise of the English language by using Jafaican patois. I'm against that, completely.
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>not everyone here is a fat neckbeard virgin
y-yeah haha
anyone up for a good ole fashioned arse tearing?
I'm watching TNG (the one with the stoner aliens), smoking a J and waiting for my chinese to reheat.

What's the title of your 27 kilobong bill lad?
anyone else excited for the new thread and prepping a waifu for it

hope alphys-poster is there
are you the tearer or the tearee?
tearer bruv i got a shitload of testosterone to let out
I'm up for it make. Fuck my boipussy up

>year of our lord
>being white
>being any race at all
>and speaking like this

Hang yourself bro, and while you're at it... Do your remaining family members too.
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>drive to take bell to pick up some crunchy taco supreme
>mom calls and has a go at me for not being at my apartment when she invited herself over
Don't want to go back home right now tbqh lads
I've always wished that I'd get into an accident and slip into a coma. I'd then wake up like 2 years later and everyone feels sorry for me, I get a big insurance payout and I pretend I've forgotten loads of things so I can start fresh with everyone.
kill yourself americunt and fuck off

Post pictures, intimate if possible, as proof. Anyone can come onto the loser section of a loser website and talk big. Time to walk, friend.
I'm not american, but i'll go only because your trips beat my dubs

What if, instead of posting waifus, we didn't post waifus?
>taco bell
fuck off yankee puff we don't know what a take bell is and frankly don't care for your story either so jog on son

Terrible idea.
I genuinely have cucked somebody. I dated a girl for a while knowing she had a boyfriend, I even met him and shook his hand when we went for drinks with some mutual friends. I had sex with her twice, it was pretty funny.

One of only two sexual encounters in my life.
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Office space. is a quality movie senpai
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>one of only two sexual encounters in my life

You poor bastard.
>If you could cuck someone, would you?
Yes, have.
>Would you cuck an enemy?
Sure. She's the one cheating not me, so I'm not even doing anything wrong.
>A friend? (Supposing you had one)
Yes, have.
>A family member?
Yes, have (sort of).
No, I don't care if I'm cheating with someone but nobody cheats on me more than once.
I am, but I'm more content with pessimism and negativity than looking for anyone. Hope you find someone, anon

cucking someone isn't just cheating with their partner, isn't it when they consent to it and enjoy it?

True Lies.

Let's get some Arnie up in this motherfucker.
Why would they have to consent? Cucking is something you do to them, their agreement is irrelevant.

>Non-ASCII text is not allowed.
fuuuuuuck you robot

Oh, then I have cucked two guys. One was violent and controlling so he had it coming.
>>26556949 here, I think it's coming, actually. I feel like I'm about to give birth.

Just wanted to keep you guys updated.
Technically they have to know about it, or other people have to know and laugh about it behind their backs. Cuckolds are subjects of derision.
Please don't. Like, really, that's fine you don't need to
Be sure to take pics for us, it better be a monster one
Why is there so many interracial couples in adverts?
Just seen three in a row with a black man and a white woman.
I've literally only ever met two black people in my life, and they were the only blacks in my school out of over 1500 people.
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I was going to go for Britain as a European landpower after removing frogs, but thanks to Venice getting excommunicated after taking some of Greece I have the option of annexing their Greek holdings and then spamming holy wars to remove kebab and form a British ERE.

Shall I go for it?
>noticing race at all

You might be a racist anon
You first, mate. I have no issue posting my face on here and have done before but never in /britfeel/
I'm honestly, probably 8/10 face wise.
Believe it or not, I don't really care.
I would post proof in the form of a video of my cock in an 8-9/10's mouth, as I spit on her... but I've been lurking 4chan since 2006 and have seen what happens when people get doxxed, so nah.

Just fuck my life and career up by posting that shit senpai
I don't mind it desu m8, just wondering.
Don't really care if blacks want white women, I'm a KV. Not like they're taking anything from me.
why the fuck you playing EU3 bruh?

Knight of Valour?
Because it's infinitely superior to EU4
How will you get recognized from your cock?
I know exactly this feel. You Essex lad?
That reply wasn't me but was also accurate.
No, poortherner.

Apparently I scored better than 92% of people on the test
New thread can be found here for my good lads

>my good lads

You need to get a life

Do you honestly think anyone believes you?
Leave him alone, hes a good lad
wtb bf, Hampshire, willing to barter anything.
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Who here /revising for exams and retakes/ while parents shouting downstairs?

Also /dad's a hypocrite/
I wont, she might... And then I will.
Don't be so stupid m8.
You are clearly underaged. This board has an age limit of 25.
as i said, i don't care if you do believe me or not.
if you don't believe me, you don't need to reply to me. it just begins a ''HUR DUR YE AND I FUCKED MADONNA'' type of conversation into the thread, so fuck off
I'm 18 senpai desu
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