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Only a few hours left of freedom wagecucks edition
Poor old wages. their lives are hard enough as it is mate.
Poleaboo envies wagecucks
>tfw NEETs will never know the feeling of not worrying about how much something they want to buy costs
>have tfw no gf
>somehow obtain job
>tfw no gf goes away
>is replaced with "my fucking god i hate human beings" feel instead
>quit after a while
>tfw no gf returns

is there anyone else knows this feel
Possibly a silly question but when you talk about "wagies" are you literally talking about people who earn wages or are you including salaried professionals as well?
Let's not fight among ourselves lads. Save that for the Nation of Islamification.
Fuck off normie

Both are slaves
Anyone who has a job mate.

If you're not a NEET you're either a wageslave or a debtslave.
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Post waifus for the wekend lads
OK, thanks for clarifying.

Where do the self-employed fall on this scale?
>muh STEM
still a wagecuck mate
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>tfw hairy arse and it takes half a toilet roll to get it all off when you shit
i don't work in stem but I'm not flipping burgers either. I still make money for someone else but who doesn't?
Doesn't matter who they're talking about, workers of the world unite and vote conservative to get these freeloaders out on the streets where they belong
Depends what they do I suppose. If they own their own business and sit around like millionaires then that's Godmode but if they run a bacon sandwich van and pay themselves less than minimum wage for 12 hours a day work then that's just as bad as wageslaving.
im a wage cuck and proud, fuck all you neets. I look forward to the mussies taking over and forcing you into slavery while I bail out the country because I can afford the plane tickets.
Better to get them working so we have to import less unskilled labour.
iktf and then I have loads and loads of toilet roll bits stored up in my ass until the next time I take a shower.
Here's the plan lads

>play Super Mario 64
>order a pizza
>watch tv and have a few beers
>watch the Royal Rumble

whose with me?
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>tfw you thought friend would invite you to the pub tonight but they didn't
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The flush at work can't handle all the paper I need to use sometimes. Nobody knows I'm responsible though.
>tfw known as "the trap one destroyer"
How would I even start the process of trying to find a robot bf?
You people aren't exactly making an effort to find love or even a quick fuck.
where do you live and what is your email address?
I can't usually cum unless I'm beating it myself, sorry.
Homosexuals have it easy finding bfs, just go hang out at your local gay bar.
You can't find a robot, because robots don't want to be found.
I think the "app" for that is called grindr
I really must dedicate some time to finding more images of her~
Why is /britfeel/ full of queers these days

Fucking disgusting
Plenty of homoposting and plenty of pls b my gf

Take your pick.
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Goodbye weekend

Posting waifu for the last time this weekend.

Can't wait to get into work tomorrow and make small-talk with all my colleagues, oh boy.
Haha I always used to clog the toilet at work. Serves them right for having such a cheap toilet and that cardboard toilet paper.
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I'm stoned as fuck and I've been posting in another thread thinking it was this one for 45 minutes.

Only just realised it wasn't.
lads lads
>not having an arse hose like paki countries
changed my life

failing that use the showerhead if you have good water pressure
Please go Mohammed Britain is a tolerant society which does not fit with your archaic Islamic way of life.
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unlucky Fatilde
same thing you stupid prick
divide salary by hours worked to get wage

fucking idiot piece of shit
My bumhole is very sensitive I don't like the idea of water being fired at it.
Dentist tomorrow lads, shitting myself
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I love my fellow poster, whether they be wagies or of Pakisani descent.
And /pol/tards spouting the same unfunny shit

Get fucked
>falling for the dental jew meme

Unless you are on bennies and it is free there is literally no reason to go to the dentist.
>being homophobic


Now fuck off Abdul.
Sounds super comfy. Would switch pizza for a chinese though.
People like you are why these threads are dying
my footlong turds have solid three-inch-wide heads and a tail which behaves like high-grade superglue, and which inevitably breaks off and remains behind in the crack. also they never flush and have to be dismembered with a coathanger. i loathe taking a dump above all else. fortunately my overcapacious bowel means i only have to go twice a week. afterwards i am compelled to immediately take a shower even if i've already had one that day.
>it's a pakis get triggered by british culture thread
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alri nick
Because I don't hate gays?

Okay mate.
Gave my mate a "Certified Pie Eater" t-shirt for his birthday on Friday. XXL of course. That's what you get for eating pork pies in bed on holiday you fat fuck.
>That comfy feel knowing that there's neets reading this who'll at some point have the shock of their lives when they're forced to work.

Mwahahaa, suffer!
Work isn't shocking, just boring.
Poleaboo is watching Dragons Den now

He wishes to be an entrepreneur
violation of human rights to force me to work sorry wagie, you have to pay for me
>hurrr abdul pls go xD
>hurrr Mohammed pls go xD

Being racist is just as bad you fucking idiot, probably a homo yourself though so it would explain a lot
It's absolutely not the same thing. Wages are paid more regularly and are associated with low skilled or manual jobs. They're both working so if you hate everyone that works you might see them as the same.
Fraid not lad, you're still gonna be off to poundland to work for your 50 bongers a week
fuck you ya crazy bigot
Salaried just means Salty

Salty Professionals
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>tfw root canal soon
wage is the rate, salary is the yearly sum

wage*hours in a year = salary

wage has units pounds per hour, salary has units pounds per year

not for much longer! Get a job!
Not all work is boring. Find something you like.
shhhh let the keks justify their slavery
Islam isn't a race you dildo. Islamophobic? Perhaps. Racist? No.

I'm sorry you have been indoctrinated into such a cult of a religion, but not everyone has, so please leave those who haven't live their lives how they wish too.

And no I am not gay I just can't stand religious zealots such as yourself acting so benightedly towards people who have done nothing wrong.
It's literally all boring.
I enjoy sleeping, eating and playing video games. There is no job where I can do that freely.
>games tester, youtuber, reviewer
none of those allow you to play the games you want to play in the manner you wish to play them
Many salaried people don't get paid a flat wage. They get paid a flat salary, thus making it worse to work longer hours.

It might be better to be paid wages for 12 hour days than be paid (8 hours) salary for 12 hour days.

There is a difference.
The difference is if you have a wage you just work your given hours. If you're a Salaried Professional you have to work as long as it takes to get the job done.
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>not all work is boring

Nice meme you got there, kiddo
I earned $20,000 last year working 200 hours.
In common parlance:
My salary was $20k. My wage was $100.
Watching a documentary on Quiddich.

I may have been a nerd in uni but at least I didn't fall to that level.
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late but I haven't posted lately
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>I call it the 'View in the loo' were you watch someone poo"
Would watch that episode.

Come back when you got real money fatty
The reason doctors are on strike is because their wage is so low.
They might get 40k a year, but they're working double the hours so get around a minimum wage.

You're a bigot then

Still boring and still cancer
Yes but my overtime is time and a half during the week and double time on the weekend. Never ever forced to work overtime. My mate works as a chef and regularly has to work a fifty hour week for the same flat rate.

Salary > Wage
It's the only currency you can post here retards. The pound and euro sign are banned.
I met a couple of players at uni, they were huge stoners and one was sort of cute
I'm a bigot because I am against intolerance?

Not that guy but have you just walked out of a fucking student union politics meeting you mong.
Keep being obtuse, it doesn't make a lick of difference to me.

Maybe your intentional misrepresentation will land you a job making $50k one day, but you better stay until the job is done, even if it takes FIFTEEN hour days.
Not even him but there is nothing redeemable about islam. It's completely backwards, it has no place in western or any modern society.
It's founded on the principles of rape and subjugation, unlike judiasm and christianity which preach love and tolerance.
>Ironic nerds

1000x worse than the actual autists.
Fuck off Bob, nobody is buying your shit
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Holy Potter
>unlike judiasm and christianity which preach love and tolerance.
Nice b8
Need to go to Tesco to get some beers lads but I really smell and I cba to take a shower and there's always qts working at Tesco help
Put those edges away, you might hurt someone
>I am unfamiliar with the teachings of Jesus
>I cherrypick to distort facts
Don't you have a CiF "article" to be commenting on.
You wouldn't have a chance with them even if you showered. At least they might notice you if you smell.
Hating pakis is edgy?

you might be on the wrong website
Nothing cherrypicking about it. Jesus was sent by God to set the record straight. The New Testament is the only relevant book for Christianity and Judaism, though the latter refuse to admit it.

Mohammed was just some guy who craved power and children, he twisted the gospel to suit his own need as is the case with every hadith.
Self server senpai
>being edgy

Think you're too young to be posting here
>unironically being a Christfag

I knew there had been something missing from the waifu posts recently.

Dank trips senpai.
fuck off amerifatty
literally working class brit abroad tier """banter"""
For alcohol they will have to come over to him
>unironically going to hell
Do people actually still believe that bollocks? I always thought young people who went to church were just going through the motions for their parents.

Mind you I did know a Mormon who believed all the space spirit stuff and that he'd rejoin God after he died, proper fucking mental.
You won't go to hell unless you believe that's what you deserve.
go to a paki shop, they cant smell through the constant thick stench of curry
He's just being a good doggy and following the /pol/ hivemind. Currently they like to roleplay as Crusaders online.
Wow, what an angry little man.
Be careful about turning what you love to do with your free time into a commitment you HAVE to do every day to live
>unironically believing the world was created in 7 days
Actually retarded
>Do people actually still believe that bollocks?
THey do if they are raised to believe it from birth. Fortunately I wasnt
Yeah that too. You will kill any enjoyment if you decide to make a career out of your hobbies.
Put the ISO code then (GBP).
Again, standing up to intolerance is edgy?

Then I'm edgy.
>good boy points
that meme died a long time ago matey
You could write L= and E=
>staying awake and doing nothing until 3am so it feels like you spent more time before returning to work
anyone else know this feeling?
Spray yourself with that can of Lynx you got for christmas and thought you'd never use
I'm just gunna go for it and hope my bellend doesn't pop out and stink the place out
Is anyone here doing a hard science degree at a good university?
The lads thought it was funny.
>going to university
haha good meme lad
Yuh, Sports Science at Kingston.

Unifag out.
Dutch ovened myself by accident wew.
Fuck off, normie

This isn't the place for you, cunt

I did one, 10/10 would be a student again, I miss uni.
I did. Most annoying point of my life by far.
I might go to Skeggy beach to see those washed up whales.

Anyone wanna come? I live in Nottingham so could pick you up if I have to drive past your town. xxx

>Its okay to never apply yourself to anything
>apply yourself
I was intelligent enough to go but chose not to
did you ever think maybe not everyone wants to be a suit and tie wearing normie with a high paying 50+ hours a week STEM job?
shit degree at a shit uni, why even bother?

It's always the same guy, he doesn't have any defence so yells edgy until people stop pointing out the faults of Islam.

>Not wanting to earn more money
>Not wanting to have a job that actually has a lasting impact on things
>that actually has a lasting impact on things

Never gonna happen.
I'd be much more content and mentally satisfied working at a cafe in Devon than commuting to London to work in an office to manage company finances.

>Never gonna happen.

Not for you.
Not always, like say if you had a hobby making furniture and made it into a business, it's less full on than streaming. You'd get commissions then quiet periods with clear starts and ends and chances to be creative.

Streaming is more like being a performer so you have to perform the same every day and always be on form for your audience and it's no longer "I want to play XXXX" it's "I need to finish XXX" or "need to stretch out XXXX for a few more eps so I get more views". People are not really watching for the actual games, those are just a topic of conversation in a solo performance.
or you

You're clearly not nearly intelligent enough
Just write 34 GREAT BRITISH POUNDS 23 GREAT BRITISH PENCE until Japanese Moot gets the message.
just got back from five a side lads, we won by 3 goals. didn't manage to score but set up 3 goals and dominated defensively
i didn't either but i still got a maths degree because it was my favourite subject

and i was in the final year where you got a grant, and i lived at home, and never went out and hid in the library for three years, so i didn't have any debt when i graduated
Why do you poest here, normal slime?

You don't need intelligent to make substantial change to anything, but you need some level of intelligent to realise that not applying yourself in life is going to make you die with nothing but regret and the thought of "how different things could have been".

But I guess its easy to be one of a million other "lazy geniuses" that think they are capable of doing great things, yet they are incapable of getting out of bed in the morning and doing it.
What /leftovers/ have you guys got in your rooms?

I've got half a chicken pizza from last week, some chips and a bit of fish from Thursday and then chips, beans and half a steak leftover from yesterday when I was too hungover to eat.
You might have autism if you can't comprehend that people value different things than you.
fuck off normie

lol, bet he's a right little runt
Having an Old Speckled Hen and playing N64 tbqphwy (to be quite perfectly honest with you)

Yeah, I have autism because I can't comprehend being a NEET faggot who shitposts on /brit/ all day with no money to do things that are enjoyable, no ambition, no skills or abilities that make them a worthwhile person, and a lack of awareness at how their entire families are disappointed in them.
haha that's a funny thing to say. i've been a neet since i graduated. i'll let you work out how long ago that must have been.
playing football is in no way normie
Sounds a bit gross mate. I have some Dominos crumbs but no actual food. Doesn't it smell?
Lads I left my flat last month but accidentally paid the landlord for an extra month.

Gave him a text about it but got no reply, what do I do now?
shitposting on /britfeel/ all day is enjoyable though.

We have our own characters and storylines and everything.
I dunno I never leave my bedroom so I would've become immune to the smell.
it's the epitome of normie, normie
cancel it with the bank
kicking a ball against a wall or high into the air for hours by yourself isn't
Ring him. Do you have a postal address for him?
The money was already sent, I can't get it back now without him sending it back.

Yeah but he's a big scary Irish bloke, this is gonna be a monumental pain in the arse.
5 a side is
oh well if normal social functioning is required, then yeah, it is
Be reasonable and give him a chance. If he doesn't pay you back, sue him.

Bear in mind your current home address will appear on the Particulars of Claim so he can see it. Might not be worth it if he's scary.
Sounds like some hardcore projection there
Give him a week. If he still hasn't responded get your lawyer to send him a letter.

Well, if its not true, then you don't have anything to worry about do you? :^)
>arranging meet-up for uni group project
>normie starts venting about how bad his life is

I only asked him if he was alright with meeting at the library. Don't really know how to respond now~
>asked him if he was alright
don't ask questions you don't care to hear the answer to.

takeaway time.
Lads I can't stop watching stupid youtube channels about American unis, they look much more fun than our ones, minus the lack of booze.

Even the shit ones seem to have a nice community about them where everyone's happy and not fucking miserable like over here.
I'm not worried, so you'd be correct. For a change
I have saved up 20,000 pounds now since moving home after the Army.

Gonna buy a small apartment in an old peoples kinda block thing for around 60,000 pounds and rent it out at 500pcm to cover the mortgage etc and just save the rest.

Feels alright man.
Everything American seems to be better

I love American cities. Never felt more at "home" then I have when walking around them
link one
I've never been to America but the Americans I've met while travelling were cunts desu.

Loud, overly happy about everything and overly confrontational, every conversation turned into a cock measuring contest. They don't know how to turn off and chill the fuck out.

Even the huge ghettos in every city?
Reminder that Islam is literally a cancer on Europe.
>tfw wagie
>tfw the hours are flying by
I'll be dead before it really hits the fan, so I couldn't give a fuck

This is one of their shit unis but it still looks nice. Can you imagine us lot making something like this? All anyone does here for a hobby is go out and get pissed.
up at 5:30 tomorrow lads, starting work an hour early at 7 o'clock

Then I'm sure you're definitely not a NEET and have a good steady income to fund your hobbies :^)
>I will never get comfy and listen to Radiohead with her
Why continue to exist
you sound like an interesting person

i wish you were my friend
Why do you think she'd like Radiohead?
Not him but they're all britaboos so of course they do
I'm off for 5 days not cuzzz.

My day tomorrow
>wake up around 11
>mix up some pills
>perform an cwe on them bitches
>play some vidya
>couple more pills later on
>smoke some weed around 8 at night
>go to bed

gonna be fuuuuun.

This, apart from I have been to America. It's creepy, it's like they are robots pretending to be humans so overcompensate for everything.
I don't know if she would but they're one of my favourite bands so I'd like to listen to them with her
yeah but you'd have to be there with yanks

I'm at a community college in the US right now.

Life has done nothing but improve for me since being in the US, the only problem is driving everywhere feels like a pain but otherwise America still has a mentality of people who are actually happy and slightly optimistic about their futures.

The modern british mentality (and the mentality of most people in these shit threads) is toxic and stamps down on anyone who wants to actually improve their life and believe they can do worthwhile things.
living in Bradford im pretty used to this attitude from the muzzies.

the liberally wont be satisfied till every English town is like this.
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feeling proper dark and mysterious today. might watch some x-files or something desu.
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>2D waifu

truly pleb, stay plebby
>being a literal cuck


50% correct that time. Slipping again

Good luck achieving anything of worth with that kind of record
never change anon, nice that you've kept this up so long
i guess Creep is a fairly apt song for you desu lmao.
I find the attitude creepy, I can never tell if they're being genuinely friendly or if they're just programmed to act that way.

They all face you with a smile and all that shit but deep down they're like us. We just don't hide out contempt for others.

If I had some bloke talking to me telling me what a great job I was doing and what an awesome person I am I'd wonder what the fuck he was doing.

You sound like a sore loser man-child.

No wonder you have trouble getting a girlfriend.
>implying implications

Normie is strong with you tonight
Is it true about how well we do with Yank women? I can't help but think it's a meme.
rude tbqhwyl

>They all face you with a smile and all that shit but deep down they're like us. We just don't hide out contempt for others.

Nah, I felt like that for a while, the first few months I was here I couldn't tell if they were all fake and pretending to be this optimistic, but they are.

This is a country where people don't know how to wait in a line, but no one is barging in-front of others. They are very different to the UK but you will definitely get someone telling you that you did a good job because they think you did.

Depends, are you relatively attractive? Are you capable of getting a girl to be interested in you in the UK? Are you not an assburger NEET who has no problem going out in public and being a normie? If so, you're going to have no problem getting a girl to like you here, they really do love the accent.
>are you relatively attractive? Are you capable of getting a girl to be interested in you in the UK?

Well that's me out. I have a job and my own place but that's about as normie as I get, still and ugly autist.
>No wonder you have trouble getting a girlfriend.
Not him but you're projecting again.

If my projections aren't applicable then you should not have to worry about them :^)
I don't like overconfident people, I want everyone to be as pessimistic and miserable as me.
>buy Tabletop simulator so i can play boardgames with people and pretend to have friends
>all the servers are password protected

Thats too bad, sorry to hear it.

The weather is better here too, its warm and sunny in the summer, light breezes, and women here are significantly hotter.
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your pain pleases me
Normtard gonna normtard
Do you need a cuddle lad?
American women are high maintenance as fuck.

Couldn't be bothered with that.
how are you living there?

No problem, they would lose interest in you once they got to know you anyway.

My own money that I saved up, and friends who give me a generous rent price.
No doubt, sounds like they wanna be on the go all the time doing exciting stuff.

Like our women but turned up to 11.
Whew someones salty
I'm still here. I'm here to stay. Please contact me Hannah.
i mean visa wise

That's a typical american lifestyle breh, the weather is so good here that it would be a shame to spend all day inside.
Reality of everything lad, no one wants to do things with randoms they just want to do things with existing friends they already have.

"No friends? GET FUCKED, you're probably a weirdo anyway"
Obviously depends on region

Weather is shit in Minnesota and Washington
this is the most pathetic brit on 4chan


genuinaly feel bad for him

I applied to a school, got accepted, and then applied for my visa.
I'm a tourist from /brit/, what is the context?
Being an American sounds tiring, I just wanna sit down and have a pint after my day.
>tfw ex is named hannah
you have my sympathies
>this is the most pathetic brit on 4chan

We're on /r9k/ what did you expect you utter spacker.
Dude just be yourself and be happy lmao
attractive normie girl here
some lass called Hannah with lupus used to post on britfeel and and soc then fucked off to 4+4 chan and died now this lingerer is trying to find her again
just grind bruh
Stacey getting BTFO

Can I kiss your feet? PLEASE.
how often dyou brush your teeth

This logo is fucking shit lads
how did you here about this place?
2015OPs plan is working though, I'm getting so fed up of seeing that shitty thing that I'm getting tempted to do a good one
came to /b/ when i was a greasy 13 yr old spacker, left once i got a social life, come back since then to different boards every year or so
found /int/ and /brit/ during the 2014 eu elections and have basically stayed there since i dropped out of 6th form and had all this free time
i sometimes have a look at this thread because i get off on ribenas desperation and he gets really autistic in /brit/ because nobody replies to him
sex now bitch
that attitude isnt going to help you get out of your rut
i dont like boys anyway
GTFO this board ya normie bitch
Daily. Please let me do this.
got any proof?
>tfw gastric reflux

very weird request
my feet ent that great

never uploading meself to 4chan so no
idc if u dont believe me
got too much to lose desu
yeah posting a tit with a timestamp will ruin your life
rather not have autistic melts wanking over me bits
what ever you say shitposter
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>had half a gram of mdma yesterday
>had half a gram of speed today
>chilling now and poped 2 xanax

feeling comfy boys.
Please let me at-least buy your used socks.
>talking to the retarded roastie

C'mon guys.
dat u bucks
she's a dyke anyway 2bh
reckon im a sight intelligenter than any runt here

no habla ingles

i can set u my dads socks
>tfw permanent gastric reflux

I actually quite like the constant pain desu~
Lads I'm thinking about buying a subscription to a paper so I have something to talk about with normies I'm forced to interact with

Are there any that aren't complete leftist shill rags?

Not in the north anymore so I can't get a based northern local paper

work in door to door sales spend so much time working that i don't have time for anything else no longer think about killing myself but definitely miserable .
The i is not too bad, cheap and short and doesn't go full bleeding heart on you.
telegraph, mirror, sun, daily mail, times
why not.....read the internet
Financial Times is objectively the best newspaper, and the only one worth your (admittedly unimportant) time
The Sun was made for inbreds like you.
Financial Times
>not using wet wipes

>hate my job
>can't be bothered to apply for other jobs
I kind of hope premier Corbyn wins desu
Too much potential for distraction, when I try I just end up coming here

I think I'll try all of these and subscribe to the best, cheers lads

Leftists, everyone
guardian's the best for footy and halo
fuck off rafi
Is there enough material for a halo column for the last 15 years?
i told you already, i prefer raf

yeah there's a weekly HCS column
>haven't had a wank for 9 days
>starting to get agitated

I just need to grab some breasts or a handful of ass.
>muscles sore after workout
good feels lads etc
>Got to be up for work in 7 hours

Just fucking end me now lads
yehyeh brotein gains dyel? just lift bro
Wanna go to the paki shop but im not sure if it's still open.
>Got to be up for college in 7 hours

Just fucking end me as well lads

Also I'm actually paying to go to college with 2.50 bus fare every day
>you will never sup peach brandy while your helicopter flies over the slums of the londonistan peasantry

why live
gotta lift big to get big alright laddie
Why not lad? Helicopters are cheaper than houses to buy and the fuel and maintenance is cheaper than a car
>not based beerio
Dadanon here.

Twat of a weekend.

put something on the ends of it lads.
>Being a drinks snob
Hows the custody battle going lad?

Missed your catchphrase lately
What did the CAB say?
>not being a drinks snob

They were as much use as Anne Frank's karaoke machine to be honest. "Can't comment, waiting list" blah blah. Basically because the child isn't in danger they won't do fuck all.

I'm going to have to speak to s proper family solicitors but realistically I can't afford it. Not with my tax credit being cut.

I can hear the ma in the spare room snoring now. Every day is a misery lads except for my little lad.
Go on then big man
This isn't 2015OPs final image, the shop front is getting replaced with a job centre/offy I think
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>Check my POF account after a long ass time
>2 people have viewed your profile
>It's been weeks since I last looked, not surprised at the lack of attention
>Decide "fuck it I'll just delete this shit"
>It only makes me more depressed when I bother to check it out
>Can't find the option to delete account
>Spend 5 mins looking through shit on the site
>See a new alert
>It's a girl and shes sent me a message
>"must be a bot" girls never message first
>It's not a bot and I spend the next hour having fun chit chat, surprised more than anything
>Asks if I have whatsapp. My phones ancient.
>Asks if I have a facebook then. Nope.
>Realise I'm not prepared for this normie shit at all
>End up getting her phone number so we can text

I dunno lads.. I enjoy the fantasy of actually getting a girl but in reality all I see happening is my feelings getting shit on.
I doubt anything is going to come of this, but I was surprised she messaged me first I honestly didn't expect it at all. Made me feel like less of an ugly mongo.

Financial Times is probably the most unbiased because only inner city bankers read it and as such it doesn't try and spin shit or pull the wool over their eyes

I like the Telegraph personally
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One waifu coming up

>tfw you hate football games but you find Inazuma Eleven pretty fun
I'm actually confused.
just watched a stupid horror called Jerusalem.
actually laughed out loud.
I have no interest in baseball at all but I loved Taisho Yakyuu Musume
>Is anyone here doing a hard science degree at a good university?
Depends if you think KCL is good.
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Watching Straight Outta Compton.

Just 3 hours of glorification of niggers being niggers.
>half a gram
thank your dealer for selling you bullshit, you would probably be dead otherwise.
Should have been nominated for best film. The Oscars are racist as shit
>Just 3 hours of glorification of niggers being niggers.
Did this really surprise you lad?
>tfw Britfeel is basically a soap with all of the personalities

Can't wait for tomorrows episode desu
>Too afraid to live, too scared to die
Not gonna go to work tomorrow to be honest.
get busy living or get busy dying
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>it's a poleaboo blames everyone else but him episode
I don't want to get busy doing either
Kill her, make it look like an overdose
They should kill him off 2bh.
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>The Oscars are racist as shit
Equality means things are equal.

Just because the population is dis-proportionally white, that's not an excuse to eschew diversity in processes where we have the power to secure it.
>not browsing r9k on your big ass NEETbux TV

All the wagies are in bed now though

How my Sunday night NEET famalams doing?
Yup, racist to Latinos!
What happens when you put jews on the chart?
Alright mate well they can hand a black dude who didn't act as good as a white dude an Oscar when they hand a white dude who ran slower than a black dude in 100 meters a gold medal
>too weird to live, too rare to die
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but black people do be making films, I wonder why they aint getting no Oscars? must be racism
Again, your view of "equal" is skewed by your prejudice.

One year doesn't make decades of discrimination disappear, whites have a massive headstart so true equality can only occur when those victories are balanced out
Your view of equal is skewed by the need to try and start a dumb argument you don't even believe in.
Complete and utter non-sequitur

If you're going to argue, then do it logically
I blame it on the president of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. Token.
Who needs logic when you have the moral high ground
this anon absolutely nailed it
>the need to try and start a dumb argument you don't even believe in.

plain as day that your heart isn't in it matey
I agree with this. They can start by giving black people more traditionally white roles. How can they win an Oscar if they don't have good roles? Sure, black people make their own films, but they need proper guidance to make sure they aren't pigeon-holed into making self-deprecating comedic films, and that their actors actually become good. It's a shame the most well-known black actor at the moment is Kevin Hart, but the shame is on white people for making it that way.
If a cute girl likes my profile picture does she like me?
You don't need to tell me 'again' because that was the first post I responded too in this thread.

Would you feel better then if everything was just balanced out equally? We should do a 100% split down the middle for every poor black person there should be a poor white person and for every rich white person there should be a poor black person?

Inequality does exist but in this day it has little to do with black and white, and the last place you should be seeking justice is the millionaire actors wank off ceremony. Wealth is really all that matters. Keep making it racial but that will never get anybody anywhere. A rich white kid has a better life than a poor black or white kid and a rich black kid has a better life than a poor white or black kid.

If you want to make the shit racial you're just as bad as the EDL.
Whitewashing black people i even more racist, honkey
>Should have been nominated for best film

It was a pretty forgettable biopic. No better than those shitty 50cent films tbqh
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>the most well-known black actor at the moment is Kevin Hart
Lads you mind telling me what the FUCK is going on in this country?
prime banter in the britfeels tonight
Seems pretty sane by their standards
She's really cute. And what do you expect living in London?
>Kevin Hart
Don't even know who that is desu, is he more famous than Will Smith, Morgan Freeman and Lenny Henry?
>>26000000 posts
>tfw no gf
so bored lads
so bored of life
Mewo mewo meow meow
Been listening to the radio lads, it's beyond cosy. Would reccomend.
>going to Indonesia over New Years so that's pretty exciting.
Not going to an Arab country. I wonder why. Oh right she'll get her shit pushed in
Probably just a rich white girl "finding herself"
>need proper guidance
maybe if they went to acting school instead of acting like niggers.
Same. Mostly classical radio, can't stand music with lyrics.
What were you listening to?
I listen to paranormal radio every night before I go to sleep. don't like music, prefer voices.
Gay wankers
>unifags out
you wish lad
BBC radio scotland atm.
I enjoy classical radio sometimes too, but the adverts are atrocious.
I'll check paranormal radio out. I'm guessing it's an internet thing.
Biscay veering westerly to southwesterly 4 or 5 rain good occasionally poor. North fitzroy sole becoming cyclonic severe gale 9....

So cosy.
ISIS is the new emo
6music or nothing mate
yes I listen on my phone. mainly ''dark matter digital network'' and ''malliard report''

they're mostly nuts but there's the odd interesting story.
>not listening to in our time with melvin bragg on radio4

Fucking plebs in here im leaving.
good music, but the hosts who chat inbewteen can be annoying hipsters sometimes imo
Kek. Pretty accurate, what have the dubbed that autist who has joined Isis? Jihadi jack?
shoutanon out

just because you type in all caps doesn't detract from you being plain fucking boring. it just makes you look spastic. shouting and crying is what small children do when they don't get any attention
A lot of them are pretty shit, the best host is definitely Craig Charles. The Craig Charles Funk and Soul Show is fab
In 2016 in the US, yes.

He is easy to miss though, being 5'2" and all.
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>tfw your mate grabs your cock while you're shagging a bird
Jihadi maaaan you just don't get me maaan it's like me and my muslim brothers no one understands us maaan you can't just me for wearing a hijab okay dad
A nigger and a manlet. Holy fuck
I'm an attractive normie guy and I wish you'd fuck off looking for attention
Halal meat is totally fine maaaan. Non halal is murder you monster. Convert already maaaan
Like a more successful Kent
it was a parody of tilde and pole always needing attention with tons of gimmicks

but now I love the attention
Where do I find a dealer that sells xanax and other prescription stuff?
Where is my main weird creepy cunt Poleaboo for the Royal Rumble?
Who the fuck is Kent?
darknet for everything you've ever wanted
Seems like a ton of work.
redditors out
shoutanon is the only decent tripfag that posts here

Kent was an attention seeking nigglet that posted his boring shit on /r9k/ for a while before we got rid of him.
a little but it's cheap and safe
No he didn't post here. He just made a bunch of videos about being lonely and a failure with women

Haha good one mate
He posted his vids here. Back to reddit newfag.
Listening to Art Bell 2-5am is a true /comfyzone/
No he didn't. He hated 4chan

Learn the lore redditard
everything is much cheap than street prices, I've being using it for a while
>he said
lmao he posted vids here for exposure you stupid cucktard
Yeah, which is why he deleted his channel and made all his photo albums private when he became too exposed

Redditfags trying to think they know board culture. Pathetic.
Just tuned in to classical to give it a go, loving it.
he gave up radio, so you must only be listening to old shows.
No its really not.
You just don't know the right people obviously.
Tilde is alright too. The real shitter is that bonsai cunt
Just got my heart absolute fucking rekt lads and i honestly didnt know it was possible.

feels like ive got a marble in my throat.
Tilde is awful, all he does is talk about how hungry is between roleplaying on facebook. He's not the type of person we want posting here, even ironically. He's also underaged.
Take it elsewhere normie. No sympathy here


I'm on britfeel at one in the morning. no shit I don't have contacts

tilde is the worst how many gimmicks does a nigger need?
He is more interesting than shoutanon tbqh. He's just a good lad really
So if you got no contacts how the fuck you gonna talk about comparison to street prices you absolute spastic
nah he's cancer
we don't want him here and that's the only reason he posts, it's out of spite now
>you can only find out street prices from people
Don't like games anymore. Just feel like a chore now.

Now I really do have zero hobbies or interests.
I'm hungry

I'm sick

Mummy desu~
Got so fed up with games I took apart my PC and haven't put it back together since. Now I do nothing in my spare time
It makes me feel like I've wasted my day. I get so angry at even minor things on them. If I die, I swear. If something takes ages, I swear. Slightly mess something up, I swear. I'm just rushing through them as quickly as possible now.

I'm a permaNEET, so it's not like my time is valuable,. but I actually feel more productive if I spend all day watching youtube videos and twitch streams.
>but I actually feel more productive if I spend all day watching youtube videos and twitch streams
I feel the same way. Now all I do is watch other people play hearthstone on my phone
>lost all hobbies and interests, unable to enjoy anything

There's a lot of us in the same situation from what I read. Is there even a solution once you get to that point?
>check emails
>go back to 2006/2007 emails
>read them

Well, now I'm depressed. Hate nostalgia so much
>having the same email account since 2006

I'm profoundly jealous. I've lost all my old accounts
Please post. I'm lonelyy
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Don't worry, anon. I'll post with you
>tfw wagekek and still awake and drinking
working from home tomorrow though so not too bad
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Guess all the normies are in bed because of work/uni tomorrow
gotta wake up in 4 hours to be honest with you my lad
I'm still here mate. Not a norm though.
Poleaboo wishes he had a reason to get up tomorrow
lads honestly i dont know anymore
I'm 30 in a month

I can't take this shit for much longer.
far from it hopefully

i dont know honestly lad everything is so bland lately

i just want to be loved i guess even though i realise that love is a literal meme

im sorry, on the bright side, you got repeating digits
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No purge
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the wagie struggle never ends
Have to do 'work experience' eith an it company tomorrow for six hours with absolute strangers.

I'm fucking bricking it, im started to get panicky
What are you lads up to? I'm cramming for a test
watching qi and playing fm

what test are you studying for?
electronics lad, is QI good? never watched it
erm it's not bad as quiz shows go but it's gone down hill recently

Good luck laddo, I did electronics in college but dropped out, hope you do better than I did.
Get some sleep too better to be fresh and all that
I might give it a watch. always looking for some easy to watch TV
Electronics is hard tbf anon and I already slept 6 to half 1
that's what I'm always looking for too, just something to have on the second screen while I'm on fm.
I don't want to live without you Hannah.
how'd you get into fm?
my friends were into it in 2010 and we played online games. They dropped it and I've being putting in about 4000 hours a year since
what do you do as a hobbyist in fm? do you just broadcast and hope people listen or is there a community of people talking?
Football Manager, not radio
oh lol, my bad
I don't get involved in the community or do anything really.

I have my little set challenges I like to do every year like my hometown team or taking a lowest league teams to the champions league.

but I just play the game because I'm probably autistic and enjoy tracking the stats and it never seems to get boring to me
whoops yeah just football manager

I wish I did something interesting like fm radio
i just woke up lads, going to roll myself a joint and start my day
who /nothingtodoallday/ here as well

I went to sleep at like 9pm because I wanted good boy points
Already on my way to work lads.
you lucky cunt. I'm on a t-break for another 4 days at least, but I'm thinking of extending it
>manager was absolutely sick as shit and should have stayed at home last Friday but decided to come in to work anyway
>now I am sick as shit with the same disease
>gotta come into work since he did and it'd look bad if I didn't

I'm gonna die
morning wagecucks

I'm going back to sleep for another few hours
I'm still up from last night buddy
nothing worse than people who have to mention how much weed they smoke
I explained to someone (who also plays games) that I like to play games but hate the gamer "culture" and they asked what I meant and I said it was like I smoke weed yet hate the "stoner" culture
Did I come off as an ass? It was the only comparison I could think of
the stoner culture is cancer worse than anything gamers do

I'm always going to vote no to making weed legal just because fuck those wasters
I just think its a dumb thing to base yourself off
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>implying your vote makes a difference
>implying you will get off your fat ass to vote for something so trivial
>implying that's going to stop them anyway
>I'm always going to vote no to making weed legal
Unless you're an MP nobody gives a fuck what you think and you'll never get the opportunity to do so lad
nigga you got zero rights
Got a medical at 9:30 lads, I wish there was a way I could just get money every week without working, here's to hoping it's an easy job or I fail the medical
>all this butthurt
Nice retort lad, I can see why it took you half an hour to think up
not even the same person mate, stay mad though it's hilarious
I thought you weed junkies were supposed to be relaxed?
Got a tooth abscess lads, going to the dentist in an hour and I'm just gonna ask him to pull the tooth. My face has swolen up so much I have nigger lips now.
You're projecting lad
projecting what?
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>tfw computer wouldn't boot up and cleaned it out and now it works
It was a long time coming but I finally did it, feels like when you use that ear wax removal oil
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Another day of silence. That's okay. I'm always here.
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Jarred my neck last night moving around like a cunt. Kept waking me up last night and it's killing this morning.

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car won't start
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Got my new weed vape this morning!

I'll post some pictures later when I use it as I know ya'll love weed.

Gonna be fuuuuun.
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Wow lads, /slowfeel/ this morning
Back from the medical and they want me to go to the doctors to see if I can work
>tfw fell for the meal deal meme
Wanted to get some sausage rolls but there were like 4 staff members there discussing about missing a box full of them, must be hard working in retail if it takes 4 people
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Never fails to trigger the autismos
I'm upset because I bought some croissants because there were no danish crowns and they taste like ass
It ain't right lads
Fuck me.

My next door neighbour is a mudslime but his daughter is pretty good looking.
What is it you find so bad about weed? Is it that you're so autismo that you just see it as bad or is it because you're autismo and don't have the connects to get it?
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Getting my hair cut tomorrow. What should I get?
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>implying I'm not just memeing
What is it with you faggots that get so butthurt over memes?
Not who you're replying to but weed is a blatant normalfag drug and stoners are usually cunts.

Wish I had a queintin comic
That looks like some fucking shit weed.

>smokes weed
>HAS to be stoner

>HAS to be an alcoholic

Nice logic
It is but oh well that's what you get for not living in a city but at least it's cheap 90bong for half an oz that will last me a month at 2 zoots a day
Could all stoner twats please go to weedchan or something?
Could all virgin neets go to wizchan or something?
That is cheap. Guess it depends on your tolerance. I've had some weed where I just couldn't get stoned. It was awful.
But /r9k/ is home to the young virgins. I'll happily move to wizchan when I reach the wizard level of virginity.
Does virginity grow back for guys like how roasts can fake virginity?
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Down the hatchet, the feeling you can't match it.
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>looking for answers via google
>my bf & i were kissing. he suddenly put his penis into mine. Only a few mm of his tip go into mine. But after that i bled. So can hymen grow it back since it is only a few mm?

>OMG! Sounds like your boyfriend raped you, I think that's called date rape. He just put his penis in you without warning? Without making it something special, knowing you're a virgin?! Sounds like he totally took something that should of been special and crapped all over it. Like you're nothing to him. Sounds like doesn't really repect you as a person, just someone to be nice to so he can fucwhat he did was wrong and now there's no way that special moment can be given back. Sad you should consider reporting him. As well as breaking up with him for someone who'll truly respect you for the woman you are.

>Christ you are ignorant. To be clear, 'Date rape' is when you drug someone then have sex with them whilst unconscious/ unaware. 'Rape' is forcing some to have sex against their will. Her boyfriend just got a bit carried away whe they were kissing, they didn't have sex and he did NOT rape her. It is people like you who give genuine rape victims a bad name. You can't throw around accusations like that, rape is a far too serious and sensitive subject.

>You are only partially right, and the rest is very very wrong. Even if they were both naked, and eventual sex was implied. If he penetrated against her will or without her permission it is date rape. Though I highly doubt that is why happened. Even is she said he could just rub it against her vagina, and then proceeded to penetrate with out her permission, it is still date rape.

>No your facts on something this important before giving advice or chastising someone. I would normally be nice about it, but you were so rude that that person. So obviously you were the ignorant one.

3rd wave rape is fucking retarded
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>he suddenly put his penis into mine. Only a few mm of his tip go into mine. But after that i bled.

Penises aren't supposed to go inside other penises. This is basic sex ed.
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Thinking about getting back into fishing.

Used to fish a lot with my gramps up until about 3 years ago and then stopped all together. Grandma died recently and now he's kinda lonely, so I figure it'd be nice to spend the day with him now and then.

Problem is, I had all the best gear and sold it all for next to nothing. Gotta get it all back..

>mfw thinking about how much I sold my box for
My uncle in Scotland said he'd take me fishing up there, shame that the tide was too low the entire week I was there though, or that could have been him being lazy, I was just a wee lad at the time.
What's probably worse is knowing that there's some cunt out there banging on to his mates about the bargain he got
You mean sea fishing? I've only been sea fishing twice and whilst it's ok it's not really my thing. Although, when I went the weather was shit and we barely caught anything.

Coarse fishing is my game. So relaxing and I've fished some gorgeous places.

Remember me and gramps used to go to this pond which was dug in some old guys backyard and it was just like paradise. He had so much nice stuff too and I remember thinking ''how the fuck does he afford this shit''. Turns out his son who lived across from him was majorly into the drug game and ended up getting caught. They closed everything down.

>get thin
>doesn't really fix anything else, have sex but no gf or happiness
>get gf, no happiness

26 and grey hairs springing up everywhere.
Just shave m80. After the first couple of shaves the itching goes away. Changed my life
Where the hell is everyone?
well I just woke up... unfortunately.

no mail for me today, that's good.

got to go have a curry shit in a minute.
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>tfw waiting for PS4 to arrive
Have a doctors appointment in 40 min, hope they don't make me come back any time this week
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It's not time to make a change
Just relax, take it easy
You're still young, that's your fault
There's so much you have to know
Find a girl, settle down
If you want you can marry
Look at me, I am old, but I'm happy

I was once like you are now
And I know that it's not easy
To be calm when you've found
Something going on
But take your time, think a lot
Think of everything you've got
For you will still be here tomorrow
But your dreams may not

How can I try to explain?
When I do he turns away again
It's always been the same, same old story
From the moment I could talk
I was ordered to listen
Now there's a way
And I know that I have to go away
I know I have to go
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did it died?
is there going to be a new thread?
Thread posts: 504
Thread images: 59

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