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Thread replies: 549
Thread images: 67

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sweet dreams lil nippa edition
Poleaboo is
Doing a poo,
A number two
For me and you

He records it with
His spying cam,
And sends it to
His polefu pham

His fellow employees
Found his blog
Sooner after
About the polish bog

They called him a pedo
And reported him to the police
So he removed his blog
To try and keep the peace

Being kicked out from uni
And locked up tight
He turns to /britfeel/
To hear his plight

"But wasn't I true
and wasn't I right,
to piss in milk bottles
and record people shite?"

Lowe and behold
The anons replied
"Fuck off pakiscum
I wish you had died"

So he turns to third person
And shit posts here everyday
The man of mystery Poleaboo
The one who got away
Absolutely beautiful mate.

I will post this every time he replies
Bit nippy init.
Well done lad
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Oi, ye fukken cunts.
Feel free to make changes and expansions lads
Just imagine how hard he's straining that skinny little wrist trying to keep the sword tip off of the ground. With his arm all bent into his hip too so you know his bicep is struggling to support it.
It looks like plastic 2bh, probably hollow and not too heavy
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I salute you senpai.
What the fuck did you just say to me?!?!
*Sneaks up behind him*
*Cuts him in half*
Psssh, nothin personnel.. kid...
>sneaking behind your enemy

you're supposed to teleport behind him

COME ON... IT'S 2016
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posting text for image in 2016
What you up to lads?

420 woo and watching the hitchhikers guide movie on netflix

I didn't realise how much of a cuck Arthur was in this version when I first saw it
rip in piece marvin
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Going to bed lads, cya in the morning.
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>not hoverboarding behind your enemy
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>not being able to be this much of an edgelord
why even live
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>only got 3 hours of sleep
>still awake at 1am
when will this nightmare end?
Thread's pretty quiet tonight desu lads
>buy a gamon joint
>roast it
>it's literally just fucking oversized ham

Definitely not the best 3quid I've spent.
Just won 9 quid on the euromillions
How do you know if your mental?

Occasionally I'll stop and look at myself and my life and think something has to be wrong with me but then I'm pretty sure I'm just a prick and I'm looking for an excuse.
>"The main difference between gammon and ham is that gammon will be sold raw and needs to be cooked; ham is sold cooked or dry-cured and ready for eating."

>Don't worry, Shariah's coming so these tough culinary challenges will no longer be a problem.
i thought this was going to suck but it turned out to be really really good. You're very talented anon. I believe i recently read your JC poem and if you are the one who wrote the Angryanon diddys they were excellent too.
If my mental what lad?
If you played online and won the jackpot, do you reckon they'd just pay it straight into your online account
You w0t m80?
Thinking about making my own "chan" lads what should i call it
You can either get a cash sum or yearly partial payment which will save you on tax in the long run
Shut-ins only
Gay chan
Thought you didnt have to pay tax on lottery winnings?
>Go home
>Parents have bought gammon for dinner
>Literally the only food I actually dislike
My dad had a stroke a few years ago, he hasn't been the same since.
My sister has left him on his own because of how he is.
If anybody here has watched the Sopranos he's pretty much Uncle Junior, I'm fed up of how my mum's family, sister and her friends give my dad loads of shit, he's an ill old fucking man for god's sake
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Ordered some womens yoga pants and they arrive tomorrow

gonna be a lewd weekend
If you start acting like Pakiboo then you're mental.

If not then you're sane.
I've never pissed in anyone's milk. I did once piss through my neighbours letter box.
rest in peace pupper

forever in our hearts ;-;
that's gay as fuck lad
send pics
fukin rekt m9 you don't even know fuck i never seen reks like dis
>can't sleep entire night
>have to work early in the morning

just fucking end it all lads
You don't pay income tax on lottery wins but you pay taxes on interest earned above 15 kilobongs per year (getting reduced to 5 kilobongs later this year though), which you'll get if you win a jackpot and don't put it in an ISA or something like that
What's got you saying this? Any describable symptoms?

Nothing beats that trombone, boys

kek'd tbqh lad
Hi what have you done to day.

That's a question
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got rejected on saturday lads, I'm still half in love with her and I still haven't gotten better. I still feel like shit and I still think about her all the time, when does this pain end?
the pain doesn't end
I'm not over my ex of two years
>asking girls out
When you accept that you're unlovable and stop trying
Dubs called it

Will post gay chan when its done
>still think about her all the time
>7 days later

this amount of casualfaggotry is upsetting
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>mfw I've never actually been in love

Hopefully, I'll never have to deal with the crushing sadness of rejection.
I know that lack of feel bro
Talk to other girls you fucks.
Dear britfeel

I have lurked these threads for quite some time, and as of late it seems the racism in threads has taken a turn for the worse. I didn't used to mind it, but now it's getting out of hand. As a native Pakistani I am rather worried that a large majority of you that post in these threads have taken the fear and propaganda spouted by the likes of /pol/, Daily Mail, Sky news etc. seriously. This is a big deal as it makes me rather uncomfortable and unwelcome when reading threads. I remember a time when the banter in these threads was just simple banter, but now it really seems as though most of you really are trying to hurt the poster you're replying to. If you could all please stop with the constant racist and offensive rhetoric it would be much appreciated. Thanks, love you all.

Kind regarsds,
British Anon
Pakis out

t. Pakis Out LLC
fucking hell lad don't even tell me that
the girl who rejected me said she was aromantic but that is total shit, she just doesn't like me
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Do you live in Rotherham by any chance?
How do get a qt gf, lads?
posting here at 2am on friday night means you won't ever get a qt gf.
Become the girl
don't bother lad, she'll only cheat on you

qt gf is a myth
I noticed I do and think weird shit like I haven't left my house for over a month and I spend over 24 hours at a time in bed (apart from getting up to piss, receive food delivery, occasional shower) a quarter of my room is a mountain of beer cans and I can't sleep because I am convinced if I do my next door neighbour will break in and kill me. The few text messages I get (well, two in the last two months) I ignore because I am convinced they are only texting me out of pity and don't really like me so I don't want to speak to them. My mother is nice but I feel incredibly uncomfortable talking to her, I basically try to live a Ghostflatmate existence to my parents to avoid the interaction. I eat mostly take out but I can't stand that 10 second interaction with the delivery person and the anxious wait beforehand.

I don't want to see anyone anymore in fact.

In terms of mental thoughts. I have no hope for the future apart from the hope/belief I will be dead within 12 months. I can find literally no point or reason to want to continue existing as me but I think that if I kill myself I'll have to come back as me again and do it again which terrifies me. The only enjoyment I find in anything at this point is wanking and getting drunk.

It seems like a weird way to live considering this time last year I was a turbo normie with a job and plans and people I would hang out with. I would be overly confident with people and my own abilities, I was certain I was the best at work was going to get promoted, start a band ,write a book, host a podcast, achieve the physique of Zyzz...Back when I was being a normie many people would call me 'eccentric' but even now I am unsure why. It's part of what makes me think they don't really like me. I've done some impulsive things in the past which didn't make sense afterwards (like I said pissing in my neighbours letter box, public sex acts with prostitutes, etc) but I wouldn't say that is eccentric, a lot of people do that.
It's not the first time I've been like I am now, I was similar but not to such a great degree for long periods of time before my trip to normieville (which I realised I didn't actually enjoy in the end, which is why I left). I think spending so much time in normieville has made me see the vast contrast in the two ways of life and thus made me think no normal person would live like this.

Really though I think I am just trying to connect dots where there aren't any so I can try to giv myself some kind of excuse for, as I said, being a stupid lazy prick.

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>implying I don't get off to cheating
Cultivate a personality more interesting than the average person who posts on r9k.
Why are these threads always dead on Friday night. Swear 90% of the posters are actually normies going out to the club with Deano to get some clunge.
I already went out last night. I got drunk and partially revealed my /pol/ power level regarding migrants.
How did the LWLM (Left Wing Lynch Mob) react?
They didn't, I was hanging out with friends. One friend-of-a-friend gave me a dirty look so I don't think he likes me anymore.

Also I wasn't going all out, I was hiding my true power level, like Cell beating up Krillin.
Who /vape/ here?
me sometimes, but not in public
Hope you can find a happy balance lad, remember walls that are put up can be taken down again with enough mental fortitude.

the polish goddess that I spent 6 months with is still haunting me till now, don't think I'll ever get over her.
Favourite flavours?
I like the citrus stuff, pink lemonade is good
banana is the absolute best, other than that kinda pastry/desert flavours.
Banana is good, I've some banana cookie but it's a little to strong
I have some DIY liquid stuff, might try and make a decent banana cream when there's daylight
Where have you been? Are you still here?
Are you still here? Are you still there?

>"I was overwhelmed by their distress" she told reporters. "Their lives have been brutally turned upside down".

And I'd like to take a minute, just sit right there and i'll tell you how I became the prince of this hospital bed.
will CV guy ever find a job ;_;

original comment desu
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thats quality haha
Last day of work boyos!!

I'm gonna get so wasted when I'm off
safe pal, where you working?
Driving lesson in less than 2 hrs lads, been grinding since June. Driving instructor has the arse and I'm bricking it because I cant drive for shit
>had online relationshit 3 years ago that lasted 3 months then was on and off for another 4
>still think about her every day
Kill me tbf
>work pretty much alone on Saturday
>one guy always comes to talk to multiple times a shift
>most boring autistic man I've ever met
>never gets the hint to fuck off
>other people hide from him when they see him coming

He's driving me insane boys and it's only 8 30. He's the kind of guy to try having a conversation with you whilst you're eating you dinner. He just doesn't get it.
Failed mine in November. Only got 3 minors but the cunt failed me for coming off roundabout in the right hand lane of a highway
My stomach's killing me and I can't stop farting.

Make it stop, lads.
Just remembered that it's my birthday lads, should I get a chippy or some drink with my last tenner?
Dadanon reporting in.

Child teething to the max and has woken up screaming pretty much on the hour every hour since 8pm last night. I'm a quivering jelly of a human being and now have to perform normal dadanon duties throughout the day like I had 8 hoursleep.

Put something on the end of if lads.
1. Make the fat slag mum do it or get a court order seeking sole custody.

2. Whisky on the gums doesn't work, but a tablespoon in his bottle will conk him out like the average drunk
Haven't seen far lazy mum for a few days. It's a joy. I told her she could leave and wouldn't have any responsibility over child. She just laughed and said she'd rather stay and let me support them both. She went out drinking on Wednesday and not home yet.

Not going to give alcohol desu cal poly and teething powder.
>unironically wanting kids

Fuck that. I'm way too selfish.
Quick sum up:

One night stand
Fat Warrington girl
Heard months later
DNa test confirmed
Life ruined
>wanting kids
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Its 9:30 in the morning and i'm already pissed lads

>see my daughter every other weekend and on special occasions (birthdays, etc.)

Could be worse m8
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>not pulling out
>not rejecting fatties on a regular basis
>having a kid with a fatso
>not convincing her to get an abortion
>not being a general sick cunt

I feel sorry for you
Feel for you bro. I have my lad pretty much to myself. Going to go the CAB to see how i can obtain solo custody. My life with the ma is a hell. Life would be better with just the two of us.

Might even meet qt single ma and start a new life.
Why did you agree to a fucking DNM test?!

Even thinking about finding out I got a girl presto makes me super uncomfortable.I think I'd leave the country.
Fucking auto correct. Fuck off!
>Might even meet qt single ma and start a new life.
And the cycle continues, why do chavs never learn?
I think I just heard a track from the Mass Effect 3 OST being used in a ad for BBC drama on 6 Music.

It's a niche kind of feel and I was half asleep so I can't be sure, but I had to tell someone anyway.
Because she was trying to trap me into supporting her and getting the CSA involved and I couldn't remember much about the encounter with her. In my head there was more chance of it not being mine. But he was.
Give him away
He wants the kid, he just wants to sack off the dolescum mum
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Haha lads, I did a Dee Dee yesterday and got the bus to a place in town I've never been to before, miles away from home.

Was worth it. Ventured to a really cosy Kentish village called Wye. Was once voted 3rd best place to live in the UK.

It was in the early evening which makes everything so, so comfy with the streetlights on very dim. Seeing the pink skies over the green fields was splendid. There was a flowing river, called the Great Stour. A few pubs, very quiet streets, and a railway goes through the village. There were comfy old terraced houses that looked high quality.

Went into an estate agents to ask where the bus stops are and there was just this one really pretty young blonde bird in there, she was very kind and helpful. I imagined her as my gf.

I had to wait 40 minutes for the bus and got home 2 hours late, but whatever, now I know where I want to retire.

I used to do that all the time. It's interesting to see how far you can get on a 5 quid bus ticket.
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It's only worth it if the day is nice. I looked at the town on Google maps streetview and it looks shit because it's a gloomy overcast midday.

Going to a new place when it's sunny or almost twilight is best. Utmost comfy impression.
so who's going out tonight?
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It's Saturday morning anons, no better time to post you're waifu
Morning lads. Thinking in about going spending my day in the pub on my own. I can't wait. Must remember my charger though. What you guys up to?

Did you see the shop "Bill Fries of Wye" and wonder if he changed his name from "Smith" to "Fries" so it'd rhyme with Wye?

Did you manage to not blow your cover while getting the answer?
Haha its funny and educational

Good luck anon I hope you manage to pull some fit birds
I'll never understand why people like gammon it's just ham coated in excessive amounts salt.
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- Peter Scully
I think my bird would have something to say. But thanks for the sentiment. I'm just in the mood for no one today. I just want to sit with a pint and watch the world go by
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>I think my bird would have something to say.




Hey dadanon, I assume life is still shit then. Can't you just leave the fatty and send the kid money?
What job do you do lad?
>took lsd last night
>pissed on my room carpet
Was a good trip apart from that
>would rather spend time sat alone than with girlfriend
Can't wait for tomorrow lads, last day of work then 2 weeks of holidays. Plus going to watch the footy tomorrow as well. How's your weekend going ?
Waiting for the pub to open.... 80 mins to go
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>He thinks he done proper LSD in 2016
Lmaoooooo, no mate.
There hasn't been a good batch of lucy since the mid 70's, you fucking whoppa.

Enjoy the incoming anxiety you're about to face
>having a girlfriend in the first place
>drinking in the pub
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I salute you brother.

You have raised the bar for /britfeel/ shitposts
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Because I don't have an open fire and the pub does.
I bet you were wearing tweed, weren't you.
I wasn't but I'm sure someone behind me was. It's that kind of pub
where abouts you from lad
>drinking wife beater
good choice
>sub zero temperature
>heating isn't working

kill me now
>rent's late
>bank's dry
>ten quid in my pocket
>only getting paid 40 quid monday
>20 quid next monday

I have no idea what to do lads, I can't live off this

So ring the gas company to fix your boiler
Wish I could lad, but I'm a student who made a stupid fucking choice about where I'm staying

Thinking about just ending it honestly
Bank of mummy and daddy.
They're going through a pretty rough divorce just now, and I don't want to see my dad face when I tell him that I'm being phased out for more compitent staff again
Just started my day with a god tier shit lads, today is going to be a good day.
I'm in the Peak District between Manchester and Sheffield. Looks lovely at the moment with all the snow on the hills

They aren't coming out till next week when they will search for a leak that is causing the boiler to lose all pressure.

Hot water is tepid at best as well.
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>tfw just seen some bird i used to smash and treat like a mug
>had a look on her instagram
>shes now a professinal model
>is literally 10/10 now
>she cheated on her boyfriend with me like 2 years ago
>i've probably gone from a 8.5/10 to a 5/10 during that time




Get off r9k for a start, this place isn't going to help you.
>Get off r9k for a start, this place isn't going to help you.
but all jokes asdie 4chan has got to be one of the most interesting places for discussion on the internet

Yeah but if you are anxious and depressed you will just end up feeling worse, especially if like that guy one is a failed normie. He will get no help at all, told to kill himself, to fuck off, and get Reee'd at.
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>tfw oneitis just message me to say she's in town next week and wants to go out for dinner and drinks

I-is this it?

>you are there waiting with your little suit on and a rose to give her
>she shows up with large burly man with earring and spiky hair
>"this is my boyfriend Jonesy"
>"alright champ, haas it gaan? That flower for me? Hahahaha!"
She's looking for a free meal off you. Don't be a cuck.
The only time we haven't split 50/50 she's ended up buying for me, family.

>anxious and depressed
i'm looking for the cure mate
not even 2 years ago i was fucking atleast 4 girls at the same time minimum... now i can barely talk to anyone

what happened
Not really, it sucks up time. It's worthless and you don't really don't learn much. Doing literally anything else is better. Hell, even watching tv or movies is better than browsing 4chan because at least it gives you something to talk about.

If you browse 4chan all day, you quickly notice yourself become a very very boring person with fuck all to say to anyone irl. So yes, if you want to improve, leave this place asap.
>Got a ring from my dad
>first thing he did was admit that he only knew it was my birthday because of facebook

Did she say it was a date? otherwise you're friendzoned.
fuck off you failed normie shit, you don't belong here
I don't know my wife's kids' birthdays either, I wouldn't worry about it.
reddit is the place for you. try their mental health subreddits normie
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I wrote ye songs of angry anon senpai
Same lad, I also don't know the birthday of my wife's bull either. Don't think too much into birthdays really.
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>been posting on 4chan for around 9 years
>some underage shit tells you this isn't the place for you and that you need to leave

>Did she say it was a date?
Nope she didn't. We've gone out for a few meals together before and it has felt pretty daty though.
who /waitingforfavtakeawaytoopen/ here?
>few meals
>felt pretty daty

I dare you to make a move, you are friendzoned as fuck lad.
lying in bed and need a wee but it's really nice and warm here
Publad here. My bro has just had a phone call saying he starts work Monday. He now needs taking for some new work boots. Not getting in the pub till about 2 now.
Happy for my bro
Gutted my pint or 5 is going to have to wait
That makes perfect sense desu man...but it's like a feedback loop

fuck off, i've been here since 08 but i was never socially anxious or depressed... i was just ''weird'' to a normie...
despite this, i still maintained a social life enough to fuck qts regularly. i've always been ''lone wolf'' type of dude (inb4 fedorah blah blah) you can't be a fedora if you're fucking models desu
i'm 23 now though and shit has gone downhill last 2 years but i've been told 20 is usually when mental health starts to fuck peoples shit up anyway...
fuck off to /int/ cunt
waaaaaaaaaaaaa waaaaaaaaaaaaaaa i'm a normie lone wolf waaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Fuck off.
Alright then mate. It's happening thursday night, and I'm going to make a move.

How do I make a move?
you won't. i know you are too beta to do that.

Take out an electric guitar with you and a mini amp, halfway through the date stand on the table and play the solo in Tornado of Souls by Megadeth. It's the secret trick that always works, and now I am telling you. This might cost me my life as it is top secret, but I no longer care.
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>How do I make a move?
Did you get lost? You're asking the wrong crowd lad.
no tears now lads
just trying to beat anxeity m9
There's an awful lot of hatred in here today lads. I, to most of you, would come across as a 'normie' Car, job, girlfriend. But deep down I'd love to be a NEET. it's just my self respect won't let me. Oh and the money.
Screencap this you fucking melt, I'll do it I swear on my gran.
Thanks, now fuck off.
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What he said but instead of Megadeth, fuck that off and play Leonard Cohen's Famous Blue Raincoat




>this will only work if you're literally 9 or 10/10
Not happening lad
So prove it. Prove you've done it by time stamping your dick inside her and posting it here when you're done.

Otherwise we know you're full of shit.

Depends what music she's into I guess, I just love Marty Friedman, that dude is amazing.
Why the fuck are there so many normies here now?
I came here to avoid people like you, just to have somewhere where that I felt I belonged.
Why do normie cunts have to ruin things wherever you fucking go?

Goodbye /britfeel/.
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back to your tumblr blog you sniveling boy
the hybrids are here now

It's just the weekend, it'll be better tonight when they are out partying.
Normies hate feeling excluded. They become antagonistic and stay here out of spite when it's obvious they aren't welcome.
The normie has a very childish mentality.
She and I both love Leonard, I'd rather play The Stranger Song though 2bh.

"It's hard to hold the hand of anyone who is reaching for the sky just to surrender."

I feel like this might be a tad hard to explain - "yeah hold on - do you mind writing /britfeel/ 21/01/16 on my cock? Make sure you space it out right so you don't have to do tiny writing at the end." .

your bloodline will be erased and your legacy decimated, my friend.
get a bit of paper with it on, we won't see the writing if your dick is inside her

nice to see you're already making excuses though
>Mfw I'm working so will be too tired of go out and instead gonna get wasted and shit post here all night long


If you're getting drunk alone and shitposting for your saturday night, then you belong here.
>The Stranger Song

>Famous Blue Raincoat

>not standing on the tables with your fedora on and belting out this song



"Sir, please get off the table now, you're scaring the other customers."
I'm not getting drunk.

I have to wake up at 430 am and I won't get home until 7pm so I'm not going anywhere.
could have saved ye sen thi bus fare lad - ever heard of google maps?
Just realised domnio's winter survival deal is on, time to stuff my face lads
I had one last week, fucking great desu. Still overprcied compared to paki shops though
Anyone that posts on /r9k/ is either a complete social outcast or a compulsive liar that shouldn't be trusted.

Prove me wrong.
Aye, but the paki shops here are shit
seems pretty accurate tbhbbqfamalamadingdong
Shame, I have one that is amazing. Only downside is they take an hour plus to deliver. Guessing everyone knows they are the only good place here so they are always busy as fuck. Just waiting for them to open at 2 so I can order.
I have a gf so I can't be that much of a social outcast, still want to kill myself though
Having kids is literally the most selfish act you can do though, so that's a silly argument
Of course you do mate.
Lying about having a gf is even worse than not having one you sad little man
>tfw you lie so much you do it without thinking and believe your own lies
Had a bit of a brainwave regarding the Gmail phishing

Could send an email from any site, it just happens to redirect to Gmail because she timed out or something?

Anyway, go
Eating a babybel desu lads
I'm really hoping anon will actually do this, so I feel like there's hope for us.
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>post yfw a /britfeel/er posts a pic of him ragging a lass
I'd rather see the picture where she friendzones him at the meal.
If you could be any animal what would you be lads?

I think I'd like to be a Cheetah, maybe a Killer Whale or Great White would be nice too if I had to be a water animal.
please don't encourage more normies for fuck sake
My cat. The way he lives is like a neet animal. Sleeping on my bed all day, pissing about scratching stuff, sleeping again till his next meal which he doesn't need to do anything for, pissing about outside running after birds.

Lucky fucker.
buying a 'new' car today lads, will this make it easier to talk to girls? My current one is a heap of shit and I regularly get people staring at it/pointing and laughing.l
>drivers licence
fuck off, normie

I want to be a slime mold so I could sporulate.
Human, why would I want to become something of lesser intellect and understanding.
>make it easier to talk to girls?
No, not unless it's a fancy sports car and an expensive rolls-royce.
dont worry, I failed both the theory and practical 3 times until I took enough valium to curb the anxiety issues I have.
Because I'm not really putting that higher intellect and understanding to use. All I do is sit around all day. May as well be a sloth or something.
You seem jealous, it's not hard to get a gf mate, you just have to lower your standards
Quads of truth

>I'd rather see the picture where she friendzones him at the meal.
Seconding this

Okay but since as most people are Indian or Chinese you have to be one of them if you pick human.
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Nice digits m9
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>tfw you weren't born with rich parents give you money so you can travel the world and jump out of planes


>most people
>more than 3.5 billion are Chinese/Indian
Even 1/10s want 8+

If you are born a human you are most likely to be Chinese or Indian than any other country you idiot.
But only normie 1/10s ever get the chance with an 8+, you can get a qt gf as long as you're willing to settle with a few psychopathic tendencies and unwillingness to leave the house
But i'm already human and i'm not either.
That's wrong.
You're more likely to be born in a country that isn't India or China.

So you were fortunate.


You don't understand simple statistics do you?
The thing is I have a better understanding of statistics that you. Let me explain this to you.
Born in China: 1.4b
Born in India: 1.3b
Total people in the world: 7.1b

ie you have a 38% chance to be born in India or China. You have a 62% chance to be born outside of India or China.

Which is the more likely outcome?

Countries with most people.

India and China.

You are born a human, therefore you are most likely to be born a citizen of China or India than in any OTHER country.
heavy bait going on here
Good afternoon gentlemen
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>tfw this is my Dad

Lel you still don't understand.
You've got a 4/10 chance of being Indian/Chinese, your claim was you had a majority chance which simple isn't true. Other countries = 6/10.

No my claim was that you are more likely to be born Chinese or Indian than any other nationality.
Testing results so far (and all I really need desu)

>Google in your name field => Inbox
>Gmail in your name field => Spam folder

The contents on your email are more important though
see >>25790036

>most people
Simply wrong.
You are more likely to not be Chinese/Indian. I suggest studying up on your maths before you try to compete with me again kid.
seeing The Revenant later lads, pretty hyped desu
What are you having for lunch? Cheese sandwiches and a pork pie here

You are most likely to be Chinese or Indian though, than any other nationality, it is a fact, you can't be born "of no nationality".
No, you're incorrect.
If you are born you are most likely to NOT be Chinese or Indian. 60% chance to not be Chinese/Indian, what don't you understand about that?
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You're stupid. You can get a gf in less than a week from right now if you're not a fucking retard.

1. Get in any social group or make new friends
2. Maintain said ''social life'' even if you have to force it
3. Gf will come soon after

You have to be a literal mong or horribly disfigured to not have a gf. If you really want one as bad as r9k makes it seem then fucking stop being an autist.
Turn off your computer
Get a hobby

But of course, you don't want one... you just want to sit and rot away in your own pity while dreaming that some girl is gonna come and rescue you from your virginity and laziness.

You're worse than reddit tier fucks
Why don't you just download it?
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of all countries your most likely to be born in china or india, but your more likely to be born outside india och china then inside

chinaindia>any other country
chinaindia<all other countries
>Be human
>End up in Poo Poo Pee Pee the country instead of china
what suffering


had me rolling mate

>useless platitudes

Sure is /weekend/ in here

Wrong, you are most likely to be Chinese or Indian than any other nationality, again, you cannot be "other".

You are not more likely to be French or German are you?
China is worse tbf
>You can get a gf in less than a week from right now if you have neurotypical social functioning

yes, well, obviously.
Already leaked, already seen it. Honesty not that great. Pretty dull desu
not agitating?
waiting for the paki place to open for a pizza
It's shit mate save your money
his kid gets killed by fitzgerald then leo makes it back to his boys and goes out to kill fitzgerald
>any other
Again, you were comparing Chinese and Indian to everything else. Your claim was that Chinese and Indian people were the 'most', ie the majority. What you said was wrong, I corrected you, and you are unable (too autistic) to admit you made a mistake.

So, for someone that wants to be human, they are not more likely to end up as Chinese/Indian than something else. It is more likely they will end up not being Chinese/Indian.
>Get in any social group or make new friends

I don't think you understand how hard that is for a robot.

You are the one that is wrong though if you are born human what country are you most likely to be from?
Sounds like the most generic fucking shit ever

china is almost third world, wouldn't say it's worse than india but it's really bad.
You're probably arguing with the idiot who thought the male lion was protecting the female from harmless snowballs because of "instinct"
That is a completely different question to the point you addressed, please refrain from moving goalposts.
You said "most people are from China or India", you are wrong. Most people are not from China or India.
Fuck off cunt

You're retarded. Even autists have girlfriends. You just don't want one and/or are a lazy piece of shit.

>implying i'm not browsing r9k right now
Fuck off, you just want to feel sorry for yourself. I never said it's easy but it certainly isn't fucking hard...for anyone. I've known people who couldn't speak without trembling and getting tears in their eyes and still manage to maintain a social life and get a decent looking bird. You're just full of excuses.

It is. It also has weird native american scenes that pop up every now and again as if its trying to push some sort of agenda. Not worth the money to watch desu, watch Solace instead. Was pretty good m9
The communism/control is the problem, not the standard of living
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You are the one that is moving goal posts, you know full well if you are born a human you are most likely to be from China or India, just because I didn't say "than any other country" does not make me wrong.

And you call me autistic?
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It is.

The sad part is I looked into the story it was 'based' on. That didn't have the whole killing his son. And fitzgerald was just a regular guy who made a mistake. It would have been better if both fitzgerald and leo were both good guys who became enemies because of a mistake. Would have been a bold thing to do for a movie but I just hated how generic it ended up being compared to the guys story who they based the movie on.
Lads. Do i go into work tonight?
I work in maxcas and have done kitchen for 3 years. New store manager comes in and says im on front. Tell him i have social anxiety and dont deal well with people. He said im in thw wrong job then, to which i replied must be and walkwd off.
I need the job because rent, but i dont want to go back after walking out because thwn im just a faggot who had a hissy fit.
how are you gonna pay your rent otherwise mate
You walked off, as in you walked out? That seems like you'd be fired for even if they didn't see that as a sure sign of you quitting.

But if you're struggling for cash then go, maybe they are understaffed and will let it slide.
Deluded. Some people are outcasts regardless of what they do. And I mean outcast literally.
Get a note from your docs get on esa
>you are most likely to be from China or India

Not true. You are most likely to be born outside of China or India.
What is it about these simple statistics that you don't understand?

A true statement you could have made is "Most people are born in Asia, so a human is most likely to be asian". Instad you made a mistake and got upset when called out.
Fuck sake, what I wouldn't give to speak normally. Social skills are completely buggered, talking feels like a chore, and half the time, I cant get any words out, more of just a fucking mumble if anything
Thats not fair lad

>passed first time, then learnt to drive afterwards

Thinking about Monday morning desu lads it's ruining my weekend
>Even autists have girlfriends
only if they become computer programmers with <Non-ASCII text is not allowed.>50k starting salaries, then somehow as if by magic they get girlfriends
People have wlked off before and basically got their shifts cut for a few weeks so Id probably be okay. Id probably get an official warning and need 3before they can fire me (unless serious like theft)

Ive got a couple missed phone calls from work so maybe ill go in early and just explain my shit.
25 year old single mothers looking for a wallet to take care of her and Chad spawn

It is not wrong though, the countries with most people on earth are China and India. Therefore if you are born a human you are most likely to be born Chinese or Indian than Swedish, Japanese, French whatever.
>Deluded. Some people are outcasts regardless of what they do. And I mean outcast literally.
Absolute bullshit. You choose to be an outcast 9 times out of ten... whether you realise it or not.

It's fucking simple and you've probably been told it many times... No one wants to be around sad and ''depressed'' people.
Depression isn't even real imo. It's just an inbalance which is essentially your brain telling you to fix your fucking shit. There is no depression in non western countries even though they live in dirt and have no fucking clean water... and this is coming from someone who's been diagnosed with ''depression'' and all sorts of other shit.
You're either bitter or repressed in some way, its on you to fix yourself, not society or your fucking doctor.

Get a job if you're NEET
Get a hobby
Keep yourself busy
Get into self improvement
Have a good diet

No. Even poor and ugly people have gfs. You can't be a 20 something year old virgin with asbolutely nothing going on for you other than browsing the net and wanking in to a sock to cartoons and still have high standards and not expect to be a fucking virgin for a long time.

If you were a women, would you want to fuck you? I doubt it
Publad finally made it to the pub. Dragged my brother along.
Let the normieness begin
could you take a picture of the inside of the pub? i haven't seen inside a pub in 12 years
The biggest population of one ethnicity yes.
But overall youre more like to be born in a country not china or india.

Smells like normie in here desu lads
>If you were a women, would you want to fuck you? I doubt it

I think you might be a closet queer if that's the way you view this sort of thing

Just saying
Despite your backpeddaling and goalpost manipulation, you are mistaken yet again. Just because it has the highest individual probability, does not make it the most likely outcome; The most likely outcome between being born in China and not being born in China, is to not be born in China.
You really, and I honestly mean this, need to sharpen up on your knowledge of statistics and distributions.

Your claim: You are most likely to be Chinese or Indian.
This is simply wrong.

Who said anything about ethnicity? I am talking about nationality. You could say you are most likely to not be born at all, doesn't make what I said wrong.
Does anyone else ignore reading posts with desu and senpai in?
see >>25790036
>most people are Indian or Chinese

Will you admit this is wrong yet? We all know it is, but will you admit it?

You are the one moving the goal posts read your last post.
Today is the day I finally stop posting in /britfeel/
I have noticed a rapid decline over the past few months to the point I don't even enjoy reading the threads anymore let alone post in them, this morning and last night being a particular example

It was nice while is lasted and I would like the take this opportunity to thank all the original lads if any of you are left for some great times

Cheers and all the best
I don't have standards. I have aspergers and social anxiety. I literally can't talk to people.
No but I think word filters are stupid.
jealous you're in the pub on saturday afternoon, best kind of comfy
See you tomorrow lad
Such a weak response from a broken man.
It's a shame you can't man up and face the fact that you don't know what you're talking about.
more like an hour
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Fucking ace in here because it's quiet as fuck
Oh yeah. that's a pub all right. Nice. what do you do if someone comes in and talks to you though?
Anyone watched Luther?
Is it any good?
What is the point of going to a pub?
I can get booze and snacks cheaper from Tesco and sit at home drinking while doing something interesting. In a pub I have to put up with the smell and other patrons.
It's no wonder the pub is dying out.
They leave me alone really. Everyone knows my name and let's on. If I come in and there's no one behind the bar I pour my own stella. I like it here.
>If I come in and there's no one behind the bar I pour my own stella
Money isn't a problem. I feel part of something I suppose. I'm a 'regular' but only really speak to order drinks.
Was that you in the blue top

>posted a meme with the lads


and why do I want to bum Kanye so much?
Fuck me lads, the neighbours kids spend 90% of their time screaming while their parents do nothing about it.

I'd have had a fucking hiding.
I gave him 30 minutes.

If a child is born today what country are they most likely to be born in? What is the next country after that?

Game, set, match.
Not really
>I think you might be a closet queer
coming from the virgin lmao

>I have aspergers and social anxiety
POOR YOU! so do fucking thousands and thousands of other people... Myself included according to some doctors.
Keep making excuses and holding yourself back watch your life slide out of view m8, its not my life
> why do I want to bum Kanye so much?
because you have no taste and are a massive fucking faggot
How is that similar to what you claimed in >>25790036

>most people are Indian or Chinese
It's simply wrong. Most people are not Indian or Chinese.

Than any other country they are.
I'm 37, my life slid out of view decades ago.
>most people
>are Indian or Chinese

No, you are simply wrong. There is no getting out of this for you no matter how hard you struggle.

Than any other country they are though. I am right, you are wrong, just stop posting you're making yourself look very autistic.
its a bit more social than sitting at home, plus the beer tastes nicer from a tap than a can.
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>tfw ex gf from Uni has a linkdin profile for herself listing her as a "customer service advisor at M&S".

I don't think she is the sort of person that should have a linkdin profile kek.
>I'm 37, my life slid out of view decades ago.
What exactly is wrong in your life?
I'll be honest with you mate... you could still do alot of shit you want to do. Alot of people change careers at 40 and over...
If you really want to change your life its still possible.

Hit the gym, get a hobby, fix your diet, work on your anxieties day by day or... be the first of your bloodline to not pass on their genes
A bit late but I remembered you from last night

Did you douch apart from piss on the carpet
Take a look at where you said
>most people are Indian or Chinese
Which simply isn't true, I called you out on it and corrected you which frustrated you to the point of autistic ramblings.
Now you want me to stop posting because I'm embarrassing you? You're pathetic. Man up and accept your mistakes.
>Alot of people change careers at 40 and over..

After having already built a good base before 40
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theres no better feeling than checking your exs instagram to see that she's now a fat fuck with a shit dead end job


It is right though. Everyway you look at it.

>there are more chinese and indian people than any other nationality
>most people are born in china or india than any other country
>Hit the gym

Reddit advice

>get a hobby

Reddit advice

>fix your diet

Reddit advice

>work on your anxieties day by day

Reddit advice

>be the first of your bloodline to not pass on their genes

What a cuck

Typical normie. Your entire existence is based on platitudes

Do you have any independent thoughts?

Rhetorical question by the way
It's wrong, you are wrong. Most people are not from China or India, nor are they born there.
Most people are born outside of China or India.

These are simple statistics mate I'm genuinely sorry that you can't wrap your head around them.
>There's at least one other /britfeel/ poster who watched and liked SnO
What a wonderful weeb feel
Stop with excuses and just do something. Move now or wait to die.
You're 37, now is the time to fuck what everyone thinks and do whatever you want.
If you have social anxiety then force yourself to overcome it by being social. Go swimming, play sports... Your anxiety will vanish.

>Do you have any independent thoughts?
What, is this the independent thoughts only board? You fucking dick. What does it matter if its independent thought or ''reddit'' or not, its a proven method. Enjoy your virginity and stagnation you sad sack of semen

So what country are most people from then?
lel ignoring the best actual cures to neetism because of 'le reddit xD'
Publad going home because normiebro wants to
who else here only gets out of bed to post on /britfeel/?
Your the only qt gf I need.
>Stop with excuses and just do something. Move now or wait to die.


>If you have social anxiety then force yourself to overcome it by being social. Go swimming, play sports... Your anxiety will vanish.


>Enjoy your virginity and stagnation you sad sack of semen


Not a smart cookie are you?
Most people are not from any individual country, this is a key part of your error.
Thats bait senpai btw desu senpai

Nope, most people are from China or India.
Mummy and Daddy are going out tonight, so that is pizza for me, great..

At least I can wank with my headphones on loud and pretend to be a SWAT police man whenever I go upstairs and downstairs clearing rooms etc pretending to hold a gun.
>I'll just repeat what has been proven wrong countless times this thread
Explain to me how the 40-side of a 40/60 split is 'most'.
can't we have a comfy thread free from normies telling us to beee urself today?

40 = red
60 = 10 yellow 10 blue 20 green 20 white

So most are red than the other colours.
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when will they learn.webm
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You're a fucking faggot.
Like I said, enjoy your virginity le smart virgin man.
You're more ''reddit'' than anyone in this fucking thread.
It's a proven method, simple as that.

>Not a smart cookie are you?
Oh, I'm supposed to use big words and quote schoppy am I? Fuck off and die, little boy.
Red has the most, but most are not red.
Do you understand the difference?
If I choose one at random, chances are it will not be red.

This is as basic as the explanation can get.
i'm glad i'm not the only one who does
>tfw pretend to put silencers on my invisible guns before entering a room

A machine dispenses the coloured balls, you have to press the button to dispense the ball but you can't see what colour it is going to be, there is a higher chance of the ball coming out being red than any of the other colours.

That is as simple as I can get for you too.
Anyone here know how how much wood would a woodchuck chuck?
Yes and odds are it will not be red.
Your simple lack of understanding is beyond belief.
Pretty sure the guy you're replying to advocates animal cruelty too, he's a right mental fuck up
When people say "get a hobby" what the fuck does that even mean?

Where do you begin in finding something repetitive to do that isn't social poison?

Might start building models ships or something if it doesn't matter. I'm sure any girls who come over would love hearing the history of the Royal Navy.
>thinking silencers actually silence a gun

been watching too many movies lad.
probably 3 woods, it depends if hes a manlet or not i guess

So what? Still more chance of it being red than any other colour, red = China and India by the way.
who waiting patently for mr pizza man to come.
Incorrect. There's more chance that it isn't red.
This is because most people are not Chinese or Indian.
If someone is born, the odds are they will not be Chinese or Indian.
I wish, I haven't had a takeaway of any sort in months.
I woke up like half an hour ago with a fever. I'm going back to bed

> Still more chance of it being red than any other colour

That is incorrect? Do explain how.

>Oh, I'm supposed to use big words and quote schoppy am I?

That's what you consider "being a smart cookie"?

Yea, you're definitely a fucking idiot.
Takeaways round me don't open til 4 at the earliest
Was thinking about getting a curry later though desu
Haven't had one in ages
Your options are red, or any other colour.
P(Any Other Colour)=60%
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Publad here. Bought some new Nike Autismos whilst I was out with normie bro. You like?
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Keep replying virgin boy, I bet all your superior knowledge that you learnt from the internet gets you all the chicks in real life doesn't it, my man?

No, P = 10 yellow 10 blue 20 green 20 white
Poleaboo thinks the latest iteration of his project will be a success

You're really good at that aren't you
Pooing Polish Slags 2: Electric Boogaloo?

It could be a hit.
Incorrect. You are concerned only with red (Chinese or Indian). A basic principle of statistics is being able to understand what probabilities you are interested in.

Let me again remind you your claim is that 'most people are Chinese or Indian', in reality this is simply wrong and something I have tried to explain even going to very basic analogies.

I am astounded you still don't understand. It truly boggles the mind.

oh dearie me
Poleaboo is a joke
You keep posting >implying
As if to imply you're not a sad fucking virgin who thinks he's muh intelligent because hes read some stuff on the internet
I wish I learnt everything I know from the internet
Poleaboo is a god
And he will crush all those he deems to be insects beneath his heel
very autistic, kinda like the shoes the poles wear
did your normie bro influence your descision?
>You keep posting >implying

Because, and I'll make this easy for your simple mind to understand, that is all you're doing.

Predictable normie. Must be a fun way to spend your saturday :)

It is correct you agreed, if P = all blue then this magic country of course has more people than China and India.
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If it helps you feel better about your weight and confidence issues then whatever you say smart man
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Slightly today. Here's a pic of my others .
Anyone else want to share their treads?
Have more, even the most, is not the same as having most people.
You said
>most people are from India or China
The reality
>most people are not from India or China

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picked these up for 20 quid, army surplus and they're good quality. Need to get me some boots though.

Most people are not from India or China.

Why would I watch a DVDScr of a movie where the main appeal is the cinematography? You don't get the full experience. Plus I just like going to the cinema.
What the legit fuck is wrong with you two utter autists.

You remind me of a fat balding guy I know irl who won't let himself be seen to lose an argument no matter what and just keeps going and going until the other person can't be arsed.
>parents get home from shop
>bought me some Pringles, 4 cans of old Speckled Hen and some Haribo
>putting shopping away
>another 4 cans stored in the cuboard

Wahey can get my drink on without even leaving the house today.
If they do the job lad.
I only took my bro out to get him some. I can't resist sometimes
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>googling a question from your maths exam
>finding the question written word-for-word and answered by an actual maths professor

fuck yeah
It's not wrong it's a simple fact. I can't wait to hear more retarded reasoning, what will it be this time? Some semantic argument that further proves your ignorance of statistics?
>being a student
You're not welcome here normie
find me a bald man that isn't fat
and no, a shaved head a la jason statham doesn't count

What country are most people from then?

Ask 99% of people and they would say China since as they have the most people.

You are the one arguing semantics.

If you are born you are most likely to be born in China or India than any other country, it is a simple fact kiddo.
You've made this mistake before.
There is no country which most people are from.

My dad's all but bald and not at all fat.
>having access to google in a maths exam
Jesus christ, that's retarded

Yes there is, China, then India, then Nigeria or something. They are the countries with the most people in them.
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See even google agrees.
Why are you autists arguing about China and India?
It's the sequel to the Lion saga
No, you're not understanding.
There is a very important difference between saying "most people are" and "has the most people". This isn't a semantic argument, it's a statistical one.
When you say 'most people are from China' it is wrong because most people are not from China. What you wanted to say is that 'China has the most people', but this does not indicate that you are more likely to be born in China than elsewhere.
Your claim, let me remind you once again, is that most people are from India or China.
This is simply incorrect, as most people are from outside of India or China.

I hope this clears up your confusion.
I still giggle like a kid when they say naughty words like nigger on tv.
Jason Statham is bald.....
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>this does not indicate that you are more likely to be born in China than elsewhere.

Yes it does.

Sorry, if you were right pic related would have returned.
You're being baited
there are tonnes of bald footballers m8
also bruce willis
Just like a CS:GO player.
please make a new thread to talk about chinks and poo in loos, this thread is for neets to discuss their alcohol and snacks of preference.
im making a little project where i make a movie trailer using footage i filmed with my friends

its basically just about a bunch of rouge wildcards going on adventures while being intertwined with big world affairs

what music do you think will fit this.
I don't think I am. I think he genuinely believes this and I'm just trying to help.

That's an inspect element edit, and a rather poor one designed to back up your incorrect statements. I'm not sure what credibility you think a google search gives you either way.

I hypothesise that you understand your error and are now trying to worm your way out of this.
part time actually. I'm a wagie IRL.

if you don't like that eat my piss

Of course it is an edit, it is what would return if you were correct, but that does not return.

What I posted before returns, you can google it yourself if you want. Just constantly saying I am wrong even when I provide proof does not exactly help you.
Try rereading my post. The part you don't understand is the difference between 'most' and 'the most', it is an important one.
Lads why are most young people lazy autists?

Where I work things were good when it was just me and a bunch of old people, everyone could hold a conversation and be funny. Now we've gained a bunch of fresh graduates who just sit at their desk or at lunch flicking through their fucking phones and only do any work when people get on them about it.

How can people go to work and think this is okay. I'm not talking about some shit job this is a well paid engineering company.

Most people come from China or India.

China and India have the most people.

Simple to understand.
Increase in single mothers no doubt
Why do normie fucks come to a thread for lazy autists to complain about lazy autists?
Most people do not come from China or India. Do you dispute this? It's clearly true, but contradicts your first statement. Ergo your first statement must be incorrect.

Simply put, you are wrong.
Neither of those 2 statements are correct
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rebbit and 4chan you absolute snow man, how do you manage? OUT OUT OUT

What's Andy going to call his kid?
Same reason they come and throw out worthless fucking advice all the time as if it applies to everyone

They're even more pathetic than us.

What country do most people come from then? You can't say none.


Prove it.
I shouldn't even call them autists really, they have lots of friends and are normie as fuck outside of work, but when in work they won't talk, say anything to anyone and won't do anything.

Just sit on their arse facebooking.
>mum got me takeaway last night
>about to microwave leftovers
>new watch arrived
>sleepings much better
lifes going good mates
Don't do it anon it'll be cringeworthy
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More like piss in their milk, before running home to his mummy.
You're making the same mistake for the third time.
There is no country that most people come from, there may be in the future, but not currently.

>Most people come from China or India (your claim)
>Most people do not come from China or India

Which is correct? Can you figure this out yet?
Does Poleaboo even speak Polish?

He's not Polish, the woman he harried and tormented is.
>you are now aware that you can download .torrents via your tablet

What a crazy world

Most people do come from China or India than any other country though, see how you are wrong?
He's a paki called Amir, according to him he can't even speak arabic or urdu.

Not even a good paki.
Mate shut the fuck up, you've been arguing about this for hours

Fucking sad cunt
Oh... so all these months and months I just assumed it was some degenerate slav

A Paki? Jesus fucking Christ.

I feel my world has been turned on its head
Well, you're wrong again so let me help.
Which has the most people:
>China or India
>Countries which aren't China or India

I'll give you a hint, one has 2.7b people and the other has 4.4b people. Which number belongs to which country and which number is larger?
He's the guy in the Abrakebabra shop in the OP
You fucking cunts.

Just say more people come from China than come from any other single country if it matters so much.

Jesus I wish I could permaban both of you.
I thought that was that lazy eyed Paki "comedian" who the BBC constantly forces into its shows for the sake of diversity

Those 4.4b people don't come from one or two countries though do they.
You can shut the fuck up as well

Pair of boring cunts

>hurrr china has more people
>durrr no ur wrong xD
How could you not know that? How long have you been here?
Why are they constantly just focusing on India and China also? Why not include the 3rd most popular country? and the 4th, and the 5th?

Seems incredibly arbitrary
Well done, you've correctly identified which number goes with which option.

Now you should understand that as 2.7 is smaller than 4.4, that most people do not come from China or India.
So now the tricky part, which of the following statements is true?
>Most people come from China or India
>Most people do not come from China or India
Most people come from countries outside of China and India, however China and India do have the most people of any single countries.
Haven't seen this many filtered posts in a britfeel since normie years eve, what's going on?
Wondered why that guy was fucking everywhere now
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>mfw i started the china/india people thing by acting as both posters and come back 4 hours later, it's still going

Holy fuck, I feel really proud for some reason.
He believes that if you choose to be a human your only choices are Chinese or Indian as that is where the majority of humans are from.
I am simply correcting him and he sperged out.

Most people come from China and India. The other countries do not have more people than China or India unless you put them all together which we never said.

I don't know what you chaps are babbling on about, or for what reason, but China and India of special note because they're the only two countries with populations over one-billion.
Some normie fucktard came in with shitty advice like "just get a job" and "just put yourself out there"

Maybe that's why
I didn't choose to be a human they made me be one though it sucks
Tramadol makes you feel really comfy
>they're the only two countries with populations over one-billion.

Incredibly arbitrary criteria.

This whole argument shouldn't even include India. It's irrelevant to both sides.
Allow me to once more remind you of your post.
>most people are Indian or Chinese

Simply not true. Most people are not Indian or Chinese. If you pick human you are more likely to end up as something other than Indian or Chinese.

Most people are Indian or Chinese than any other nationality though, how is it so hard for you to understand?
That's not the argument
Your consideration is the entire world. You claimed you are most likely to be Indian or Chinese, which isn't true. Accept this and move on.

In fact, you are just as likely to be white as you are to be either Chinese or Indian. Your chosen limitation on what you can choose to be if you choose to be human is absurd and only shows your lack of understanding of statistics and human demographics.

Yes it is.1

>you are just as likely to be white as you are to be either Chinese or Indian

Really? Prove it.

China has the most people, after them is India, therefore you are more likely to be Chinese or Indian than any other country.

Not a good way to spend a saturday
ITT: literal apergers ridden cunts arguing about inane shit
United States comes 3rd

You are more likely to be Chinese or Indian or American than any other country

Indonesia comes 4th

You are more likely to be Chinese or Indian or American or Indonesian than any other country

Brazil comes 5th

You are more likely to be Chinese or Indian or American or Indonesian or Brazilian than any other country
Ah the old backpeddaling again, I thought we'd covered this?
You said
>most people are Indian or Chinese
This is false. This is why you are wrong.
Iktf mate, just gonna go play GTA for a bit and hope they fuck off, they've been at it for hours

Yes and? However I said Chinese or Indian than any other country, which is true since as these countries have more people than any other country.


I am right I have said more right things than that.
What about the residents of those countries that are actually of a different race

You're all fucking idiots
What you said was wrong. This argument was born out of your error.
The correction to your false statement (which I corrected many times now) is:
Most people are not Chinese or Indian.
India doesn't have more people than any other country, even in your very own argument

Why the fuck are you even including it?
It's snowing, lads
>my savings account is getting a little lonely
>got a call for an interview with tesco, full time night shift grocery(10pm-7am).

What are the chances of me not getting in? I assume they'll take any retard in cause night shifts are pretty unpopular.

Also do they pay you extra for putting up with that bs?
cant believe they're still arguing about this shite

this is the least comfy britfeel thread ever
Where at lad?
Wouldn't mind going for a walk in the snow right now desu

You can't correct me, you can't correct other things I have said too because I am right so you just resort to repeating lies.


China is 1st India is 2nd I said China and India or China or India if you would like.
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Come on lads. Have some chill music to relax too
*opens curtains*

Oh, so it is

*closes curtains*
America is 3rd
Indonesia is 4th

How is it relevant?

Just say China
I wonder how tilde is doing

Haven't heard from him in a few days
I can correct you because you were completely wrong.
Stating your are right doesn't mean anything, you were simply wrong.

I said China and India because they are not very nice countries to be born in. So picking Human will most likely get you a shitty life.
Anyone watching David Haye's comback fight tonight on Dave?
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Publad can confirm. Pennines here

He joined IS.
Yeah lad, we're going to beat the shit out of Haye, he's gonna wish he stayed home and baked cupcakes when we're done with him

How am I wrong? What country are you most likely to be born in? Do tell me.
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(You) used to call me on my cellphone. Late night when (You) need my love. I know when that hotline blink.
in a service station coffee shop and the serving girl is disgustingly qt

You said
>most people are Indian or Chinese
You are wrong.

Most people are Chinese or Indian compared to any other country, you also can't prove anything else I have said is wrong.
Ask her for a very hot black coffee then throw it in her stupid pretty face
Most people are not Indian or Chinese. Most people come from countries that are not India or China. This is why you are wrong.

This has been the only point of contention, anything else you've said is irrelevant to this point.
Fuck sake you a pair of boring cunts, just agree to disagree and shut the fuck up
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From the front. I love it like this
that's not what you said in >>25790036 ....
are you backtracking now?
I had this once, it was after I'd been on a 12 hour flight and had driven 3 hours from Heathrow.

I must have smelled awful and looked greasy as fuck. She still had to grit her teeth and smile as she handed me my coffee though lel.

Most people are Chinese or Indian compared to any other country.
Glosterrr lad?
Which is a completely different statement to what you said initially.
Do you retract your previous statement?

Am I not allowed to say more than one thing? You know full well most people come from China or India.


No but I say other things too.
>got ID'd buying a bottle of wine today
>I'm 28
>with 2 years' worth of beard growth

Are the people at Tesco actually people or just some kind of android that's programmed to ask the same basic questions to everyone?
What you said was wrong.
Most people are not from India or China.
Poleaboo wants you to know that it is snowing in Rochdale
i imagine they start as people and then eventually become desensitised through the monotony

They are than any other country, they are in real terms, again, name the country that more people are from than India or China?
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Up north pal.
Anyone else own a snowball maker?
Any addendum you wish to make is irrelevant. Posts on 4chan cannot be edited. Your statement was incorrect and you have not yet been grown up enough to admit you are wrong.
looks like yer maws vag
Well just imagine how you end up working the tills in Tesco. Not by being a genius that's for sure.

I would if I was wrong but I am not. As I have proven many times in our little duel.
>not grown up enough
Even if he was wrong you're just as bad as him for arguing the point for the past 3 hours

Pathetic, both of you
You are very wrong.
Your options are
>most people are Indian or Chinese
>most people are not Indian or Chinese

Which is true? (Hint: it's not the one you said)

Most people are Indian or Chinese though compared to any other country makes it also true.
That has nothing to do with what you said.
You claimed most people are Indian or Chinese.
You were wrong and continue to be wrong about being wrong.

So what I just said was wrong? You appear to be the one in the wrong not me.
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please make the poopoo vs china argument end

How long have you been having this argument now?

Take it easy anon, roll up your sleeves, or eat an orange.
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>tfw been drinking since 8 this morning
>just finished off a litre of good ol' jack daniels neat
>can't afford cocaine
>hoping i can one day escape this nightmare

''And in those days shall men seek death, and shall not find it; and shall desire to die, and death shall flee from them.''
Revelation 9:6
What are your plans for tonight lad?

I got a takeaway last night and they forgot my sweet and sour sauce, watching The Bourne Identity on netflix waiting for them to open so I can enjoy the leftovers.

a fitting soundtrack:
Every since I left this city (You) (You) (You), (You) and me, we just don't get along.
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>new games on Steam that I don't want to play
>new anime that I don't want to watch
>new porn that I don't want to fap to
>sitting on 4chan in the middle of the afternoon

Where did it all go so wrong lads

It's really the early evening at this point.

Who cares? One day we'll all be dead anyway. You and me and the anons arguing about whether most people are from China, we'll all be fucking dead
You claimed that most people are Indian or Chinese.
It's wrong. I told you why it was wrong and this upset you.

That's not the only thing that I claimed, I also elaborated further proving you wrong, yet you sit for nearly 4 hours repeating the same lie again and again, you are the upset one.
The normie thread is on /int/ mate.

Almost undoubtedly, but there's little reason to focus on that right now, is there?
Just can't drop it can you

Fucking kill yourself
I dunno I always thought it was
>morning: any time before midday
>afternoon: between midday and six
>evening: any time after six
sometimes night is counted as after nine, but other than that I was always taught those times
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Why is this on iPlayer? I remember watching this when I was far too young about 14 years ago.
What makes it normie?
I don't care what anyone says, the musical episode is the funniest shit I've ever watched

Lot of outdated references in it now though
You said
>most people are Indian or Chinese
Your post was wrong, I highlighted this and we haven't heard the end of it.
Look around you, everyone is getting bored of it now. You still won't admit it, but hopefully you'll think before posting next time.
Dunno about these days but a few years ago that was basically all they showed on BBC Three


Mental, absolutely mental. 5PM is evening time.


It was on BBC3 on Thursday night, I believe. I think they're repeating old shows before the channel closes. I'm not sure whether it's just a trip down memory lane, or because they've not been commissioning anything new in the run up to their closure. Oh, pardon me, switch over to online only services.
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That's not all I said, I think people are more bored of you since as I have provided many examples showing I was right but all you can do is argue semantics.
thank god its over 500 posts.
should have got some beers at the supermarket
Haven't drank in months but all this arguing has made me uncomfy.

I'm going to get beer.
>most people are Indian or Chinese you have to be one of them
That's all you said in regards to what most people are.
Nowhere do you mention "in comparison to another specific country", these are blatant lies.
Your post we are discussing is >>25790036, this is why you are wrong.

You're wrong because you're a BAKA

What do you think about that, BAKA ANON?
It's hardly an English city though is it
Where's the new thread? /britfeel/ is supposed to be eternal.
new feel



probably cos he can't buy netflix using good boy points
Why don't you live stream some melting ice anon.
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