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Thread replies: 530
Thread images: 74

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OP image guy isn't doing anymore pics edition
Yes he is, he asked for suggestions in the last thread.

You're just butthurt that he changed the background to Asda. Why are you so afraid of progress?
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My gf desu
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I've said it before and I'll say it again.

2016, fucking hell lads. another year of bullshit awaits us
Technically... I said id help do a 2016 image, but not maintain it.

someone else can take over.

I provided a 2016 image that ops using. & psd for it.

tinyurl idiotproofbritfeel

>housebound betas who spend their lives on 4chan are afraid of change

Big shock. Change is horrible.

im popping to the paki shop for snacks for my movie night.

Post a good selection of snacks for 5bongers , ill buy the best selection and post pics.
erh ive been enjoing beef flavoured hulahoops recently.
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>On Bus home after a shit day
>Two paki's sitting in front of me speaking in Pakinese
>At one stop a 8-10 year old girl boards the bus
>The paki nudges his friend, says a lot of gibirish along with the word 'creampie'
I've had it lads, England is fucking done. We need to burn this embarrassment of a country to the ground before we can rebuild.
Race war now, please.
some sort of cake good
biscuits/chocolate biscuit
gummy sweets (rowntrees randoms are great)
Absolutely Haram desu.
>Want to cook dinner
>I'm probably not even going to eat it all and will throw most of whatever I do cook away
Didn't even finish a bowl of Frosties earlier and the bowl is still sitting there. Just wanna sleep.
Pickled onion monstermunch and snapple if they have it
Frijj milkshakes for 50p at Asda lads, bought 6 lads and they're all fudge brownie flavour
What time does tesco do their clearance sales?
Bottle of coke
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Quite good choice there.
great choice lad
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Your gf is lewd.
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Lads.. I've never had a girl act like this before, am I going to make it. We're going to a concert in a few weeks
think the OP image needs at least a slight change lads, come on

Cherry coke
Pickled onions
>I'm paying for her ticket

yeah you mong, she just cucked you
Sparkling water
Turkish delight
bet you paid for her ticket
Try and get op image guy to carry on doing pics for us
popcorn (butterkist of course), m&m peanuts
You're all missing the point tbqh.

I said 5 quids of things. So just saying one drink and one snack is not enough and just saying generic items doesnt count either.
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Just realised I put "lads" twice there, feel a bit silly now.

I'm putting 4 in the fridge and drinking 2 right now, I'm in heaven.
I am op image guy and no, it isn't happening.
off for a nap, make your own minds up what youre doing.
well fuck off then, they were all fine suggestions
No I'm not, she's against me paying for her but I did offer

Carton of UHT milk
6 packets of McVities ginger nuts

Total: 4.80 GBP
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Will she show you her willy?
eugh what is wrong with you

You are going to make it, anon. Make it into the friend zone.

>yfw she asks if her boyfriend can come to the concert as well
>yfw you end up giving them both a lift back in your car
>yfw she gives him a handjob in the back seat of your car while you're driving on the motorway

stop makin shit up chavito you were prolly gona steal her shoes but the pakis wanted first dibs on her.

But it's great anon, you can buy like 10 cartons at once and it doesn't go off.
I've only spoke to her for a day, I'm trying to move faster with girls so I don't end up in the friendzone tbqh
monster munch
vanilla coke
kitkat chunky

can't go wrong
>but I did offer

friji fudge brownie is top
post pics ^.^

original comment

In that case you'd better send her a picture of your genitals RIGHT NOW in case she gets the wrong idea.
Best be talking about roast beef fagit
of course, the only go-to flavour
this is pickled onion town you cunts, fuck off
bet you're a northerner
I can't even stomach roast beef these days, they remind me of my ex too much.

Bollocks, flamin' hot all the way.
don't you dare ever call me that again, muggy cunt
flamit hot 4 life

>beef flavoured hulahoops
lege desu senpai
Hope you mean pickled onion senpai
You're all a bunch of pathetic tossers (to be honest)
>they remind me of my ex too much.
Ha ha wtf?
This lad knows
The girl always pretends not to want you to pay for anything unless you're a complete beta and she doesn't give a shit if you know she knows it.
>monster munch
literally a snack for children
real men eat twiglets
500 one penny sweets lad
Welcome friend.
>original comment (to be honest)
>one penny sweets

haha this ain't the 1920s anymore
Real men eat what they want, pussy
>eating pussy
fucking beta cuck
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Wish we had allied with Hitler in WW2 tbqh, fuck the French and Polish and the soviet Jews.
Is cuck unfiltered now?
Cuck cuck Cuck Cuck Cuck Cuck
Tbh senpai niggers tongue my anus
Just trimmed my facial hair and now I look like a fucking faggot. How much does face hair grow a day?
(ps. you looked like a faggot before hand)
fuck off you soft souther cunt
Facial hair can change how you look desu senpai. Maybe you can't grow facial hair, because of low test, so you would not know

Should be fine within 2 weeks.

I have a months worth of growth now and it is the length of my little finger finger nail.
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Anyone else sick of making absolutely no progress with anything?
I have a job in the area I wanted to get into, but it's taken me a year and a half since I graduated, and it's only temporary. It's alright, but I really cba to go in on monday. Really doubting my ability to actually learn new things, and my chances of ever having a decent career.

I have friends, but I barely see them, with months-long gaps between seeing them. I usually see one of them once a week, mostly because she lives just up the road, but she's still away for christmas. I saw a few of them at new year, and managed to get far too drunk, so now I'm wondering whether I've made a complete ass of myself. I suspect they have "girl's nights" fairly often, obviously without me, but I don't have much to base that on.
I'm ok with being on my own a lot, and actually prefer to eat lunch alone at work, but I'm really starting to want to just have someone to talk to about what's going on in my life, and that sort of thing. Probably why I'm blogposting on britfeel.

Naturally, no gf. Friends are starting to move in with their significant others, and I rarely meet new people. Wondering if that will change before I'm 23 this year, and can't see any situation where I could go from where I am now, to sleeping with a girl.
Flat is a shithole, but can't afford better and flatmate's alright.
No energy ever, and don't really want to do anything outside the house. I barely understand the real world.

None of this ever changes. I don't know how much more 'struggling through life' I can put up with.
I prefer not to look like a manchild, I can grow a beard just fine in movember thank u very much m8
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Getting an Indian for tea, Mum told me to write down what I wanted, I wrote (2 plain pakidoms and 1 plain), she actually said "pakidom" on the phone, she's really angry at me now, tricked her hehe.
hahaha top quality banter lad but I sure as fuck wouldn't be putting that curry anywhere near me when it arrives
>tfw she hasn't replied yet
>a beard makes you a manchild
So you're saying these modern faggot men who shave their faces are more manly than say, every man from before the 1910s?

I'm sure if you weren't so buttfrustrated you would have thought of it
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Almost my second day of nofap 2016. So far the only positive effect is waking up early but the difference so far isn't much. Will it get better? What other benefits can I get from this.
what you listening to lads?

>tfw fapped twice this year already
She's too busy sucking off Chad while Tyrone takes the back door


It doesnt get better mate.

You sound like me when I was younger. I'm 29 now and I can tell you my experience:

>friends will move away
>friends will get gfs
>friends will marry gfs
>friends will have kids

You will probably see them for the christmas period, so that's once a year.

Because all youre friends are doing other stuff you will stop going out and meeting new people. Your social circle will grow smaller and smaller and meeting new people will get harder.

If you manage any romances in the future they will either be with women from work or one offs from internet dating.
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This is what i got for 5bongers, senpais.
I don't think any of us suggested that, pretty dissapointed
What do I eat for dinner, burgers or kebabs?
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My cats gone missing
Mum got pissed off with me for calling a chinky a chinky whilst we were still in the shop. Just force of habit and not even offensive.

None of the suggestions were a fivers worth. Put some effort in next time.
Looks pretty comfy. This+movie+orange juice/cocoa milk =ultimate coziness
not a bad haul. balconi make really tasty cakes, good choice lad. poor decision getting an energy drink though
Twice? I'm into double digits already.

>I call chinese food chinky
>ahaha banter

My friend does the exact same thing as you, it's not funny and no-one ever laughs.
whats fun like?
>salted popcorn

what is wrong with you
Roll thafe desu fa.m

I'm struggling to think of a blander snack.

I bet he's the kinda person who compains about 'spicey' food.
Top Banta. Don't eat the food tho lad.
Salted popcorn is the best especially is buttered well. Get outta here with your sweet toffee popcorn
Feelsbadman mine went too. After more than 3 days there's a 99% chance it won't come back. Sometimes they do go missing for a day or two. How long has it been?

I'm 29 and this is pretty accurate. The only difference is I have a few friends that are still single and very alone. But, friends do decrease on a yearly basis. I am down to two that I see more than once a year.

Is there a kebab shop near you? If so, go and get him back.
>The only difference is I have a few friends that are still single and very alone.

Unfortunately for me my old single friends are the ones who moved away.

Otherwise I would suggest going out on a Friday or Saturday night. I hate the club/bar scene but it's worth a shot.
>all these people with friends
had that the other night, little bugger had me worried for hours

how long has it gone missing?
Christ you're not wrong either. Life is black.
That's got paki written all over it

Literally you
As an American who has seen these threads over the past few months, I will be joining you in 2016. You're welcome

I am not that eager to meet new people to be honest, clubbing is the fucking worst thing in the world and now that i'm near 30 I can't take a bad hangover.
>nipping to the paki shop

What gave it away, family?
Why don't you fuck off back to /k/ Cleetus
That's cool, I hope we don't bother you too much
14:30 if it doesn't work
Not trying to be funny you chode. Force of habit. Please don't report me to GCHQ.
Caught my mum looking at through my texts today. I left my phone near her for one minute while grabbing some food, I come back and she flinches at me with my phone in her hand switched on. She tries to pull some bullshit like "oh I thought I saw it vibrate", but then I unlocked it and saw that it was halfway up my texts with my dad. They've been happily divorced for 15ish years and they never speak any more, but she always does weird stalker shit like this. Even though he's a deadbeat, I still like my dad but mum doesn't like me being with him because of his "influence" or some shit. I didn't confront her about it, seeing as I don't really have anything to hide in regards to me and my dad (and I don't like confrontation). Still pissed me off though, the fact that she would break my trust like that.

Who else /borderlinebunnyboilersinglemum/ here?


I've started drinking water inbetween alcoholic drinks to protect me from the apocalyptic hangovers.

>I will be 30 next week

What do I have to show for it? First week back from work, no-one will buy me anything or want to celebrate in any way because we just got christmas and new years out of the way.

No thanks, I own guns but hate discussing them. I will slowly learn the Brit lingo and mingle with you in the future. You will learn to accept me

Good for you, make sure to get a namebadge or we will just call you DeShawneus.
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forgot this crock of shit was back on
pick one, me
what brings you here?

original comment my arse

Notice how the reaction to "chinky" was a raised eyebrow but the reaction to "paki" was much worse. Perhaps that's because the first is a term of endearment from people who give them regular custom and the second is a racial insult?
/r9k/ is slow, and Texas is having gloomy as fuck weather. I just wanted to relate to those across the pond
>tfw she STILL hasn't messaged back

I'm pretty racist.

The only reason I called him out on using the term chinky is because I find it cringeworthy.
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made my day, cheers anon, fucking hell haha

Well then saddle up and mosey on in partner. Ah reckin' there's a good brew-ha-ha to be had.
>Who else /borderlinebunnyboilersinglemum/ here?

Not quite this but for all of my teenagers years my mum would search my room everytime I left the house or do early morning room searches first thing so she'd catch me still asleep, read texts if I left my phone out, intercept my mail and check it all before I received it. Not comfy at all desu. Then she wonders why I don't like talking to her now...
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strawberry cornetto please boss
Out in the countryside today lads, looking for a secluded outdoor spot for my summer gorilla cannabis grow and nearly got lynched by three roughneck scrap yard owners/workers. Fortunately I was in my car so escaped unharmed. Wondering if I should go back and set fire to their scrap cars tbqu desu senpai baka ??
>on a diet
>go into the local Tesco to get some veg for Dinner
>see all that Christmas chocolate on sale
>feel a strong urge to buy tons of that shit

I'm not going to make it, aren't I lads?
Chad lasts a lot longer than you lad
Well shit, that sounds much worse than me. I'll count myself lucky then. Why did she even do that? Searching for contraband or something?
>I'm not going to make it, aren't I lads?

No lad.
i smoke weed lads

its what i do

its just who i am
Not sure what you mean lad.
No it's because Orientals aren't as heavily protected as Arabs. Same way if you call an Irish person a pikey or a Paddy not even the PC police are going to give a shit because Irish are not a protected species.

They're all still derogatory terms
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want buy dvd?
Ye said ye not gonna make it and I agree with thi lad.
Is all of the weed in Britain grown indoors?

howdy howdy howdy
Pikeys are the fucking worst people in Britain, but you can't do shit to them. If they don't kill you first, you'll get in trouble with the feds for "disrespecting their culture". Bunch of dindu nuffins, the lot of them.
>Searching for contraband or something?

I guess so. I think she thought I was a crackhead or something. Which is hilarious considering I'm a harmless robot.
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Sikhs are bro tier

t.not a sikh
yeah bro, i feel the same man-bro

it's just such a big part of my life, y'know bro?

aha, i'm so baked right now, wow
Pretty much. Once in my town, the roof of my local Subway set fire. Turns out a couple of Pakis who lived above it were growing weed in the attic and their lights set fire causing the whole thing to burst into flames. The firefighters got chonged as fuck while trying to put it out, shit was hilarious.
aye, mainly in the loft or on the window sill
My uncle lives out in the sticks in Ireland and he recently bought a shotgun because apparently you're allowed to shoot pikeys there 'as long as it is below the knee'
>Is all of the weed in Britain grown indoors?
I'd say most of it, friend, because being in control of the growing environment gives predictable and consistent results, but some will be grown in nature.
Ah, I see what you mean now lad.

Might just buy them to be honest. It's too late for any weight loss to get me anything anyway.
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yeah sick one
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>See a gypsy begging outside of Tesco
>Chav yells at her to fuck off back to her own country
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>he doesn't like Skeppy

Pressing F to pay my respects, lad.

Thankfully my brother was the one who always had his shit searched for stuff like that, and he always had weed or drugs on him most of the time. So I got to learn from his mistakes, and know how to hide shit like that. Also because I was a good boy as a teen she never suspects me in that way at all.
bit of old Irish flavour, you know
Chavs will someday save the UK from itself. Believe me.
who /scrattyman/ here?


It's a bit faggy, but I'm in the mood for feels.
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>the pot calling the kettle black
God, I love this shitty little country. In my own way.
Well shit. I was hoping I'd eventually suddenly become a normal person, and I'd get my gf and normie life.
Wonder if my remaining friends will judge me for still not having gf in several years' time. I'm pretty much the only single one already, and some of them say things like "Oh, you'll find someone soon", but I imagine that will stop at some point.
Maybe they'll realise how much that statement relies on me also being a normie.
Any of you lads armed yourself with CS gas / pepper spray for self defense?

Thinking about purchasing 2 or 3 canisters to be completely honest with you, spenpai members.
>Close your eyes

I wish my life was a VN
Why don't you apply?
Might get a date.




If there is any hope for salvation it lies with the proles.
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>want to move to Ireland to maim pikeys
>don't want to be a potatonigger myself
Uwaaaaa I'm not enjoying this cognitive dissonance

At your age its actually more common to be single, but as you get older it swings the other way.

I didnt have any dispariging comments until I hit 27. Thats when friends of my friends girlfriends (poorly worded I know) started saying "you'll never get a girlfriend"

My family have been pretty understanding, but this christmas my dad gave me the "you have to settle down and have kids" speech. He said if I wait any longer i'll have to settle for a single mum and raise her "bastard child" as he put it.

I think he thought I was living some carefree batchelor lifestyle with a different woman every night. I told him that wasnt the case and I wanted to settle down but had been rejected by the few women i've ever loved.

He understood, but im starting to feel the pressure now.
>have to stand in front of like 40 women and a crowd of other people, and tell people about yourself
>have to convince women to date you, when you wouldn't even believe what you're saying yourself
>literally watching most of the women reject you, with a buzzer noise and red lights

It makes me feel a bit anxious just thinking about it
I've been thinking about buying a crossbow for home defense but generally I just leave the house as little as possible these days to avoid any would be conflict.
>show someone something you love, be it a film, music, youtube video etc.
>they are indifferent


I've never watched it, do they ever have a version where the men choose?
No, that would be sexist
The Jobcentre doors creak open again on Monday, and Jeremy Kyle comes back. You have had your christmas holiday, but now... Now it is time...

>Thats when friends of my friends girlfriends (poorly worded I know) started saying "you'll never get a girlfriend"
What the fuck? Why? Jesus, I thought people would at least have the decency to just talk about me behind my back, so I can half-suspect it, instead of telling me directly and removing all doubt.
Do you mean female friends of your friends' gfs?

>I think he thought I was living some carefree batchelor lifestyle with a different woman every night
I have this fuzzy memory of NYE, where my friend's bf (who I've only met twice) was saying something like "I bet you have loads of stories [of girls I've got with]!", while in a room of people who have known me for years and know that isn't the case. Not sure if it actually happened. Reasonably sure he wasn't making fun of me as well, but who knows.
rah that g

I thought as much.

I'm pretty dead inside but even I think it's harsh.
>tfw my mum keeps going onto me about getting a job

I dunno what her problem is to be honest I've got a shit load of savings enough to last at least 12 months so I am waiting to find the right job for me, she is saying I need to be applying for everything even if it is McDonalds. Bitches man.
Would the men actually be willing to reject a woman so directly?
>your friends don't have the same spergy interests as you anymore
>they don't care about the shit you show them but you want to cling to those days when they would
What's new desu senpai
They tried it but the men just left their lights on unless it was a fatty so they canned it.
to be fair she kind of has a point, most employers will ask what you've done with those 12 months. watching hentai and masturbating is not a valid answer, atleast not if you want the job.
when you know someone doesn't share the interest, but they still try and make an effort for your sake
'Traveling' is the right answer.
We're all gonna make it lads, this year we become MAOWNs

This desu

The reason I left my last job was to go travelling and teach English abroad so I can just drag that out a bit.
haven't had a valid passport in years
>What the fuck? Why? Jesus, I thought people would at least have the decency to just talk about me behind my back, so I can half-suspect it, instead of telling me directly and removing all doubt.
>Do you mean female friends of your friends' gfs?

Yeah that's what I meant, i've had a few drinks so my writing is getting sloppy.

One time (I think it may have been the queens jubilee party) I said some dark humour joke (cant even remember what) and everyone laughed. Then one of the girls piped up with "and thats why you're single!" as I was leaving the room to get a drink I hard my mates gf say "dont say that, thats horrible" and her mate replied "well its true, who would have him?".

It hurt because I knew she was right. The girl who said it is a massive whore, she cheated on every bf she ever had. Yet she married a thirsty ex soldier once she hit the wall at 31 and never shuts up about how happy she is.

Just goes to show that whatever happens, we lose. She has literally been an awful person and broken dozens of hearts. Yet she has landed a loyal husband who with his ex army mechanical training now earns 50k and they reguarly fill normiebook with pictures of their numerous foreign holidays.

Meanwhile I wage slave away and struggle to support myself, alone. Talking to you lads on a saturday night.
>tfw parents went to chippy and asked if I wanted anything but my mum had already made me Chinese for dinner a few hours ago so I said no but now I am regretting it because hungry.
>two takeaways in one week
don't be a fatty mate
Don't worry mate if she's that much of a whore (and cunt by the sounds of things) it will all come crashing down on her sooner or later

Also, who the fuck goes to Queen Jubilee Parties? That is the gayest shit I've ever heard of. No wonder your friends are wankers.
The Chinese wasn't take away she cooked it.
>Not buying the blue canned rockstar

it's like you're actually trying to hurt me
>Don't worry mate if she's that much of a whore (and cunt by the sounds of things) it will all come crashing down on her sooner or later

I keep waiting for that to happen.

>Also, who the fuck goes to Queen Jubilee Parties? That is the gayest shit I've ever heard of. No wonder your friends are wankers.

It was made a bank holiday if I recall, good excuse for a party.
wake up from my nap,
takeaways just arrived,
gonna sit down with a flim.
doesn't get comfier than that.
>go on normiebook
>"Once a month my 6 year old son takes me out on a dinner date. He opens doors for me, pulls out my chair, talks about his day & asks me how mine was, pays the bill with money he earned by doing chores, and even tips the waiter/waitress. By doing this I am teaching him how to treat a lady & how to take her on a proper date. How to show that he respects the woman he loves"

That poor fucking lad, he has no chance does he? 6 years old and his destiny is fucking /britfeel/ on a Saturday night. I feel so bad for him.
I really hate women that call themselves names like shaz, and loz, and lozzer.
instant red flag.
a moment of silence for this poor little lad, doomed to the friendzone before he's barely come into this cruel world :'(
>doing temp job but haven't turned up for the past two weeks cause the people do not give a shit and there's never anything to do
>know im gonna get sacked off if not now then soon
>sign up for universal credit
>7 day interim period before benefit starts
>never hear anything and assume this is cause the xmas holidays
>check my email last week and see that they organised an appointment for me for that exact date and I'm already 15 mins late
>call the help number and tell them im gonna be late
>"sorry your claim has been closed and you will need to apply again in two hours"

So now I have another 7 day interim before entitlement starts as well as the 8 days that had already gone by.

I haven't even bothered to apply again, I really should...
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>She has literally been an awful person and broken dozens of hearts. Yet she has landed a loyal husband
This shit really posts my Pepes. Apologies for normieposting, but my ex is pretty much the same. She cheated on the 2 bfs I've known her to have before me, she cheated on me, and she's probably cheated on her current bf. She gives an impression of being a decent person with the little things, that don't matter, but when it's something important she'll put her own feeling first and shit all over anyone else.
She treated me like shit when we were together, didn't respect my needs (space, mostly) at all, and cheated, like I said, and a month after we break up she finds a new bf who is completely in love with her. And here I am, completely alone since then, over 2 years later, and they're still together.
I was by no means perfect, but I tried to be a decent person, and I get loneliness, whereas she can be as shit as she wants and still have guys lining up. She's objectively not even that attractive, she has a missing tooth ffs.

>10 years later
>"m-mum, I took a girl on one of our dates but then she went and had sex with this really mean guy on the same night! What's going on?"
The upside of this was that you could see how many people thought it was bullshit in the comments. A lot, as it turns out.
Always that one girl in class who was loud and "charismatic". She was always the teacher's pet, and although she annoyed most people, only a few brave souls would muster up the courage to tell her so. She would have panic attacks or crying fits over pretty much nothing, and she got into at least one catfight.

amirite :^)
not really, lozzer and shazzer and just common britscum, not too bright.
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I understand anon, life really isnt fair.
I remember Lozza aka 'Lauren' as one of the few mature and kind popular girls who actually spoke to me with anything resembling respect or kindness.

She turned out to be really chavy though and lost her looks. I think she was in foster care, seen her a few weeks ago and she smiled at me and this is after 5 years out of school.
>tfw wondering what happened to all the britscum from school
Pretty sure some of them have no hope in life, but haven't realised it yet.
It's weird, I normally hate chavs, stacies and whores but I actually really liked the hot/popular chavvy girls in school. They didn't take themselves too seriously like the middle class popular girls and for all their banter seemed aware of their own flaws whereas the middle class girls literally believed they were God's gift to earth.
>Pretty sure some of them have no hope in life, but haven't realised it yet.

>tfw tried to look them up on Facebook some actually have good jobs and others are professional athletes

I gave up because I started wanting to kill myself.

Yeah that was my experience too, the majority of them are doing pretty well.
I completely agree.

In fact I befriended a lot of 'chavy' types despite having different interests and values and not really fitting in with them because there wasn't as much bullshit you know? Even if they weren't from the same social class as me.

I say my social class, my Mum and stepdad posed as middle class despite shitty upbringings. My real Dad was a common, fingers in pies type with a drug addiction that ruined him. He sorted his shit out and then he died in recovery and my Mum stopped me having much to do with his family who were really chavy.

So maybe it was some sort of teenage rebellion/grief thing.
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I'm drunk lads, thank lord whoever invented this feel.
Yeah, most chavs aren't too bad. You get the ones that act all "tough" and think they're cool for it, but a lot of them were humble as fuck and never really bullied anyone.

Compare them to the middle class fuckers who worked at Waitrose, got titles such as Head Boy/Girl and went to Uni for Business and/or Economics. Those fuckers were always the most smug assholes in the school.
T-they're not britscum enough
>dad paid 500 quid to get his home cinema system professionally calibrated last year
>I had to factory reset the TV over christmas because I fucked something up
>he hasn't noticed yet

phew, think I'm out the woods

You can't, she's about 10 years old.
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No, I am! Hachikuji is MY snailfu!
>>dad paid 500 quid to get his home cinema system professionally calibrated last year
Do (people) really need help setting up this sort of thing? I was literally just going to buy a projector, screen and find some 7.1 speakers, it's all just wires innit?
Most people from my school are currently normie-ing it up at uni. Some of them disappeared or otherwise escaped from this shithole. Some, like myself, even stayed here and did next to nothing with their lives. One guy recently got convicted for making CP images; had quite the kek when I heard about that.

I mean I couldn't give a shit about most of those people but considering I spent 5+ years of my life with all of them it makes me curious to see how they all ended up.
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Canadian fag invading your thread
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Original comment.

Fuck off SyrupNIgger.
>Some, like myself, even stayed here and did next to nothing with their lives

I know that feel. Mostly the p-o-p-u-l-a-r girls stayed on, much to my dismay as now I occasionally cross paths with them and hate myself for being stuck here.

>have council flat
>good investment with right to buy scheme
>ITS 2015+1
Cuck off you fuck
>Aw, Here It Goes
I thought it was Kel that says that

Regardless, Canada sucks (you guys should go for independence and good riddance) and I didn't watch your video
Ate a large half pounder burger with kebab, mushrooms and eggs on top and a large side of chips.

I'm really damn full tonight.
Your pretty good...
Let the countdown to Valentine's Day begin!
I've been wagecucking every day since boxing day. I work a town swamped with slavs. Slavs everyday, nonstop. I finally have tomorrow off so I decided to solo queue some CSGO. I ended up with a team of slavs. I'll never get off this ride.
move out of eastern europe
At three pound a tray.
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>tfw asian guy who kept threatening me is in prison for rape
what movie are you giong to watch though? Gandhi?
>I hope that post made me seem interesting enough to get a reply

nobody cares
This sounds like the same sort of shit you hear from the people that pay thousands of pounds for valve amps and gold plated cables with little feet so they don't touch the floor and get carpet interference or whatever and attach it to their shitty macbook from 2003.
I watched "A bittersweet life", it was okay but it had that problem all chinky films have where they have all these irrelevant scenes just for comedy bits and what not.

Watching Lethal Weapon 1 next because i haven't seen any of those.
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interesting post mate
good choice, Loaded Weapon 1 is a great follow up, very funny
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>anon's life in rotherham
You gon be enriched, pham. You know what to do
My uncle paid 50 pounds for a "gold plated" HDMi cable in the early oughts.

Most people didn't know any better back then though but it's surprising that most electronic stores still run that scam. It should be illegal to imply that a 50 quid hdmi is any better than a 5 pound one.

Walk into a Maplins if you ever want a good laugh. I saw 25bongers usb cables.

few month ago I was talking to this girl, she had some issues n shit- eating disorders etc, think she got sectioned. posh girl. went out on a kind of date with her, literally just sat in the park while she drew shit and I was climbing trees and pissing about (tried my first cigarette, couldn't do it)

anyway her mate was a boy and later that day she said she was going go her house so I dropped her.

now every few months she tries calling me or facetiming me

What the fuck?? Can anyone provide an explanation??
the staff are all the laugh I need from maplin
Fucking depressed lads

Need something to cheer me up
Sorry to interject here. Is it normal for adults to climb trees in city parks in England
Maybe she wants to talk to a loser or someone who makes her feel good about herself, Tarzan
word lad, i'm back to fucking work on monday, fucking hell
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Animu underpants always cheers me up.

>the gold plated meme still goes on


Who's actually going to maplin in the first place? utter shit

probably not but it's a quiet park and I am impulsive


The guy was fairly Chad which was why I reacted badly
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well excuse me roboto-sama
lel, went in there to get an aux cable converter and they wanted 25 squid for it, went on amazon and got one for 5 next day delivery and still working.
v2.0 HDMI cables are fairly new
getting something like this for a 4k TV would be understandable
Go for a night jog, or walk if you're too fat. Guaranteed to make you feel better

Wageslavery is a terrible feel
unless he gets mugged
I went for a night walk once when i was extremely stressed and depressed and it was really nice. Just walked around, went to the park and had a short sit and then went home.
Chances are slim to none.
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>going back to work on Monday
>first thing I have to do is sort out a fuck-up I made with some ridiculously arcane and proprietary piece of software as the last thing I did in 2015 before leaving

I don't want to go
Yeah people are scared for some reason, but there isn't loads of people waiting to kill you, Kek.
Rate my tesco snacks lads

>Mars Milk (Lactose free for my tummy)
>Tyrrells Mature Cheddar and Chive
>Kettle Chips Sea Salt and Balsamic Vinegar
>Coke Cherry 1.5L & Zero 1.5L
>lactose free
>buys cheese crisps
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Wew lads I'm in the perfect pissed zone, eyes are a little fizzy but it's fine.
>two lots of crisps
>two drinks
>drinking fizzy drinks

shit haul lad 2/10
Lethal Weapon is the best Christmas film

fuck die hard
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>tfw 100 word jobsearch record due on Monday
>Haven't started yet

Im fucked lads.
Anyone else /latetea/?

Co-op Stuffed Crust BBQ Chicken & Bacon Pizza and some Heinz Blue Cheese Dressing for dipping, can of Diet Coke

Food of kings desu
>Watching Lethal Weapon 1 next because i haven't seen any of those.

.......how old are you?
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Fuck sake lads I don't stand a chance.
anyone wanna cuddle?

Which has nothing to do with how many movies a person has seen. Im sure you have seen every popular movie that has ever come out in your lifetime and before though.
Why can so few people cook bacon properly?
They always leave the fat uncooked, so that chewing the bacon is like eating a stringy mess.
Are you a Reebok or a Nke?


Yes, but not with you.
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remember to #voteukip

you hurt my fee fees anon
Nige is such a lege.

Getting to the age of 23 without seeing such an iconic action series is very odd.

It's not like we can pretend we were all too cool playing outside to watch movies.

Enjoy anyway.
How can you compete?
I'm not a government spy camera in your house.

How long will they keep getting away with this?
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>Women are fine with a chit-chat robot that asks them about their day and all the girl shit.
>Still are pre-emptively demanding a ban on sexbots.

I thought this was fake till I looked it up
They even gave it an African name

Thanks Jews
>tfw feel weird and out of time if I have dinner before 7 or after 9

>Still are pre-emptively demanding a ban on sexbots
Is this actually happening, or just something we say will happen?
Either way it would be socially worse than using a fleshlight is now.
He deserves to be in No. 10. I hope that doesn't put him off.
will never happen, vibrators are also sex robots
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God speed Farage, the hero we need and deserve.

BREXIT when?
It will be rape to fuck your sexbot.
>women don't want to fuck us beta losers
>they also don't want us to have sex robots
>they want us to be alone and miserable and have nothing

How can people be so cruel? Why do people so actively want us to suffer?
bloodyhell lad, are you made of money?
>not even sexbots want to have sex with me

They have to protect their sexual market value.

Can you imagine if they hit the wall the moment they were born because someone can just buy a sexbot instead?

Nobody would take their shit anymore, not even Chad would bother with roasties then.
>roast beef

referring to disgusting, discoloured labia, anon.

But anon, 'sexual market value' is inherently sexist and demeans women, they want to be treated just like men. Therefore these sex robots will do a lot of good. It was also lower sexual assault rates and likely male suicide rates a bit.
Moving out next month boys. Ask me owt. I'm 18 and I think this is a very I'll-informed decision
Edgy little wasteman
>village shop penny sweets
yes lad
god speed
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Why you moving out, police trips?
i'm moving out within 2 weeks. really looking forward to it, gonna have my own comfy and cosy 1 bed flat. where you moving out to?
Has took me nearly 30 years to realise that putting effort in to stuff is literally the answer to everything. OK there's some things down to luck, but when I think about the people I know, there admired attributes are all things that they put a lot of effort into.

I also realised that the most unhappy people I know are the people who put the least effort into things and make excuses.

I was even speaking to a lad from school the other day who was a footballer, he told me he didn't make it because he didn't put enough work in, there was lads doing extra training everyday, doing extra weights etc, he said those where the lads we see Making it.

I applied the theory to everyone I know and it stands up nearly all the time. Even the people with the best relationships I realised put more effort into each other.

I'm going to start putting a shit load more effort in lads.
>not having a passcode
It's your own fault
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I'm 20 and I pretty much realise that. But I'm happy being a low effort, low reward kinda guy. Feel like it suits me more
Where does the motivation come from?
What do I need to put effort into to make my face not deformed?
>I'm going to start putting a shit load more effort in lads.
are you scared it's too late though? i'm 28 and worry it's too late now and i'm too old.
That's fair enough, aslong as you're happy with a shit life.
Or she could like, not look at my messages in the first place. You're totally victim blaming right now, anon, and it's very problematic
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>tfw no cozy GTAV britclan.

renting a room in a 39 year old PhD students house. fuck sake. think he needs the money after a divorce


can afford to, people my age are going to uni and living like adults this year so I thought fuck it may as well too. Probsbly will be a struggle but hopefully it will force me to grow up a bit
that feel lad:(
i hope he/she's alright
Try not having anything to hide.
Well I don't think I'm going to let things be completely shit. I want to put enough effort in to be able to scrape by but not enough to put too much at risk.
I don't know about motivation, I think it's more about dedication. You're just Making it easier for the people who try harder if you aren't putting the effort in.

Literally the best people in the world are the people trying the hardest. It's what sets people apart more than anything.
>Try not having anything to hide.
I literally said I had nothing to hide, learn2read
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Anyone wish one day they can be the best dad ever?

I'll probably be disowned by my kids for being a nerd
What do you guys usually do when you poo? Browse your phone? Read the air freshener instructions? Play on a handheld?

Just curious, haha.
Hey anon, it isn't too late. Thinking that it's too late is looking back on your past and deciding you fucked up. Maybe you didn't do what everyone else did . Maybe you really did fuck up.

But the point is, is that your first step to motivation is to have conviction, have conviction in the choices you have made, accept they happened and they got you to this point right this moment.

and for whatever reason, you had to do it, but now you're gonna do something else. You're gonna start trying. Just focus on something small, one thing. Then another and another and another. Just try it out for a while. Then you can start trying different things, maybe find something you like and work on it. Maybe start working out and exercising.

You're still a baby anon, remember that anything is better than nothing. Don't aim for your dream life, it isn't achievable, aim for better than what you have now.

Deep down you know that you deserve it, you know there's a part of you crying out for it.
m8, don't do it. living with other people aside from your family fucking sucks. people don't meet your standards in tidiness, cleanliness, or level of peace. housemates are in the kitchen or bathroom when you need to use it. you'll be confined to one room all the time. trust me, don't do it. i've been lodging in a shared house for 11 months now, it fucking dreadful and fucking sucks

Always take my phone mate
No, I've not been a complete waste, I've probably put in about 66% effort max all my life.

People turn their lives around after being heroin addicts, not by people doing everything for them or getting lucky , but by sheer effort, determination and resilience.

oh man, sorry to hear that. be proactive and do some research into techniques and tips for finding a missing cat
Christ how long are you in there for that you need entertainment?
I know you're being ironic but that's like saying "why should I lock my car? They shouldn't steal in the first place!"
Some people just can't help themselves
You probably can't fix that, unless you pay for surgery?

You can work out and dress nice though, and be a good person.
I watched it.
The selection of girls gets worse every year.
The one doing pushups made me shout out "that's a man, baby!" out loud.
The rest are a bunch of slags.
I like to jam my fingers up my shit covered butt hole and wipe my pee pee poo fingers all in my hair before going to download some more digimon episodes onto my winows XP machine because nything past XP is full of government trackers
Well it might not be best to rush moving out in this day and age, but if you know that you can afford it and it's something you really want to do then all the best

I'm 20 and I'm having to move out some point this year. I can't really afford it at the moment, though.
Sometimes it's nice to just sit on the toilet and let all the waste out. Like you can just open your battyhole and just let everything exit your body.

I get why dads like to read the newspaper whilst having a shit.
moved into my uncles house cos my parents are alcoholics. I've grown up a lot in the last year and my home life would probsbly benefit from a fresh start. I know people say it's better to stay in get money and rven leave but honestly, the dude seems cool and it's a big fucking house
>go into Tesco while on diet
>go down the seasonal reductions
>resist the chocolate and instead buy the tapas cookery book+mini wine bottle for 2 quid and the jagermeister+shitty speaker for 3. And then get a healthy living tuna pasta that's only 300cal

I didn't even drink the wine. The jagermeister is still in the fridge, (saving it for my birthday next week lads), and the mini speaker is so shit its funny.

I just wanted the cookery book. I got the Thai one with the beer for 2 quid. Great recipes.

I think I'm going to be fine. It's the rest of my family that keep buying unhealthy shit.
Good luck anon, I hope your fresh start goes well and your uncle has a good influence in your life

might wait until I pass my driving test actually mate, but my intention is definitely to move out soon. Can't stay a man child forever
well if you're sure. be sure to start saving your pennies so you can get your own place down the line.
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Yeah, I applied my own logic to myself and realised I was being stupid. While it would ideally be good if you could teach thieves not to steal or rapists not to rape, of course it would never happen because of free thought. Basically telling people not to do things because they're "bad" isn't going to make them not want to do it.

Still though, seeing as she's in a position of trust (in comparison to two strangers for example) and she's generally an empathetic person (at least that's what I'd like to believe), I would've thought she'd at least consider how I would feel if I found out. But oh well
Did I miss the zip file full of last year's cover images or did image guy not post it?
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>Work in Tesco
>On a diet
>mfw all the delicious Easter chocolates start to come in

Fuck my weak willpower

No because having a kid in this day age is just one long countdown to them getting BLACKED and having shitty halfbreed grandkids.
>Poleaboos little sisters won't let him watch MOTD
>They're watching Dark Knight instead, even though we have it on Bluray
>Poleaboo disconnected the freeview box from the telly and took it upstairs with him
>He's going to watch MOTD on the PC and if they want to watch Dark Knight then they can play the BluRay
>Poleaboos sisters have now gone to bed
>Guess they didn't want to watch Dark Knight that badly after all but now it's too late, they've already pushed him upstairs
I feel like your parents pray for your death
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Actually, if I were you I'd do that.
>lessons are fucking expensive, you don't want that cost while settling in financially
>you can drive to work
>driving makes you more employable
>driving is just sick in general
>except for rush hour and cunts who cut you up
>oh and being designated driver
>global jewish conspiracy
i'm listening to american football lads
I've found that putting effort into things has little to no effect on the outcome.
Everything non-trivial I try, I fail. If I put effort into something and try to improve, it seems like I get the same result as if I hadn't bothered at all. If I do get something, it's the result of someone else's active choice, not my own efforts.

>applying for jobs for the last 2 months
>literally not a single reply
>had a fixed-term contract job before, but it turned out that I was the only one they interviewed (because the other person dropped out), so I just wasn't terrible enough to not get it

>had gf a few years ago, because she was into me and made all the effort
>have had no success with girls since, despite wanting gf the whole time
>got tinder recently
>had some matches, but nothing ever comes of them and I can't see that changing

>try to organise things with friends
>they either don't reply or give vague, non-committal responses
>have to wait for them to organise something if I want to see them

>try to exercise more
>basic stuff: running, bodyweight stuff, and some dumbbell things
>literally no improvement in any of those things in the last month

I feel like I have no ability to influence the world around me, and powerless to do anything for myself. I think this is why I don't bother putting effort into things, because experience has shown me that I'll just get disappointed if I expect actual results. So I mostly play vidya now, because I can actually influence the game world and have a sense of power.
Lads does anyone here own a projector? I'm thinking of getting one instead of TV but one thing that has me worried is the HDMI cables of my consoles when I plug them into it. Like, if the projector is mounted to the ceiling, wouldn't the cables just be a mess in the middle of the room
tinyurl britfeelmasterfolder
>had gf a few years ago
fuck off normie
Then you've got no reason to get upset about it.
I work at Tesco too.
I just think I've worked so long I've become desensitised to everything there.
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>Just sent an application for a banking internship
>tfw they'll probably laugh at my application and le trash-man it
Well, I guess it's all up to Providence now.
Not really, I don't think I'd be good parent material. I'd either be a beta doormat or be a deadbeat like my dad.

I do kinda want a qt musume though so she can be my little princess. Gif very much related you know except for the dying part
Fuck off back to /mu/ then you pleb piece of shit
fuck off normie doggy
Do you really think a normie has those experiences with those things? Fuck off, this is the most normie thread on /r9k/
fuck you, it's a great album. what are you listening to if you're so patrician?
This pham

It's all futile, why even try
If I'm an ugly virgin Britfag then I'm allowed here.

I'm probably TWICE the robot you'll ever be.

>applying for jobs for the last 2 months
>literally not a single reply

Hey anon, if you still live with your parents try doing an apprenticeship or something to get work experience. anyone 18-24 can get one. They're easier to get than normal jobs because they don't expect you to have experience.

>had gf a few years ago, because she was into me and made all the effort
so you didn't put in effort there.
Having a better life will increase the chances of finding a relationship.

>try to organise things with friends
>they either don't reply or give vague, non-committal responses
>have to wait for them to organise something if I want to see them
You're lucky to have friends really. Maybe they're just busy more than you? Maybe you need to work hard at getting new friends.

>try to exercise more
>basic stuff: running, bodyweight stuff, and some dumbbell things
>literally no improvement in any of those things in the last month

You usually wont start seeing real results until two months and even then it's relying on you doing things right. Muscle is hard to gain man.
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Buy two of these (10 bongs off t'internet) and get an electrician to install one in the ceiling near your projector and one in the wall where you keep your consoles and run HDMI cable between them.
I bet you like bands like Title Fight too, you pretentious normie
Yeah I'm a lot better than I used to be at resisting but seasonal events make it harder. Plus because I do reductions I have to fight the urge to horde all the good stuff for myself.
American here. Was always um, not really nervous but didn't want to intrude on your British thread. Finally decided to jump in.

Thanks for introducing me to UK grime. Totally just downloaded an obscene amount of it.
never heard of title fight m8
Who else is watching Tinker Tailor here?
Hey man nothing wrong with Title Fight
happy birthday for next week anon:)
download devlin 'tales from the crypt' and ghetts 'freedom of speech'
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Nice, who are you listening to?
I've got one and while it's not an expensive one it's fucking amazing. I have an AV receiver and all the HDMI cables (And whatever the fucking Nintendo's use) run to it and then a single HDMI (and a power lead) run in trunking to the projector which is mounted on the ceiling.
>having to jack off every few hours to keep the thoughts of loneliness at bay
Wonder how long I can keep this up. Only been 8 years so far but it keeps getting worse.
Wouldn't I need a long HDMI cable to go the trunking route? Wouldn't that result in worse image quality since the cable is really long
Lads i don't even want a gf i just want to play with GIANT MASSIVE TITS.

Just want a nice big pair to play with.
>Hey anon, if you still live with your parents try doing an apprenticeship or something
I don't, I moved out for that fixed term thing. I actually have a temp thing at the moment, that a recruitment agency offered to me. Nothing relevant or long-term though.

>so you didn't put in effort there.
I meant she put in the effort to initiate things. Obviously I put in effort during the relationship. She still cheated on me.
>Having a better life will increase the chances of finding a relationship
This is not helpful advice.

>Maybe they're just busy more than you?
They are, or they at least say they are. I think some of them do stuff without me desu. I saw some of them for NYE and that was the first time I'd seen them in months. Even if someone's busy, going for months without bothering to answer constructively or make an effort is ridiculous. I've pretty much stopped trying at this point, I don't want to keep putting myself out there.
>Maybe you need to work hard at getting new friends
I do try this, but I find it very hard to connect with people. I also have no idea what's socially acceptable or not, which makes it harder.

>You usually wont start seeing real results until two months
Actually I think my main problem with this is seeing people who don't run/exercise regularly comfortably doing a 5k run, when I struggled with 2.5k and I'd been doing it for months.
Literally everybody associated with JDZ media.

Will do, thank you
Why does my mum want to live my life for me?

Like, she makes decisions for me in her mind without even asking me my opinion on it at all and expects that she is just right...?
to the lad earlier who asked what people do when pooping, I'm shitting as type this and checking the weather for next week
Ouch reductions man. That's rough.
I will admit I do stock up on those, but only meat joints/portions/mince I can stick in my Dads freezer.
Anything else is usually a bad investment, calorie wise or money wise. Especially bread.
Except maybe deli meat. You can stretch reduced sliced ham to at least two days lunch with a bag of salad lettuce (butterhead is my go to) and maybe some olives.
That's it though. I think it helps that I don't care about Easter as a holiday much. Family never was religious so we only do a roast on the bank holiday at most.
I've been collecting recipes lately. Cookbooks, website recipes, stuff from magazines. I want to brush up on my cooking ability a little but still keep it controlled.
I figure if I can't get a proper job the least I can do is try to improve myself. Not much else is there when the job market is so shit for post-grads.
Calorie control app helps anon. If I eat it I have to log it and I'm ocd about missing a target.
Sometimes you need structure.
I just shit... I used to think reading and stuff on the toilet was a meme but turns out people actually do. I don't understand. It takes me like 30 at the very most to take a shit, normally it takes about 10 seconds, then I wipe my ass. How people waste half an hour I will never understand.
Thanks man. Looking forward to going out for a meal and then downing a few drinks. No work next week either. Fuck working on your birthday.
>Poleaboos solicitor hasn't emailed him

Fuck it, Poleaboo is going back up to Aberdeen on Tuesday/Wednesday
Yeah. It's weird though, my mum wants me to be grown up and independent and yet she's still constantly coddling me. I wish it was just one or the other, although I was brought up in a pretty sheltered way so it's too late now.
Cheers fampi
Yeah I mostly just stock up my freezer with meat.
I already use Myfitnesspal and I'm usually pretty good at not lapsing, it's just when I do lapse I tend to binge. I think I'm finally retraining my body though as I managed to not put on any weight over Christmas and I wasn't dieting at all that week.
I've got a 5m cable and it works without artifacts and it's not an expensive looking cable (the fitter supplied it.) According to this page http://www.hdmi.org/installers/longcablelengths.aspx cable runs can be boosted to double the length at 30m, so while it doesn't say for unboosted I guess it means 15m should be expected from unboosted.

There's this as an alternative

Evening lads

Just got in from the pub. After fucking 3 pints

My mates are boring af

Anyway so I'm hope now with a few bottles of bud. Drinking my anger away
>tfw watching tinker tailor and they are eating at a wimpys

I'd kill for a wimpy right now
Just failed nofap 2016 lads.

Felt pretty good desu.
You don't really put much effort in then do you, you whiny little baby
>tfw running out of food because too scared to leave flat ;___;

someone come look after me please~
>Expecting solicitors to be working over the festive period
You get more out of touch with reality with each message.
My New Years resolution is to be vegan

I don't even care about animals or my health. not sure why I am doing it

I'd kill for some chocolate tho

Fucking kek.

Enjoy your fruit and nuts you goddamned hippie.

where do you live~
>Going out
>Having friends
>Drinking piss
Sounds terrible REE
>not sure why I am doing it

Neither am I, you're a human, you need meat.
do you live alone? do you work or what?
That cheap nasty cola. Space Raiders. Haribo.
Just cranked one out to Carmella Bing.

Felt nostalgic.
Just watched sicario, enjoyed it, twas gud.
west midlands

I do. I'm NEET.

ey it's good shit mang

you are wrong but I don't care
how old are you?

gonna download it soon, is there a 1080p torrent out yea?
My new years resolution is to become a normie. I'm sick of being lonely.
You have a new years resolution, that already makes you a pathetic normie follower.
people who aspire to be normies are called normalfags
>Tfw had sex three times already this year.
make post
post doesn't show till make another post
fucking bugs man

I'm 22.
Are those still the best there are? I'd hoped they'd have gone a bit further seeing as I'm going to be moving out soon
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Fuck anime, Japanese Wrestling is comfy

I streamed it, twas a brrip so yea probably.
Nope, I just feel like shit. I spent new years and christmas alone and I'd like to do something different next year. Probably won't happen though
cos i'd want you to be close to my age so it wouldnt be awkward

luckily im 23 x
>Darkside Skittles

I thought I was the only one.

Please come quickly.
What would you suggest then?
Applying for even more shit jobs, and getting no replies? I apply for everything that I'm actually qualified for.
Swiping right to every girl on tinder? No point if I'm not attracted to them.
Messaging my friends every day, until they're sick of it?
>watching Billionaire Boy
>he goes around his black friend's house to apologise for being a dick
>he's saying his goodbyes and mentions he's on his way to apologise to his other friend, Maddie, a cute red head
>"Don't worry" says Bob "She's here"
>down comes Maddie
>the poor kid has no idea what happened and is given some bollocks excuse

Fuck the BBC.
you're too far away

i don't understand this post, explain please

watch from 48:30
>Just heard knocking on the window downstairs

Shit think the chavs have come to murder me
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Yes, I'm sure these pre-teens fugged
Burglars checking you're in. Get a knife and hide in the dark.
I might just go down there and go Rambo on them
Wait at the top of the stairs and once they're at the bottom of the stair well just leap down
You're right anon, it's a coincidence that The Big Black Cock Corporation would have a black boy and white girl together. Go back to your nigger cocks, I mean your wife's kids.
>friend tries to get house mate into our friendship circle
>google this guy's username
>full blown furry into gay porn

I'm legitimately angry at the moment. What can I do? Should I bring it up with the others and warn them about this faggot?
I need to go take a piss but don't want to reveal my position.
His username for what?
what's the username
This. So long as you have the high ground you are safe.
Why are you angry?

Then throw your game controller / D&D Dice / anal beads / whatever you do with your friends at him
the internet, and no I'm not sharing because you will warn him

can't stand furries lad, just knowing that deep down he wants to rape animals makes my blood boil
and he sits in our vent laughing and joking as if he's a good buddy
if this were a pub I'd have fuckign smashed a bottle on him
Booked my second driving test for February lads. I don't really want anymore lessons since it was just shitty luck that failed me on the first one, but I know my instructor is gonna insist on a few.
They're like 27 quid for an hour and a half.
>Buy a CD
>The version you got isn't on Discogs
>Just add a similar version to your collection

Who else /tomfoolery/ here?
>knowing that deep down he wants to rape animals
Where the fuck did you come up with that idea?
such mischief, wow
I did really well at school and in primary I was even friends with most of the class. Where did all that go considering I'm not social at all now and more importantly I'm a jack of all trades and master of none?
>hasn't heard of furries before
Boy are you in for a treat.
>not getting them as a christmas present and essentially getting a blank cheque from your parents

Of course, they were in the same building at the same time, that must be the BBC pushing interracial relationships on us.
>"Yeah I love music and can play a bit too, I know some good bands"
>Grade 4 cello from primary school and I have a song by maximo park
Who is this about?
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>all furries want to rape animals
I think you have a twisted idea of what a furry is.
>all pedophiles want to rape children
No, but would you let your kids near one? Would you be comfortable being around one?
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>mfw I'm back to work tomorrow after 3 weeks off


Sometimes I jsut want to be a NEET again but being a NEET isn't going to setup my future.
I'd be comfortable around a paedophile, admittedly I don't have children.
3 wanks today and now my ballsack has gone really saggy
>He can only manage 3 wanks a day
Step it up m8.
I think you should tell your friends, report back on who they ditch.
>3 wanks

Amature hour over here

I'm on 6 for today possibly go for a 7th later but more than likely will stop here because I've got some food cooking so ya know don't wanna get jizz on my din dins.
Does the head of your dick not get sore?
Does anyone ever get spots on their ballsack that are REALLY painful?

I get them now and again and i'm not sure what they are. They always seem to be in the same place and are about the same size as a big spot on your face.

They get so painful that I sometimes have to place a plaster over them as just walking hurts. I don't get them that often, maybe once every 3-4 months.

Maybe ingrown hair seeing as they're in the same place?
ingrown hair
It does if I am hitting 7-10 multiple days in a row, in that instance I have to take a day off or just cut down to maybe 1 or 2. Normally after one day it will be fine again.
M8, friend, amigo, whatever the paki word for friend is, you REALLY need to step up your game real quick.

Dont know about him but I wank about 5 times a day and dont get sore.

The people who make a whole theatrical deal out of wanking with lube and a pile of tissues confuse me.

I just whip my dick out, wank dry and cum.
>wanking with [...] a pile of tissues confuse me
All over yourself?
I don't understand how you can even manage that. I had a wank last night, at like 6pm, and then took ages to finish when I had one earlier today at like midday.
Maybe my dick and balls are all shutting down, having given up on ever being used properly.
Yeah, that's what I thought. Shaved my nuts last week and I hear they can be caused by friction which would explain why it's always in the area rubbing against my thigh.

Jesus this fucking hurts.
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>whole theatrical deal out of wanking
The guys that use lube are circumcised.

Sure, use my boxers to mop up the cum.

If you wank regularly your loads wont be very big.
It's not the amount for me, I go off like a shotgun and if I don't use tissue I give myself a facial.

Having a skanky pair of cum-stained underwear or sock sounds right nasty tbph family member who I'd not invite to stay the night
Wipe it on your leg then. It's mostly water and dries without residue most of the time.
Same here, was really pissed off before I left too so going back is just gonna get on my tits

I'm not circumcised and I tired it with lube once and it felt amazing

My dick looked pretty good all shiney and shit too
>My dick looked pretty good all shiney and shit too
Oh that's good, remember that for the photoshoot

At least I only have 3 nights to do then I have 5 off.

Couldn't do a 9-5 job. I'd probably kill myself unless I was earning 60k a year.

> girl is texting me
> feels good
I've always got a big back log of porn to get through so it keeps me busy. Typically I'll always have 15-20 tabs of porn lined up that I need to watch so once my dick has recharged from the previous wank I will go again ASAP.
>pays 1.50 per text
lads just been asked to play 21 questions

it's a girl

what do
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Managed to twist one of my nuts right round earler and it was so painful I could feel it in my chest. Managed to sort it out now, fucking hell lads I'm tired of this happening
play it you retard
what have you got to lose?
Ask if she's thinking of an animal
Bitches always be thinking of animals lad

>I'm tired of this happening

This happens often?
I just jizz on my bed sheets and rub it in so I don't accidentally roll into it
>cook a pizza
>eat two slices
>not hungry anymore

Why the fuck does this always fucking happen to me. I get proper hungry then have one tiny bite of a meal and I'm fucking full up with the rest of the meal just left sitting there.

I made two pieces of toast for breakfast this morning and had to throw one of the cunts away because I couldn't eat it.
It's only been happening since I started wearing new trousers that are a little tight around the grapes
This happens to me all the time. Sometimes I like to cook, so when I feel hungry I'll spend 45 minutes cooking myself a meal, take a few bites and throw it in the bin.

Also, does this happen to anyone else.

>eat big meal of pasta
>feel incredibly full as you do after eating a big meal
>30 minutes later
>not hungry but stomach feels really empty

Is it something to do with how pasta digests? This happens all the time.
I had that pasta thing last night, I don't get it. It was a big plate of pasta, but I didn't really feel full at all, and I felt hungry again a few hours later.

fucked it boys. Asked her what the chemical symbol of mercury was
should have asked her what Hg means instead
Anyone here who can do me a massive favour?

My little brother changed my name on Xbox to JAYISBENT and I was wondering if anyone could report it?

I would really appreciate it lads.
I'd feel pretty weird and probably awkward as fuck cuddling some stranger from craiglist etc but if it someone from 4chan i'd think i'd feel comfortable with it

What is it about this site? Is it because I relate better too other autisits?
Holy kek

Post of the year so far

well done mate

for some reason it didn't go badly. I'm trying to pretend that I have a fun life. So I said im sat on a motorway overpass smoking When really I'm in bed eating maoms. I don't even smoke
Top kek lad to be frank
Not joking though
Friends moving back to their uni's tomorrow, going to be so fucking bored for the rest of term.
When will the normie invasion end
carpet83? you need to supervise him when he's making handles online, people are going to think he's some sort of spacker
Who's Jay? Is he really bent? Consider contacting Jay and having him sue for libel if not.
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>need to sleep so I can be awake at daily hours for a run
>can't sleep because I was asleep all day
I woke up at 10pm, shit feel, parents have emailed me asking to call but I've not been awake when they would be.
>tfw cold.
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Good evening /Britblog/
Tonight I decided to fill out my ideal first date section on my newly made POF profile.

>First Date
>A dramatic reading of my profile in a candle-lit room at my friend Andrews house. Re-live the first moment you read about me; as my emotive voice, over the top hand gestures and powerful Shakespearean acting talent sparks an intense flame in your heart. Laugh and cry, hope and dream, dare to believe. Buckle your seat-belt as I paint a word picture for you as a no expenses spared yankee candle further draws you in with its scent as I recant such classics as what movies I like and why Rap is just modern day poetry told by a misunderstood part of society.

I can already hear all the dripping clunge.
whereabouts are you running?
I would have liked it if you asked me to use my house first.
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Dont be a dick Andrew, I could get laid here.
I'm laughing, in a good way.
No idea if girls would like it to be honest, but I do. Might as well go with it.
Girls won't understand this lad
Just be sure she has some friends.
Nearly 3Am watching The Inbetweeners with the sign language in the corner, Is that the official way to say go to sleep?
What action does the guy do for the word 'clunge'?
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I have no doubt in my mind lad
More like where's my pringles, fat cunt
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I appreciate the intent of what she's doing, but the end result is a bit wordy and seems to be one long run-on sentence.
2/10, would not fuck
I can't tell they seem so out of sync I'm not even sure if it is sign language or not
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I didn't know what to expect really, but they're all basic bitches that have selfies with bottles of wine and cans of fosters in their profile pics. This site is shit lads.
>cans of fosters
I can't abide blokes that drink that piss never mind lasses
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Why are we still awake?

Just to suffer?
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