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Being Fat is the worst thing you can possibly be.

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If you're obese there isn't a single thing worse.

Even cancer, aids, crack cocaine and heroine is a better fate than being clinically and morbidly obese.

BEFORE, you fucking post that goddamn smug shit remark, your opinion is null and void if at no point in your life were you ever obese.

You couldn't possibly understand what it's like, I don't mean a little chub, that extra 20 lbs or so, that cutesy normalfat horseshit.

I'm talking, multiple rolls and a double/triple chin nigga.

It's the worst feeling in the world, and I'm happy I'm almost out. I'd never go back to being that fat. It's hard to move around, no one wants to be around you, you look, feel and smell like shit, EVEN when you bathe, primp, shower, and wear nice clothes no matter what you'll ALWAYS WITHOUT EXCEPTION LOOK LIKE SHIT AS A FATTIE.

Good luck to those who are still fat, life does get better once you lose it.

Though the scars never do heal.
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Would rather be fat than ugly.
The guy on the left is fat you fucking retard!
And he turned into a chad by miracle of losing weight.

Here I am fit already and will never turn into a chad.

So yeah, I would rather be fat than ugly.
Why don't fat people just eat less?
Why don't poor people just get a job?
You can't always get a job/a better job. You can always eat less.
Because it's psychological.

>"ZOMG so easy just eat less :DD"

No, it doesn't fucking work like that. Anyone who's been 100 pounds overweight will tell you.

Try this, eat till you're 100 pounds overweight.

Then "eat less".

It's different for fat people, skinnyfat retards wouldn't ever fucking get it.
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Who here /toofarfat/?
Im losing weight at the moment but Im going to have horrible lose skin and my health insurance doesnt cover getting it removed (would be like 30k out of pocket)
my punishment for being a glutton for so long I guess
I was toofarfat too breh.

Over 100lbs lost so far. Normie skinnyfats will never know our struggle.
eating less is easy as fuck, what are you on about fatass
Eat till you're over 100 pounds overweight, then say the same thing.

Fat people are literally pathetic.

Eat less food.
Excersise more.

You can do one, or both, and you will lose weight. 100% success ratio. People who complain about being fat should be rounded up and gassed
I'm not eating much, but I stay in my room over 23 hours a day and never walk. For months. I'm not sure I'm even eating enough to get the proper nutrients, yet I'm still fat as fuck. I'm probably extremely D3-deficient too.
Thanks for the info benis :DDDDD

Wew lad those are some hot opinions, somebody get this hothead outta here!

Ok dumbfuck mclardass, who the fuck asked you to eat untill you were 100 lbs overweight?

Even still, the same rules apply. See >>24165195
Wow, do I have to break this down?


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>go on diet
>get sad then get off
>on diet again
>get fat
>try dieting and gym
>its going good
>then diet fails again
>diet again
>fail again

I want off this ride family. this shit sucks. I have been going to the gym for 6 years and am still fat as fuck. I have no friends, never a gf, going to be a wizz in 4 years.
I have an autoimmune thyroid problem that has crippled my thyroid. I was about 270lbs for being a retard and stuffing my face constantly.

I toned it down until I was eating at a cut and now I'm 140lb, simple, took me about a year.

Anyone who says they aren't overeating are overeating, anyone making excuses, don't waste your breath, your lungs will need it when youre 400lbs.

You have no excuse and no one believes your excuses.
>eat less food
>exercise more

>retarded fatfag calls these literal, scientific facts "opinion" opinions and dances his way out of accountability for the situation he put himself into with epic memes

Rounded up and shot. Every last one.
I'm not sure what you mean by this. I was 294 pounds at my highest(probably a bit higher at one point but never weighed myself), I was fat for my entire life and then I decided I didn't want to be a fat piece of shit, so I ate less. I didn't exercise, I didn't pay attention to what it was I was eating, I just ate less, a lot less, some days I didn't eat at all. I dropped down to 140 pounds after a year and have maintained it for the past two.

What is different about it? Why can't you just not eat?

then shut the fuck up. It was people like you trying to fill my head with shit that almost made me not try back then.

That somehow not shoving shit down my hole was beyond me.
its genetic. i eat healthy and exercise and i still cant lose weight. its not my fault
Cut carbs < 20g per day and watch your appetite vanish. Trying to eat less when you have leptin resistance is an exercise in futility and frustration and depression. This applies mainly to fat fucks.

It isn't genetic, you're overeating but don't realize it either through self delusion or habit.

Count your calories, you will be surprised.

100% guarantee, any argument against this is delusion.
>i eat healthy and exercise and i still cant lose weight.


What he means:

>diet coke with my baconator pls :^)
>i walked up a flight of stairs today #ExcersiseFlow
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>Lost 80lbs
>Didn't feel any better
>Got extremely depressed
>Eventually gained back 55lbs

>Eat less
>Move more

I cant eat less!

>Move more

I literally can't eat less! Its so hard cuz fat ;_;


I can't eat less!! U arnt fat so u dnt understand :^)

Truly subhuman scum. Kill all fat fags they are literal retards
still down 25 pounds!
You realize food addiction is real, right?
Telling someone who is morbidly obese to "just stop eating so much" is like telling a Heroin addict to "just stop doing so much".
Do you honestly think that isn't the most obvious solution to them? What good does stating the obvious do for anyone?
I'm 5 pounds over where I started 2 years ago though. 280lbs was just the fattest I was ever.
>You realize food addiction is real, right?
There is no such thing as addiction, only weak minded failure sad sack faggots

Source: tried heroin, crack, weed, ex, xanax, coke, gambling all in a 6 month period and didnt get addicted to any of them
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>There is no such thing as addiction
Who even cares about neurology, amirite?
>Do you honestly think that isn't the most obvious solution to them?

Maybe they should just kill themselves or shut the fuck up because eating less and moving more is LITERALLY the only way to solve the fat problem
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>mfw I'm back home after a good workout and the suicidal thoughts creep in

The closest I came to killing myself was during my most /fit/ period. People just forget to tell you exercise can exacerbate depression.
Not me considering i proved it the fuck wrong repeatedly

Want a solution to your problem fatfag? Stick your fingers down your throat every time you eat
It's literally like saying "drink less water". Their brains are desperately telling them they need to go eat and unless they have a will of iron, they will give in and binge. After this they'll feel awful and the cycle repeats.
You're oversimplifying the process needed for someone to stop being a fat shit. Being 20lbs overweight is one thing, being 100+lbs over weight is almost certainly the result of an eating disorder.

You're trying to seriously argue there's no such thing as addiction. I'm not going to waste my time.

It's had the opposite effect for me. Generally exercise is supposed to make you feel better. I'm sure if your depression is great enough it doesn't help though. There's been plenty of times where even drugs didn't stop me from feeling depressed.
>Even cancer, aids, crack cocaine and heroine is a better fate than being clinically and morbidly obese.
>bawwwww my problems are worse than everyone elses abloobloo
Stop eating Mcdonalds and learn to eat healthy. Getting a diet coke with your 40 pc mcnuggets is not considered dieting.
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Who /skinnyfat/ here?
>tfw can't hide manboobs

Nope you just lack willpower. If kidnapped you, held you in a cell and forced you lift weights, run a treadmill, and fed you healthy, balanced meals 3x a day you would lose weight
>You're trying to seriously argue there's no such thing as addiction. I'm not going to waste my time.

Addiction may exist, but only in the mind of weak willed c.ucks. so is the problem really addiction or the fact that they are weak willed c.ucks?
Have you been that overweight? You wouldn't know.
Have you ever been that much of a heroin addict? You wouldn't know either. Don't make this shit a pity contest. It's pathetic.
Fatfag reporting in.
I've lost 80 pounds and I've got about 40 to go.
The trick is to find a sport you enjoy and do it 3x a week, while making gradual healthy changes to your diet.
The trick to dieting is to make gradual changes that you can keep up for the rest of your life.
The reason you "fail" diets is because you try to change too quickly and rebound.
You 'bots can do it too.
captcha was "select all images with steak"
Not him but you acknowledge he has a problem with controlling his urge to eat, but your solution is just "start having better willpower bro :^)"
Why are you even on here then? There's no excuse for you not to have a gf if you can just will yourself into becoming a normie or even Chad.
If you literally cannot stop yourself from eating more than 2000 calories a day you should just commit suicide. Like do you realize how much food that is? You don't even have to stop eating, you can still eat 3 fucking meals at mcdonalds every day and be fine. Holy shit.
pot meet kettle. I was merely expressing my opinion as well, but you immediately shoot me down and then memetext me doing the same.

>being retarded
>being deformed
>being black
>being a woman
>being poor

sorry lots of things are worse than fat
>It's literally like saying "drink less water"

You can survive without drinking water for a few days.

Their brains are desperately telling them they need to go eat and unless they have a will of iron, they will give in and binge.

There it is! Their problem is that they are weak willed faggots! This is why so many women are overweight.

>After this they'll feel awful and the cycle repeats.

>Muh fee-fees
Its like you're trying to be pathetic as possible. SUCK IT UP FATFAGS

>You're oversimplifying the process needed for someone to stop being a fat shit.




>Being 20lbs overweight is one thing, being 100+lbs over weight is almost certainly the result of an eating disorder.

Seems like you just want to talk about your problems instead of finding a solution for them. Woman tier. Kill yourself
Im a currynigger and being /fit/ doesnt make up for being indian. Also, nice false equivalency faggot kill yourself
I'll add onto this. Start eating better foods. Ramen doesn't fill you up much yet it has a about a quarter of your daily calorie intake. Start eating chicken, beef and vegetables. These will fill you up, be delicious, give you lots of protein and not so many calories.
Also you need to create an eating schedule. Eat within an hour of getting up and then at around set times throughout the day e.g. 1pm and 5pm or something.
Learning to cook is probably good too, since it'll move you away from processed, calorie dense food to healthier, cheaper food.
Bose was also a Currynigger, but he's known as one of the most important figures in Science.
And it's not a false equivalency because your urge to eat and your urge to drink are very real and very out of your control. If you condition your body into eating food all of the time it will try and get you to go get more food if you stop.
There's a reason things like binge eating are called a "cycle".

Adding on to this some of us have problems that cant be changed, like being a manlet, or being ugly, or shitskinned. When people complain about things that are in their control its just a slap in the face and pisses me right the fuck off.
i dont eat as much as i sit. last time i was at mcdonalds maybe ~10 years ago. i eat pizza like once in 3-5 months. i drink soda (or w/e u call it) once in 2 months. i drink alcohol once in 4-6 months or some shit and not to the coma. i havent smoked a single cigarette in my entire life. i dont smoke weed or take any drugs (aka heroin, ecstasy etc).
>You realize food addiction is real, right?

so? People quit their addictions all the fucking time, it just takes a little willpower, but the problem is that sad fat little fucks like you don't have any.
>Bose was also a Currynigger, but he's known as one of the most important figures in Science.


The diet didn't fail, you did

Take some responsibility for your incompetence
>You can survive without drinking water for a few days.
You can survive without food much longer than you can survive without water, so I'm not sure what the point is here.

>There it is! Their problem is that they are weak willed faggots! This is why so many women are overweight.
Like I said before, you're stating the obvious, good job. Now how do you get them to fix their weak will?

>Its like you're trying to be pathetic as possible. SUCK IT UP FATFAGS
Right, because being out of control of your urge to eat is the same as wanting a miracle cure.
What's the point in responding to someone so uneducated?

Your urge to eat is one of the most powerful urges you have.
Of course since this doesn't agree with what you're saying you'll just say it's bullshit.

Obviously it's because you lack the will power to act confident and alpha in front of them. Just man up and stop using your race as an excuse. Niggers can get white girls, so why can't you?
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This, pretty much.

You need to eat healthy and count calories, and never make excuses for yourself. If you give in and binge, get right back on your new healthy diet and never give up. Eventually with enough determination, you'll get over your addiction. Your stomach will also shrink when you're used to eating far less food, and you won't feel the need to eat nearly as much food as you do now, eventually.

Forcing yourself to stop and do what you know is best for you, never giving up and getting back on track after you mess up is the only way to get over an addiction.

I'm sure that being obese REALLY fucking sucks and that fat people have got a hard road ahead of them, but they really need to buckle down and do it. Willpower and delayed gratification.
>Now how do you get them to fix their weak will?

I dont, i point and laugh at them for having shitty brains that are worse than mine

>Right, because being out of control of your urge to eat

Do you think your brain is a separate entity than you? If you arent in control of your own urges you need to be thrown in prison or an asylum because you might rape someone or murder a group of kids because your brain told you to.
>tfw skeleton
Gaining weight is harder than losing

/thread, 2bh family.

Fatfags on suicide watch
>I dont, i point and laugh at them for having shitty brains that are worse than mine
I'd love to see some studies showing even a casual correlation between cognitive abilities and weight.

>Do you think your brain is a separate entity than you? If you arent in control of your own urges you need to be thrown in prison or an asylum because you might rape someone or murder a group of kids because your brain told you to.
Try holding your breath until you pass out. You'll find it's probably impossible for you to do. If not you more than likely have some kind of medical condition.
You're also ignoring the nutritional aspect of it.
1000 calories of alcohol will not prevent your hunger, while 1000 calories of chicken will. If you're just willing your way to being thin without changing your foods and lifestyle you're going to fail.
I don't understand why fat people don't just eat celery when they're hungry, you eat about 30 pounds of that stuff before you hit 2000 calories, even the fattest of the fat couldn't pull that off.
Because you'll quickly get the urge to eat other things because you're becoming malnourished.
Ever heard of Pica?

At the end of the day i win because im not fat and you are fat. Keep making excuses while i make sick gains, tubbs
Fat people have 0 self control
Thats their problem.
>grew up hating self and thinking losing weight was just too hard
>read up on losing weight
>look up calorie calculator online
>count calories and cut out most carbs and sugar
>exercise a bit and it gets easier and easier
>lose over 100 lbs like it's nothing
I'm so fucking pissed off here. I'm a complete moron and at the same time I'm also angry at the media making it seem like it's so damn difficult with their bullshit diet plans and congratulating fatasses for the hard work of not shoving their face.
I'm not talking about eating nothing but celery, I'm talking about eating as much celery as you want alongside a balanced diet.
At least you admit you lost the argument. Then again you are still shitposting.

That gets suggested all of the time. It's a valid trick, but it doesn't work for everyone; Some people might use celery as an excuse to justify them going into the kitchen where they then give into their urge to binge. It's really something people should just try for themselves, like cheat days.
Addiction literally only applies to weak people, just like that other guy I have tried a few things that people normally get addicted to, however I was able to stop pretty much immediately. I guess we are just better human beans than you.
I was obese once. I stopped eating entire bags of gummy worms and started working out. Give it a try sometime.
You cannot argue with people like this, he will not stop until he has convinced everyone, including himself that it is not his fault.
It would work if people stopped buying unhealthy food. I swear some people need to get some autism for their own good, most unhealthy foods are terribly inefficient cost-wise.


kek captcha :select all food
>Addiction literally only applies to weak people
Water is wet. Alcohol gets you drunk.

>like that other guy I have tried a few things that people normally get addicted to
You bitch doses of H a few times and didn't get addicted. Is that supposed to be surprising?

>I guess we are just better human beans than you.
Didn't you just say you tried H or something just as hard?

Healthy foods are probably the most reliable way to losing weight.
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there is one thing worse than all of those combined.

Can confirm, not buying unhealthy shit means you won't eat unhealthy shit because you won't fucking have it available to you
If you drink soda drink diet or better yet water and 1% milk.
Eat popcorn instead of chips
Eat grilled chicken instead of fried
Limit red meat
>gaining weight requires you buying, cooking and eating food all the time
>losing weight requires you doing nothing but eating less
wow you fat fucks sure have it hard.
Congrats anon, if only the fatties ITT realised. Imagine a world without fat people...
>>losing weight requires you doing nothing but eating less
That's objectively, scientifically wrong though.
In the short term it's true, but you will never maintain a calorie restricted diet for the long term.
it applies to empty people, some just happen to be weak. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ao8L-0nSYzg

Nope didnt lose, i just realized what you're doing. You make roundabout, half assed arguments that have nothing to do with the matter at hand. The way to stop being fat is eat less, move more. You're too much of a sissy faggot to do so. I just solved your problem in 4 words. The argument ends there. Imagine a teacher gives a pop quiz with only one question. And the question is 4+4=?. Not only this, but the teacher writes on the chalkboard "4+4=8". Now imagine some kid says raises his hand and says "b-but i have test taking anxiety ;_;". That is literally what you're doing. The answer is right fucking in front of you. Your problem is that you're a soft, malleable faggot who doesnt understand accountability and doesnt deserve to share my oxygen. Please kill yourself
You lost that argument big time, you are fat and the other guy is not. It really is as simple as that.
Being fat is immoral. They hurt everyone else by their very existance, and should therefore be held in contempt.
Not only that, it is a clear display of how lazy, negligent and lacking in self awareness they are.
Thats not what that article is talking about dumbass
Its stating not all calories are the same

Holy shit, nice analogy. Saved
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Fatties deserve death
I said a "few" things for a reason, if I had tried all that hard stuff the other guy said then I wouldn't have phrased it like I did. You are fat AND dumb, not a great combo desu. Good luck with your life, you will really need it.
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Ex-fat here. Just go full diabetes mod.

>be me
>hypothyroidism 6'0 242lbs
>suddenly start losing weight like crazy because diabetes 1
>now I'm 154lbs

My only complaint is I almost lost my vision the day I got diagnosed. I really shited on my pants and now I eat ultra-healthy.
Youre underweight now
You must be a stick
he's not underweight, I'm 6'4" and 157, I'm within the "normal" BMI range, although just barely
>6'0 154lbs is underweight
Sorry I don't live in America
In America people of normal weight are literally considered underweight, fat people are considered normal, clinically obese people are considered 'a little chubby' and morbidly obese people are considered fat.


If you are fat you're a fucking normie. Jesus christ how sad is that.

Go back to tumblr, fatties. You're not welcome here.
>You make roundabout, half assed arguments that have nothing to do with the matter at hand.
Point it out then. I mean it should be easy if you'r saying I am doing that. Quote me on it.

>The way to stop being fat is eat less, move more
That's one component of it. If you don't learn better eating habits along side that then you'll surely go back to being fat eventually.

>You're too much of a sissy faggot to do so.
I lost 80lbs though. So clear I've already done it in the past.

The rest of your post is a pretty worthless analogy, so I'll just leave this here.

If I lost the argument it should be very easy to point out how and where.

Maybe you should actually read.
>If we take in more energy (calories) than we expend, we gain weight. If we expend more energy than we take in, we lose weight. This is an unbreakable law of physics and isn't even debatable.

However... this fact, tells us nothing about WHY this is happening.

>A person who has gained weight is the same as a person who eats more than they burn.

>Let me explain this with a simple analogy...

>Imagine that the entrance hall of a movie theater is full of people. These people are all there because they're going to watch a very popular movie that just came out.

>If you would ask... "why is this entrance hall full of people?" and someone were to answer with "because more people are entering it than leaving it" - then you'd think it was a fairly ridiculous answer, right?

>It tells you nothing about the cause of the entrance hall being full, it is simply stating the obvious.

And that's not even the meat of the article.
Jesus christ fuck the robot.
Hi, I'm 125lbs and fat people are FUCKING DISGUSTING STOP EATING YOU PIG
So let me get this straight. You admit you didn't take much of these drugs at all, but then you act as if that gives you some kind of experience with addiction? You didn't have an addiction, you weren't close to having an addiction and you didn't develop the habits required to get an addiction, so by what logic do you have any authority on what is and isn't required to overcome an addiction?
The fact you need to use grade school insults says a lot.
>normalshits without eating disorders

pic related
and fuck you robot
I hate fat people because of their privilege to even get so fat, they have the time and money to shove shit in their mouth for most of the day, and then they have the audacity to complain about it

Literally human trash

Eat less
Move more
I've been drinking a bit too much this year and gotten myself a small beer gut and god damn it is disgusting, especially if you're not very tall/otherwise big.

I agree OP, being fat is visual confirmation to everyone that you are lazy or suffer from mental illness.
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>its so hard to stop eating ;_;
Im overweight and im considered fat, dont know where you got this from
>yfw you realised those fantastical beasts you see on the internet AKA amerilards over 400lbs literally have to shove calories in their mouth for most of the day

It takes effort to GET fat in the first place.
Eat fucking less and eat healthier you dumb fatty.
The answer is in front of you like that family sized bag of chips.
All cited with scientific papers. Nutrition isn't as simple as calories in, calories out. That is only a short term tool for quick weight loss. Fat people need to develop long term habits that will keep them from stop them from getting fat in the first place. If you eat right you'll naturally go back down to a healthy weight.

Eat less
Move more
For a long time
Im 165 lbs and 6 foot with 8% body fat.
Youre a fucking twig.
I cant begin to explain how much your life improves losing weight. Im still a KHV neet but at least I can properly clean myself. When I was obese I always felt like my ass was dirty (it was). Lose weight, start now and stop eating so much. You have an addiction and aren't nearly as hungry as you think you are.
I've been noticing that ever since I removed the last bit of sugar out of my diet (which was soda, as I don't really like other sweets), everything else suddenly tastes a lot better.

I still feel the best way to go is to just get a kitchen scale and weigh every single thing you eat and then count your calories through MATH. Numbers never lie and robots should love numbers. Fix your numbers and you can't not succeed.
Healthy weight average for 6 foot males is 161
So yeah youre a bit underweight.
>In my opinion, one of the biggest fallacies in nutrition is to think that all calories are created equal.

>Different macronutrients (proteins, fats and carbohydrates) go through different metabolic pathways.

>Let me show you this with two examples... fructose and protein.

>Fructose, when it enters the liver from the digestive tract, can be turned into glucose and stored as glycogen.

>But if the liver is full of glycogen, it can be turned into fat... which is then shipped out or lodges in the liver.

>Consumed in excess, it can cause insulin resistance, which raises insulin levels all over the body. Insulin drives fat gain (2, 3).

>Fructose also doesn't get registered in the same way as glucose and doesn't impact satiety in the same way. Fructose doesn't lower the hunger hormone ghrelin (4, 5).

>So... a 100 calories of fructose may increase your insulin over the long term, lead to higher ghrelin levels and increased appetite.

>Then you have a 100 calories of protein. About 30% of the calories in the protein will be spent on digesting it, because the metabolic pathway requires energy.

>Protein may also increase levels of fullness and boost the metabolic rate (6, 7).

>This increased protein may even be used to build muscles, which are metabolically active tissues that burn calories around the clock.

>Clearly... a 100 calories of fructose will have completely different effects on the body than a 100 calories of quality protein. A calorie is NOT a calorie.

>In this way, the fructose will drive increased energy intake compared to the protein, via its effects on hormones, body and brain.

>Drinking a can of soda every day for 5 years will have a vastly different effect on the body and long-term energy balance, compared to eating the same calories from eggs.

This is all cited with peer reviewed scientific papers written by a nutritionist on a site that focuses on empirical evidence. I'd love to see you try and argue against this.

This is really, really sad msn. Losing weight is really as simple as going for a run, lifting weights, and eating under your TDEE. All these articles you're posting just show in denial you are about your situation. You are in control of your weight. What about eating less, moving more dont you understand? Do you think there is a secret way and we are just trolling? Genuinely curious.
THAT doesn't change that fact that to lose weight , CALORIES IN, CALORIES OUT.

Your whole point is "b-but i don't have the willpower to continue this for a long time"

I don't give a shit. I'm giving you a simple way to lose weight. It's YOUR PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY to grab your balls, screw them on tight and get the willpower to continue.

You're so fucking stupid and in denial it's legitimately hilarious. "No, No, this guy says different nutrients do different things"

Congrats, want a cookie, fatty?

Are you saying that

1. Eating less food
2. Excersising more

Would make you gain weight or stay the same weight?
What's your weight and height? I'm pretty sure if you're American and people think you're fat your BMI is well north of 30...
Eat less and healthier fatass.
The article agrees with us you delusional fat fuck.
Why are you digesting fructose? Don't tell me you actually drink soda and eat candies while crying about being overweight.
Actually, if you do have a lot of money, you tend to not get fat. Or at least, not get fat as easily.

It's extremely hard to make food that does not make you wish for death's embrace when you're poor. Cheaper brands also take shortcuts that result in food that is bad for your health while simultaneously being high in calories. It's not a surprise most obese people are actually poor.

Oh, you're mentally ill. Why am i not suprised?



fructose and whatever the fuck Your dumbass article says has fuck all to do with anything!!

You better be baiting
So instead you spend 10 dollars for a single meal. Have you ever walked into a supermarket?
Let's not forget.
>Changing your macronutrients can affect your appetite in a dramatic way.

>The best example of this is seen in studies comparing low-carb and low-fat diets.

>Whereas people on low-fat diets must be calorie restricted in order to lose weight, people eating low-carb (and high fat and protein) can usually eat until they feel satisfied and still lose weight.

>Studies clearly show that there's something about the low-carb diet that decreases appetite and makes people lose weight without having to control portions or count calories (8, 9).

>In these studies, the researchers need to actively restrict calories in the low-fat groups to make the results comparable, but the low-carb dieters still lose more weight (10).

>In this study, the low-fat group is calorie restricted while the low-carb group is eating until fullness (11):
No they're lazy. They buy frozen premade chicken instead of chicken breasts you have to cook yourself
Stop eating shitty food you fat fuck. Dont eat so much too.
Why don't you go read my posts before asking such a worthless question?

I'm sorry you're objectively wrong anon. At least it's an anonymous image board, so you won't have to carry that embarrassment.

>The article agrees with us you delusional fat fuck.
It says that CICO is not going to result in long term weight loss. It agrees with what I'm saying, you just didn't bother to read any other posts.

You know that's from an article, right?

It's not literally it though and there is plenty of empirical evidence showing nutrition and maintaining a healthy weight are not that simple. Key word: Maintaining. Who cares if you lose 50lbs if you'll gain back 40lbs in a few years? If you never learn better eating habit (something I've said repeatedly in this thread) you will never maintain a health weight. It's just that simple.
I'm sorry you only know about nutrition through /fit/. Please go read some actual studies instead of listening to pop science.

Fatties confirmed for literal retards
I hate fat people who aren't willing to make the struggle. I grew up overweight and it killed me inside. Took the first measure: exercise. The only person who boasted about me was my history teacher. She would literally tell the entire class and incorporate it into her lecture weird as shit I know but it worked. (she did that with many other things I did history teachers always liked me too much).
Anyways as time went on I wasn't ever going to exercise again so I cut back on the food. Depression helped me the first time and the second time was just me having the freedom to eat what I wanted. Well i are junkfood but rationed it all the time so it would last.
Ended up losing a total of 25 pounds over the years and became skinny. I'm 5'2" so 25 pounds is a lot for me.

Find motivation. I wanted to look like kpop stars at first.
"That's it" if your goal is just to "lose weight". It's not the most optimal way of going about it, though.

For instance, by taking these into account, you can take it easier on the "eat less" portion of your plan, because eating better allows you to eat more. And making it easier also makes it a lot more likely to succeed.

The only thing that really is poison is filthy, inaccurate advice targetting women. They are meant to be flashy and sell, not actually work.
Stop eating so much shitty food fat fuck.
Maybe youll lose some weight.
>Another thing to keep in mind that long-term dieting will reduce your metabolic rate.

>If you were to cut calorie intake by 10%, it would only work for some time until your metabolic rate would adapt and you would stop losing. Then you would have to cut calories again, then again...

>The body tries desperately to maintain its fat mass. This is called the body fat setpoint and is regulated by the hypothalamus. If you don't change your diet, only the amount of foods you eat, then your set point wont change.

>If your weight goes below your set point, your brain responds by decreasing your calorie expenditure (calories out) and increasing your calorie intake (calories in).

>Bottom Line: The body tries to resist changes in body fat levels by increasing hunger and reducing calorie expenditure.
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Being non-fat is easy just don't eat.

Now being a skinny motherfucker, that's the nightmare right there.

> b-but just eat more! xdxdxd

You can't eat more because there's a physical limit to how much your stomach can hold before you puke.
LOW CARB HIGH FAT. Look it up, guys. This might be what you and everyone needs.
If you shoot up heroin and smoke lots of crack you'll be skinny in no time.
Being able to read reference material is an incredibly useful skill.

>Most people believe that the increased calorie intake is driving the weight gain.

>But what if we've got things backwards and the fat gain drives the increased calorie intake?

>When a teenage boy grows rapidly in height, he eats more calories than he expends. Instead of turning into fat, the calories are used to build muscle, bones, skin and organs.

>It is not the increased calorie intake that is driving the growth, but hormones, growth factors and physiological processes that are causing the growth and the growth drives the increased calorie intake. That makes sense, right?

>What if obesity is similar? What if calories are a consequences of the weight gain, not a cause?

>In the same way that a teenage boy's muscles and bones grow because of hormones, an obese person's fat mass may be growing because of hormones.

>One example of this is drugs like some antidepressants and birth control pills, which often have weight gain as a side effect.

>There are no calories in these pills, but they alter the physiology of the body (brain and hormones) to cause weight gain. In this case, the increased calorie intake is secondary to the change in hormones.

>Bottom Line: It is possible that we are confusing cause and effect. Perhaps it's not the increased calorie intake that drives the fat gain, but the fat gain that drives the increased calorie intake.

>B-but /fit/ said
Except people have kept weight off through diet you stupid fat fuck
Looks like the fat has already gone to your brain.
If you want to be a sleazy fat fuck for the rest of your life then by all means go ahead.
Fuck you, I can't even reach normal weight, how am I supposed to get fat?
>Ever made a decision not to drink coffee after 2pm? Always do homework right after school? Only sleep in on Sundays?

>Making these kinds of changes in your life is often very difficult and the same applies to eating behavior like making the decision to eat 500 calories below your maintenance every day.

>Even though some highly motivated individuals are able to control their food intake completely (like athletes and bodybuilders), this really isn't representative of the general population.

>This is very difficult for most people and especially for people who have a tendency to gain weight.

>Let me use breathing as an example of how it is difficult to "control" a physiological function that is regulated by the brain.

>Breathing is almost completely subconscious, although you can control your breathing for a short amount of time if you manage to focus on it.

>If you made the decision to skip 1 in 10 breaths, then you could probably do it... but only for a few minutes. Then you'd get distracted and start doing something else.

>This is only possible while you're consciously focusing on it... and even if you did, you might unwillingly compensate by breathing a little heavier in the other 9 breaths, or you'd start to feel uncomfortable and stop doing it altogether.

>If you think this is a ridiculous example and not applicable to eating, then you're wrong. Eating is controlled with the same types of homeostatic mechanisms.

>Some people may be able to consciously eat less calories and manage it with portion control and / or calorie counting. But they have to stick with it for life.

>Bottom Line: Eating behavior is largely subconscious, controlled by hormones and neural circuits. It can be downright impossible to control these sorts of behaviors in the long term.
If you still want to keep arguing against this go head, but at this point your only "retorts" seem to be saying "fat" over and over. Just stop while you're ahead.
No. Just no. It's true that your body will try to keep every fat it gets AND you're biologically inclined to increasingly storing more and more fat.

But that's all behavioral. Anyone can get thinner. It might be harder for some people (particularly psychologically, as many lack the discipline), but it is ALWAYS possible.

The drugs which include weight gain will always do so by changing something that makes this person want to eat more. There are many studies that have found metabolic differences to amount to no more than 5%.
>B-But its harrrrrrd
Lol this pathetic fat fuck
I've come to the conclusion that you are baiting. Nobody is this retarded. gg wp m9
>At least it's an anonymous image board, so you won't have to carry that embarrassment.

Nothing to be embarrassed about being right and not fat. I'm really trying to understand your side here.

Are you arguing that it is not the personal responsibility of every individual to control their nutritional intake?
lmao this fatty comparing drinking soda with breathing.
As long as you guys keep eating cereals, whole bread and low fat products, it will be fucking hard to loose weight.

Stop stuffing your self with carbs, they raise insulin levels, making you store fat.
If you're a crack addict there isn't a single thing worse.

Even cancer, aids, obesity and heroine is a better fate than being clinically and morbidly addicted to crack.

BEFORE, you fucking post that goddamn smug shit remark, your opinion is null and void if at no point in your life were you ever addicted to an expensive and crippling drug.

You couldn't possibly understand what it's like, I don't mean a little line of coke, that extra gramme or so, that cutesy beginner horseshit.

I'm talking, multiple lines and a double/triple injections at once

It's the worst feeling in the world, and I'm happy I'm almost out. I'd never go back to being that hooked. It's hard to move around, no one wants to be around you, you look, feel and smell like shit, EVEN when you bathe, primp, shower, and wear nice clothes no matter what you'll ALWAYS WITHOUT EXCEPTION LOOK LIKE SHIT AS A HOPELESS COCAINE ADDICT.

Good luck to those who are still hooked life does get better once you lose it.

Though the scars never do heal.
now you know how stupid you sound you fat fuck
Do you think the article is saying CICO doesn't result in a net weight loss? It doesn't say that at all. It's saying CICO is not an effective method to both lose weight and maintain a healthy weight.
Eating better foods with better nutrients will do a hell of a lot more even without exercise than CICO. Also CICO has negative effects on your metabolism will just set you up for failure and make it harder to lose weight in the long term. See >>24166639

So is /v/ or /a/ your main board?

I'm arguing that saying losing weight isn't just eating less. You're fat because you have shitty eating habits. Going from one shitty eating habit to another is not going to keep you skinny, you need to eat better at the very least and ideally add exercise as well.
If you aren't a close minded retard who believes everything 4chan says you'll read the article and see exactly what my point is.
Accepting that it's hard is an important step in getting over it, though. It's a shame that most people involved in any of that only want to admit it's hard if it involves giving up.
False Analogy fallacy right there.
Hunger is subcosciously controlled, yes.
Eating very much is a coscious action.
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femboy here.
>tfw I'm an 18 year old male that perfectly fits a girl's size 10

What's it like to have weight?
Nah bro it's just calories in calories out :^)

They provided empirical evidence for their claims. What do you have?
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>100 lbs down
>only 20 more to go
>bitch tits starting to disappear
Lose some weight fat fuck
Youre pathetic


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>N-no you don't understand I eat right
I actually read the entire thing and it's fallacious as fuck. It's not contradicting anything I said.
And I can't see any references backing this false analogy they used.
You don't even have to eat less. You just have to exercise more.

Even just 20 minutes a day of heavy excursion make a huge difference.

I learned from experience.
It's literally calories in < calories out.

What your articles states is that certainfoods can cause certain physiological reactions, yes.
They might increase your appetite.
That's fair.

But at the end of the eay it's you deciding to stuff your face like a fucking pig.
Is this how most fat people think? This is some retarded logic. I opened this thread indifferent to fatties, but if this is the logic they use then they're kinda retarded. Do fatties really thonk eating less food and exercising more wont help them?

I love people who use science to back up their arguments while ignoring empiricial evidence that that goes agains their arguments. Not only does that fly in the face of the scientific method, but it also shows you don't have the humility to admit you're wrong, something fundamental to Science.
Either way.

>According to the "calories in, calories out" (CICO) way of thinking, obesity is simply a matter of eating too many calories.

>Proponents of this often say that the types of foods you eat aren't very important, that the caloric contribution of foods is the key.

>They say that the only way to lose weight is to eat less, move more and that it is any individual's responsibility to keep calories balanced.

>A pound of fat is 3500 calories (a kilogram is 7700). If you eat 500 calories less than you burn every day, then after a week (7 * 500 = 3500) you will have lost a pound of fat.

>From this comes "a calorie is a calorie" - the idea that all calories are created equal, no matter what foods they come from.

>Even though it is true that obesity is caused by excess calories and weight loss caused by a calorie deficit, this is still such a drastic oversimplification that it is downright wrong.

>The fact is that different foods can have vastly different effects on our bodies and go through different metabolic pathways before they're turned into energy (1).

>Just focusing on the calorie content of foods and disregarding the metabolic effects they have is a highly flawed way of thinking.

>Bottom Line: Proponents of the "Calories in, Calories out" way of thinking say that the only thing that matters when it comes to weight loss is calories, disregarding completely the metabolic and hormonal impact of foods.

Stop the ad hominem fallacies please. It hurts my logic.

If you're too fat you can't eat like a normal person (i.e. 2000 kcal) because you have higher caloric requirements (based on your weight). But even being said that, you should eat less than your caloric requirements (try eating lean meats, avoid fried stuff, and don't drink sugared drinks) and accompany that with regular exercise. Then, you should start measuring your progress on weeks, and even months. It's a long road ahead. And actually if you're too fat the first weeks you'll be losing a lot of weight :^)

Disgusting lardass subhuman
Stop stuffing your face you fat delusional fuck
>I actually read the entire thing and it's fallacious as fuck.
Do you know what citations are? This is an article that is meant for the general public that helps them understand what the cited papers are saying. If you don't believe the claims of the article you are able to go validate them by looking at the citations. It's not that complicated.

You should probably read the thread some time since it's obvious you didn't bother reading any of my posts.


Interesting read with citations.
I went from 105kg to 70kg, and I can tell you that life does get better but don't expect to become magically a good person. I was way more happy as a fat fuck when I didn't care, now I always have keep my weight in check. I do agree however that being fat is too much of a unnecessary social stigma.

And yes, I just "ate less", but how would you feel if someone just told you to just be happy to fight off your meme depression?
Changing your emotions is a lot ahrder than consciously deciding not to stuff your face.
>It's different for fat people, skinnyfat retards wouldn't ever fucking get it.

It's not, and repeating that lie is what makes people give up. It's mostly psychological, and when you give people that "out" of "I can't because I'm X", you're setting them up for failure.
I'm fat as fuck (6'0 300lbs) but I just don't care.

I'll never be happy so it's pointless to worry about being fat or not. It'll help me die quicker.
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*proceeds to order 5 pizzas and fries for himself*

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i want to see
You can't even understand what the articles states.
Are all fat people retarded?

The article and the referenced papers can summed up with this:
Certain foods influence your appetite in a non-neglectible manner.

It is a fact that eating is a coscious action.
It is a fact that people are perfectly capable. of ignoring the pleading of their bodies.
Breathing is not comparable to eating, if you understood evenan inkling of chemistry you would know why.

Yes I know what you said, it can be summed up as : Fat people are generally pathetic and have no willpower to achieve what they desire.
We read it
Youre just a delusional fat fuck who thinks its backing up his argument
what a creative funny post, turdlad
I really want to loose weight but I know it will make my gyno worse. Will building muscle help minimize it? Obviously nothing but surgery will get rid of it but I don't have the money.
>Are all fat people retarded?
You just dont get it brah
I cant lose weight even when I only order 2 pizzas for myself :^)
tbqh you can see he has good facial aesthetics even with the fat. like a girl you know would be hot if she lost weight
Letting your child become fat is the worst thing you could possibly do to their psyche. It should be considered child abuse to have an obese child.
I couldn't imagine going back to being the disgusting piece of shit I used to be, and I will not allow anyone I care for to turn their body into such a wreck.
tl;dr for any fatfags here.
The correct and easiest way to lose weight is to start eating better and to be more active, even if it's just walking around for 30 minutes a day.
Eat lots of protein (Chicken, beef, beans, etc.) and cut back on your carbs (Anything made from wheat and grains), cook your own food instead of eating processed stuff, eat around the same times every day and don't make giant portions.
I will assure you it's MUCH easier than trying to keep up a purely calorie restricted diet.

>Certain foods influence your appetite in a non-neglectible manner.

>It is a fact that eating is a coscious action.
So let me get this right. You're going to seriously argue that instead of doing what I said above, you should just eat less even though it is OBJECTIVELY more failure prone?
You're just trying to save face. CICO isn't a long term diet, it's something you do when you need to cut a few pounds fast. It has negative effects on your metabolism and will end up making it hard to keep restricting yourself. It's far easier to just eat better.
stop fatting around and go be fat somewhere else
hahahahah fatty hahahahahah are you mad fatty fatty fatty fatty
Get a calorie tracker and never lie to it. Exercise is not enough to burn of excessive calories.

/fit/, don't post, just read for 6 months and you will see progress
Literally no. When you are obese you live to eat and cope with your emotions by eating. I pity fat people because I was there but telling them just eat less is just be yourself tier advice.
Things like fat acceptance are fucking stupid but there is much point in hating fat people, they are already fucking themselves over.
Not eating 8k calories a day has to be long term.
>BEFORE, you fucking post that goddamn smug shit remark, your opinion is null and void if at no point in your life were you ever obese.

I have a 34 bmi, can I make a smug comment ?
No that's not what I am saying at all, CI<CO objectively works, which all this argument is about, in case you are illiterate.
I'm a gainer, I've been trying to become obese for almost a decade now. I keep getting sick or running out of money. I've only ever gotten to 250 @ 5'8, before almost immediately crashing back down to 190. I'd take your fat off your hands if I could, OP. Anything to have a big body.
But that's exactly what I did, and the fat melted off. It's only been about 9 months and I haven't even exercises strenuously since and I can already see/feel my Adonis belt. Dropped 70 pounds.
you're only about 2-3 tiers less worse than scat fetishists. Not enough where you should kill yourself, but enough where you should definitely browse the cleaning product section of your local supermarket.
Yes, everyone who is fat got fat by eating 6000 calories over their BMR, right? It's inconceivable they put that weight on over a long period of time, amirite?

And CICO is OBJECTIVELY, let me just write that again since you didn't seem to catch it before, OBJECTIVELY a bad method of maintaining lost weight. If you want to lose weight and keep it off the easiest and most logical way to go about doing that is to eat better. It's that simple.
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Ex fat fuck here. Used to be 310 at 6'1", dropped down to 185.

Why the fuck are you guys actually defending your lifestyle. Why are you guys ACTUALLY arguing against the idea of losing weight.

How can you be in so much denial. I don't get it.

You do realize you can lose the weight, right? None of you are some sort of special exception.

And yes, all you have to do is eat less. Working out will make it go even faster. I ate at a 250 cal deficit (wow so hard) every fucking day while doing stronglifts + accessories and now I'm healthier than ever.

Eating at a deficit isn't some rediculous idea, and it is something that is meant for long term change.
>less worse
I have an easier time rationalizibg smearing shit all over yourself and even eating it over sexually stuffing your face with food.
>skinnyfat and ordering a pizza right now

I just don't give a kek
That is a very nice statement and surely it could win you an argument.
But not this one, because it has nothing to do with what we are arguing about.
A girls size 10 is for fatass bitches
I'm a size 4
nah only things that play with or eat shit are animals so scat fags are literal degenerates.

Gainers are still disgusting and a stain on humanity but they're not as bad as that.
I used to be fat because I ate literally anything and everything any chance I got. I probably got fat from eating when I was bored, and that ended up in a lot of empty calories just building and building.

But then one Christmas I got really bad stomach flu. I didn't eat for a whole week and a half because even the thought of food made me heave. But when I could eat food again, I suddenly had no desire to eat when I wasn't hungry. On top of this I joined a track team and a football team, where I ran close to 5-8 miles a week.

Now I'm a skinny lanklet because I never took in lifting but I've still got enough bulk to look appealing.

So solution; just do drugs
True story

Main reason for losing weight you fatfucks should be gaining facial aestetics with bone structure (jaw/cheekbones)
CICO is impossible to fuck up as long as you never lie to yourself while counting calories.

On the other hand, 99% of the human population has a severely fucked up idea of what "eating better" means and would end up making 0 progress. I've seen it happen again and again.

Regardless, which one is "OBJECTIVELY BETTER" is not the issue at hand here. CICO will, in fact, allow these fat losers to lose weight. That's an OBJECTIVE fact.
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I was well over a hundred pounds overweight and yes, you have to eat less. Mental toughness, constant objective self-examination, and willpower is what it takes.
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400 pounds here
these threads always go the same
fuck you guys are annoying with this shit
why does everything always have to be black and white
not every fat person is the same, that's why some lose weight and some don't, and that's why all it takes is 'eat less' for some people and it's more complicated for others
being a fat fuck can be the root of the problem or it can be a symptom of another root, and that's what it is for me, and it's a shitty ass root that cannot be fucking budged, acknowledging that it's not black and white seems like it should be common sense
sometimes people are really just fucking lazy and all it takes is some diet and exercise
sometimes people really do have an addiction, but comparing it to cancer aids and shit is stupid as fuck and makes you sound like an overdramatic lil shit

and fuck every person who comes in here who solved their shit or never had to deal with this shit and thinks that means you objectively know all the answers

as someone who is both fat and ugly
that's a terrible opinion
Well, I don't think that the eating is sexy. It's the being physically large.

Besides, you're objectively wrong. Human disgust is related to how likely something will get you sick. Eating shit will definitely get you sick immediately; eating tons if food will only get you sick in the long run, and in between you have a huge body that is legit better to fuck and way easier to put muscle and strength on.

Why would anyone want to be weak and skinny? It's not masculine at all. It makes you feel like you're still a child. Adults have mass.
>just started counting calories and eating more vegetables and lean meats
>easily stay within 1500 calories a day
>never hungry
>lost 50lb

I don't think masculinity is worth pursuing from a purely aesthetical point of view.
Androgyny is where it's at
This argument started because people were saying it's as easy as restricting calories, ignoring all the negative effects that make it hard to maintain such a diet. Others actually said that CICO is the "simple" solution, as if keeping a log of everything you eat and constantly fighting the urge to eat is somehow simpler and easier than eating a chicken breast to satisfaction and not risking a binge later in the day.
No one in this argument (other than maybe the OP it looks like) said that CICO doesn't technically work, but it's not a solution for obesity.

>CICO is impossible to fuck up as long as you never lie to yourself while counting calories.
You don't control your urges, that's why we call them urges. If you constantly are tempted to do something chances are most people will fail eventually. Why would you use a system that is prone to this failure when you could just learn better eating habits?

>On the other hand, 99% of the human population has a severely fucked up idea of what "eating better" means and would end up making 0 progress. I've seen it happen again and again.
Which isn't helped by people like you who advocate a bad method of losing weight. You know what's a faster way to lose weight? Starve yourself. I'm sure you wouldn't argue for that though.

>Regardless, which one is "OBJECTIVELY BETTER" is not the issue at hand here. CICO will, in fact, allow these fat losers to lose weight. That's an OBJECTIVE fact.
And I never argued against that. In fact I cited parts of the article that explained the body as a thermodynamic system and even said repeatedly CICO works for short term weight loss. Just because it works doesn't mean it will be maintainable, especially if you're eating the same shitty foods you always were, just in smaller portions.
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>tfw this pathetic fat "person" will be buried in an XXL, early grave
why not kill self? Because it literally is that black and white.

You are almost THREE PEOPLE. Can you even comprehend that? Can you fully understand that you made the choice to be the combined weight of 3.5~ people.
see >>24167151
and http://authoritynutrition.com/debunking-the-calorie-myth/

They'll help you realize how to really keep the weight off.
You are perfectly capable of ignoring hunger.
There are substances that quench hunger without holding any calories.
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It's a fucking shame. Imagine if the media treated gluttony like they treated cigarettes.

Oh wait, they never will because they exist to sell you excessive amounts of shit.

Good on you though, you took some fucking responsibility and you're gonna make it.
Girl's, not women's desu
>Try this, eat till you're 100 pounds overweight.

Ignoring the fact that this is just plain stupid, how the fuck am I supposed to do this?
First of all I'm a poorfag and second of all I can't handle big meals very well nor do I like fastfood.

I'm 62 kg at 186cm, been steady like this for the past 5 years, not losing nor gaining any weight at all.
>all these failed normies itt

>what do you mean you can't get a gf bro? Just talk to girls, eventually you'll find one. It's so easy, you can even do it online! No excuses, robots!

Jesus Christ, every fucking fatty knows how to lose weight, just like how all of you khv retards know how to get a gf, but none of you are willing to put in the effort. I figured robots of all people would be more understanding.

He tried
The rope snapped
Lasi time I had McDonalds I threw up half an hour later.
>When a teenage boy grows rapidly in height, he eats more calories than he expends. Instead of turning into fat, the calories are used to build muscle, bones, skin and organs.
>It is not the increased calorie intake that is driving the growth, but hormones, growth factors and physiological processes that are causing the growth and the growth drives the increased calorie intake. That makes sense, right?
No, because I never received those signals and never started overeating, and therefore never had a growth spurt. There's an appetite trigger that causes overeating which causes growth which causes a more intense trigger. If you miss the first then you're fucked.
How can you compare interacting with an entirely different person to changing your own personal habits?
Again, why would you opt to fight the urge to eat when you could eat healthier foods to satisfaction with a healthy amount of calories and nutrients?
You're advocating the more error prone, harder to achieve method that will almost certainly fail eventually over the logical, simple, evidence backed method of eating better.

You can eat a PB&J or 200g of chicken. They'll both have the same calories, but which do you think is going to fill you up more? Even after that, the chicken will not be converted to fat as easily as the PB&J, so again the logical choice is the chicken.
Eat better. It's that simple. CICO is not a solution for being fat, it's a tool to help you lose weight in a short span of time.
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>183 cm tall
>103 kg earlier this year
>77 kg this morning

I can confirm, being fat is the worst. You look like shit, you feel like shit, clothes don't look good on you even if they fit, always sweating, always jiggling, always out of breath etc.

And the worst part is that everybody knows why you're fat; you eat too much shit. And there is no other explanation for it. Sure there are some thyroid issues or whatever, but I can guarantee 99% of all fat people just eat too much and have no legit medical issues causing it.

I can now reject fat chicks and not be a hypocrite.
>put in the effort

How am i supposed to effort my way out of being a shitskin, small dick, ugly, manlet? I wish my problem was something i could could control like being fat

These are two very different things.
But if they're eating clean, they're already "eating less" whether or not they're bothering to count calories.

Healthy foods are generally less calorically dense. By quite a large margin, actually. Back when I was losing weight I was eating baked meats + frozen veggies + oats + etc. I was sitting at about 1700-1800 a day and was fucking stuffed all the time, more so than when I ate like shit.

I was still at a caloric deficit, even if it wasn't necessarily my goal, and it didn't seem to have any negative repercussions over the long term.
My family won't love me if I'm not masculine. I'll never fulfill my childhood self-image of my adult self, following in the footsteps of my fuckhyooge nuclear scientist grandfather, I'd I'm not huge too.

I've got to be bigger. That's all.
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You have been muted for 32 seconds, because your comment
There is one thing that make CI<CO better:
People are stupid, fatties especially so.

CI<CO is cold mathematics there's no space for you warped notions of which foods are healthy and which are not.

>i hate my shirt that i am wearing currently
Why dont you change your shirt?
>its not that simple, here read these 5 articles
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But that's wrong. CICO is an integral part of losing weight over a long term period, but is meant to be in combination with eating healthier foods.

I don't think anyone here would seriously advocate eating like shit but eating less shit to lose weight. You can eat as healthy as you want, but there's still a point at which you should stop eating if you want to lower/maintain your current weight.

CICO and "eating better" are not mutually exclusive. Knowing how much you've eaten is absolutely necessary, regardless of whether or not your eating healthfully.
>No, because I never received those signals
Either there's something wrong with you or you are a manlet.

>But if they're eating clean, they're already "eating less" whether or not they're bothering to count calories.
No they aren't. Gram for gram chicken and other lean meats will be less calorie dense than something like slice of bread or even ramen. Logically if something is less dense in calories that means you can eat more of it, so with the better eating method you'll probably be eating around the same amount of food, but since that food is healthier you'll have less calories.
That's the crux of it.

>Healthy foods are generally less calorically dense. By quite a large margin, actually. Back when I was losing weight I was eating baked meats + frozen veggies + oats + etc. I was sitting at about 1700-1800 a day and was fucking stuffed all the time, more so than when I ate like shit.
I mean if you understand that you'll understand my post then.

>CI<CO is cold mathematics there's no space for you warped notions of which foods are healthy and which are not.
Oh god are you REALLY going to argue nutrients don't matter? Why don't you try drinking 2000 calories of alcohol a day and see how long it takes you to want to eat.
alright so i was gona post this on /fit/ but i'm pretty sure that they would tell me to lift. all i want to do is spook people. i was 230 in august, and i'm down to 185 now. i'm slowing down my loss a lot and i want to start making the cuts that i was having before. how do i go aobut this? all i want is a skellington body. i don't want to be musclar. I just want to be spooky. i made good losses but i want it faster. i want it to be fucking unhealthy.
Finger in throat after meals
>CI<CO is cold mathematics there's no space for you warped notions of which foods are healthy and which are not.

Thank you for saying what every fatty in this thread doesnt seem to understand.

CI<CO is strictly about weight. If i eat 1500cal a day of mcdonalds,
will I lose weight?
Will my nutritional health be comprimised?
Very likely

You're retarded its not that nutrients don't matter. Obviously if youre going to lose weight also learn to eat healthy. But that does not change the FACT that you will lose weight if you eat at a caloric deficit.
How do you think manlet is formed? It's ill nutrition causing mistiming of or fewer hormone signals.
>that pic

Consciousness was a mistake
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how do i do this without mummy noticing?

You have to be 18 to post here m90
Ask /fa/
Also see >>24167709
>But that's wrong. CICO is an integral part of losing weight over a long term period, but is meant to be in combination with eating healthier foods.
When people talk about CICO they're talking about the fad diet where you keep track of your calories. Eating better foods that are less calorie dense will naturally work via the CICO mechanism, but that's not the same as a calorie restricted diet.

>I don't think anyone here would seriously advocate eating like shit but eating less shit to lose weight. You can eat as healthy as you want, but there's still a point at which you should stop eating if you want to lower/maintain your current weight.
The point I (and that article) are trying to make is that if you eat better foods you'll be eating to satisfaction while taking in a healthy amount of calories. In a CICO diet you must keep track of what you eat and often you'll be fighting the urge to go eat more.

>CICO and "eating better" are not mutually exclusive. Knowing how much you've eaten is absolutely necessary, regardless of whether or not your eating healthfully.
It's a good to have an idea of how may calories you're eating, but obsessing over them like you need to do with a CICO diet isn't good. It can actually lead to eating disorders such a binge eating.
>why not kill self
seeing as how I'm 400 pounds i obviously don't care enough to even suicide, although i did try to an hero once at around 300 for unrelated reasons

i do comprehend that i'm three people and i do fully comprehend that i make the choice, not much a choice anymore when you lose all hope/motivation to continue living and that's kind of the point to how i became this way in the first place

really there is nothing left for someone like me but to an hero

if i wanted to lose weight i would lose weight,
i have all the knowledge in the world
ive lost 100 pounds
ive lost 50 pounds
each time by avoiding my issues and taking the 'just do it' approach, always just to crash and burn when i realize im still empty inside and realizing how pointless it really is to try

i'm not someone who complains about their weight so i guess this is all kind of irrelevant to me in the first place, i mostly just get annoyed when people generalize the entirety of fat people
i am I just live in a 1br. with my parents. it's sorta close quarters, and they monitor me like a hawk thanks to all the mental health people telling them to do so.
they started deleting /thinspo/ ;-;
Look you don't want the skeleton life.
The skeleton life is terrible, it's even worse than the fat life, disregarding the amazing aesthetics being like a twig gets you.

Are you a retard or something?
>You're retarded its not that nutrients don't matter. Obviously if youre going to lose weight also learn to eat healthy. But that does not change the FACT that you will lose weight if you eat at a caloric deficit.
Please quote where I argued against that.

Exactly. Kids go through growth spurts and then end up eating more. A child doesn't need as much energy as an adult and as you grow it's only natural that your appetite increases.
I think he's just not remembering himself doing it. I sure as hell don't remember petty things like that.

Have you tried being a homeless, aids-infested crack and heroin junkie?

No? Then fuck off.
you fat niggers need to stop playing the victim role. I was 220lbs during high school and I was a total manlet too, I looked disgusting. I lost 80 pounds over the course of like 5 years. My weight went up and down during that time but after a long slow downward trend I finally reached my goal.

Yeah. I just realized yesterday that a fat girl who seemingly crushed a little on me in high school would look like pic related if she lost some weight.
>Oh god are you REALLY going to argue nutrients don't matter? Why don't you try drinking 2000 calories of alcohol a day and see how long it takes you to want to eat.

No one was arguing nutrients don't matter
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>tfw I used to be a worthless sack of fat
>tfw I decided to improve myself after getting dumped for Chad by the only woman I've ever cared about
>tfw I'm pretty fit now and there is this autistic chick at work who is drooling all over me
>tfw she has a fat beta orbiter
>tfw I'm tempted to fuck her just to make the fat little shit feel bad even though I have no feelings for her

I've turned into Chad, haven't I?
>CI<CO is cold mathematics there's no space for you warped notions of which foods are healthy and which are not.
>there's no space for you warped notions of which foods are healthy and which are not.
>no space for ... which foods are healthy and which are not.
If you think that can be read as anything other than an implication that nutrients don't matter then I'd like to see it.
When he said "cold" mathematics I was under the implication that it wasn't that he was saying nutrients didn't matter, but that CI<CO doesn't care about whether food is healthy or not.
u gotta be kiddin
I just want to wear sick fits. I want to look good when I off myself in a few years.
Don Pehote Wofeelmingo
Which in turn implies that nutrients don't matter to weight loss, which they absolutely do.
CICO as a mechanism doesn't care, but that's an extreme simplification of weight loss, which was actually the point the article was making too.
How nice.
Look, CI<CO is the kind of thing you tell people who are LITERAL retards, because there is no way to fuck something like that up accidentally, there is NONE, it's literally impossible to fuck it up if you don't lie to yourself.

The kind of people CI<CO is for are the kind of people who would be too retarded to put together a healthy diet with all the proper nutrients in the first place.
I'm that poster and a manlet. I didn't have a growth spurt; I grew two inches a year until 16 and stopped. The problem was that the year I should have grown, I wasn't getting enough sleep, then I took a trip to Japan where we my CICO had me dropping weight, then a half year of wrestling, then a summer of not going outside and getting exercise. Every time my body wanted to start the spurt I was in some state of relative starvation for a teenager. So I didn't grow
>not doing intermittent fasting
>not eating whatever you want in your feed window
>not being on a consistent calorie deficit
>thinking this is hard to do

I've been doing alternate day fasting for three years. I allow myself 600 calories in the fast period and then eat whatever the fuck I want on the eating days. I lost like 30 pounds and now maintain a healthy body weight. I usually start and end my days at dinner time. So breakfast, lunch, dinner as normal one day, then nothing but six hundred calories until dinner the next day. Then you start over
In a CICO diet you lower your metabolism (which means you'll store more fat and burn less of it) and are restricting the amount of food you eat (note I said food, not calories) which will likely leave you hungry. Most people will be able to fight hunger for a while, but after a while they'll give in, which is called binging. Binge/purge cycles aren't unique to eating, so it's not surprising that it happens with the strong urge we call hunger.
If you eat healthier foods that aren't as calorie dense you'll be eating to satisfaction, not only due to the volume of food but the nutrients as well. It's a lot easier to fail a CICO diet than to eat healthier foods.

I'm sorry to hear that anon. When I said you were a manlet I wasn't trying to be offensive just so you know
They won't because companies need to make money.

One reason obesity is problem is because companies feed off on fatties.
Advertisements everywhere.
>waah scars
Top fef, nobody gives a fuck. You're not a woman.

I can agree with the rest doe.
my wealthy, tall, educated boyfriend seems to think i look alright so i think i'll survive
>If you eat healthier foods that aren't as calorie dense you'll be eating to satisfaction, not only due to the volume of food but the nutrients as well. It's a lot easier to fail a CICO diet than to eat healthier foods.
Again, you overestimate fatties. Fat people tend to be stupid, otherwise they wouldn't be fat.
Since if they weren't retarded, they could do what you're telling them to do and do it right and as a direct consequence not be fat.

CI<CO has to work, otherwise there is something very wrong with you, again there is no way you can fuck it up unless you are intentionally and actively sabotaging yourself.

And if you feel the need to binge you can always push your finger into your throat once you're done.
>Replacing a mental illness with another

You sound like someone who makes good choices
I dunno, bulimia is easier to fix than being a fucking fatty. Seems like a good trade for me, even if bulimia is worse for you in the short run.
CICO isn't an effective, long term weight loss strategy. It doesn't matter what you think of fat people, the evidence says it's better to eat right.
Actually im someone who wants to see all fatfags die
Do it pham
Just do it now
The trip to Japan was worth it, but I still wish I were bigger. If I can't be tall, I'll take being fat or muscular.
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It's not like any of us had a chance anyway.
I am doing it. I want to do it faster. I want to do it more extreme. I want it gone yesterday. I just want to sleep for months and wake up to a skellington body. I want to sleep for a year. After the 7th month give me a low cal meal thru a tube. I want to look like a YSL model. That is my inspo. YSL or die senpai.
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>tfw 5'8 220 builtfat mode
>tfw after a cut to 10% i will probably only be 175 pounds soaking wet
>I don't mean a little chub, that extra 20 lbs or so, that cutesy normalfat horseshit.
Then why choose that for your image?
>tfw 5'8 220 builtfat mode
no homo of course
If you live unhealthy and you become fat you deserve it and you should die
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nah man, nah. last time i posted myself i received a largely negative reaction

im about 25%bf or even more so go figure. im looking at at least 6 months cutting
>"only 175"
cmon big boy...just for me
yeah thats small as fuck. ill admit i probably got dysmorphia but i want to be 200-220 shredded
>tfw 5'11" and 127lb
Try me.
6' 110lbs
I've got a 34 inch waist at 68" and 190 pounds. Technically that's the sweet spot of just being slightly overweight enough to survive a major sickness without having a crapton of fat around your organs (if you're active, which I am). 175 is on the small edge of average for a grown-ass man if you're anywhere near average height.
I've never been more than 190 pounds, and with my even 6 foot height that's a nice average build

It's not that hard, I just don't eat a shit ton of food constantly and have a job that keeps me from sitting down
How does that even happen?
How can you be this skinny?

I've lost 30kg over the last 5 months. I've been obese my entire life and I finally decided enough was enough. If you want a relatively easy way to lose weight, go see your doctor and ask about going on a high protein diet. High protien diet combined with 10 minutes of weight lifting, 50 pushups, a few km of jogging every day and swimming a few times a week. You can do it even if you think that it's impossible to get better from where you're at now (honestly that's how I used to feel, that my body was in such a state that it was hopeless to even try). The most important thing is that you have to make the decision to get fit for your own health and well being and not for the approval of others.
>started at 220
>down to 206
>see absolutely no difference in body
I'm gonna keep going but at best ill probably only ever be skinny fat/regular fat
5'8 180 pounds my bmi is under 30
Is there anything more pathetic than a person who complains about problems that are in their control? Complaining about being fat is like complaining that your bedroom is messy or that your shoes are untied. Just do something about the problem, retard
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This thread has convinced me that being fat and having a low IQ must have some sort of correlation.
Unless its under 25 you're still an overweight fat fuck
this is what fatties actually believe
You sound like a pretentious asshole. Just cause you tried dope once and didn't get addicted doesn't mean anything. Do it for a week or two everyday multiple times a day and I want to see you "just stop using". You'll be sucking my dick for a 10 bag on day 15
Stop being retarded the point was people in the US still called overweight people fat
>tfw fat as kid
>was bullied for it, didn't make many friends
>got skinny in middle school
>some girls like me, but I'm socially autistic
>guys treat me okayish, some thing I'm a sperglord
>I'll always be a failed normie
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>tfw a fat fuck

This thread's making me want to go full anorexic. I'm a fucking failure at dieting and exercising well so might as well just brute force it. I know it's a fucking retarded idea before you say.

None of the fat people I've known ever got girlfriends, whilst the skinniest, shortest people always seemed to get them eventually.
Keep the cycle going lad
same story, thanks f a m, this will be my motivation. for real
I may not understand being fat but I understand the Laws of Thermodynamics which govern everything

Sorry but your fat doesn't trump basic scientific principles
>255 pounds in high school
>160 pounds in college
>210 pounds shortly after college
>160 pounds today
>145 pounds goal

the worst part about being a former fatass is the loose skin. skin is a little loose on my stomach but i hope to god it'll shrink as i lose these last 15 pounds. if not, it's going to cost me $5-10k to have it surgically removed.
oh and on top of that my body holds fat in the most retarded way.

>160 pounds
>left man boob is larger than the right one
>massive amounts of lower back fat / huge love handles

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i was a "little chubby", OP and i must say it was the most shamefull thing to experience i only lost it because the anti, depressants and ADHD medicine caused me to lose all desire to eat. but during that time my asshole brother constantly ripped on me for being fat and would call me fatass and jiggletits it was one of the most degrading things i have ever experienced i can only imagine what your going through, OP.

exercise has never made me lose weight or barely any at all it was really the shitty meds that saved me from fathood.
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IKTFB, was 220lbs at 15, shrunk down to 130lbs by 21, then drank myself back up to 190 over 3 years and now lingering around 170 while trying to get back to 150. Got flabby shit everywhere and think I got some type of body dysmorphia going on because I always see myself as fatter than I actually am. Even at 130lbs I still thought I was a fat fuck
I lost like 50 lbs because I didn't feel like getting up to eat sometimes, I was busy playing vidya.
>Addiction literally only applies to weak people.

Ah senpai will you ever learn. You'v never done anything fun.
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>be fat
>want to go to gym to lose weight
>got stretch marks from being fat
>because of stretch marks, I can't even imagine showering at the gym
>because I can't shower at the gym and I move way to far away from the gym to not shower at the gym and even if I would shower at home people would think it's becaue I'm ashamed of my penis or something
>can't apply for certain jobs since I have to be "noticeably healthy" to apply to them
>stuck in a downward spiral

waiting for the heart attack to take me
Ok tubsy wubsy
Every single body is beautiful you fucking privileged shitlord, check your almost-thin privilege
help me senpai I'm two days into it and all I can do is think about eating an entire pizza on my day off. When does it get better nigga I'm dying.

weight loss is about not eating like a pig.

If you can do burpees, then you can lose weight.

Just have to not eat a shit ton of junk food. Eat less you fat pig.
This. Calories in, calories out, nigga.
Protein and fat are lower on the glycemic index than carbohydrates, especially sugars, meaning they take longer to be processed and enter your bloodstream, meaning your blood sugar stays at a more-or-less constant level as they digest compared to the spike and crash of carbohydrates.

In other words, protein and fat increase satiety (make you feel full/less hungry) better and for longer than carbohydrates (though complex carbohydrates get close.)

This is something we've known since forever, and isn't magical. It also doesn't mean the people in the "Very Low-Carbohydrate" group were eating more calories than the "Low-Fat" group, simply that their diet made them feel less hungry and as a result they ate less calories.

There's also the fact that nobody credible has proposed that dietary fat is responsible for changes in body fat (except as it contributes to overall caloric intake.)

Now, if we're talking about low carbohydrate intake to the point of ketosis then there is an actual metabolic difference, and you actually can intake more calories relative to a non-ketogenic diet but the overall effect is minor. The reason this happens is because some of the products of ketosis (like acetone) leave the body (via exhalation, etc.) before they are completely metabolized, which does not happen during normal metabolic processes (unless you are eating extremely high amounts of protein or are an untreated diabetic.)
>changes in body fat (except as it contributes to overall caloric intake.)
should be
changes in body fat (except as it contributes to overall caloric intake) for close to 20 years.
So are you in medicine or biology?
>It also doesn't mean the people in the "Very Low-Carbohydrate" group were eating more calories than the "Low-Fat" group, simply that their diet made them feel less hungry and as a result they ate less calories.
Well yeah, that's the point I was trying to make, but you put it a lot more concisely.

The point of the article and the point I was trying to make is that a calorie restricted diet is not a very good solution to obesity, especially if you're still eating the same junk foods you were before you started the diet. Would you disagree with that statement?
Yeah being fat sucks balls especially when you used to be thin. I feel like such shit that I vowed never to leave the house until I lost weight. It's been 3 years now.
>The basic laws of thermodynamics don't apply to me because muh feels and muh mcdonalds is too tasty
Guys have you ever stopped to think that if it really were this easy then barely anyone would be fat? Nearly 40% of the population is overweight therefore either you admit that losing weight is hard or you are an edgelord that believes that 40% of the population is retarded. There are a zillion reasons someone would be fat in todays world
>Grew up in a household that fostered shitty eating habits
>Have a demanding job, no time to plan meals or exercise
>Depressed and unemployed, food is the only thing enjoyable that you can afford
If we started treating obesity as a psychological issue we would actually get somewhere but instead we smash our heads against a brick wall with the same overly simplistic advice that has little bearing on reality.
>you are an edgelord that believes that 40% of the population is retarded.
It's more like 99% of the population.

Also, in the western world, 75% of the population is overweight.
Let me make an analogy for you. I assume you're not fat and hence eat normally right? You are used to this, you've been doing this for years. You want to gain weight however so you follow the super simple advice of "eat more". Should be easy right? No. Probably a week in your stomach will hurt and you will feel bloated and sick all the time. BECAUSE YOU'RE NOT FUCKING USED TO EATING THAT MUCH. I've seen many wannabe /fit/fags actually complaining about having to double their calories, it's like a gruelling chore to them lmao. Now a guy who is 400 lbs, he has been eating monstrous amounts of food for years, so he can eat 5,000 calories a day no problem, it's nothing to him whereas the /fit/fag would struggle. Now I'm not defending OP obviously both can change their eating habits if they stick with it long enough but to say that to just halve your calories cold turkey will be a walk in the park from day one is fucking retarded. It has taken me three whole years to eat three meals a day and not feel hungry. Three years. I've been trying my hardest since 2012 and only now have I managed it.
>Now a guy who is 400 lbs, he has been eating monstrous amounts of food for years, so he can eat 5,000 calories a day no problem
Actually, this is not true. You only have to eat "monstrous amounts of food" until you get to 400, then your hormone production gets fucked up, your metabolism slows down, and your body gets fucked completely, and then you can eat less than an "average" person and still maintain that weight just fine. This is the main problem that people who have always been thin don't understand.
Ah, I didn't realize. Got linked to here from /fit/ and just responded to that one post straightaway.

>Would you disagree with that statement?

Yes I would disagree, but not in total.

Calorie restriction is of utmost importance because you must eat less calories than you expend to lose weight.


Calorie restriction is not the only thing that is important, and while it is technically possible for someone trying to lose weight to just eat a calorie restricted diet that consists of the same foods they ate before they started the diet, someone on such a diet would likely fall back into old eating habits. Only counting calories by itself without taking anything else into consideration and without addressing habits and lifestyle is unlikely to work.

Things like the effect the glycemic index has on satiety are important because they help someone on a diet adhere to the calorie restrictions they have placed themselves under, but--like counting calories--on it's own it will not likely produce the desired result.

It's also important for people just starting a diet to count calories (including weighing foods with a food scale) because people that overeat tend to severely underestimate the amount they eat and eat very large portions of things (like how under weight people tend to over-estimate the amount they eat.) Accurately measuring their caloric intake is a vital tool not only to track their actual intake and know if they are actually eating a caloric deficit, but also to get a better idea of what a reasonable portion looks like.

TL;DR: Caloric deficit is required, counting calories is required for information purposes, everything else helps the dieter succeed in adhering to the caloric deficit.
This isn't true, it's way easier to lose weight if you're 400 lbs should you manage to eat less, I am arguing that it's harder to eat less in the first place if you're 400 lbs.
The best way is to eat the same thing every day. I tried eating whatever and calorie counting and it quickly became a degree in accounting.
>>This isn't true, it's way easier to lose weight if you're 400 lbs should you manage to eat less
Yes, ok, whatever you say chief. You totally don't have that friend who eats everything all day and is still thin as a stick, right?
I know what you mean but if you watch him carefully you will see that the actually eats less on average. I do sympathize with you unlike all the other edgemasters in this thread but what they say is right that it boils down to calories in calories out at the end of the day. Whether you can reduce your calories is another story. I'm on a diet right now, it fucking sucks, only 3 meals, basically have to eat the same shit everyday in order to keep track of calories, no cake and ice cream or burgers because it sets off my cravings, fuck anyone who says it's easy.
>what they say is right that it boils down to calories in calories out at the end of the day.
Sure does, except it's perfectly possible for someone to need 2000kcal to maintain their weight, and for someone else to need 1000kcal.

And, you know, if you go below a certain intake, your body gets EVEN MORE fucked up.
I used to be fat, I'm down to 80 kgs now, Meth is a hell of a drug.
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I was 130kg/287lbs down to 88/194. You L I T E R A L L Y just have to eat less. Eating good food also helps.

Pic related is 40 pounds of food for two weeks.
You can stretch your stomach also.. just try to slowly start eating more and train to increase hunger. if you are really having trouble drink calories.. This is the dumbest argument I have ever heard
Drink more soda and energy drinks, problem solved.
Being black isn't really bad at all.
>tfw fat whole life
>tfw still active because of brothers
>unexpectedly mobile fatty in gym
>shoot hoops like pro
>hockey monster
>dodgeball bait
>ran mile 3 days a week in hs
>still was 250lbs
>fast forward 8 years
>tons of muscle from pushing metal all day
>played volleyball over summer at family party
>skinny brother outplayed by bear
>quits to leave bear and sports brothers to play

I love food too much and no matter what or how much I eat, I always feel like I can eat more. It's a curse.
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sup brah. go back to bodybuilding .com you fucking normie.
>The best way is to eat the same thing every day. I tried eating whatever and calorie counting and it quickly became a degree in accounting.
I can sympathize, but it's easier now than ever with the many fitness sites/apps that allow you to track calories (myfitnesspal, fatsecret, etc.) since you can just search for whatever you ate and input it that way. A food scale is a necessity though for things that are not packaged individually and restaurant food can be a pain. Cooking can also be a pain depending upon what you make, but for most it's easy enough--the food scale helps tons with this just because you can plop down however much of what you need to cook and have a mass and input that instead of messing around with volumes, which can even be inaccurate as per the labeling anyway.
>And, you know, if you go below a certain intake, your body gets EVEN MORE fucked up.
The whole "starvation mode" idea/meme is on par with the "limiting dietary fat is the most important thing for losing weight" bullshit. The level at which you may start losing lbm is a threshold most people that are considering diets will not need to worry about. It's below 5-10%bf for males and around 15-20% for females, though the female number is less reliable due to lack of data. As for daily intake if you're eating more than 500kcal a day (note: you probably shouldn't actually be eating this, don't go lower than 1500kcal unless directed by a doctor) and getting all your minimum macro and micro-nutrients AND above that bf% threshold you won't be losing lbm.

You can have a temporarily lowered metabolism during a severely calorie-restricted diet, but the effect is somewhere on the order of 10% and it is not a permanent reduction and will return to normal once the diet is stopped (unless you did diet down below that bf% threshold and lost lbm.) That 10% reduction is not insurmountable by any means.

It's also asinine to think of: that your body will consume muscle tissue (and other lbm) which was both more "expensive" to create in the first place, not very "expensive" to maintain, more "expensive" to break down, harder to break down, and will be more "expensive" to replace later on (and thus actually increase caloric expenditure once food become available in greater quantity), rather than deplete fat stores which are expressly for that purpose. Also note glycogen stores are not muscle tissue.
>Sure does, except it's perfectly possible for someone to need 2000kcal to maintain their weight, and for someone else to need 1000kcal.
Most fat people, and especially obese people, will be significantly above that 2000kcal mark. Even their BMR (not their TDEE, but what they would expend while in a coma) would be above that mark, because it takes calories to maintain fat cells.

The other thing is people that over-eat tend to under-estimate their intake and people that under-eat tend to over-estimate their intake.

There are also studies that point to some individuals needing severely increased caloric intake to gain and maintain weight because their bodies are just awful at digestion, but there doesn't appear to be an inverse to that, where someone needs severely decreased caloric intake to lose weight because their bodies magically gain extra calories from things.
Telling a fat person "just stop eating" is like telling a depressed person "just cheer up", or a heroin addict "just stop shooting".
>Being embarrassed about stretch marks
I get them when I gain or lose more than 5 pounds, no matter what. I just deal. No one cares.
>Most fat people, and especially obese people, will be significantly above that 2000kcal mark.
800kcal here, 350lbs.
>>It's also asinine to think of: that your body will consume muscle tissue (and other lbm) which was both more "expensive" to create in the first place, not very "expensive" to maintain, more "expensive" to break down, harder to break down, and will be more "expensive" to replace later on (and thus actually increase caloric expenditure once food become available in greater quantity), rather than deplete fat stores which are expressly for that purpose.
Yet this is exactly what happens, guess doctors are donkeys then.
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>eat till you're 100 pounds overweight

Perhaps you shouldn't have eaten so much in the first place you fat fuck.
>800kcal here, 350lbs.
What is the source on this number? Is this your TDEE or BMR? Do you have any of the health issues that cause you to retain large amounts of water?
And it happens when males at greater than 10%bf eat greater than 1500kcal a day?
ty hungry skelington
>Do tons of exercise yet still somehow stay fat
This fucking feel right here. Turns out the workouts were raising my appetite. I stopped exercising and I finally lost weight.
>Aunt invites you for dinner
>How many calories are in her 30 ingredient soup?
The only answer is to not go and become a hermit until you lose weight.
I don't have the option right now. I literally handle thousand of pounds of metal all day at my job and I'm on my feet all day. I might have to leave it for school, so I guess I'll see what happens.

no the answer is just to go, eat her 30 ingredient soup and thank her for it, then don't eat anything the next day.

come on man don't be retarded.
Unless your aunt is inviting you to dinner every night, then just estimate the content of the soup (search for nutrition info for a similar soup) and continue on with your diet afterwards. If you're adhering to your diet properly the rest of the time, you will still continue to lose fat.

Same with going out with friends; limit your intake if possible or make healthier choices, but if it's unfeasible then just mark it off as a cheat day. Continue your diet afterwards and you will still lose weight.

The trick is not to fall back into old habits when you do this. If your friends/family are taking you out to eat calorie-dense food every couple of days then you may have to make some changes.

If your family and friends are fat and have habits that keep them fat then that can be a bummer. Fat family and friends that expect you to frequently eat with them and in the same amounts can be a hurdle to overcome, and it sucks.
>mfw im 6'2 slav genetci
>used to be be fit till 24
>get 40 extra pounds in 3 years
>feels the change
>girls dont event look at me
>im wealthy, with degree and fat is not even flabby
theres is nothing worst in this world than be fat, oh waith, theres is one little thing worst...
is tryng to go back and lose the fucking weight, and lose the bad habits, and break the crippling depresion that tooks you deep down the spiral of death
>Anon here's some ice cream too after you're done
>What do you mean you don't want it? Why did you come if you are going to bring your diet bullshit with you? Do you know how long I spent preparing this?
Yeah its really best to just not go in order to be that awkward guy who has really restrictive dinner time needs.
Are you me? I was slim until 18 then university feels hit and I gained 100 lbs in just one year. I wish I never went.
>>Anon here's some ice cream too after you're done
>>What do you mean you don't want it? Why did you come if you are going to bring your diet bullshit with you? Do you know how long I spent preparing this?
If she actually made the ice cream then 11/10 aunt, will probably be delicious. Treat it the same as the soup and estimate it. Perhaps tell her in the future you would prefer if she wouldn't make so much if it gets to be a problem. Another possibility is if you know you're going over to her house to eat later in the day, then eat less earlier in the day.

If it's just store brought ice cream then politely decline before she gets it out for you.

>Yeah its really best to just not go in order to be that awkward guy who has really restrictive dinner time need
There's no reason for this--you don't have to cut yourself off from friends and family to be on a diet and it's dumb and self-destructive to do so. You can eat less of stuff or eat only certain things (if in a family meal where multiple people are serving themselves from dishes) and stay on your diet or at least limit how far off your diet you go.

If it's something where you have fat family members that are overeating and expect you to over-eat with them frequently, or they want you to eat more because they don't understand your diet or your losing weight makes them upset then that's another thing. Remember that you're an adult and not a toddler and can limit your intake as you see fit, and your family needs to respect that so long as you are not demanding that they change their habits or do extra work to accommodate you.
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>I just literally can't stop shoving shit in my fat fucking maw

>losing weight is so hard
Fucking this. Fucking this!!!

I'm actually underweight. I suffer from all sorts of eating disorders because I've been eating less so many times throughout my life. Then at one point I just couldn't control it and started binge eating all day every day. The binge eating helped develop night eating syndrome and even when I don't eat at all during the day, I struggle to not wake up 2:00am with a subconcious urge to binge.

I am in a cycle of hell. Food is an addiction AND I'M NOT EVEN FUCKING FAT!

People don't get it, and I can understand why. You really have to experience it to understand. It's like when people tell others will depression to just stop being sad.
I don't get the genuine rage some people feel towards fat people
I don't either. You should go visit /fit/ to see how irrational people can get when it comes to hating overweight people.
It's jealousy. People see doing what they've conditioned themselves into thinking they can't and get anally devastated over it. Why should he eat pizza and shit when I am telling myself that I can't?

they just want to see people get healthier

JK LMAO calling people fat makes them feel better
Nice qt on the left, smug cunt on the right, every time.
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>swimming laps at the pool to lose weight
>guy in the next lane over says "yeah stretch your muscles you fat piece of shit"
This. I lost weight so fast when I did keto. I fell off the wagon for the most part, but I didn't gain any of it back. I've gotten kinda lazy, but I know that if I start larding up I can lose weight before letting myself spiral back into being a fat piece of shit.
>going outside when fat
Starve yourself until you look normal then go outside fat faggot no one wants to see your disgusting floppy tits.
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240 to 160 here
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The fact that the western world is under a major obesity epidemic determines that is a lie
At least they're not niggers.
Shut up you faggot.

I'm a fat fuck but I've already lost like 20 kgs (I told you I was a fat fuck) by eating less trash.
You eat all that in two weeks?
No wonder you're a fattie.
I don't know about being obese being the worst for someone. There is no doubt that it is bad, but I can think of a few that are worse.

Depression that doesn't respond to treatment is pretty bleak.
Derealization/Depersonalization disorder has no treatment and is pretty bad.
MS is really shitty after having seen a few people go through it.
Schizophrenia is some bad shit even with meds.

In the end, being fat/obese is a choice for most people. I can't support the notion that something completely and easily treatable is worse than disorders and conditions that literally have no treatment besides pallative.
Then tell me how to gain weight.
"just eat more brah" doesn't work.
CICO doesn't work, I can't keep a surplus up.
>>In the end, being fat/obese is a choice for most people.
So is depression, faggot.
>So is depression, faggot.
yeah but mine isn't so that's why i posted that.
Yes it is, man up you lazy piece of shit.
>Yes it is, man up you lazy piece of shit.
welp it was a close one for me
same here my man, I probably could lose the weight if I wanted to, but that would involve giving up all the foods I love so nah. I've already accepted my status as a future fatty
/r/ skinnyfat wojak pic
175 is pushing it for a 5'8 manlet. 5'8's should be a lean form in the 140-50's range. If you're going above that as a manlet its compensating like a stout little dwarf.
i dont care about what society thinks of me, at all. i just want to push myself and see just how wide and sickening i can truly get, natty currently and eventually with the help of the special sauce
God I wish I had your body type. I've always wished that I could be the massive behemoth roaring down the field towards some unlucky chump.
>TFW lankfags say this because it fucks with their expectations
>"He's shorter than me, he CAN'T be stronger and more built than me!"
>Manlet steals his girl because he's a lankfag who relied on his height too much and never developed his body or personality
>"Nothing personnel, kid"
>eating less and exercising more leads to weight loss
fatties are literally retarded
>barely eat
>2 meals a day tops
>only sweets i have is the little bit of sugar i have with my coffee
>still have a gut and fucking disgusting love handles

meanwhile some asshole eats everything he wants, drinks beer every weekend, doesn't exercise, and is still skinny has the nerve to tell me to just stop eating so much if i want to lose weight.
It's pretty easy Anon.
You just eat less by restricting portion size.
Substitute unhealthy shit for better stuff.
Exercise more.
Repeat and it becomes routine and it gets easier.
You see results and feel better but it's not going to magic it self away after 3 weeks.
I don't know how fat fags do it. I felt like I was a fatass at 140 so I went on a diet back down to 100 ASAP.
as a male, i've always had an aversion to being small, because in my mind a man shouldnt be small

i was cutting down and once i hit 150 i couldnt do it anymore, like i was getting so small and weak and i felt like a little girl. i wasnt even that lean, probably 15% but i just hated the feeling of being light. i bulked up 60 pounds from there and im definitely fatter sure but i feel a lot stronger and more solid and i think thats a better feel than being frail
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congratulations, you're a fucking enigma beyond science!

you stupid fuck.


Yeah if you want to look like an auschwitz model.

If you actually want an athletic, lean body you'll be 170lbs @ 10% bodyfat.
Fast metabolish is science lmao.
see, i want to be BEYOND athletic, BEYOND zyzzmode, i want to be an absolute monster and at 5'8 that leaves me at about 2 hundy or more LEAN. i'll need juice for that ofc
I bet both those meals are extra large value sized calorie bombs.
Kill yourself fag
>edgelord that believes that 40% of the population is retarded.

Its way more than that.
Think of how stupid the average american is. Now think about how half of em are dumber than that
>idiots not realising this is a before and after photo

fat fucks are ugly cuz theyre fat.
I'm just so fucking lazy that I end up not making any food. When I do eat, I eat healthy shit like brown trout that my gramps catches

>doesnt exercise
>complains he cant lose weight

Just kill yourself fatfag!
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youll have to improvise and buy pizza with extra meat and cheese, or have some chickun on the side for dem protons.
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>I hardly eat at all
>I eat so healthy
>I haven't eaten all day (after drinking coke and stuffing face with snacks all morning)
idk man, threads like this seem to just be cries for attention for people who are trying so hard to keep up with celebrities like Bradley Cooper.
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>I'm healthy despite my unhealthy lifestyle
>I'm healthy apart from muh conditions
>My diabetes is genetic and has nothing to do with the 200 teaspoons of sugar I eat daily
I overeat because it makes me feel better. No amount of online bitching is going to change that.
>I use heroin on a daily basis because it makes me feel better
Why did you even post this
such beauty. i would love to give her a foot massage with the most luxurious oils and herbal essences.
>You don't even have to eat less

You can't outrun a bad diet.
a half hour of exercise might burn up to 200 calories, you can eat 200 calories without even noticing or feeling full after in less than 3 mins.
>half hour of exercise

if you do it right, and you're in the gym properly lifting for each bodypart youre doing, you should be there for an hour or even two

my back and bicep workout takes 90 minutes, because i hit everything from every possible angle and i do lots of sets
I was just being realistic.
fatties overestimate the amount of calories they are burning constantly and tend to only work out for 15-20 mins of the 2 hours they're at the gym.
you would probably consider me a fatty myself because im 215 pounds and like 25% bf kek but im getting ready to cut to 175 or so, and it pains me to see people go in for a back an bis and maybe do like a few sets of cable rows, some pulldowns and some ez bar curls and that's it
Unless you're a girl. Even a lot of guys have a bbw fetish. You literally can't be unattractive if you have a vagina
Being chubby isn't the same as being a heroin addict, friend. Being chubby isn't the same as being 300kg
ahh the sexism meme
I know that a grip of obese niggers will be reading this thread so... IF YOU WANT TO LOSE WEIGHT, GUARANTEED, DO SOME RESEARCH ON KETOGENIC DIETS. If you do it right where you get a minimum and a maximum of protein per day and fill in the rest of your calories to your desired caloric deficit in from healthy fats you are GUARANTEED to lose weight and it will be EASY because you WON'T FEEL HUNGRY ALL OF THE TIME. I've lost 60lb with no exercise and I don't even desire sweets or carbs anymore, keto broke my addiction.
100 lbs overweight here. I eat about 1200 calories a day and well a lot. Not enough to lose weight. I do not even eat fast good. I hand make my own meals. Healthy food at that
Damn auto correct. I walk a lot at work for hours. --**
see >>24188338
Also, the food you make isn't healthy. Eat a ketogenic diet to reset your insulin response so that you can actually utilize your stored fats as energy. Or, alternatively, you can believe the shit that the Coca-Cola Beverage Institute for Health & Wellness puts out into the world to keep people believing that calories in calories out is all that matters and that sugar is benign.
My mom is a nutritionist. I know what I am doing. I have a fucked thyroid. I have a load of other problems as Well. Planning on lifting here to utter exhaustion 4 times a week to hopefully overcome my hormone imbalance.
I just dont get how any self respecting robot can justify being fat. Odds are if you are posting here you have enough problems already trying to relate to people. Why the fuck would you add being overweight to that equation? Real robots have no excuse to be fat, its not like your going out to eat with a social circle. Skip that drive thru meal you eat in shame and lose some damn weight.
>100lbs overweight
>know what you're doing
Alright dude, good luck. When that doesn't work at all, reflect back upon this interaction and consider exploring the alternative.
lol, see

My thyroid is absolutely crippled to the point it barely functions (late hashimoto's disease) and I was able to lose weight by counting calories. Didn't even excercize.

Tell your mom to get a new job.
>tfw put on 20 pounds over the course of a few months
time to watch my diet senpai and get some exercise.
Lol no I just need to exercise more. And not drink.
No, trust me, from someone with a nearly dead thyroid, you are over-eating.
I'm a fat fucking nerd (230 lbs at 5'9) and have high IQ.

I want to lift heavy and eat well but fast food is too tasty.
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Your Mom doesn't know shit.
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Ayy lmao 5'11 125lbs reporting in.
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Just go to the gym and lose weight and stop caring about what others think of you, if an insecure goth teenager can do it so can you.
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