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Kiwi Wizard Student Quest

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You are Brian Schilling, a 10 year old kiwi wizard student from Auckland.

When half a dozen wizarding school invitations arrive in the mail at your home, you are faced with the choice of either

>go to Britain to pick up a wand and first year standard books and clothes


>stay in NZ and be a correspondence student (basically left alone with a small library of books and your core wizarding items and having a brief set of lectures and explanations of the Must Do Not Do This Ever, and Things That Must Be Done), teaching yourself.

Your parents are very understanding and caring and will try and help you succeed in life. NZ has a very small wizarding community mostly around Christchurch.

Also, basic character choice

A >am sort of nerd

B >not a nerd remotely
Stay and be a nerd.
>stay in NZ and be a correspondence student (basically left alone with a small library of books and your core wizarding items and having a brief set of lectures and explanations of the Must Do Not Do This Ever, and Things That Must Be Done), teaching yourself.

>am sort of nerd
>stay in NZ and be a correspondence student (basically left alone with a small library of books and your core wizarding items and having a brief set of lectures and explanations of the Must Do Not Do This Ever, and Things That Must Be Done), teaching yourself.
>B >not a nerd remotely
Compete nerds are boring.
Am sort of a nerd isnt a euphemism, it just means he tends towards reading and introvertedness. Neither choice are fixed, they are more general.
Go to Britain/Africa! Learn Voodoo
Be a computational math nerd not a pop culture nerd. Listen to mozart and compete in algorithm competitions.

>>go to Britain to pick up a wand and first year standard books and clothes

>am sort of nerd
3 stays with 2 sort of nerds and 1 non nerd.

1 for britain or african

1 for being a computer and pop culture kiwi wizard.
Okay looks like we are staying and we are just a normal kid who likes reading a bit, likes some music and video games. Fairly well rounded.

And he says in Auckland. Okay writing.
Can we become a necromancer that works for DOC and make the Haast Eagle great again?
"Mum! Dad! look what I found in the mail! There are like six letters all to me! Looks like I am getting a bunch of invitations to some schools. Must be jokes since they all say I am a "wizard" and need to start learning magic.

Can you take a look at them mum?"

Your mum reads the letters with interest, and goes to her computer and tries out some of the names. "Hmm, looks like 5 of them are from allegedly magic schools in Africa - the names are definitely from Africa. And there is one from Britain. Hogwarts. That's very interesting, ooh good. They have some phone numbers and letter box addresses. I suggest that we call up the one from "Hogwarts" since the British wizarding community - if it isn't just a joke - is probably much easier to understand than African communities."

Your dad comes into the room and flicks through the mail too, "Hey look Brian, I found a little box that says "proof of magic existing" it has some ingredients and a list of instructions for making a potion that turns the drinker a glowing blue if made by a wizard. there is enough to make two of them, maybe just in case there needs to be a control group? quite a nice idea."

You and your dad get separate bowls out of the cupboard and mix the ingredients, following the instructions. He drinks his potion first, and grimaces, "Am I glowing? this is very sour sherbet with a slight taste of snails. I haven't died yet so I think it's safe for you to drink your one. Wow! You are fucking glowing! oh sorry dear, You are *forking glowing. So you a wizard my son! Congrats! let's give these people a call then. I wonder if they allow correspondence lessons because I want you to be home for us to keep track of you and make sure everything is safe. Can't trust weird people. They probably live away from us normal people."

part 1/2
Mum nods, "yes dear, unless you want to go boarding school in Africa or Britain, you should stay here and we will do our best to help you learn. Might be really awesome to be away from larger wizarding communities when learning.

Anyway, let's call up the hotline...

Hello, this is Yleana Schilling, Brian Schilling's mother. I am calling to confirm that the letters have arrived. And to tell you folk that he will be learning at home. We do need to get the equipment and books for him to start learning though... Yes yes, we will visit Britain and your "Diagon Alley" to get his magic wand. Picking up books, making sure all paperwork is sorted and it will be good. Thank you, bye!"

Two days later you and your parents are visiting Diagon Alley.

Along with the standard first year stuff, what do you buy?

And what type of wand do you want?

A: flexible wand that doesn't break easily and is versatile, with no weaknesses or major strengths. (you can do anything that you learn).

B: thick and clunky wand with dragonheartstring. Very strong spells with less refinement and nuance. More of a big brush type strategy.

C: fine and finnicky with thestral heart strings. Very personal, not totally reliable in strength but has the best capability of doing fine wandwork and VERY subtle.

D:write in.

Olivander is very interested in you since you are quite a rare thing: a correspondence student. He peers at you intensely and mutters "you better not be a bad kiwi"
>C: fine and finnicky with thestral heart strings. Very personal, not totally reliable in strength but has the best capability of doing fine wandwork and VERY subtle.
Let's be sneki/utility wizard
There are going to be plenty of openings to choose to go to Hogwarts if you guys so desire. We are 10 years of age so have a year before it would be standard to join a wizarding school.
>C: fine and finicky with thestral heart strings. Very personal, not totally reliable in strength but has the best capability of doing fine wandwork and VERY subtle.
Huge and burly, mace-like.
Ultimate reliability, never fails, and with average power and a small speed impediment. Neigh-indestructible due to the heft. One can bludgeon someone with this wand.
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As seen.
How about Africa?
Have we missed our once in a lifetime opportunity to learn voodoo & spirit magic?
thar can be picked anytime in the next two years too
Supporting >>996094
We are doing the standard Hogwarts curriculum with no teacher... So we are either going to be useless or dead.
Can we have our starter spell in spirit magic?
books willl include magic gifs and clips due to being correspondence modified versions.

if others want it. auckland has its own creatures like any place does.
Ooh a civ, which one?
Fuck off we're full!
the multifaction civ game I nationdawn.



so we got it boiled down to

1: Thick wand that can double as a club.

2: Thin clever wand that's finnicky but very fine and subtle.
the ogre one could use some players.
2, motion in the wand
"Ahhhh, that is very rare and exciting. Thestral heartstring core with Ash wood. You have been chosen by a wand most known for being extremely finicky and fine, quite a specialist style. If you can accustom yourself to the subtlety and, some would say, unreliable wand then you will do great things.

Best at charms, transfiguration and other spells that require a careful touch. Emotions, slight differences in technique and thoughts and intent will play a much greater role in how you do your magic than other wands. With that in mind, if you plan accordingly and have the right mindset you will be amazing.

Make sure to send me a letter sometime this year. I am very interested in how you and your wand are with time."

"thank you, Mister Ollivander. I will indeed send a letter to you this year. Bye."
Gained: 1 Ash wood and Thestral Heartstring Core wand.

1 Ollivander's interest.

Your parents are waiting for you outside the store, with the required readings and potion equipment. Not only that, but they seem to have bought books and items for their own interest and enjoyment.
"these magic lollies are fantastic Brian, I have steam coming out my ears haha." you dad exclaims. "and I picked up a bunch of history books and some other gear. Having an invisible wallet pouch will be extremely useful for me. And these books will be critical for us to help you what with the background they will give."

"Yes dear, I filled out the paperwork too. When we arrive there will be a bunch of library books loaned to us. We thought you might like some extra reading. Whole entire spell books that we hope you will be able to master in time. We have no idea how fast you will be able to learn without a professional, but it will be fun to see you try" she smiles.

"Thanks mum and dad, good idea...

Anything else we need?

>more books of ___
>other items of ___
>"hmm. Good point. Maybe I should enroll at hogwarts for next year so that I have professionals teach me. I will have a year to make my final decision too"
can do more than one.

>more books of Spirits
We need a magical pet, a clever one so we don't go mad studying magick on our own surrounded by muggles. Since this would be an at home pet we aren't bound by hodggy warts stupid restrictions but maybe we can pick one up back home so we don't have to declare it at customs...
>More books on spirits
>other items of witch doctor related gear
>"hmm. Good point. Maybe I should enroll at The Wizard School of THE CONGO for next year so that I have professionals teach me. I will have a year to make my final decision too"
This has well.
>Kiwi witch doctor
What a sight
noise. I forgot about familiars.
We could get a taz tiger or a giant kiwi eagle that was thought to be extinct.
Or something more magical.
"Hey mum and dad, what about an exotic pet for me? and a manual about how to care for it. Could I also get a couple of books of African witch doctors? I think I heard something about African mages being different to European mages."

"okay, but not a pet that is dangerous or particularly big"

What kind of pet you want guys? and do people want to go with enrolling in the Congo Wizarding School for next year?
>A boar or a kiwi bird
A tarantula that likes to be pet.
Kunekune pig.

No tarantula's allowed in NZ. No exceptions for wizards.
>A hellbender salamander that lives in the fireplace.

Kunekune piglet it is. Since it's a magical one, this one can teleport to the side of its owner, and can a centimeter in the air.
Unfortunately salamanders are not allowed for young wizards to own.
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"awww mum. DAD look at the piglet! it's CUTE!"

"Oh wow what a cute piglet. Let's buy him" your parents agree.

So you now have all your stuff, your Kunekune (name him too) and some witch doctor books. One which is called "To voo or not doo be" by Xh'sos'lakkad'drak.

You and your family return home to Auckland after going back through customs, and the books line the bookshelf. Kunekune rolls in the deep carpet and you all play with him. He enjoys being rubbed belly very much.

Over dinner your parents chat to you.

"Do you want to start learning right away? or do you want to just read for a few days trying to figure out what you want to learn first? if you give us a rough list of priorities we can help fit your learning around your socialising with friends and school to finish up your non magic school term."

"yes, we will do our best to provide a motivational environment for you to learn. Surely we will be able to help you read the books properly and get the gestures and pronunciation correct. I being a chemist will ensure you do potions reasonably, and Mum with her linguistics and literature major can get that aspect right."

>This is my plan "____"
>"I will just go with the general schedule the introduction books recommend"
>"I suppose I will just practice whatever I think is cool from the books"
>"let's evaluate what I learn every week"

>"more focus on non magic stuff, do the magic in spare time"

>write in.
>"I will just go with the general schedule the introduction books recommend"
Get the basics down.
Anyone against just going with >>996522
>learn detect illusion and detect charm to find out why your parents are so supernaturally understanding and supportive.
To be honest, they are based off my parents in character.
>"I suppose I will just practice whatever I think is cool from the books"
Implying that there is any relation between chemistry and potions or linguistics and pseudo latin and runes.
"I will mostly go with what the course plan is recommending but will probably focus on illusions and charms."

"okay, that sounds reasonable. The library is organized by alphabetical order, with the magic books on the left side of the room.", mum

dad, "I will read the potions book, looks fun"

You start off with reading a charm spell book.

"Lumos will make my wand a torch or, "a heatless light at the tip of the wand". I am going to try it on the porch. hope nothing blows up"

Roll 1d20 for your first magic spell ever attempted
Rolled 10 (1d20)

best out of three?
Rolled 18 (1d20)

Abra Cadabra
Rolled 6 (1d20)

Rolled 9 (1d20)

summon a demon
Using the second roll, like the previous harry potter world quests. It seemed to work out quite well.

"Lumos!" Your wand rapidly has a soft white glow emanate from it. It flickers and then fills the porch. With careful focus on the wand tip, you are able to increase and decrease the brightness. You spend about half an hour fiddling with it. "Well done, very impressive. And you are already able to modulate it! We can save on electricity now!" Your mum congratulates you.

Turns out that Ollivander was correct. Your wand is made for subtlety and control.

>read the spell book a little more

>play a boardgame with parents

>read a different book

>mess about experimenting with your lumos spell some more

>go hang out with your neighbourhood friends, it's 5pm for you now, so you have an hour before you need to go to bed to recover from time zone changes.
>read a different book
What subject?
Okay so we go look through the bookshelf and find the only book about spirits you were able to find.

Roll how well you understood the book, with a plus 5 from parents helping.

Also I must walk the dog now. gonna be back in like 4 hours probably. So goodngiht and happy new year to those who go to bed before I am back to do another update.
Rolled 6 + 5 (1d20 + 5)

Goodnight and Happy New Year's!
Rolled 6 + 5 (1d20 + 5)

Rolled 1 + 5 (1d20 + 5)

Pretty alright, 11/20.

You grab the book titled "A Spiritual Guide of Spirits" by Yelania Yewman. You spend a couple of hours reading it, though you need to get your parents to help you out a lot.

"There are three main types of spirits: Malignant, Benevolent and Neutral... Generally the spirits are the magical remains of the dead being's consciousness when a portion of the mind does not want to move on after death. And yet spirits are different to Ghosts. Ghosts are human souls who don't want to move on, whilst spirits are when the majority moves on but some remains..." Your mum reads out.

you finish off with "and they are normally invisible and ephemeral unless you shine a magical lightsource at them, where upon you can see them and potentially communicate..."

"Well that was very interesting, I wonder if that's true, we will have to see in the future. But for now, off to bed with you."

your parents tuck you into bed and you sleeeep.


Summary of this session.

Got a cool wand. Got all the books and ingredients needed for quite a while to learn magic. Got great parents.

Gained Lumos and have mastered it, able to fluctuate the brightness at will.

Gained basic knowledge of spirits, and also a little on ghosts.

What do you guys want to do first after waking up and having breakfast?

>Talk with our friends
Go exploring in Diagon alley. Perhaps "accidentally" take a turn down knockturn alley.
Pick ONE No, They are not the same thing.
They're close enough.
Bronies get out. REEE

>talking with friends is a pretty ok idea.
we are already home in Auckland.

Playing with friends it is.
Yawning after a good night's sleep, but still a bit jet lagged, you hop out of bed.

After checking on your wand and spending a couple minutes playing with Lumos just to make sure you weren't dreaming this past few days, you run out of your bedroom and are greeted with the sight of cocopops (Budget brand since that is the best one, none of that aussie shit) and wilk and milk on the table. "Morning honey"s and hugs from your parents later, you run outside to play with your friends.

It's 8am, and three of your friends are already out in the subdivision's park playing soccer.

Matt is eleven and a rather stereotypical sports kid, fairly tall with black hair.
Johnny is much smaller with blonde hair and he's a bit of a nerd.
Hauraki is the biggest of you guys, and mutters something about "wish we were playing Rugby". He's maori and quite good at school.

"Hello! I am back from Britain... me and Hauraki's goal post will be between those trees and we go against you two!"

Roll a d20 -2 for how good you play soccer with friends.

soccer wizard here we gooooo
Rolled 10 + 2 (1d20 + 2)

Rolled 5 + 2 (1d20 + 2)

Looks like we will be quite poor at sports.

"Well shit" the ball flies through the goal-trees a third time. You just can't even compete against Matt and Johnny. Hauraki isn't good enough to even the playing board with you on the team.

Still, you do block a few goals and Hauraki gets a couple in.

An hour later of changing the teams around and it is official: you are the worst of your friends at soccer. Luckily they don't mind. You guys have a lot of fun.

Your mum drops by with Kunekune on leash and you and your friends fawn over it, playing and snuggling with it.
"okay, time for practice magic Brian" she says and you wave your friends goodbye for the morning.

>Read a book

>Learn a spell

>Try and do potions

>Write in
>Try and do potions
Can't be a good witch doctor if we don't do potions for curing and dispelling evil spirits.
>"okay, time for practice magic Brian"
Zap friends memories so they forget that mom said that.

Serious answer
>Try and do potions.

We need to make sure we keep up with the prescribed curriculum too tho.
Your dad's at work so you won't be getting a parent bonus in following instructions, but it should be fine :)

"Gonna do some potions mum... Cure for Boils is one of the first on the first year's list. It says "Beginner" so I should be fine"

"Spell recipe seems doable...
Part 1
Add 6 snake fangs to the mortar.
Crush into a fine powder using the pestle.
Add 4 measures of the crushed fangs to your cauldron.
Heat the mixture to 250 for 10 seconds.
Wave your wand.
Leave to brew and return in 33-45 minutes.
Part 2
Add 4 horned slugs to your cauldron.
Take the cauldron off the fire before adding the next ingredient.[1]
Add 2 porcupine quills to your cauldron.
Stir 5 times, clockwise.
Wave your wand to complete the potion.
According to Book of Potions:
Add crushed snake fangs to your cauldron and stir.
Slice your Pungous Onions finely and place in cauldron, then heat the mixture.
Add dried nettles.
Add a dash of Flobberworm mucus and stir vigourously.
Add a sprinkle of powdered ginger root and stir vigourously again.
Add pickled Shrake spines.
Stir gently, so as not to overexcite the Shrake spines.
Add a glug of stewed horned slugs.
Add porcupine quills.
Finally, wave your wand over the cauldron to finish the potion.

Roll for potion making.
Rolled 16 (1d20)

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hello. Was hoping for a second person.

I thought that there was lots of people wanting a consistent QM for a harry potter universe quest, but :( not really it would seem.


We are good at simple potions like this I guess.


"...and just gonna add the porcupine quills and wave my wand over the potion... YAYY, the colour and everything looks identical to the picture. This isn't too hard, just follow instructions!"

Your mum congratulates you.

Gained knowledge on how to make Cure for Boils.

Am naturally competent at potions. +2 to potions from now on.

The curriculum has "Transfiguration, Charms, Potions, History of Magic, Defence Against the Dark Arts, Astronomy and Herbology and flying" as the 9 things learned with astronomy and flying as minor subjects.

We can't really do flying lessons in Auckland, but that can be done next year. Herbology will be a little tricky too.

Which subject do you want to do for the next 4 hours?
>Defence Against the Dark Arts
Hope more people come back.
Rolled 15 (1d20)

ere we go
A little for that.
I can never recall how to roll, my phome doesn't have the text in the options field history yet.
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Sweet. Looks like we are competent at understanding what we read.

We learn about gnomes, doxxies and bowtruckles. None of them are particularly dangerous but can be quite painful if not handled properly.

Apparently doxxies can be fairly common in abandoned damp houses, but gnomes stick to themselves living with hedgehogs, and bowtruckles live in trees. Most muggles don't notice bowtruckles and if they do they just think of stick insects.

"cool, I wonder if I will be able to find any of these in the backyard? and what about other magic creatures native to new zealand? perhaps the taniwha exists!?"

What do you want to do next?
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Put dice+1d20 or whatever version QM says in options
Defense Against the Dark Arts

Can we go on adventures to find the Crumple-Horned Snorkack
Ye, forgot to F5.

I guess use it for this one.

I'll support DAtDA this time, but I want to do herbology & astronomy soon.
your parents won't let you do anything that isn't explained in the text books since they know that they can't really help if we mess up really bad.

we can do herbology and astronomy next if people want to. I think we were given some completely banal plants.

Herbology it is.


"I am gonna plant some stuff now. I will stick to non moving plants that are as similar to non magic plants as possible. Asphodel looks like a nice plant to have in our backyard and there were a couple potions that it is an ingredient of.

Roll d20 for our asphodel planting
Rolled 5 (1d20)

Rolled 3 (1d20)

well shit.

"Why is it broken and dying mummy?"

"I am not sure, but seems to be you will need to try again tomorrow, or read some books carefully first. I skimread the herbology chapter but they don't really do just normal planting. Always some moving creature in soil or something"

;( -2 to herbology rolls unless you have a teacher in that subject helping you out.

Lunchtime was fairly pleasant, as you discuss what you have learnt so far, and what you still need to learn (in general). Mum mentions that your potion making and the single spell you learnt were your biggest successes, and that maybe those should be focused on along with reading in the areas you are not sure about.

Astronomy lesson is set for friday and saturday night. Some basic reading will be needed.

What subject do you guys want our MC to do next?

There are other mages in Auckland but they will visit next week, as is tradition for wizards and witches who live away from magic communities.
How can we get rid of that penalty in the future?
charms then
I'm thinking that when the wizards visit next week, we can ask them to help us.
Until then, maybe a high roll would cancel it out.
getting proper training. Basically our first rolls for subjects dictates our natural talent. If we are naturally decent at something then we can learn okay without proper teachers. Things like Herbology will be a struggle.

I think that overall, we are learning well enough. Balance isn't really an issue without competition and our style will be sort of rarer and less polished due to our self taught thing.

Charms it is. Which of these: Levitation Charm
Fire-Making Spell
Softening Charm
Severing Charm
Unlocking Charm
Locking Spell
Mending Charm

really it's only a 10% malus for herbology, but yes we will be able to overcome it. Not immediately though, since our natural talents can't be reduced easily.
>Fire-Making Spell
>Unlocking Charm
Mending Charm

Capitalism ho!
Switching to Mending
> Unlocking charm
We can steal everyone's bikes
2 for mending,
one for unlocking and
one for firemaking.

Every successful spell roll let's attempt a next one until we fail a roll.

Could be broken but for our beginner spells it shouldnt be too bad.

Roll d20 for mending charm
Rolled 6 (1d20)


Money is its own super power.
Rolled 16 (1d20)

phew glad the roll taken is the second roll.

"Reparo! Wow! first attempt successful! we are gonna safe SO much money, and I will be able to smash things whenever I want to and just repair them"
So far your thestral core seems to be quite reliable. You can even control how much is repaired by moving your wand point up along the cracked glass.

You experiment upon a just now broken window - your mum frowned when you threw a cup into it and then laughed a little when you just fixed the window up - bigger stuff needs more time and concentration though.

Gained mending charm. Very good at it.


What's the next spell we learn?

Levitation charm, fire-making, softening, severing, unlocking, locking.
Levitation it is. You read the wingardium leviosa spell directions and try your best, first attempting it on a small cushion

Rolled 2 (1d20)

Nat20 = spider pig
Rolled 1 (1d20)

Rolled 2 (1d20)

No flying for us. ;_;
Rolled 2 (1d20)


roll to lift curse.
The number two is cursed.
https://discord.gg/QXPxKGX here's the discord.


"Wut!! NO NO NO! it's just not bloody moving! and... oh crap why did it explode?" you cry out

"Well, I guess that's enough charms for you Brian. At least the pillow can be repaired. So you have a free light source and a free perfect healing spell in just two days of practicing. I consider this a big win overall. Do you want me to read a book to you? or do you want to do something else?" your mum comforts you.

kek. Looks like it wasn't just bad luck. The dice gods decided to balance our powers for us.
>Go to sleep
Bad day for studying.
> Read history of magic book
We have just found out about a hidden society that we are a part of and know nothing about.
Read astronomy to get ready for friday night.
Your mum starts off with a history of magic book. You learn about how medieval witches and wizards managed to survive the witch hunts.
It has apparently only been a a few hundred years since Goblins allied with Wizards.

You learn some basics about the 10 planets.

Sleep sleep.
When you wake up, what two things will you focus on?
Try Herbology again, we need cool plant creatures
Then DAtDA we need to know our magic beasties
+1 I guess.
Okay. Herbology and DADA tomorrow.

You wake up. And play with your friends a bit before going back home, petting KuneKune and reading up on some herbology books

Roll for how well we understood the book and how many plants we learnt something about.

gonna do a little bit of messing around making up a few nz only plants and animals a bit later
Polish our wand, furiously

Read that voodoo book, maybe there is a cut treat imperious spell in there. Or a "warg into your piggie" one.
Rolled 16 (1d20)

Rolling for shit writing
Rolled 4 (1d20)

we manage to figure out what a mandrake is. Pretty dangerous keep away until more knowledge gained. You also can recognize the names and some of the pictures of many first year plants.

DADA learning in the afternoon.
"now that I learnt about a few bad creatures yesterday I will learn one of the recommended spells."

Knockback Jinx, or Flipendo is the one that seems most valuable to learn first. Pushing enemies or objects away would be very useful, especially since you failed your levitation charm practice.

roll d20 +2 for flipendo. It's a charm so your natural skill and your wand make it a bit easier.
Rolled 6 + 2 (1d20 + 2)

Rolled 16 + 2 (1d20 + 2)

"FLIPENDO! Woo hooo I did it first time just like the reparo" You spend the next hour throwing stuff into the air and firing it away from you. You wisely choose to not mess with your parents or KuneKune.

And for another spell!

"Okay, time to do an actual attack spell. This one is called Vermillious. Shoots colourful sparks out at a target"

Rolled 5 (1d20)

Some else roll, please.
Rolled 12 (1d20)

After a few tries we shoot sparks out of our wand. When used on one of our wood chopping board it leaves some marks.

The amount and strength of the sparks varies, since we havent' mastered it as completely as some of our other spells, but it is fairly competent and useful.

Now we will do a little bit of combining our spells in some sort of attempt at getting a combat combo.


gonna be doing slower updates after this one. Please give opinions on how the writing and balance is
Rolled 19 (1d20)

Rolled 12 (1d20)

Since you asked, the writing is shit. It's very mechanical with nothing of the character in it. I'm no writer so maybe you could ask in qtg for advise or something. There is no depth and very little from the characters point of view. All we have is a stat sheet, none of the NPCs seem like real people, even the pig might as well be a stuffed toy.
thought as much.
Don't quit tho.
It may not be eloquent and dramatic, but I just enjoy learning magic and rolling for fun events tbch. It's more about the setting and premise than the characters.

Its definitely more of a game than a novel, but that's not necessarily a bad thing unless you want us to cry at the end or something.

I wanna learn cool kiwi and congo magic.
Thanks! Yeah I am enjoying writing it too. I will try to make my updates with a bit more personality to the characters.

If you guys wanna play with Kunekune we could :)

Magic was everything you ever dreamed, but it was a bit weird being the only person in your family with it. As a child, you can't quite place what feels strange.

A thought struck you when lying in bed before sleeping. If there were hundreds of wizards and witches, and some of the first spells learnt were repairing, fire and summoning water, then why didn't they help non magical people? Were they selfish? not self aware?
Another thought popped up. Maybe wizarding kind were just like rich people? only their kind mattered, everyone else was just an asset or a hindrance based on what they could do for them.

As you faded into the soft black of sleep, a seed of determination was planted: Brian Schilling's powers would be used to help those who couldn't help themselves.
>philosophize with parents over breakfast

>play with kunekune while philophizing

>forget about philosophy in haste to have fun learning more magic

>go out with your mum looking for broken things to fix

>play with kunekune while philosophizing
>>play with kunekune while philophizing
the pig shall make everything clear.
Hopping out of bed, you have a mission: figure out why those with power don't use their power to help those in need.

In need of an assistant, you employ Kunekune.

"Why do you think magic people don't cast a few spells secretly to help non magic people Kune?"

He rolls around on floor looking at you a little scared.

What toy are you using to play with your piglet?
>Rubber ball
you fight over a rubber ball with kunekune. He doesn't have anything much to say about philosophy.

You are slightly disappointed. So you keep playing ball with him.

>what do
Train kunekune to follow simple orders like fetch, teleport and get mail from wizards.
Nice trip/dub/things



>Read Astronomy book
You spend 20 min trying to train kunekune.
"Fetch! ... Fetch! Come on, Fetch! goodboy!" trial and error but he listens eventually.

Now for the learning of the day.

Charms for rest of the morning, potions after lunch, then reading astronomy with any parents available.

Gimme rolls for progress made (3 d20s)
Rolled 5 (1d20)

Rolled 20 (1d20)

Fantastic. Charms will be going well.

Now for potions and astronomy.

will have a fairly long write up for the day. After the auckland wizards and witches visit we will change to week long plans
Rolled 3 (1d20)

horray! my best roll in a month.
Rolled 9 (1d20)

Rolled 14 (1d20)

Just in case you need it, here's a roll.
one more. We got a 20+2 for charms, a 9+2 for potions and let's see about the next one.
Rolled 7 (1d20)

Tell me, is it possible that you used all your luck on rolls for that 20?
Rolled 12 (1d20)

I don't think so. 22, 11 and a 7 is alright.

Three charms learnt, a cough curing potion learnt at an adequate level, and we learnt a little bit about jupiter's moons and how they figure into war.

Writing after breakfast and such things.
Yes, I've been averaging sub20 on the 1d100 for weeks.
The embarrassment of blowing up that cushion when attempting to levitate it still stung a little, despite being unobserved.

So, after rereading and rewatching the little hand animation your book contains, You try it again, on a little coin "Wingardium, leviosa!" and it rises. Happy and secure that you are not a failure, you attempt it on the cushion. And that rises too.
A little experimentation and you can move them carefully about the room, with quite exact manipulation.
Finally, try it on yourself and with effort you rise off the ground very slowly and hover an inch off the ground, moving around the room.

levitation charm learnt

Overjoyed at your success, you look for another spell to learn. Something that also has amazing utility. "Hehe, Alohomora, the unlocking charm! maybe I will go to rich people's houses like Robin Hood and take their riches and give them to the poor? at least I will never be able to lock myself out of the house like last year after school..."
Locking the front door, you point your wand and focus "Allohomora!" with the recommended hand gestures, and it slowly unlocks. Repeat and it opens much faster.

Unlock charm learnt

On a roaring buzz of success, you run about the house looking for a problem that needed fixing that you didn't already have a spell for.

"Hmm, that bird poo on car window has been there for a while. Time to look for a spell to clean it... Scourgify,.. along with a slight jabby wave to the right. Got it." A few minutes later and the car is clean.

Mum and dad would be very happy, you smiled happily.

cleaning charm learnt

next post will be the potions and moon reading
Same with me. It's like the rolling system was broken or something. Some hours ago, I rolled three rolls over 80, two of them above ninety, though. It's going away after some time.
"Hey mum! hey dad! Look at the car window! Guess what I did?!"

"Wow thank you so much honey. Do you think that you could repair and clean everything that you see sometime later? would be really nice for me to never have to spend a day cleaning the house again." (mum) "Would be morally correct. nudge nudge"

"Yes! will do, good practice as well. Can I have some lollies now? I can probably clean my teeth with a wave of the wand." grin

Now that lunch is over, you spend a half hour messing about online looking for ideas. coughing and you, how to live in Beijing without dying "um, I guess a cough potion would be worth it to learn? Mum? ("yes, though us non magic people already have some ways of dealing with it, you can never go wrong with a magical cure too") okay, hope it's simple"

It is a little more challenging than you thought it would be, when you started reading the instructions, but you carefully put the half a dozen reagents in - "ugh, flobberworms look disgusting" - and attempt as best you can to follow the instructions. You think you succeed, as the cauldron didn't melt and nothing blew up. Though you clearly didn't do a great job what with your potion being a murky yellow rather than the pale consistently opaque yellow of the recipe picture.
Pouring it into a plastic bottle -which doesn't melt thankfully- you are fairly alright with how you did.

Cough cure potion practiced and mostly learnt. Suffers a -5 to making it out of memory until memorized instructions (would otherwise be totally impossible pre learning it). +5 when having access to instructions.

Happy about learning 3 spells and a potion recipe, you settle yourself in for some astronomy reading.

At least, you try to...

Squinting at the pages of "Jupiter's moons, a journeyman's text book" for hours, all you manage to understand and remember is:

"Jupiter has a lot of moons... Ganymede has been thought by the Centaur Seers to indicate troubling times ahead, when seen in the night sky by telescope.... Europa is however the biggest of the moons and has no known impact on the world...

Well that wasn't very useful. I hope that there is a use to Astronomy though. Maybe it needs science or something alongside it? oh well"

I think it's Thursday evening, first week of learning for Brian.

>talk with parents about the meaning of life

>talk to them about potential applications of the spells you have learnt

>tell them about your thoughts on the magical community being quite similar to the rich non magical community for letting poor people suffer.

>Write in.
>talk to them about potential applications of the spells you have learnt
>>talk to them about potential applications of the spells you have learnt
>talk to them about potential applications of the spells you have learnt
Also, when are we going to try transfiguration?
>talk to them about potential applications of the spells you have learnt
I hope we have more chances to talk philosophy with them tho.
"Hey mum and dad, I have been thinking about the potential of the spells I have learnt. This is my first week and I have half a dozen spells. They are all very useful, but I need ideas for using them better. Like, my cleaning charm eliminates the need for cleaning materials, and my light spell eliminates needing to spend money of light sources.
But what about my levitation, unlocking and sparks and push back charms?"

Mum: "Well, you could use the levitation charm to help you move if you hurt a leg, and maybe if you are walking down the road and see an old lady having difficulty walking and even about to fall over you could quietly assist her.
Sparks could be used for lighting fires or self defense. With care you could write messages on walls?"

Dad: "and the unlocking charm surely unties knots. Another use for that cleaning charm is graffiti removal and wound cleaning.

"So glad that you are thinking deeply about applications already. Me and your mum are really looking forward to how you develop. The power of magic at such an early level indicates absolutely mind boggling powers when you graduate."

Mum: "now what bed time story do you want us to read to you?

>The Hobbit first chapter

>Lord of the Rings ending

>Rip Van Winkle

>Write in
>The Hobbit first chapter
>>Rip Van Winkle
Rolled 2 (1d2)

>The Hobbit first chapter
okay cool.

"The Hobbit!"
File: Westauckland.jpg (66KB, 556x428px) Image search: [Google]
66KB, 556x428px
"..Good morning to you Gandalf!...""what do you mean good morning..."

And you fall asleep half way through your parents reading, as Bilbo is about to sign the contract.

Saturday morning greets you with breakfast and a trip around West Auckland (where you live). "Brian, let's go around the city and see what you can do quietly to help. You mentioned wanting to help people, and today would be a perfect time to practice all your spells."

>Where do you guys want to go?
Or we just just generally drive around and do stuff.
Let's drive around
This. I don't know enough about New Zealand.
I don't know much about NZ, but are they exempt from the statute of secrecy? Don't want to end up in Down Under Azkaban.
Otherwise, just drive around to wherever you see fit.
Go to Unitec Ins of Techn
There is a statute of secrecy, but Auckland is mostly empty of witches and wizards aside from a couple of dozen spread out. The main population is in Wellington.
Muggle geography and wizard geography is different, for example Liechtenstein and Flanders are major wizarding countries but don't really exist much in modern muggle world.

Okay. so basically we be fairly quiet and don't be too obvious.

"Let's just drive around and stop nearby things that need doing" you say.

we will drop by there on our adventure.

rolled a 91 in discord

"WOW! Did you just fix the cracks in the road that have been there all year? That's fantastic! What about that broken down car on the side of the road, should we stop by and I will chat to them and distract them while you fix it? ("sure mum")... Hello, there, looks like you need help... Oh look at that, it's done. See you!"

No graffiti'd window is left dirty. No pothole not addressed. Eventually entire main road and shopping cluster has been fixed.

Dad expressed his amazement too, "well done son, that's at least a few million dollars and months of effort saved. Now it doesn't really matter that John Key is a piece of crap who refuses to help out our infrastructure."

Gained even more approval from parents, self satisfaction and joy that you have brought about direct assistance and change to your community. You will enjoy the weeks of national news wondering how the heck everything got fixed suddenly.

Also solidified your Virtue of Generosity.

we need to pick up a character weakness lol. Plenty of time for that though.

Endless amounts of icecream and happiness from your parents.

Finish up the day with:
>a game of Risk
>Three way chinese chess
>three way western chess
>Star-trek episode or four
>write in
>>a game of Risk
>Three way chinese chess
there will be actual playing :) like what general strategy. If risk is picked then we choose our capital and our preferred continents.
Roll for how well you do.

also need a tie breaker :^)
Rolled 4 (1d20)

You make the classic decision of starting in Australia and fortifying. Your parents leave you alone for the most part there, but gradually put you in the corner. They duke it out.

Your mum wins because she makes a peace deal with you and you weaken dad enough that she breaks through his north american defenses and she finally wins the game by sending waves upon waves of Asians at you.

Still, fun with family.
Rolled 14 (1d20)

I guess its risk then.
Let's play The Congo in Africa since we want to go to school there.
Our strategy will be to have the best economy, end world hunger and bring about world peace through diplomacy.
I have no idea how to play risk.
File: slowpoke sad.jpg (5KB, 188x188px) Image search: [Google]
slowpoke sad.jpg
5KB, 188x188px
Sorry ;(

We will use that 14 to give us well rested bonus to our sunday actions. So +1 to everything :)

What do you guys wanna do on Sunday?

>more magic stuff

>family and magic stuff

>write in
>family and magic stuff
Also, do friends count as family? We should play with them, too.
>family and magic stuff
>character weakness
being too good for this world

>Astronomy lesson is set for friday and saturday night. Some basic reading will be needed.
We just did the basic reading, but did we skip the lessons?
>>family and magic stuff
Can we do some transfiguration and make-up our astronomy lesson?
Meanwhile, go to the zoo/aquarium and see if we can talk to animals.
oh yeah. You and your parents did some start gazing and saw jupiter and venus. Not much was learnt except for cool sights.

Okay, family and magic stuff it is.

As z8 brought up, we haven't actually done any transfiguration yet.

So is everyone cool with trying out transfiguration then visiting the zoo and maybe dropping by the observatory?
Sure. Let's go for it.
"turn a match stick into a pin. Humph. Concentrate and imagine it changing..." You are a little irritated at the lack of depth to the instructions. The beginner book to Transfiguration expresses the relative difficulty and more free-form nature that this type of magic is.

You concentrate on the match-stick.

roll d20s
Rolled 15 (1d20)

Rolled 9 (1d20)

Straining with all your might, you turn a tiny bit of the matchstick into metal. JUST the smallest amount enough to notice a change.

"Damn it. this is tough. Though if I actually managed to do this it would be pretty broken."

20/100 progress towards extremely basic transfiguration

You would just have to keep trying a little each day. The possibilities of getting the hang of it were endless, you mum recognized that too, "wood into steel? sign me up."

"Let's go to the zoo mum and dad! maybe I will find out that I can speak to animals. I hope so anyway!"

"okay, let's visit Auckland Zoo"

At the entrance, there are two directions. The left one goes through the birds and reptiles, the right one goes through the Safari enclosures and fields.


We'll save the parseltongue revelation for last.
Rolled 15 (1d20)

"ooh giraffes and Zebras and if this roll is a one then a lion managed to get through
...it's a good thing the lions are kept separate. I think I will try talking to them"

Roll for Safari creatures. first 3 rolls, a nat 20 means animal speaking to one of our choice.
Rolled 13 (1d20)

Rolled 1 (1d20)

honey badger get
we hufflepuff
just kidding, I'll be happy with anything or nothing
Rolled 3 (1d20)

best of three plz
File: zoo-map.jpg (87KB, 738x459px) Image search: [Google]
87KB, 738x459px
;_; "oh no, I couldn't speak to any of them..."

"that's alright, there will be a few more areas to go through. No one thought you were weird, you are a ten year old."

I think we passing through the birds now.

"Go ahead and talk to that parakeet, you don't need to have magic powers for that now do you?"

Same roll for the bird area.
Same roll rules i mean. three chances at getting a 20
Rolled 20 (1d20)

birdman hoo

"what do they say to you?"


"wow. That's awesome. But we aren't getting a bird just yet. Maybe when you go to the Congo wizarding school you can get some more pets. Kunekune doesn't want competition I don't think."

Do you do any shenanigans at the zoo?
File: birdman.jpg (32KB, 500x315px) Image search: [Google]
32KB, 500x315px
What's that falco? Yes, that's very astute of you. Indeed, I'll see to it when I get home.

nah, next exhibit. see if we can talk to more.
okay onwards we go to the monkeys!

Feel free to roll 3d20 they need to have 2 20s though.
Rolled 16, 12, 4 = 32 (3d20)

Rolled 5, 15, 17 = 37 (3d20)

Rolled 19, 5, 1 = 25 (3d20)

Rolled 3, 1, 3 = 7 (3d20)

Jane Goodall get
"aww, I can't speak to any of the monkeys, at least i can speak to birds. Good enough I suppose"

>leave the zoo

>do something else

>a little mini story about something zoo related
>>do something else
can we go to all the exhibits mommy. I wanna talk to snakes and whatever the fifth category of animals is.

>>a little mini story about something zoo related
porque no los dos?
:D we already doing mini story lol.

Okay "we should go to the snakes and lizards mum! I hope I can speak to them too!"

Canst you?
oh yes, roll :D
Rolled 3 (1d20)

let's find out
A, one..
Rolled 11 (1d20)

Rolled 11 (1d20)

Okay. well we got bird speaking I think that makes us unique enough :)

You help out a little cleaning and fixing things that needed improvement, before you and your parents drove back home.

New improved love of animals. Able to speak to Birds.

Have I managed to fully fix the issues with lack of character depth and made less pure skill sheet?
Just out of curiosity, what was the fifth category?
We need to be the speshilest snowflake evar! For the glory of Kiwiland!
tortoises I think
I think it's night time for my usual players, so goodnight to you guys.

How many people are awake? includes lurkers :)
Im going to sleep in an hour
Rolled 1 (1d20)

yeah, I'll hit the sack shortly too.
thanks Than. Tis fun.
I'm gonna read up on voodoo and congo religion.

roll for tortoise talking
A knocking on the door.

Knock knock

Knock knock.

"Hello, coming to the door just a moment!" your mum calls out to the strangers outside. You have just finished breakfast (cocopuffs), and get to the door as she opens the door.

A short middle aged woman and what looked to be her husband were on the door step. The lady had normal brown hair, but her clothes were a little strange, looked quite South African in style. Her husband was fairly tall and relaxed.

"Hello Mrs Schilling, and little Schilling, we are the Brevaults. We came just to welcome you to Auckland and have a chat with you. Not every day a young boy from muggle parents decides to study at home instead of moving into boarding school with other magic kids and actual professional trainers."

>smile and say hi but let them continue and your mum do the leading

>say something in reply

>write in
Rolled 1 (1d20)

>>smile and say hi but let them continue and your mum do the leading
Rolled 12 (1d20)

>mfw I may never hear the wisdom of tortoises
>>say something in reply
y-you're not gonna take me are you?
You decide to smile uncertainly and let mum handle it.

"Yeah, Brian decided to enroll in Congo's magic school for next year. For now me and my husband take turns staying home making sure everything is fine while he teaches himself from the library we brought with us on loan from Hogwarts and diagon alley. He has already learnt a bunch of spells and a few potions and can speak to birds. Fixed some roads too. So ecstatic that he likes helping our community."

"That is very strange Mrs Schilling, quite impressive he has learnt so fast without a tutor, but what's weirder is doing magic to help muggles. They can handle themselves, and besides, you might get seen."

"Well, it's our community and Brian's magic can be used to help others so we make sure to drive him where he wants to fix our community. It's mutually beneficial. And as for being seen, literally no one believed the claims about magic being used to fix the roads and shops during the news that's been going on for ages.

You DO watch the normal people's tv right? what do you even do?"

"Humph, well we watch quidditch and garden all day while avoiding the muggle neighbours..."

Good night :) I have work tomorrow but not the next two days after that so I will be able to write then.
>Ask them for help with herbology and astronomy.
we doooooo, its just new years and holidays and stuff :O
one little updoot before work in 45 min

after a little bit of to and fro from your mum and the couple, you mention, "My charms and potions are going very well, but I can't get the hang of herbology and astronomy. Astronomy doesn't seem to have anything it actually gives me in knowledge to help people, and herbology is just too difficult for some reason"

"We can do herbology and astronomy lessons with you a couple of times this week. Maybe wednesday and friday?"

>"Yep! that sounds great, thank you for the offer!"
>"Yep! but could we have different days?"

>Write in
>>"Yep! that sounds great, thank you for the offer!"
let's not forget this time.
>"Yep! that sounds great, thank you for the offer!"
If there is nothing else scheduled there already. Otherwise, put them somewhere we still have time.
>>"Yep! that sounds great, thank you for the offer!"
"No problem,..."

>take part in this conversation more

>timeskip remainder of interaction
>timeskip remainder of interaction
>timeskip remainder of interaction
We can always talk more when they give us lessons.
>>take part in this conversation more
I'll switch to this.
Let's ask if all the extinct animals like Tazmanian Tigers and Haast's Eagle are really extinct or just magically hidden.
This sounds interesting. Having a private little zoo seems like a fun goal for a main character.
Since we're a birdwhisperer we can ride a Moa and have a Haast's Eagle companion.

Maybe we need to learn necromancy and resurrect all the world's extinct animals/dinosaurs.
Isn't that extremely forbidden? Why would we risk certain death just for that?
>as a deterrent to necromancy

Nah, I couldn't even remember if HP dealt with necromancy tbpf. Still a fun idea though.
Maybe save it for our old age when we have nothing left to live for.
There were Inferi and such, but aside from that, not even the Resurrection stone could create perfect revival.
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