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In this thread we play a game pt6

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I'm a slime in a strange and deadly world and for some reason I gain the skills of those I kill. I currently have more skills than I know what to do with and I don't know a lot about most of my skills.

I've just made friends with another human. I hope she doesn't trick me like the last humans I found. I also hope she doesn't tell me to do anything because I have a mindless obedience skill.

We are going to take off and head to a village of slavers where this woman is hoping to cut some kind of deal to keep herself safe. I've been advised to stay away from the place, but I want to learn more about this world so we are going together for now.

Skills and stuff: http://pastebin.com/gM3arjek

Last night I practiced my magic. I tried to do it quietly so I wouldn't bother my new friend, but she didn't sleep at all. She's worried about monsters sneaking up on her.

I learned more about the mind reading spell I cast when confused. I can do it at will, but it leaves me really confused If we do it It might leave me a mess on the floor for the next few minutes. I also learned to make a flashbang.

My slime egg just hatched too. I have 3 more slimes. That's the egg I tried to use to remove lubricated crawling with so I tested and they did gain the skill. This means I can make slimes that have my skills. Good job coming up with this trick guys!
Wait do we still have the skill?
If so we can make self aware slimes.
Yes we do. I think we can do that. Sounds like a good idea so I'll try it out.

Wait... I can't do it for some reason.
That's odd.
Maybe sentience is a special skill?
If our acquaintance is still awake maybe we can ask her about her knowledge on abilities.
She's been awake all this time. She's getting packed and ready to take off. I ask her, but she doesn't have a clue what I'm talking about. She just told me that humans don't work that way and neither do any monsters she knows of.

Are we ready to take off?
It seems abilities aren't a known thing here.
Maybe we can train ourselves?
If we can make special actions why not train our ability so we aren't weak-willed or mindlessly obedient
Training has been hit and miss so far. I can train new ways to use skills like when I learned to manipulate slime into a gun, but that's only when I get clever ideas. The only idea I have so far is to shut off my hearing if someone starts giving me commands.

We start walking and find a bear catching fish. Our new friend tells me it's hide would make a good offering for the Mellivorans, but she can't take it on alone. She's also ok with me getting the kill and splitting the offer if we want. Do we want to fight a bear and what kind of attack would be good?
Yes let's kill us a bear.
Let's use our ambush skill with our burrowing skill to trap the bear in a pit of slime and kill it.
Also prepare our slime babys to shoot slime beams

Sounds like a good idea, although I assume that means drowning him with slime and not absorbing it to be able to remove its hide. As for what >>912169 said, can we really multitask with the babies, or we are better off making them focus in the same thing we do? They don't have our sapience after all
Yes we drown him in slime.
We can also infiltrate his body and tear up his insides.
We've done it before.
Hey sorry for taking off again. I had some things to do and I've been thinking about this quest. Some of the choices I've made and some of the things I've done are bothering me.

I think I have put in way too many skills and made them way too complex. In short the quest is not going how I want and I'm worried that it's not as fun as it could be.

I'm going to take a vote here. Either we continue as is or I make a new quest with a similar theme. The new quest would be set in this world, but skills would be more rare and come with full descriptions and things will generally move at a faster pace because I'm going to cut out all the stuff about the mechanics of the world. I'll also be someone that knows where I live and can answer questions so we can skip the process of figuring everything out.

I'm also open to suggestions.

For now I'll continue as normal and after we've all made up our minds I'll do whatever that is.
>Also prepare our slime babys to shoot slime beams
They will have to assist me. Slimes have no eyes so they tend to have terrible aim. I'm going to have them assist me. I tell my new friend to stay back and assist from safety. I know how to keep a pelt undamaged.

First we dig the pit. The babies are hopeless so I do most of the work.

With my new bonus to slime manipulation and all the slime cores working together we manage to charge up a powerful slime beam. We fire it from a tree at an angle so that we will hopefully knock him into the pit.

Should I fire it all full force?

Bears are tough creatures, I think we could do it without opening a hole on it. Do it.


It's your call. I would prefer to continue with this as slime based quests aren't exactly common. But if you are tired of this and would feel more comfortable with a new but similar quest, feel free to do it. Or we could wait until the other anons who participate says their opinion
>I would prefer to continue with this as slime based quests aren't exactly common
That's one thing I'm sure I want to keep.
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Ok. Full power slime beam with magic muscles! Oh.... Oh my... Well, no time to stop now. I'm inside the body so let's get to work on absorbing it's brain.

[Skill gained: Hibernation]
[Skill gained: Charge attack]
[Skill gained: Roar]
[Skill gained: Thick skin]

It never knew what was going on. I figure my demondog might want a snack so I pull out the liver and the only way to take it out is the mouth. I offer my new friend the heart by having the bear spit it out to her. Maybe I should have warned her first...

Well, she calmed down quicker than I thought and asked for some of the bones then I absorbed the rest. I realized that I'm about the right size for the bears body so the best way I can think to carry bearskin is by using it as skin.

I look like a drunk boneless bear now with a long green tongue licking a demondog.
>[Skill gained: Roar]

Hmm ... I wonder how that would work, given our lack of speech or making any noise at all.

Anyways, it would be a good time to continue where the human was going, and make double sure that they won't attack you or the demondog just because you are monsters
I talk with my friend and she tells me it's good "practice" for her seeing this "kind of thing" because she wants to learn to live with "my kind". I'm not really sure what she's on about, but she seams like a friendly person. Actually the other two humans stayed much farther away from me. She also complimented my abilities in taking down that bear.

Next I try out the roar. we took a little break and I messed around with it. She seams fascinated with me trying to learn to do bear stuff. I realized I had to make a hole in my slime to hold air and try to push it out to make the roar. It didn't go well the first few times.

Finally I got a wheeze. I forgot that not only do I need air and a mouth, but vibration. It's really hard for me to vibrate my slime. Slime just isn't built for this kind of action. I made a roar. A really loud one! But once I was done I realized I had forgotten to stand up.

I looked like lumpy a bearskin rug as I was roaring. This might not be threatening to anyone and I'm not sure this skill will work outside the bear body.

After that we got back to walking and found the village. One odd looking human and two skunk looking guys are heading this way. My friend suggests I leave this skin to her and take off before they get close enough to see me.

That's it for tonight. I'll try to give this thread a good ending tomorrow if I don't just continue it. I might also do the art for this post tomorrow, but no promises. Good night.

Do as she said and stay away. And probably stay not too far, hunting for more creatures with good abilities and feeding our demondog
She tells me that she will tell them I'm an ally, but she doesn't think it will count for much. I wish her luck and slip away to watch how it goes.

The human with them is covered in scars and doesn't have any fingernails. He looks a little jumpy. The two sunk-men (I'm guessing Mellivorans) start barking out something in a language I don't understand. The human ties up the woman I was with.

They talk for a bit then the Mellivorans smile and cut off the woman's hair and start dragging her off. This doesn't look right. Is this what she wanted? To become a slave? Should I help her?
Time for another ambush.
Let's ambush th one holding our friend.

Seconded. I dunno how human treats their friends, but this doesn't look friendly at all.
Did you have any thoughts about starting a new quest by the way?
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I fire a slime beam at each of the Mellivoran's hands as they are holding the girl. They whip around and look pissed. They bark something out and the scared human rushes at me screaming with a spear in the air.

The girl stands and yells "Stop it! Leave them alone!" You tell them... Wait. She's looking at me. She yells at me again "I never ************ to you so just leave us!"

The Mellivorans have turned their attention to her, but the man hasn't. What's my plan?
It's your call
I'd have no problem if you wanted too
Is the man still moving to attack.
If so end him.
If not let's see if we can ask her what's going on.

Immobilize the human without killing it and then ask for answers.
That's amazing! I love the drawing. I don't have strong feelings either way,QM.
I am supporting this.
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I shoot a quick slime beam at the man, but hit his free arm. I try to hold him back, but he keeps charging to the point I break his arm. He stabs directly for my true core, but thanks to my thick skin I dodged in time then locked down on the spear. He's not unarmed.

The girl and the two Mellivorans speak with each other and it ends with one of them punching her in the face. She is on the ground. There goes my translator. I'm still holding some slime on these guys and they are not looking happy at all.

The man thrashes around and manages to break free and lunges directly for me. I'm pretty sure I can take him down without hurting him, but I'm not sure about the other two guys.

Immobilize the human, and use a medium intensity slime beam against the other two guys to try to knock them down. At worst we will kill one of them but most likely we'll simply knock them down
The human dives into my slime and I pin him down. The real challenge, I find, is keeping him from hurting himself. I'm starting to understand why this guy is covered in scars. It's taking some effort to keep him down.

Next I fire the slime at the two Mellivorans. No noticeable effect. Well, other than pissing them off. They start running at me. I can't hold them back with my slime.

Fuck, those guys are tough. No choice, drown them in slime and if they resist, break their necks with our pressure.
I cover them with a wave of slime, but I can't hold them down at all. They are much stronger than skeletons. Seeping into the airways is another story. I have myself all over their faces and try as they might they can't pull off my slime as quick as I can push more on, but there's a side effect. They are splashing my slime all over the place and I lose control unless I am touching it. I think they will run out of air first, but that's only if they stay defensive.

They didn't. One charges me and the next one throws his spear at me. He hit a baby core killing it. I need a plan for stopping the other quick because I'm not strong enough. Any ideas?

>He hit a baby core killing it.

Those fucks! Forcefully eject them out of your slime with as much force as possible and then focus yourself and all the surviving babies into unleashing the mother of all slime beams against them, hopefully piercing vital organs or hitting them so hard that they get a few broken bones
There is no way I will have enough power to eject them without using a bunch of magic on magic muscles or something. I can also pretty much tell you that the slime beam with not be as useful as blasting them with a spell or using some other skill. Are you sure you want me to try this?

Hm... then try to dissolve them in your slime.
Overpowering them was not working at all because they are so strong, but absorption does work. I've taken the eyes of the one that starting throwing things at me and he's screaming now. I think I'll focus on the other and leave him.

I started out by absorbing his ankles and I managed to break his bones before he reached me, but now he's topped on my slime and all this distracted me enough that the human got up.

The demondog took this moment to get feed up and bit the scared guy and pin him down. That's a huge help, but it means I'm blind again. This guy is strong as heck and he can crawl as fast as I can. It was quite a scramble for a minute as he grabbed for my core, but I finally drowned him.

[Skill upgraded: Thick skin level 3]
[Skill gained: Muscle overdrive]
[Skill gained: Universal metabolism]
[Skill gained: Mellivoran language 100%]

I pinned the scared man again, but he didn't resist at all. He's just staring at me with wide black eyes. Other Mellivorans have heard the screem and are charging to us. The girl woke up and yelling "What did you do?!" at me.

I have three ideas:
Hide inside the body and use my new language skills to work his mouth bluff killing the slime.
Attempt to flee with or without the girl.
Fight like a man... Or slime.
I'll take any other ideas.
>Hide inside the body and use my new language skills to work his mouth bluff killing the slime.

Sounds like the smarter choice.
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Ok. I hop into the body. I had the throw out my wings and staff and a bunch of slime to fit in without "making room". I got the demondog to run off and hide. Now I just have to figure out how to work his vocal cords...

After a few moments of humming and clearing my throat the other Mellivorans arrived and and started to get the story from the blind guy. I coughed up some slime for dramatic effect to buy some time. Then finally I garaged out my first words. The Mellivoran language is really simplistic, but I said something like:

"I am fine. No problem, my friends. The slime ran away and I couldn't get him because of my legs." Everyone is speechless. The girl is sweating bullets and visibly shaking, the scared man looks like he is having a mental breakdown and the Mellivorans look like they are just trying to figure me out. I'm just praying that no one rats me out and I sounded believable.

Someone finally speaks up and asks why I haven't put down my failure of a slave nodding to the scared man. Looks like they bought it and want me to kill that guy I was trying to kill, but he might tell on me if I don't help him...
Let's try to just not kill him.
Try to convince them it's okay for him to continue living.
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