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16th MS Team Quest - 3

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Thread replies: 49
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Pastbin: http://pastebin.com/JVpgbsWf

Welcome back folks, sorry for the long wait!

Last time:

As you walk away from Yustina you can feel her stare on the back of your head, but you do not turn around. You come upon the Mobile suits neatly parked in a row, camouflage netting hiding them from eyes in the sky. You spot Bela talking with one of the engineers that had been working on her mobile suit earlier. As you approach, she explains that the engineers have worked a ‘Fine movement’ function into her suit as rudimentary assistance for long range shooting. You inform Bela that we will be going on patrol soon, as the camp is closing up shop early tomorrow morning while it’s still dark.

“According to the mission briefing, we are to rendezvous with 12th team and return to the FOB together.” You state.

Bela nods and turns as Dmitri approaches the mobile suits.

“Great to see you’re alive, Dmitri!” Bela laughs as she climbs into Unit 3.

Dmitri mocks her laugh as he greets you and begins to climb into his mobile suit.

You grab the fly-line and raise yourself up to the cockpit hatch. You jump down and seat yourself in the pilot’s chair, flicking switches and activating the start-up sequence. In near unison, the three Units rise up, the netting slipping away and the full stature being attained. You go through the quick test functions to see how the right manipulator is working, and it’s not as fluid and manageable as it was before, but it will indeed pull a trigger like the engineer said. You turn the head camera over to see Bela’s Unit slinging the hefty 180mm cannon on its shoulder for travel. You test the grip on your own 100mm machine gun and watch as Dmitri ejects an empty case and reload his own machine gun. You give the order to march towards the highway to scout out the route back to the FOB.

>Scout the area
>Oversee the packup of the FOB
>Contact 12th Team
>Contact the 12th team
Welcome back, I eagerly awaited your return EFF
You slide your headset on around your ears, tapping the microphone to hear the feedback. You deftly press a toggle switch in the cockpit that open the long range radio frequencies and begin dialing in the frequency for the 12th team. You spy Dmitri and Bela testing their own mobile suit’s functions through the main camera. A short spurt of crackling cuts through your headset as the channel sets up.

“12th team, this is 16th team Unit 1, please respond, over.” You clearly state your request and await their return. You know that if no one is in the mobile suits they still have a man on constant radio duty. It doesn’t take long to get a response.

“16th team this is 12th team Unit 1. Hearing you loud and clear.”

“12th team, what is your status on phase 3 of the mission?” You query.

“16th team, 12th team is packed and ready to rendezvous at the RZ. ETA 1 hour, what is your status?”

You peer down at the camp chief to see him give you a thumbs up and return the motion with your MS.

“Camp pack up nearly done, suits ready to start recon for safe retreat. ETA 3 hours, 16th team Unit 1, Out.”

“Roger that 16th team. Good luck out there.”

The spurt of static graces your ears once again as you switch back to the short range radio. You motion for your team to start moving out. As you traipse around the swiftly pack camp, you notice that Yustina is being escorted into the makeshift jail container that is now on the back of a transport truck. Before looking away you see her tilt her head up towards you to flash one last stare. You palm the control handles of your suit and pick up the pace to the front of the formation.


>Scout the highway
>Stay with the transports
>Send one member ahead to scout
>Scout the highway
As you make your way through the jungle, you occasionally glance down at the topographical map display on one of the screen in the cockpit. You are making your way back to the site of the battle to do any preliminary scouting before the transports meet up with your team for the final move. Bela is on your right and Dmitri is on your left as they all pan their vision around, keeping their heads on a swivel. As the highway approaches you notice that some of the debris has already been picked through by scavengers. You are unsure whether they were Zeon or just locals from some out-of-sight village. You pull yourself up onto the highway and assume a ready stance, sweeping your gun across the jungle filled mountainside. You can see dark splotches along the ridges where explosions and fires destroyed the lush, green foliage. You motion for Bela to take up a covering position on a small, raised outcropping on your side of the highway. Dmitri sweeps to your left as he takes up the rear position of where the convoy will be. You feel anxious and you don’t know why, the area is quiet, but not unsettlingly so. The visibility is good and there is nothing on the scanners, be it movement or heat. You are unsure why that you are starting to sweat in the air-conditioned cockpit as you run your tongue across your teeth. The crackling of the radio brings you back to your sense as a voice comes through the headset.

“Unit 1, this is Camp Convoy. We are approaching the highway, ETA 3 minutes. Threat status?”

“Threat status low.” You reply. You can’t stop yourself from adding in one more thought. “Be on high caution regardless.”

“… Roger that Unit 1. Going on High Caution.”

As you stand on the highway, weapon at the ready and the convoy starting to mount the paved surface, a faint heat signature is picked up along the mountain side.


>Go on high alert and protect the convoy
I'm going to work in half an hour I hope more players show up
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I appreciate your time playing anon. I hope more people show up as well.


Alerted to this heat signature you contact Bela and tell her to zoom in on the specific grid area. With the magnification and fine movement improvements to her mobile suit, she is able to make very fine corrections at long distance. It’s a rudimentary improvement for now, but once back at base a better will be attempted.

“You got it, Boss!” you responds.

You can see the long barrel of the 180mm cannon tilt upward as she turns her gaze to the ridgeline to visually investigate the sighting.

“I can’t see anything up there, Boss. Trees, trees and more tre-” she begins

She pauses as the heat signature doubles, then quadruples in size. More heat sources also begin to pop up along the ridge, along with fast moving detections on the radar. Before Bela can finish her sentence, the earth rumbling sound of the 180mm canon sounds off, throwing dust and small debris flying as it fires.

“Multiple heat sources spotted! Large signatures! Fast movers! Defensive formation!” You shout into the headset. You look for cover behind a large boulder on the opposite side of the highway and scan for targets.

“Convoy! Get your asses in high gear towards the rendezvous! Make sure those prisoners are safe!”

Glancing back at the convoy, you can see the dust being kicked up by the tires and treads of the various support and transport vehicles as their drivers punch it down the highway. As per doctrine rules, the few tanks that were supporting move to firing positions on the highway.

You begin to speak, but are cut off by Bela firing the canon once again.

“Bela, where are the targets!”

“Two humanoid suits on the ridge, looks like fighters in the sky! Multiple unknown heat sources still unsighted!”


>Move with the convoy
>Stay in defensive positions
>Go on the offensive
>Move with the Convoy
I'm going to trust Bela to cover us, we can't lose our people or the prisoners.
>Move with the convoy
They can't just blast the convoy since they're there to get the prisoners, and they can't shoot wildly at us because they might hit the truck with Yustina.
>>Move with the convoy
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You glance down at the radar screen, spying what looks like two fast moving objects circling the highway. Looking up into the sky reveals two zeon aircraft lining up to the strafe the convoy.

“Dmitri! Two bogey’s up high! Take them out!” you relay into the headset, throwing yourself back onto the highway to run alongside of the convoy.

“Bela, fire and move! We’re going with the convoy!”

As you engage a full run to catch up the convoy, you squeeze off a few bursts of the 100mm machine gun into the shifting foliage. The tanks now start moving with their turrets still facing the ridge line, occasionally firing both cannons into the jungle.

Dmitri spins to confront the fighters and fires the chest mounted Vulcan into the air, shredding one of the fighters in a hail of steel as the other breaks away over the mountain.

“One aircraft destroyed, the other fled, taking up the rear.” Dmitri reports

You fire a few more rounds into the forest as Bela fires once more into the jungle.

“Mobile suit down!” She reports enthusiastically.

“Good work Bela, get on the move!” You respond.

Soon after all of your team was moving, the attack began in earnest. Explosions began to rock the area around you and your team, and low velocity projectiles ring off your armour and shield.

“They are aiming for us! Stick close to the convoy!” You shout. You gaze forward to spy the split in the highway. The southbound and northbound lanes separate to move around a large rocky outcropping before joining together again on the other side about a kilometer away. Before you can tell the convoy which side to take an explosion rips the southbound lanes apart, collapsing the concrete and steel structure into rubble.

“Northbound lane, go!” you shout, running to the head of the convoy. Bela takes up the middle spot, unable to fire the canon on the move. As you round the rocky outcropping you have to come to a swift halt as two Zaku II units mount the road. One from the jungle, the other from atop the rocks. Their machine guns are stowed away and their heat-hawks are at the ready. You spin around to see another mount the highway behind Dmitri. The convoy pulls in close as you box in the transports.


>Engage in melee
>Bargain the prisoners
>Retreat into the jungle
>Engage in melee
We can't abandon the convoy.

I wonder if Bela could get a shot off before we got in the way. Since there isn't a mobile suit near her.
>>Engage in melee
We still got our 100mm? Can we unload on them before we switch to beam saber?
>Engage in melee
Quick update so I can go eat. Will resume in 30.

Bela stops and raises her canon, but the Zaku’s don’t move. You see Dmitri align his shield for combat as you turn away to face the two Zaku’s at the head of the convoy, reading his beam sabre. You check the ammunition counter for your machine gun, spying that you have a few rounds left before you would need to reload. The dust and smoke begins to thin and settle as the waiting game begins. You glance back and forth at the two Zakus, both equally worn. Paint chips and dents cover the metal surface, various repairs evident. One rattles the manipulator’s fingers on the handle of the heat hawk as he rotates it. The other one, with a command fin atop its head, raises its free hand and points to you as a voice is heard over the headset.

“Stand aside, Federation dogs. You have something of ours that we would dearly like back. Don’t throw your already useless lives away for nothing, live to die by our hand another day.”

>Respond (your choice)
>Surrender the prisoners
You don't get people to do what you want by insulting them. Especially if you're using (if only barely) inferior equipment.
Well they just admitted that they may hesitate to shoot at the trucks (IC knowledge now matches OOC)
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Before the enemy Zaku can lower its accusatory finger you brace the machine gun on your shoulder and squeeze the trigger. A short hail of bullets spray the Command Zaku’s main camera before you quickly toss aside the machine gun and pull the beam sabre from its leg holster.

Your team, ever on point, react as soon as you fire your machine gun. Dmitri, who was already in position to attack, charges his opponent. Bela lines up a shot with her canon and pulls the trigger as the other Zaku leaps at you. Her aim is true, but her math is not as nothing happens as the squeezes the trigger, an alert flashing to her side indicating that the 5 round magazine is empty. She has no choice but to drop the imposing canon and draw her beam sabre.

The Zaku flies through the air unmolested as you meet its heat hawk with your shield. You can feel the weapon bite into the shield before torqueing it away and striking with your own weapon. The pilot is good as it dodges your first volley of slashes and stabs, angling itself back into striking range.

Dmitri has closed the gap with his opponent, both weapons lost as they fight with bare fists on the ground.

Bela joins the fray right as the Command Zaku recovers from its stunning blow, its main camera knocked out but still very aware of the fight and delivers a well-timed chop at her mobile suit. She lucks out as the chop is diverted away by your own fight as it tumbles across the highway. Bela circles the command Zaku and thrusts towards the cockpit, having her arms batted aside by the heat hawk as a fist rattles her own cockpit with an impact.

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08th MS GM Sniper.png
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Dmitri is now on the bottom of the struggle, using both hands to fend off a inching heat hawk. As the glowing edge of the weapon slowly descends under the weight of the Zaku, an explosion rocks the side of the Zaku’s head unit. Dmitri glances over to the convoy to see the small unit of tanks starting to fire on the Zaku. He quickly scrambles for the beam sabre, resting it on the chest of the zaku before turning it on, sending the beam straight through the upper chest. The zaku goes semi-limp as he tosses it aside to move to the front. The tanks, now lining up to mercilessly barrage the Zaku to death.

At the front, you are blinded as a flash-cracker is thrown. You keep your beam sabre raised as you wait in anticipation of attack. You can hear Bela and Dmitri chattering back and forth but you wait in vain for an attack. Bela is thrust into view as she collides with your suit, toppling both of them to the ground. In a struggle to regain your footing you feel a thunderous impact on the upper half of your mobile suit, the metal groaning under a large amount of weight. As your cameras come to, you see a foot being heavily leaned on, on your chest. The Command Zaku winding up a coup-de-grace with its heat hawk. You brace for impact as a beam explodes through the Zaku’s midsection and it topples to ground.


>Get up and continue the attack
>Assist Bela
>Check on the convoy
>>Assist Bela
>Assist Bela
Would "bros before hos" be appropriate in this situation? Because she's a bro, and we're picking helping her over checking on Yustina.

Also maybe tell Dimitri to check on the convoy while we go help.
As your vision returns to normal you cover Bela’s prone mobile suit. You also glance around to see where the shot came from. Ahead of you, more explosions are heard as you can see two more Zaku’s further down the highway engaged in combat. Bela quickly comes to and stands up, grasping the handle of her beam sabre quickly. You peer down at the command Zaku and see the large hole in the midsection, completely destroying the cockpit as the metal melted and drooped around it. You grab your own beam sabre as you relay a message to Dmitri.

“Where is that third Zeek, Dmitri!?”

You turn to see Dmitri’s unit on the ground, arm cleft at the shoulder and head unit smashed to pieces. You spy the tanks turning to fire at movement atop the rocky outcrop as you barely catch sight of the battered Zaku leaping into the mountainous jungle with a transport trailer under its arm.

“Damn it!” You shout to yourself. “Bela! Get to Dmitri! Make sure he is alive!”

You turn towards the fighting as you charge down the highway, beam sabre at the ready. As you approach, a dark coloured GM unit is just finishing off one of the Zaku II units, tearing off the head unit and firing the small beam rifle into the chest. The other Zaku attempts to flee, but another high-intensity beam rips from the jungle as it is sheered in half. You grind your heels to a stop as the GM’s being to approach.


>Greet them
>Request aid
>Prepare for combat
>Request aid
I feel like we're jobbing really hard here.
>Request aid
You think we can recover Yustina and the grunt or should we stick with the escort. Damn those Zeeks this went sideways. I pray Dmitri is okay
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You open up a radio channel with the GM’s asking for aid to one of your pilots and to help get the convoy moving again. You quickly relay all your information and you find out that this has been 12th team that came looking for you as the rendezvous time was missed. You hurriedly finish talking before hurtling over the side of the highway and into the jungle to chase down the Zaku. Your mobile suit tears through the jungle, beam sabre clearing anything in your path that could slow you down. As you rampage up the mountainside you hear Bela come through the radio.

“Boss! Boss come in!”

“What is it Bela I’m chasing down our prisoners!” You snap

“Boss, Dmitri will live. I’ve reloaded and mounted the outcropping, I’ll give you a hand.” She reports.

You are too busy to give her a reply as you continue through the jungle foliage, following a faith trail of destruction.

“Boss! Zaku Spotted! Due West of your position, I think its heading over the ridgeline!” Bela shouts into her microphone.

You immediately turn West, driven to retrieve your prisoner and your dignity.

“Report!” you shout into your headset.

“You are closing in Boss! … Should I take the shot?” Bela asks.

You consider the damage of that canon as you race through the jungle, now locked on to the heat signature of the fleeing Zaku. You see the power of the beam sabre dwindling as the sweat drips from your forehead and you tell her to take the shot.

Bela tactfully thumbs the side of her controls as she engages the fine control on her suit. With the GM’s now surrounding the convoy she exhales slowly. She can feel the sweat falling down her face to her chin as she lines up the Zaku. It is carrying the transport like a football as it hurtles through the forest. As it is about to cross one of the blast zones from the first encounter she fires the canon. The vibration shakes a sweat droplet from her chin that lands on her leg. She draws and holds a short breath as the Zaku steps into the clearing and is struck by the canon in the shoulder. The pauldron is torn off and sends the remnants of the arm flying as the container tumbles to the ground and the Zaku goes limp on the mountain side.

“Target down” She sighs into the headset.

You reach the Zaku as it struggles on the ground, internals exposed and arm torn off. It poses no threat to you, but you still can’t stave off a thrust to its chest to silence the machine. You pick up the container to see the doors flop open and as you peer inside, you find a very dead remnant of Grigor, but Yustina is nowhere to be found.


>Scan the area for Yustina
>Return to the Team
>Get the convoy moving
>Get the convoy moving
>"Good shot Bella, anything human sized on the thermals?"
>Scan the area for Yustina
Might as well try.
You commend Bela on her shot, realise the distance involved to do what she just did.

“Outstanding shot, Bela. I owe you one…” You exhale into the headset.

“Don’t worry about it, Boss.” She replies.

“Can the convoy start moving yet?” You ask. “Can Dmitri make it back?”

“He’s suffered some minor wounds, but one of the mechanics will have to pilot the suit back. We scanned the area down here for small heat signatures, but we found nothing out of the ordinary.”

You pause for a moment as your beam sabre begins to flicker and sputter as its energy begins to dwindle after such prolonged use. As it finally crackles one last time you begin the solemn walk back down the mountain, tossing the container down on the ground. As you exit the clearing you wave down to Bela, who informs 12th team to begin moving the convoy.


The trek is long after such prolonged combat and you feel exhausted. As your team approaches the FOB, you sigh and slump your shoulders. 12th Team stands at the gate as the convoy rolls into the base, the medical staff are waiting and ready to assist the wounded. 12th team leader nods the head unit of his GM, giving you a thumbs up as you pass. You weren’t sure what to call this. Was it a victory, or was it a loss? As you round the hangar bays, it feels strange to be putting your mobile suit into a big box. You spy Noah on the ground, marshalling in the suits. You spy the battered Unit 2 carrying its own arm as it is laid down for full repairs. Bela is already talking an engineer’s ear off about modifying her suit more. You pop open the hatch of the cockpit and are about to descend as you catch the sight of a dark green GM walking past the open hangar doors. It turns its head to you and passes a salute as its walks by, huge beam sniper rifle in hand.


>Chat with Noah and Bela
>Get Bela and find Dmitri
>Inquire about the GM Sniper
>Debrief the Colonel on the mission
>>Inquire about the GM Sniper
>Inquire about the GM Sniper
Guy (girl?) literally saved our ass.
You lower yourself to the hangar floor as Noah approaches you.

“Seems like you guys got in quite a bit of action, eh?” He asks, patting you on the shoulder.

You are preoccupied with your thoughts as he stands, waiting for your response. Quickly changing the subject you pose him a question.

“Yeah… anyway, who is the Pilot of that Dark Green GM with the beam rifle? I don’t remember any GM Sniper units on this base before we left on that mission.”

“Oh yeah, that’s Captain Agner; arrived the afternoon you guys left… was real eager to get out into the field so, the colonel ordered the captain to scout out in your area; barely got done looking over that mobile suit before they were off.” He replied.

You chatted with Noah for a few more minutes before asking where this GM Sniper was stationed. A quick set of directions set you on the right path as you found your way to the support hangars. They were much smaller, meant only to house 1 or 2 mobile suits. The oppressive heat was almost comforting at this point. It had been so ever-present that its faint grasp on your lungs felt assuring. You traipsed around the walkways, still early in the morning and free of any kind of traffic. You found the entry door to the hangar, but found it locked. Puzzled, you stared at the door. There was no other way in; the hangar was closed and this side entrance was the only other way in or out.


>Ask Noah if he can get you inside
>Shrug it off and find some food
You can’t think of anything better to do, so you simple knock on the door. A quick rap of your knuckles across the metal door three times seemed good enough.

So you wait.

You wait at the door to see if anyone answers patiently. As you shrug and are about to leave, you hear the door latch open.

“Hello?” A voice says from inside.

You turn around to see a woman in an undershirt and fatigues and combat boots standing in the doorway with a puzzled look on her face.

You introduce yourself as the leader of 16th team and ask her if she was the one who was shooting from the jungle this morning.

“Oh, yep, that was me alright. I came here for action and that’s what I got!” She laughed. “Come on in, don’t be a stranger!” She motioned for you to come in the hangar.

As you both walked into the hangar, you couldn’t help but look the GM up and down, marveling at its impressive armament.

You point a finger up at the beam sniper rifle. “That thing sure packs one hell of a punch.”

Captain Agner laughs. “Oh yeah, you bet. Did a real number on that Zaku that was bent on taking ‘yer head off; that’s for sure.”

You laugh nervously and scratch the back of your head. Why are you nervous? Why should you be nervous? You are just seeing who went out there and saved your life. You reach into your jacket to grab your cigarettes as she grabs them out of your hand swiftly.

“Not so fast there, bucko.” She scolds.

She turns the package to read the label and raises an eyebrow. She takes a cigarette out of the package and puts it between her lips and glances around. You stand there with your jacket open in shock as she reaches into your pocket and produces your lighter, lighting the smoke.

“You can only smoke in here if you pay the toll.” She laughs, winking. She puts the cigarette package and lighter back in your pocket after she pulls another smoke out and places it between your fingers. She turns and walks towards a motley looking couch in the back of the hangar next to a bunch of tool boxes and equipment.


>Say something, stupid
>Follow her to the couch
>Inspect the GM Sniper
>Say something, stupid
Thank her for saving our life.
>Inspect the GM Sniper
after that
I'll support>>779828
You give your head a shake as you light your own cigarette, drawing on it slowly.

“Look, I just wanted to thank you for saving my life today. No ifs ands or butts about it, Captain.” You exclaim, exhaling the smoke in your lungs.

Captain Agner, now sitting on the couch, crosses one leg over the other and lets the smoke from her cigarette drift from her nose slowly before exhaling quickly.

“Call me Hilda.” She exclaims

“Well, thank you for saving my life, Hilda.” You retort.

She cracks a wily smile and winks at you once again before standing up and walking back to you.

“Not a problem my friend.” She laughs, giving you a gentle punch in the arm. “Now, I believe you are really here to see this.” She points up to the olive drab GM standing in front of them.

You nod and begin asking her all sorts of specifics on the model. She replies excitedly, eager to talk about her baby.

“You know, I heard they are working on a second model of this thing; probably gonna call it the Sniper II or something, ‘yaknow? I’d sure like to get my hands on one of those things…” her thought drifts off as she closes her eyes wistfully at the idea.

You ask her who she is going to be supporting.

“The colonel says that I’m gonna go with whoever needs me. I’m the only one on this base, so I ain’t gonna be part of a regular team I’m afraid.”

You chat for the better part of the morning before you start yawning uncontrollably. She laughs extinguishes the 5th cigarette that she took as the ‘toll’ for smoking in her hangar and walked with you to the door.

“It’s been a slice! Say hello to the team for me, yeah?” She exclaimed, giving a quick salute as you left the hangar.

You make your way to the 16th team hangar, the roads now full of bustling activity like always. As your stomach growls, you are unsure what you need more of; sleep or food.


>Find food
>Get some sleep
>Find the team
>Find food
A man's gotta eat, I wanna check on Dmitri as soon as I we can. Maybe sneak him some smokes or alcohol if he's not in the barracks
I'll support this.
You decide that food has one this match and you take a swift turn towards the mess hall. It’s quite busy because of the lunch rush, but you feel no hurry so you grab a spot in line. As you shuffle along, hands in your pockets, you hear a boisterous group of soldiers at a table laughing and listening to a story being told. You keen in on the story and listen to this fellow recant the tale how he took down a Zaku in a tank with his crew. You quickly realise that this guy was part of the convoy escort during the fight this morning. He’s telling a pretty tall tale, felling a Zaku all by his lonesome with a perfectly placed and a one in a million shot. You chuckle to yourself, not eager to bust the soldier’s bubble. You continue your shuffle along, sending nods to hurried salutes and greetings. By the time you pick up your food the mess hall is beginning to empty, but as usual you got your food to go. You manage a few bites as you trekked back to the Hangar, hoping to find Dmitri there. As you enter the sweet, sweet air conditioning inside the hangar, you see Bela and Dmitri sitting in chairs. As you approach, you slap your hand down on Dmitri’s shoulder in a happy greeting, to which he winces and recoils. As you round his front you see the bruised face, stitches and bandages adorning his body. Most notable being his arm in a sling and cast.


“They let me out, Boss. Nothing too bad.” He exclaims.

You apologise for hitting his shoulder too hard and ask what happened.

“I don’t know, Boss. I beat that one guy, and as I was running over everything went white and before I knew it, my cockpit was being rattled and I was being tossed around like a rag doll. Sometime between the emergency lights turning on and hitting the pavement I went out cold.” He looked up at Bela and smiled. “But I heard our girl here aced that guy from a record distance! That’s what I like to hear!”

Bela blushed slightly as she brushed the compliment away. She had adorned a tool vest over her undershirt instead of the usual field jacket. It looked way less uncomfortably hot.

They both looked your way and you knew what their question was going to be so you closed your eyes and waited.

“So, what happened to Yustina?” they asked in unison.

You sighed and told them that you didn’t find anything in the crate, lying about finding Grigor mashed to bits in the steel container. You don’t know why you lied, or why they would care about anything happening to Grigor, but you figured it was best this way.

“Don’t worry Boss, I’m sure she will show up again.” Dmitri said.

“That’s what I think we are worried about…” Bela added, looking back at you. “We’ll get her, Boss.”

The quiet of the hangar was abruptly broken as mechanics began to go to work on the mobile suits for repairs, especially Dmitri’s.

“Lets go into the back, shall we?” Bela suggested.

Everyone followed.

It was just past noon by this point and you and your team looks exhausted. You all lay in various states on your cots. Bela sat on her cot, fiddling with a piece of metal. Dmitri had all but fallen asleep sitting upright on his cot. You were lying down on your cot, head on your hands, smoking a cigarette. You didn’t care that the ashes were slowly falling on your collarbone, the stinging sensation was almost therapeutic. You could hear a new voice out in the main hangar, but your eyelids felt quite heavy.


>Just go to bed
>Investigate the new voice
>Talk with your crew about Captain Agner
>Talker with your crew about the fight
>Just go to bed
>Just go to bed
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You decide that whoever is out there isn’t worth being awake for, and you drift off. Your dreams are plagued with a conflict you cannot seem to resolve; a feeling of regret and longing.

You awake around dinner time, clearly not sated from the lunch you ate. You rise from your cot, feeling somewhat rested and stretching your sore muscles and joints. As you lift yourself from cot you head towards the door, noticing that Dmitri had some help falling asleep as he cradles a flask like a newborn. You push through the door and squint your eyes as the bring hangar lights assault your vision. You spy Noah having an argument with one of his engineers as you pass by, hands in your pockets. You make way to the door as it swings open in front of you. You are genuinely surprised to see Captain Agner keeping the door open with her leg as she has both hands holding packages of food.

She blinks at you slowly before smiling. “I thought I’d bring you something to eat, ya know? Maybe pay you back some of those smokes.”

You both let out a short laugh as you wave your arm to welcome her to the hangar.

“Hmm, Ground Gundams, eh?” she exclaims. “Must be nice to get something that high-performance.”

You give her an unimpressed look as you continue to a small set of chairs and table at the back of the hangar. You eat, smoke, and chat away to your hearts content. As the night comes and cools off, the hangar doors are opened. As it gets darker and darker, a singular belt of thunder rolls across the jungle.

“It’s rainy sea-“ you begin

“I swear if someone else says ‘its rainy season you know’ to me one more time I’m going to go ballistic.” She says flatly, cutting you off. She laughs, rolling a cigarette across the table to you.

As you light the smoke, you spy Bela coming out from the back room with a stretch, her vest splaying apart.

“Hey there hot-stuff, welcome to the land of the living.” Captain Agner jokes.

Bela gives her a death stare as she is about to open her mouth, you wave her down.

“Hilda didn’t mean anything by it.” You resolve. “Bela, this is Captain Hilda Agner. Captain, this is Bela Ingergard. She saved our lives today Bela, be nice.”

Bela joins you at the table as a neatly uniformed man quickly approaches with a fastidious speed walk.

“Is this 16th Team’s hangar?”


>Yes it is, I am it’s leader.
>What’s going on?
>Who’s asking?
>Yes it is, I am it’s leader.
>What’s going on?
Alrighty. I think that's enough for today. Thanks to everyone who participated, as you know I really appreciate it. I like to think I'm being entertaining, and advice is always welcome. Thanks so much everyone. I'll try to be more regular with the Quests, but school is quite hectic right now.


“Yes, this is it. I’m its leader. What’s going on?” You ask.

The man salutes as you stand up, returning a lazy salute.

“Sir, the Colonel wants you and your team to report to a special briefing once the mobile suits are back to full working order.” He states.

You look back at your team and ask this messenger a question. “I don’t think one of my teammates will be ready in time with the mobile suits.”

“Err, yes, well, the Colonel says that if you wish to go on without him, you may pick a new, temporary member. I’m sure the other teams have backups, or at least, trained members in reserve. Your team is new, so there are no reserves in place yet I’m afraid.” The messenger responds.

You don’t like that idea at all. Dmitri has proven to be a solid and dependable team member in your short time here. At the same time, you are curious as to what the Colonel has up his sleeve that he would hold a special briefing, and if you were the only team invited…

All you do know, is that in just over a week at this base, you have encountered two things: You don’t get to sleep or finish a meal that often.
Thanks for running boss. I hope I see you next thread.
Thanks for running EFF, I'm always entertained I'm a huge Mecha fan and I'm honestly loving this. I look forward to the next one.
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