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STARWARS: A Galaxy in Chains - Part I

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[red ]"It is an honor to stand before you, for you represent the freedom and the future of our galaxy. " [/red]

The figure of that old man, imposing yet powerful, had once brought you hope.

"The once-great Republic and Jedi Order have become victims of their own ambitions, and the Supreme Chancellor is no more than a pawn of corporate monopolies." He had been right, of course, why else would the Republic and their Jedi, ever so high and mighty, abandon so many to die regardless of how they had screamed for help?

"As a people you called out for change, you called out for leadership, and I humbly answered that call. "

The people had spoken, you had spoken, and here that old man stood, answering your cries for help.

"Together we challenged the system. We asked for equality. And how were we met? With war! The Jedi secret army of clones was revealed, and their treachery was far greater than we could have imagined! Countless living beings—these clones the Jedi created—have been sent to their deaths, while we sacrifice mainly droids. Our soldiers of flesh and blood are willing participants! They are your fathers and sons, mothers and daughters, who fight not because they were grown and designed to do so, but because they know in their hearts that they are fighting for a just and noble cause!"

That speech from the self-titled general Count Dooku had given you so much energy the first time you heard it, a recording played out on public holoscreens across the planet of Arat, as a young man at the age of 20 just setting foot into the world of responsibility as an adult and an engineer. But that speech had been the impetus to that decision which had altered life forever - the Confederacy of Independent Systems needed living soldiers and you were skilled in droid manufactory work. Within the first year of the Clone Wars, you served in a number of facilities dedicated to the creation of the autonomous battle droids Dooku praised so highly in his mission of preserving sentient life in the Confederacy. The work had taught you much in the ways of droid psychology, their data structures, the reasoning behind every small gear and apparatus in their metal and ceramic bodies, but never had you learned the terrors of combat up close in the same way you would with the intricate streams of military grade programming or assembly lines. Not in the grand and expansive factories of Baktoid, nor in your stint on Anamarra's grand plains, not on the several factorial space stations that you helped manage, but it all changed as your loyalty was called into question with your final assignment of the war- the rebuilt droid factories deep in the volcanic ranges of Geonosis.

The bleak desert planet had been used as the initial capital of the Confederacy before the first Jedi attack, strategically it made sense, as a planet located in a rather remote system it was hard to avoid detection by the thousands of remotely controlled sensor arrays lining the vast expanse of darkspace in every direction, in essence it had been a perfect fortress for the fledgling rebellion to first issuing its commands to its expansive droid army. Thankfully you hadn't been there when the Clone Wars had just begun, right here on these dark orange sands hiding the corpses of man and machine alike; it had been a destructive war that cost the CIS its stronghold and droid factories, but the value of the planet had not been forgotten as the sands claimed their bounty, and as such droid engineers such as yourself throughout the Confederacy were called together for the largest and most ambitious project yet in a push to turn the tides onto the thus far successful Republic through the largest scale production of Super Battle Droids yet. Now, nearing the end of the third year of the Clone Wars, all of that collective pride in the CIS collapsed as Republic propaganda blasted what little connection you had with the outside worlds with the symbol of your greatest fear: The death of Count Dooku at the hands of the power-hungry Jedi.

Intelligence operatives arrived on-site of the factory nearly hours after the revelation that the enigmatic Supreme General of the Confederacy had fallen to his former comrades, your commanding officers were briefed, and in turn alerted you to the lockdown of Geonosis as the remaining leaders of the CIS were gathered to meet with General Grevious, the cyborg that had become himself a symbol of the terrifying might of the Droid army, and was now the last source of direction for the Sepratist Council on survival as one-by-one the planets of the C.I.S fell.

======= That announcement by your CO had shaken you to the core, and you found yourself wandering the halls of the engineering corps' offices - large walled off expanses filled with the noise of thousands of engineers, human, droid and alien alike, bustling to improve or maintain the inorganic soldiers.

Normally you'd take solace in your work, but the anxiety running through the factory was none so more concentrated than in your own head where scenarios of trials and executions of the separatists likeyourself played through your mind at high speeds; there was little you could do to calm yourself, many hundreds of the systems united under the wise counsel of Dooku abandoned the CIS as petty squabbles tore the Separatist Parliament into pieces, the only planets that remained were those under the direct control of the leaders on the Separatist Council, the very figureheads that were now taking refuge in the factory you knew as a sort of home. In a small fit of panic, you swipe an arm across the table before you and many pieces of a malfunctioning droid officer crash to the floor, the loud noise shocking you back into sanity as several of your peers glance pitifully in your direction, similar looks of worry crossing their faces - little doubt in their minds too that this would be some of their last moments as free peoples. In an effort to compose yourself, you…

>A.) Collect the pieces of the droid officer you had been working on, and take your mind off of the fear by doing what you knew best - putting the bastard back together.
>B.) Return to the engineering corps common rooms to find some solace in the few sources of entertainment you had left in the form of cheap Nabooiesian vodka and company of the more raucous of your coworkers.
>C.) Play the part of loyal soldier despite the near universal loss of decorum around you, and report to your Commanding Officer for instructions.
>D.) Instead, try to break into the Server Rooms of the upper command and attempt to glean more information from what you may find.
>A.) Collect the pieces of the droid officer you had been working on, and take your mind off of the fear by doing what you knew best - putting the bastard back together.
>A.) Collect the pieces of the droid officer you had been working on, and take your mind off of the fear by doing what you knew best - putting the bastard back together.
>>A.) Collect the pieces of the droid officer you had been working on, and take your mind off of the fear by doing what you knew best - putting the bastard back together.
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Quickly you have the parts gathered before you on the table, the motor control and power source that makes up the torso, the partially smashed sensor and communication hub of its head, and an assortment of shafts and wiring that made up the simple arms and legs of the scrawny robot, all neatly organized on your formerly cluttered desk.

"Draw up blueprints." you command into the open air towards the desk. In response a bright blue light emits from the outer edges of the table, shifting and molding into a holographic representation of all of the droid's parts in correct order. The task had always seemed mundanely fun in a way, organizing the physical pieces to occupy the hologram's representation of the droid blueprint. The hologram made a satisfying clicking noise as each piece fell into place by your manipulations, changing to a calmer amber light as they received the appropriate piece.

Quickly the form of the broken droid took shape in reality, nearly matching that of the blueprint. The hologram glared an angry red in area where the droid was damaged, which you hastily jot down onto a datapad. With the details in writing, you activate the inner machinery of your workspace which quickly assembles the model of a droid, leaving the red areas for your own, human hands to solve. The communications hub that made up the 'brain' of the droid was simple to fix - a few wires to be adjusted, a diagnostic on the code infrastructure with edits where the data was corrupted, and the piece was back to its happy amber glow within the holo-diagram.

The motor and power control in the center of the Droid's torso on the other hand… Not so lucky. The poor soldier had clearly taken several blaster shots through some of the central hardware in its chest, resulting in a melted and mangled mess of intricate wiring, gears, and small databanks that controlled the droid's movements.

In a way, you were thankful for the challenge, the mess before you inside the chest of that officer required the full extent of your focus, any thoughts about the soon to be defeat of you and your comrades' failed rebellion of the C.I.S exited your mind as thoughts of machinery began to occupy it. A good portion of the damage was solved by clever manipulation of some of the more replaceable bits and pieces that made up the fine motor control, but the software involving its reflexes seemed severely hampered.

You scratch your military-cut hair in frustration, the code had seemingly been deleted and replaced by a jumble of nonsense and redundancies that ruined any and all function in the droid's movements. For several moments you stare in annoyance at the datapad's representation of the data, before a small thought hits you - this officer may never see combat again if the C.I.S went through with a surrender, and as such you were free to manipulate it as you saw fit.

How do you alter the reflexive coding of your project officer?

> A.) Splice in bits of data from the Super Battle Droids, giving it an enhanced command of a variety of firearms beyond the standard blaster rifles of the droid armies.
>B.) Dedicate the missing memory instead to cognitive function, giving the already intelligent officer droid an even better ability to discern the situation before it to find a solution.
>C.) Repair the coding for its original purpose, but experiment with your own ideas on making the fine motor control of the droid somewhat comparable to that of a more organic creature's range of movement, giving it an edge in everything from close-quarters combat to stealthy movement.
>D.) Other (Write-in)
>B.) Dedicate the missing memory instead to cognitive function, giving the already intelligent officer droid an even better ability to discern the situation before it to find a solution.
B.) Dedicate the missing memory instead to cognitive function, giving the already intelligent officer droid an even better ability to discern the situation before it to find a solution.

Experimenting with the code, your mind is drawn to the odd cyborg people of the Techno Union, one of the founding solar systems responsible for the secession from the Republic. Simple in concept, the 'species' that ruled over the techno union were just humanoids that improved themselves with robotic technology, often with extra processors to enhance cognitive ability.

Quickly you rifle through the databanks of the manufacturing facility, finding relevant data snippets from cognitive enhancers, dedicating the delicate databanks originally meant for redundancy systems in the case of shutdown to instead directly improve the cognitive functions of your project droid.

With several large paragraphs of coding added to the framework, everything is complete. Quickly you order the workspace to finish the assembly of your droid, and a simple voice prompt asks for a name.

> Roll 1d100 and name the droid
> Highest roll after 10 minutes wins
Rolled 18 (1d100)

Rolled 74 (1d100)

Rolled 16 (1d100)

Corius wins, post incoming!
With the final touches to your officer unit complete, you order the final assembly of the officer unit. A wide array of robotic arms and tools expand from the table in an instant, screwing and welding different pieces of the droid together, until finally a standing battle droid is before you, the fruits of your frantic labor. It's rough looking without the actual fine finishes of an assembly line like new droids, with several scar-like weld points dotting the former melted holes where blaster fire had originally incapacitated the unit. You approach the stand-alone droid and wirelessly input the code to activate 'him'.

The droid officer, scratched and burned orange paint covering its tan-metal head and shoulders stands at the ready and salutes you with a rather silly flourish you programmed into the motion processor for a cheap laugh. "Roger roger, Officer Unit OD-6S Corius ready for command by Officer-Engineer Seth McAllister!" You smile for a moment, if this is to be one of your last creations, you're glad that it was a success without any clear malfunction.

And nearly instantly that smile is wiped away by the blaring of the factory's emergency alarms.

Red lights flash at every visible point of the room, a voice begins to blare over the intercom, "REPUBLIC SHIPS DETECTED, MAN BATTLE STATIONS".

The alarm repeats itself again, but you barely hear it over the angry buzzing in your ears and the panicked yelling of everyone around you, blaster fire is clearly heard in the distance, several explosions following suit. You reach for your droid to stabilize yourself, but your lapse of concentration is all you know as a blinding white light fills the air around you, heat radiating over you in painful flashes as you are thrown from your feet.

For several moments it feels as if nothing exists around you as shock over-takes your system, a small fire glows in front of your blurry vision, your jaw hanging open in disbelief that you have finally died.

"SIR! SIRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!" Corius screams in the high-pitched tone of the droids, his metal arms wrapped under your shoulders. You snap back to consciousness for a moment, wiping what dust you can from your eyes. Your entire body hurts, but with considerable effort and the assistance of Corius you make it to your feet. The droid looks at you and shifts from foot to foot as its fight-or-flight response is triggered,

"SIRRR!!! We need to GET OUT OF HERE!" He pushes you slightly to get you walking…

> A.) "Corius.… we need to get to the fleet hangar…"
> B.) "Corius…. h- help me get to the ground vehicles…"
> C.) "Corius…. We need to get to the armory, a- and fight back…"
>A.) "Corius.… we need to get to the fleet hangar…"

"Corius... we need to-" another explosion in the distance rocks you and Corius quickly scrambles to catch you. "We need to get to the hangar. There's bound to be a starfighter that can carry us out of the system." You sputter a cough as a stream of smoke pours through a broken hole in the wall, Corius switches into silence and continues to half-drag half-carry you out an emergency exit. You gag in disgust as the droid physically kicks the body of a shorter, gray skinned alien that you can't identify in the rubble, and with a dull thud it hits the wall to your left and Corius drags you out the door.

You gasp as the intensely hot air of the volcano hits you, the sulfury smell somehow seeming preferable to the ash and smoke of the crumbling factory.

Several metal walk ways criss-cross the numerous metal tubes and lava filled chasms of the volcano. Corius continues heartily carrying you, the sound of his metal footsteps providing you with an oddly calming rhythm among the destruction around you.

"Sir, we have a problem!" Corius screeches in a volume that only you can hear, using his free arm to point to two figures standing on a pipe a few dozen meters away from you, you can't make out their words in the commotion, but you're sure the exchange is heated by their aggressive stances. The two figures draw what seems to be light sabers, and clash in a grand cascade of sparks in the middle of the pipe.

"Oh sir that is not good, reeeeaaally not good, Jedi!" Corius again screeches in panic. You kick him in the shin, and he groans in annoyance but understanding as he quietly drags you down a stairwell, hiding you from the sight of the two clashing Jedi.

Step by step Corius helps you down the stairs without incident, arriving at one of the upper doors of the fleet hangar. Below the chaos doesn't seem to be much different from your section of the factory, numerous personnel were fleeing in panic attempting to get on the quickly dwindling transport ships, and as far as you could tell most of the pilotable starfighters were either damaged or being mobbed.

> A.) Use your datapad to awaken one of the droid starfighters and hide yourself and Corius inside to flee
> B.) Attempt to break theough the crowd using Corius' relatively powerful droid strength and jump on one of the fleeing transport carriers
> C.) Instead attempt to free one of the manned starfighters from the rubble, requiring Corius to pilot the ship
>> A.) Use your datapad to awaken one of the droid starfighters and hide yourself and Corius inside to flee
The crowd is too thick to push through in time.
> A.) Use your datapad to awaken one of the droid starfighters and hide yourself and Corius inside to flee.
Can we wake them all up?
I'll have to throw in a dice check if you want to attempt it, forgot to throw in the write-in
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>Holy trips
>Satan trips
W-w-which one do I check?
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All of them anon

All of them.

Don't wanna be making assumptions, but do you want to go with his plan? Don't think we'll be grabbing much of a crowd tonight so it's just us three for now
I'll stick with the original. I do wonder what happen to the other three.
Probably died from cocaine overdose

Common problem around these parts
Well I'm gonna pass out for now, I'll continue in about 14 hours from now(4~ pm central us), hope this is catching some interest
I'm sorry but I have to get this
Thank you for running.

2 off

Thanks for playing!
What was the >>777777 get?
What about a combination of both A and the write in? Something like, getting inside one of the droid starfighters and then awakening the others when fleeing?
>A.) Use your datapad to awaken one of the droid starfighters and hide yourself and Corius inside to flee
I'll vote for trying to activate the others as a diversion.
I'll go with this

If Geonosis is being invaded like in the movie I bet you anything there's more republic ships on the way
>> A.) Use your datapad to awaken one of the droid starfighters and hide yourself and Corius inside to flee
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The hangar seemed to be filling up faster at every passing moment, dozens upon dozens of fleeing personnel were mobbing in from every conceivable entrance below you. It seems Corius had the right plan by taking you through the catwalks on the outer edges of the factory – as far as you could see there was nobody else this far up with the hanging rows of Droid Starfighters. You nudge Corius and point to the one nearest you, a large lithe machine made of a dark metal with two wings centered around an ovular communications center that operated much like the mechanisms inside Corius' own head.

You pull your datapad out of your pocket, wincing in annoyance as some unseen burn is scraped by the rough fabric of your mechanic's jumpsuit. The small pane of acrylic flares with light, listing all of the compatible droids on its network in a small but clean text organized by distance from the pad. You select the one at the top of the list, a Raptor Class Starfighter by the usual non-creative designation of “NM4-HM”. The ship begins to produce a gentle humming noise as its systems come online, brought to life by the activation codes you frantically input.

With one final burst of noise from the internal mechanisms of the fighter, its ready to fly, outputting a steady stream of data to your pad. Corius purposefully leans you against the wall, staying silent as he works on opening the cargo hatch on the underside of NM4-HM, a simple container area meant for short distance space travel, due only to its uncomfortable nature and not safety concerns. In your thought process that mattered little when faced with almost certain death at the hands of the Republic.

A loud clanking noise sounds across the hangar with the hiss of the sealed door opening, and you curse under your breath as you see armed clones entering from the ground level, indiscriminately firing into the crowds below. Again you feel as if everything is frozen around you as you watch the troopers mow down many of your fellow soldiers, unarmed and panicked into a frenzy as they tried to escape the bloodshed. There was little you could do but watch with your jaw hanging as hundreds died in the massacre; the voice of Corius only barely rescuing you from the sight.

“SIR! THE HATCH IS OPEN! GET IN!” the robotic voice yells at you, grabbing at your shoulders and shoving you towards the fighter. Corius presses his arms against your lower back as you swing your legs into the cargohold, fully shoving you into the confined space as he crawls in behind you. Your datapad flares with warning signs of soldiers approaching your craft – it becomes clear that they will soon overtake you without a distraction, and you scramble together enough focus to realize that there are dozens of droid starships awaiting activation around you.

A nagging feeling pulls at your gut, if you simply use the starships to aid your escape your chances of getting out of there are far higher, but the droids do have the capability of saving some lives. You yell in frustration, you have to make a choice – now.
READ ME: On votes that have dice rolls, it is just to give you an idea of how hard it will be to meet the target, you DO NOT roll on this vote until after I close the vote and ask you to. If you roll before hand the roll doesn't count

How do you use the fleet?

> A.) Activate the fleet to aid in your escape, distracting the Clone Troopers on the upper levels and guaranteeing a safe exit. (One roll - DC 30 to escape)
>B.) Activate the fleet, but dedicate around half to help yourself, and the other half to rescuing atleast some of the workers below. (Two rolls – DC 50 to escape, DC 70 to save the crowds below)
>C.) Activate the fleet, but dedicate a majority to saving the crowds below. (Two Rolls – DC 60 to escape, DC 50 to save the crowd)
>B 50/50
If they can't get to a ship in time then it's their damn fault for not running faster. Also, we can't very well avenge Dooku-senpai if we are dead.
I don't want to sacrifice our own escape in a gamble to save others, but I don't wanna be a dick.
>B.) Activate the fleet, but dedicate around half to help yourself, and the other half to rescuing at least some of the workers below. (Two rolls – DC 50 to escape, DC 70 to save the crowds below)
B wins,

Roll 2d100, the first roll will be for the escape (DC 50), second will be the crowd (DC 70)

Best of three for each
Rolled 57, 44 = 101 (2d100)

Rolled 6, 45 = 51 (2d100)

Well, at least we secured our own escape
Rolled 73, 22 = 95 (2d100)

Gonna roll again due to low traffic. Feel free to disregard the roll.
Was actually going to suggest that myself, if we don't get another roll in like couple of minutes I'll just go with that roll
Rolled 30 (1d100)

Rolled 46 (1d100)


Apologies, here is the second half of that roll
Post inc

'Damn it all, I can't just let them die.'

With a shakey hand you begin inputting codes on a mass scale, targeting the rest of the... you check the counter at the top of the screen... 126 droid fighters hanging from the ceiling around your own ship. As fast as you can, you begin activating the droids en masse, sending around half to shoot down the troopers advancing on you while the other attempts to clear out the troopers on the ground. You access the vision of your own ship, and grin slightly as you see the ships morph into close combat form, dropping from the ceiling, and switching their wings mid-air to act as walking stilts. The sound of blaster fire echoes throughout your small quarters, and the screams of the troopers bring you a small, relieved grin at the corner of your mouth.

“We should really get in the air don't you think?” You jump as Corius surprises you, droid voice echoing through the small chamber. You type in the commands, and your own ship drops from its bracers and begins to add to the blaster fire. It hovers in the air slightly, preparing its trajectory to exit the atmosphere.

You use that moment of stillness to switch to one of the droid fighters on the ground, and the sight isn't pretty. The droids were killing the troopers by the handful, but for every clone they shot down it seemed as if three more took their place, it didn't seem likely that anyone would make it out of there.

As the flight checks were completed, the droid rocketed out of the Hangar doors, breaking the sound barrier as it flew higher and higher into the smokey atmosphere of Geonosis. The orange, red, and black clouds produced by the volcanoes beneath you provided a perfect cover for the droid to escape, no sensors from outside Geonosis would ever be able to penetrate the thick smoke.

Corius seemed to be staring at you as you contemplated the next steps.

“Thank you.” You mutter, defeated as the realization that your short life's ambition was destroyed in mere hours after you witnessed the death of your greatest hero second-hand. “I would have died in there if it weren't for you.”
Corius cocks his head to indicate confusion, “Sir, I would be in pieces if you didn't put me together, and you are the Commander.” The word makes your head shoot up, the droid hadn't used the correct term of 'Officer-Engineer'.

“Corius, that isn't my title.” You're now equally confused, and the droid didn't seem to be understanding what you meant.

“My command protocols show you as the highest ranking living officer of our division, Commander.” He replies, the confusion inherent in the higher-pitch tone used to convey such emotions.
> “Th- they're all dead? All of the engineer corps?”
> “What of the Council? Did they make it out?”
> “THAT. IS. NOT. MY. RANK. Know your place, Droid.”
> “Corius, please, just take the compliment. Army protocol is dead with the rebellion.”
>“What of the Council? Did they make it out?”
>"Not even the council made it out? I guess that means we're on our own, then."
If we really are shell shocked about it, stutter a bit.
>“Corius, please, just take the compliment. Army protocol is dead with the rebellion.”

Time to put that aside, let's find a friendly planet to figure out our next step
>> “What of the Council? Did they make it out?”
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You try taking a few deep breaths, but with what Corius seems to be implying you feel like someone placed a lead brick on your chest.

"A- and," you let out a hacking cough from all of the smoke inhalation from before, "what of the C- Council? Did any of them survive?"

Corius places a hand on the back of his head, mimicking a human scratching their scalp in an awkward moment before replying, "No sir, I was reviewing the last bit of security footage I had, it doesn't seem like anyone on the Council is left. Do you want to see it?" He points at your datapad.

You nod, and Corius pulls out a small wire from the side of his torso, clicking it into a port on the datapad. The screen goes black for a second, a small icon of a droid running in place indicates that the footage is loading, and you can't help but feel a pull at your gut at the thought of the worker who had programmed that into the datapads after a long night of drinking. The image changes to a feed of the hallway leading to the council chambers, a hooded figure comes into view at the opposite end, and seems to calmly walk towards the open door of the council, the droids on guard duty don't even seem to care.

The image cuts to a feed inside the room, and the head of the Council, a tall Neimoidian who was considered the leader of the Trade Federation, begins speaking from across the chamber.

“Lord Vader, we've been expecting you.” The tone is almost happy, and you can't help but feel disgusted that your supposed leader would be friendly to Jedi scum. You let out an involuntary gasp as the hooded man, Vader you assume, instantly cuts down the closest members of the council. In an elegant dance only a jedi could perform, he systematically moved through the room cutting through every droid and person standing without taking a single hit. The image cuts to black as the Jedi slices through the Leader's neck.


Man I need to shorten these posts but I can't seem to fit all the details in the limit, sorry guys!
>> “Corius, please, just take the compliment. Army protocol is dead with the rebellion.”

So... Anyone want to gather resources and get ready for the next rebellion to happen? especially with the truth of the republic being a dictatorship being out there now/soon
“So even the council didn't make it out...” despite your best efforts not to, you let out a small sob but managing to regain your composure just slightly before tears fell, “I g- guess we're on our own then.” you mutter.

“Commander, where should w-” you raise a hand to cut Corius off.

“Corius, drop the title. Army protocol died with the rebellion.” You let off, perhaps a bit angrier than you would've normally meant to.

“Roger roger, what do I call you then?” The droid can't help but use the phrases programmed so deeply into its vocabulary, so you let the very formal 'yes' slide.

“Just r- refer to me as Seth, we're different in every way, but you're the only ally or friend I have left in the galaxy.” You manage to croak out.

The datapad blinks, the starfighter is communicating that it has breached the outer edge of the atmosphere, and needs directions before entering hyper speed. It was clear you would have to resort to the more lawless planets while traveling in such an easily identifiable ship.

> Tatooine – A desert planet occupied by numerous corporations, slavers, and all manners of people attempting to make it rich by either mining, or serving those who did. Republic presence is known but not strong.
> Mandalore – A planet that had been neutral in the Clone Wars, and was occupied by the Republic after a coup that was blamed to be from the CIS. Republic presence is high, but the vast majority of the civilization would harbor anyone who hated the oppressors as much as they did.
> Nar Hutta – Disgusting would be the first word you used to describe it, but the criminal element that ran the planet via the Hutt cartels meant there would be no Republic presence.
> Other (Write-in planet in the SW universe, within reason)
>> Tatooine – A desert planet occupied by numerous corporations, slavers, and all manners of people attempting to make it rich by either mining, or serving those who did. Republic presence is known but not strong.
Plenty of opportunities there. Especially if we try and kill a kyrate dragoon for the pearls eventually. Might be able to with this fighter. But thats just my opinion it might be worse for us but maybe we can get a job there.
>> Mandalore – A planet that had been neutral in the Clone Wars, and was occupied by the Republic after a coup that was blamed to be from the CIS. Republic presence is high, but the vast majority of the civilization would harbor anyone who hated the oppressors as much as they did

We've got no cash and nothing to sell for cash. We need generosity.

We are not selling the droids. They are all we have and we'll probably need them.
I was under the impression that we still at least have a datachip on us?
>Mandalore – A planet that had been neutral in the Clone Wars, and was occupied by the Republic after a coup that was blamed to be from the CIS. Republic presence is high, but the vast majority of the civilization would harbor anyone who hated the oppressors as much as they did.
You have the datapad/chip, Corius, and NM4-HM (Starship)

Beyond that just the charred clothes on your body
> Mandalore – A planet that had been neutral in the Clone Wars, and was occupied by the Republic after a coup that was blamed to be from the CIS. Republic presence is high, but the vast majority of the civilization would harbor anyone who hated the oppressors as much as they did.
>Nar Hutta – Disgusting would be the first word you used to describe it, but the criminal element that ran the planet via the Hutt cartels meant there would be no Republic presence.

We need to get there and sell the distinctive droid starship, trade it in for one that is more anonymous, then figure out among ourselves what the next steps are
Mandalore might be cool to see, plus they have a civic build up to work well with Tatooine doesn't really have much in way of tech to work with.
but tatooine also have alot of land that doesnt have anyone on it. Granted it does only have really three towns
Eh, yeah except from what it reads out as we're a tech savy engineer who's good with building things from scrap and sophisticated tools.

Not going inna desert world to lay low, the best place to hide from your enemies is often in the plain site.

The thing I am concerned about with Mandalore is that it's too Republic visable to get away with selling/trading the one piece of equipment we're able to, the starship, and we need a lower profile starship
True, we could always go to the garbage/scrap world. Cant remeamber its name but droids, ships, and other mechanical stuff gets sent there. Plus if the dm holds true to most of star wars lore the planet is an actual giant droid.

How close to star wars verse/lore are you going to stay?
Generosity from Mandalorians? That's... bold.
As close as possible, obviously the future from this point could be changed, but everything that happened before this is the same.

Minus the disney retcons like moodring light sabers
>moodring light sabers
...? Please tell me this is a joke?
Nope, just found out today myself actually.

Now lightsaber crystals start bleeding if you do bad things and that's why they're red
Well there is also the bit about there being a lot of anti-Republic sentiments there so i think we could at least try to dock somewhere quite like and try to modify the starfighter, maybe actually make a cock pit, but to do that would require a garage/hanger to do.

Oh I know the one you're talking about there was some crazy jedi that was living there after the purge if I remember right, not to mention it being a cesspool of death.
You have just become my new favorite person because of that. I grew up breathing star wars and its lore, while running/playing its rpgs and dnd forms, least most of it, and disney has panned me with the stuff they have done.
if i remember correctly he started going crazy in a couple of years.
No. I... I don't care if Disney owns it, NO. Period. That is worse than Jar jar by retarded amounts.
Is that a thing Disney added in or was the pre retcon?

If thats Disney, dude what the fuck?
Mandalore was a different place during the Clone Wars. They were less of a warrior society after the Republic glassed their planet.
it is disney. The old red lightsabers were actually crystals that were used or through dark side corruption which is actually pretty hard to do. They have never friggin bleed

Anons, please. Lets not start on what bits of cannon sucks. It distracts from the quest that Don has kindly started for us.

/tg/ always has a star wars thread. We can bitch about bleeding sabres and the Vong over there.
Muchos Gracias anon, though that was kinda my fault for starting it

Anyways, Mandalore wins, post inc
Righto, sorry about that, was doing idle chit chat while we waited for a bit is all.

Still thoughts on keeping the starfighter and modding it for more human needs? I really loved the design behind those droid fighters, so sleek and awesome looking. Sucks you never see them anymore...
Oh no that's totally fine, I prefer people keep the thread bumped anyway. But I got the other anon's point that going down the rabbit hole in SW lore is a scary thing
I am for it. The only real problem is that alot of people, if we go into the non hut space, will be weary of us. The reason droid star fighters stopped appearing alot was that alot of anti droid sentiment got kicked up after the war

We would need capital to mod it though and right now the only way we can do that is by taking out some very unfavorable loans or, maybe, selling what information we have including the video of the council dying. Course that one is dependent on that information still being relevant.
Did we manage to keep that video file? There might be an information broker or something that would be interested in it I think. Espically when we have evidence of a Lord "Vader" to deal out.

I think that might be our best hope right now for any sort of starting funds. Once we have funds or a backer we can look at what modding our ship will get us and what options there are for buying a new one
>Lord Vader is Palpatine's right hand man
>Lord Vader is welcome at Separatist Council meetings
>awkward questions arise about Clone Wars leadership

We have something of value to trade.
“Mandalore.” You say towards Corius.

“Sir?” Corius shifts in his sitting position, unfortunately reminding you of your own cramped space in the cargohold of the droid.

“We're going to Mandalore. They may have rejected the Confederacy during the war, but there's nothing the Mandalorian people hate more than the Republic after some Jedi overthrew their government.” You quickly explain, the dim light in the hold highlights Corius' quick nods.

You jam in the coordinates of Mandalore from the datapad's map and you curse as you head slams back into the wall of the hold as the droid enters hyperspace. Again you notice Corius staring at you, except this time his hands are covering the speakers that make up his 'mouth'. He seemed to be shaking lightly.
Then it hit you. “Corius, you smug bastard, are you laughing?” The droid shook his head violently no, hands still clamped firmly around his mouth, but just enough of a gap let the robotic laughter out a bit. Somehow you couldn't help yourself, you lose all composure and start laughing, tears of relief and grief slipping out with the laughter. This seems to set Corius off, and not even the bulky metal fingers can stop the noise. The inside of the cargohold was filled with a small amount of happiness until you both composed yourself.

You figured that the momentary loss of self-control by Corius was caused by the enhanced cognitive processing you coded into him during the repairs, battle droid psychology was closely mimicked after human emotion to give them a better sense of the correct priorities on the battlefield, and a certain amount of entertainment for the engineers off it – increased intelligence led to increased emotional range, in essence.


During the travel through hyper-space, you began researching through the datapad's archives to find more information on Mandalore. It seemed that the Republic claimed to have seized the planet after an organization called the “Shadow Collective” had overthrown the government, and in turn the Republic's Jedi overthrew that government, and occupied it for the greater part of the last three years. The records cut off around the point CIS intelligence began to collapse, the Republic had begun to withdraw due to the strategic insignificance of the planet and the supposed neutrality of the new Prime Minister installed by republic operatives.

First and foremost, a landing point needed to be established.

> Sundari – Capital of Mandalore and a massive, bustling metropolis, Sundari is known for being the center of commerce and politics for the planet. The relatively peaceful people that remained after their warrior society collapsed in civil war made the place a center of culture, though the whole coup had begun only because of the criminal organizations hiding right under the surface
> Gur'dana – The second largest city, but also a place that attempted to preserve a pseudo culture reminiscent of the planet's warrior clan past. Lawless wouldn't exactly be the right word for this place, more of an unstable peace predicated on the fact that anyone could kill anyone if they transgressed somehow.
> Tap – The best description of the place would be a slum city, a sprawling, confusing maze of rag-tag buildings and structures stretching across the plains, anonymity would be easy, but being robbed is just as likely.
Sorry for the delay, making dinner
Rolled 3 (1d3)

I'll just roll
>Gur'dana – The second largest city, but also a place that attempted to preserve a pseudo culture reminiscent of the planet's warrior clan past. Lawless wouldn't exactly be the right word for this place, more of an unstable peace predicated on the fact that anyone could kill anyone if they transgressed somehow.

Seems the most likely spot for finding a good info broker
>lso a place that attempted to preserve a pseudo culture reminiscent of the planet's warrior clan past. Lawless wouldn't exactly be the right word for this place, more of an unstable peace predicated on the fact that anyone could kill anyone if they transgressed somehow.
>> Gur'dana – The second largest city, but also a place that attempted to preserve a pseudo culture reminiscent of the planet's warrior clan past. Lawless wouldn't exactly be the right word for this place, more of an unstable peace predicated on the fact that anyone could kill anyone if they transgressed somehow.
Gur'dana wins, post inc
You close your eyes for a few minutes of rest before having to interact with something other than a droid. The cities of Mandalore existed underneath domes and man-made tunnels deep beneath them - as the constant decades of war had reduced the planet to little more than a ball of burning wastelands. Unfortunately, that meant having to deal with some form of traffic controller.

On the bright side of things, the city of Gur'dana was rumored to be a practical concentrated center of hate towards the Republic. All in all the place sounded great to hide out in. Engineers were bound to be in short supply seeing how the city was dedicated to the preservation of the martial culture of Mandalorian past. Any schooling there would be in how to wield a blaster, not in manufacturing.

You held onto that small sliver of hope in your gut like it was your last hope, and slowly your eyes opened when you felt the jump out of hyperspace.

NG3-HM began pinging your datapad, asking to patch through communications from the grey planet's surface. You accepted it, and a masked man answered the call.

"Droid fighter, you're lucky you have something alive in you, else we'd have shot you out of the fuckin' sky"
And that's it for today folks, 5 hours of running seems sufficient I think, and I'm tired as hell.

Any comments, questions or criticisms? I'll stick around for a bit.
Thank you for running.
So you mentioned something about the Droid calling us commander. Could that hint at us controlling forces int he future?
Thanks for running, boss.

Do you have a Twitter for annoucning when your threads are running?
To explain that more, the Droid army works in small units that combine to form larger companies. The way I'm framing the CIS army is that droids keep a running tally of their Officers' hierarchy, so in the case that one leader dies, their replacement is immediately recognizable to all droids.

"Commander" is the highest rank in a droid army, usually reserved for a much higher ranking officer than yourself, think a step or two down from Grevious' rank.

Officer-Engineers are considered pretty high ranking in a droid army (There are several)

So Corius naming you as Commander means that everyone ranking above you in your Corps' 'Army' is now dead, making you the commandng officer to any droid that was a part of that regiment, such as Corius and NG3-HM, who now consider you their highest leader with the exception of a general, or separatist council member.

Not yet, but I was planning to make one before the thread reached auto-sage. I'm bad at procrastinating.
Well that's cool. Maybe that will come in handy, when we decide what we want to do
> I was planning to make one

Go make one and post it here. Its /qst/ it'll be here a while.

Seriously, without one and a few hours notice of upcoming threads, you'll lose your reader base simply by us not knowing.
qst threads can last 2 weeks.
It's important to have a readerbase that knows when the next session is.
... fair enough, making it now, check back in ike 5 minutes

If it makes you feel better, I feel dirty having one. Like I'm one of those half-wits that fire off everything that passes for a thought.

I may be bitter about such things.
I just feel so... normie...

I need a shower
It won't help.

Nor will crying.
Question, am I taking too long between updates? I feel like I'm spending too much time on them (with the exception of that last one, that was just tired me putting a pause)

Personally I'll always vote for quality over quickness or quantity. The people here will get used to the rhythm of your posting and it gives opportunity to have a full discussion about our actions. Basically only speed up if you're uncomfortable with the pace, after all you're the game master
Honestly I only care about getting the post out there with a bit of quality, but I wanted to make sure I wasn't risking players by waiting 20~30 minutes or so between updates
45m~ is on the longer end but is still perfectly acceptable. Especially since the norm is like 10-15m for voting, and usually 20m+ to write the scene, the time you're taking is understandable.

Really my only gripe at the moment is the story's slow pace. It's been 2 sessions and it has been only generate a character (first session) then generate a setting (second session.)
However you're trying to do it in a way that is organic and avoids the normal character gen shitstorms, so it makes sense that the pacing would be on the slow end for them.

But now that the two MC's are made and the setting is established (all relevant major CiS power players dead, Mandalore as first major planet, Gur'dana as first major city) I expect the action to speed up substantially as characters and plot points are introduced and explored.
20-30 is a fair pace. Others have marathons between posts, and they still have followers.

Quality over quantity.

Most important is keeping that pace up. Reliable post times makes things easier for followers. We know when we should start panicking.
>get email that classes are cancelled
>want to run
>know that its so early in the morning everyone who has been keeping up with it wouldn't be able to play

Life is suffering
Time for prep work.
Well you have one person that's here for the first time.
lets play motherfucker
Pretty much

Now I feel bad anon, hopefully you can come around in an hour or two, have work most of tonight so the session will be shorter, but I was planning on getting a few updates in before 5 (central u.s)
Session will be starting in an hour or so, motherfucker
I probably will be, assuming I have a ride home. See you then

Checking in, confirmed I have no life
Checking in
It has been an hour or so
woo, writing post now
You're shocked for a moment, your experience with space travel has always been heavily laden with military protocols, and the rough tone and accent of the masked man on the screen was far from those pampered soldiers. Corius seems nervous, shifting constantly in his corner watching what you do next intently. With a quick swipe you activate the camera on your end, and the man laughs, “Well you've seem so shit, haven' you?” No surprise to that reaction, what with the numerous cuts, burns, and

“This is... I am a refugee from a Republic attack, seeking asylum.” You explain, “I'm an engineer, and uh, well, I stole it...” You try covering the hesitation with a bit of light coughing, but with the black and orange metal mask with little more than eyeholes, you had no way of knowing whether he bought the story or not.

“You're telling me you hacked a Federation droid starfigher, and you picked our great city to hide in? Boy this'll be fun.” He lets out a laugh, crackling slightly with static over the long range communications. “You're free to enter in docking port 561, if your droid makes any hostile movements it will be destroyed.”

The starfighter takes the signal as an all-clear and begins its rather bumpy descent into the dusty atmosphere below. Corius sits there silently, staring like usual, vibrating slightly from the turbulence. You switch to a view of NG4-HM's sight, and watch as the large blackish-grey dome gets closer and closer. The landscape around you is fascinating, massive waves and ditches of a white sand covers the planet in every direction, the wind blasting sheets of the dust into the air just to fll back down in large sheets.


As your ship approaches the opening labeled “561” in massive, faded red letters, the masked air-controller activates the gate, and NG4 sends an alert claiming tractor beams are pulling it inside. You're pulled into a dark tunnel, dim white and green lights lining the path before a second door opening before you, leading to a rather familiar sight of a fleet hangar, much more rustic than what you'd seen in your military career however.

Corius began opening the hatch, lowering the ceramic plate and gesturing for you to step out. He grabs your shoulders and keeps you steady as you drop out of the bottom of the droid on sore legs, wobbling but still standing on the metal walkway. You look around, and four men, armed with blasters are clearly approaching you.

> Stay calm and speak to the men.
> Try to crawl back into the ship
> Call Corius to get out as well
> Other (Write-in)

internet went down, sorry for the delay!
>speak too the man.

You know, i brushed over this the first time but it turns out pretty fucking nifty. I'mma give a real shot here and follow this one
>Stay calm and speak to the men.
>> Stay calm and speak to the men.
>Stay calm and speak to the men.
>Call Corius to get out as well
> Stay calm and speak to the men.

> Stay calm and speak to the men.
>Stay calm and speak to the men.
>Stay calm and speak to the men.
Is Don's internet out again?
Clearly, Post Jedi. It'll spook him back.

>inb4 he dropped the quest.
Check the /qtg/. It was Velo all along.
>Called it

I'm both sad and fucking feeling old now.
Aw, man. I liked this quest.
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losing hope.gif
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>It was Velo all along.
>I'll be honest, I thought I could get back into questing now that everything died down, but man I'm still annoyed with this place. Maybe another few months from now I'll get back into the swing of things, consider the quest/don qm done.


What a faggot
For fucks sakes, you know what I'm Hijiacking this thread if Velo is the one who posted that shit, I have about an hour and a half to run so lemme post some shit and see if we can't ride this bitch towards the sunset.
Hey Velo, since I know you'll come back here just to see how the news broke, either shit or get off the pot. I'm sorry that our, honestly really fucking tame, board hurt your feelings but stop being a butthurt cocktease.

Of course it was Velo, it's always fucking Velo even me
Don !!NG+bm+YrwKh (ID: DtbWCAzp)
Velo !!kt21k61Nf5N (ID: DtbWCAzp)

Same person. I don't even know what the fuck's going on, other than the QM for some reason got his panties in a twist for... reasons?

Seriously, there's been fucking nothing here but an average quest. And this causes a pissy fit and he leaves?

Is this guy a resident autist or something?
As the four men approach you keep your nerve ideally brushing your charred suit grimacing as you look less than ideal. Not the best first impressions, but you'll have to make due.

The first of the men, the one wearing what looked like a shoulder pad that covered one shoulder steps forward while the rest take up covering fire positions around you. You can feel sweat start to gather on your brow as the silence descends over the small portion of the hangar you stand in.

"Now, let's cut the bullshit, Federation codes are hard to crack, let alone being able to direct it like a puppet into atmo means your more than a refugee. What I want to know is; what can you offer me?"

You try to explain what you had told the docking master, that you were a simple refugee from a Republic attack, only for him to step forward and swing the butt of his rifle into your gut making you double over from the blow. You're sent reeling from the lack of air when you hear, "Commander!"

Rifles click off their safeties as Corius had taken a step towards the two of you before he freezes in place the small eye ports of it's robotic head nervously twitching from commando to commando.

Squatting down to be eye level with you the imposing visage of that orange face mask comes into view, "So...'Commander' want to not bull shit me again?"

>Spill all the details
>Give a vague, but truthful account.
>Write in
>>Give a vague, but truthful account.
I was on Genosia when the Republic attacked it. I was the commander of my Engineer regiment and managed to activate the fighters to give myself and my allies time to escape. I went here knowing that the Mandelorians are no friend to the Republic.
I like it, hope to see you carry it on anon!
>Give a vague, but truthful account.
>Give a vague, but truthful account.

Alright, not sure how fast news will travel along but Genonsis has been attacked by a massive Republic force. It has fallen and I would be very grateful to be pointed in the direction of an information broker. The droid is mine, modified by my own hand and is safe
>Give a vague, but truthful account.

Don't take part in a quest if you fucking hate the board you shite.
>Give a vague, but truthful account.
Roger roger
>Vague but truthful

Long story short, one of the first quests to gain traction was run by Velo and was actually going really well for a while. Well written and all that jazz but one day he forgot to switch his trip off while posting inside his own quest, voting on his own choices, and trying to convince people to go the direction he wanted to go. It torpedoed everyone's trust in the integrity of the choices that had been made and then he threw a shit fit and promised to never return.

But lo and behold here he is, throwing another shit fit despite the fact that nothing bad has even happened in this one
You're tempted to just blurt everything you know so you don't get blasted or even worse. You never know with these Mandelorians...yet you hold back and finish catching your breath.

"G-Genosia, my regiment I was a-a part of an Engineer corps to retrieve and salvage broken down droids, please leave the droid be, I've modified him myself, he's harmless."

"Oh I wouldn't quite say harmless, that's one of those battle commander droids, seen those things rip a soldier in half when it's blaster didn't work." One of the soldiers mentions eyeing the droid with an itchy trigger finger.

"N-no, it's unarmed, it'll only do what I tell it, too honest, look I came here because I knew that your people have no love for the Republic, better to be amongst fellow enemies of them than trying to make my own way through the Hutt infested space. I-if you need things to be repaired I'm pretty handy with tools, so can we cut a deal?"

For a long moment you stare up at the faceless mask of the one who would determine your fate before he lets out a huff of air in amusement. "Alright kid, you'll get a free pass for now, keep your mouth shut and you'll be fine, however." Standing up the Mandelorian opens a holographic panel, "You will be needing to pay protection fees for the use of the hangar if you intend to stay here, it'll be around 30,000 credits all together by the end of the month."

"Th-thirty thousand?! I don't even have a credit on me!" You protest making him shrug at you.

"Like I said, you've got a month, use it well other wise we'll chop your ship to pieces and press gang you into civil service until your debt is repaid in full."

>Accept the deal [Establish a homebase, for now]
>Refuse, [Go somewhere else, though your chances are slim of finding safe haven]
>Bargin, [Better make it good, he's already feeling over generous as it is]
>Write in
>Refuse, [Go somewhere else, though your chances are slim of finding safe haven]
>Go live out in the desert, We can make trips too the city as time goes on to provide aid.
>Accept the deal [Establish a homebase, for now]

We don't have much of a position of power to negotiate from. Hopefully our information is worth a good bit
Rolled 3 (1d3)

I'll roll for my vote.
>Accept the deal [Establish a homebase, for now]
Your mind races thinking and discarding plans as you decide on what you could do. Maybe live out in the deserts? No that wouldn't work, there's nothing out there, but scrap and even that's hundred of thousands of years old!

You almost attempt to bargin with the man only to realize you honestly have your good word to offer up, which isn't going to be worth much if you can't back it up.

Sighing you nod, "I'll get the money by the end of the month."

"Excellent, in that case welcome to port Mr. John Stone." The smugness in the man's voice makes you itch to punch his lights out, but considering the situation you keep a lid on your anger.

None the less with a couple of brisk waves the security detail leaves you be while Corious walks up behind you, "Commander? What shall we do first?"

"That...that is a good question Corius, we'll..."

>Find a information broker
>Find a job
>Try to do a salvage run of the planet's surface
>Seek out other CIS members, maybe you're not the only one left?

As a heads up I'll let you all know when I'm going to head out before hand and we'll put it on pause mkay?
>Try to do a salvage run of the planet's surface
>If we have a comms or the Droid/Vulture droid scanning for other CIS members encase they show up planet wide.

The other CIS memebers would be going to ground, and any gathering might get us noticed however keeping the Fighters comms? Not sure if it has one but scanning would be useful.

Might find something nefty out on the surface like a crashed CIS ship or republic cruiser for a base.
>Try to do a salvage run of the planet's surface
First then
>Find a job
>Find a information broker

Our information is only good for so long as it is unique, I am just really hoping it still is

Seconding this idea of having the Vulture keep a very subtle ear out for other CIS going to ground
Nobody ever knew vadar was ankain but a few in the upper high imperial command.
"...We'll need to do a salvage run, see what we can turn up on this planet, we might get lucky and find a whole cruiser."

"...Commander the chances of finding a cruiser much less one that is salvageable is extraordinarily low."

Turning from the hangar itself you shrug to your companion, "It's better than nothing, besides it's a big planet, we just gotta find something that'll help us off our feet."

"Force optimism is not a healthy coping mechanism Commander." Corius chirps out at you following you into the ship's storage compartment.

"Remind me again why I made you smarter than the average commando?" You ask stuffing yourself back into the cramped compartment, Corius being helpful reconfigured himself into storage mode to better fit once he was inside.

"Unknown, possible answers vary and are many."

"It was a rhetorical question Corius, now help me with this." You say as you start to work your data pad over once more accessing the schematics of your droid fighter. "Query: What are we doing?"

"Trying to find if anyone else made it out, if they did then to regroup or at least save anyone else we can." Soon enough you find what you're looking for, a small comm relay system in the droid's upper body, looking over the plans you curse to yourself, the max range you can get is only system wide, if you wanted something stronger you'd need a bigger comm set up to signal other CIS forces...

"Commander, if we were to find a salvageable ship we could construct a primitive relay to boost the fighter's comm system."

You glance over to look at Corius and nod slowly, "We could, but we'd need the credits and fast else, well I don't want to think about it."

Leaning over you Corius quickly swipes a few segments of code on your data pad before revealing a subtle broadcast for other droids to pick up on, it's not much different from a relay command for fighters to the cruisers when they are in combat, "This however would allow for us to be aware of any friendly forces within system, is this helpful Commander?"

Despite yourself you can't help but grin, "Yeah, that'll do Corius, thanks." Turning back to the data pad you start up the engines of the droid fighter and initiate atmo flight. After getting clearance from the port master once more that is, "Remember your debt kid." The screen flicks out before the light above your hanger turns green.

Like a shot of cannon fire you're gone once more flying in the sky as you head out.

d100 roll, best of 3 for salvage.

Also will continue at a later date, have a few minutes before work. Thoughts everyone?
Rolled 52 (1d100)

I'm enjoying it, Hoping we get some goodies and not more Super Jewlorans.
Rolled 22 (1d100)

C'mon Lady Luck help me out!
Rolled 57 (1d100)

Shit, I forgot how to do this.
Rolled 73 (1d100)


You're doing good, thanks for picking it up
I'm still having fun. You are a good person for picking this quest up. Don't forget to keep your QM ID, and get a twitter so we know when you're running.
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This quest is great!

I find it funny that Velo creates a nice quest then it gets Hijacked after he gets found out, I dont even think he was railroading which is the funniest part.
And Im saying this after I just came back from Westeros quest which started the Velo meme.

Also death to the Republic!

>Get some connections after scavenging to start using our intricate knowledge about the production of droids to make some dosh and upgrade our Semi-Sapient Droid. (Preferably with the chaingun laser)
I honestly think he just started this for the sole purpose of someone picking it up

He freely admitted to playing Trick's quest a couple months back, so it wouldn't surprise me
Yeah I remember that, still Im so hyped for this quest, its premise is good and it feels good.
Honestly kinda sad Velo just didn't stick through with the quest without being a fuck head

He's 2/2 on the good quests now

2/2 for being a shit head as well

>all these people Velo is pretending to be
>he's learning
mfw I'm Velo too
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Welp I'm back, Gonna give a few more posts and then we can wrap up afterwards, I have twitter which I'll share once we're done.

Frowning you find that you have to search further afield to find anything that isn't already a desiccated wreck or had already been salvaged for parts. You start to worry that you'll wind up burning up the fuel left in the Vulture until a small ping starts to pick up on your data pad! Zooming in on the faint signal you frown trying to read the binary code, only able to pick out fragments of the data.

Cursing you look over to Corius, "Cor, hold still I need to burrow something of yours." The droid stays still as you unreel a spool of data wire from the pad and connect it to a port on the droid. "I need you to try and translate this feed of data. Give me what it's trying to say, in the meantime I'll try to boost the Vulture's comms."

"Roger roger." Corius responds simply as his attena blinks in morse code for busy, heh you remember when one of your friends had encoded that bit into the droids. Shaking off the nostalgia you reach up into the undercarriage of the Vulture and open it up to peer inside. Most of the wiring and metal is welded into place and can't be modified too much least you send your whole ship flying to it's death. But maybe...

With a final gasp you twist off the loose wire biting back a curse as it sparks in your hands, "Commander, signal clarity acheived, signal located and triangulated, shall I reroute?"

"What'd we find Corius?"

"Processing . . . registration 3M3-23, Tri-Fighter Class lost in battle over Mandalorian space over 3 a year ago during Mandalorian Civil War."

"Condition?" You ask peering over into your data pad looking over the schematics yourself before Corius interupts, "Shot down, damages in sections 3-54, propulsion damaged and weapons defunct, however brain core is amazingly still transmitting."

You could use that, the Trifighter's brain has a hefty amount of processing power behind it, granted most of it's coding is in dog fighting, but if you can rewrite portions of its code...

>You could also try to use it to upgrade Corius, he did save your life during the factory escape, if not for his quick thinking that is...
>There could be better finds, but you've already spent the better part of the day searching for this find.
>Use the Vulture to haul it back for scrap
>Cannibalize the brain to send a encoded signal for other CIS groups to go to ground, it'd be able to at least get to one of the relay satalites on Mandalore...
>Use the Vulture to haul it back for scrap

Sorry brain core, we need dosh
>You could also try to use it to upgrade Corius, he did save your life during the factory escape, if not for his quick thinking that is...

First we break even with Corius.
>Use the Vulture to haul it back for scrap

Money time.
>>You could also try to use it to upgrade Corius, he did save your life during the factory escape, if not for his quick thinking that is..
>>You could also try to use it to upgrade Corius, he did save your life during the factory escape, if not for his quick thinking that is...
Can't we take the brain and salvage the rest?
So far it's a tie for both...need a tie breaker here you guys.
Upgrade my boy corius
That is an option yes, probably should have included write ins really.
Stick the tri-brain into our dudes head, sell the rest
I will go for this.
Aw shit, lets do this unless the rest of the scrap is worth shit.

Changing my vote from >>783201
Making your decision you tap down on the data pad, "Your lucky day Corius, it's time for another upgrade."

Tilting his head at you Corius merely makes a questioning beep in droid speak. "You're going to that Trifighter's brain more or less for more processing power as for the rest of it we'll scrap it and call it a day."

"Yes Commander."

At the confirmation you feel the Vulture tilt to the side as you come in for a landing and finally settle on the ground. You pop open the hatch and are immediatly swarmed with grains of sand blasting at you at around sixty miles an hour. Cursing you slam the hatch shut and spit out the grains, fuck you had forgotten that the planet was a hell hole, but to this extent?

Bantha shit.

"Commander I may be able to retrieve the data core of the Trifighter, shall I assist?" Spitting out another mouthful of sand you cough out, "Y-yes that might be for the best, you'll need to bring the core here and let me work my magic on it before I can transfer some of the processing power over to your own, it'll most likely take a shut down of your own power so I can make the change, so in the mean time you'll need to hook the Trifighter to the ship, understand?"

"Roger roger."

"That atta boy Corius. Engage and roll out."

Standing up right the droid commando unfolds making the cramp cargo hold much tighter. Fiddling with the hatch you slam it open and Corius heads out into the wind storm.

Clearing the grit from your eyes you bring up your data pad once more and access the video feed from Corius's view. You can't see a damn thing with normal feed, "Corius switch to infrared, the Trifighter's data core should give off some heat at least."

An affirmative beep from the data pad and the the screen is a light green from the heat of the planet's surface, however just ahead you can make out a tiny sliver of bright red. "There!"

You watch hunched over your screen as Corius moves to undo the tow cables from the Vulture and starts to drag them toward the Trifighter's signature, suddenly you see a faint mark of red on the edges of Corius' vision. You'd normally dismiss it, but with the way the galaxy has it out for you, you're on edge...

>Have Corius continue mission
>Have Corius Stop and Investigate Odd Thermal Reading
>Write in
>Have Corius Stop and Investigate Odd Thermal Reading
>Have Corius Stop and Investigate Odd Thermal Reading
>Have Corius Stop and Investigate Odd Thermal Reading

No chances, this early on. We can't afford things to go wrong.
"Corius, stop. I'm picking something weird on your sensors, do you see it?"

"Roger, unknowns are at most keeping distance of twenty meters away, investigate?"

"Do so, but be careful you understand?"

"Roger roger."

Setting the tow cable down the droid waits for one of the signatures to appear before following it, soon enough it quickly disappears in the storm once more. Whatever it is, it must realize that Corius isn't something to bother with or doesn't like it. You're about to offer some advice to Corius when he starts to walk away back towards the cable!

"Corius what are you doing?"

"Bait Commander, if the entity wishes harm then it will make it's move, chances of capture of Unknown based on current conditions listed at less than 0.0000001% chance."

As you watch him bend over to pick the cables up once more you see there are two more red signatures that bob in and out of sight, "What are the chances of the bait working?"

Corius remains silent as he steadily walks before coming upon the Trifighter where you can make out what looks like a primitive camp in the ley of the sandstorm, at that point two figures run out in a low crouch howling. "Chance estimated at 99.999 percent, R.o.E?"

What do you tell the droid for his rules of engagement?
>Lethal DC 25
>Non-Lethal DC 35
Best of three d100 let's see'em boys!
Also gonna call it after this next post, twitter and other stuff afterwards, how you guys enjoying yourself so far?
Rolled 93 (1d100)

>Non-Lethal DC 35

GET'EM BOYS. Could be far far farrr fucking worse.
>Non-Lethal DC 35

Best to let us decide what to do then call for the roll.
Rolled 75 (1d100)

>Non-Lethal DC 35
>Non-Lethal DC 35
Rolled 45 (1d100)

I think you're doing pretty damn well Anon.
"Non-lethal Corius! I want to know what they are doing here."

"Roger roger." Like clock work Corius moves to engage the two howling humanoids moving almost like silk against the hands as he dips down beneath the first swing and catches the figure's leg sending it flat on it's back.

The other comes just as hard and fast with a pole of some sort that Corius simply grabs and using his superior mechanical might yanks it free from the humanoid jabbing it hard against their solar plexus making them hunch over before falling into the sand.

At that point his visuals are obscured by ragged clothed hands as they scramble for purchase, but that is quickly resolved as his vision is resolved showing the first laying flat on it's back sprawled out with a small crate below it. A closer inspection shows a humanish face that appears to have ritualistic scarring across it before the sands whip the scarf back into place.

Still Corius takes no chances and simply drags the two bodies towards the Trifighter and begins to tie them up with strands of cord wire that was in the campsite. Fruitlessly the duo start to struggle and howl at your droid in their own language, it's doubtful they know Basic, perhaps...

"Corius can you download and run a language software pack to try understanding them?"

"Attempting location of files...error file size to large for download."

"Damn, alright it looks like these natives had been using this place for a campsite, didn't even think that there would be anyone living out here in the first place..." You wipe the sweat from your brow from the cramped and stuffy cargo hold.

"Commander," Corius draws you from your musings, "Subjects one and two may have come from a nearby settlement underground."

"How the hell did you know that?" You ask before a stream of data is projected into your pad.

"Extending vision to X-ray has revealed possible underground bunker and series of tunnels which run along the planet's crust, possible theory is the subjects may have been living there before hand."

"It would make sense, there isn't any way to live on the surface, but why would..."

"Commander, sandstorm is dying down, multiple unknowns on approach vector, extreme likelyhood of enemy contact."


Think I'll leave it here for now Anons, getting tired.
@LaresOfRome For the twitter updates, as a heads up I don't really use it that often and don't know if I'll continue.
If I do I'll probably do it next week on Thursday at around six pm Central Time American
Any thoughts so far? Am I doing well or botching it up?

Doing great man, thanks for picking it up

I'm enjoying this. Thanks for taking over. Please do continue.
Thank you, and worse case this endded pretty well. Stay safe.
Just wanted to clarify a few things
> 1.) Yes, I am actually Velo
> 2.) Drank way too much yesterday afternoon
> 3.) Autism trashiness took over
> 4.) Wanted to apologize to everyone, I don't want to take over the quest after embarrasing myself all over again, but I do feel bad that I gave up a story I really liked... again

Well, sorry for being an ass even though this doesn't mean much to most of you

Thanks for taking over cowboy, hope it's succesful.
Nobody would care if you took back over your own quest velo. you didn't do anything stupid this time besides quitting
Speak for yourself

His choice to drop it; up to cowboy if he wants to keep running it
I'm not mad, I'm just disappointed
Its Cowboys quest until he drops it or doesn'tshow up. I'm constantly shit faced and not losing it. Grow the fuck up and stop drinking if you can't be a reasonable adult if drunk
Woah didn't it just say there wouldn't be an attempt to take back over?
Agreed, though it isn't like I drink much, was for the cubs game last night.
And? Salt is still Salt.

That was later in the day, not during the run. You don't get shitfaced before the party and then partake. You get shitfaced during the party.

Anyway, back too lurking.
>don't get shitfaced before the party
Says who?
I honestly would not mind if Velo takes the Quest back.

Velo is a veteran of /qst/ and he writes good quests with lots of detail.

>Inb4 Im accused of being Velo's proxy.

Well thanks anon, but I don't know if many people share that sentiment
If it's any consolation I wasn't here for all that

Seem like a good writer

I wouldn't mind having you back but that's fot you and Cowboys to hash out, since he's the one running it now
Exactly why I'm waiting to hear his opinion before doing anything, already acted like a cunt plenty of times, not gonna add stepping on Cowboy's toes as one
I mean its not like hes really going to miss doing the quest as hes already stated hes unsure if he'll continue it, not to mention it would take a week for him to start the quest again.

I would roll on with the quest where cowboy left off, this is still the origional thread and you are still the QM.

Plus I like good quests and dont wanna wait a week when we just started the quest.
Wanna play devil's advocate to

You don't act like a child and expect you're toys back. If you want to pick back up go ahead because I can't stop or ban you. But its fucked up to quit, have somebody else take over and then expect to take back because Muh booze. Whats stopping you from doing it again? How can we trust you? ect, ect
This, especially with the way you fucking quit.
It wasn't even in the thread, you had a pissy fit in the general that people had to find and link here for anyone to even know that "OH YOU HAD DECIDED TO GO FUCK IT IN THE MIDDLE OF A SESSION CAUSE REASONS"
You realize we barely got past the start of the quest, not after cowboy made a million characters, all the current characters Velo made except the two randoms Corius caught.
Its still the original thread, it would be fucked up if Velo took over thread 13 of Westeros quest after he left.
Also cowboy literally said hes unsure about this quest, Velo says he likes this quest and I doubt he'll drop it since its really good.
Also Velo started the quest and allot of the rioters in this thread left, like the guy who found it it was Velo left already.

>Velo started the quest, most of the memevultures have already left, and Velo is still OP in this thread.
>I started this thing
>Anons voted on a thing
>I left though and somebody else took over
>This is still my thing though and therefore i have claim to take it back

He DROPPED it, meaning its somebody elses now anon. Do you not understand that? If Cowboy dones't want to run it in a week, well fuck then Velo can pick it back up and run but until we know from the guy who DID pick it up. he should't be touching shit.

That's why I'm asking you, because I can guarantee you aren't the only ones who're thinking that way.

Honest to god opinion, do you not want me to touch the quest again? If so, that's fine, I completely understand I fucked up. But if not I'm trying to gauge whether it'll be worth it, or if I'll just be facing resistance the entire time.

said, Cowboy wasn't clear if he'd continue running, and I'm offering to continue at a similar pace as before.

And where did I ever say I wouldn't take Cowboy's opinion?

You really need to calm the fuck down about my starwars fanfiction on a 4chan board
If you can get Cowboy to reply to a twitter saying you can have it back thats honestly fine with me. I'll post, but I'll be salty as fuck anyway. If however he does not answer you and you take it back I have no issue shitposting a thread down for once.

Also don't tell me to calm down when you bail on a quest because of drinking and acting like a child. I'm relaxed, just annoyed at people.
What the hell did you expect him to do? The goddamn memevultures that didn't care about the quest derailed the whole thing and left after Cowboy took control of the situation.

>Be me
>Oh fuck! A new quest what could it be?
>Great backstory and storytelling in general
>QM has to do something IRL since the Cubs finally won.
>People are getting salty since they have to wait for QM
>Some guy derails the thread going "Its velo!"
>Quest is on lifesupport, it may not survive this derailment
>Some guy named Cowboy saves the quest
>Memevultures leave after seeing "Its VELO! Why isn't he burning it the darkest depth of hell?" Isn't funny anymore.
>Only people who care about the quest are left.
>Cowboy QM doesn't know if he can do the quest.
>Velo is open to continuing the quest since the memevultures are gone.
>Some guy says we should wait a whole week to see if Cowboy will do the Quest since Velo didn't respond to the memevultures.

>I live in Illinois and people were fucking going mad over the cubs victory, its fucking unreal. People were waiting in line upwards of 3 hours at 1am to get shirts. Whole day its celebrating cubs like its a national holiday.
>Some guy says its Velo's fault for getting tipsy when the Cubs do something they haven't done in a century.

But lets remember its Velo! I dont care if its his quest to begin with and hes made most of the story, lets wait a week and treat Velo as a nazi in the meanwhile.
Memebultures was a dumb thing even for me to say back then, but thanks for defending me anon, appreciate it.

Like he said, he barely uses that twitter anyways so I'm fine waiting until he checks /qst/

>relaxed but annoyed
And yeah, I got drunk and acted stupid, sorry.
>All these excuses for somebody who acted like a child that dropped the quest on a whim because of booze.

Does that sound like somebody who could keep up a quest in any fucking fashion? I could care less if its Velo, Its fucking bullshit for ANY person to try a stunt like that.

>I'll be honest, I thought I could get back into questing now that everything died down, but man I'm still annoyed with this place. Maybe another few months from now I'll get back into the swing of things, consider the quest/don qm done.


Maybe, just maybe this is why people are upset?
Can you at least know what the fuck you're talking about before you start gargling cocks?
I am fine with them doing either of this goes on really. Worse case scenario it dies and the other dm can try there hand at there own rendition from this point or start a completely new thread.
Either way its turned out fine so far.
Hes not going to be questing when the thread is full of trolls, so of course he waited them out.
Imagine doing something IRL then coming back to your quest to find its been infested by people directly attacked the QM instead of participating.

When a thread gets derailed you either try to put out the fire or you let it burn itself out, in this case Cowboy took over the quest since there was uncertainty in whether the quest would survive.

Also you keep acting likes its morally wrong for Velo to take back his quest he never dropped, its not like he abandoned it. This is /qst/ ans you're acting like Velo would be Hitler if he tried to do his quest when hes still the OP.
Sooo moral of the story is binge drinking does not mix well with driving nor QM'ing
As I've said, I can't stop you if you take it up but people will always shit on you if you keep acting as you do mate, its also not a good life choice in general. One time things ruin alot of shit, also you don't state you're DROPPING a quest in the general, and avoid the quest itself.

>He never dropped it
Look here >>785613 which is from the Quest thread general. He DID drop it anon thats the thing.
I was drunk as shit and regret my actions what part of this do you not understand

You act like it was some planned out consious decision just to fuck with you personally or to bail on the quest

I realize I acted childish, I thought I was funny (to myself) for shitposting in qtg, while drunk.

There was no rational thought behind it
Honestly I see a few ways of this quest continuing:

>Velo retakes the Quest (memevultures might come back)
>Cowboy takes over the Quest (unsure if he'll continue)
>The Quest branches off with the Cowboy people doing their own thing and the Velo people doing their own thing.(I think we have enough of an audience from both camps to split, not to mention people might want to play both. Its not like this is a trademark, nothing bad will come of having two quests.)
>Some weird coauthoring of the quest(probably would end up with a confusing quest as both QMs would have different visions unless communicating with eachother, not to mention writing styles.)

Im leaning more to branch off since its evident we all want the quest but have different visions of it, so compromise maybe?
I have no problem with a branch off. I liked the way both of em wrote this quest. Just a nice little compromise.
I'd rather just play cowboy's than have two quests based on the same thing if he doesn't want me to take my thread back desu
Just to add, we're currently not at peak hours but there was (and I believe there still is) allot of interest in this quest.

Its not like the quests are mutually exclusive, why not have both?
Anyway Im off to sleep, hopefully cowboy will give his two cents as I believe Velo and Cowboy are both good QMs.
It's just... uncomfortable in my opinion, can't really describe why.

Like I said before, let's just wait until we hear back from Cowboy and see what he wants to do from here. If he's dead set on continuing this it's his right to continue it
Well yikes I disappear for a few days and already the house is on fire; so Velo/Don is wanting to take back his quest is that the gist of it?

Honestly I said wait a week as that was the one of the days that I had off that I could devote to quest posting like that. I'll admit I don't know every single little detail of the Star Wars Universe as some people would, plus I usually wrote shorts in green text.

Still what do you all think? Keep going on or hand the reigns back after QM had done a bit of a full retard moment? HE started off pretty strong, but had a flailing monkey fit for some reason.
Personally I liked the idea of both of you splitting off and doing your own versions, if you're up for it that is.
Wookiepedia is your friend for Star Wars stuff. And don't worry about not knowing everything, make it fun an we won't mind.

Besides, Disney nuked EU cannon so do as you want.
You know I'm here right, you can have a discussion with me
its your call mate at the end of the day. you're the one who took over.
On mobile, and was not sure who all would be alive at the time

As for splitting it off I'd feel weird for trying to force things off like that. If velocity wants his quest back he can just don't do that shit again and fuck off in the middle of the quest else I'll just keep it or something.

If nothing else I could try to reschedule so that it's more doable for faster posts or something for the atory, I do better with dialouge and not so much with the description of things around so just putting that out there anons
To explain again, I was drunk as shit yesterday, dodging the thread won't happen.
That's fine, if you wanna run now that'd be great. Just don't do it again man.

Also confirming that this is me.
Good to know, I'm busy and on mobile atm, but I'll try to get a couple posts through tonight
Just coming in to check on the quest's health, its nice that the quest is coming back from its initial upbringings.
And again to everyone following this quest, I apologize. I want us to have fun with this, and I really love the enthusiasm behind this set of characters. Lots of paths to choose from here and literal endless possibilities.
Better fucking get a god damn Ball droid for this shit.
Need to sell more toys damnit
You nigger, not the filthy Disney shit. Droirdekas
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36KB, 500x409px

I'm good with Velocity returning, second chances and all that, plus the Cubs won so I'm in a good mood
It was never Velocity, just Velo, but thank you nonetheless

So I got home later than expected, but will be running at 8:00 p.m central U.S time tomorrow night for a longer session than we've been having

@Don_The_QM for twitter updates

See y'all then!
That's in like 2 hours right?
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181KB, 375x675px
30 mintes from now technically, but I'm posting the update anyways!

"Commander!" Corius' voice crackles through the speakers of the starfighter, "Sandstorm is still obscuring vision at and past 30 meters, requesting sitrep from NG4!"

Frantically you switch your view back to NG4-HM's cameras, the Vulture having a greater range of view compared to the limited range of an infantry unit like Corius, you curse as the sand obscures the camera, mashing commands into the datapad to switch back to a thermal lens. "Two, four... eight... eleven... Corius, we have eleven unknowns coming towards you, this is going to be a tight situation," you zoom in as much as you can, the unknowns were around a kilometer away yet seemed to be charging in your direction despite the violent sands of the dying storm obscuring even the powerful visual technology in your droids.

"How the hell do they see us?" You curse under your breath. The shapes coming from the thermal camera were not the most detailed, but it was clear to see that these humanoids, whatever their race might be, ranged in size from the height of a normal man, to a large bulbous body taller than the already lengthy 7 ft. body of Corius. The shifting sands and dust of the planet seemed to do very little to stop or even slow their progress.

You activate comms again, "Corius, the species of origin for these guys is unidentifiable, they are closing on you fast, analysis?" A small part of you is shocked that after the trauma of the past 24 hours that switching back into army protocol was so natural, in some ways it made you feel again like an Engineer back in the beginning of the Clone Wars when it was projected that Dooku would lead you to victor-... the pang of guilt at your heart stopped that line of thought quickly.

"Roger roger! We have to make a choice Commander, low chances of fighting off crowd with no ranged armaments, recommend collecting salvage and returning with element of suprise," Corius calls back, tone raised with a sense of great urgency.

As you mark down the coordinates of the underground base and location of the wreckage, a sense of worry for Corius' safety grips your gut, something you don't think has ever happened in your interaction with droids, but you stuff it down to make the final call before you and Corius take back to the air-
> Order Corius to only collect the salvage, leaving behind the prisoners. (DC 30)
> Order Corius to only collect the prisoners, leaving behind the salvage. (DC 30)
> Order Corius to secure both the salvage and prisoners (DC 60)
> Order Corius back to NH3, leaving both salvage and the prisoners (No DC)
> Other (write-in)
>Collect salvage only
I hate to leave behind prisoners but we need money and I'm not risking Corius.
> Order Corius to only collect the salvage, leaving behind the prisoners. (DC 30)
Rolled 4 (1d30)

Don't need to roll until after the vote is called, no worries
Oh thank god. I forgot that's how you do things.
>Order Corius to secure both the salvage and prisoners (DC 60)

Prioritize salvage over prisoners

We need the salvage, but the prisoners have info we need about the desert.
Can we do this and just say if he can get the prisoners do it, but if he has to risk it then don't and just take our salvage?
Sure, instead we'll split the rolls, 2d100 - first roll is for the Salvage (DC: 30) second roll is to get the prisoners as well (Corius will flee if there isn't time) (DC:60)

Also if we can, use our fighter to try and defend ourselves if push comes to shove.
(Best of three wins like always)
Rolled 50, 34 = 84 (2d100)

Aight Boss
Rolled 12, 92 = 104 (2d100)

I only wanted the one but alright.
Like this or no?
Rolled 22 (1d102)


Dice Gods! To Me!
Rolled 85, 48 = 133 (2d100)

You got it right

almost got it
Success on both counts! Post inc.
fucking fuck. I kept trying to change 1d100 to 2d100, but the fucking options slot kept changing just the last 0
CIS engineering at its finest level!
Also, dont wanna be preemptive here, but someone should archive this just in case. I've seen good quests get screwed up due to lack of archiving.
You drum you fingers on the datapad before deciding “Corius, the prisoners are important, but prioritize the salvage first, if you can't get both, get in here immediately!”

In an instant you hear the exuberant “Roger roger!” From Corius, and watch as he grabs the tow-cable again, but instead of heading to the salvaged fighter, he instead begins wrapping the two prisoners in the strong chord, “What are yo- Oh gods above are you really?” You choke a little on laughter as your realize the droid has hogtied the two men in the cable before wrapping the same cable, and men, around the salvaged ship.

Corius, finishing his acquisition, makes it back to the starfighter with plenty of time to spare, smacking NG4-HM on the side to signal for the droid fighter to reel everything in. “Sir, you may want to close your mouth this time.” Corius quips before opening the hatch, sending a fresh coating of sand into the already uncomfortable cargohold. He folds up, and your fighter takes off immediately, lagging slightly in the air with the heavy salvage. You could almost swear you heard the screams of fear from the two desert dwellers beneath you.

Corius and yourself spend the ride back in relative silence, basking in the results of something good for once.


Again the masked dockmaster appears on your pad, “Ahh, it's the 'refugee' again with 'is lil pets! Same port as before.... Are those people hanging beneath you?” Muffled laughter echoes through the cargohold, “Boy was I right when I said you'd be a fun one,” He says before shutting off the comms, the gate beneath the massive red numbers opening before you.

Gently you glide into the hangar, ordering NH4 to release the tow-cable before landing a few feet past the bundle. Corius again opens the hatch and you both jump out to inspect the cargo.

You pull out your data pad and scan the wreckage of the old trifighter, for the most part the pieces are heavily worn from the constant blasting of the sand, but the previous analysis was correct in saying that the droid brain was still functioning, albeit with the absolute minimum of electric signaling to consider it so.

“Ahh, CIS boy, you're back!” The asshole who forced you into your current debt yells from across the catwalk, “Looks like you got something yummy out there!” The masked man with the shoulder pad walks towards your dock. “And who are these sorry shits?” he gestures the blaster towards the two struggling and babbling desert dwellers behind you.

> “We found them near the salvage site, living in sme sort of bunker,”
> “Our prisoners, our problem.”
> “They aren't mandalorian, I can say that much.”
> “Nevermind them, where can I take this wrecked droid?”
> “Our prisoners, our problem. Where is the smithy so we can sell this wreck?”
Second, but say it kinda nicer, no need to piss the guy off.
> “Our prisoners, our problem.”
> “They aren't mandalorian, I can say that much.”
>“Our prisoners, our problem.”
"Our prisoners, our problem I'm afraid," You state, in no hurry to be civil with the brute of a mandalorian after his horrible welcome only hours before.

He grunts at you with a sort of chuckle, "Remember your place here, rebel, but they are your problem, and I don't give a damn what you do with some stragglers."

You nod, and watch while Corius begins sifting out eh valuable pieces of the wreckage into a neat, organized pile.

"They aren't Mandalorian, that I can tell you... Where could we find a smithy or someone to sell this tech to? Early Trade Federation technology, and a lot of it is still functioning, has to be worth something to the people around here." You stand, arms slightly shaking from the annoyance of the burns along the sides smarting with every movement.

"You've got a good selection, and I'll be happy to explain for my little debtee." The smug sound of the brute makes you want to beat him over the head with his own ridiculous metal mask.

"I'm listening." You refrain from commenting on the 'little debtee' insult.

"The black market dealers would pay a pretty penny for weaponized tech like that, don't expect a fun time from those slimey cretins." You nod, indicating for him to continue, "Then there are the processing plants, good metal is hard to come by these days, won't pay you much though, manufacturers never seem to make it here." A veiled threat to yourself, you're sure.

Again you nod, turning your back to the Mandalorian who grunts again, walking away back to whatever hole he crawled out from.

Corius stands at the ready, next to the now fully disassembled fighter and prisoners, still struggling in the metal tether.

You're fully ready to get some credits, and the food it'll buy in your possession as soon as you can, but you do need to decide what to do with your foreign friends.

> Have Corius attempt the language package download again now within the walls of the city (DC 60 to access residual CIS networks)
> Order Corius to bind their wrists and bring them along with you to either vendor
> Other (Write-in)
Maybe if he can only do 1, we tie them up while he downloads his LP.
>have commander try and download langague software again.

Couldn't we just get the damn thing for free off the Protocol droids shite?
>Have Corius attempt the language package download again now within the walls of the city (DC 60 to access residual CIS networks)

We need info. These guys have it.
(It's more of which is prioritized, should've mentioned the download will have Corius become immobile for a short time, wouldn't be the best thing for the prisoners to be in his grasp during that period)

Anyways, downloading wins, 1d100 for a DC of 60 to successfully find the language package relevant to the savages.

Am I having to many rolls? Might be going a bit too D&D on this...
Rolled 10 (1d100)

Fine by me man.
Fuck. I keep forgetting.
Forgetting what? You rolled just fine
Rolled 25 (1d100)

Nah. Its fineish
Oh, I wasn't sure if that's what we were goin with.
Rolled 90 (1d100)

Eh, expected more people to show up
Rolled 35 (1d100)


Dice Gods! To ME!
Rolled 89 (1d100)

Nice quest so far, keep it up!

Pray to the based CIS engineering.
You saved it!

Success! Post incoming
We'll probably bring in more players when a new thread gets created, but for now we have 5 players (Not including QM)
Autosage is a bitch, but after we drop a couple more pages I'll start the next one
Archive as well.
I cant archive right now since Im on a tablet, but I looked up how to archive and its literally just saving the web page info and uploading it to the archive and giving it a title and if you want, a description.
I'll probably try and save the thread info tommorrow if its not already archived and I think theres a time period when the thread is closed that you can still view it, although I think its only a day long.
I'll get it on suptg tonight, assuming that still works? (Saw someone saying in qtg that Hiro was banning third party archives or something, but we have time)
“Corius, before we get this stolen, can you attempt to decipher,” you glance at the clearly ritualistically scarred twists and turns of the mens' faces, “their language again?”

“Roger roger!” Corius stands perfectly erect, and his antenna begins to blink signaling that he was attempting to access the remnants of the CIS galactic network, an ephemeral collection of data shared among everything from simple janitorial 'mice' of the federation, to the largest droid starship. Thankfully the nature of faster than light communications meant that the shutdown of CIS infrastructure still left an 'echo' of sorts that would be around for quite a long time, allowing the more advanced droids like Corius and other Officer-class droid like himself to access droid protocol.

You have your fingers crossed in the slight fear that the network had already degraded too much for Corius to access it, even with the increased reception within the city. Corius' head flashes with a green light, and you let out a small cheer that draws the gazes of a few dock workers who look at you like you're crazy. Who could blame them? Practically half-naked with the tatters of a charred Officer-Engineer's uniform, hair singed and skin blackened with soot. You could hardly care though, curiosity taking over with questions of the savages' origins.

Corius relaxes slightly as the download completes, “Roger Commander, I think I have a good basis to start with the savages with a classical form of Mandalorian.”

“Ask them who they are!” You excitedly command Corius,

“Kotaayi tu curu cash-” You can hardly understand the gargled syllables coming through Corius' robotic voice, but it seems to silence the two struggling desert people.

They respond in similar tones, rough with what you can only assume is a life time of breathing in the rough sands of Mandalore.

Corius turns to you, “They say they are the 'chosen hunters', to translate it directly into common, they are demanding your head in payment for your insult of stealing them.”

> What do you wish to ask them?
> What do you wish to ask them?

What are chosen hunters and what do you hunt?
>Chosen hunters as in what?
>What are you're names
>Inform them we apologize for snatching them and will return them soonish.
>Also tell them we didn't know what the fuck they were saying until just now.

So can we rip the Droid brain out now or later

Just say no. Leave them confused and still tied up while you write down notes as Corius keeps interrogating them.
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gundari sphere.png
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(Soon enough, no worries)

"First, apologize to them for me for taking them from their home, tell them, even if its not necessarily true, that we'll take them back sometime soon." you command the droid, who returns with a 'Roger roger!' before speaking the garbled mess of the savages' language.

The men spit at you, and you take a step back, their answer to the apology was pretty clear.

"What does 'Chosen Hunter' mean? What do they hunt?" You speak to Corius, who translates your words to the men in real time.

The babbling back and forth between the droid continues for a few moments more, " They say they hunt 'my kind', I assume they mean droids" Corius explains, "they say they need our... 'power' to keep their god alive."

"Can you clarify what that means?" you ask, more and more intrigued with every passing moment.

Corius translates, " They say their god is, well, their god. Outsiders can't know about it."

"How about names, they do have them assume?" your curiosity subs itself with annoyance at the lack of understanding, jotting down quick notes on the datapad.

"They say their names are Hunter Ulu and Hunter Yisyis, but they'd prefer to be called 'your soon to be death if you don't release them to the deserts."

You continue to interrogate the pair, but they refuse to answer anything more, constantly repeating in the rough tongue that they demand their release.

> Threaten them with violence if they don't answer further
> Attempt to make a deal by offering them what they need from the wreckage you salvaged
> Release them back into the deserts
> Other (Write-in)
> Attempt to make a deal by offering them what they need from the wreckage you salvaged
>Tfw its a bunker and they need powers cells to keep it powered.
>Attempt to make a deal by offering them what they need from the wreckage you salvaged

Tell them we can help get more power cells, or better ones if they help us get salvage. Or we might be able to come up with something better than just power cells.
As a sidenote, here's the archive: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/776864/


Make a deal wins, post inc. Seems like we lost a couple of people for the night
> Attempt to make a deal by offering them what they need from the wreckage you salvaged
Still here, couldn't make up my mind.
I'm crashing out myself.

Thanks for the fun, Boss.
sucks to be them then. It means more hot kinky CIS stuff to do. Like give our Droid Commander a brain implant.
yw yw

Might cut it a bit shorter tonight than I was thinking, let this thread die so we can freshen up the playerbase with a new thread, but I'll get a few more out since we're at a more expository point still


The two men continue to stare at your, and you stare back, trying to decipher what the twists and turns of the raised white marks mean, clearly they make no direct image, but they do follow a strange, repeatable pattern of steep, angular lines connected by swirling, curved scars. You're lost in the symmetry of it all, strange that such unrefined people had a concept of art like that.

"Corius, tell them I want to make a deal. They wanted the trifighter for something, tell them I'm willing to give it to them if they point out what it is, and to answer my questions." Corius translates your offer to the Hunters, and for once they seem placated, responding in the guttural noises as calmly as such a language could be spoken.

The one who identified himself as Hunter Yisyis holds his bound wrists up, clearly asking to be released, Corius explains that he wishes to be released to sort through the pieces to show you what he wants.

You nod, "Watch him closely, if he makes a run for it or gets aggressive, break his arms," you cough, "Don't tell him that though, obviously."

Corius lets out a robotic laugh, bending down to undo the multiple thick knots of the metallic fiber. The man stands, staring at you, rubbing his wrists and legs where the cord was tied, bright red with the raw skin from a rough flight through the sandy winds. He walks to the pile of salvage, very clearly going for one part in particular....

The droid brain,

"Corius, that's not a power cell, I thought he needed power?" You ask, confused.

Corius nods, confirming your question, "He says this is the correct piece for his god, and if you don't wish to suffer his wrath, he insists you let him have it."

You cross your arms, look at the Hunter. Droid brains weren't a particularly noticeable piece of technology unless you knew what to look for, in this case, a simple black, metallic box with dozens upon dozens of ports both male and female, so it was clear to you that the savage was not mistaken in picking out the box, in comparison with the very noticeable reactor cores of the droid ship.

"What could they possibly need that for?" You ask, even you would have trouble altering the box without a few hours and lots of tools, completely within your capabilities, but these men clothed in rags and scars seemed barely capable of indoor plumbing, let alone droid data architecture.

Corius speaks again, mimicking the gestures of the two savages in a clear attempt to show some sort of understanding of their methods of speech. "He says again, outsiders cannot know f the ways of their god. But he does say giving him the gift of the 'power' would make you friend to him and his companion."

>Accept the deal, giving the droid brain to the savages in exchange for friendship with the savages,
> Deny the deal, the brain is simply too valuable to sacrifice to people who will almost definitely ruin the already damaged tech
>Renegotiate (Write-in)

>Accept the deal, giving the droid brain to the savages in exchange for friendship with the savages,

Eh, Fine. We can always steal or design our own one. We still get to make the extreme cash but first let us data-mine the brain for any/all info in it still.
What were we able to design/droids we knew how to build anyway? Just commander droids or anything else?
Here's my bargain: I need this object as well. If you have the location of another one of these tri-fighters, I'll let you have this one, in exchange for the one in that. You won't get anything if there's nothing in it, though. Alternatively, let me meet with your leaders. If you need these things for your "god", then having someone experienced with how they work might help your people.
File: Da Droids.jpg (162KB, 1024x768px)
Da Droids.jpg
162KB, 1024x768px
Well, in all aspects you're pretty much an expert in droids in general, so theoretically with access to the right equipment and schematics you could make any type of droid.

For all intents and purposes though those schematics were stored in the factories, so if you obtained some of those blueprints, and had access to said equipment, you'd be set to make just about anything droid related.

This wins, post inc
So only the B1 series model? Also I'm surprised we didn't steal any or have taken the pad? We were using.
You have the pad of course, that's what you've been using as the interface with Corius and the starfighter. Then yeah, it's reasonable you'd have schematics for the more basic b1 droids and their corresponding officer droids. Doesn't make much sense if you had the entire repository of CIS schematics at your disposal (yet), I'd imagine state secrets like that would be pretty closely held by the former higher-ups.
or in the droid factory iteslf. Well B1's and there offier droids are a nice thing to sell as workers anyway.

You approach the Hunter, walking up to the reactors, the blasters, and the various assorted pieces of the salvaged drone that you hope to sell soon. "Here's my bargain," you begin, crossing your arms behind your back in a similar fashion to the formal interaction between officers back in the Separatist army, an attempt to convey some sort of respect to the man before you, all the while with Corius translating your words, "I need this object as well. If you have the location of another of these trifighters, I'll let you have this one in exchange for the one in that." The scarred hunter nods, following the idea, " However, you won't get anything if there's not one in it."

Yisyis grunts a sound of affirmation at you, but you raise a hand to stop him, "I also ask that I be introduced to your leaders, if you need these things for your 'god', then having someone experienced with how they work might help your people."

The savage stares you down at the bold proposal, before turning his head to Corius and speaking in the brutal language. "Our 'prophets'," Corius indicates this is the translated title of their leaders," do not meet ith outsiders for no reason, but you make an interesting offer." Corius pauses, listening to the continued speech, "He says that you must release him and his partner, with the brain, to meet with their 'prophets', and they will have their answer waiting for you at the original crash site you found them at."

It's a tough decision to make, entrusting these clearly roughened individuals with so much responsibility -

>Accept the counter-offer, and release them with the brain
>Refuse, and claim the brain for yourself, and release the men as they will clearly not negotiate without the brain
Sorry for the late reply on that last one, about to pass out for the night so I'm going to call it here.

The next thread will start with the result of this vote, and we'll continue from there.

again, please follow me @Don_The_QM on twitter so you can know when the thread is up!
Tell you what. I'll drop you off at one of your hunting parties, then follow you back to your compound. You hold onto the droid brain, but I get to stay nearby.
Damnit I forgot the write in again

Counter-counter offers are totally welcome
>Accept the counter-offer, and release them with the brain
Also, I made a discord to make it easier to communicate


Off to bed for the night, good run today guys!
That link had an expiry on it, my bad

>Accept the counter-offer, and release them with the brain
Before we go meet them lets get some gear for the sandy weather and maybe a blaster for Corius.
Anybody join that discord yet?
I'm on mobile. When I get home I will.
I just woke up, will now.
>>Accept the counter-offer, and release them with the brain
No, I joined, I'm one of 2 other people there.
Okay. I'm home now. I joined.
The quest could probably roll at any time if a new thread is made.
Hey guys, new quest should be up in roughly 10-15 minutes.

or 30, but thanks anon even though I lied to you

here's the link
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