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Slasher Quest: A Halloween One-Shot

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Twitter: https://twitter.com/QuestGuy1

There will be two teams in this quest. One will control the survivors. One will control the masked killer.

The masked killer wants to kill as many survivors as possible. The survivors want to live.

The survivors win by defeating the masked killer, even if there's only one left (there's an achievement for that!)


Would like some feedback on this, it's the opening to a potential Slasher Movie quest for Halloween.

Thick. Heavy. You breathe yourself into yourself and try to move like a bird breaking out of its shell. Thick. Heavy.

You sit within the walls and listen.

You sit within the walls and watch.

You sit within the walls and wait.


"So what piece of trash did the old man get this time? Shrunken head? Ancient Sarcophagus?"

Two men in green uniforms wrestle a brown box off a dolly and maneuver it between an assortment of objects that litter the floor. Walls of white plaster death-masks leer down at them with pained and wrinkled expressions.

"The doc called it a cenotaph."

"What the fuck is a cenotaph?"

The two men pry a wooden side of the box open with a crowbar and peer inside.

"...It's fucking rocks!" One yells. "The old man's so bad now he's having us move rocks!"

"Well...shit." The other sighs in sympathy. "Just don't drop it. We chip his billion dollar rocks its coming straight out of our salary.

"How the hell would he even know?" The other groans as he lifts and tugs. "I mean LOOK at it!"

The stone. They see a hunk of chipped and battered marble. They see trash.

But you see the consecration. You see the image of an ancient man lay hands upon it and mutter words of peace and rest in an ancient tongue. You see a world of green fields and blue waters.

Where they see trash you see a roadmarker to paradise. You see rest within the stone. You see peace everlasting.

You fall to it. Heavy and thick, you fall into the gravity of its peace.

You are warm and safe and filled with light.

And you hear not what they say and see not what they do.
"Man, look at all this shit! All this shit that just sits here gathering dust! All this shit that WE got to move!" One of the men gestures to the collection around him, to the medieval etchings of the dance macabre, to the candied skulls, to the concrete headless angel statue, to an entire planet's attempts to explain, define, and cheat death.

And he gestures to the stone as well...

"God. Do you remember when he had us move those Indian doll collections up stairs to make room for the headstones? Nearly broke my back on those stairs.." He sits himself down on a black wooden coffin. It creaks under his weight.

"I don't think you can sit on that."

"Oh can't I? Say I did break it. Old man Thorne's never going to find out. He just sits in his bed all day waiting for the moment he becomes a part of his personal Adams Family collection." He fumbles through is pockets until he produces a lighter and cigarette.

"And I really don't think you should smoke in here."

"Who's going to mind? The mummy in the corner?" He says with a defiant flick of his lighter.

"It could harm some of the paintings."

"Yeah. The paintings no one ever sees and no one ever looks at."

"Well someone might. The party's starting in a few hours remember? And stop giving the old man shit. If your wife died you might go a little crazy coping with it."

"There's coping and then there's making your own haunted house. I mean what, does he think one of these things is going to bring her back?"

"At this point? After all the kooks and psychics and wizards? I think he just does it to do it. Like he's done it so long its just routine for him. Its a way to keep her alive in his mind."

"Awwww. How cute. I take back all the bad things I've ever said about our humble employer."

"You know something Trent? You can be a real asshole at times."

"I don't give a fuck. Besides, he's still hooked on kooks. He just sees one now instead of an army."

"You think the Doc is a kook?"

"Hell yes he's a kook. And a con man. And a thief. And a bullshitter."

"But he's always been up front with the old man. He's made it very clear he's not sure if he can ever commune with the dead."

"Don't you get it though? That just means he's a smarter con than the others That's why he's the only one left! Who would have thought it? The best way to swindle a grieving trillionaire idiot isn't to say you can seance up his wife. Its to say "I might be able to. One day. Want to help with my research?". You get to live in a mansion with maids and shit, you get to do whatever you want with his money, and you get to order around idiots like us..."

"You done with that smoke yet? Want to get back to it?" He asks moving to the door.

"Fuck. Might as well. I want to be done before midnight."

That is when he puts his cigarette out on the stone.
Heaven is on fire and you burn within it.

Thousands of years of honor and respect and veneration-undone in a single callous act. The ancient priests poured their good will into the stone. Every good thing they could think of went into the stone.

And now its gone. Not an echo of the gently flowing blue waters, not a lingering scent of the green grass, not a a final glimpse of the clear sky, not a single comforting thing remains.

But you. You remain.

Thick. Heavy. Burbling out of the stone thicker than smoke. You remain.

You are angry. Very angry.

And the lone man in the room is scared. Very scared.




In this game the masked killer has 3 attributes.

FEROCITY: Kill. Kill. Kill.

SPEED: Be a blur in the corner of their eye. Kill the before they can react.

CUNNING. Because a moment of calm reflection in the storm of rage that is you can reap benefits.

When you select your mask (later) you determine which stats to prioritize.

Right now roll 1D20. 1-5 critical failure. 6-10 failure. 11-15 success. 16-20 critical success.

>ROLL 1D20
Rolled 20 (1d20)

I'm excited for this.
NAT 20
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>Slasher Quest: A Halloween One-Shot
>Rolled 20 (1d20)
You form an extension of yourself and tear yourself away from it until you form a hand.

All six fingers close around the man's face. Between them you can see his eyes go wide.

You squeeze. You squeeze until you feel nothing but your own damp skin.



You hear his body fall to the ground. You don't watch. He's not important anymore.

What attracts your attention are the masks hanging from the walls.

Your face...you don't even need a mirror to know that what your face is now is not what you saw reflected in the cool brooks of paradise. You run a hand over your features and feel only a single lump with small depressions. Which are supposed to be your eyes and which are supposed to be your nose you do not know.

You shudder at your own ugliness. A child with a lump of clay could have done better.

You must have a mask...


GRINNING SKULL: Death has the one smile that will never fade. (+3 Ferocity, +2 Cunning, +1 Speed)

FUNERAL SHROUD: A cloth sack, a simple classic in this profession. (+3 Ferocity, +2 Speed, +1 Cunning)

ANCIENT OEDIPUS MASK: Solid gold with rubies for bloody tears, for when the great hero blinded himself in disgust at what he had done (+3 Cunning, +2 Ferocity, +1 Speed)

DEATH MASK: This one wears a defiant sneer. You can relate (+3 Cunning, +2 Speed, +1 Ferocity)

ANUBIS MASK: Egyptian psychopomp. He guided the dead. And judged them. A shame your judgement ends with their death. (+3 Speed, +2 Cunning, +1 Ferocity)

SAMURAI HELMET AND MASK: A warrior's bloodthirsty spirit, an expression of anger that has survived the passage of time. (+3 Speed, +2 Ferocity, +1 Cunning)

Anubis. Maximum speeds
It is scary when your attacker has less identity. SPOOKY!
>ANCIENT OEDIPUS MASK: Solid gold with rubies for bloody tears, for when the great hero blinded himself in disgust at what he had done (+3 Cunning, +2 Ferocity, +1 Speed)
no dumb serial killers live

smart ones get away with it
Tie between Anubis and Oedipus.
I'll vote Oedipus.
For reasons.
Sheeit I''l swich to Oedipus for the drama factor then.

This one. With the horrified, helpless expression. With the red tears of blood.

This one. Let it be a mirror.

You place it on your face and you shift it to fit snugly.


This is your face.

The other one walks casually back through the door.

"Hey Trent? You coming or what?"

He sees you.

He stops.

His face goes white.

He sees you. And more importantly you see him.

>Select your weapon

Stone: You are not your brother's keeper (+1 Ferocity)

Crowbar: Next episode of mechagirl when? (+1 Speed)

Aztec Sacrificial Dagger: An obsidian dagger sharper than a modern surgeon's knife and almost as black as your skin. (+1 Cunning)
So..Next episode of mechagirl wen?
Crowbar for the sake of stat balance.
So I was just unpacking some boxes here- Oh, sorry, I mean RAAA
>Crowbar: Next episode of mechagirl when? (+1 Speed)
kinda wish we had a spear/sword for dat greek theme. Or a dagger, considering our mask
Justthought, wouldnt it be better to prioritize a single stat and focus on performing actions that use that stat for maximum success? Thatd how you do it in classic RPGs. By attempting to balance out our stats, we spread ourselves thin, maling ourselves no more than an average Joe with psychopathic tendencies and anger issues...with a mask and crowbar.
Actually we should at least have a at least 1 other stat that isn't shit.
Otherwise we're screwed when we are in a situation where we can't leverage pur advantage.
And so Far I feel we've been primarily cunning and speed.
Or we could focus on being spooky and say fuck the numbers.
Oh yeah, sure. Primaries and secondaries. The third is a stat dump, no investment. But thats besides my point. Anons are trying to make a balance between stats--its ineffective. Personally, Id go with cunning primary and speed secondary. But since we already have a +1 from that ferocity natty, we ahold o ferocity primary and speed secondary.


"Oh...oh god..." He squeaks.



If that's the way you want to go, I think cunning might be the applicable attribute for "being spooky". Using powers in creative ways, playing mindgames, etc.

A shield against what?
>A shield against what

You sense that the mansion is full of life.

They all must be punished.

A shield could prove handy. For as long as it lasts.
Voting shield, then.
Use him as a shield for what? As far as we're concerned, no one beyond this room is yet aware of us. We have the element of suprise. Keep it.

We will be Death's arbiter.
He will spread our message.
Let's go or the spooky, ghost, you'll never see me coming type.
It's good for tension.
We will pluck them from their flock, one sinner at each moment, unti their number dwindle and their flock is no more than a frightened group of filthy souls. Then we capitalize on our Ferocoty and flay their flesh from their bones and cast their soils into the void.

Assuming we can be stealthy and wise, we have no use for a shield.
cant let people know about us just yet

You wrap your fingers around the crowbar near your elongated arms. You wrap them around twice, thrice, making a nice strong grip.

You jerk your arm up. The crowbar slices against the air...

>ROLL 1D20+3
Rolled 1 + 3 (1d20 + 3)

Rolled 16 + 3 (1d20 + 3)

...And flies out of your grip, bounces off the wall right back into your ankle. You fall on your ass.
Rolled 9 + 3 (1d20 + 3)

Are we human?
maybe we're inbred?

or possessed by the spirit of Halloween, which will mutate us more and more with each kill


The man quickly kicks a wooden coffin against your legs. Your legs compress, but you remain standing. The shock travels up your body and causes your swing to go wide. The crowbar strikes down on the ground, embedding itself in the floor.

The man tears through the door, screaming for help. You give chase and find yourself in a long ornate hallway. A crystal chandelier illuminates a gallery of paintings, every one of them devoted to the subject of death.

You hear his voice echoing to your left...


>Hide the body and any traces of assault
>Hide ourselves, have his kin doubt him of his insanity. The boy who cried wolf never survived to the end of his tale.
Somewhere with lots of pillars and doorways and shadows to flit between.
Well shit.

What are we?
>Brought out by the rocks, but had already been here before they were delivered
>"You sit within the walls..."
>Plenty of other spooky shit was already in the mansion
>Eccentric wealthy man going to strange lengths to contact the dead
Whatever we are, I don't think we originated with the cenotaph, I think we already existed here due to other reasons, but the cenotaph being defiled was the spark that made us violent. Considering all the weird shit stored here and going on here, we could be just about anything. An ancient and vengeful ghost originating from some other artifact, a demon, my personal theory is that we are old man Thorne's wife, whose spirit has been warped beyond recognition by all the seances and spells and whatever other mystic shit has been going on in her name for the past few years, but we're only a few posts in, it's a little early to be making specific theories like that
A very angry ghost. Di manes larvae.

If there is no body...

ROLL 1D20+3
Rolled 12 + 3 (1d20 + 3)

No body? Whut? Did we have a mid-murder spree snack or something?
I just call them lemures, man lol
So we're of Roman origin and really fucking pissed to see he memorializations of our beatific culture desecrated by these forsaken filthspawns? Cool with me.
Rolled 7 + 3 (1d20 + 3)

Rollan for sneaks.
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Add to the spooky. Go full Jason Vorhees all up in here.

And hiding the body seems like a great way to discredit our own existence to whatever foolish kids come next.

Did a hasty sketch of oeddy mask. Thoughts?
Rolled 16 + 3 (1d20 + 3)


Its a hypothetical.
"Muahhaha, if there is no body there is no crime scene. Hoho! better get rid of this body and announce my thoughts to the world."
You envelop the body within yourself. You suck the blood through your skin. After a few seconds there is nothing left that suggests an attack.

"Oh god oh god oh god...in here! Its in here!" You hear the sound of quickly approaching footsteps.



Looks cool!
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Now there's a variety of things we could do to hide.

I'd say due to our Statuesque nature lets do some hiding in plain sight.
>"Muahhaha, if there is no body there is no crime scene. Hoho! better get rid of this body and announce my thoughts to the world.

Are you okay?

Doesnt look like Oedipus bu otherwise, pretty cool.

SHIT, predation is invigorating.
We need to asses the situation. Hopefully sneak past them and attack someone in another part of the house. They can't think they are safe anywhere, anytime.
We kill them one at a time when they're isolated.
We need to plan this out.
No, let them call him a fool. Prey on his fear and turn into paranoia. Then when they leave him alone, we stalk and slay him. Silently. THEN we move on. The more survivors that survive, the more our existence will be summoned to our preys acknowledgment.
There we go
>Doesnt look like Oedipus bu otherwise, pretty cool.
It was a quick sketch. Mostly vaguely inspired by Dark Souls and Theros death masks I could recall. I'm doing a second draft now.

As for me being okay.
Yeah I'm fine.

The body inside you makes compressing yourself behind a large angel statue difficult, but you grind and stretch your insides until you break enough bones to make it work.

>ROLL 1D20+3
Rolled 10 + 3 (1d20 + 3)

Rolled 13 + 3 (1d20 + 3)

Rolled 17 + 3 (1d20 + 3)

>Break enough bones to make it work
Will we heal from that?
Rolled 2 + 3 (1d20 + 3)

He means the corpse
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Just gonna work on this somemore. Get some outlines done.

any ideas for details? he might have a bit of an "Iron Maiden" thing going on just based off the blood sucking. But I wonder. since our killer is a haunted statue what else could I mess around with?

also is he naked save for the mask?
I think we have a malleable form. I imagine us as pitch black with a mask. We are formless. We are the Thing, so ti speak. Also, leg day please. And also, we have six fingers. Sorry for being so critical, Im an artist myself who, coincidentally, specialises in going hard with the human anatomy.
We broke HIS bones.

The man bursts through the door. Five others in green uniforms follow him.

"He's here he's here he's..." The man looks around bewildered.

"...Oh shit." One sighs. "Oh shit Mike. You really got us. Happy Halloween."

One throws his head back and laughs. Another curses.

"Well. No harm done. So where's Trent anyway? We're going to need him to help move the piano out of the way for the ofuda collection."

"Guys I swear to God...I swear to God..." Mike stutters nearly in tears. "Something killed Trent! I saw it! He was standing over him and...and..."

The others look at each other uneasily. "...You okay Mike? I mean this is a joke right?" One asks.

"No!" Mike grabs him. "There's something here! Something real! All this supernatural shit...the old man's finally got something real and its going to kill us! You have to believe me!"


Yes. We're a big naked glob of human shaped black ectoplasm.
>Continue hiding
Too many witnesses.
We should wait it out longer.
Continue hiding
Joke's not funny anymore, man. Just knock it off ok? Seriously!
>Continue hiding

"Woah woah woah...you're really shook up aren't you?"

"It's some kind of monster...it had a mask..."

One of the men laughs. "What? Like Jason?"

"No no no! He saw Michael Meyers!" Another joins in.

"Knock it off you two!" The one holding Mike as he trembles yells. "Can't you idiots see he's really not okay?"

"...Hey Mike. Maybe you uh...just saw something right? I mean this place is like Crypt Keeper Central." One suggests.

"I got it!" Another adds with a snap of his fingers. "Trent's probably trying to scare everyone!"

"He WOULD be a dick like that..."

"What I saw...was no trick..." Mike says with a slow, grim shake of his head. "That was no trick at all..."

"Well...whatever it is you saw Mike, it's not here anymore." The one holding him says with a reassuring pat on the back. "You guys look around. See if you can find...well anything."

"Scooby-Doo costumes and fake blood right?" One asks with a snicker.

"Just...anything. I'll take Mike up to see the doc and old man. Talk to them about giving him the night off."

"No! No!" Mike jumps in the man's grip. "No! Don't separate us! He'll pick us off one by one!"

"Just like in the movies, huh Mike?" Several of the men laugh.

>ROLL 1D20+3
Look mum, I'm a tree!!
Rolled 1 + 3 (1d20 + 3)

Rolled 13 + 3 (1d20 + 3)

Rolling for pastoral aura. Not rageful and bloodthirsty.
Rolled 7 + 3 (1d20 + 3)

"He'll kill you!" Mike's cries grow fainter as he's half dragged out of the room and down the hallway. "He'll kill you all! Why won't you believe me! WHY WON'T YOU BELIEVE MEEEEE!"

"God damn it Trent..." One of the men groans. "Son of a bitch has really done it this time."

"Well. You heard Alex. Spread out and try to find some sort of Halloween prop."

"In all this shit? "

"You know what I mean." He says carefully stepping over artifacts. "Props and stuff."

"Ain't going to be easy." One says shaking his head. "Fucking Trent. We have work to do tonight. You know what? I bet the son of a bitch is downstairs living it up at the party."

"Say...look at this..." One of the men stares you straight in the face having discovered you behind the angel statue. "Ever seen a statue like this?"

The other two gather around and stare at you straight through the holes in your mask. "It's uh...something, ain't it?"

"So's everything else in this house."

"It's what they call abstract art right? Like its not supposed to be a man like a picture of man, its all...abstract and stuff."

"Looks like shit to me. Except the mask. That looks like its worth something."

"It's real shiny. What is that, glass? Marble?"

"Ask Mr. Art critic over here. I bet he knows."

"And it feels...cold." He touches your skin. You feel only pressure. No warmth. No softness. Those are things that burned up in paradise. "Like really really cold. Ice cold."

"Why do you always got to be touching stuff Jimmy? You know the doc and old man hate people touching their shit."

The man's eyes go wide as he presses with his fingers and leaves tiny impressions on your skin. He jerks his hand away and sees the impressions smooth themselves. "Guys...what the hell is this?


"...That's a mask its wearing...isn't it?"

"So its a...some sort of costume right?" One says with a nervous chuckle. "Just a costume..."

"A really weird costume..."

"...We should still tell Alex about this."


The three men start backing away from you, inching toward the door.




All three at once. They're getting an idea that something's off; we may not have a chance with so many so off guard at once like this again.
The jig is up.
Oh no, I am discovered. What ever is a poor monster supposed to do?
You spring to life and all three of them scream.

You, as ever, are silent as you bear down upon them. You ready your crowbar for a wide arc...

>ROLL 1D20+3
Rolled 19 + 3 (1d20 + 3)

Rolled 3 + 3 (1d20 + 3)

Just one battering swipe with the crowbar on all three.
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Rolled 10 + 3 (1d20 + 3)

Nat 20 go!

You cleave through one, and then another, and then the third. All three of them right through the middle. They fall in six pieces. Your feet wade the gore and blood as you leave the room.

There's no point staying here. No one here is alive.

You step into the hallway and hear the sound of revelry below you. An elevator door opens and a waitress pushes a cart down the hall away from you. If she noticed you out of the corner of your eye she clearly thought you were a party goer. Or a decoration.


If she starts to open a door or move into a more crowded area, kill her at once
Calm down. We dont know where pursuing her will bring us.
Can we remove the evidence--cover our tracks?
We already got a corpse inside us. We could try to find somewhere to stash bodies and try moving them one by one there.

Rolled 18 + 3 (1d20 + 3)

Night, OP. Time for my 3 hours of sleep. Thank you.
Put them in the elevator then send it down to the party.
That will immediately tip everyone off to a hostile presence and will make this quest more difficult, but it's too good to pass up. Changing my vote to this.
I'll support this cause classic horror shit.
Maybe we can make them think the killer is human too.
I doubt that they'd buy that it's supernatural
O shit this is sick
It's Halloween anon.

>hide bodies

>Send them down the elevator

Tied vote. About to get myself some sleep.

For anyone wondering, team survivors consists of Mike right now, and if they're lucky he'll win people over to his side.

Survivors work against the masked killer by debuffing his rolls and forcing rerolls. When they encounter the killer on their own they're very weak and vulnerable. Teamwork is important.

So we'll be dividing up into teams.


N-Not really sure how this is going to work but I want to play the villian.
I love hard mode
I'll go team Mike.
Who doesn't wanna be a villain?
I of course WANT villain but for the sake of balance I'll go team mike.
>Send them down the elevator
we've got a 3 in cunning, we gotta use that to scare the shit out of people
Also, can we "eat" people like we do with bodies (but while they're still alive) and can we actually eat and like, digest people
>While they're still alive
Yes. You can blob them if you'd like.

>Actually digest
No. Got to do something with the mess.

>Send them down the elevator.

Seeing the waitress step out of the elevator gives you an idea. You spare her, for now, and quickly drag your mess through the halls and towards the elevator.

When it opens again a man dressed as a white bullet shaped ghost with two black eye holes doesn't even have time to register what he sees before you smash a torso on top of him, adding him to the collected carnage.


You wait and listen as the elevator works its way downstairs. You can hear laughter, people telling jokes, people dancing to music.

Then you hear several screams followed by nervous, unsure laughter.

Then silence-the realization-and then the sounds of screams and panic. You hear people crash into tables, into each other, into walls.

You hear them scream, and scream, and scream. You have hurt them. And you want to hurt them more.


"Oh god, you got to believe me!" You yell at Doctor Dubose. "If you of all people don't believe me what chance do I got?"

"I'm not doubting that you've been through a very traumatic experience Mr. Adams." He says pushing his glasses up. "But you must understand that without evidence..."

Your buddy Alex brought you to old man Thorne's office on the third floor. After telling him and his close associate Doctor Dubose everything you could about what happened they offered you a seat and a glass of water. You declined both.

"I don't believe this! You two are always going on about contacting the dead, about real ghost and real hauntings-and when you final get one you don't believe it. And its KILLING us! It's HUNTING us you bunch of jackasses!"

"Sir-" Alex addresses Thorne on your behalf. "I'm sure Mike doesn't mean what he's saying. Not really."

"Oh I mean what I'm saying! These two idiots spend decades gathering up whatever spooky shit Thorne's money can buy trying to find a ghost or attract a ghost or make a ghost or whatever. Well we got one. We got one and its PISSED."


You win the game by not dying. If you hold out long enough Dr. Dubose will find a way to deal with the Cenotaph Slayer.

Until then its up to you to rescue party goers, slow down the Cenotaph Slayer, and retrieve items for Dr. Dubose.

Survivors have the following stats:

PASSIVE: Comes with a number rank. The number detemines by how much the survivor can debuff one of the killer's stats when he encounters the killer.

HEALTH: Used for fighting, running from, and surviving the killer. Unlike non-survivors survivors don't die in "one hit". Every time a killer would kill a survivor they instead survive and subtract 1 from Health. When Health hits zero the survivor finally kills over.

NERVE: Used to keep calm, form plans, and distract the killer. It can be decreased by traumatic events. When it hits zero the character becomes irrational and uncontrollable.
This is Mike:



Something came up. Might be awhile before I can post again.

How you guys liking things so far? If the gameplay pans out it might become a new quest "genre". Slasher skirmish.
Really good so far, we'll see if it breaks down when we start fighting each other but I think this is a great format
So far it's doing fine.
It might hold up well actually
I hadn't realized you were running. Count this anon in


>ROLL 1D20+2
Rolled 2 + 2 (1d20 + 2)

Rolling to make them less like cannon fodder.
Eh, they had good and productive lives at least
Bad move Mike

-1 Nerve

"Listen to me! What I saw wasn't an illusion, trick, or prank! It was a real ghost...monster...creature! We got to do something!" You spring at a bookcase.

"Mike! Wait!" Alex shouts after you.

"One of these books...one of these books can help us! The answer is got to be here somewhere!"

Doctor Dubose grabs you. "Calm down."

"...Why won't you believe me?" You say dropping armfuls of books to the ground. "He's going to kill us and you won't even believe me..."

"Sir." Dubose continues. "You must understand me. We have gathered what is perhaps the world's greatest collection of occult objects in history in this house. The best we have ever observed-the best I believe we can reasonably hope for, from all of this combined paranormal artifacts-is a cold spot. A twinge of white noise on the radio. One of the maids having a dream about a man from the 1800's. In my greatest hopes, my greatest fantasies, we get a sample of ectoplasm. We get something we can record on film. But a full bodied apparition strong enough to kill a man? No. That I cannot believe."

Old Man Thorne largely ignores what's going on behind him, only half turning his head when he hears you yell. As usual he is locked away in his own little world. He sits in his wheelchair and watches the party two floors below him and dreams about the time when he was down there dancing with his wife. He doesn't know the people that dance-college students from the local university who can be expected to act reasonable well-behaved in the house. He just wants there to be a dance like there was in years past.

He suddenly screams, and all three of you rush to his side to see what he sees down below...


ROLL 1D20+1 (3 Cunning minus 2 Passive) TO SPOOK MIKE
Rolled 1 + 1 (1d20 + 1)

Eh, you had a good kill streak.
Oh fucking boy, here we go.
/x/ die strikes again!
Also, why are we all yellow?


The elevator's doors have closed but a crimson pool of blood persists on the ground next to it. People scream. People cry. Some dial frantically on their phones or take pictures. Some crouch on the floor and weep. Others bolt to the door and fight through a mob to get out.

"This...this..." Alex stutters. "This is some psychopath...some escaped mental patient..."

"No..." Dr. Dubose says with a slow shake of his head. "No. Such cruelty...such anger...this is a larvae. Perhaps one of the biothanatoi...ataphoi?"

"Fucking FINALLY one of you believes me! Holy god I was about to crack up here!"


"So...so this is real?" Alex asks.

Dr. Dubose nods. "Yes. There's a ghost out there and its killing people. I think it might have come from the Cenotaph." Dr. Dubose turns to you. "You said you were moving the Athenian cenotaph, and your friend was being rude, even smoking next to it?"

"Yeah. Do you know what we need to do Doc? Is there a magic spell or something?"

"There might be. I...I need to research." He sprints to the bookcase. "Give me time...I don't even have a picture of this spirit..."

"...It's real." Thorne says in a voice choked with tears. "Its all actually real then. There is life after death."

"Yeah you old bastard, and its KILLING PEOPLE!" You shout.

"Mike stop. Just leave the old man alone...just stay here sir with the Doc where its safe. We don't want to move you while that...that...thing is running around."

"You can say ghost." Dr. Dubose says flipping through a dust leather bound tome. "Its what it is."




"I just...I just can't believe...how is it even hurting people? I mean if its a ghost..."

Dr. Dubose gives a grim, short laugh. "Oh no no no. You mustn't think that. The ghosts of antiquity are nothing like what your pop culture imagines. They are the di manes-manes being a spirit and di a strong honorific as in deus, as in how you would refer to a god. You would call all of them from the aoroi to the agamoi the di manes. We are dealing with a thing closer to divinity than you or me. Never forget that."


Now would be a great time to crash the party. They're blocking up the exit with their stampede. You could cut them down like cattle. But there are those on this floor. You saw the waitress head into what is probably a kitchen.


Head to kitchen for kitchen related activities
Yes, to the kitchen, maybe we can steal some food to spite the owner.
Voting for this

You walk soundlessly through the halls to the door the waitress pushed the cart through. You can hear the sounds of a kitchen as you approach-boiling water, sharpening knives, short exclamations of times and orders and stock.

There is a radio playing music. They can't hear the echoing screams...

Radio: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YRUB5taG3xw



Old mansion owned by an eccentric wealthy old man in a horror story. There is no way there aren't any secret passageways or other neat shit hidden away somewhere, and the staff are likely to know about any.
Kill la Kill them all

The double doors clatter to the ground as you knock them aside. All eyes turn to you.

You see 4. Two waitresses, two chefs. All victims. They don't even have time to scream...

>Roll 1D20+3
Rolled 7 + 3 (1d20 + 3)

You fling your arm to the side and your crowbar smashes one of the waitresses into the wall. She sticks there and twitches like a crushed insect. With you other arm you grab a chef and ruin the pot of stew he was preparing-with his face. He struggles in the boiling water until you crush his windpipe with your fingers.


Now the final two scream. They finally understand what it is they see. They finally understand that they see death looming over them, ready to crush the life out of them.

The chef hurls what he can at you. A knife. A pot. A pan of scalding water. A few things stick within you. You decide to keep a them in you. There's no telling when you'll need an extra weapon.

"Candice! Run! Run!" He screams. The waitress bolts through side door.


Waitress. If Chef is taking the offensive and throwing shit, he'll be more likely to continue staying behind and not running straight away. I think we can get both if we're fast with the waitress.
The chef has to pay for that insult
Let the girl spread run, we will become fear
Okay, couple of different thoughts melted into this post
Need survivors? Proposterous. No one escapes death--not in full. She cannot run without her legs. Hurl the Chef's cleaver--of which the fool flung at us in desperation, at the woman.
I meant more, apologies

don't let her spread the word,

we are smart for fuk sake, we shouldn't make things harder for us
Yesss, strong may fall and the weak may inherit but the cunning rule.

You yank a large kitchen knife out of your skin and hurl it toward the fleeing girl with a snap of your gigantic wrist...

>ROLL 1D20+3
Rolled 8 + 3 (1d20 + 3)

Rolled 16 + 3 (1d20 + 3)

Rolled 20 + 3 (1d20 + 3)

I evoke the "my idea, my roll" clause. The dice gods want blood, OP. And blood they should have.

The knife breaks through the woman's spine with a sickening POP. She crumbles to the ground. The chef looks on in horror but adrenaline and instincts take over as you approach and you scrambles over the body to escape.



>Slashy the Pumpkin says: If you feel bad about wasted crits you should, its all your fault. ALL YOUR FAULT.
Live by the knife...
>wasted crits

>Pop him
He will die a coward, the handle of our knife protruding from his spineless back.
We need to kill the Dr. as soon as time allows it, by the way. Just putting it out there for those who just skimmed him as a generic side prop character. We wont want our prey to become our hunters, yes? Humans are wierd that way, always finding a way to turn the tables and whatnot.
You pluck another knife from yourself and aim it at the chef. His eyes go wide as he stumbles trying to get out of the way of your aim...

>ROLL 1D20+3
Rolled 5 + 3 (1d20 + 3)

Rolled 20 + 3 (1d20 + 3)

Oh come on, OP
Are you scared yet?
>Slashy the pumpkin says: Its your fault for missing crits. Even when it isn't.

Team survivors do a little cheer. You just got another one.


You knife impacts the wall with a thud inches from the chef's head. He darts his eyes at the knife, then at you, then at the door. He bolts through it before you can maneuver around the kitchen's clutter and counters to give chase.



"But how can it touch things? Shouldn't it like...go through things like mist?"

"There's an interesting medieval account of two monks." Dr. Dubose begins. "They make an agreement with each other. Whoever dies first should, if they can, come back to the other as a ghost. One monk dies, and keeps his word. He appears to his friend as a hellbound spirit, burning and in chains, and cautions him to change his evil ways lest he suffer torments of his own. His friend asks why he should fear the ghost, why should he fear something intangible. His friend responds by spraying him with boiling puss from his own wounds."

"So it's...solid. Like a person?"

"Very much so."

"Does that mean we can hurt it?"

"I don't know. There are ways to bind spirits. The Romans and Greeks did it all the time...of course it doesn't help they have several mutually exclusive directions...I'm going to have to make do with a hodgepodge here...but what we need is salt. Definitely salt."

"What? Like...table salt?"

"Yes. Salt."

"Why salt?"

"I'm going to make a circle out of it."


"To keep out the ghost."

"Don't worry about it Alex." You say. "Whatever we need to get we'll get for you Doc. This just better work or we're all going to die."

"Well there's no salt here. You two are going to have to go downstairs and get some."

"Seriously?" Alex asks. "You sure there's not...not anything here with all these artifacts we can use?"

"This is a library. Not a paranormal armory. And there's no salt here. And if you can find anything to make dolls out of-cloth, bedsheets, anything like that-bring that back to. And a gold cup. And a pig."

"Pig, gold cup, doll shit. Got it."

"It its any help to you all..." Thorne says in a soft, scratchy voice. "There is a gold trophy in the ballroom..."

"Why do we need dolls? Alex asks. "We going to do some vodoo stuff?"

"No. I'm going to make kolossoi. We're supposed to feed them. Its all apart of sharing a meal with the ghost."

"Hold on hold on. You want us to have dinner with the thing?" Alex asks.

"Yes. Sharing a meal with the dead to calm their anger goes all the way back to the Etruscans. It's very old magic."

"Can't you like...I don't know, trap it in a circle?"

"I'm going to try something like that if the dinner doesn't work. But I'd rather not try anything to make the ghost extra upset until I have to."

"Well...at least the party goers have fled." Alex says looking down at the empty ballroom. "That still leaves the staff, and anyone that's walking around the halls."
"Just so I know..." You ask. "...What was that stone in the first place?"

"Mike, don't get upset again. I'm sure if Doc and the Old Man knew what the stone was they wouldn't have brought it here."

"I would have brought it to James Randi..." Dr.Dubose says half in jest.

"You said it's a cenotaph? What's a cenotaph?"

"Oh come now. Surely you two read the Odyssey in school? Remember the scene where Odysseus loses men in a raid against the Cicones and calls their souls to rest in cenotaphs? They're graves for distant bodies. If a body is so say, lost at sea or in a foreign land then you make a cenotaph for the spirit and call its name three times."

"So its like one of those traps from Ghostbusters?"

"Not...exactly. It was to give the spirit a home. It was to give the spirit rest. Apuleius tells us that ghosts with a home were propitious and peaceful. They were the Lares. A ghost without a home wanders the roads doing violence. They are the Larvae."

"So that stone was its home?"

"And your friend Trent desecrated it."

"Enough talk!" You exclaim. "We got to go downstairs and get your stuff before Jason finds out we're up here and kills us all."

Hold on." Dr.Dubose takes out a black marker. "I need to inscribe some symbols on your bodies. Please take your shirts off."

"Doc, you sure a magic marker is going to help us?"

"No. I'm sure about nothing. We stand upon the very bleeding edge of physical science. Until now my entire life has been spent in the study of theory, not practice."

Potential help is better then no help.
> Let him have his way with you
You better not draw a dick on my face!
"So this guy with a chicken head and snakes for feet-" You ask.

"Abraxas. Gnostic deity. Commonly invoked in amulets."

"Okay, this Abraxas, is this going to do anything?"

"Like I said, I don't know."

"And what are these words on my arms? I can't even pronounce them."

"Voces Magicae. They're more or less gibberish with the occasional reference thrown in. Sometimes they stand for benevolent god or daemons."

Doc Dubose takes a step back and begins reading from a dusty book. "Come to me, master ruling above the earth and beneath the earth, watching the west and the east, and looking to the south and the north master of all things, Aion of Eternities. You are the ruler of the universe, Ra, Pan, AR PENCHNOUBI BRINTATENOPHRI BRISKULMA AROUSZARBA MESENKRIPHI NIPTOUMI CHMOUMAOPHI IA IOU IUO ALL OUO AEEIOUO BAUBO BAUBO PHORBA OREOBAZAGRA OUOIEA ER."

"I recognized like two words in that."

"Its from an amulet recorded in the Patrologia cursus completus. It is about as authentic as anything we could get. Now go. And may more than vengeance be real tonight."



Your strides are long and quick. The chef pants and groans as he struggles to keep ahead of you. He darts past a couple of party goers necking in the corner. They either didn't hear the screams or thought it was all apart of Halloween.

He manages to say a couple of out of breathe syllables or warning before hurrying past them.

"Woah. Cool costume bro." A man dressed as a 1950's greaser says as his partner dressed a a scantily clad nurse clambers off of him with a blush. "Like, are you supposed to be some kind of Roman ghost?"



> Chase the chef
We don't wanna chase ALL guests, yet.

> Debuff
Speed I guess. Not sure what cunning does since all our plans are from moronic anons anyway.

Yeah, I'm playing for both teams, so what. It's called multitasking, let the dice gods chooses who they will.
Well, I'm sure they had good intentions sending an elevator full of man-matter down to the party floor.
It'll make outsmarting this idiot easier.
It probably affects the opportunities QM presents the horror.

That said, seconding speed.
>Debuff speed
>ROLL 1D20+2
Rolled 19 + 2 (1d20 + 2)

>Slashy the pumpkin says: Never count out a man with a blunt instrument coated in blood!

You streak past the couple, a strange Halloween oddity that they dismiss as they they return to their love making. Clearly you're just some guy running around scaring people, like those clowns on the news. You're nothing to be concerned with. The chef guy is probably your friend.

The chef turns around the face you, fear in his eyes as he knocks over a vase. He tries to scream but he's so out of breathe he can barely whisper out syllables. He presses himself against the wall in a survival reflex.

Can we become invisible and tailgate this one?
Looks like he knows good hiding places
You know i am going to answer "sure". But maybe you'd want more voters' opinions
File: modern.png (70KB, 729x855px) Image search: [Google]
70KB, 729x855px
Tied between KILL and STALK.


Stop pussifooting around survivors, this one is in the bag, get it while we can
This one is trouble. This one needs to die.

You feel something almost like happiness as you see his eyes follow your arm up...

>ROLL 1D20+3
Is Trent still inside us?
Rolled 19 + 3 (1d20 + 3)

Here we go!
No. You threw him up into the elevator with the other worker bodies.

>Slashy the Pumpkin says: Tremble with fear survivors! You are one fewer!

Normally you would do one damage, but a critical success deals 2. And sense the poor chef only had 2 to begin with...


You see the exact moment his eyes cross as you bring the crowbar right down into his face. It pops like a rip fruit.



NOTE: This is a largely an experiment for a "freeform slasher movie rpg". If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions about the rules please tell me. I might run another one-shot to test out more ideas I have. For instance you deal 1 damage on a Ferocity based roll and 2 if its a critical success, but other killers might deal more damage. And you're an invincible magical slasher that can only be defeated by completing a ritual, but other killer might be vulnerable albeit durable. They'll have a health bar like survivors do...its all very experimental at the moment. The next one-shot will deal with a family of masked killers in the woods hunting down camp counselors that have to protect the kids. Each of them will have special abilities in contrast to the more "neutral" Cenotaph Slayer, and the survivors will start fully generated and geared up unlike in this game.

Think of this as "game A" where the Slasher begins play first and has to try to create as few survivors to stand in his way as possible. "Game B" will start with the survivors as they "uncover" the slashers.

Back to our show!


Now for the couple. You must leave as few survivors as possible Or do you ignore them for now and explore the rest of the second floor, making sure they're the only ones on the floor...


Um, in character we are just some angry ghost so really we should go back and disembowel then but I kinda want to leave some people alive so they can wander around wondering where everyone is and oh my god is that blood!?
We're angry, but we have enough self-control to be cunning.
The couple are no inmediate threat.
Let's secure the floor

Also tell Slashy he is a faggit
>Slashy the pumpkin says: No anon, you are the faggots!"

You glide like a shadow throughout the halls. You pass African tribal masks almost as large as you are, weeping statues, stacks of Chinese Hell money, urns of unknown ashes, original Fragonard sculptures of tanned corpse meat and bone..the living will surely stand out among all this death. And how fitting is it that they will die here? The gods have been harsh to allow your paradise to be violated. But they, as they usually are, understand how to bless a man with revenge.


>ROLL 1D20+1 TO MOVE WITHOUT BEING SEEN (Joe's debuff to your speed lasts until the next "scene". The longevity of debuffs and when and how they can be "removed" is another thing I want to experiment with.)
Rolled 5 + 1 (1d20 + 1)

1v1 you and me in Fireboy and Watergirl, if you dare, Slashy
Rolled 1 + 3 (1d20 + 3)

> scanning for life signs
You can't have surprise butt sex without the surprise
Well, now i feel less bad for my roll
>Two Critfails
Oh no...
Rolled 11 + 1 (1d20 + 1)

forgive me if i fuck this up, im new to this board
5 isn't a critical fail and OP only counts first rolls
>Right now roll 1D20. 1-5 critical failure. 6-10 failure. 11-15 success. 16-20 critical success.
Unless we've changed the rolling system, in which case my bad.
Oh shit, I'm retarded.
Ignore this, I forgot about modifiers.
>Slashy says: You make me sad.


You stop cold in your tracks. All the strange and unusual objects in the house have no meaning to you-except this one.

A collection of photographs assembled behind a glass. Paper. Only paper and ink. And yet, like the stone, it carries the unmistakable aura of deep emotions, true belief...

They show a woman. You do not know the woman. But you can feel the...shear loss and regret radiating from the assemblage. You feel the pain and despair.
It feels like what you have for a heart. It confuses you. You feel...sympathy.

A woman in a wedding dress, smiling with hope for the future. A woman on a sunny beach in a swimsuit, blushing and grinning. A woman gracefully posing on a balance beam, beaming with confidence and triumph.

A woman dying on a hospital bed, tubes plugged into her broken body, doing her best to still smile...

You are not the only one who has lost paradise...


"Oh god...there it is..." You fight down a muddled, primal instinct that wants you to act without thinking. Run or fight, it cares only for action and you have to still yourself and let the cold vibrations echo throughout your being. "There's the ghost!"

Alex grabs your arm and flashes you a stern look that means "quiet."

"Why's it just...standing there looking at the wall?" You whisper.

Alex shrugs. "Don't know. Don't care. Hope he stays that way."



>Slashy says: Its not your fault OP is an autistic spaz who never uses the same rules twice.
the number one cause of death by slashers is not having a bro to watch your back.
Stick together

Or one to slow your persuer down
>Stick Together

>Head to the kitchen to get the salt and look for survivors.
>Head downstairs, its safer there and you can get the gold cup
>Quickly look for survivors while he's distracted
>Head downstairs, its safer there and you can get the gold cup

Better stay clear of that fucker
Go for the salt while he is sperging
Always take advantage of spergery in pursuit of salt.



can we -3 ferocity?
Do you play MOBAs or something?
Yes. What this means is that he'll roll to find you at +3 (CUNNING) and chase you down at +2 (SPEED) but if he does find you and catch up to you he swings at +0.
The i choose
-2 speed
-1 cunning


A sense of unease pulls you away from the collage.

Something is moving around you, slowly...

You turn around and just like that all the complicated feelings that boiled inside you evaporate, replaced by simple and clean anger.

There are men out there. And they must die. And there is nothing, nothing in your heart besides this sentiment.

>ROLL 1D20+2
Rolled 16 + 2 (1d20 + 2)

Here we go!
There. Moving quietly behind the wings of a statue of Thanatos.

Moving quietly. But not quietly enough.

Something is covering them almost like armor...something like iridescent beads of silver woven together to form a mail shirt.

Old ancient words echo in its folds. They are protected by words of power. But the words are muddled. They are whispered when they should be shouted. You can break this protection as you would break anything else.

They have a magus on their side. That will hardly dissuade you from your revenge.

But you focus your senses as you prepare to attack the two men and find that they are not alone. You hear the couple a room away...and behind you the sound of electronic entertainment and people at play.


>Slashy the Pumpkin says: Be sure to kill survivors, but be sure victims don't become survivors! In general kill everyone you meet to make sure!



I am sorry survivors. You are the biggest threat
Thirding that
Because of your critical success you can attack before they can try to flee...

They move carefully. They don't want to knock any of the collection over and give themselves away. But they've already given themselves away. All they're doing is making it easy to get closer to them...and closer....and closer...

"Kitchen's up ahead." You hear one of them whisper to the other. "Just grab as much salt as you can carry."

"Any idea where they keep the salt?"

"Just keep looking until you find it...but don't make noise..."

Too late for that..

Alex was the magic guy, right? Go for him.
Dr Dubose is with Old Man Thorne on the third floor. Alex and Mike are the handymen.
Oh, OK. Then either one, then.
You got to pick anon. Voice of reason or the one who got away, who is it gonna be?
Voice of reason.
The one who got away
The voice of reason
Rolled 15 + 3 (1d20 + 3)

Let's do this!
Mike Health: 3

You bring your crowbar down on the silvery mail wrapped around the man from head to toe. He screams as he's propelled by the force of your blow into the wall. The silver lights dim and die like broken fireflies as he doubles over and cough.

His friend rushes to his side. "ALEX!"

"I"m okay! I'm okay!"



Alex. Alex is the voice of reason. Mike is the one that got away.

>Slashy the Pumpkin says: Your QM sucks balls, you should trade em' in for a new one.
You're a pretty good QM. It sucks that I don't have the time to properly participate in this.
But if i do that who is going to give me Mechagirl Quest when?

If Alex is incapacitated in some way, Have Mike help him.

If he is free to move, split the team

Cut our losses. You don't need two people to carry salt.

"Get the salt!" Alex yells. "I'll meet you downstairs for the cup if I can!"

"Don't you fucking die Mike!" Alex shouts. "Don't you fucking die to this freak to!"

As Mike steps away his silvery light falls back from Alex to leave him picking himself off the floor in shadow.

One goes one way, the other goes the other way. You have time to smash one of them before you have to chase them down...


One's almost down for the count, time to take the other out.
>ROLL 1D20+3
Rolled 20 + 3 (1d20 + 3)

Here we go!

You vent all your anger on Mike. This one escaped you. This one frustrated your first explosion of wrath,

Never again.

You batter him with downward stroke after stroke after stroke. The silvery glow dies like a candle flame in a rainstorm. You hammer on through the magical protection and hear a satisfying snap of bone.


Mike screams as he rolls away and stumbles down a hallway, banging against the walls as he escapes.


He's the one going for the salt after all.
>ROLL 1D20
Rolled 1 (1d20)

Here we go!
Have you ever seen a ghost with blue balls?

You dash forward but you are so fixated on your prey that you don't notice a statue they knock over in your path until you stumble over it.

A bird. Some sort of stupid black bird. You smash a fist down on the statue and shatter it into powder.

When you regain your footing you find that your prey is long gone...


Your arm feel like its full of needles. There's no way you can hold it to make the pain stop, but you can't help but smile through your tears.

Yeah. He hurt you through the Doc's magic. But he didn't kill you. It blunted the blow. And you're alive. The creature's tried to kill you twice and you're still alive.

And if there's magic-real magic-then maybe you can hope for a miracle.

You stumble into the kitchen. You have to find the salt. You have to find the salt...but with one arm and no idea how they organized the kitchen its slow going.

You do your best to avert your eyes from the corpses. The adrenaline helps. It keeps you focused. It helps you not think too much about the body stuck to the wall by its own gore, or the chef boiling in his own stew.

You knock pots and pans and boxes to the floor. Through the tears its hard to read the labels. But eventually you find a long cylinder and through half shut eyes you read S A L T.

Yes. Finally. Hope is in your hands!

You laugh as you feel its weight. You give it a little shake. Salt! And lots of it!


You heard Mike scream. You fear for the worse as you dash down the stairs to the abandoned party floor. You know where the gold cup is, you pass it every day when you open the mansion. Its right above the bar...


You hope to God its actual gold. Now you just need to get back to the Doc and maybe you can actually beat this nightmare...


"Hey! What's going on?"

You look to your left and see the couple dashing down the hall.

"Hey man, we heard screams! Is everything okay?"

No. But things are getting better...

>ROLL 1D20+3
Rolled 14 + 3 (1d20 + 3)

T-Time to try again...
The greaser is the first through the door and the first to die, your crowbar going straight through his chest. With a jerk you slice your weapon diagonally out of him, breaking his shoulder.

You see his date's face slowly contort with horror as his body crumples to the ground.

>ROLL 1D20+3
Rolled 7 + 3 (1d20 + 3)

You swing and if you had a mouth you would scream as your crowbar cuts a gash across her face and smashes into the wall.

She screams in terror and bolts down the hall.


Holding the trophy under your arm you climb up the stairs as you hear footsteps beat down the halls. You quickly dart toward another staircase but stop as you see that the person running down the stairs isn't a monster in a mask but a woman.

You rush to her side as she screams and sobs and tries to form a coherent sentence. You can figure out from her babbling that the ghost killed someone-someone you think is Mike until she starts repeating the name Davis to you.

Have her get the hell out. She may not become a "Survivor" but hopefully she'll survive.
We need meatshields


You hold her as she shakes and sobs and you try to explain the hell that's going on tonight to the best of your ability.

"The freak that killed your friend-that was an honest to god ghost. I shit you not. A ghost. It came out of an ancient rock a friend of mine helped move. He's killed my friends to. But Doc Dubose thinks he knows how to stop him for good. He knows magic. Real magic. I need your help to get his spells going. Will you help me?"

She looks up at you with eyes full of anger and fight.



You stumble through the halls sucking air through clenched teeth. You stop as you hear coming from behind a door the sound of laughter-and video games.

No fucking way...but it sort of makes sense. If they just shut themselves inside and played video games they could have chalked up all the screaming as part of Halloween....



Recruit them
It might be kind of difficult to convince them, but try anyway
Convince them it's a game the old man is playing?
>Guys, i need you to follow me to the gay bathouse to the main hall. The old man is about to say something and he needs us all there.
>You don't wanna know what happened last time we kept him waiting
I'm thinking we'll tell them the old man has arranged a monster game. We need to avoid the spooky black dude with the mask and collect items to win.

You wipe the sweat off your face and brace your busted arm. You don't want them to notice, but if they do you'll play it off as a Halloween costume. You're the walking dead.

You hope they don't touch your arm. You think you'd pass out.

You open the door to find three guys playing Mechagirl Fighter 2, totally oblivious to the absolute carnage outside.

"Fox Fire is so fucking cheap."

"Does she even HAVE any close ranged moves?"

"Yeah. I'm just not going to use them unless you guys get close."

"This is bullshit. Switch out next round."

"Why don't you guys pick stronger characters? You know Sherry and Ash are low tier."

"Hey guys-" You greet with the best smile you can muster. "My name's Mike. Green suit's not a costume, I work here moving stuff for the old man."

"Oh, really? We being too loud? Anything wrong?"

Buddy you have no fucking idea....

"I just need you guys to come with me. Upstairs. It's important."

"Can it wait? In a few more matches we unlock Rumiko the Oni-bot..."

You grit your teeth behind your smile. "NO...it can't wait. You guys need to come with me now. Mr. Thornee wants to uh...show you guys something."

"Is this a Halloween thing because we're really comfortable here to be honest. We might need a few more snacks later though."





Rolled 8 + 2 (1d20 + 2)

Here we go!


Your anger clouds your senses. You drag your crowbar across the wall and leave long, jagged lines.


They set paradise on fire. They must be found. They must be punished. They CANNOT get away with this!

You knock down a door and face a hall already marked by your anger.

For a moment you pause, too angry to even move. You feel anger course through you like the echos of thunder. It shakes throughout your black, malleable being.

You will find them. And you will kill them. Slowly.



>low tier
She has a high skill ceilling, you scrubs!

"Old man is giving money prizes away, the wizard guy can fill you in better."

Then run,
"Old Man Thornne is giving away money and prizes upstairs-just thought I'd let you guys know before there's a stampede from the party goers..."

"How much?"

"Oh no way of knowing. He didn't say. It's probably going to be a lot. You know how eccentric he gets around this time of year...Now come on, you guys don't want to miss this!" You run out of the door and pray that they'll follow you.

You spare a glance over your shoulder. Thank you God they are following you!


"Mike! You're okay!" Alex has to restrain himself from hugging Mike, remembering his broken arm. "How's the arm?"

"It's fine, just shut up and lets go."

"The salt?"

"Got it. The girl?"

"What about those guys?"

"How is salt going to help us?" Tina asks.

"What are you guys talking about?" One of the gamers asks.

"Just...Just come on!" Mike points to the stairs. "Third floor is where the prizes are!"

"Prizes?" Alex asks.

"Its how I'm getting them to follow us." Mike grunts.

"They don't know?"

"Come on everybody LET'S GO." Mike yells keeping the group moving toward the stairs. "PRIZES FOR EVERYONE!"

"Mike they don't know?"

"No. Don't tell them. We don't have time to explain."

"You didn't tell me how salt's supposed to help!" Tina asks again.

"Keep quiet!" Mike whispers. "Its holy."

"How the FUCK is table salt-"

"What's this about salt?" One of the gamers asks. "Were we supposed to bring something?"

"Is this a scavenger hunt deal?"

"Where are the other guests?"


Alex grabs Mike's shoulder. "Damn it Mike, not so loud! He could hear-"




So that's where they are.

You jerk your mask clad almost-a-face towrad the sound.

You storm down the halls. The old floorboards boom under the weight of your pounding steps. Your crowbar catches sparks as it scrapes against the floor.

There they are.

And there they will die.









-3 cunning
-3 ferocity

Killer has yet to use his speed in any way, so i don't really know how it works
He hasn't really had a need to chase anyone.

He does now though.
Oh okay.
Then -3 Ferocity -3Speed
>Mechagirl Fighter as a video game
The victory animation must be pretty awkward.
I imagine that it's something like Senran Kagura


Mike's face drains of color as he sees a black shape lurch its way into view.

He prays that no one turns their heads.


"Yeah yeah yeah go go go." Alex joins in leading the survivors up the stairs, pushing them with his hands.


Rolled 14 + 1 (1d20 + 1)

Roth, since he's the easiest to kill while also giving us a bonus?

Why do we bother with the +X when we roll, if we still have to do the math anyway?
One would think that adding a +X to the roll would give you the total
You can roll a flat D20 if you want and just add in the number. Whatever feels luckier for you I guess.

>Slashy the Pumpkin says: The rules of the dice gods are ancient and byzantine. Challenge them at your own peril mortal scum!

"We're moving we're moving." Roth says. "What's the rush? It looks like we beat the crowd?"

"Shut up and run!" Mike yells, unable to hide his look of terror at the dark avenger rapidly closing in on the group.

It's only natural that Roth would follow his eyes.

It's only natural that Roth would turn his head to see the bloodthirsty ghost bounding up the stairs behind him.

It's only natural that Roth would scream out as the crowbar is raised...

>ROLL 1D20
Rolled 1 (1d20)

Let's do this!
Slashy warned you.
>Slashy says: You knew about the meme magic in this quest bro. You knew

"WOAH!" Roth yells as he darts up the stairs, narrowly missing a crowbar catching him in the leg.

Tina screams at the sigh of her lover's killer.

No one asks questions. Everyone runs.

Mike and Alex lead the near-panicking mob to the study.

"That was...that was...I mean this is all just Halloween right?" Roth asks.

No one answers him. All eyes turn to the two handymen as they turn over the salt and golden cup to Dr. Dubose.

"He's coming Doc! Work that magic fast!" Mike yells. "No time for dolls though! He's coming!"

Dubose nods gravely and fills the golden cup with salt. "Please be real." He whispers as he starts to spread the salt out on the floor in a archaic designs. "Or just be real enough."

"Your doodles saved our lives doc. Something out there is real. Something out there can help us."

"Then there is a chance..."

The masked ghost halts in the doorway. The crowd of survivors presses itself back to the glass overlooking the abandoned party. There's no escape or running for anyone now.

This is the end, whatever the end may be.

His black eyes scan the floor between him and his prey. He sees silvery lines of meaning, like that which protected the men.

He takes a step forward. Cautiously.

"This is Julius Africanus monster! Your culture! Your gods! Your magic!" Dr. Dubose declares as he adjusts his glasses and raises his book to his face.

"Just say the spell doc! Say the spell!"

"O Rivers, Earth and you who punish whoever of the dead is forsworn, be witnesses and accomplish this spell for us..."

The ghost sees the vivid, silvery lines of meaning glow with radiant power...


>ROLL 1D20
Rolled 17 (1d20)

They see the salt begin to move as it touched by the wind.

He sees the silver light begin to fade in intensity.

He does not move forward. He cannot move forward. But be projects his will against the ward. He throws all of his hate, all of his anger.

And the ward is buckling.

"Doc keep reading keep reading...."

"But Mike...He's moving the-"


"Believe." Old man Thorne clasps his hand on his old friend's arm. "There are more spirits than him in the world. She watches over us. I know she watches over us even now."

"...Hear me, propitious god, overseer, well-sired Anubis. Come Hermes snatcher, come to me underworld Zeus, with your fair tresses, grant that this spell should work and accomplish it..."

"Doc Anubis is Egyptian!" Mike yells.

"You'll be surprised how much the pagans borrowed from one another young man." Thorne says. "Trust him! Damn you trust him! How can he trust what he says if you wont' trust him!"

"I got no idea what the fuck any of this is but I trust you, I trust you!" Roth says. "Just don't let that thing kill us!"

>ROLL 1D20
Rolled 3 (1d20)

>You knew
Oh, to hell with you Slashy. It was me who decided to insult the dice god. And as you see, i am doing fine

I've been shown who's the boss!

Slashy says: Meme magic is for real bro. Real painful.

"Come here Hades and Earth, imperishable fire, Sun-Titan, come also Yahweh and Ptah and Ra, guardian of laws and greatly honored Neptho and very blessed Ablanatho with belt of fiery snakes, earth tearing, Isis-headed, Abraxas, demon celebrated for your cosmic name-"

The words are spoken in fear. They are only half-believed and half understood. The ghost presses against the ward...

And is repelled!

His large form begins to shrink. It begins to shrivel. The hallway behind him starts to become visible through his bulk.

"Holy shit its working!" Mike shouts. "You're killing it Doc! You're killing it!"

"He's just reducing it Mike...but its working Doc. Holy shit is it working!" Alan cheers.

The Doc starts to read with new confidence. "-Director of the Earth's axis and the star's dance and the cold light of the Bears, come also for me Phren, outstripping all in self-control, and Birth and Passing-of-prime and beautifully burning Fire, come Isis of Earth and Heaven, you who control dreams and Sirius..."

>ROLL 1D20

Rolled 2 (1d20)

Dice god, I have never prayed to you before. I have no time for that bullshit. No one, not even you, will remember if we were rolling for the survivors or the killer. Why we crit'd, or why we failed. All that matters is that i rolled the damn thing. That's what's important! Anger pleases you, Dice god... so grant me one request. Grant me high rolls! And if you do not listen, then to HELL with you!
He's not listening.

That's what the DLC/CGs is for. The victory animations are standard fighting game affairs.[/spoilers]
File: laughing halloween grill.png (130KB, 500x573px) Image search: [Google]
laughing halloween grill.png
130KB, 500x573px
I'll catch you too, laughing anon!
My impotent rage will be the end of you
Also, good taste in reaction images

"Calm this honored dead May he come and sup with us, may he be accounted as an equal among us the living, may he partake of our food we freely offer to him and may he know we offer him peace...may he know peace."

The ghost collapses on his hands and knees. He is a faint, shriveled grey thing. He is a thin curtain of smoke. The mask is too heavy for him and falls, clattering to the ground.

"...So what now?" Mike asks.

"We sit. And we eat with him. And he departs."

"Just like that huh? We eat some Halloween candy with him and everything is cool?"

"Just like that."

"It's worked this far. The guy's nothing but a shrimp now." Alan adds. "We eat some candy with him we eat some candy with him. I just wish there was a way we could hurt the son of a bitch for all the trouble he's caused us."

Dr. Dubose nearly faints. "Alan please! Don't say anything rude! I don't know what bad manners would do at this point!"

"This is...this is all just a game right? Some sort of history department program?" Roth asks a question no one answers.

"He killed my boyfriend..." Tina mumbles. "That we have to be nice to it now...its just sick."

"If its what we have to do its what we have to do." Alex says. "Let's just send him back to the afterlife and hate him later."

"You..." Thorne rolls his wheelchair close to the salt line. "You...creature. You less than human! You monster!"

Dr. Dubose gasps.

"You expect hospitality in my house? After what you have done?"

The grey mist rumbles like a stormcloud.

"Ever sense I lost her...ever sense that day...I've given everything I have to contacting the other side. for just the faintest trace of evidence that somewhere our there she still existed. And what is the culmination of my sacrifice? Not an innocent. Not a great mind. I get a psychopath."

He spits on the ghost.

Everyone is too frightened to speak let alone move. The only sound is the sound of Dr. Dubose frantically flipping pages.

"I've gathered artifacts from all cultures, all faiths, all continents, and you dare come to me? You violent thug! You dare come and not her? I curse you! By all the gods real and unreal, by everything that is hell and worse I curse you! By whatever my wretched soul is worth I curse you!"

The ghost burns. And remember burning.

It would scream if it had a mouth.

It would run if it had legs.

But it is only a cloud. It is a prisoner inside itself.

And it is on fire.

"Go to hell you monster!"

It hangs in the air and flashes like the sunrise once, twice. then turns off like a lightbulb. The survivors rub the after-images from their eyes and find that nothing of the spirit remains

Thornne wheels his chair around and brings himself back to the his spot by the window. He returns to his own private hell.

Dr. Dubose walks by him and places a hand on his shoulder.

"If he came and not her...what does that MEAN Docotor? What in all of creation does it MEAN?"

"I don't know."

"Is this what I can look forward do? More decades of gathering objects just to create another monster?"

"I just don't know. What happened tonight...I wouldn't have believed it myself unless I just lived through it."

"Why him? Why the stone? Why when all I wanted back was her he comes?" He burries his head in his hands and sobs.

"I will try to understand what happened. I will try make the sacrifices that happened tonight not be in vain."

Tine smirks at the void where the killer used to be. "I hope wherever you are you're hurting. I hope it hurts like I'm hurting you monstrous freak."

Alex takes the gamers aside. "Alright. You guys want to know the truth about all of this right?"

The three men nod gravely.

"Well sit your asses down. It's one motherfucker of a Halloween story..."

Alex slumps against the wall and winces. The adrenaline starts to drain out of his body and he begins to feel the real pain in his shattered limb. He bites his tongue when he feels like moaning. He doesn't think his wound isn't worth acknowledging among the carnage and loss of the night.


I'll get a short ending written up tomorrow. Right now I got to sleep. I got a meeting about my thesis project tomorrow.

So how did you guys like this one-shot? Questions and comments are welcomed. What did you think about the "Slasher Skirmish" system?
I liked it. It was different and fun. I liked how even though it isn't part of the Ghoul quests I'm pretty sure it still had a neat occult sort of angle.

Thanks for the thread!
It's interesting.
It is a good system for skirmish kind of campaigns.
Would you care to share what are the specifics of it, or are you still experimenting with the other Slasher quest?

As feedback, the Speed stat should be more relevant. There were situations where i felt kind of cheated when we chose to debuff speed
So far, there is little reason not to put as much buffs and debuffs into Ferocity as we can, since that stat controls whether the monster hits and how hard, making it the dominant stat by far. Noticing the survivors is a matter of when, not if. And falling prey to impulses is not as punishing as it should be, it is like rolling Ferocity badly. These two factors make Cunning not worth investing into
This particular system benefits more of a "tactical" kind of game than a narrative one, because positioning here is key and makes the speed stat irrelevant. And the narrative approach requires that the killer is always in the best place to kill, making positioning a moot point, and with it Speed

If i had to use the system for something i would rule that
>Positives: Chance to hit and Combat. Also Chance to ignore effects that would stagger you (You ever saw Jason not giving a fuck he is on fire? This is why)
>Negatives: It becomes harder to resist the urge to kill
Cunning: It becomes easier to resist the urge to kill and other impulses. Used for "Spot checks" and "Perception checks"
Mobility: How rapidly you move and how well you hide

Now there are resons why the slasher wouldn't want to put all his points into Ferocity (It makes strategizing harder) and why the Survivors might want to, even, enrage their pursuer (To make him fall into a trap, for example)

Don't get me wrong, for what it is, it is very good and works just right. I am sorry if this reads way too mean, i had fun with this quest.
Thank you for running.
The police show up, better late than never. It's incredible to think that from the ghost's rise to his banishing its only been about an hour.

They apologize profusely. It took awhile to drive the SWAT van out here to the boonies, and they weren't sure if it was a Halloween prank or not at first. "Help Officer there's an elevator full of bodies" is the kind of stuff 911 gets a lot on Halloween.

They assume some psychopath dressed up like a ghost and started killing everybody, probably with friends helping him given how much strength and work it would have taken to kill all those people and move all those bodies. They still aren't sure how that poor waitress in the kitchen got hit with enough force to splatter her against the wall like a fly.

No one bothers to try explaining what really happened.

You almost weep when the ambulance shows up with the morphine. The whisky you took from the bar only helped the pain from your arm so much. You tell the reporters with the cameras to get the hell out of your face as you watch medics cart off the remains of Trent and the rest of your friends.

"We got the bastard." You whisper more to yourself than to them. "We got the bastard and he's in Hell or Hades or Tartarus or whatever. He's paying for what he's done."

Alex walks up beside you. "Maybe they can hear you buddy. Maybe they really are in a better place."

"God Alex...there's really ghosts. There's really life after death. This...this changes everything you know?"

"The Doc's worried men in black or something are going to pull up any minute now and ask us questions."

"Hell. You think there's some sort of organization keeping this stuff secret? Some sort of X-files deal?"

"Maybe its like Hellboy. We're all going to get offers to become ghostbusters now."

"Shit. Knowing our luck they'll just take us out back and shoot us."

Tina sits alone downing a bottle of bourbon. When they cart out her boyfriend she screws her face up and weeps.

"She got the worse of it tonight I think." You say.

"Yeah. We all got a mess of funerals to attend though." He jabs a finger at the gamers chatting busily to a reporter. "They got the best of it. They only got involved at the very last."

"Good for them. I wouldn't wish what we've been through on anybody." You say.

"...And then we saw him! He had on like this crazy Zeus mask, and he had a crowbar, and we could see the gore on the crowbar! I'd never been more scared in my life!" Roth nearly eats one of the microphones shoved in his face.

"Hey." Alex pats you on your good shoulder and grins. "We fucking beat a ghost tonight. Us blue collar jabronies. We beat a fucking ghost."

"Naw. We just moved shit like we usually do." You thumb over to Dr. Dubose. He's been devouring his way through a book on Grecian magic sense it all ended. "He's the one that saved the day."

"He said we all helped. Every one of us from the girl to the gamers. Our belief helped make it work."
Thanks for running, it's been a great quest.

I found the whole plot with the old man and his wife really touching. It made his speech where he condemned the ghost absolutely great.

Was there a touch of divine punishment for breaking the rules of xenia there?
"Let me tell you though." Alex continues. "I'm going to buy so much fucking salt after this. My pantry is going to be nothing but fucking Mortons."

"Me to." You say. "Going to start going to church again."

"A Christian church?"

"Any church. Hell, maybe all of them. We called on a lot of big dudes to bail us out tonight. I might as well spread the thanks around."

Dr. Dubose closes his book and walks over to the two of you. "Any of that whiskey left?"

"Help yourself." You offer. "I'm feeling great after that shot of morphine the paramedics gave me."

The Doc drinks directly from the bottle. "Oh. I got a million theories about a million thinks floating in my mind. This is the breakthrough I always dreamed of...I just wish it wasn't so costly."

"Well get yourself some sleep tonight Doc." You say. "You earned it."

"I'm just waiting for the secret wizard society that runs the world to show up and cart me off now." He chuckles.

"Yeah." Alex says "I told Mike this might not really be over for any of us."

"Know anything more about what exactly happened tonight?" You ask, hoping to change the subject to something less ominous.

"Well, it seems the spirit came from the Greek Cenotaph. It wore the mask, it responded to the words...but I checked the ledger and something has been troubling me."

"What?" You ask.

"It was bought and shipped from Athens. But the Cenotaph wasn't from Athens. It was originally excavated from Arabia..."

You feel a chill run across your spine. "So...what does that mean?"

"Nothing probably. Could mean a lot. Like I said, there are a million theories about a million things in my head. Its possible the cenotaph called to a spirit housed in one of the Greek artifacts. That's what cenotaphs do after all."

"So there might be more of those things still in the house? Just sleeping?" Alex asks.

"Potentially. Good and bad."

"And you're going to do...."

"I'm going to have to investigate the artifacts. This is larger than all of us Mike. There's an afterlife. Humanity has to know about it. Any experimentation isn't going to involve innocence though. Nothing like tonight will ever happen again."

"Well don't count me in with whatever it is you have planned." You say. "I move shit for a living. I just want to keep doing that. After tonight I hope to never see another ghost until I become one."

"I...I'd like to help." Alex offers. "I mean if I can in any way. I don't know shit about this occult stuff."

Dr. Dubose smiles. "Well, I AM a teacher you know..."

You roll your eyes. "Well you guys have fun with the ghosts...but keep in touch okay? I don't know what I'd do if you guys suddenly fell off the face of the Earth."

Dr. Dubose nods. "Can do Mike. Can do..." He looks thoughtfully up at old man Thorne, still sitting watching the paramedics and cops and reporters run about from his perch on high.

"What's up Doc?" You ask.

"...There are just many theories about ghosts Mike...many theories."
"Some say ghosts are like a refined version of the living. Us without skin. Some say they are the remains of the living, a reduction of what we were in life. Some say they aren't people per se, but impressions-they are ideas and feelings imprinted on objects and are no more human than a human's image imprinted on a photograph or a roll of film..." He takes a big drink from the bottle.

"I've known Mr. Thorne sense the accident that crippled him and killed his wife." Dr. Dubose continues. "The man is haunted. There's not a day that goes by that he doesn't think about death. He surrounds himself with death. He entombs himself with it. Tonight, Halloween of all nights, is when he shows the most life, when he invites others into his house out of memory for his wife."

"What exactly are you on about Doc?" You ask.

"A million theories...and one question I've never asked Mr. Thorne. If you could see your wife again what would you say to her? And what do you think she'd say to you?"

"What do you think he'd answer?"

"I don't think he would answer. I don't think he wants to be seen by her as he is, broken and changed. I don't think he wants to see her, perfect and unchanging and without him. There is a gulf between the living and the dead that few ever truly consider....I think if anyone profited tonight it might have been Mr. Thorne, believe it or not."

"I don't know." You say. "He seemed pretty damned pissed that he got masked man and not his wife tonight. He still looks pretty pissed now."

"Are the two of you aware of poltergeists and the theories around them?"

You and Alex shake your heads.

"If ghosts are psychic impressions left on objects then poltergeists are subconscious impressions left on objects. It might have been before your time but there was a science fiction film back before Star Wars called "Forbidden Planet"...it had a man with a machine which could create anything his mind desired, but it also created an invincible monster-a monster from the Id."

"Are you saying...he might have created this thing?"

"And made it vulnerable to what be believed in, yes. The same supposedly occurred in Tennessee with the Bell Witch haunting and in England with the Borley Rectory haunting. It is a theory, but perhaps Mr. Thorne saw the inside of himself tonight...and rejected it. He saw a monster of darkness and antiquity and death, something like a shadow of this very mansion, and he rejected it. He saw all his fears about what she would seem to him and what he would seem to her...and he rejected it." Dr. Dubose smiles.

"He saw that we believed...and so he believed..." Mike says.

"But just a theory." You add.

"One of millions." Dr. Dubose said. "One of millions..."


>Killer Team Pumpkins

Pawns of the Dice Gods!: Man, were you on some cosmic being's shit list tonight.

Now I have a machete ho ho ho: Blow your cover in a deliberate and loud way.

1 is the saddest number: Score three or more critical failures.

>Survivor Team Pumpkins

Cenotaph Slayer: Win Cenotaph Slayer.

Number of the Beast: Have six or more survivors by the end of the game.

Just here to watch: Win the game with a survivor with 0 passive.

Still alive: Win the game with a wounded survivor.
>Touch of divine punishment?

That's one way to look at it. I wanted to keep what exactly happened tonight and what will happen to the characters after the ending unclear because its spoopier that way.

>Speed stat

Yeah. It didn't get a lot of play this time. I'm working on making it better in the Camp Red Water game. We already had a pretty good chase scene involving it. It felt very horror movie.

My idea is to take a page from Dead by Daylight which does a lot of things I like about being a slasher game and a lot of things I don't like. I like that after you hit a survivor they get a chance to run and wanted to include that in the mechanics. So if you hit a survivor you have to chase them down a little bit.

Special slasher abilities to tie into this mechanic could be a bleed-out count down or a swipe that makes it easier to chase them for the second hit.

>Ferocity God stat

That is something I need to work on, especially when rolling poorly damages a slasher in Camp Red Water.

I'm thinking about Cunning placing limits on what a slasher can do (John can do stuff like cut phone lines and sabotage cars, Luke can't) and being used to scare/lure out survivors, basically forcing them to move throughout the board.

It's a very RP intensive stat and something I need to work on.

You got a lot of good ideas, I've thought of some of them myself such as Cunning being used to resist the urge to kill. We made a "composure" check in Camp Red Water to resist attacking. The idea behind composure is that it helps in keeping the game from becoming a matter of shuffling around characters on the board until they interact. When there are three or more survivors on the same "spot" the killer has to resist the urge to attack them all then and there.

Mobility and distance is something I want to try incorporating in the game. Some locations will require more time to travel to then others.

>I am sorry if this reads way too mean

Oh no, I want feedback so I can make this system work! Thanks for your comments!
I take it we're playing things differently from intended in that the same people are playing survivors and killers.

That's okay for us since we enjoy the drama of putting characters at risk and are happy to kill them off, but how would you stop a survivor team from turtling and going 6v1 with the killer?

In other words, what incentives would you use for the survivors to risk splitting from the group? It's kind of essential for the genre.
>Same people are playing survivors and killers

Some people seem to really like playing both sides and I don't want to go "Stop! You have to pick a side!" and ruin the fun for the sake of some arbitrary competition.

>How would you stop a survivor team from turtling

For Camp Red Water the kids are sort of my answer. But in theory they could just stick everyone in one cabin lock the doors.

I suppose part of it is going to be stuff like burning down cabins and using cunning to lure out survivors.

Another part is putting importance on the killers staying in stealth mode. In most slasher films its not util 2/3rds of the way through the movie that the survivors know they're being picked off one by one. If the survivors are able to network and communicate things should start to get hard for the killers. Teamwork is how the survivors win.

I'm going to start giving attention to my other games, but I really like the idea of slasher one shots.I'll use Camp Red Water to experiment further and run a game with codified rules sometime around Thanksgiving.

How would you guys feel about something like:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZE7tyW8CYXs
Maybe the survivor team needs to be allocated missions to give them an incentive to move around the map.
What if the slasher had 'lives'?

It'd be a bad horror movie if you killed the werewolf when it first jumped the group. But if beating it didn't count until the lives were depleted, you'd be able to build more of a narrative.

By completing the missions, which could be any classic cliche - 'have two survivors make out away from the groups', 'restore the power', 'find the sacred dagger' or whatever, they could be abstractly rewarded by removing lives from the slasher. So the more cliches you complete, the closer the plot resembles a real movie and the closer you move to a final showdown. Don't do any of them, and you'll have a terrible and unfulfilling game where six people try and fight a werewolf for ten rounds then die.

Or if you don't like the idea of lives, some other debuff would do. I just like it when people think they've killed the psycho just because they stabbed him or set him on fire or threw him off a bridge, but he's always back...
Third game I'm going to try experimenting with lives and goals. Maybe I'll make it easier to harm slashers and lover their health totals so that they can "die" easier, but if survivors don't accomplish goals the slasher will just keep respawning.
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