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Jara and the Valley of Secrets

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While questing in the Valley of Secrets, Jara finds a skeleton guarding a dusty old chest. After dispatching the skeleton, she discovers that the chest contains a potion, which she foolishly quaffs. After drinking it, she spies the label.

What is written on the label?
boob enlargement potion by Prof.Snape for Lily Potter
Potion of Gender Change.
Remember to check before you drink, kids!
Oh no! That's going to make Jara's career as a plucky adventurer more difficult. Luckily, a wandering Wizard witnesses Jara's plight.

What does he suggest?
Do more arm flys, or at least get a cuirass to hold them puppies down.
A tonic made out of legendary ingredients!
Of course, he doesn't have it.
"You do the dirty work, young lady."
Wear bras of holding to reduce weight and back pains.
"I have searched far and wide for one capable of inheriting my legacy, and finally I have found you. You shall be my apprentice."
Jara asks where she can find this legendary tonic.

The Wizard turns toward the Old Road of Sorrow, which ends in the Pit of Wonders, the Forbidden City, or the Troll Eerie.

Where exactly does he point?
>the Forbidden City
Troll eerie
we kuroinu soon
The Troll Eerie.
He points to the three locations.
"Ehh, with my age I can't really remember."
"I'm sure it was in one of those though!"
Jara arrives at the Troll Eerie after a laborious but unremarkable trek along the Old Road of Sorrow. As she reaches for a tasty Cave Morel to restore her stamina, her large breasts trigger a tripwire, raising a clattering alarm far below.

She has a choice; she can go higher into the Troll Eerie, lower into the Bowels of Trolldom, or maybe just leg it out of there as quickly as possible.
>Leg out of there
>lower into the Bowels of Trolldom
Lower into the Bowels of Trolldom.
Jara climbs to the first level of the Troll Eerie, a strange cavern infested by some kind of fungus. In the distance is a tower of some kind, spouting a sweet-smelling smoke.

As she pats herself down she hears a clamor from below--someone or something is climbing the ladder.

The wily adventurer has no shortage of options here. What does she do?
Run towards the tower.
Get out of there
Investigate a mushroom, crack it open, see what's inside it, drop it down the ladder onto your assailants.
Supporting this.
Hide behind the tower to get the jump on whoever is clambering up the lader.
Cut off the ladder!
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Gripped by a blind panic, Jana puts her faith in the unknown and dashes for the tower without even waiting to see what was coming up the ladder. As she presses her body against the leathery doors of the fungal tower she realizes that she could have cut the ladder--but it's too late.

She shoves her way through the doors.

First roll decides what she finds on the other side:

0: A mysterious mushroom serpent
1: A sleeping troll warrior
2: A sleeping fungal giant
3: A wide-awake troll warrior
4: A wide-awake fungal giant
5: The sword, Sporebrand
6: The shield, Bleeding Cap
7: The wizard
8: A helm of dubious origin
9: A breastplate of dubious origin
9 get
We have a winner
Rolled 5 (1d9)

Yea boi
Jana discovers a totally badass-looking breastplate made from silver mail and the skulls of two demons. She's so taken by it that she immediately whips off her old, badly-strained titwrap and puts the breastplate on.

Then she remembers that she's supposed to check things for their blessed/cursed status before donning them. And they do look pretty dubious.

Roll it for me!

0-7: the breastplate is cursed
8-9: the breastplate is blessed
Rolled 8 (1d10)

rollan for blessan
Looks like her luck is changing!
It's gonna be blessed with tit growth isn't it
did he win or lost?
Rolled 1 (1d9)

Just so you know, the dice roller starts from 1, so it will never choose that zero option.

Type dice+1d10 in the options field and it will generate a number from 1-10.
Well it's time to decide the blessing.

0: Tit growth
1: A single charge of a fear spell called 'Absolute Fear'
2-5: Lactation cannons
6-9: A single charge of a charm spell called 'Absolute Attraction'
Rolled 1 (1d10)

Rolled 8 (1d10)

We can't roll a 0, would a 10 mean tit growth?
Absolute Fear it is!
Rolled 7 + 1 (1d10 + 1)

Tit decrease
I'm assuming so, that is why I rolled 1d10 and not 1d9, since there are 10 options.
I'll change my numbering for the next decision.

Alright, one last decision: does she take her blessed breastplate and go face whatever's outside, or does she attempt to ascend the inner walls of the fungal tower?

1-5: go outside
6-10: ascend the tower
Ah, I guess subtraction doesn't work. I ignore the extra number.
Rolled 9 (1d10)

Rolled 6 - 1 (1d10 - 1)

Subtraction does work, but it's weird. I thinks it's something like 1d10+-1. too complicated.
Rolled 4 (1d10)

Rolled 5 (1d10)

Rolled 5 (1d10)

Hoping for climb
She's going up.
Jana makes the arduous climb to the bulbous top of the fungal tower. To her surprise, she is is met by a man's feet. As she looks up, she discovers (roll for me):

1-2: The man is a friendly bomb merchant.
3-4: The man is a kitten salesman, and he's about to toss a bag of unsold kittens to their death
5-6: The man is trying to get rid of a cursed octopus that has followed him for years
7-8: The man is a handsome mimic
9-10: You decide: add your idea to the roll
Rolled 9 (1d10)

Rolled 6 (1d10)


The man is a boobmancer, controlled of everything boob related and boob magic
Rolled 6 (1d10)

i have no ideas, Any suggestion?
Rolled 2 (1d10)

The man is a rope-ladder salesman.
>The man is a boobmancer, controlled of everything boob related and boob magic
>he make us flatter
Her brother.
We have a 9, so this contributor either provides/nominates an idea within 5 mins or first suggestion wins
Looks like we have a decision!
this >>73195

thanks to both
You're welcome. On with the adventure then.
Big boobs are simply inconvenient for adventuring anon!
flatter = better
I'm sorry but I too would prefer a smaller breast size for her but who knows where fate will take her.
Buncha queers
Damn. Such a waste of a good potion. Hope the boobmancer's magic fails.

Maybe there's a roll for his magic. Either makes her boobs back to normal, keeps them in their current size, or makes them even bigger, giving a bonus to negotiation rolls with males at expense of some dexterity, because I doubt huge boobs are good for balance
There's always a chance.
Assuming that OP even gives us one.
Oh yeah, roll to resist
Nobody wants small boobs, give her a chance to keep her honour
That just means we have to master the art of boobmancy. Then we won't have any balance issues.
Rolled 2 (1d10)

rolling for not resistence
Rolled 7 (1d10)

Rolled 8 (1d10)

Beat his dice to resist
if lose please keep actual size, extreme shit is just disgusting

Have faith, there are many hard decisions still to be made.
Current size is a nice perfect size. Not too big, not too small. Just right.
Rolled 6 (1d10)

8 or more to get bigger
Rolled 7 (1d10)

Let's see what happens
Jara can't believe her eyes. It's her long-lost brother Gert! She hasn't seen Gert in ten years!

And, lucky us, Gert immediately explains a lot of things that make the story make sense!

Gert studied for a year as a Boobmancer, but as soon as he learned how to make basic enlargement/shrinking potions, he left the College and went freelance. On his travels he met another freelance Wizard, and they decided to go into business together!

Every now and then they play a game: Gert places a boob enlargement potion in a chest, and the Wizard summons a lvl 1 Skeleton Warrior to guard it. When the questing vixens inevitably kill the guard and drink the potion, the Wizard sends the girl to his tower under the guise of finding a miracle tonic.

The girls usually pay handsomely for the breast reduction. But there's a catch. The catch is:

1-2: Gert's semen is the active ingredient, and the only way it will work is if it is drawn from the source
2-3: Gert's magic will only work if he gets to suck the size potion out of the breasts, where it gathers
4-5: Gert absolutely refuses to shrink dem foine titties. She'll have to convince him somehow.
6-7: The Wizard usually gets to take part in the breast reduction ritual. In fact, that was him following her up the ladder.
8-9: Nobody's ever been able to move the blessed breastplate. It chose her! It would be foolish to shrink her breasts and make it fall off--who knows what adventures await?
10: Roller decides

This will be the last installment for this evening. Just letting you know up front. Keep an eye out for a return over the weekend....
Rolled 10 (1d10)

At least don't shrink them dude, let's just get going
Damn son! Their fate is in your hands!
That's strike two. Lucky you.
Oops, I mean >>73466
wizard just make her flat without asking and he dissapears
Rolled 5 (1d10)

Shit, roll to resist again
Perhaps we can move past the boobs soon...
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>instantly resolves quest
Surely jara wants to return them to normal size, not become flat.
Being flat doesn't impead adventuring, it's a damn boon to not have all that floppy fat triggering traps.
Archived. Vote here:
Rolling to have Gert get attacked and captured by trolls before he can react.
Rolled 3 (1d10)

Rolled 2 (1d10)

Your poor rolls only cement her fate further. But who knows; the dice clearly have something in mind for her, and the dice are never wrong.
Rolled 2 (1d10)

Rolled 7 (1d10)

alright, rolling for 8 or more and he miscasts and makes em bigger
6 or more they stay the same size
less and it casts as normal
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Rolled 8 (1d10)

And also for the semen thing, because why the fuck not
is OP kill?
>This will be the last installment for this evening. Just letting you know up front. Keep an eye out for a return over the weekend....

Just wait until tomorrow
Let's hope this time we don't get that faggot trying to make her flat every post
Is that Will Smith in the back?
Gert hands Jara a potion which he claims will 'put her boobs right back to how they used to be'. Jara quaffs the potion without asking for further clarifcation, because that's her whole deal.

What happens next will shock you.
P.S. I guess my IP has changed. This is OP now.
Like literally?
It was the forbidden potion of Breast->Ass Transference! Her Blessed Breastplate clangs to the floor, useless now.

With that, Gert throws an Escape Capsule and disappears. He leaves his bag of potions.

Jara's really in a pickle now. I'll do an inventory and then we can see where the tale goes from here.
Current quest: restoration of attributes after series of bad decisions
Location: Gert's Fungus Tower, Troll Eerie Level 1
Nearby: Troll Eerie level 2 (up), Bowels of Trolldom (down)
Nearby entities: unknown creature outside tower

First to roll > 7 decides what to do next.
You can travel, search the area, use an item, whatever.
At this point you might as well quaff more potions to see if you can put your cool skull-kini back on.
Readjust skulking to fit your smaller size and check what potions were left behind.
Fate only obeys the dice now.

(I'll give it 5 mins and if nobody else rolls, then Jara will take a random potion from the bag and drink it.)
Rolled 7 (1d7)

Forgot roll
Agh sorry I'm illiterate.
Shit that was supposed to be a d10 wasn't it? Does my nat 7 count for anything?
I'm going to give it to you, just to get things moving along
Rolled 2 (1d10)


Examine bag of potions and see if he labeled them
Jara has no skill whatsoever as a blacksmith--and a blacksmith would need to be skilled indeed in order to successfully alter an arcane artefact such as this.

However, she does know how to hit things, so she hits it and hopes for the best. Time to roll!

1-8: Attacking the Blessed Breastplate releases the spirit of the two-headed demon lord, Arzelus.
9-10: Attacking the Blessed Breastplate causes it to be resized into a Flatplate suitable for Jara to wear, but its curse status will need to be discovered with a further roll.
Rolled 3 (1d10)

come on 9 or 10!
Oh shiiiiiit. Looks like we're meeting Arzelus.
Rolled 2 (1d10)

Come oooon flatplate.
Rolled 2 (1d10)


Arzelus has been awoken. In case you don't know, Arzelus is a two-headed Demon Lord. His first head, Arus, is kind of an asshole, and his wing is made of tortured souls. The second head, Zel, didn't get sufficient blood flow in his mother's terrible womb and so he's a bit simple but quite agreeable--his wing is made of souls that really can't be bothered.

"Five thousand years I have been bound to that Breastplate!", says Arus.

"Where are your titties?" asks Zel.

"Your soul will make a fine scale for my wing," says Arus. "When I consume you, I will be free of this moldy brassiere forever."

"What's up with your behind?" asks Zel. "Can I have a closer look?"

"Fool!" wails Arus.

"I want a look!" says Zel.

Looks like it's time to roll to see which head is dominant today. If we roll right, we might get some kind of boon from Zel; who knows?

1-5: Arus is dominant today and we're in trouble.
6-10: Zel is dominant today and we can see where this takes us.

Jara needs to think fast, so I want you to suggest a course of action for a Arus dominant roll, and a course of action for a Zel dominant roll.
Rolled 5 (1d10)

If zel, he gives us impractically large tits
If Arus, our ass becomes as flat as our tits
Sadly I'm going to call this a misroll and clarify what a 'course of action' is here.

You can choose something for Jara to do. You can't say what the demons will do in response (that's another roll probably).
Wouldn't the zel action be more detrimental? Doesn't having a flat ass help us?
Rolled 1 (1d10)

Oh, well here goes, we hold up the breastplate to use as a shield. They can't destroy the thing binding them to this realm without being banished
Rolled 4 (1d10)

Have Jara turn tail and book it.
Rolled 6 (1d10)

If Arus is dominant, punt the breastplate off the tower, hopefully he's stuck to it and the fall will kill him.
If Zel is dominant, tell him your story. You might be able to convince him to get back in the breastplate to see where this is going.
"Young fool!" laughs Arus. "What made you think you could touch an object of such psychic potency bare-handed? You have as good as given me your soul!"

"He's right, to be fair," says Zel. "

Jara can feel her soul slipping away. Looks like our options are limited here. Time to roll.

1-8: Jara is absorbed into the Arzelus continuum. Who knows if she will be able to retain her selfhood in such a dark corner of the Many Planes?
9-10: Jara successfully resists the soul-drain effect with sheer pluck, and holding the Breastplate aloft gives her power over Arzelus. We'll see where that takes her.
Rolled 2 (1d10)

Let's roll
Rolled 4 (1d10)

Pluck is going to fail, I know it.
Looks like her decision was another poor one. Let's see what happens.
Considering we had a 20% chance to succeed, I don't blame you.
Well, time to think what a damned soul can do in her free time
Posses someone?
Spook people at seances?
Reload at an autosave?
Jara is dead, at least for now. Her body is slowly consumed by the fungal spores she picked up during her climb. Poor girl. All she wanted was to somehow fix her boobs.

But hold on. She sees a spark of light ahead.

Her unique pluck means reincarnating in Arzelus' Demon Realm!

Roll a d10 for me to decide how much of her soul she gets to retain.

The second roll will decide her reincarnation level within the Demon Realm.

Got it? So the first roll I see, that's her retained Jara-ness. The second will decide how lucky she is when it comes to birth.
Rolled 6 (1d10)

Not terrible. She will retain some semblance of her human form.
Rolled 1 (1d10)

now lets see our rank
Ooooooh wow. Wow. This is not going to be an easy time for her.

Alright, time to see how this turns out.

This has not been a good incarnation for Jara.

She has grown to adulthood on the banks of the Fecal Estuary, where she collects the bugs that swarm around the dung of the demonic Sealion-creatures that live and hunt there.

One day, while chomping on a dung-bug, she remembers her entire life as Jara. She realizes to her horror that she's still flat with a big ass.

She remembers the encounter with Arzelus, a name she has heard whispered by the crones that frequent the bug market. This his clearly his realm. So she has spent two decades in the personal realm of a lesser demon that once haunted her bra.

She's going to need to get out, somehow.

At this point she's desperate, and open to suggestions from anyone rolling a 5 or higher. She could visit her dung warren to collect her meager belongings, she could visit the bug market, or she could journey up the Fecal Flow to one of the higher levels where her kind are very unwelcome. Or maybe she decides to try something else!
Rolled 3 (1d10)

Punch the ground in frustration. Also make your way up top to Arzelus and fight him for dominance/freedom.
Gather your meagre belongings first. You're going on a journey. Do you know anything about how demonic promotion works? You might need to get stronger and fight Arzelus to get out.
Rolled 5 (1d10)

With roll this time.
Looks like we are gathering our meager belongings. Demonic promotion is based on basic physical or psychic dominance over others, so we'll need to achieve that (or think our way around it) to escape the realm.

Roll another d10 for me. I'll tell you what for afterwards.
Rolled 8 (1d10)

Come ooooon natural 1.
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Jara returns to her hut to collect her belongings.

Your decent roll means that she discovers a mysterious scroll in her burlap sack.

We'll do an inventory in a moment, but first: roll for the scroll.

1-2: A scroll of minor flatulence (can be used on any demonic being)
3-4: A scroll of random teleportation (no telling where in the realm she could end up after using it)
5-6: A scroll of Summon Dung Golem
7-8: A scroll of Bound Dung Armor
9-10: A scroll of Dactyl Eye View, allowing her a peek of the layout of the entire realm
Rolled 10 (1d10)

Where the fuck was this before
Is the scroll a consumable?
BONUS! Your 10 means that you unroll the scroll and discover a small brass ring. I'll add it to the inventory for later identification.
Is it worth using the scroll immediately or do you think we should we wait for more information about what different places in the realm are?
It is. The vellum is very old, held together by the magic ink, and it will disintegrate after use.
Nah, best use it now so that we don't get lost later.
The Scroll of Dactyl Eye can probably be used immediately for a general map of the realm. However there's no telling how it might be useful later. So I'll offer a free action after the inventory and anyone rolling >5 will be able to make that choice if they so wish.
Jara's belongings have been gathered.

We now have a free roll, so first to roll 5 or higher decides what we do.
Rolled 8 (1d10)

Go forth and head upstream, gathering any usfull looking items along the way. Don't use the scroll just yet.
Rolled 2 (1d10)

Maybe put on the ring? I'm curious if it does anything.
I guess we're heading upstream!
As Jara wades upstream she spies something vaguely familiar stuck in the sludge. Before she can reach it, she hears a rustle nearby, and realizes that she is being watched by one of the deadliest denizens of the Fecal Estuary: a young Goreiphant. Her Demon mother warned her that Goreiphants of any size were nothing to be trifled with. Has it been watching the strange staff too?

First roll over 5 decides her next move.
Rolled 9 (1d10)

Dive for the staff and use it against the Goreiphant! No time to think, just ACT!!!
Damn son, I like your decisive rolls.
I feel like im making up for the utter flub that was>>90042
Quick as a whip, Jara leaps for the staff and wills it to discharge in the direction of the Goreiphant. To her surprise, it actually does something!

But what exactly does the earth-shaking bolt of magic do?

We'll have to wait until the next exciting installment to find out! (a man must sleep)
I've misplaced her tail, just imagine it there
night OP, thread again tomorrow?
Yeah, for sure. This is a lot of fun. Feels like a saga is underway.
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Cool beans.
thats the reason it looked familiar to Jara
Alright. To recap: Jara just yanked this dimly-charged old staff out of the filth and used it on a juvenile Goreiphant, not knowing what kind of spell the staff might have been imbued with.

It's time to decide the spell and its effect. I need a d5 roll. I'll describe spell effects and ask for a second roll after the spell is decided.

1: The Goreiphant is multiplied in size.
2: The Goreiphant is transformed into another beast.
3: The Goreiphant is transformed into a humanoid.
4: The Goreiphant is turned to stone.
5: The Goreiphant is transformed into a vehicle.
Rolled 4 (1d5)

Ah, a stone spell.

Well, the next d3 decides how that works out.

1: The stone is merely skin-deep, creating a pissed-off Armored Goreiphant.
2: The Goreiphant becomes a statue of cold marble.
3: The Goreiphant becomes rubble containing a few precious gems.
Rolled 1 (1d3)


the good rolls here we go
Rolled 1 (1d3)

This would be a great time to not fuck up
Damn, fellas. Damn. Let's see how this goes.
The Armored Goreiphant charges from the riverbank in Jara's direction, mightily pissed-off at its agonizing new skin of rock, but apparently unburdened by it.

Jara needs to think fast. Roll a d10. 5 or higher decides a course of action. I'll allow that her burlap sack (and inventory) is within reach if you think that might help.
Rolled 1 (1d10)

cast the staff on ourselves
we become rockmen
Rolled 3 (1d10)

Same as >>94535
Rolled 3 (1d10)

Staff it again

We Metronome now

Let's hope we don't explode ourselves
Rolled 7 (1d10)

let's do that
Rolled 1 (1d10)

Throw poop jar at goreiphant eyes. Then run like a pussy.
Looks like we have a winner, and a consensus. It's a bold strategy. Let's see what happens.
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What a ballsy move. But of course this is Jara, and she has no qualms about using weird potions and artefacts on herself. If she's going to die, she'll die on her own terms!

I'm going to need a roll. d10 please. Needless to say, her fate hangs on this roll.

1: Jara is turned to some cheap variety of stone, and shatters into the mud.
2-8: Jara's demon flesh is turned to solid obsidian, and the Armored Goreiphant's attack bounces off her. We'll need to roll again to see where she ends up--being a statue is not the same as being dead.
9: Jara earns a stony crust similar to that of the Goreiphant. They will fight on equal terms.
10: Jara internalizes the essence of stone--stone pervades her every tissue without any of the paralyzing effect--giving her massive defense.
Rolled 7 (1d10)

Here goes
Rolled 1 (1d10)

Rolling for statue effects
Rolled 2 (1d10)

How about no
OP has to post the possible results before, or so i hope...
Im going with this, please, OP, have mercy upon us.
In that case he can ignore my roll.
Okay. Jara is an obsidian statue.

Statue effects have a half life of 1000 years. That means that for every roll of a d10 that is not a 10, 100 years will pass in the Arzelus Realm. Get rolling. Who knows where she'll find herself when the statue effect wears off?
Rolled 9 (1d10)

Fucking hell OP, poor girl
Rolled 8 (1d10)

godspeed Jara!
Rolled 3 (1d10)

Rolled 3 (1d10)

and again
Rolled 3 (1d10)

Proper roll now.
See you all in the future.
Rolled 6 (1d10)

Rolled 7 (1d10)

And another one
Rolled 9 (1d10)

make it stop!
Watch us end up in the 41st millennium.
Rolled 9 (1d10)

>inb4 "After 1000 years, I'm free!"
Rolled 8 (1d10)

Oh no!
Rolled 9 (1d10)


Forgot roll>>94931
Rolled 6 (1d10)

it's hurts!
Rolled 2 (1d10)

Come on man

We are going to be a fucking statue forever, arn't we?
Jara only wanted her boobs back!
Rolled 4 (1d10)

and again I forgot my roll
Rolled 4 (1d10)

1300 years so far. Wow guys.
Rolled 1 (1d10)

she kinda wanted her boobs lessened because they were too big. got her wish now she's complaining. kinda her fault lol.
Rolled 5 (1d10)

Rolled 10 (1d10)

Rolled 8 (1d10)

Rolled 2 (1d10)

She just wanted to not be totally flat :(
saved jara
>1500 years as a statue
inb4 modern age
modern age in hell?
Well done! Let's see where she ends up.

(in an hour or so, sorry)
Lets hop to god we weren't conscious the entire time
1,800 years in the future. damn.
So it's safe to assume that her brother and everyone else she knew as a human are long dead and gone?

Or does time work differently in this demon universe?
The time will have passed in an instant for her. But I'm going to do a visual recap of her journey.

This is yet to be seen.
her brother is a sorcerer dude, he could live forever for all we know. I still feel really bad for Jara, being tricked by her brother and banished to hell and all.
he's a boobmancer. He's probably a boob monster now.
maybe he hasfound and suckled on the titties of youth, and now he is forever young.
Here we go. Parallel World Montage Time.

Gert becomes head of a traveling guild of Boobmancers. While showing his team around one of his old haunts, his discovers the fungus-preserved body of his sister--decades after he left her behind.

Statue-Jara sinks to the bottom of the Fecal Estuary, where she becomes a home for stinkbladder and five-armed coprofish.
>she becomes a home for stinkbladder and five-armed coprofish.
at least she is not Anthony Burch.
How long is the wait between pictures going to be?
Are we supposed to be suggesting an action?
erode? decay?
Not long.

Next pic will allow you to decide the course of history. I just need to set the scene a bit.
>discovers the fungus-preserved body of his sister--decades after he left her behind.

Man, this gotta sting for him. Unless, of course, he is a genuine sociopath.
Part of me thinks he is, considering he ditched her in a troll infested dungeon.
Gert leaves his guild to retreat to a cave hermitage, where he dedicates almost two centuries to reviving his fallen sister. All he can do is slightly arrest the progress of the fungal transformation. He dies a failure, wracked by guilt.

After a short ice-age, a methane scavenger (many hundreds of miles from the Fecal Estuary) discovers Jara's obsidian body in a shitberg.

I need two rolls to decide what happens next. d3's please.

First roll: if 3, human-Jara's body becomes a sentient fungus, and continues Gert's research in search for its soul. Otherwise she becomes a new Fungal Tower.

Second roll: if 3, Demon-Jara's obsidian form is chipped from the ice and taken by the scavenger to his village, where he places it on display. Otherwise, Demon-Jara's obsidian form is chipped from the ice and sold by the scavenger to a foreign demon cult.
Rolled 1 (1d3)

Rolled 2 (1d3)

Rolled 1, 1 = 2 (2d3)

Fungal tower it is.

Demon cultists it is.
Looks like we can say goodbye to our old body, I guess.
Damn, Jara just cant get a break can she?
Demon cultists gives a good chance at becoming an animated statue at least.
Dude lol
That is if the cultists don't experience a civil war, and chisel off our head. Which totally could happen going by our luck.
The only good thing that ever happened to Jara was getting the scroll and ring that she never even got the chance to use.

She might as well just die, really. It'd end her suffering.
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After 700 years, Jara's fungal body has filled Gert's hermitage and sprouted from the cave entrance, growing rapidly in the light.

Demon-Jara has become the Saint of a tiny cult of ass-worshipers. They peddle their religion on street corners to whoever will listen.

Roll a couple of d3s for me:

If 3, fungus-tower-Jara will draw the attention of a travelling Wizard. Otherwise, frightened villagers from nearby will attempt to burn her to the ground.

If the second roll is 3, Demon-Jara's magnificent back end will inspire a Plane-wide Religion of Peace, which will conquer one Demon Kingdom after another in her name. Otherwise, her religion will be forgotten and her statue will be defiled.
i'm getting depressed
Rolled 3 (1d3)

Rolled 3 (1d3)

Rolled 3 (1d3)

That. Is. More. Like it.
High Five!
Looks like things are looking up, for now at least
All Hail Dat Ass!

thank god!
This turned into an incredibly depressing story
We are fixing it
.... of DAT-ASSERY
I grew more and more sad as this continued... and then 3s from the heavens occurred
Well it hasn't been 1800 years yet. Who knows what sort of shit could still happen.
Don't get used to it, now
Come on, OP is a sadist hiding his true nature behind a jolly demeanor.
Aye, the odds have been stacked against us since he introduced these bloody rolls
The guys a real fucker
I'm actually really enjoying it, it's killing me but it's pretty fresh
After 1400 years, the Human and Demon worlds are very different places, all thanks to a woman whose name nobody knows.

The Great Mushroom has come to dominate the landscape of the Valley of Secrets. From the vast living-chambers in its head, the Wandering Wizard issues forth his orders; the people below have obeyed for so long that nobody remembers another way. Strange shapes have begun to form in the Great Mushroom, and they have led to whispers that the Wandering Wizard is slowly losing his powers, for his powers have nourished and shaped the tower for centuries.

Meanwhile, Asstolisism has spread to every corner of the Demon Plane, and nowhere is the peace and progress is represents more evident than in Ass City, the social and technological jewel of all Hell. The Priests of the Cheeks wield power greater than any Demon Lord of the pre-Ass-era; this does not sit well with everyone.

Time to decide what our last 400 years bring.

Roll two d3s as before.

Roll a 3, and the Great Mushroom rejects the Wandering Wizard to become a vast, semi-sentient creature strongly resembling the Jana we knew. Somewhere in its belly, Jana's old body hangs on fine fungal threads, renewed.
Otherwise, the Wizard locates her body, cuts it from the fungus, and disposes of it in an unmarked grave.

If the second roll is a 3, the era of peace and prosperity continues unabated, culminating the invention of a portal leading to the Human Realm, and all the trade and commerce it will bring. Otherwise, Ass City will be sacked by barbarians hoping to return to the Old Ways, and Jana's obsidian body will be defiled.
Rolled 1, 1 = 2 (2d3)

Rolled 2 (1d3)

Time to commit Sudoku.
Rolled 2 (1d3)

you fuckin blew it
Let's visit both worlds after 400 years and see what Jara wakes to. At least she'll have some agency back.
kill yourselves
The future was looking so bright. So bright.

I'm going to ask for another couple of rolls to see what happens to Jara's human body and see what kind of defilements are in store for her Demon one.

Roll 1: 1d3
1: Jara's human body, cut from the fungus that supported it, is discarded into a lava pit.
2: Jara's human body is fed to a group of hungry villagers as an experiment.
3: Jara's human body is stolen by rebels and preserved in amber

The second roll decides Jara's defilement. 1d3.
1: Her ass cheeks are carved with diamond chisels until she has a flat ass. Then she is put on display for the populous to see.
2: Her head is hewn from her body and placed on the body of the Great Worm, an idol of a more ancient demon religion.
3: Her tail is carved into the form of a snake, symbolizing the lies of the Priests of Cheeks
Rolled 1 (1d3)

oh for fucks sake
Rolled 3 (1d3)

Lava pit it is.
Let's see where that goes.
At least we get a snake tail...
It better be fireproof fungus my man.
That is if it's not just a bloody tale carved into the shape of a snake
Fuck me and my phoneposting ways
Maybe when the quest is done. We can even go phone screen to screen.
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Oh baby!
This is OP: signing off for now, will return with lava action and de-stoning tomorrow. Thanks for the fun times guys.
G'night OP. Loving this quest exactly as much as you're trying to make me hate you.
See you then OP.
If we were to die, would we start over from selecting the dungeon we go to or what? Since part of me wants her to just die so she doesn't have to suffer any longer.
Thanks for running!
She just wanted some normal sized boobs :(
and I just wanted some big ol tatas
And now she's probably going to be hunted down by demonic barbarians who think she's a false idol.
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A parting interstitial...and a hint of what may lie ahead.

If Jara dies, we'll reincarnate somewhere else probably. I like a wild and unpredictable life-and-death saga, so even if we start with a new plucky adventurer I'm sure it will go south pretty quickly again. Overcoming impossible odds with that one perfect dice-roll is what it's all about.
I'm still salty that 10 of mine meant absolutely nothing
Meaning the lava hasn't killed her?
This is what happens when everyone else is dropping those ones. But overall, I think the players have done well to keep her alive in any sense at all.
The Wizard is clearly having a hard time destroying her body, so maybe the lava won't destroy it entirely. Maybe the lava isn't the lifeless realm the Wizard thinks it is. Tomorrows rolls will decide.
So we're fucked, then.
Your glimmers of hope are just so that I get more sad later on aren't they?
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Plz ignore the name

Pay respect. Hope things end well for her and destroys the demon who ruined her life
Requiescat in pace
this is like if samurai jack had a giant ass
And also if he got caught in an unending whirlpool of misery inducing events.
OP here, I love this. I would advise that people say a little prayer before the upcoming rolls.
I won't be able to draw until later this evening, but we might as well perform some rolls in preparation. I'll need another couple of d3 rolls.

First roll decides what happens to Jara's human body as it is cast into the lava:

1: Her charred skeleton is spat out by the lava pit, and we roll to find out where it lands.
2: It is badly burned, but found by Magma Mermen before it is consumed entirely and taken to an air pocket within their domain. Later we will roll to find out what they do with her body.
3: The fungal remnants in her system react with the lava to produce Fungus-Lava armor, which jets out of the lava pit on auto-pilot mode in search of her soul.

As for Demon Jara...

1: She is restored to flesh in the ruins of Ass City, currently ruled by Mecha-Arzelus. She is alone and surrounded by mecha-demons searching for the remains of the Human World Portal project.
2: She is restored to flesh atop a skeleton pile in a mile-deep dungeon, where her statue was thrown centuries ago with thousands of her Priests and followers.
3: She is restored to flesh in a secret temple run by rebel Asstolicists, where her statue has stood in the center of a peaceful garden for centuries.
Rolled 2, 1 = 3 (2d3)

Rolled 1 (1d3)

come on secret temple!
Rolled 1 (1d3)

Rolling for demon I guess
Rolled 1 (1d3)

>1: She is restored to flesh in the ruins of Ass City, currently ruled by Mecha-Arzelus. She is alone and surrounded by mecha-demons searching for the remains of the Human World Portal project.
Welp, looks like were going to be re-enacting DOOM in a little bit.
Alright, looks like her fate is decided for now. Burns and mecha-demons it is.
Open console
1d3 dice status : 1 true, 2 true, 3 false
Who had disabled the 3 rolls?!
Really warms my heart to know her brother spent his whole life trying to resurect his sister from a mushroom-coma

Cute and tragic at the same time. He did love her after all, but at the same time he wasted away his own life, never living it and dedicating himself to curing her from something that had no cure
And throughout all those years, he had feverish nightmares of what befell all the others he tricked, and never saw again.
He lived a life of regret and disappointment, only to die alone and unloved, believing he had killed the only family he had.
He passed away knowing he had killed and failed her, the last thing he did to his sister was playing a cruel trick on her. He never got to say goodbye
I wonder...

I wonder if his guilt and obsession were pure enough to carry over the threshold of death?

I wonder where a tortured spirit like that might end up after 1600 years?

Shall we roll? Somebody give me a d3.

1: Gert's obsession led to him becoming a revenant, roaming the Valley of Secrets in search of big-assed flat girls.
2: Gert passed away knowing that he'd done all he could, and his spirit ascended rather than clinging to the Human or Demon realms.
3: Gert was subsumed in rage after his death, and his rage carried him all the way to an incarnation in the Demon realm, where his talents as an alchemist were of great use.
Rolled 1 (1d3)

Rolled 3 (1d3)

Welp, thanks for liking my idea
Okay. Perhaps--if the rolls favor it--Jara may meet him again.
Rolled 2 (1d3)

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She'll be fine.
great! let's bring suffering to more people!
Maybe he just gropes people and moves on when they're not his sister?
He makes their boobs big so he knows not to check them next time

This. They are marked to not mistake them for his sister again, and he is known for roaming near the fungus tower where his actual sister lies, attached to that place because I assume restless souls are attached to specific places important when tehy were alive
Roll a d10, if it's >= 5 then this is canon and I'll follow up with a pic
Alright, I'll let someone else roll because mine have been shot so far
Rolled 10 (1d10)

It was a good call
Looks like our brother will be granting massive mammarys to flat chested girls the world over!
Also you may want to start a new thread cause we past the 3 day bump limit.
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The Magma Mermen deliver Jara's part-burned corpse to the Star-Nosed Mole People, with whom they are loosely aligned.

What does the representative of the Star-Nosed Kingdom say?

Roll a d5:

1: Splendid! We hath not tasted human meat in years! And you hath delivered it to us already cooked!
2: Give her here! A human corpse makes a fine decoration for a King's Warren!
3: Take her with you, Merman--we have no need for a human here.
4: I smell life in her yet! We may be able to repair this one and put her to work!
5: Lords, Merman! Give the child here! We'll put our best noses on this one and restore her as best we know!
Rolled 4 (1d5)

there is still hope!
Can they rebuild her?
Well, we'll decide later just how good a job they do. Mole medicine is advanced in some ways, woefully lacking in others. Whatever they do, they won't be able to restore her soul--that's currently a statue in the Demon Realm. When we come back (new thread later) we'll find out how we might get body and soul together.
I will, yeah. I'll start a new thread with the result of this legendary roll when it's ready.
Gotta say OP, this is quickly becoming my favourite quest
Thanks, I'm glad people are enjoying it. I think we're settling into a fun groove with free choice moments followed by rolls to play out the consequences. Jara will be able to make choices again soon (right now everything is just kinda happening to her without her direct involvement, and I'm conscious of that).
I agree
OP will put a link to the new thread here when you make it?
Yeah for sure.
Op is doing magic for this board. very much like this quest.
Will that update come today or later?
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A moment in time--Gert exerts his twisted will upon an innocent village girl.

(I didn't want to start the new thread with this as it would make no sense--I'm going to start the new thread with Jara waking in the ruins of Ass City. I'm drawing it now, but I'm not sure if that will be tonight or tomorrow.)
Gert you absolute madman, that won't bring Jara back

Take your time OP your content is always great and I'd hate to see quantity over quality.
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very nice OP. Have some fanart

>I'm not sure if that will be tonight or tomorrow
what time is there? i'm gonna head to bed soon...
Thank you that really made my day.

It's nearly midnight here in the UK. I'm usually good to go until 2am or so (5am at the weekend...) but I'm wiped out tonight for some reason.
Ah, good! only one hour later here in Spain
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Teaser for the next session.
I fucking KNEW they'd show up at the end
Martians in HELL at that.

Poor Jara, to think all her suffering started due a breast enhancement potion part of a joke. Also, wondering if she was aware of everything while she was petrified or the greater beings had mercy on her and let her mind and soul sleep in her stone cradle
Do you have a website or something where I can see more of your stuff?
Luckily, according to >>95090, she isn't going to have experienced the time passing.

Good, the gods finally had mercy on her, considering the horrible alternative
Looking forward to next time, OP
wait is this real?
If it is it explains why things have been bad. OP rigged it, and has been allowing good rolls from time to time to get our hopes up.
I don't think OPs have that much power over their threads though.
He was only kidding. No, I can't rig the outcome of the rolls. Even if the rolls happened client-side (which they don't) I'd need to inject JavaScript into the page somehow to override the roll function in your browser (which I can't).

And anyway, that would be no fun.
I don't have a website at the moment, but thanks for the interest. I might make a new one.
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Chillingly accurate. I'm through the seventh firewall obviously but I just can't break through the encryption on this daemon, as soon as I knock one down two appear in its place.
(This is OP, on my phone.)

Thinking about Jara waking this evening...since the thread is past bump limit, it's probably only the hardcore that will see this, which is fair enough.

It's time to decide how her snake tail will work!

Somebody roll a d10.

1: the 'snake tail' is simply mangled, bleeding flesh.
2: the snake tail is a sub-sentient snake with all of the trouble that would entail
3-5: the snake tail is sentient, but evil.
6-9: the snake tail is sentient, and helpful.
10: the snake tail is sentient, helpful, and clairvoyant
Rolled 3 (1d10)

Hardcore rolling.
Ouch. Well at least it'll be somebody for her to talk to, even if it wants to see her dead.
Well fuck.
Rolled 5 (1d10)

Oh shit I was too slow.
Eh, it's evil snake either way I guess.
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Jara...had a hard life
ooga booga gimme dat robot
I think we need to make Jara evil at this poin
Neutral Evil
Jara is pure! PURE!
With an ass like that? Hell no.

I miss her big titties
>I miss her big titties

Don't we all, anon?
I've prepared a recap of the thread, in case anyone else was thinking of doing so. I know we have the archive but this is a bit of a quicker digest form.


New thread starts this evening at some point. (Sorry I can't be more precise with times.)

New thread!
Thread posts: 398
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