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Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #6

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 1238
Thread images: 140

Mama I'm Coming Home

General rules:

There is a 10 minute voting period after each post. Non-contradictory votes will be combined as best as possible.

Write-ins for all votes are always welcome and encouraged. They may not all make it into the post or be altered to fit in, but I'll do my best to at least try to address the spirit of the write-in.

Very important or contentious votes may be redone in a stricter voting system as circumstances warrant.

Combat mechanics are up in the air. Suggestions are welcome. We'll be trying some new things out so I appreciate your patience as we fine tune it. Stronger moves tend to take more time and have more cooldown than weaker moves, so beware of that timing. I also want to try a more varied turn system so you and your opponent can do a few things in a row more often.

Call me out on a mistake and receive a suggestive picture.

Gobble (Munchlax)
Mace (Roggenrola)
Name TBD (Budew)

Recently: You bonded with your new budew, helped a beached wailmer (kinda), had a run in with Jane, and met a fisherman who showed you a little bit
Gobble you should put a link to the archives in the opening post.
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>mfw I literally just finished reading the archives 30 seconds ago
This is a remarkable level of fortune.
[Good idea! I'll start that next thread.

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Welcome to Slutty Island Adventure, where the girls are cold but their booties are hot and the Pokémon battles don't matter. Get your beer and popcorn and get ready for a show of good friends, happy adventures and lewd bullying.
We must train
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You run to your new house. You guess you should call it home, now. It’s where your family lives, after all.

“Hey Twerp! Back so soon?” Your big sister greets you. “Is everything okay?”

You explain that you’re just popping back in while your Pokemon are being healed.

“Three already? Wow!” Your little brother is impressed.

“Hey hey! My boy!” Your dad comes in and puts down his cup of coffee. “How’s your adventure going?” He leans in close. “Meet any island girls you like?” His eyebrows go up and down.

>You don’t know/
>You kind of like this girl, Keira
>You kind of like this girl, Laki
>You kind of like this girl, Hana
>You kind of like this girl, Valerie
>You don’t know why, but you think you like this girl Jane
>Something else

[This is not a route-lock vote or anything close]
What a first vote

>You don’t know
>You kind of like this girl, Laki
>You kind of like this girl, Keira
>>You kind of like this girl, Laki
Isn't that a kind of unfair vote for RIGHT AWAY, when we don't have everyone in here yet?
>>You kind of like this girl, Laki
>>You kind of like this girl, Hana
>you don't know
Time to get all business
Girl called us a master manipulator who is trying to ruin her life
We must train and break her dreams while being awfully nice
>You don’t know
>You kind of like this girl, Laki
>You don’t know
>You kind of like this girl, Keira
Hana's pretty neat too though.
>You kind of like this girl, Laki
>You kind of like this girl, Laki
>You kind of like this girl, Keira
>You kind of like this girl, Keira
>You kind of like this girl, Laki
>You kind of like this girl, Hana
>Like as in freinds right dad?
Oh, we have to do this.

Switching my vote to this.
[It's not a big one. It's more of a general idea from the player base right now. Don't worry, nothing is getting locked]
I should have assumed as much.

Good, good.
Switching to this
We're still innocent
Jane? Absolutely God I hate her. Gobble has a talent for making insufferable cunts.
voting vehemently against this
>You kind of like this girl, Laki
>You kind of like this girl, Laki
>>You kind of like this girl, Keira
Well from what I can see a lot of dudes like Laki, which isn't surprising.

Keira comes in at number two
Just a question
I'd like to see your train of thought
Not how it works, if you don't like something vote for something not against something.

Voting against it is one thing, but isn't that a bit of an overreaction?
>You kind of like this girl, Laki
Not him but I think it's stupid and I'd prefer it if Herb wasn't totally oblivious. Anon is over-reacting but that almost comes of as shirou levels of dense.
>You kind of like this girl, Laki
>You kind of like this girl, Keira
“I kind of like this girl, Laki. She’s strong and...”



Your dad makes a big boob gesture with his hands.


“My boy!” He slaps you on the back. “Is there anyone else?”

“Well, everyone is really nice. Ke-”

“Honey, I’m home!” Your mom walks in. “John!” She runs over and hugs you. “Are you alright?”

“I’m fine, mom.”

She looks you over. “Are you sure? You’re home already. You haven’t been doing anything dangerous, have you?”

>Tell her everything
>Tell her everything but skim over the Slugma, falling down a cave, and Kabutops
>Tell her not to worry. You’re just having a journey, like everyone else does
>Something else
>Tell her not to worry. You’re just having a journey, like everyone else does
>>Tell her everything but skim over the Slugma, falling down a cave, and Kabutops
>>Tell her not to worry. You’re just having a journey, like everyone else does
>Tell her not to worry. You’re just having a journey, and we've made a lot of friends already. Safety as a group.
>Tell her everything
No reason not to, unless she's got an overprotective streak I missed.
>Tell her everything but skim over the Slugma, falling down a cave, and Kabutops
>Tell her everything
We have best dad
Wouldn't that kind of prove her point?

>>Tell her not to worry. You’re just having a journey, like everyone else does
If you don't just barely escape a grisly death on a regular basis, you're doing it wrong.
>Tell her everything but skim over the Slugma, falling down a cave, and Kabutops
does Valarie have huge tracts of land?
>Tell her not to worry. You’re just having a journey, like everyone else does

Totally normal journey
>Tell her not to worry. You’re just having a journey, like everyone else does
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[Not super big, but she's doing noticeably better than most]
>Tell her everything
>>Tell her not to worry. You’re just having a journey, like everyone else does
There are images for every girl?
>>Tell her not to worry. You’re just having a journey, like everyone else does

Nothing too objectionable on our journey so far; like barely half of the things we've fought even qualify as life threatening. That's nothing.
Gobble has rough estimates for everyone I think.
This begs the question, if dad likes big tits, then does mom have them?
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>Tell her not to worry. You’re just having a journey, like everyone else does
Mom has hella big tits, she has 3 kids so it only makes sense
>Tell her everything
>Tell her everything
>Tell her everything
>>Tell her everything
How often Gobble sticks to just the 10 minutes?
Always but if there is a big discussion about another option that came in late or a misunderstanding about one there is usually a revote
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You tell her not to worry. Everyone goes on a journey. You big sister did and she came back just fine.

“Well, alright.” She frowns. “I guess I just worry. You stay out of trouble, though. Don’t go looking for it like that reckless man you get half your genes from.”

“Reckless?” Your dad pretends to be wounded.

“Don’t worry, Honey. I was talking about our old Moomoo milk man.” She laughs as he chases her around the house.

You spend some time at home. Your little brother wishes you had brought your Pokemon back. You promise he’ll get to meet them at some point. He tells you he saw a Ratata and a bunch of egg Pokemon.

“It was just one.” Your sister tells you. “Execute.”

“The eggs weren’t really cute, though.”

She rolls her eyes gives a reluctant half-giggle, half sigh. “Good to see you, Squirt. Remember to repay us little people who supported you when you’re the new champion.” She tousles your hair and leaves.

Your dad leans in closer some more while everyone is doing other stuff to ask you how things are really going, and more about the girls. You mention you’ve slept with Laki twice and his mood changes. For some reason, he starts crying. “I’m so proud of you.”

The time flies by. You hang around the house for a little bit while your brother follows you around. Eventually though, you’re left alone in your room. You should head back soon, but before you do, you realize you might also need to bring...

>Your goggles
>The saved up money in your Spoink bank
>Your winter jacket, just in case
>Your Cleffa doll
>Something else
>>Your winter jacket, just in case
>A cellphone
>The saved up money in your spoink bank
>Your goggles
Volcano islands boys!

We have the best dad
>>Your goggles
>>Your goggles
>>Your winter jacket, just in case
Poor dad doesn't realise how innocent we still are.
>Your goggles
>Your winter jacket, just in case
If we're doing some serious exploring, it'd probably be a good idea to have both, just in case.
Your goggles.

Sandstorms are hard to deal with, and Mace learns the move soon.
>>Your goggles
>>The saved up money in your Spoink bank
yeah... this is a big deal, backing.
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I figured we'd go diving to find a water type

but volcanoes sound fun too, we need a fire type.
>>Your goggles

That or the cell phone
also this
>A cellphone
>>The saved up money in your Spoink bank
>Your goggles
>>The saved up money in your Spoink bank
Who needs an embarrassing old doll? Heh n-not me

Also we're on a tropical island we don't need no jacket
>Your goggles
>Your winter jacket, just in case
>>Your goggles

You were doing so well, gobble
>Your goggles
Zey do nussing
>>Your goggles
>>Your winter jacket, just in case
>>A phone

We might not need extra money but it'll be nice to know its there if we ever do. Rest are mostly to be prepared for stuff we might encounter.

I kind of want the Cleffa Doll too, though beyond playing with our Pokemon I don't imagine it would do much besides get us taunted for it.
Frosslass pls[/spoiler}
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Could be intentional, to show our siblings cannot into Pokemon.
>Your goggles
>Your winter jacket, just in case
there are snowy areas on the map

but we can get a jacket when we need it, its useless weight right now. Ounces make pounds, and we're gonna be walking a lot in a tropical environment. We do not want extra weight
>Your winter jacket, just in case
Yeah, the jacket is probably less useful than a Cellphone most of the time. We may not get service while in the wild, but I count more towns than snowy areas on the map.
>Your winter jacket, just in case

Also the doll super cute.
Yes, more Iris.
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You grab your goggles. Yup. Trusty goggles. Safety first. You make sure you have a few changes of clothes, swap your dirty ones, and pack down your bag as low as it can go. Traveling requires a lot of stuff

You say your goodbyes to everyone from the second time.

“You’re sure you’ll be safe?” You mom asks.

“He’ll be safe, Honey.” Your dad gives you a look. “Right, son? You’ll be...safe?”

“Yeah! Of course!” What a silly question.

You start running back to the Pokemon center. A light drizzle has already started coming down. You arrive just in time to avoid a huge downpour.

“There he is!” Valerie says. “We’ve been talking about what we want to do.” She proudly poses. “I’m going to be a coordinator! There’s a small contest coming up in a few days.”

Polu steps forward. “I think I’m going to try for the gym. See how that goes.”

Hana is unsure what to do, but wants to help someone else. She likes the idea of exploring. Laki isn’t saying much about the subject either. Keira says she wants to do more exploring since she’s only ever visited the major locations for ceremonial and holiday duties.

Seems like everyone’s going to be around the island for a few days at least.

The nurse hands you your Pokemon.

>Work on a contest routine
>Challenge someone to a friendly battle
>Time to train your Pokemon
>You want to go explore some more right now
>Go shopping
>Something else

[Your Pokedex has a medium range radio. The islands have a lot of dead zones and mountains, so a cell phone could be more useful, but you’d still run into problems here and there. So don’t worry too much about it not getting as many votes. You can always find one for sale on the island, but it probably won’t be as stylish as something John would have had.]
>Time to train your Pokemon

Always need to train. Contest, gyms, or exploring
>>Challenge someone to a friendly battle
first pokemon battle!
>>Challenge someone to a friendly battle
>You want to go explore some more right now
>Time to train your Pokemon
>Time to train your Pokemon
>>Time to train your Pokémon
>You want to try out both battling and contests
>Time to train your Pokemon
>Challenge someone to a friendly battle
Polu! Battle bonds!
>Challenge someone to a friendly battle
First thing's first:
>Go shopping
We need supplies.
>Challenge someone to a friendly battle
>Work on a contest routine

Either or, but I want my cake and to eat it.
>challenge someone to a friendly battle
>>Challenge someone to a friendly battle
Polu or Laki I guess
>>Work on a contest routine
>>Time to train your Pokemon
Why not try both routes?
Friendly reminder we still don't even know what moves Mace has fully.
>Time to train your Pokemon
>>706485 changing this>>706513 to
>>You want to go explore some more right now
>Time to train your Pokemon
>Challenge someone to a friendly battle
>Work on a contest routine
>You want to explore
John seems the type to want to do both in the long run.

Right now though,
>Challenge someone to a friendly battle
>Time to train your Pokemon
>Work on a contest routine
>Challenge someone to a friendly battle

I feel these aren't mutually exclusive'. We might look a bit weird giving style pointers as we make attacks, but it could work.

But seriously the important thing I feel would be to get some training in regardless of exactly how we go about that.
>Work on a contest routine
Something with cooking I assume
>Time to train your Pokemon
>Challenge someone to a friendly battle
>You want to go explore some more right now

"Laki, Kiera, Hana? Let's go on an adventure."

Also hi Gobble, stormed through the entire last quest and finished it the day after you started Thread 1 of this one. I have high hopes for this kid.

And I have high hopes for experimental lewds with John and Kiera. Gotta learn about life to understand death better, priestess girl.
>Time to train your Pokemon

>Okay guys I'll get supplies for everyone!
That dosen't really make any sense assuming contest are like in the anime it would just be a Pokemon battle based off style
Still don't want to do it as I have always found them boring in all of its interpretations but that just may be me having shit taste
Who knows how Gobble will do them though. It could be something completely different from the game and the anime
I think we should give them a try. Routine means the intro round is probably the same as the show. If people don't like them after a try then I'm fine not doing more of them.
>>Work on a contest routine
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Everyone is doing something that sounds interesting. You want to battle and train. Maybe you can battle someone and then use that to figure out what sort of training you should do.

“Does anyone want a friendly battle?”

Polu steps forward. “I’m down, bro.”

Keira leaps forward. “I want to try, too. I’ve never battled.”

Hana looks down at her Togepi. “Do you want to try again?” Togepi looks apprehensive. Jane must have really scared it. “That’s okay. We can watch.”

Valerie looks to Lillipup. “Do you want to battle again, Lillipup?”

He barks.

“Okay! Lullipup and I shall take any challenger!”

Lillipup makes a sad noise.

"Except Jane!"

He barks again.

Looks like you have a few different opponents to pick from.

Laki sits back. “I’m good for now.”

>Challenge Polu
>Challenge Keira
>Challenge Valerie
>Why don’t we do a doubles battle?”
>Something else
>Challenge Polu
Double Battle is asking for trouble with new trainers.
>Challenge Polu
>Challenge Polu
>Challenge Keira
>Challenge Valerie

DO a round robin tournament for practice.
>Challenge Polu
Battle bonds!
>Challenge Valerie

She's the most enthusiastic for the chance.
>>Challenge Keira
>Challenge Polu
>Challenge Valerie
>Challenge Polu
>Challenge Keira
I want to see what the untested priestess can do.

Won't a round robin be rough on our pokemon?
>>Why don’t we do a doubles battle?”
Sounds fun
>challenge polu
I kind of hope mace is ridiculously over leveled for this
Not a fan for >>706710
>Why don’t we do a doubles battle?”
>Challenge Valerie

Honestly I don't mind who we end up fighting; though I will say Polu is kind of a bad match up for us right now.

This would probably be too time consuming. Also isn't that basically what they did with Jane? I can't imagine they'd be too into the idea just yet even if our attitude is significantly better.
>Challenge Valerie
>Challenge Polu
You look to Polu. “Let’s battle.”

He smiles. “Alright, bro.”

“That leaves us girls!” Keira flashes Valerie a smile.

Despite the heavy rain, you all head outside. The islanders seem to view the rain as no big deal. It must come down a lot here. Valerie seems unsure, but she decides to just go for it.

You and Polu stand ready to start your battle. Keira and Valerie hope right in for a one vs one.

He has a Spiritomb, a Larvesta, and an Aron. You’ve only seen Aron fighting, but he seems pretty good despite losing to Tyrogue before. Polu could be tough.

He sets down his board. “So, no money, singles, and one versus one?”

>Sounds great!
>Let’s use all three Pokemon
>How about two versus two?
>Let’s make a small bet
>Something else
>How about two versus two?
>Sounds great!
>>Let’s use all three Pokemon
Sounds great
>How about two versus two?
>How about two versus two?
Gobble and Mace dream team
>Sounds great
>How about two versus two?
>How about two versus two?
>How about two versus two?
>How about two versus two?
>>How about two versus two?
>Sounds great!
>How about two versus two?
Let our new mons have their first battle.
>Sounds great!
I feel we should train Budew a bit before letting her battle. She only hatched yesterday after all
>How about two versus two?

Unless he uses Larvesta for some reason despite wanting to release it, I don't see Gobble accomplishing much here. Really, Gobble has not had a single good match up this entire quest.
No baby deathmatch please.
We have the wild card.
Maybe we could get her to sit back and spectate.
he has lick iirc, so we could have him spam it on aron for neutral damage and a para chance.
Yeah that'd be good. Let Laki hold her or something so she can get an idea about battling and whether or not she wants to do it
Yeah, but I really don't feel that's something we should be relying on much. We should really try and teach him some more moves when we can.

I kind of forgot that until after posting. Not the strongest move, but its (potentially) better than our other options right now.
Yeah, it is our last effort move. Lick is the safer bet for now. Mace probably has even less options to hurt Aron.
He also has last resort
So if we find a way to fit all our moves in there he's going to get BTFOD hard
He does? I don't remember seeing it before.
so... take out spiritomb first since it's immune to normal?

sooo... start with a metronome for a potentially battle changing effect, then lick, then tackle then last resort?
During the slugma fight
We didn't use it tho
We spammed metronome until we got saved by best rock
By the way, how does Last Resort work with gobble's expanded movepools?

Do we have to use all other moves, just 3 other moves, or what?
We have a few more moves besides those.
The rain lightens up to a drizzle, but it could go back to pouring any second. The heavy clouds are still hanging overhead.

“How about two Pokemon each?”

He stretches his back. “Sure thing, bro.”

You release all of your newly healed Pokemon under a small cafe entrance that Laki and Hana are taking shelter in. You figure whoever doesn’t battle can at least watch.

You glance over to Valerie and Keira’s fight, but before you can really see much your attention is taken by your Budew who starts wandering out. Laki picks her up, though. Hana holds her Togepi up close to her and the two seem to hit it off.

Polu looks at his Pokeballs. He closes his eyes and grabs one at random. “Okay! Let’s do it!”

>Wait for his Pokemon to be released first. He seems pretty confident.
>Go Gobble!
>Go Mace!
>Go Budew!
is there a pastebin I missed or something? I can't recall any others being mentioned...
How could you not spam metronome, though? It might give you just the move you need! I can't wait to lose because of hopeful metronome spam.
>Go Gobble!

Amnesia minimum.
>Go Mace!
>>Go Gobble!
>>Go Mace!
>Go Gobble
>Go Gobble!
I feel it should be more of a time based thing in this quest
Like we should be battling for a good bit before it unlocks rather than using a certain number of moves
>Go Gobble!
>Go Gobble!
Remember that Spiritomb has a Ring Target on it, so we can hit it with normal attacks just fine.
>Go gobble
To remind you all gobble has
Last resort
>Go Budew!
>Go Gobble
>Go Mace!

Let's see what he can do. Hopefully he has Mud Slap or something for dealing with Aron otherwise it might be a bit tough to deal much real damage.

...And I somehow completely forgot that too. Poor Spiritomb, robbed of your great immunities.
Keira put a ring target on spiritomb, an item that takes away a pokemon's immunities, so spiritomb can be hit with normal attacks.
Keira slapped a Ring Target on it earlier when Polu revealed Spiritomb due to her paranoia about it being an evil spirit.
>>Go Gobble!
>>Go Mace!
Was the 2v2 not a double battle?
I got the impression that it was
Ah right, must have missed that last thread.
>Go Gobble!
>Go Mace!
No, it is 2 Pokemon per person.
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[I feel like I wasn't clear. When Polu specified singles, one versus one, he meant that it would be a singles battle with one Pokemon per side. And then the two versus two was two Pokemon per side but still singles.

Please accept this butt for any confusion]
A bit disappointing I was looking forward to Gobs and Mace teaming up in outside the box attacks
Wow, the internet does work fast.
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>theres already a bunch of Olivia fanart
Gamefreak knows what they're doing
Any chance you could clarify how Last Resort works in your battle system?
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if there was one thing the pokemon franchise needed it was more brown waifus. I am so hyped for Sun and Moon.
I have but one combo attack I want them to do, and that is Fling using Mace as Gobble's held item. Possibly followed up on with Explosion to just utterly ruin someone's day.
Yeah that was along the lines of what I was thinking.
Just have Gobs toss Mace behind the other Pokemon while peppering them with Rock Blast
If we teach mace how to use protect and explosion at the same time shit can get weird
>Throwing another Pokemon
>Throwing an EXPLODING Pokemon
This should be an actual game mechanic. It could even be limited to throwing mons up to a certain weight. The weight mechanic is already there for Sky Drop, anyway.
if we could get a strong, fast pokemon, they can just use Mace as a machinegun while dodging around

>we become know for insane plans that somehow work
so... our pokemon are the A team?
I still think a minccino is perfect for us
Considering Mace apparently wants to be fast he probably won't need the help of another Pokemon provided we train him right.

Or as said before, a Trick Room user would do wonders for our team as it is right now.
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>Throwing a pokemon and having it form a shaped detonation
no boner stop
Cinccino is more of a "I hope one of my five attacks procs the King's Rock flinch and possibly a crit" than a keikaku master, but I like it anyway.
Gambling like that is at least half the fun of Pokemon.
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“Go Spiritomb!”

“Go Gobble!”

Gobble waddles out into the light rain. His opponent Spiritomb appears in a ball of light.

“Looking good, Spiritomb! Let’s have a great first battle.”

It spins around to hiss at him.

“Haha. I know you’re excited, buddy. Me too”

You get why Keira is afraid of that one. He’s got a temper.

Hmm, what to start off with.

>Run up and Tackle
>Run up and Lick
>Metronome, test your luck!
>Start with a combo by Tackling then Licking
>Run up like you’re going to tackle but land in the puddle in front instead as a dodge and also to splash water on it
>Amnesia, buff that special defense just like before

[Combat will be a bit more fluid and turn orders won’t be determined entirely by speed. Doing multi-move options can set up combos but can also leave you open to your opponent doing one in return.

Speed isn’t useless though. It’s still good for when both orders are happening at the same time, closing ground, kiting, and other things.]
Guys. It just rained.

Kieras bodypaint isn't waterproof..
>Run up and Lick
>>Start with a combo by Tackling then Licking
>Run up and Tackle

Ring Target is pretty good
>>Amnesia, buff that special defense just like before
>>Start with a combo by Tackling then Licking
>Run up and Lick
>>Start with a combo by Tackling then Licking
>Metronome, test your luck!
Something tells me that the water option would just wash off the Ring Target.
>>Start with a combo by Tackling then Licking
Does Kiera have bottoms or is she All Body Paint All Day?
>Run up and Lick
>Run up and Lick

She wears skirts.
>Run up and Lick
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oh god

why would distract us in the middle of a battle?
It'll take a moment or two to run off. Herb hasn't noticed yet (or put A and B together).

>>Run up and Lick

Unless its a real downpour it probably shouldn't be taking off that much. Certainly not enough that we'd notice while focused on the battle; after though? Who knows.
[Grass skirt]
>Start with a combo by Tackling then Licking
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where do you find your pics Gobble? I've been browsing /vp/'s pokegirls threads lately, are there other good sources? Also where are the girls rated on the chart?

*why would you
So all this talk about combos with our Pokemon and dream teams got me thinking
Is there a bracket in the league for double battles? If not I think we need to make one
Rolled 69, 14 = 83 (2d100)

[Roll em!]

[Sankaku, Gelbooru, Danbooru, Deviant Art (I made an account just for the lewd stuff) and Google image searching
>>Run up and Lick
Rolled 61 (1d100)

Rolled 30 (1d100)

Two dice, fancy
Rolled 15 (1d100)

Rolled 19 (1d100)

Well, it's the best we got.
We both did fairly mediocre
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The Spiritomb just spins around and gives Polu a nasty look, ignoring his order.

Gobble waddles over as fast as his stubble little body can take him and licks his opponent with a deep purple glow. Bleh. He sticks his tongue out. It must not taste good at all.

Spiritomb whips around, glaring down at Gobble. He grins wickedly and his eyes swirl.

“That’s Hypnosis!” You’ve seen this move used before on television.

Gobble falls asleep.

>Swap him out!
>Promise him food
>Ask for him to wake up! You can do it, Gobble!
>Something else
>Ask for him to wake up! You can do it, Gobble!
Bribing with food will teach bad habits.
>Promise him food
This can't fail
>>Promise him food
Even if he doesn't wake up i'm sure the lure of food will make him do stuff.
>Promise him food
>>Promise him food
>Promise him food
One thing you can count on a munchlax for
>>Promise him food
>>Ask for him to wake up! You can do it, Gobble!
>Promise him food
>Ask for him to wake up! You can do it, Gobble!

I can see this getting out of hand. Spiritomb is just too powerful for a beginner trainer, it looks like.
>>Promise him food
>Promise him food
And then Gobble learned sleep talk or snore
>>Ask for him to wake up! You can do it, Gobble!
I can see him using Sleep Talk, licking again thinking Spiritomb is food and then immediately waking up from how bad he tastes.
>Ask for him to wake up! You can do it, Gobble!
Rolled 68, 25 = 93 (2d100)

Rolled 40 (1d100)

Rolled 42 (1d100)

Rolled 89 (1d100)

Rolled 52 (1d100)

Good jorb.
Nice save anon
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“Spiritomb! Hit it with Pursuit!”

“Come on Gobble! Wake up! I’ll feed you after. Really good food!” Gobble opens his mouth and slobbers a little. You’re getting through to him! But it looks like he’s dreaming.

Spiritomb licks his nonexistent lips, like he wants to eat whatever you’re offering. It floats itself over to Gobble and bites through Gobbles head! Gobble, still asleep, leaps up and stumbles back. He plops onto the wet ground again without slobbering.

He ate Gobbles dream! And he looks like he’s done a lot of damage and recovered his health, too!

Polu frowns. “You’re kind of a free spirit, aren’t you?”

Gobble starts to stir. Looks like your offer of food and his lack of good dream food is getting to him.

>Lick again!
>Try to smother the rock he’s projecting out of with your body
>Metronome! We need something good, now!
>Amnesia. Maybe you can last even with the damage you took
>Something else
>>Metronome! We need something good, now!
>>Metronome! We need something good, now!
aim whatever your attack is at the rock
>Metronome! We need something good, now!
>Metronome! We need something good, now!
>Metronome! We need something good, now!
I just dislike metronome on principle.
We should have set up amnesia earlier
Spiritomb is not known for special attacking.
>Metronome! We need something good, now!

We need to get this thing checked out.
>>Metronome! We need something good, now!
Tackle would not work on Spiritomb, right? Can someone confirm that for me?
Ring Target means it would.
Normally it doesn't, but Keira put a Ring Target on this one, rendering such attacks effective.
Rolled 34, 16 = 50 (2d100)

[Roll em!]
Rolled 100 (1d100)

Rolled 39 (1d100)

Rolled 51 (1d100)

Rolled 99 (1d100)

Go go go

Rolled 28 (1d100)

Based Gobbs
Holy Arceus.

Thank you! I won't forget that.
hello metronome king gobble
So Gobble used Play Rough or another Fairy move?
Well shit
Spiritomb just got fucking rekt.
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we should get a cape.jpg
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hyper beam go
I sadly was 4 seconds too late because I typed words out.
>not wanting a double super effective fairy move
I wonder if we could do special training on gobbles metronome... like restrict it to attacking moves only or restricting it to one typing...
That actually sounds like it would be pretty in line with what we've done in the last quest.

I imagine that it would just be weighted or something compared to actual control though.
Shit, forgot about that. I haven't fought a Spiritomb lately

and I never had any fairies on my team
So lower the outcome to what we need in depending on the situation
That might work if we can change the limitations
in b4 sheer cold
Anon cmon, Gobble's obviously going to use Judgement.
Is gobble kill?
“Come on, Spiritomb! Use Curse!”

Spiritomb finally comes around and uses its move, Curse. A large ghost nail appears and pierces its target.


Gobble leaps up, focusing all of his strength into his arm. He moves swiftly in the rain to line up his attack, then centers a Focus Punch dead on his target.

Spiritomb explodes into a purple mist. A sphere of air from the impact pushes all the rain away from Gobble.

You pause for a second, watching. Spiritomb slowly assembles again, but clearly knocked out. All the pieces retreat back into the odd keystone. The wave of rain comes crash down on you.

Gobble stretches his neck and rotates his shoulder muscle.

“Gobble! That was amazing.”

He glances back at you and nods in satisfaction. You’re not the best at reading people, but it’s clear when you look at him. He’s learned Focus Punch

The curse takes it’s toll and Gobble nearly falls over. Gobble looks pretty weak. He took out a Pokemon you suspect is much stronger than Polu realizes and learned a new move.

“Dude,” Polu says. “Your little guy is strong.” He retrieves his Pokemon. “Go Aron!” The ball flies through the air. You might be able to get another move off if you can time it right when he comes out.

>Gobble, Tackle it!
>Swap Pokemon
>Metronome, one more time!
>Focus Punch!
>Something else
>>Focus Punch!
2x super effective
>>Swap Pokemon
Give him food right now
never fails

wow, we learned a move from that!
Hope for para.
>>Swap Pokemon
>>Swap Pokemon
Gobble did good let's give him a rest

Also I'd like to have battles where we only use a pokemon for a single opponent like they did from time to time in the anime.
>Swap to Mace

>Focus Punch!

Did Gobble Metronome so hard he permanently learned a new attack?
>>Focus Punch!
>Swap Pokemon
>He glances back at you and nods in satisfaction. You’re not the best at reading people, but it’s clear when you look at him. He’s learned Focus Punch

>The curse takes it’s toll and Gobble nearly falls over. Gobble looks pretty weak. He took out a Pokemon you suspect is much stronger than Polu realizes and learned a new move.
>Focus Punch!
>Swap Pokemon
Switch to Budew
>Swap Pokemon
We eventually need to teach Gobble a Rest-Sleep Talk combo or something.
>>Focus Punch!
Aron has a 4x weakness to fighting, and focus punch isn't exactly light. If this hits, he is done.
>swap to mace
Gobble is such a champ that he learned focus punch from that
Our team is probably ridiculously over leveled compared to everyone else
But he needs some rest
Swapping to
>Swap Pokemon
from >>707682

Focus Punch takes a turn to charge and Gobs is cursed.
aron has sturdy. and gobbles low on hp.
Wow now I feel stupid. Well, that's what I get for skimming while distracted.
Forgot about that. Fair point.
swapping to
>swap pokemon
This picture is what we need more of.

Don't let us down, Gobble. You know what you must do

Man, go Gobble. He earned a rest
>Swap to Mace.
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one happy pokemon.png
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switching to Swap Pokémon(Mace)

apology butt
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“Good job, Gobble!” You retrieve him in his ball. You think that’s how it works, right? To end the curse? You hope so. “I owe you a really good meal.”

The rain starts coming down hard again. Your eyes briefly check over to Keira and Valerie’s battle.

Oh. Oh wow. The rain made her body paint drip down, but the splash just took a huge amount of it away. Keira doesn't care at all about it, either.

Valerie is staring too. She’s too polite to say anything, but seeing the remaining paint washing off Keira’s body is very distracting. Keira jumps up and points as she directs her Pokemon.

Laki is playing with Budew and Hana is trying not to look.

“Uhh. Go...”

Use Harden
Budew is a baby
This is a real rocks world right here

>that face
>We battle Jane sometime in the future
>Keira's bodypaint comes off after a water-type move is used
>Jane is distracted to the point of messing up
>Declares the match fouled, storms off, knows that Herby is responsible somehow

Angrily relieves herself while cursing that stupid, sexy Herb
best girl
I'd have been happier if it ended with her being struck by a bus.
just wait till the evil team tries to recruit us
Let the bebe play.
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>Maybe sneak some more glances at Keira

How she only placed second in the "who do we like" vote, I have no idea. The two best girls are the two who are battling right now.

Now with 100% less forgetting to turn off my name.
Stutter while trying not to state. Fail at not staring.
>not liking laki

heh, whatever you say man
Because Laki is best girl at the moment.
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so much underboob.jpg
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“I uhh...Go Mace.” You watch the bubbly, happy girl as the paint and water glistens over her body. You can see feint tanlines. They'd probably be sharper if she had a shirt instead of paint.

Mace comes running out from his rain cover. He gives a strong fighting pose. He’s determined to show his opponent what he’s made of.

Laki finally looks up and sees what’s going on. She see’s Valerie, you, and Hana and gives a sly smile. She decides to put an arm around Hana and whisper something into Hana’s ear. Hana recoils and blushes and makes a gesture like she’s denying something.

You try to keep your eyes on your battle. You decide to pull up your Pokedex and look up some moves.

>Rock Blast
>Try Sand Attack
>Maybe he knows Iron Defense
>Try Headbutt. If he knows it, it can flinch
>Roll up that ramp and get airborne
>Something else
It's not implied, it's expressly stated.
Everyone knows that Jane is best girl
>Roll up that ramp and get airborne
>Roll up that ramp and get airborne
>Harden in midair
>>Roll up that ramp and get airborne
>Roll up that ramp and get airborne
>Rock Blast
Aron resists all our moves, but rock types are only 1/2, rather than 1/4th
>Try Sand Attack
>Roll up the ramp and get airborne
>iron defense
Time for maximum bullshitery if possible

You mean faint. Did I do the thing?
>>Try Sand Attack
Not getting hit is the best defence.
>Roll up that ramp and get airborne
Mace /always/ goes for style points.
Laki's good. She's just not the best. The rankings are as such:

Keira > Valerie >= Hana > Laki >>>>Jane

Exhibit A

>Laki finally looks up and sees what’s going on. She see’s Valerie, you, and Hana and gives a sly smile. She decides to put an arm around Hana and whisper something into Hana’s ear. Hana recoils and blushes and makes a gesture like she’s denying something.

This is great, though. Laki works great as a best friend. She's bro-tier on a level only Polu can approach.

I'll support this.
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[Is this a new one?]
>Roll up that ramp and get airborne

>You can see feint tanlines.
I think you mean "faint" Gobble.
>being behind the girl we've literally had one conversation with and the rich girl who've had little interaction with.

Just admit she isn't your fetish and move on.
>Roll up that ramp and get airborne

Roggenrola can naturally pick up Mud Slap which would be 4x on Aron. Plus a rainy battlefield would probably be a fitting place to learn it if he doesn't have it yet.
Rolled 46, 87 = 133 (2d100)

[Oh right. Roll for it!]
Rolled 26 (1d100)

Rolled 11 (1d100)

it wasn't in the prompt, I assume he doesn't know how to use it yet

Aron resists Rock(1/2) and Normal attacks(1/4)
Rolled 8 (1d100)

Rolled 94 (1d100)

Rolled 30 (1d100)

See, that's where we differ.

I like tough girls that secretly want to be treated like a princess. That sounds like Laki exactly right now. Kiera still wins in my book for her stunning combination of naivety and wisdom.

That and I still want her and John's first time to be together, in the rain, as Kiera's face paint slowly washes off until she realizes she's completely "naked"
Her face paint is water proof.
I don't see it at all. Kiera is incredibly boring to me.

Hana was a sweet girl but that's about it. Valerie might be alright.


Jane isn't even on the list.
To me Keira is the friend and Laki is the waifu.
Personally I see Kiera as more of the good friend type than Laki though she does make a good fit for it as well
water resistant

Laki is a great friend, and I can see her playing the same role as Vance. She's a friend, and seems great for that. But a 15 year old dating a 18+ year old isn't normal
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All aboard the Jane Train!


I'm kidding. I just like writing out "Jane Train"
Yeah I just disagree. It almost feels like a few anons have pegion holed her into the vance role. "Strong? Brown? VANCE! Let's replay the last quest! where's the innocent girl! She can be Robin again!"

>a 15 year old dating a 18+ year old isn't normal
Agreed. I really wish Gobble had assigned the ages different. Herb being so young is just going to make me uncomfortable all quest, I can see it now.
I was under the impression that she was only a couple years older than the rest of us
Kat and Robin were 16.
to be fair, she acts like a dude. At least to me, the friendship between her and John seems like two guys hanging out.

and if we were going for the innocent girl, Valarie would be the waifu, not the cool af priestess
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“Roll up that ramp!”

Mace girls in his limbs and goes rolling. As he starts picking up speed, Polu points and commands Aron to use Mud Slap.

A wave of mud slaps into Mace, slowing him down considerably. He reaches the ramp and flies off it, but he’s not high enough to do much. He lands near Aron, still rolling at a moderate pace.

“Good job, Aron! Now rush him with Headbutt! Bump him away!”

Aron stomps his feet and starts running at your ball of a Pokemon. You see what he’s doing. If Mace goes back far enough, he’ll roll down the hill or even off the side of small cliff. He won’t be in any serious danger if he falls, but he’ll either take damage from falling, or slide down the muddy road and have an uphill battle.

>Try your own Mud Slap
>Try to steer it’s charge off course with Rock Blasts
>Try meeting it head on
>Iron Defense! Make its attack hurt a heck of a lot less
>Mace! Put everything you have into dodging!
>Something else
>Something else

Try REALLY hard not to get an obvious boner.
When were ages assigned?
>>Try your own Mud Slap
Also we voted thread 1 for age, anons wanted to be a middle child.

>Mace girls in his limbs and goes rolling.

>Try your own Mud Slap
That's different than a 15 year-old dating someone 18+. You have to acknowledge that, anon. Right?

I'm not saying "don't do it," just that it makes me personally uncomfortable. I don't have to read the lewd bins.
>>Try your own Mud Slap

John is 15/16, couple years older means she's 18+
>Try your own Mud Slap
>Iron Defense! Make its attack hurt a heck of a lot less
I'm pretty sure Herb is 16

And I'm from the UK so that's legal
I understand, but I don't think John's age is set in stone besides mid teens. Could be wrong though.
>>Try meeting it head on
Learn Rollout
>>Try your own Mud Slap
>try meeting it head on

>Try your own Mud Slap
16 is legal most places around the world.
>Try your own Mud Slap
Gobble, what exactly are the ages of Herb and Laki?
My first girlfriend was 18 when I was 16, it's not a big deal man.

It's all about individuals, everyone is different.
>Try to steer it’s charge off course with Rock Blasts

>Mace girls in his limbs
that's a butt
This honestly - depends on the situation as well.
>Try your own Mud Slap
Mud slap is obnoxious as fuck early on.
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>>Try your own Mud Slap
4x super effective.
>Iron Defense! Make its attack hurt a heck of a lot less


>girls in his limbs.

I'm going to assume this is a typo.
Waterproof, sure

But what happens when sweat beads up from underneath and makes it... slide away?
I'm trying to find if it was explicitly stated anywhere. Right now all I'm finding is "Laki is older than you kids."

I'd like to be pleasantly surprised about the ages, so we'll see.

To each their own. I just don't find Laki to be all that appealing compared to the others. She's fun, but in more of a friendly way than in a romantic sense.

Keira's cute and fun, she's sincere and nice, and like the other anon said, I like her combination of wisdom and naiveté.

Hana seems sweet, but admittedly we don't know much about her yet, other than she's fully willing to put herself in danger for the sake of someone she just met. Not necessarily grounds for romantic interest, but it speaks highly to her character, and I'd like to get to know her better.

Valerie is just plain my fetish, though, I'll admit. Naive rich girls who try really hard to show that they can fit in, but still have that little bit of rich girl uppity attitude are my jam.

I like the sound of that. I like the sound of that a lot.

Again, to each their own. It would make me uncomfortable for John to be in a relationship with someone who's obviously meant to be noticeably older than he is.

>Try your own Mud Slap
>Try really hard not to get an obvious boner
>>Try your own Mud Slap
>Try to steer it’s charge off course with Rock Blasts
Age in half plus 7.

Lake is immature too, and to teenagers even a single year seems like a really big difference. I felt like an old person thats seen it all compared to teens 2 years younger than me.
You ever get sick of us discussing lewds and waifus, Gobble? Asking honestly here.

We could probably tone it down.
>try your own mud slap
I agree on what you said about laki I feel she's more bro tier

I'm not sure how to feel about everyone else
Hell I'd say that Jane is a possible waifu had she not went batshit crazy and even still she's kind of the perfect foil

But it's way to soon to make decisions on the waifus
Rolled 73, 11 = 84 (2d100)

[Slap those dice!]

[Not in the least. If there were a board for it, I'd run a lewd quest]
Rolled 95 (1d100)

Rolled 72 (1d100)

Rolled 46 (1d100)

Rolled 50 (1d100)

Rolled 100 (1d100)

Rolled 83 (1d100)

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Pic-related is all I have found so far.

Age questions aside, I'm enjoying the quest and I'm enjoying seeing Herb's relationships develop. If Laki and Herb get together it's no skin off my back. Que sera, sera.

I'm done shitting up the quest with this discussion.
Yay for crits
Our rolls have really shown johns luck
There so spread out
Crits are 97+
There've been a few on /aco/.
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992KB, 688x1080px
theres /aco/, the guy who did Quest Quest had a quest there. Though it was a drawthread with really good art
I forgot
Need to go to sleep anyways
Have fun and try to no lose horribly!
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perfectly calm.jpg
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Yeah, agreed. Age differences are way more pronounced when you're a kid.

But even when you're not, I can say from personal experience that dating someone who is much younger than you, emotionally, is a recipe for disaster.

I agree, yeah. I'm hoping we get a chance to see a better side of Jane later, but I doubt she'll ever be considered waifu material at this point. She just made too strong of a negative first impression.

A lewd quest would be fun. Very fun indeed.
Just run on anonkun, people would definitely follow.
I think it may be off putting to the people who are more concerned with the Pokemon part of the quest.

The waifu stuff does get gratuitous at times.
The problem with anonkun is that samefagging increases by an insane amount and the chat is cancer.
These are good points, though.
Personally i think there's still a chance to win over Jane, not be super close but atleast maybe clear the air between us.
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Best Rock.png
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Honestly I'm too tired to care about even Pokemon related discussion.
Like a whole quest dedicated to being lewd?

Not just incentives for it, like Mecha Space Pirate Quest?

Dude, if only.
You should go look up FUCK quest. I think it started on /a/ and then migrated to /tg/, but it was pretty damn lewd.
Jane is clearly the Season Two choice, after Johnny boy has had a bit of time to be a manly stud and convince Jane that he's just an idiot and not a mastermind.

Who am I kidding, with Musclegirl, Moecripple, and Fetishghost around, Jane doesn't have a chance in hell.
Anonkun's real issue isn't the chat, which is actually a decent feature, it's the toxic community.

It's rough on the uninitiated
Was it actually decently written?

I'm not just out for lewds. I want a story that makes me care about what happens. Otherwise, I have literally a whole internet full of random smut.
You say that like it's not just as cancerous here. It's also easier to ignore chat on anonkun if you want to.
>a manly stud
I'm pretty sure if that happens then we fucked up terribly somewhere.
It was interestingly written. The plot was kind of all over the place, but the writing was competent.
Yeah, hopefully. There's definitely more to her than what we've seen.

Yeah, all joking aside, I care a lot more about the story and characters divorced from any lewds than about the lewds themselves. That said, I still like the lewds a lot.
The chat probably lead to the toxicity. It's a good deal harder to shitpost here and right now the community is a good deal better.

I disagree. Here you can easily ignore Shitposts/flag/hide them. On Anonkun they're spammed constantly and if one guy decides he hates everything he'll rant about it in chat for twenty minutes. It might be easier for an individual to ignore but certainly not the QM.
>implying having to carry around all the KO'd girls isn't gonna give us gains
I dont know, with a little work, she could be the Tsundere

After we 'dapper' up
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roggenrola beam.gif
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Aron comes running through the rain and clangs against Mace with his headbutt.

“Mace! Try your own Mud Slap!”

Mace leans into the mud and spuns, tossing up a huge wall of wet, sloppy mud up, knocking Aron’s head back. It’s a heavy blow, setting Mace up for a followup attack. Aron’s back on it’s two rear legs.

>Tackle him onto his back
>Show him your own Headbutt. It’s a matter of manliness between men!
>Leap away and fire Rock Blasts
>Mud Slap again!
>Something else
>Leap away and fire Rock Blasts
>Leap away and fire Rock Blasts
>Tackle him onto his back
>>Tackle him onto his back
>>Show him your own Headbutt. It’s a matter of manliness between men!
>Mud Slap again!
Press the advantage
>>Show him your own Headbutt. It’s a matter of manliness between men!
time to earn that cape
>>Show him your own Headbutt. It’s a matter of manliness between men!
does he even have a head? to butt with? Its more of a body and ear on top

ps, Bang Quest was a good lewd focused quest, no idea if it'll continue
Community isn't even that bad. All of the quests I follow there are pretty well-behaved, at least most of the time.

You can completely remove chat from the interface if you want to ignore it, and a QM can ban someone going on a tirade if they're that much of a pain.
>Leap away and fire Rock Blasts
>Show him your own Headbutt. Its a matter of manliness between men!
>Leap away and fire Rock Blasts

Let's try and turtle him!
>It might be easier for an individual to ignore but certainly not the QM.
This certainly has merit that i hadn't considered.
When has banning on anonkun ever worked? TOR/resetting ip/airplane mode and they're right back.

Hell hidden votes don't work either because with firebug you can still see the vote totals.
>Leap away and fire Rock Blasts
There is nothing I would like more than to surprise some future trainer with an implausibly speedy rock.
>>Show him your own Headbutt. It’s a matter of manliness between men!
>>Show him your own Headbutt. It’s a matter of manliness between men!
Yes, but QMs can ban anons from their chat on Anonkun, and there is a chat moderator who stops spam there as well. I don't disagree with what you're saying though.
I get we want manly spirits to clash, but Aron x4 resist Headbutt and Mace just x2 resist it.
>Show him your own Headbutt. It’s a matter of manliness between men!
This is an awful idea but i want it anyway.
Right. But what I'm saying is that rarely if ever do we have someone spam/shitpost here . Akun it will happen. And when I've seen it happen there anons are banned and come right back and the "chat moderator," doesn't appear to do anything.

Has Kas finally fixed the ability to insert polls and custom options when the QM doesn't want it?
so... anybody got ideas for theme music for johns pokemon?
I was thinking something like this for budew once they evolve into roserade:
This is about more than just battling, its about possibly looking awesome with girls around.

Besides, Aron's off balance. If we can keep him off balance, type disadvantage might not matter for the time being
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Rolled 70, 45 = 115 (2d100)

[Roll like a manly man!]
File: beach lineup.jpg (115KB, 850x582px)
beach lineup.jpg
115KB, 850x582px
Rolled 12 (1d100)

Rolled 49 (1d100)


Once Mace gets their special training.
It's worked every time I've seen it employed, but then I don't read any quests there with absolutely toxic playerbases.

Hidden votes are a stupid idea anyway. They accomplish nothing, even in theory.
Rolled 93 (1d100)

Rolled 1 (1d100)

While I've been there that's never been a problem

Rolled 84 (1d100)

Rolled 97 (1d100)

Rolled 16 (1d100)

Rolled 14 (1d100)


thank god you're late!
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Good thing you were late!
My dice seem to be on fire tonight

Not today.
What quests do you read then? I've seen bans fail in numerous instances and after seeing the hissy fit anons threw when Kat lost to that general I'm sure we'll have similar bullshit.

The most horrible communities seem to be connected to NSFW/Smut so if Gobble went with the express purpose of a smut quest you'd be courting the worst of akun.
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Oh shit, they are. Good job anon! Butt for great dice!
You already forget that John carried a girl that weighs more than he does, bridal style, through a cave to safety.

He's super manly when he needs to be.
>Other suggestions
Uh, I read several of them actually so I can't really name them all - Another Goddamn Persona Quest, whatever orosboru is running at any given moment, mage's Pokemon Quest, chuckles' stuff, and the Evangelion one.

Chuckle's stuff is complete cancer (lewdquests) but his setting is DCU , oros has a genuinely okay chat 90% of the time, mage's chat has only flipped twice, and Evangelion and AGPQ only jokingly flip out, even though they both have a lot of waifus.

That may also be due to QM personality though, some attract cancer.
Which general? That one guy outside the shack? I don't remember a hissy fit. I remember anons being very worried about their pokemon due to the fucked up shit they saw Hornbeam had done to other pokemon and wanting to lose a limb instead of get captured because of it, and I remember general complaints about Hornbeam's arc surfacing around then, but I don't remember anyone going full tantrum about it, or at least, anyone that did wasn't significant enough of a presence for me to remember them.
now to find a theme for gobble...
maybe this when charging up focus punch
When he needs to be, yeah, but left to his own devices he's going to be a dorky guy who enjoys matters of fashion and cooking. (A mild approach to cooking, not the Ramsey approach.)
Yeah, I was the anon that mentioned the limb thing at first. Didn't help the thread was going very late at the time so I wasn't thinking too well. My whole problem with Hornbeam's arc was that he seemed to never actually lose until the very end no matter how much we set him back or beat him.

Also Raistlin getting 1hko by Shadow Claw crit with mitigation and no prior damage made me kinda salty.
Oros is a waste of energy, trying to read his shit.

Chuckles is an aussie so of course his chat is cancer.
Still waiting for someone/thing to set him off Ramsey style. So badly Dragons and faeries flee.
Okay, maybe there is something to be said for a doormat who unexpectedly gets hyper assertive about critical fashion and cooking errors.
I've never read anything about persona or Orosboru. Chuckles stuff has shit fits every now and again because exactly it's lewd. That's what gobble is planning on running.

Killer/Chuckles/Eail/Azure/Mzion/kingfisher/ and a load of others have had anons that just won't shut the fuck up and rant/rage. Banning hasn't stopped them and they only quit runing shit when the QM quits running for the night or they run out of steam.

Yes that was a hissy fit. Anons were preaching the death of the quest and how everything was ruined because Kat was going to be captured. It was incredibly annoying to have to dive through that shit.
I see him more as a Soma type in the kitchen
"D-d-did she just put barbeque sauce on a filet mignon without even tasting it first?"

>Queue JUDGEMENT everywhere
sorry, forgot to mention that all of those except mage's are lewd.
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“Mace! Believe in yourself with and show what your Headbutt is made off!”

Mace takes inspirations from your words. He leans back , puts his foot in, then puts all of his heart into a loud clanging headbutt! Aron is lifted entirely off the ground!

Polu steps back, but then becomes confident. “So this is how it is, huh?” He smiles. “Headbutt!”

“Headbutt!” You repeat. Your Pokemon slam their heads into each other, again and again. Despite the typing working in Aron’s favor, Mace is doing just fine.

Both Pokemon clash again in the heavy rain. You look over and see the girls cheering now. The match must have wrapped up.

You look over to Polu and he meets your gaze. You feel a bond forming. A bond between trainers that understand each other’s fighting spirit.

He also gets another look, like he’s considering options.

Both Pokemon look tired. Fighting in the rain and the mud and slamming into each other for a little damage each time can take it’s toll.

>Keep headbutting until there’s one winner!
>Switch to Mud Slap!
>It's been good and all, but want to call it a draw?
>Bait Aron to charge while Mace is standing in front of that metal bumper, then dodge
>Something else
It's funny that anons got riled up at that point. I saw it as a defining moment for Kat, where she could have taken the easy way out (attack people directly) or been a stupid hero (finish the fight and hope the other dozens of soldiers just let you go). She behaved wisely, but was just unlucky enough to get taken in anyways.
>>It's been good and all, but want to call it a draw?
if not
>Bait Aron to charge while Mace is standing in front of that metal bumper, then dodge
Yeah, this fits well, I'll back this.
>It's been good and all, but want to call it a draw?

Man, good fight.
I still don't remember much outright bitching back then, and none of the stuff you're talking about. Are you sure you're not exaggerating?
>Bait Aron to charge while Mace is standing in front of that metal bumper, then dodge
>Its been good and all, but want to call it a draw?

If he (and by association the ladies) want the fight to finish
>Switch to Mud Slap!
I'll support this
>Switch to Mud Slap
Delicious 4x damage + acc penalty.
Supporting >>708422

Yeah, like people said in the thread most of the salt was from bad dice / being super tired.

It was a few anons theorizing and fearing for the worst. A few talked about using the flute to try and get out of it.
>Bait Aron to charge while Mace is standing in front of that metal bumper, then dodge


Near the end it's just constant bitching. And I absolutely hate it when the QM has to say, "Oh okay I'll change something and fix it!"

I'm a make your bed you lie in it kind of anon.

Gobble being based kept it as it was and didn't suddenly magic away the problems but it's infuriating t read, "GOBBLE PLEASE," "Fuck this quest. I hate Team Imperium, I hate Hornbeam, I hate this drama. It's not fun and it never was."

"This arc has just been shitty and dull" "We should just retcon"

Not a full blown shitstorm. As I said Hissy fit.
Add one more vote on the pile for this.
>You look over and see the girls cheering now.
Does that include Kiera, and is she still paintless?
>It's been good and all, but want to call it a draw?
Really it was the dub 1s more than anything else that caused it.
Rolled 76, 44 = 120 (2d100)

Rolled 7 (1d100)

Rolled 89 (1d100)

Rolled 7 (1d100)

Rolled 36, 54 = 90 (2d100)

Rolled 46 (1d100)

Rolled 31 (1d100)

I'm participating!
good man.
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You whisper to Mace to walk towards the metal bumper. Roggenrola are supposed to have really good hearing, right? Well, it seems to work because he’s casually circling that way.

“It’s a good fight, but how about a draw?”

Polu considers your words. He looks at Aron, then his Pokeball. “Bro, you can’t just get someone’s blood pumping like that and then stop.”

“Yeah, you tease!” You hear Keira yell. She looks up to Laki to see if she’s using it right. Laki smiles and nods.

You try to keep you eyes from lingering too long. Polu finally notices too. He doesn’t look as thrown off as you feel, but he’s definitely not just used to that sort of thing either. Keira must be an anomaly even here.

Polu looks again between you and the girls, then he makes up his mind.

”Let’s finish this, Aron! Charge with all you have!”

“Mace! Dodge it!”

Aron comes barreling down, but Mace leans backwards and fires off a burst of energy from his face, throwing himself into a backwards roll.

Aron slams into the pole with a loud clang!

>Finish it with Mud Slap!
>Tackle it onto it’s side
>Quick! Headbutt again
>Keep rolling all the way up the road, then come back with a whole lot of momentum
>Something else
>Finish it with Mud Slap!
>Finish it with Mud Slap!
>>Finish it with Mud Slap!
>>Finish it with Mud Slap!
>>Finish it with Mud Slap!
>Finish it with Mud Slap!
The momentum choice gives him too much of an opportunity to counter us.
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29KB, 960x540px
>Finish it with Mud Slap!
>Quick! Headbutt again
>>Finish it with Mud Slap!
>>Finish it with Mud Slap!
>Finish it with Mud Slap!
>Finish it with Mud Slap!
>Fail to hide your boner as topless Keira calls you a tease
>Probably get teased by the girls
>Finish it with Mud Slap!
>>Finish it with Mud Slap!
>Keep rolling all the way up the road, then come back with a whole lot of momentum.
Let's rock 'em and roll 'em!
probably this too. no way Herb isn't walking away from this scene without a very conspicuous trouser tent
All of these.
Rolled 4, 86 = 90 (2d100)

[Roll it!]
Rolled 95 (1d100)

Rolled 2 (1d100)

Finish the fight
Let's go.
Rolled 67 (1d100)

Rolled 40 (1d100)

Rolled 8, 22 = 30 (2d100)

Rolled 12 (1d100)

rolling for concealing boner
Rolled 72 (1d100)

Take 2.
Grats on doing it again.

Changing vote >>708577
Backing all this >>708602
I'll get a 1 to even it out any moment now
That's how it happened in Kat's showdown
Just don't do it when we are running away from the evil team :^]
final showdown with Robin*
as long as the 1 is on the conceal boner roll it's all good.
“Aron! Shake it off!”

Aron tries to get it together. Mace is rolling towards him.

“Lower your head to the ground and let him roll off! Send him flying!”

Aron lowers it’s head.

“Mace! Now Mud slap!”

Mace stops short and delivers a heavy wall of mud. It blows the weakened Pokemon over. It’s little limbs flail around as it comes to a sliding stop a few feet away, then they go limp. Aron’s still conscious, but he’s out of the fight.

The girls cheer.

Keira runs over and gives you a big, topless hug. “Congratulations!” She pulls back. “Laki told me that that’s how you congratulate a winner where you’re from. You sound like a really physical people. I want to learn all about it!” She blinks and starts to look down at whatever’s poking her. Keira’s eyes go from happy to realization. “Is that your-”

“Hey look the clouds are clearing up!” You shout nervously, causing your voice to crack. She does get distracted and looks up, though. But you can see it in her eyes. She knows. “She tricked me!” She slides down your body. Oh jeez. Oh man. Keep it together. She runs over to Laki and puts her hands on her hips. “You told me they don’t even care and they go topless with each other all the time!” Despite her posture, she’s smiling and impressed. She appreciates being the butt of a joke.

Valerie has a hand on her forehead. Hana is looking on embarrassed but still looking. Laki is grinning from ear to ear.

Laki takes off her jacket and puts it on Laki. “I said the boys do. But it’s just...Come on. We got a lot to talk about.”

You crouch down and call Mace over to congratulate him. Yup. Going to stay here for awhile and really congratulate him.

“Looks like I still have a lot to learn.”

>Good battle. You can’t wait for the next one
>Want to train together for the rest of the day? We can give each other tips
>So uhh, are there a lot of girls like Keira?
>He should have just let it be a draw
>Something else

[This'll be the last one. I'm falling asleep]
>"You sound like a really physical people. I want to learn all about it!”

>>Want to train together for the rest of the day? We can give each other tips
Rolled 59 (1d100)

>Something else
tell him that was our first battle and it was fun, then thank him for going easy on us
>Laki takes off her jacket and puts it on Laki.
Sleepy butt

>Want to train together for the rest of the day? We can give each other tips
>So uhh, are there a lot of girls like Keira?
Laki best bro, Keira best girl
>Good battle. You can't wait for the next one
>So uhh, are there a lot of girls like Keira?
>Laki takes off her jacket and puts it on Laki
Last butt of the day, Gobble?

>>Good battle. You can’t wait for the next one
>Good battle. You can’t wait for the next one
>Want to train together for the rest of the day?
>>Good battle. You can’t wait for the next one

>Laki takes off her jacket and puts it on Laki
Laki has stared narrating Laki's actions in third person has Laki?
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>So uhh, are there a lot of girls like Keira?
>Good battle. You can’t wait for the next one
>Want to train together for the rest of the day?
>So uhh, are there a lot of girls like Keira?

You've made me very happy, Gobble.

Damn right. She's clearly trying to mess with us, and it's fantastic. Laki's shaping up to be a great bro with some real potential for wingman status.
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[Alright. Sorry, I'm going to go fall asleep. We'll continue tomorrow afternoon, though.]
>Good battle. You can’t wait for the next one
>Want to train together for the rest of the day?
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Goodnight you beautiful Gobble you.
"Once you Spiritomb trained to where you feels comfortable taking off the ring target, he'll be in a much better position. I would've probably lost without it."
>Good battle. You can’t wait for the next one
>Want to train together for the rest of the day? We can give each other tips

At the least we should try to offer some advice for Spiritomb; it ignored most of his commands in that fight and just did what it wanted. Maybe tell him to check with Keira about it later since she knows a lot about ghosts.
I'm okay with that as long as her version of being a wingman is teaching Herb how to please a woman.
This. That Spiritomb needs looking into.

And it's obviously a lot stronger than Polu realises.
>with some real potential for wingman status
You guys just won't stop eh?

christ almighty
>It ruins my evening when someone likes a character for a different reason than why I like them.
>people keep reaffirming their biases and preferences every 20 seconds.

Just be aware that not everyone shares your ideas, it's getting annoying hearing it every fucking story post.
Thanks for running, Gobble.
I liked Gobble's last post, and it just so happened to be an example of what I like about her. Cool your jets, friendo.
>>Good battle. You can’t wait for the next one
>So uhh, are there a lot of girls like Keira?
I'm not even angry really, it's just tiring and annoying
>Vast, vast majority of people vote for Laki
>Every four posts is "She's more of a friend than a romance route", by the same people.
>Noooo cool your jets friendo :^)

>stop being so angry XD

>vast, vast majority
>10/61 posters
yep, that's a majority all right
As compared to two or three for others? That indicates a trend.

Also, three people. Who would have thought?

Was thinking there'd be more posts, at any rate.
compared to the people who keep talking?

yes it is
Polu for best waifu
I certainly wouldn't mind.
Who cares. The only romance age limit that really matters is 12 and below.
Oh bugger Gobble didn't archive...
probably just gonna use this thread again tomorrow
Nigga, there's a board for that. It's called /trash/.
So, rereading up to this point, who's in favour of voting Jane as 'Most likely to wind up on a deserted island with nothing but the chip on her shoulder for company'?
"That's just what you planned for John. I knew you would do this, so I already caught a Lapras!"
I never said anything about us being responsible.

Just that she'll wind up on one with nothing but the chip on her shoulder for company.

Probably after going there to sulk after some ridiculous blow up over nothing.
Thread in a bit. Getting food
I guess you really did mean early.
Well this is early
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[And we're back! Updating coming next post]
I wonder how many people will show up
I woke up right on time
>Updating coming next post
It's the weekend, I imagine anyone with out prior engagements.
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You shake his hand. “Good battle. I’m looking forward to the next one.”

You and Polu head back to the Pokemon center again. There’s less of a rush this time so it’ll only take less than an hour. You’ve worked up a good appetite and grab one of the free meals at the Pokemon center.

“So are there a lot of girls like Keira?”

You blinks, then he gets it. “Oh! Oh nah bro. Well, here’s how it is. See, there are different types of...what would a mainlander call them? Clergy? Yeah. A lot of different ones. There’s a school for each type except Normal. Well, there was a Normal type, and I guess there still is, but they don’t do temples or anything anymore.”

You nod, taking a bite out of your food. You choke it down along with the urge to personally go speak with whoever prepared it about all the things they need advice on.

“So anyway, the Ghost type ones, like her, are split. They all guide the dead, and they all say that people say the same thing on their deathbeds; that they wish they’d lived more in life. A life with no, or at least less, regrets. Some of the priests and priestesses see the best way to do that is to be careful. Only take chances when they’re not really taking a chance. Avoid anything you’ll regret. Others see the whole ‘living life without regrets’ as a challenge to always try new things and never say no to anything. To just embrace everything in life. Never say no, never regret missing anything.”

“I can guess where Keira stands with that.” You joke.

He laughs and inhales another huge mouthful, before continuing on while chewing. “I thought Keira was from the really conservative school because of the style of her paints. But I got confused because they usually dress more covered.” He dumps the remains of his his plate down his mouth then points to yours. “You gonna finish that?”

“Maybe she is but she changed her mind?” You let him finish the rest of your food. You’ve had enough to get your needs, but you don’t see any loss in not having the rest. You want to have something more tasty and fun later.

“Huh. Yeah maybe.” He thinks. “She’s also got Grass school experience, so she could be using a lot of the special herbs, too.” He doesn’t say that in a mean way. Just like it’s something they do a lot.

He gets up to leave.

“Wait, want to train together?”

He thinks. “Yeah, but another time. I’ve got a wave to catch. It’ll help me think. I need a new approach to battling.” He gives a thumbs up, collects his Pokeballs, and leaves.
The girls are nowhere to be found. But that’s okay. You have some training to do.

>Train everybody for the rest of the day
>Focus on Budew
>Focus on Gobble
>Focus on Mace
>Something else
>Train everybody for the rest of the day
>Focus on Budew
The others have combat experience under their belts
>Focus on Budew
>Train everybody for the rest of the day
>Focus on Budew
Budew needs some training to ease into the whole battling thing. If it wants to, of course.
>Focus on budew
We need to close the gap between her and gobble and mace
>>Focus on Budew
Let's see how she feels about battling and give her a name already
>Focus on Budew
Still supporting Belladonna
>Focus on Budew
>Focus on Budew
Gotta get our baby ready for the world.
>Focus on Budew

>You blinks
Butt pls
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[Is this new?]
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You head out into the warm sunny sky. The rain puddles are still all around, but they’re evaporating under the bright sun. Looks perfect for a grass type.

There’s a nice little spot just around the corner from the Pokemon center. “Go!” You throw out your budew.

She excitedly runs around on the wet grass. She almost slips, but she catches herself. Then when she turns around to see if you saw, she slips again.

You spent some time with her making sure she’s comfortable and healthy. You’re no doctor, but she seems great. She’s already looking a lot more energetic and strong than when she was first hatched.

“Hey, we’re going to be doing some training today. Are you up for it?”

She nods, but with a vacant smile. She doesn’t seem to fully understand, but she’s excited for whatever you want to do.

Let’s see. She knows Absorb, Growth, and Pin Missile. She could know more, though.

>Play with her. Make it the best day ever!
>Let’s try training a new move
>Let’s try to beef up one of her existing moves
>Let’s work on just getting her more experienced in general
>Let’s work on one particular area of training
>Let’s work on just getting her more experienced in general
>Let’s work on just getting her more experienced in general
Although just playing with the baby is incredibly tempting.
>>Let’s work on just getting her more experienced in general
She needs to learn to walk before she learns to run.
>Play with her.
>Let’s work on just getting her more experienced in general
Make games out of it
>Let’s work on just getting her more experienced in general
Make it a game
>Play with her. Make it the best day ever!
>Let's work on getting her more experienced in general
See if we can combine these by playing games with her that exercise her various attributes.
>Let’s work on just getting her more experienced in general
>Let’s try to beef up one of her existing moves
>Let’s work on just getting her more experienced in general
>Let’s work on just getting her more experienced in general
>Let’s work on just getting her more experienced in general

I agree with making the exercises games, it will be fun for her and she might pick it up easier
>Lets just get her more experienced in general
Playing exercise games wit da bby
While we're on the topic of budew, we're holding off on evolution until she learns worry seed, right?
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budew shiny 2.jpg
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You and your budew play in the sun and run around. You have a simple little game where you run somewhere and she runs to catch you. She quickly seems fed up with being unable to catch up to you though.

You decide to take her on a nice brisk walk around the edge of town instead. The town itself is on a pretty steep hillside, so walking up some parts is really draining. The water and sunlight really help her keep her energy up, though.

You stop her from running out into traffic. She watches the truck run over a rolling soda can and looks back up to you. She gets it. Traffic is dangerous.

When she does get tired, you pick her up and show her the insides of shops. She’s amazed at all the stuff and people and Pokemon everywhere. You don’t linger too long. The main focus is more experience and exercise.

She gets more and more energetic, or at least less aware of how tired she is, as the day goes on. You yourself are feeling incredibly sore from the previous day’s events. Your muscles have been aching all day.

The two of you jog to the top of a hill and you take another break. She looks tired, but not as tired as you. The day’s games and exercise just have her more pumped.

>Let’s finish the day with some harder training. We’re on a roll!
>Let’s go back to the trainer/pokemon massage place we passed by. We earned it
>Let’s head a little outside of town and see some nature for awhile
>Something else
>Let’s head a little outside of town and see some nature for awhile
>>Let’s finish the day with some harder training. We’re on a roll!
>Let’s head a little outside of town and see some nature for awhile
>Lets head a little out side town and se some nature for awhile
>>Let’s finish the day with some harder training. We’re on a roll!
preferably learning a move.
>Let’s head a little outside of town and see some nature for awhile
Worry Seed is pretty good for fucking over some dangerous combos, so I'd be in favor of prioritizing it.

>Let's head a little outside of town and see some nature for a while
>Let’s head a little outside of town and see some nature for awhile
>Let’s head a little outside of town and see some nature for awhile

Now that I think about it, I'm really curious as to what happened to the normal temple. Something tells me that will come up again later.
>Let’s head a little outside of town and see some nature for awhile
>Let’s head a little outside of town and see some nature for awhile
By the way I like that the egg was Budew it really fits Herb and his personality, if we had an aura reader I think grass would have come up
He'd probably be something like grass type with some fairy mixed in.
Yeah, I was thinking grass/normal. I doubt we'll get a look into Herb's aura until we've had a bit more of a chance to establish his personality though.
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praise the sun.jpg
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[sorry about the delay. Next post will be a few minutes later than usual]
That picture more than makes up for any sort of delay.
so... what are your guy's thoughts on the last batch of pokemon that were revealed?
I like Kommo-o, a battle monk komodo dragon is just cool, though I think I like the middle form more.
Silvally is cool, Tsareena is... mechanically interesting since she nullifies priority and has like the only enemy attack lowering attack move.
Alolan muk is trippy and I love it.
I wasn't big on Alolan Muk at first but when I saw it in motion it really won me over
my only complaint is Muk's color patterns aren't unique. If they could make a generator for Spinda in Gen 3, you'd think they could do the same for Muk now. No two oil slicks look the same, if Muk was always shifting it would be amazing

I can't wait for a shiny form of it though
I don't really like the o-o line too much, they're cool sure, but they're not resonating with me.

I really dig the Cutiefly evo though
Jangmo-o is cool
Almost everything they showed was cool
Bounsweet line looks like shit
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She’s gotten to the point where you feel you don’t have to keep an eye on her every second. You decide it’ll be fine to go outside of town and explore some more. There’s so much around here.

She seems like a quick learner. She slashing water in what you think might be the beginnings of Water Sport.

She really seems to like her reflect in ponds too. She poses a lot more as time goes on. But what really sticks out to you is that same grin that Laki gets. The one where she’s usually teasing you. Budew is only showing this side of herself a little, but the seeds of Laki’s influence are there.

You pass by a few things. The first is two trainers, battling. Nidoran against Jigglypuff. You keep going, leaving them to it.

There’s a small post with some etched in runes you can’t quite figure out. It seems like it’s pointing though. North by northwest, if you have the directions right.

You find a more secluded spot, a small little clearing near a stream. Woo, man. You’re bushed. Your budew eagerly eats the small food you give her. You’ll need to go shopping for new stuff soon. You’re almost entirely out. You had her another bit and she nibbles on it while you stretch.

Your small grass companion suddenly leaps back. She lands on a foot, almost falls over, but rights herself in the nick of time. A pokemon came out of the tall grass and grabbed her food!

You quickly check your Pokedex. "Nuzleaf. Nuzleaf live in densely overgrown forests. They occasionally venture out of the forest to startle people. This Pokémon dislikes having its long nose pinched."

It nibbles it down while she protests. She want to go get it back!

>It’s okay, you’ll go back to town, buy some ingredients, and cook up some more
>She’s right. She needs to stand up for herself and go get it back! Go for it!
>Wait, she should let you help. Use Pin Missile!
>Go over there and take it back yourself. Nobody picks on your baby!
>Throw out another Pokemon
>Something else

[Throw out some name recommendations. We’ll vote on that soon]
I really love weird chimeric aberration things like Type-Null and Silvally, I just think it's a shame that it's probably going to be a plot-mandated pokemon like Lati@s in ORAS or Reshiram/Zekrom in BW.

Plot-mandating pokemon is a shit-tier game design choice, especially when a major draw to the games is developing your own unique team with which to have your adventure.
>Wait, she should let you help. Use Pin Missile!
>>Wait, she should let you help. Use Pin Missile!
>>Wait, she should let you help. Use Pin Missile!
>Wait, she should let you help. Use Pin Missile!
4x super effective~
>Wait, she should let you help. Use Pin Missile!
>Go over there and take it back yourself. Nobody picks on your baby!
>She’s right. She needs to stand up for herself and go get it back! Go for it!
>Wait, she should let you help. Use Pin Missile!

Bell for a name. Belladonna sounds like either a porn star or someone's bad D&D character. Bell is a cute name.
>Wait, she should let you help. Use Pin Missile!

For the name, I'm favoring Belladonna.

>She slashing water
That's a butt.
>She slashing water
>to like her reflect in ponds
>You had her another bit
>Wait, she should let you help. Use Pin Missile!
Eat the type advantage instead, Nuzleaf!

I think she should be called Belladonna.
>pin missile
>she want to go get it back!
>Wait, she should let you help. Use Pin Missile!
Actually, Lavender isn't a bad name either. Either bell or Lavender have my vote.
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[Christ, I'll find some more butts]
>Wait, she should let you help. Use Pin Missile!
Nuzleaf is grass/dark, right? Bug ought to wreck him.

Backing Belladonna. Rosemary's a nice second choice, but sounds a bit too nice and fluffy for something taking hints from best girl.
I was backing Belladonna since it's the name for a poisonous plant also we can shorten it to Bella or Bell
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[side butt]
But she's just like us
Overwhelming nice and naive and tends to fail(ex.taking some steps while we were playing with her she face planted)
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flannery smug 02.jpg
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Rolled 30 (1d100)

[Oh right. Roll for attack, please]
Rolled 3 (1d100)

Rolled 50 (1d100)

Rolled 63 (1d100)

Rolled 84 (1d100)

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a fucking leaf.jpg
57KB, 720x960px
Rolled 86 (1d100)

apparently nightshade was used as a cosmetic

the more you know
Frankly, I hope it just stops at confidence; one Laki is quite enough.

Also, some were used to treat minor skin afflictions in the early Middle East.
But the grin, anon. The grind is a sign. Trust me, she's been cross-pollinated.
Belladonna's a pretty fucked up plant when it comes to narcotic use, it can be used as a sort of hallucinogenic that specializes in nightmarish trips, the hallucinations can last for days after taking a dose.
“Yeah! We can’t let people bully us! Pin Missile!”

She nods, then attacks. Her first missile goes wild, landing beside the Nuzleaf. He moves to dodge, but the next few hit him in the back and side anyway. They look really effective, too!

Nuzleaf drops the food and runs into the tall grass again.

“Wow! You did it!” You squat down to pet her. “You’re strong!”

But something doesn’t feel right. You see the wind moving in a really weird way. The wavy tall grass all blows to one center point.

He’s charging an attack! It was a bonus question for a test, once. Blade Air or something! This is bad luck! Budew’s ball is in your bag!

>Quick pin Missile that spot over there!
>Growth! Get strong, quick!
>Quick, Budew! Go dive behind that rock!
>Throw your Pokedex at it! No time to think
>Cover budew with your body
>Something else
>>Quick, Budew! Go dive behind that rock!
>>Quick, Budew! Go dive behind that rock!
>Cover budew with your body
>Quick, Budew! Go dive behind that rock!
>Cover budew with your body
>Cover budew with your body
>Growth! Get strong, quick!
>Cover budew with your body
>Quick, Budew! Go dive behind that rock!
>Quick, Budew! Go dive behind that rock!
>Quick, Budew! Go dive behind that rock!
>Cover budew with your body while she hides, just in case
Kids take on qualities of both parents.
>Quick, Budew! Go dive behind that rock!
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649KB, 956x1500px
Rolled 74 (1d100)

[Pretty sure I'm a butt behind.

Also, roll!]
Rolled 17 (1d100)

>Quick, Budew! Go dive behind that rock!
Rolled 37 (1d100)

Rolled 8 (1d100)

Well shit.
Surely she can take one Razor Wind. The trick is that it is actually a normal type move. R-Right?
>Quick, Budew! Go dive behind that rock!
and if the time allows for it,
>Growth! Get strong, quick!
It is normal type
I meant mostly that she could take a hit, words are hard.
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“Budew! Quick! Dive behind that rock!”

She runs as fast as her tiny little legs can take her. She’s almost there when the Razor Wind flies out and hits her. It swoops under her legs, making her spin out and hit her face on the ground.


The Nuzleaf can be seen clearly since his attack cut down so much grass. It’s breathing heavily, but still in able fighting condition. It must be pretty strong. He starts walking over to your bag, probably looking to take whatever food you have left. His body language makes it clear that he’ll leave you alone as long as you don’t try anything.

Budew struggles to get up.

>Budew! I believe in you Pin Missile again!
>Go for your bag and grab another Pokeball
>Let him take what he wants
>Throw a rock at him
>Something else
>>Throw a rock at him
Oh hell naw
>Throw a rock at him as we move to the bag
>Throw a rock at him
>Throw a rock at him
Fuck this asshole
>Budew! I believe in you Pin Missile again!
>Throw a rock at him
>>Budew! I believe in you Pin Missile again!
Come on
>Throw a rock at him
>Throw a rock at him
>>Throw a rock at him
>Budew! I believe in you Pin Missile again!
double battle!
Pin missile
This one over here. He should better prepare for trouble. And while he's at it, better make it double.
>Budew! I believe in you Pin Missile again!
She can do it, I know she can.
>Something else
Let him take what he wants while Budew recovers, then have Budew hit him when he tries to leave.
>Budew! I believe in you Pin Missile again
Rolled 90 (1d100)

[Roll me a whole mess of dice!]
Rolled 78 (1d100)

Rolled 30 (1d100)

We can beat 90 eventually
Rolled 93 (1d100)

here we go
>Throw a rock at him
Rolled 96 (1d100)

Rolled 53, 48, 74, 95, 99, 92, 2, 24, 6, 56 = 549 (10d100)

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80KB, 675x851px

have a butt
Rolled 85 (1d100)

One mess coming up.
Rolled 34 (1d100)

But why though?

Good jobs
That's the spirit, guys!
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You grab a rock. “No way!” You throw it as hard as you can.

Nuzleaf leaps back and narrows its eyes. It unleashes a torrent of Razor Leaf. The sharp leaves shred the rock into tiny pellets that continue on and nail him right in the face.

Budew, seeing your example, gets up and fires her own Pin Missiles. The two of you make a great team, attacking together! Nuzleaf can’t deal with the incoming double attack and they get right through his defenses. His arms that he’s using to defend lower as he falls limp.

“Way to go!” You pick up your little Grass type pokemon. She makes happy noises, despite being pretty hurt. You pick up your bag and get ready to go back.

Budew pauses as you walk by the Nuzleaf. He’s laying there, watching you. He’ll be fine with some rest, but he can’t put up much of a fight or run away right now.

She narrows her cute little eyes and prepares one last single Pin Missile to hit him with to teach him a lesson.

>Well, as long as it’s the one. He was a pretty big jerk
>No! Bad! The fight is over. Leave him alone.
>Offer Nuzleaf the remaining bits of food and go.
>You don’t have a pokeball on you, but maybe you should take him back to the pokemon center anyway.
>Something else
>No! Bad! The fight is over. Leave him alone.
>>No! Bad! The fight is over. Leave him alone.
no need to push it
>No! Bad! The fight is over. Leave him alone.
>No! Bad! The fight is over. Leave him alone
Not too harsh about it, but kicking somebody when they're down is a dick move.
>No! Bad! The fight is over. Leave him alone.
The last thing we need is a pokemon that thinks it's okay to keep hitting fainted pokemon. That's the sort of shit that would probably get your license pulled if it happened in a battle.
>No! Bad! The fight is over. Leave him alone.
>No! Bad! The fight is over. Leave him alone.
>No! Bad! The fight is over. Leave him alone.
>No! Bad! The fight is over. Leave him alone.
>>No! Bad! The fight is over. Leave him alone.
>>Offer Nuzleaf the remaining bits of food and go
Rolled 25 (1d100)

>No! Bad! The fight is over. Leave him alone.
>Offer Nuzleaf the remaining bits of food and go.
but call him a jerk
Nah, fuck this guy. He already took some
Are you seriously going to apologize for kicking his thieving ass?
Yeah, fuck this Nuzleaf. This is a time I hope Gobble keeps just one option on the vote.
>No! Bad! The fight is over. Leave him alone.
inb4 Jane gets this Nuzleaf
Don't give Gobble ideas!
That would actually be cool.
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sunset 03.jpg
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“No!” You tell her. “The fight’s over. There’s no more need for that.”

She looks up at you, absorbing the lesson. She retracts the Pin Missile and you pick her up. You hold her on your shoulders as you walk back to town. You can’t believe the day’s gone by already. The sun is just starting to come down, creating a large, beautiful golden reflection on the vast ocean.

Budew is looking around at all the sights, but she’s clearly exhausted. Her eyes start to droop despite her best efforts.

“You know, I think I’ve figured out the perfect name for you.”

>Something else
But how can she catch that Nuzleaf if she is ded?
It'll be neat if Jane ends up collecting all the pokemon we "wronged" and information on things we did that seemed shady, and tried to confront us with them in the future.

And then we'd have to explain everything away, only for her to become more convinced that we're a manipulative mastermind merely pretending to be a moron.

I'm fine with either
>And then we'd have to explain everything away, only for her to become more convinced that we're a manipulative mastermind merely pretending to be a moron.
So Jane thinks we're Columbo?
with bell or bella for short
I love that she has Laki's predatory grin and predisposition for bullying
Bell for short, if we feel like it.
Dunno who that is, but she thinks we're deliberately and systematically trying to fuck her over by turning people against her, and pretending to be an idiot when called out on it.
I like bella or belle for short.
Columbo is a detective from an old TV series who pretends to be a retard, making the suspects lower their guard, only to completely fuck them over in the end.
Then yeah, she thinks we're an evil Columbo who's out to get her specifically.
This is the part where we go to bed and have a dream sequence in which our dark side pops up, but it turns out our greatest power fantasy is being a cruise line chef because they make really good money, and we don't really regret any of our choices, because even when we make mistakes we learn from them.
So she thinks Herb is Aizen or Batman with plan after plan after plan and several more with contingencies on how to make the group hate her and undermine her finding herself here and making friends.

I want to talk to Hana now I want something simple and cute like her gushing about movies or anime.
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time to get a Gumshoos?
I'd rather take babby pokemon to the center.
Snow top when?
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She hops out of your grip to land on the ground. She performs a gracious spin and curtsy.

“Very cute! You’re a natural!”

She jumps around in excitement, finding a small patch of moss to slip on.

You pick her up again and you both laugh.

“Back again?” The nurse takes Belladonna’s ball. She looks at the screen as she pops it in. “Wow. You did a lot of training today. Don’t push too hard now.”

“I won’t!”

She smiles and tells you it’ll be a little bit. You look around the center and see trainers start to pour in. Laki is sleeping on the couch next to Valerie. Or rather, on Valerie. She’s too polite to say anything or move and wake her up, so she makes the best of it with a book in one hand and Lillipup being petted by the other.

Hana and Keira are there too. Keira’s giving her some sort of palm reading with her good hand.

>Go shopping before everything closes
>Talk to Valerie
>Sit with Hana and Keira
>Train your other Pokemon before bed
>Something else
>Sit with Hana and Keira
>>Sit with Hana and Keira
>Sit with Hana and Keira
>>Sit with Hana and Keira
>Sit with Hana and Keira
>Sit with Hana and Keira
Let's get our palm read.
>>Sit with Hana and Keira
palm reading time
>Sit with Hana and Keira
>Sit with Hana and Keira
>Sit with Hana and Keira
>Sit with Hana and Keira
Let's not wake up the sleeping girl. Plus a fortune game could be fun.
>Sit with Hana and Keira.

Ask what they're doing, and what type of spirit we have.
>>Sit with Hana and Keira

I'm 4 hours late. I hope you run a lot of time today Gobble
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You pull up a chair next to Hana and Keira. Keira is staring intently at Hana’s palm. Her face is making all sorts of funny gestures under that paint while she tries to concentrate. To your disappointment, she’s wearing a shirt now. It’s a loose fitting t-shirt with your mom’s company’s logo on it. The whole thing clashes horribly with her skirt and the face paint colours.

Keira squints some more. “Okay! Got it! When you’re older you’ll marry a man with a lot of land and have...four kids?” She nods. “Four! Yup yup!”

“But I can’t...” Hana leans close to whisper to Keira.

“You can’t have kids? How many times have you tried?”

Hana freezes up when she sees you there.

“There’s a herb that can-” Keira sees the mortified Hana and looks between you and her. She realizes what she just blurted and covers her mouth. “Sorry.”

Hana politely waves away her concerns. “It’s alright. Let’s change the subject!” She laughs. “To anything. Anythingatallpleasequickly.”

>Maybe you’ll adopt
>Ask for a palm reading
>Can Keira read your aura type?
>Tell them about your day. You’re sore and dead tired
>Something else
>Ask for a palm reading
>Point out the shirt clashes
>Ask for a palm reading
>Can Keira read your aura type?
Keira really is a top tier girl.
>Tell them about your day. You’re sore and dead tired
>Ask for a palm reading
>Can Keira read your aura type?
>Can Keira read your aura type?
>Ask what that post with runes might have been.
>Ask for a palm reading
>Can Keira read your aura type?
>>Ask for a palm reading
does Keira have green hair?
>Ask for a palm reading
>Can Keira read your aura type?
Keira best girl.
>Tell them about your day. You’re sore and dead tired
>Ask for a palm reading
>Can Keira read your aura type?
>Tell them about your day. You’re sore and dead tired
>Ask for a palm reading

These two are the cutest girls
dammit Gobble why are you making it so hard to choose one girl
I wanna know what Hana whispered to Keira the most
Supporting this>>711130

Writing likable characters is pretty much the thing Gobble is best at, so yeah.
>Hana cannot have kids
>Hana just gained +999 tragedy points
He's not Laki is best.
These are both important too.
So... It's always a safe day?
It's okay, she can definitely have Robin-patented science babies.
do >>711085
Backing this.
Started early today.
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2MB, 500x281px
Even between two girls?
>Hana cannot have kids because he's a trap.
if that's the case can we have Polu end up as a reverse trap?
Gobble just needs to make a VN or dating game so we can just play all the routes
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Especially between two girls.
>Can Keira read your aura type?
We're hot stuff, we must be fire type. Also can't cook without fire.
I'm expecting grass/ground or grass/rock

John doesn't act like a fire type, not impulsive enough
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I get the feeling we'll be Normal\Grass

That's not the chief reason I'm voting for it though.

I'm hoping we accidentally end up reading Keira's aura, but don't know what the fuck just happened.

Also, holy shit, Gobble wasn't kidding about the early start.
I'm half expecting Herb to have a fairy typing.
>inb4 Fairy/grass
The perfect reason to get a Ralts and/or Flabebe.
Fairy/Grass seems to make the most sense to me
Well, wo do cook and do fashion. It's the exact thing I've been calling him since the start.
>still wanting Ralts
That is not a reason
Can we not?
I don't want a waifu bait mon
Please no
At least make it male if we do catch one so that people don't want to fug it
Having the same aura isn't why you catch something. Kat was dark the whole quest and only had Devon.
“Can you do me?” You sit down at the table.

Hana freezes. Her head slowly turns to you.

“Sure! I’ve been wanting to for awhile!”

Hana looks to Keira in total shock.

You smile. “Thanks!” you present your hand. “On the table face up, right? Is now okay?”

“Yup! I can do both of you at the same time.”

Hana starts to hyperventilate. Keira takes yours and Hana’s hand. Hana swallows.

“Actually, let me see your other hand.” Keira tells you. “I learned with right hands, but I was using Hana’s left because it’s the only one.”

Hana has a sudden realization. “Ooooh.” She starts to laugh to herself nervously.

“Sorry. I didn’t mean to offend you.”

“No. No that’s not it. It’s fine.” Hana laughs again. “Don’t worry about it.”

You and Keira exchange a look. What a funny girl.

Keira inspects your palms for a bit. While she does, you tell the two about your day. You mention the posts you saw.

“Those are for guiding the dead.” Keira informs you. “If you die out at sea or on land somewhere but nobody takes you to be laid to rest, you need to know how to get to the next world.” She tells you about the big undersea hole. They anchor their dead and send them down there. They offer gifts sometimes too. And once a year, they have a festival where people float bits of wood with a map of how to get there for any spirits way out at sea to find.

She tells Hana more about her future. She’ll apparently be very surprised at her chosen career, and she shouldn’t give up on her dream. Hana politely smiles at the news, but for some reason she doesn’t seem to think that’s at all accurate.

Keira promises to give Hana and yourself an aura reading after this.

Kiera concentrates entirely on you now. “Let’s see. Hmmm. It’s not really clear. You lack focus. You’re torn between a few different things and it could end up bringing you a lot of conflict. You’re not very lucky, but that helps you endure.” She frowns. “Sorry. You need a clearer path before I can tell you a much. Maybe in time.”

Ah. Oh well. There’s always later.

She gets out of her chair and sits on your lap. Then she puts both hands on the side of your head. “For your aura, I need to know what you’re feeling right now.”

>That her shirt is clashing terribly with everything else
>You’re feeling a lot of pressure and incredibly self conscious at this very moment
>You’re thinking about your Pokemon. There’s a lot of training you want to do
>You’re miss your old home a bit, even if this is a fun new adventure
>Something else
>That her shirt is clashing terribly with everything else
>You’re feeling a lot of pressure and incredibly self conscious at this very moment
Both of these
>>That her shirt is clashing terribly with everything else
>>That her shirt is clashing terribly with everything else
You're overreacting.
Well, I can't argue with that logic, even if a Ralts would be the perfect pokemon for Herb with their own naivete.
>That her shirt is clashing terribly with everything else
And as an after thought:
>You’re feeling a lot of pressure and incredibly self conscious at this very moment
>>That her shirt is clashing terribly with everything else
>That her shirt is clashing terribly with everything else
>>That her shirt is clashing terribly with everything else

Hana is so lewd
>>That her shirt is clashing terribly with everything else
>>You’re feeling a lot of pressure and incredibly self conscious at this very moment
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>You’re feeling a lot of pressure and incredibly self conscious at this very moment
Oh Hana, I laughed pretty hard.
>Something else
I think you're face paint is cute. But,
>That her shirt is clashing terribly with everything else
>You’re feeling a lot of pressure and incredibly self conscious at this very moment

Hana has a very lewd mind, like every shy girl. I'm liking her more every post.
>That her shirt is clashing terribly with everything else
OCD, away!
>You’re thinking about your Pokemon. There’s a lot of training you want to do

Also, Hana is adorable.
I know right? Hana is even easier to tease than Herb!
Herb is the one being teased always. He needs someone to tease himself.
>tell her that her skirt is clashing terribly with everything in this room
>your feeling a lot of pressure and are incredibly self-conscious at the moment
>That her shirt is clashing terribly with everything else
poor Hana, having to deal with Keira and John at the same time

the density increases exponentially, at some point we'll be able to create blackholes
>You’re feeling a lot of pressure and incredibly self conscious at this very moment
>That her shirt is clashing terribly with everything else
>You’re feeling a lot of pressure and incredibly self conscious at this very moment
How many times do we have to go over this?
>That her shirt is clashing terribly with everything else
>You’re feeling a lot of pressure and incredibly self conscious at this very moment
>Herb gets fashionably /fit/ from having resistance training of to do everything with Ralts and Budew on his shoulders.

>A few months later he's got a Roserade and Gardevoir hanging off him fighting for shoulder space.
The more people push for Ralts the more people will push against it
For as long as people like >>711553 keep posting shit like that.
That's more cute than anything. I don't see the problem.

You might be projecting a little.
>I don't see the problem.
That's the problem.
It is more the fact people keep pushing for a Pokemon we have not even seen yet that is usually rare.
Doing cute things with our pokemon is a problem?
It's not cute.
We can do cute things with any Pokemon. Stop trying to push a Ralts.
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that's not how progressive overload works
Gobble's already established several rare Pokemon being pretty common in the area. I'm not saying we HAVE TO SEARCH for a Ralts, but it would be neat to have a qt Ralts and a qt Budew. Can never have too much cute.

We also have Mace. And Gobs, if we want to destroy our hamstrings.
>thinking something being male suddenly makes it unfuckable
I personally like gardevoir a lot. It's the guardian angel pokemon, it gives everything for it's trainer, even it's life. Can make black holes and stop trains with it's mind. Maybe people push for a relation with a gardevoir but maybe it can be cool to explore that part of the pokemon world. If it can comunicate with humans and has human mind is not an animal.
>>That her shirt is clashing terribly with everything else
>You’re thinking about your Pokemon. There’s a lot of training you want to do
The thing is that people are bringing it up when there is nothing related to it. At this point I would guess a Ralts showing have as much samefagging as character gen did.

I'd rather have a psychic type that isn't in every other fanfic.
>Im going to be really complicated so that i can say i want to fug this mon without saying i want to fug this mon.

Its ok anon the amount of porn on /vp/ alone probably has justified the fetish somewhat.
>Forgetting what player base this is
As soon as we learn that it is indeed a "trap" a large portion of the player base will not want to fuck it and it would probably lose most of its popularity
Unless they actually stand behind there statements of wanting a qt but I don't want to get another step into that shitstorm
only my opinion obviously, but gardevoir were never that interesting. If we want to get a psychic pokemon, I'd push more for a Solosis. It satisfies the cuteness factor people love, and can also be used as a pillow when we're camping
That's an opinion anon.

Well it could be a tyrogue, or any small humanoid pokemon with arms for hanging on.

Given how easily a Larvesta was found standard rarities are out the fucking window. I'd be down with just about any cute shoulder riding mon though.

More for cute and funny, not fact. Sorry.

I was thinking teach it about fashion. Dresses for females and bitch capes and doublets for males.
Personally don't read Pokemon fanfics, so they're not ruined for me. Like with most fanfics I imagine the vast majority of it is shit, and likewise, that Gobble could make anything work amusingly.
My personal choice would be Bronzong or Inkay.

Yeah, but I want to see something new. Half the fun of the quest is that Pokemon that are normally shit can finally get some love.
Solosis would be neat
At this point I'm sorry I fucking mentioned it.

Christ, this is why we can't have nice things.
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hqdefault (1).jpg
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I would much rather have Espeon for a psychic type
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I almost prefer a Froslass hanging/hovering off us, instead, but we'd probably die from hypothermia.
This happens every time.

>Psychic type
I get what you mean
Go be a normalfag somewhere else
“I’m uhh... feeling really self conscious.”

She nods. “Uh huh. Yup. I can sense that.” She frowns. “There’s something else too. It’s growing.”

Oh jeez oh man! “Uhhh. Yeah. I feel really pressured...” Her face is slow close and her butt is so warm.

She adjusts. “Yeah. That too. But there’s something else.”

Say something anything oh man just say words. “Ummm, yes! Your shirt!”

She looks down. “My shirt?”

“Yeah. It really clashes. See, it’s got white here, but that doesn’t work for the facepaint and the skirt and and and-”

She frowns. “Well, I guess if it’s bugging you...” She starts to lift it up. Oh jeez oh man you were not prepared for any of this. Look at those hip bones peaking up. And that tight midsection. Oh man underboob. “Ha!” She stops. “The girls told me that guys would say anything to get a girl’s clothes off.” She gets up. “You have a lot of guts, trying to pull a fast one on a Ghost priestess. Don’t you know that’s bad luck?” She laughs. “Nobody else would ever try something like that.” The lines in her paint take on a sinister look. It could just be your imagination, though.

>Ah! You’re sorry. Please don’t curse me!
>What about my aura?
>But you just said it was clashing. And it is!
>Come on. Let’s go shopping. You’ll find something that suits her.
>Something else
The thing is that I like Gardevoir, but just talking about having one causes a lot of trouble. I don't think that Gobble will give us one like this.
>Come on. Let’s go shopping. You’ll find something that suits her.
>Her face is slow close
that's a butt

>What about my aura?
>But you just said it was clashing. And it is!
>Come on. Let’s go shopping. You’ll find something that suits her.
Feel the same way, but also a glutton for punishment. I'd be interested in hearing what the quieter followers have to say about it.

>But you just said it was clashing. And it is!
>What about my aura?
>>But you just said it was clashing. And it is!
>>Come on. Let’s go shopping. You’ll find something that suits her.
>>Ah! You’re sorry. Please don’t curse me!
>>But you just said it was clashing. And it is!
>>Come on. Let’s go shopping. You’ll find something that suits her.
Invite Hana and Val too
>but you just said it was clashing and it is!
>what about my aura
>What about my aura?
>But you just said it was clashing. And it is!
>Keira that outfit is a crime against fashion. I can help.
>>Come on. Let’s go shopping. You’ll find something that suits her.
>But you just said it was clashing. And it is!
>What about my aura?
>What about my aura?
>Come on. Let’s go shopping. You’ll find something that suits her.
>>What about my aura?
>>But you just said it was clashing. And it is!
>What about my aura?
>But you just said it was clashing. And it is!
>Come on. Let’s go shopping. You’ll find something that suits her.
>Ah! You’re sorry. Please don’t curse me!
>What about my aura?
I really can't see the appeal of Keira. Honestly the more we interact with her, the less I want to be around her.
>>But you just said it was clashing. And it is!
>>What about my aura?

Keira, plz...
Ironically, that's exactly how I feel about Laki.
>Come on. Let’s go shopping. You’ll find something that suits her.
So that's three anons with the same opinion.

Yep. So much samefagging.
Don't be that way anon, samefagging doesn't happen until a vote does.
I'm pretty sure that's not irony.
She's playful, even after learning some measure of common sense. She's a keeper.
Or it could just be anons who have the same opinion
Because that's more possible then samefagging when a vote hasn't happened
three people can have an opinion anon

wait for a vote on our sixth pokemon, then you'll see samefagging

I'm not the one blowing up over suggesting we get a Ralts.

Perish the thought if I had've suggested a Jynx.
Nobody is super mad about, just saying what they like and dislike. I would actually like Smoochum more than Ralts because you see them less.
I honestly see nothing wrong with having a garde.

Believe it or not, there are people who have views that differ from your one true perspective.
I'm not sure there's anything more to add to the conversation at this point. Accusing samefaggotry or trying to resume the back-and-forth won't help anything.
I like her well enough but I don't see her as a romantic partner for Herb. It just doesn't feel right to me. Maybe a few lustful thoughts, he's a growing boy after all, but in the end I think they work best as friends.
>>But you just said it was clashing. And it is!
>>Come on. Let’s go shopping. You’ll find something that suits her.
The problem with Gardevoir is that there are normies who don't want to give her the dick, and homofags who want her to give the dick.
Oh, I'm of the perspective there's no problem with gardevoir.

I just wish the anons against it would tone it back a bit.

Yeah, you're right.
The best way to avoid that would be to go for a gallade.
Jokes aside, though, what >>711789
Is saying is pretty much the way I look at it. There should be some non-canon lewdbins and have that be the end of it without any implications for the actual quest.
But Gallade's design is worse than most of the literal garbage that came from the cancer that is gen 5.
>Gallade, stop trying to push Belladonna off my shoulders and take her spot.
>What's that, Gallade? Your lats are sore? O-okay, I guess I can help.
I think you just linked the wrong post.

Those who're anti-Ralts are probably having a seizure over it as well.
"but it is!"
>Ah! You’re sorry. Please don’t curse me!
I think I know exactly which of my own posts I linked to as an extension, thank you very much.
I think the design is alright, though. Different strokes for different folks I guess.
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“What about my aura?”

She frowns and concentrates. “Oh right. Umm... I think I sensed...Fairy and...Grass?” She doesn’t seem very sure. “I’ll have to do a better one later. There are a lot of distractions here. It’s easier if I can set things up.” She flaps her arms and watches her oversized shirt billow. “Pfft. This thing is awesome. I best it’s high fashion where you’re from.”

It looks like the kind of shirt that’s first to be donated. “I really meant it before. It clashes. I’m not trying to be mean, but I think we can find something that works better for you.”

She gives you a funny look. “I don’t really care about that stuff. But I guess the rest of you have to look at me.”

“How about I take you shopping, then?”

“I’ve never done that before. Okay!”

>Great! Let’s go. Just the two of us.
>You want to shop for your Pokemon as well, wait for Budew in a few minutes
>Invite Hana and Valerie
>Invite Hana, Valerie, and wake up Laki
>Something else

[I'm going to have to call it a bit early. Sorry. I'll count votes for this and we'll have to start again on Tuesday]
Alright Austin Powers, if you think throwing fuel onto that fire isn't going to blow up.

A shitstorm hasn't come out of it, so you're probably right.
>You want to shop for your Pokemon as well, wait for Budew in a few minutes
>Invite Hana, Valerie, and wake up Laki
I kinda wanted a Ralts from the start. It's a nurturing, motherly sort of pokemon that synergises well with John's naive and somewhat headstrong worldview.

It doesn't bother me enough to make a fuss about though.
>You want to shop for your Pokemon as well, wait for Budew in a few minutes
>Invite Hana and Valerie
No, you think the underlying concept is cool, and I'm sorta with you on that, but he's a fucking blade-handed leek. His design is awful and could've been great.

>Great! Let’s go. Just the two of us.
>You want to shop for your Pokemon as well, wait for Budew in a few minutes
>Invite Hana, Valerie, and wake up Laki
>You want to shop for your Pokemon as well, wait for Budew in a few minutes
>Invite Hana, Valerie, and wake up Laki
>Invite Hana, Valerie, and wake up Laki

We're not archived either.

And sorry for mentioning Ralts, I wasn't expecting a shitstorm over a hypothetical.

Thanks for running.
>>Invite Hana, Valerie, and wake up Laki
>You want to shop for your Pokemon as well, wait for Budew in a few minutes
>>You want to shop for your Pokemon as well, wait for Budew in a few minutes
>>Invite Hana and Valerie
If Laki wakes up invite her too
What part of a joke do you fail to understand?
Thanks for running Gobble
>>You want to shop for your Pokemon as well, wait for Budew in a few minutes
>Invite Hana, Valerie, and wake up Laki
Not really your fault, it's just that a lot of anons just can't grasp that not everybody who wants a Ralts just wants a Gardevoir to fuck.
I know I'm not
I'm pissed at this whole debate
People who want to fuck it and inserting it in places that make no sense
People on both sides having massive over reactions on both sides(including me)
This whole entire debate put a bad taste in my mouth and I think others can agree
So can we all just stop pushing our agendas and stop debating until we see an actual ralts
>>You want to shop for your Pokemon as well, wait for Budew in a few minutes
Thanks for running, Gobble. Rest well!
>You want to shop for your Pokemon as well, wait for Budew in a few minutes
>Invite Hana, Valerie, and wake up Laki

>I best it's high fashion
Is that meant to be "guess"?
>Invite Hana and Valerie
>You want to shop for your Pokemon as well, wait for Budew in a few minutes
Laki seems tired
>People who want to fuck it and inserting it in places that make no sense
And nobody but the people against it have said a single word about fucking it.
>>You want to shop for your Pokemon as well, wait for Budew in a few minutes
>>Invite Hana and Valerie
Thanks for running, Gobble!
>You want to shop for your Pokemon as well, wait for Budew in a few minutes
>Invite Hana, Valerie, and wake up Laki
Definitely want to bring the pokemon at least, get them some cute clothes. Maybe a set of mittens for Budew's head-arm-things.
>you want to go shopping for your Pokemon too,wait for budew
>invite Hana and Valeria
>Nobody but the people against have spoken out about it
Well of course the people against it will speak out and the people who don't give a fuck will say nothing
But that's not my point
I just want this shitshow to stop before it evolves into a full blown shitstorm
Wait shit
Reading comprehension bite me in the ass again
But there have been people who said they wanted to fuck it but danced around the sentence
We should be saving our energy to go really hard on the shitstorm later, if/when a Ralts shows up. Just imagine.
Relationship =/= Wanting to fuck
Pretty sure that was just me. Have to amuse myself between Gobble posts.
Thanks for running!
I like Gardevoir Trick Room M-Garde was the core of my VGC15 team and it worked splendidly well, but it really is furry waifubait and we're bound to have a shitstorm every other thread, especially if we happen to get an autistic Gardelover samefagging.

I'd rather get a Reuniclus. It's cute, squishy and a pretty good TR setter and abuser.
Thanks for running Gobble! I'm excited to see more Herb, he's turned out to be a really fun character to play!
Can't really dress up jello.

Thanks for running, Gobble.
The implication was pretty clear. You want to ignore it deliberately, fine, I'm not invested in this, but it's there.
This, can't we just calm down and just play some pokemanz?
Jesus Christ, the one guy who mentioned it who wasn't having a knee-jerk NO reaction just said two posts ago he was fucking with the NO crowd.

No one wants pokephilia, so can we stop using that as a goddamn argument?
considering our team's current makeup, Trick room is gonna be important

And Reuniclus was my bro in Black 2, so I'm biased towards him


>Can't dress up jello
I stand corrected.
Pokefucking isn't an argument since it's not going to happen. Pretty sure Gobble took it off the table and no amount of audience pressure is gonna get it back on.
>>Invite Hana, Valerie, and wake up Laki
>talk Laki into trying on girly/frilly dresses
>Pretty sure Gobble took it off the table
Not to my knowledge.
I'd really like a Solosis for Herb or Hana
Yep, Gobble said it felt wrong.
Cite it.
Look in the archive yourself. Nobody wants a Pokefucker.
I assume bestiality is off the table for all quests, unless otherwise stated
I'll just assume you're full of shit and continue to hate on waifubait pokemon under that basis, then.
Dude, Gobble has gone on record saying the pokefucker lewdbin made them feel uncomfortable. No pokemon shall be fucked this quest.
Then you should cite where he said that.
It was around when he wrote the Blaziken/Violet thing in PQI. He said that he was uncomfortable writing it.

I can't remember the exact thread numbers.
>gone on record
>doesn't post record
If you want to start quoting scripture, your gonna have to show where in the good book it says it
And by that, I don't mean saying that lewdbin produced uncomfortable feelings, I mean a hard veto.
Gobble said that writing that particular smutfic felt wrong. For all we know Gobble has nothing against consenting, humanform Pokemon going on Brazzers and Teen Destruction.
go read the first quest if you want proof, no one wants pokefuckers

we'll probably never get a Zoroark cause it'll bring out the furfags
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>defending Pokefucking

Go find in more detail, lewdbins are done by popular vote. Nobody wants more of it.
I did read the first quest. I don't remember one particular line from a QM that routinely interacts with his playerbase in 160 threads. Sue me.

That's not a veto, and what regulars want isn't what I'm worried about.
> I don't remember one particular line from a QM that routinely interacts with his playerbase in 160 threads. Sue me.

Then fuck off. None of us want it, so no point in arguing.
Don't act like you've got evidence that proves it a complete and inarguable non-issue when you can't back it up then get sore when someone calls you on it.
If you can't be bothered to archive dive, then neither can I. Lewdbins are based off what people want. Look at how much people are against it. There is your proof.
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ya boi.jpg
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why not put it to a vote?

All in favor of having sex with a pokemon say aye
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If you aren't willing and able to cite a claim about what the QM said, don't make it. Lewdbins aren't the only pokefucking related thing that could wind up getting forced in, and what the people want can be faked by samefagging. That's what I'm worried about, and unless that fear is addressed, I can and will continue to vote against waifubait pokemon.
I made a Poll to end all Polls. Answers rank comfortableness with the idea of a Ralts to varying degrees.

I think we have the same goal, but different reasons.

Literally useless
Pokémon are for cutes not lewds.
Not suggesting we go by the vote, I'm just wondering what people might pick.

It is an UNSCIENTIFIC poll.
Probably. I just don't want pokefucking, in case it wasn't clear already.
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well, based on this extremely elaborate scientific study, I believe we can draw a conclusion

Alternatively it could be proposed that because 21%* of the fanbase** is okay*** with banging**** a Gardevoir, that 1/5 of Gobble's posts should be Pokefucking.
Technically there are more people who are okay with Gardevoir than are not

But there are also a lot more people who don't want to fug Gardevoir than do

based on that, we should have a massive harem, consisting of every character that's been introduced, including that Nuzleaf

50% are against, with the other 50 split into a variety of factions

I sincerely hope the vote for forming a train with Gallades is a joke, which would put against above 50%
I'm down for pokefucking in principle, I just don't think this is the quest for it. I've got PBQ on Akun to scratch that itch. No need to force it here.
Gobble doesn't seem down with it anyway, and phone-in shut is a waste of time.
>based on that, we should have a massive harem, consisting of every character that's been introduced, including that Nuzleaf
And to think- people get paid to do this stuff.
>phone-in shut
*phoned-in smut
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to do what?
>I sincerely hope the vote for forming a train with Gallades is a joke

Where do you think you are?

But in all seriousness since Pogeymans is so divisive, I would propose that any poll made for a specific pokemon would get at least 50% votes for 'no' just because people are terrified of losing yet another spot for their own pick.
maybe, but I think its mostly the distaste people feel for people trying to cram in their waifubait pokemon. You'd see the same pushback against a Lucario.

It doesn't help that Gardeviors are so common. What's great about this quest is how any pokemon can be strong. It lets us use the pokemon that you don't see very often. Why get a Pikachu when you can get a shinx or lanturn? They're all great pokemon in this quest, because we can make them great, rather than being dependent on ingame stats
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thats not how shirts work.png
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I don't follow
Fugging things or bullshitting numbers.

Either way, I say 50% approval rating is pretty good, considering there's a million Pokemon.
Holy shit, here:


It's never outright stated, but no one was entirely comfortable with how it went.
I think Violet being a sick bitch in that particular smutbin didn't help anything. That and the semi-consensual Kat mons.

'Violet's mons destroying Kat' didn't give off a badwrong vibe to me.
People still weren't comfortable with it and discounting that's not going to get the ultra-conservative bandwagon to shut up.

But your first point is certainly accurate.
you should also mention that it's a pokemon with a 20% want to fuck rating.

Personally, I don't support pokemon that have that high of a rating.
I feel it important to state that my vote for fugging gardevoir being okay was not a vote for wanting Herb to get a gardevoir.
>Invite Hana and Valerie
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>all this Olivia porn/fanart
NoFap was a mistake
Pokephilia isn't going to happen.

We haven't even seen a Ralts, so it's no point arguing one way or another.

I'm sorry I even goddamn mentioned the possibility of getting one on the strength of it being thematic.

Fucking hell, with everyone either stirring shit up or being precious over something that isn't even going to happen.
You know what we have seen some of that would be good for lewds?
John's mounting sexual frustration. I've probably said something along these lines already, but I think that this time around a truth-or-dare night that ends up in a high heart rate but zero real action would be pretty fitting. I don't want John to get laid for at least, like, eighty more threads.
I could dig that.

You know what I think we should get though?

Word of god from Gobble that there'll be no pokephilia so this argument doesn't happen again.

It might not work on ending the argument, but it ought to keep it to a dull roar and keep the flare ups short.
Just dropping in. Seems like there was a minor kerfuffle here.

I can confirm that there is no pokephilia going on except for maybe an offhand joke by random characters at some point.
Like the two research assistants back in Kat's quest, right?

Hilarious and tasteful.
Thanks Gobble, hopefully that'll be the last major argument over what pokemon we theoretically might get.

I'm sorry my offhand mention of Ralts blew up into what it did, honestly.

It shouldn't have needed saying, but guess some people needed the reassurance.
Cool. So there should be no objections.
Thanks for the confirmation since some people needed it.

I mean I still just like Gardevoir less than most other psychic type Pokemon, but that is personal taste.
Each their own, your taste is as valid as anyones.

Personally, I think the whole Ralts line is really well designed, but I can see how and why others mightn't like it.
Yeah, we should all go back to talking about how cool our Pokemon are.

Best Rock a best. Belladona is cute. Gobble is gonna have the attitude of a grizzle vet by thread 12.
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I'm not an art-fag but I wanted to try making herb the way I picture him in my head, so here it is. I dont remember Gobble describing Herb much aside from the brown hair so most of it is just free-balling
I think he said blond hair, but looks good otherwise. I like the mole.
Gobble said really blonde hair
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Herb 2.png
369KB, 440x562px

Well it's entirely possible I pulled the brown hair out of my ass. Or maybe it's from another character he was describing.

Good thing it's so easy to change colors in this thing. Here's attempt number 2!
I recall blonde hair being mentioned as well.
Mace and Belladonna are pretty damn cool so far.

I'm not the biggest Munchlax fan, but Gobble's been fun so far as well.

I can't wait until Sun and Moon drop though, because there're a lot of cool pokemon there that'd go well with our current team.

Hell, the demo drops tomorrow, so we could make a start then.
Data-mining makes the world go round.

Looks good anon!
The hair was a remnant of Kat still lingering at the back of your head.

I want Kat's autograph.
That looks about right.
I dig the Diarmuid beauty mark.
Thanks guys. Hopefully we can have someone with actual artistic talent draw something for us eventually
nigger that's good a fuck
Yeah, that was good. We should make those for all the girls.What site was that, you made the little picture with?
here's the site http://www.rinmarugames.com/playgame.php?game_link=mega-anime-avatar-creator

If gobble can give us some solid descriptions for all the characters we could start pumping them out
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Here's my shitty attempt at Laki. Based off the description at thread 1 and loosely of the accompanying image with that post.
I don't think she has glasses?
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Gobble posted this image, so it was just in my head-cannon.
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Here is the Laki without glasses.
I always thought she was a bit darker but otherwise, Unf.
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Good thing changes are easy to make. Here is what a slightly darker Laki might look like.
Well, this definitively turned me off from Laki forever, as far as that wasn't already the case.
nigga please
Hey, man. It's good to have your own tastes. Just don't be mad when I acknowledge your tastes are not my own.
I know people have different taste, but I just can't imagine how she's a turn off.
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How is this Keira art then?
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its beautiful
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the power of christ compels you.png
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Literally perfect.

You're a champ, drawfriend.
Some people (myself included) have a distaste for people who are too concerned with strength and dominance. She has clear expectations of how men are supposed to act, and the idea of trying to constantly play by her rules (instead of say, having an equal relationship where John can just be John) is a major turn off.

Some people are fine being her sub or trying to turn John into an alpha male, but neither of those really appeal to me as much as a relationship with someone who's not hung up on the dominance dynamic.
That makes for an interesting arc, IMO.
Editfriend. I cannot into drawing 2d.

Unless you count that Roggenrola.
Nice false dichotomy.
I don't think she is that hung up on. Thread 6 and all that.
Where are you even getting that? the Soft hands bit?

christ almighty
It was outright stated by gobble earlier that she likes to tease and bully us so much because John's qualities bring out both protective and predatory urges in her.

I'm probably making it sound worse than it is, I'm just explaining why it is that I don't favor her in a romantic sense, and that's because the mere prospect of dominance dynamics are a turn off for me. I know other people like them, and they aren't wrong to do so, it's just a matter of distinct tastes.
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I agree that's a nice character arc, I don't see how dating Laki is required for it. We've already seen it happen a bit, with standing up against Jane dealing with the Wailmer and taking charge when the Slugma got loose.

He's already becoming less of a pushover, and likely will continue on this path as he encounters more adversaries and challenges, regardless of who he ends up dating

which is why I propose we join the evil team
>It was outright stated by gobble earlier that she likes to tease and bully us so much because John's qualities bring out both protective and predatory urges in her.
Which doesn't change that what you presented is a false dichotomy. If anything, it makes your assertion seem even more ridiculous.
Okay, you're going to have to explain to me where the false dichotomy is here, because I'm not seeing any clear dichotomy at all here, much less a false one.

If you're on about the "sub or alpha male" bit, she's clearly going to wear the pants in the relationship unless John develops a spine of his own accord instead of being the dork who mainly steps up when the situation forces him to (or when she teases him enough). Again, that isn't negative or wrong either way, it's just not to my tastes.
>If you're on about the "sub or alpha male" bit
Pretty much. There's a fairly large gradient between the two presented extremes, and it might be that Laki is the one that changes, rather than Herb, though most likely it'd be both.
Perhaps I could have more accurately phrased it in a less aggressive way, but the underlying point still stands: Some people favoring her are fine with her wearing the pants, others want to make John more assertive to impress her/keep up with her/whatever, and I'm saying that this situation as a whole is what turns me away from wanting to romance Laki.

I'm fine with her as a ladybro, I just don't want to romance her.
I wouldn't mind joining the evil team, if only to have a "My god, what have I done." moment. But then again, I also see Polu as the only good potential romance, but I don't see that getting much support.
>wanting our girly boy to be a faggot
I'd be fine with it.

Also 10/10

Hey gobble which mons are your favorite?
Holy shit this Team Skull music
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In general? Tough choices. I love Zubat and Starme, Mudkip, Tyrantrum now, Aerodactyl, Golurk, the Flaaffy line. Oh man. It changes constantly. Zubat is always number one, though.
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alolan dugtrio.jpg
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can we get an alolan dugtrio?

mudkip fits the region...
I like the idea of opposites attract. We both have something to learn from one another and Herb and Laki will become better people for it. Even if others don't want her for romance I still like her best for a traveling companion. She needs a friend and so does John. Also she has skills that we do not.
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I like her best as a travel companion, not as a romantic attraction. The pretty large age difference is strange, at least to me. Could be I have a little sister John's age, and would hate for her to date a guy 18 or 19 years old

Plus, its fun to watch John and Keira be naïve together
I don't think the age difference is all that strange. I've seen girls dated guys 5 years older then them all through high school. I know guys who did the same thing. In America it is frowned upon, and even illegal in some states, but not completely uncommon. Heck people still get married with that kind of age gap as teenagers.
This is pretty sick anon, that was a great edit. Good job.
jesus, really?

You'd get so much flak for that here. Do people not follow the formula? .5a+7, a=age
Short hair, half-nigger.
The formula doesn't really work when you use ages under 18. Like an 18 can't marry a 17 year old using that formula. So, it's pretty useless for certain legal marrying ages in America.
I meant 15 when I said 17, but yeah.
wasn't really thinking marriage, just dating a couple years below you is weird, at least where I went to school. Age of consent is 18 here, which could be why I see it that way

You still don't see a lot of freshmen dating seniors in high school, in California at least. Obviously the pokemon universe doesn't care much for grades though
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Here is a chart with colors
god damn it Massachusetts, why you gotta bring us down?

First your horrible accent, now this
Okay, just started playing the Sun and Moon demo.

First, holy fuck does this game look good.

Second, Team Skull are going to be hilarious.

You run into two grunts in the demo and they literally rap while they're just talking.

Seems they're a younger, teenage Team Rocket as well by the dialogue so far.
Gobble, I don't know if you've played the demo yet, but you can chalk up another prediction:

There's now a cafe in at least the pokemon center in the demo.

I'm legitimately impressed.

The city in the demo feels like an actual city, right down to having a police station and fast food.

I think Game Freak might've been taking notes on world building.

Those little details mightn't be necessary to the game, but it's a very nice worldbuilding touch.
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Now we just wait for the stats on these bad boys.
Holy shit.

Ash MUST be in the game judging by those sprites of Pikachu with the hat.

Also, some of these look pretty goddamn cool.

Looks like there might be an alternate form of Salandit or alternate evolution as well.
That wimpod evolution looks amazing

And the diving spiders are going on my team
Laki 18
Herb 15

18/2 + 7 = 15.
>"The pretty large age difference is strange"
>Is just 3 years

Still possible, Herb could be 16 at the most.
That Salandit evo is perfect for Herb, weeew
>praying for a male evo
I just don't want another combee
Well there is another space after that one apparently.

Although I really don't see what the big deal is.
Because that evo is 100% female only from the dex. Waifushit aside, I don't want the male to be stuck sucking.
I guess? For some things it makes sense, like Combee.

I figure there might be a male evo for salandit, who knows
I want a poison komodo dragon.
....Pretty sure the female fills that roll well enough
The whole thing relies on pheromones to control people and Pokemon.
I don't see a big issue with a 18 year old and 15 year old dating. It's a gap, but not an unreasonable one.
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Man I miss molesting Robin
I started dating my current gf when she was 15 and I was 18, it's not that huge a deal. now we're 24 and 21, you can pretty much ignore the gap now and it's only been a few years
The new relationship memes will flow, hopefully after a while.

We've been focusing way too much on the waifus instead of mon.
Yeah, Pokemon are where it is at.
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Next session I hope we tag along with Polu actually, I want to try for the gym. Herb has experienced a battle of wills with Polu and experienced the fiery passions of pokemon battling. And for me battles > waifus. I still miss molesting Robin though, her reactions were too good.
I can dig it. I would like to try a contest, but we need focus.
I can shiggy, maybe laki would want to come too.

She was showing some interest in battling.

>inb4, I thought you said no waifus breh
As far as waifus go, I like all the girls. Laki does things to me, Keira is just plain interesting and Hana is too cute. Need more Valerie and Jane time despite Jane hating us.
I like them all too desu.

Just getting sick of the incessant affirmations of everyone's favorite.
If we had a female protag I'd be going Hana so hard.
I want to hear her gush about movies and anime so badly.
I'm bitter in hindsight that we didn't get to say she was like Darth Vader, when introduced. That would have been amusing.
>inb4 she is just Robin who built herself a younger body
Well then Herb has no chance since she'd probably still be a lesbian
Have we even talked with Valerie? I know we went mushroom hunting with her, but she didn't really say anything

We should really just have everyone stop talking about which waifu is best, at least until thread 10
Talked very little with her, she wants to do contests. Which is why we need more time with her, I don't want to do contests but since we are going shopping with everyone it would be a good chance to talk to her more
She'll be our contest rival, Polu will be our battle rival, Jane will be our ideology rival.
We need to naively say this at some point.
I don't feel the blazing fiery passions of my pokemon working towards a single goal against someone else and their pokemon.
No, its not amusing.
It isn't naive to tell someone who lost limbs that they remind you of Vader, its being an insensitive asshole.
Its like going up to a burn victim and saying they remind you of bacon.
Here we go again.
>Its like going up to a burn victim and saying they remind you of bacon.

Hilarious when coming from someone that has no malice?
But anon, it was just setting her up to go on a rant about how the Jedi were the more morally objectable group and how the Sith did nothing wrong.
I'm not sure what part of that sentence needs clarification.
The part where you think that's how people work.
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/vp/ has been a treat today
Sorry I couldn't run today. I'll be happy to field any questions. I'm going to work on a pastebin or something for the rest of the night.
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it's all good
Since we all know you're a Canadian lumberjack lesbian, are you a butch fatty, a skinny little number, or what?
I deny literally everything that's speculated about my personal life.

But I'd probably be best described as skinny
That's Gobble at Comic-Con>>722691
Just yokin. I assume Gobble is the one in a Pokemon outfit.
What's your opinion on the not!pokemon, I think gamefreak is calling them ultra beasts?
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I maintain blanket denial of any speculation on my personal life, even if I'm a weeeeee bit drunk. I guess I'll admit I'm a high functioning alcholic, like all long-running QMs

I honestly haven't been paying much attention, but I'm downloading the demo now. I like the idea assuming they're some sort of new difficult bosses. If they're just new legendaries that are easy to capture then I'm less excited.
lightish red
how anime is people's hair?

On a scale from normal to card game anime protagonist
In the quest?

Laki is pretty much exactly like >>717570 in my head

Keira has Chinese buns.

Polu has short boy hair. And a nice lean surfer figure

Hana has shoulder length hair. She's been growing it since she's been out of the hospital and hopes to be at least close to resembling pretty one day. Her mom had very long hair and she thought her mom was the prettiest woman in the world.

Valerie has very long platinum blonde hair. And Laki has a serious thing for blonde hair.

Everyone has hair that any cosplayer can pull off without the need for wires or whatever.
>And Laki has a serious thing for blonde hair.
RIP our Virginity

it was sweet while it lasted
that first spoiler is making me question if the reverse trap idea about Polu is right
>That second spoiler

That's probably going to lead to some interesting shenanigans later on.

And what do you think of the demo and all the little details you predicted off hand in the last quest?
>Her mom had very long hair and she thought her mom was the prettiest woman in the world.

Oh... oh... right.

>hopes to be at least close to resembling pretty one day.

Is this more about her self-perception or does she actually need skin grafts or something? I don't remember any descriptions of scars or anything, or much description of her attractiveness at all really.
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>And what do you think of the demo and all the little details you predicted off hand in the last quest?

Just started playing it. What similarities are there?
More self perception than anything. As far as Herb is concerned. She's a very good looking young lady. She could use less hair in her face, though.

Hana had a hard life.
Herb has golden hair if I remember yeah? So what are Laki's thoughts on that?

Also when will you be able to run again?
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>Herb has golden hair if I remember yeah? So what are Laki's thoughts on that?
Herb is adorable and she wants to protect that smile but also a small urge to violate it in the back of her mind. Herb has been impressing her with his willingness to man up when required. Valerie is pretty qt too.

>Also when will you be able to run again?
I'm hoping Thursday if I can get enough work done. That's iffy though.
you know, I never wondered what those yellow things were in her hair.

how do the shards work, how large are they, and how common? If we end up getting one or more, would it be something that helps us when dealing with natives?

any plans for a Halloween episode?
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>how do the shards work

The island spirits themselves will award you with them if you make the island a better place. But people also own plenty and some will award them for personal favors.

>how large are they

A couple inches long and like 3/4 of an inch thick at their thickest

>and how common
It's not uncommon for a islander to have one in their life. Two is pretty respectable. Three means you're probably someone. four means you're definitely someone to notice. More than that commands at least some respect even from someone that hates you.

>would it be something that helps us when dealing with natives?

Yes. Any rich jackass might be able to luck his way into buying/getting one or two, but the more you get the harder it is to deny you're improving the islands,

There's a lot of potential there and I'm open to suggestions
well clearly their should be some sort of festival that our ghost priestess takes a roll in
but a normal Halloween would probably making a small insurgence with all the main landers that have moved in.
giant costume party

an adventure in the jungle would be cool too, especially if we find a spooky abandoned temple or cave
Now I can just imagine later down the line Laki wondering what it is about Herb that turns her into a deviant.
Well now I know I want to play matchmaker. I suspected there could be something there when Val called Laki cute when she fell asleep.

Your trip fell off.

A cursory search reveals that on Maui, Halloween is likened to MardiGras, with costume competitions. My suggestion is that Herb and Gobble dress as each other, and Laki gets us to throw heads before we know what that entails. Inb4
"Throw beads at:"
>My suggestion is that Herb and Gobble dress as each other
I feel that is to simple
If we are going to dress up we should go all out and do it with all our 'mons. Maybe with a collective theme
Maybe as a PokeSentai Team
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I'd like this we could even have Hana join in or help
You've probably seen for yourself now:

There's a cafe in the pokemon center and there's actually a police station.

Little world-building touches that you just put in by osmosis.
Suggestion for a Halloween episode?

It's a shame this hasn't been going on long enough for Spiritomb to go rogue.

Trying to stop a malevolent Ghost pokemon like the Black Fog would've been fun.

I've done a bit in a freeform game where we had to stop a Team from waking up an ancient Aegislash that'd been imprisoned because it was too powerful and violent to be controlled and that turned into a really tense, really fun scenario.

That involved exploring catacombs as well, so a haunted temple or something could be fun as well, especially if there's something at stake.*

*Just nothing too major just yet, or there'll be a shitstorm of titanic proportions. Maybe have something on standby to introduce a character to either reward\scold afterward or bail arses out if things go catastrophically wrong.
Like has been suggested, a islander costume party would be cool. Maybe have it be the same day as the contest and that is why they are having it in the first place.
That's good.

If you want something that'd result in a Shard, then work in calming down an angry Ghost or something after\before\during as well.
Could work in something like Day of the Dead. It is a day to look back on ancestors and a common migration time for ghost type Pokemon around the islands. I'm sure some people could mess up the signs and Keira need a guard as she fixes them or something.
That sounds like it could work.

Like, something that could happen after the contest and precipitate the first encounter with the anti-mainland faction being behind it and trying to pin it on the mainlanders.
Yeah. I wouldn't worry about a shitstorm unless there is a chance of Pokemon becoming disfigured or character death is very likely.
It's better than my idea, which would be better like, around the third gym\contest\whatever.

Who would dress up as what?
Well there is one outfit I'm sure Keira and Laki might bring up for John.

On a serious note I'm not really sure. Keira would likely have some priestess garb she would want to wear. Hana as a movie character. Everyone else probably has their own idea. Depends on how serious of a festival it is.

I could see John trying a local outfit or going full suit and tie. My vote would be for Zorro though, or whatever his proxie is here. Something classy, simple, and cool.
John should be Indiana jones

And keep the hat throughout the quest
A Halloween episode?

Some say that along the coastline of one of the islands, there is a strip of shore that all pokemon instinctively avoid, and the island clergy refuse to speak of.

Foreigners who explore this area sometimes report abnormal sightings of pokemon from their homeland, yet none of the supposed sightings have been confirmed, and all attempts to catch these pokemon have failed.

But there are darker whispers about the shoreline, stories and myths all rooted in a strange incident that happened years ago.

A trainer who left one night hoping to catch one of the strange pokemon of the shore was found the next day, disheveled and utterly mad. Two of his pokemon were similarly afflicted, and had to be sedated to receive treatment. Nothing meaningful could be pieced together from his rantings, and he and his pokemon were subsequently committed to the local mental hospital. Inexplicably, police found that his pack contained hundreds of perfect duplicates of his ticket back to the mainland, and the island's Pokemon Storage System crashed for 14 hours when police tried to analyze the history of his pokedex.

Despite the sensational public interest in the case, island police investigations into the shore turned up nothing, and in the absence of similar incidents the case was eventually closed.

To this day, nobody knows the truth of what happened that night on the shore, and foreigners still occasionally see pokemon from distant lands.

r8 my creepypasta
Doesnt quite do it for me. I think a good horror story needs to tap into fears people already have. There are certainly pieces of fear of the unknown there, but there isn't quite enough to bring it beyond the same danger as any other dangerous place that could be avoided.

I think it'd do better with a little more to go on. Like if the foreign pokemon were in some way hinted to have something to do with the foreign trainer's regrets (like neglected childhood pets, those a firefighter couldn't save, or the family dog whose life-saving surgery was too expensive), it could tap into the fear of permanancy, never being able to go back, or never being able to escape the past.

Or you could play up the silence of the clergy and fuel your story off of the fear of authority. (Whether it be in a conspiratorial sense, or that the people in charge are ineffective.)

I like the idea of the ticket home, but rather than copies from nowhere, maybe the hand-made forgeries of an obsessed man desperately wishing to leave would have more impact?

It's a good start, but you might want to do a bit of planning on what the reader is supposed to be afraid of first.
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I like this
Hello Missingo.

It's not bad, but like >>724412 said, it'd work better if it played off people's regrets and fears.

I rate 6/10
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Next thread Saturday
I'm looking forwards to it!
How'd you like the demo?
Thanks! Wish I was able to run during the week this week. Work got crazy again. Just when it was calming down.

The demo was nice. Z moves seem like they could add a nice change up. The team seems fun and I like their leader.
How about the little touches like the cafe in the pokemon center and the Granbull stauette in the police station?
What kind of underwear does everyone wear?
>wearing underwear
Yeah. That's probably true. What about the others?
I'm not even sure what the name of the underwear I actually wear is. I've never had to talk about it before.
Really? How do you buy them? Can you describe them? Google Image pictures of types of underwear and see which is yours?

How do you function?

Also, I bet Laki has a trashy thong. Valerie probably has cute small panties. Hana....no clue.

>How do you buy them?
Owned them since high school.

>Can you describe them? Google Image pictures of types of underwear and see which is yours?
First picture I found indicates boxer briefs.

>How do you function?
By the skin of my teeth, usually.

Keira probably has a loin cloth. If anyone's commando, I'd bet on Laki.

I'd bet on swim trunks for Polu, something fancy for Valerie, character patterns for Hana, and we all know Jane's knickers are in a bunch.
>Jane's knickers are in a bunch.

I imagine this anon is asking for science, amiright?
boxer briefs are alright, but I've always been a boxer man myself.
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I like it! I hope that's a hint at more things like that in the game. Small touches make a big picture
Gobble, when you play Pokemon do you always nickname your mons?
I tried them for a while, but without elastic it just doesn't feel right.

Ever see that thing that clips onto your shirt on one end and wraps around your thigh on the other? It's supposed to keep your shirt tucked in at all times. It looks so uncomfortable, but a well tucked shirt looks so good!
Fair enough. I can't remember why I chose my underwear type, but I've stuck with it, so to each their own.
Of course!
Haha, yeah. I've been playing Black recently and been giving all my dudes silly names. I gotta get that pokemon fix between threads. Haha
I named a pokemon Gary Busey because I wanted everyone to be afraid of him.
did he have intimidate?
Ooo, that is scary. I name stuff after obscure characters mostly. Like a named a dragon recently Draco after the character voiced by Sean Connery.
Nice taste
I hardly ever do that unless I'm doing a Nuzlocke.

Otherwise I have to make it a solid rule to do it for all my pokemon so it's not inconsistent.

I hope that the feature that tells you move effectiveness can be turned off in the full game though.

Makes things too easy.

Matter of fact, a full-on hard-mode setting would be something I'd like to see as well.

It's a shame you can't sneak anymore though.
Wait... what's everybody's surname? I was thinking about whether I use "John" or "Herb" more and realized we only know half of everybody's names anyways.
Well, John is clearly a Snow.
I was think it was Smith
John's generic enough.

He's fair skinned with blonde hair though.

Might not be what the one in Game of Thrones is like, but the pun still works.
I thought you should know I named my Garchomp Obregon in my dragon type only run of Volt White 2. I was stuck on the champion for a while and then suddenly he single-handedly swept her team with Outrage.
How many criticals?
I think there actually were one or two, but every hit was a OHKO anyways.
That's about right.
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